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S.N Difference Between              Category      URL
1    Abstract Class and Interface   OOPs          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
2    Class and Stucture             OOPs          n/2012/07/oops-difference-faqs-
3    Property and Indexer           OOPs
4    Overloading and Overriding     OOPs
5    Value types and Reference      OOPs
6    Events and Delegates           OOPs          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
7    Class and Object               OOPs          n/2012/07/oops-difference-faqs-
8    Static Constructor and Private OOPs
9    Properties and Methods         OOPs
10   Singleton Pattern and static   OOPs
11   Abstraction and                OOPs          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     Encapsulation                                n/2012/08/oops-difference-faqs-
12   Composition and Aggregation OOPs             3.html

13   Private Class and Sealed       OOPs
14   Static Class and Sealed Class OOPs
15   Abstact Method and Virtual     OOPs
16   Class and Static Class         OOPs
17   Method Overloading and         OOPs
     Method Overriding
18   String and StringBuilder       OOPs          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
19   Delegate and Interface         OOPs          n/2012/08/oops-difference-faqs-
20   Virtual and Abstract Keywords OOPs
21   Functions and Methods          OOPs          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
22   Class and Module               OOPs          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
23   Method Parameters and          OOPs          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     Method Arguments                             n/2012/08/difference-between-
24   Hash table and Arraylist       Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                    Programming   n/2012/08/dotnet-programming-
                                    Concepts      concepts-difference.html
25   Hash Table and Arrays          Dotnet
26   Dictionary and Hashtable         Dotnet
27                                    Dotnet
     Array and Stack                  Programming
28                                    Dotnet
     Stack and Heap                   Programming
29                                    Dotnet
     Array and ArrayList              Programming
30   for and foreach loop             Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                      Programming   n/2012/07/dotnet-programming-
                                      Concepts      concepts-difference.html
31   Covariance and                   Dotnet
     Contravariance                   Programming
32   IList and IEnumerable            Dotnet
33   IEnumerable and IQueryable       Dotnet
34   IEnumerable and IEnumerator Dotnet
35   directCast and ctype             Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                      Programming   n/2012/08/dotnet-programming-
                                      Concepts      concepts-difference_8.html
36   Convert.ToString() and           Dotnet
     object.ToString()                Programming
37   String.Equals(string1,string2)   Dotnet
     and string1.Equals(string2)      Programming
38   catch(Exception objex) and       Dotnet
     catch() block                    Programming
39   "Convert" class and "Parse()" Dotnet
     method                        Programming
40   ref and out parameters           Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                      Programming   n/2012/08/difference-between-ref-
Concepts      and-out.html
41   Checked and Unchecked         Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     keywords                      Programming   n/2012/08/difference-between-
                                   Concepts      checked-and.html
42   Clone and CopyTo methods in Dotnet          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     .NET                        Programming     n/2012/08/difference-between-
                                 Concepts        clone-and-copyto.html
43   Int and Int32                 Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                   Programming   n/2012/08/difference-between-int-
                                   Concepts      and-int32.html
44   Constructor and Destructor in Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     C#                            Programming   n/2012/08/difference-between-
                                   Concepts      constructor-and.html
45   Boxing and Unboxing in C#     Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                   Programming   n/2012/08/difference-between-
                                   Concepts      boxing-and-unboxing.html
46   Implicit Conversion and       Dotnet        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     Explicit Conversion           Programming   n/2012/08/difference-between-
                                   Concepts      implicit-conversion.html
47   DataReader and DataAdapter ADO.NET          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
48   DataSet and DataReader        ADO.NET       n/2012/07/adonet-difference-faqs-
49   DataSet.Copy() and            ADO.NET
50   RecordSet and DataSet         ADO.NET
51   ADO and ADO.Net               ADO.NET
52   Typed DataSet and Untyped     ADO.NET       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     DataSet                                     n/2012/08/adonet-difference-faqs-
53   DataView and DataTable        ADO.NET       2.html

54   Connected and Disconnected ADO.NET
55   ExecuteNonQuery() and         ADO.NET       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     ExecuteScalar()                             n/2012/08/adonet-difference-faqs-
56   ExecuteNonQuery() and         ADO.NET       3.html
57   Inline code and Code Behind   ASP.NET       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     Code                                        n/2012/07/aspnet-difference-
58   Global.asax and Web.Config    ASP.NET       faqsdoc.html

59   Server.Transfer and           ASP.NET
60   custom control and a user     ASP.NET
61   Caching and Application       ASP.NET
62   web farm and web garden       ASP.NET
63   Application and Session        ASP.NET
64   Session Cookies and            ASP.NET
     Persistent Cookies
65   Server Controls and HTML       ASP.NET
66   ViewState and Hidden fields    ASP.NET
67   SQL Cache Notification and     ASP.NET
     SQL Cache Invalidation
68   absolute time expiration and   ASP.NET
     sliding time expiration
69   Cache.Add() and                ASP.NET
70   page-level caching and         ASP.NET
     fragment caching
71   Label control and Literal      ASP.NET
72   HyperLink control and          ASP.NET
     LinkButton control
73   HtmlInputCheckBox control   ASP.NET
     and an HtmlInputRadioButton
74   Content Page and Master        ASP.NET
75   Submaster page and top-level ASP.NET
     master page
76   page theme and global theme ASP.NET
77   default skin and named skin    ASP.NET
78   Globalization and Localization ASP.NET
79   web.config and                 ASP.NET
80   Web site and Web application ASP.NET     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
81   Local storage and cookies      ASP.NET   n/2012/07/aspnet-difference-faqs-
82   Session and Cache              ASP.NET
83   Datalist and Repeater          ASP.NET
84   ASP.NET and PHP                ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
85   ASP and ASP.NET                ASP.NET   n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
86   ASP.NET and VB.NET             ASP.NET
87   Java and .NET                  ASP.NET
88   HTTP and HTTPS                 ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
89   GET and POST methods           ASP.NET   n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
90   User Controls and Master      ASP.NET   4.html
91   Build and Rebuild             ASP.NET
92   generic handler and http      ASP.NET
93   ViewState and SessionState    ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
94   ViewState and ControlState    ASP.NET   n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
95   SessionState and Cookies      ASP.NET
96   DataGrid and GridView         ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
97   ListView and GridView         ASP.NET   n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
98   DataList and GridView         ASP.NET
99   Repeater and ListView         ASP.NET
100 Repeater and DataList          ASP.NET
101 trace and debug                ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
102 ASP and ASPX                   ASP.NET   n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
103 thread and process             ASP.NET
104 ASPX and ASCX                  ASP.NET
105 HTML Controls and ASP.NET ASP.NET        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Standard Controls                        n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
106 Response.Redirect and          ASP.NET   8.html
107 ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC        ASP.NET
108 HttpHandler and HttpModule     ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
109 .NET Application               ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Development and Traditional              n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
    Application Development                  9.html
110 CSS and Themes                 ASP.NET
111 Postback and Callback          ASP.NET
112 Session.Clear() and            ASP.NET
113 ASP.Net 2.0 and ASP.Net 3.5    ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i

114 Invoke() and BeginInvoke()     ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
115 Build and Release              ASP.NET   n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
116 Windows forms and Web          ASP.NET
117 XML Serialization and Binary   ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
Serialization                        n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
118 CurrentCulture and          ASP.NET   11.html
119 Forms Authentication and    ASP.NET
    Windows Authentication
120 CTS and CLS                 ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
121 OLEDB Provider and          ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    SqlClient                             n/2012/08/difference-between-
122 Two Tier and Three tier     ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Architecture                          n/2012/08/difference-between-
123 Pre-Render and Render       ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    events in ASP.NET page                n/2012/08/difference-between-
    execution                             pre-render-and.html

124 Response.TransmitFile and   ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Response.WriteFile                    n/2012/08/difference-between-

125 Layer and Tier              ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
126 Response.Write and          ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Response.Output.Write                 n/2012/08/difference-between-
127 Response.Write() and        ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Response.WriteFile()                  n/2012/08/difference-between-
128 Assembly.LoadFrom() and     ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Assembly.LoadFile() methods           n/2012/08/difference-between-
129 .NET 1.1 and 2.0            ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
130 .NET 2.0 and 3.0            ASP.NET   n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
131 .NET 3.0 and 3.5            ASP.NET
132 .NET 3.5 and 4.0            ASP.NET
133 lock and Monitor.Enter()    ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
134 Encoding and Encryption     ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
135 DataReader,DataSet and      ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
DataAdapter                            n/2012/08/difference-between-
135 DataTable and DataSet        ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
137 div and table                ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
138 Page.RegisterClientScriptBloc ASP.NET   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    k and                                   n/2012/08/difference-between-
    Page.RegisterStartupScript              pageregisterclientsc.html
139 UniqueID and ClientID        ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
140 PlaceHolder and              ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    ContentPlaceHolder                      n/2012/08/difference-between-
141 Panel and PlaceHolder        ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
142 URL and URI                  ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
143 ASP Session and ASP.NET      ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Session                                 n/2012/08/difference-between-
144 Authentication and           ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Authorization in ASP.NET                n/2012/08/difference-between-
145 EnableViewState and          ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    ViewStateMode properties                n/2012/08/difference-between-
146 Grid Layout and Form Layout ASP.NET     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
147 Synchronous and              ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Asynchronous HTTP                       n/2012/08/difference-between-
    Handlers                                synchronous-and.html
148 Asynchronous and             ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Synchronous Postback                    n/2012/08/difference-between-
149 Server.Transfer and Cross-   ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    page Posting                            n/2012/09/difference-between-
150 RDF, OData and GData         ASP.NET    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
151 Static Members and Non-       ASP.NET       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    static Members in Asp.Net                   n/2012/09/difference-between-
152 JQGrid,FlexGrid and           ASP.NET       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    DataTables                                  n/2012/09/difference-between-
153 Var vs IEnumerable            ASP.NET       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
154 URL Rewriting vs ASP.NET      ASP.NET       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Routing                                     n/2012/09/url-rewriting-vs-aspnet-
155 IIS and ASP.NET               IIS           http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Development Server                          n/2012/09/difference-between-iis-
156 IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0           IIS           http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
157 IIS Web Server and Apache     IIS           http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Tomcat Server                               n/2012/09/iis-web-server-vs-
158 ASP.NET and Silverlight       Silverlight   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
159 WPF and Silverlight           Silverlight   n/2012/07/silverlight-difference-
160 HTML 5 and Silverlight        Silverlight
161 Flash and Silverlight         Silverlight

162 Custom Control and User       Silverlight   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Control in Silverlight                      n/2012/08/silverlight-difference-
163 DataContext and ItemsSource Silverlight     faqs-2.html
    property in Silverlight
164 Silverlight and Flex          Silverlight
165 AJAX and Silverlight          Silverlight   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
166 LINQ and SQL                  LINQ          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
167 LINQ to SQL and Entity        LINQ          n/2012/07/linq-difference-faqs-
    Framework                                   1.html

168 LINQ and Stored Procedures    LINQ
169 LINQ to SQL and LINQ to       LINQ
170 LINQ to SQL and LINQ to       LINQ
171 LINQ to SQL and ADO.NET       LINQ          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
172 LINQ and nHibernate              LINQ   n/2012/07/linq-difference-faqs-
173 LINQ and Entity Framework        LINQ   2.html

174 First() and Single() extension   LINQ   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    methods in LINQ                         n/2012/08/linq-difference-faqs-
175 FirstOrDefault() and             LINQ   3.html
    SingleOrDefault() extension
    method in LINQ
176 Count() and LongCount()          LINQ
    extension methods in LINQ
177 findall() and where() in LINQ    LINQ   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
178 Skip() and SkipWhile()           LINQ   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    extension methods in LINQ               n/2012/08/difference-between-
179 Take() and TakeWhile()           LINQ   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    extension methods                       n/2012/09/take-vs-takewhile.html

180 LINQ and SQL Keywords            LINQ   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
181 basicHttpBinding and             WCF    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    wsHttpBinding                           n/2012/07/wcf-difference-faqs-
182 Message and Transport level      WCF    1.html
183 Buffered transfer and            WCF
    Streamed transfer
184 WCF and Web Services             WCF
185 Self Hosting and IIS Hosting     WCF    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
186 Service Behaviour and            WCF    n/2012/08/wcf-difference-faqs-
    Service Contract                        2.html

187 proxy and channel factory        WCF
188 DataContractSerializer and       WCF
189 WCF Data Services and WCF WCF           http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    RIA Services                            n/2012/08/wcf-difference-faqs-
190 Close and Abort in WCF           WCF    3.html
191 ASMX and SVC                     WCF
192 reliable messaging and           WCF    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    reliable sessions in WCF                n/2012/08/difference-between-
193 regular WCF Services and a       WCF    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
Silverlight-Enabled WCF                  n/2012/08/differences-between-
     Services                                 regular-wcf.html
194 and wcf session        WCF        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
195 C# 3.5 and C# 4.0              CSharp     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
196 C# and VB.NET                  CSharp     n/2012/08/csharp-difference-faqs-
197 C# and C++                     CSharp
198 Object, Var and Dynamic        CSharp     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Keywords                                  n/2012/09/difference-between-
199 Identifier and Keyword in C#   CSharp     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
200 null keyword vs DBNull class   CSharp     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    in C#                                     n/2012/09/null-keyword-vs-dbnull-
201 C# generics and C++            CSharp     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    templates                                 n/2012/09/c-generics-vs-c-
202 is and as operators in C#      CSharp     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
203 Factory Pattern and Abstract   Design     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Factory Pattern                Patterns   n/2012/07/design-patterns-
204 Abstract Factory Pattern And   Design     difference-between-faqs.html
    Builder Pattern                Patterns
205 Builder Pattern And            Design
    Composite Pattern              Patterns
206 Proxy Pattern and Observer     Design
    Pattern                        Patterns
207 Singleton Pattern and a static Design
    class                          Patterns
208 Strategy and Inversion of      Design
    Control (IOC)                  Patterns
209 Factory Pattern and            Design
    Dependency Injection           Patterns
210 Strategy Pattern and Factory   Design
    Pattern                        Patterns
211 Proxy and Adaptor              Design
212 Decorator and Visitor          Design
213 MEF and DI / IOC               Design     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
Patterns     n/2012/09/difference-between-
214 RUP and SCRUM               Design       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    methodologies               Patterns     n/2012/09/difference-between-
215 Sequence diagram and        UML          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Component diagram                        n/2012/08/uml-difference-faqs-
216 Sequence diagram and        UML          1.html
    Activity diagram
217 Sequence diagram and        UML
    Collaboration diagram
218 XML 1.0 and XML 1.1         XML          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
219 XML and XSLT                XML          n/2012/08/xml-difference-faqs-
220 XML and XHTML               XML
221 XML and JSON                XML          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
222 DTD and XSD                 XML          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
223 HTML 4 and HTML 5           HTML         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
224 HTML and DHTML              HTML         n/2012/08/html-difference-faqs-
225 HTML and XHTML              HTML
226 HTML and PHP                HTML
227 HTML and XML                HTML         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i

228 AJAX and jQuery             AJAX         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
229 AJAX and JavaScript         AJAX         n/2012/08/ajax-difference-faqs-
230 AJAX and PHP                AJAX
231 AJAX and DHTML              AJAX
232 PHP and JavaScript          JavaScript   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
233 JScript and JavaScript      JavaScript   n/2012/08/javascript-difference-
234 Java and JavaScript         JavaScript
235 == and === in JavaScript    JavaScript   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
236 "setTimeout" function and   JavaScript   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    setInterval functions in                 n/2012/08/difference-between-
    Javascript                               settimeout-function.html
237 undefined value and null    JavaScript   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
value                                         n/2012/08/difference-between-
238 onSubmit and onClick events JavaScript         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    in JavaScript                                  n/2012/08/difference-between-
239 VBScript and JavaScript         JavaScript     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
240 Flowchart and Data Flow         Design         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Diagram                                        n/2012/08/difference-between-
241 ASP.Net Web services and        Web Services http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    .NET Remoting                                n/2012/07/difference-between-
242 API and WebServices             Web Services http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
243 SOAP and RESTful                Web          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    webservices                     Services,WCF n/2012/08/difference-between-
244 svcutil.exe and wsdl.exe        Web          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                    Services,WCF n/2012/09/difference-between-
245 SQL Server 2008 and SQL         SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Server 2012                                    n/2012/08/difference-between-sql-
246 TRUNCATE and Delete             SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
247 Primary key and Unique key      SQL Server     n/2012/07/sql-server-difference-
248 Clustered Indexes and Non-      SQL Server
    Clustered Indexes
249 Stored Procedures and User      SQL Server
    Defined Functions
250 Where and Having clauses        SQL Server
251 Union and UnionAll              SQL Server
252 Select statement and Cursor     SQL Server
253 Instead of Triggers and After   SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Triggers                                       n/2012/07/sql-server-difference-
254 Views and User-Defined          SQL Server     faqs-2.html
255 Triggers and Stored             SQL Server
256 Identity and Sequence in SQL SQL Server        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Server 2012                                    n/2012/07/sql-server-difference-
257 Temp table and Table variable SQL Server       faqs-3.html
258 RAISERROR and THROW           SQL Server
259 Local temporary table and     SQL Server
    Global temporary table
260 Correlated subquery and       SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Nested subquery                              n/2012/07/sql-server-difference-
261 Weak Entity Set and Strong    SQL Server     faqs-4.html
    Entity Set
262 char and varchar data types in SQL Server
    Sql Server
263 Sql Server 2005 and Sql       SQL Server
    Server 2008
264 Database Mail and SQL Mail    SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
265 Azure Table storage and SQL SQL Server       n/2012/07/sql-server-difference-
    Azure                                        faqs-5.html

266 DBMS and RDBMS                SQL Server
267 SQL Server 2000 and SQL       SQL Server
    Server 2005
268 SQL Server and PostgreSQL     SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
     Cross Join and Full Outer Join SQL Server   n/2012/08/sql-server-difference-
269 SQL Server and Oracle         SQL Server
270 View and Stored Procedure     SQL Server
271 IN and EXISTS                 SQL Server
272 Checkpoint and Lazy Writer    SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
273 Mirroring and Log Shipping    SQL Server     n/2012/08/sql-server-difference-
274 Change Track and Change       SQL Server
    Data Capture – CDC in SQL
    Server 2008
275 Index Rebuild and Index       SQL Server
    Reorganize in SQL Server
276 User -defined SP and          SQL Server
    System-defined SP
277 Constraints and Triggers      SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
278 Cast and Convert in SQL       SQL Server     n/2012/08/sql-server-difference-
    Server                                       faqs-8.html

279 CUBE and ROLLUP               SQL Server
280 VARCHAR and NVARCHAR          SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    in SQL Server                                n/2012/08/sql-server-difference-
281 SQL Server and MySQL          SQL Server     faqs-9.html

ON and SET
     in SQL Server
283 DateTime and DateTime2         SQL Server
284 Crystal Reports and SSRS       SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
285 OLTP and OLAP                  SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
286 DTS and SSIS                   SQL Server   n/2012/08/sql-server-difference-
287 Count(*) and              SQL Server        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Count(column_name) in SQL                   n/2012/08/difference-between-
    Server                                      count-and.html
288 Check Constraint and Rule      SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
289 MSDE and SQL Server 2000       SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
290 MSDE and SQL Server            SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Express 2005                                n/2012/08/difference-between-

291 STUFF and REPLACE in SQL SQL Server         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Server                                      n/2012/08/difference-between-
292 rdl and rdlc                   SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
293 Windows Authentication and     SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    SQL Server Authentication in                n/2012/08/difference-between-
    SQL Server                                  windows.html
294 SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL SQL Server       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Server 2012                                 n/2012/08/difference-between-sql-
295 table scan and an index scan SQL Server     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    in SQL Server Database                      n/2012/08/difference-between-
296 SQL and T-SQL in SQL           SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Server                                      n/2012/08/difference-between-sql-
297 SET and SELECT in SQL          SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Server                                      n/2012/09/difference-between-
298 Group By and Order By in       SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
SQL Servers                               n/2012/08/difference-between-
299 Database and Schema          SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
300 Control Flow and Data Flow in SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    SSIS                                       n/2012/09/difference-between-

301 TIMESTAMP and                SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    UNIQUEIDENTIFIER                           n/2012/09/difference-between-
302 COALESCE and NULLIF in       SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    SQL Server                                 n/2012/09/difference-between-
303 Star Schema and Snowflake    SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Schema                                     n/2012/09/difference-between-

304 Tabular Models and           SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    PowerPivot in SQL Server                   n/2012/09/difference-between-
    2012                                       tabular-models-and.html
305 ReportServer Database and    SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    ReportServerTempDB in                      n/2012/09/difference-between-
    SSRS                                       reportserver.html
306 Derived Measure and          SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Calculated Measure in SSAS                 n/2012/09/difference-between-
307 Merge and Union All          SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    transformations in SSIS                    n/2012/09/differences-between-
308 MOLAP, ROLAP and HOLAP       SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    in SSAS                                    n/2012/09/difference-between-
309 SQL Server Compact Edition   SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    and SQL Server Express                     n/2012/09/difference-between-sql-
    Edition                                    server-compact.html
310 ISNULL and COALESCE          SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Functions in SQL Server                    n/2012/09/differences-between-
311 DML Triggers and DDL         SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Triggers                                   n/2012/09/difference-between-
312 Oracle and SQL Server        SQL Server    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Indexes                                    n/2012/09/difference-between-
313 DT_STR and DT_WSTR data SQL Server          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    types in SSIS                               n/2012/09/difference-between-
314 Full Load and Incremental      SQL Server   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Load                                        n/2012/09/difference-between-full-
315 .NET and Sharepoint            Sharepoint   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
316 Site Template and Site         Sharepoint   n/2012/08/sharepoint-difference-
    Definition                                  faqs-1.html

317 SharePoint 2010 and MOSS       Sharepoint
318 SharePoint 2010 and            Sharepoint   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    SharePoint 2013                             n/2012/09/difference-between-
319 Apps and Farm Solutions in     Sharepoint   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    SharePoint 2013                             n/2012/09/difference-between-
320 Asynchronous Event Handler Sharepoint       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    and Synchronous Event                       n/2012/08/difference-between-
    Handler in Sharepoint                       asynchronous-event.html
321 SharePoint onPremise and       Sharepoint   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    SharePoint Online in                        n/2012/09/difference-between-
    Sharepoint 2010                             sharepoint-onpremise_11.html

322 Sandboxed and Farm             Sharepoint   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Solutions in Sharepoint 2010                n/2012/09/difference-between-
323 WPF and XBAP                   WPF          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
324 Silverlight Applications and   WPF          n/2012/08/wpf-difference-faqs-
    XBAP Applications                           1.html

325 MediaPlayer and                WPF          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    MediaElement                                n/2012/08/difference-between-
326 User Settings and Application WPF           http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Settings in WPF                             n/2012/09/difference-between-
327 body.onload() function and     jQuery       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    document.ready() function                   n/2012/08/jquery-difference-faqs-
328 jquery.size() and jquery.length jQuery      1.html

329 $get and $find in jQuery       jQuery       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
330 Json Array and Json Object     jQuery       http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
331 and                   jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    jQuery.each()                                 n/2012/09/jquerymap-vs-
332 jQuery.find() vs jQuery.filter()   jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
333 jQuery.append() vs                 jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    jQuery.html()                                 n/2012/09/jqueryappend-vs-
334 JQuery.find() and                  jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    JQuery.children()                             n/2012/09/jqueryfind-vs-
335 sorting string array and           jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    numerical array in jQuery                     n/2012/09/string-array-vs-
336 and                  jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    jQuery.delegate()                             n/2012/09/jquerylive-vs-
337 clientX/Y and pageX/Y              jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
338 mouseout() vs mouseleave()         jQuery     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
339 console and window                 Winforms   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    application                                   n/2012/08/difference-between-
340 Group box control and Panel        Winforms   http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    control                                       n/2012/08/difference-between-

341 ViewData,ViewBag and               MVC        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    TempData in MVC 3.0                           n/2012/08/difference-between-
342 MVC 2 and MVC 3 in                 MVC        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    ASP.NET                                       n/2012/09/difference-between-
343 Grails 2.0 and ASP.NET MVC MVC                http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    4                                             n/2012/09/grails-20-vs-aspnet-
344 Spring and ASP.NET MVC             MVC        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
345 Ruby on Rails and ASP.NET          MVC        http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    MVC                                           n/2012/09/ruby-on-rails-vs-
346 Read(),Readline() and          Console         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    ReadKey in C#                  Application     n/2012/08/difference-between-
347 CCW and RCW                    Dotnet          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                   Framework       n/2012/07/net-framework-
348 DLL and EXE                    Dotnet          difference-faqs-1_11.html
349 Managed Code and               Dotnet
    Unmanaged Code                 Framework
350 Finalize() and Dispose()       Dotnet          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    methods in .NET                Framework       n/2012/08/dotnet-framework-
351 Dispose and Destructor in      Dotnet          difference-faqs-2.html
    .NET                           Framework
352 Close() and Dispose()          Dotnet
    methods in .NET                Framework
353 Namespace and Assembly         Dotnet          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                   Framework       n/2012/08/dotnet-framework-
354 System Exception and           Dotnet          difference-faqs-3.html
    Application Exception          Framework
355 COM and .NET Component         Dotnet
356 Private Assembly and Public    Dotnet
    Assembly                       Framework
357 Weak-named .NET                Dotnet          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    components and Strong-         Framework       n/2012/08/difference-between-
    named .NET components                          weak-named-net.html
358 STA and MTA                    Dotnet          http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
                                   Framework       n/2012/08/difference-between-
359 Assembly.CreateInstance() vs Dotnet            http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Activator.CreateInstance()   Framework         n/2012/09/assemblycreateinstanc
360 Informix .NET Provider and     Informix,IBM    http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    IBM Data Server .NET                           n/2012/09/difference-between-
    Provider                                       informix-net.html
361 Oracle,WCF and TopXml          Biztalk Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    Adapters                                      n/2012/09/difference-between-
362 WCF LOB Adapter SDK and        Biztalk Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    BizTalk Server Adapter                        n/2012/09/difference-wcf-lob-
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363 Value Cross Referencing and Biztalk Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
    ID Cross Referencing in                    n/2012/09/difference-between-
    BizTalk Server                             value-and-id-cross.html
364 Subversion and Team      Team         http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
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365 GetChildren() and        Sitecore     http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
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.NET Differences List

  • 1. S.N Difference Between Category URL o 1 Abstract Class and Interface OOPs http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 2 Class and Stucture OOPs n/2012/07/oops-difference-faqs- 1.html 3 Property and Indexer OOPs 4 Overloading and Overriding OOPs 5 Value types and Reference OOPs types 6 Events and Delegates OOPs http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 7 Class and Object OOPs n/2012/07/oops-difference-faqs- 2_11.html 8 Static Constructor and Private OOPs Constructor 9 Properties and Methods OOPs 10 Singleton Pattern and static OOPs class 11 Abstraction and OOPs http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Encapsulation n/2012/08/oops-difference-faqs- 12 Composition and Aggregation OOPs 3.html 13 Private Class and Sealed OOPs Class 14 Static Class and Sealed Class OOPs 15 Abstact Method and Virtual OOPs Method 16 Class and Static Class OOPs 17 Method Overloading and OOPs Method Overriding 18 String and StringBuilder OOPs http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 19 Delegate and Interface OOPs n/2012/08/oops-difference-faqs- 4.html 20 Virtual and Abstract Keywords OOPs 21 Functions and Methods OOPs http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- functions-and-methods.html 22 Class and Module OOPs http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- class-and-module.html 23 Method Parameters and OOPs http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Method Arguments n/2012/08/difference-between- method-parameters.html 24 Hash table and Arraylist Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Programming n/2012/08/dotnet-programming- Concepts concepts-difference.html 25 Hash Table and Arrays Dotnet
  • 2. Programming Concepts 26 Dictionary and Hashtable Dotnet Programming Concepts 27 Dotnet Array and Stack Programming Concepts 28 Dotnet Stack and Heap Programming Concepts 29 Dotnet Array and ArrayList Programming Concepts 30 for and foreach loop Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Programming n/2012/07/dotnet-programming- Concepts concepts-difference.html 31 Covariance and Dotnet Contravariance Programming Concepts 32 IList and IEnumerable Dotnet Programming Concepts 33 IEnumerable and IQueryable Dotnet Programming Concepts 34 IEnumerable and IEnumerator Dotnet Programming Concepts 35 directCast and ctype Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Programming n/2012/08/dotnet-programming- Concepts concepts-difference_8.html 36 Convert.ToString() and Dotnet object.ToString() Programming Concepts 37 String.Equals(string1,string2) Dotnet and string1.Equals(string2) Programming Concepts 38 catch(Exception objex) and Dotnet catch() block Programming Concepts 39 "Convert" class and "Parse()" Dotnet method Programming Concepts 40 ref and out parameters Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Programming n/2012/08/difference-between-ref-
  • 3. Concepts and-out.html 41 Checked and Unchecked Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i keywords Programming n/2012/08/difference-between- Concepts checked-and.html 42 Clone and CopyTo methods in Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i .NET Programming n/2012/08/difference-between- Concepts clone-and-copyto.html 43 Int and Int32 Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Programming n/2012/08/difference-between-int- Concepts and-int32.html 44 Constructor and Destructor in Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i C# Programming n/2012/08/difference-between- Concepts constructor-and.html 45 Boxing and Unboxing in C# Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Programming n/2012/08/difference-between- Concepts boxing-and-unboxing.html 46 Implicit Conversion and Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Explicit Conversion Programming n/2012/08/difference-between- Concepts implicit-conversion.html 47 DataReader and DataAdapter ADO.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 48 DataSet and DataReader ADO.NET n/2012/07/adonet-difference-faqs- 1.html 49 DataSet.Copy() and ADO.NET DataSet.Clone() 50 RecordSet and DataSet ADO.NET 51 ADO and ADO.Net ADO.NET 52 Typed DataSet and Untyped ADO.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i DataSet n/2012/08/adonet-difference-faqs- 53 DataView and DataTable ADO.NET 2.html 54 Connected and Disconnected ADO.NET Environment 55 ExecuteNonQuery() and ADO.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i ExecuteScalar() n/2012/08/adonet-difference-faqs- 56 ExecuteNonQuery() and ADO.NET 3.html ExecuteReader() 57 Inline code and Code Behind ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Code n/2012/07/aspnet-difference- 58 Global.asax and Web.Config ASP.NET faqsdoc.html 59 Server.Transfer and ASP.NET Response.Redirect 60 custom control and a user ASP.NET control 61 Caching and Application ASP.NET 62 web farm and web garden ASP.NET
  • 4. 63 Application and Session ASP.NET Events 64 Session Cookies and ASP.NET Persistent Cookies 65 Server Controls and HTML ASP.NET Controls 66 ViewState and Hidden fields ASP.NET 67 SQL Cache Notification and ASP.NET SQL Cache Invalidation 68 absolute time expiration and ASP.NET sliding time expiration 69 Cache.Add() and ASP.NET Cache.Insert() 70 page-level caching and ASP.NET fragment caching 71 Label control and Literal ASP.NET control 72 HyperLink control and ASP.NET LinkButton control 73 HtmlInputCheckBox control ASP.NET and an HtmlInputRadioButton control 74 Content Page and Master ASP.NET Page 75 Submaster page and top-level ASP.NET master page 76 page theme and global theme ASP.NET 77 default skin and named skin ASP.NET 78 Globalization and Localization ASP.NET 79 web.config and ASP.NET machine.config 80 Web site and Web application ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 81 Local storage and cookies ASP.NET n/2012/07/aspnet-difference-faqs- 2.html 82 Session and Cache ASP.NET 83 Datalist and Repeater ASP.NET 84 ASP.NET and PHP ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 85 ASP and ASP.NET ASP.NET n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 3.html 86 ASP.NET and VB.NET ASP.NET 87 Java and .NET ASP.NET 88 HTTP and HTTPS ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 89 GET and POST methods ASP.NET n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs-
  • 5. 90 User Controls and Master ASP.NET 4.html Pages 91 Build and Rebuild ASP.NET 92 generic handler and http ASP.NET handler 93 ViewState and SessionState ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 94 ViewState and ControlState ASP.NET n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 5.html 95 SessionState and Cookies ASP.NET 96 DataGrid and GridView ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 97 ListView and GridView ASP.NET n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 6.html 98 DataList and GridView ASP.NET 99 Repeater and ListView ASP.NET 100 Repeater and DataList ASP.NET 101 trace and debug ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 102 ASP and ASPX ASP.NET n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 7.html 103 thread and process ASP.NET 104 ASPX and ASCX ASP.NET 105 HTML Controls and ASP.NET ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Standard Controls n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 106 Response.Redirect and ASP.NET 8.html Server.Transfer 107 ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET 108 HttpHandler and HttpModule ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- httphandler-and.html 109 .NET Application ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Development and Traditional n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- Application Development 9.html 110 CSS and Themes ASP.NET 111 Postback and Callback ASP.NET 112 Session.Clear() and ASP.NET Session.Abandon() 113 ASP.Net 2.0 and ASP.Net 3.5 ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/07/difference-between- aspnet-20-and-aspnet.html 114 Invoke() and BeginInvoke() ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 115 Build and Release ASP.NET n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 10.html 116 Windows forms and Web ASP.NET forms 117 XML Serialization and Binary ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
  • 6. Serialization n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 118 CurrentCulture and ASP.NET 11.html CurrentUICulture 119 Forms Authentication and ASP.NET Windows Authentication 120 CTS and CLS ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between-cts- and-cls.html 121 OLEDB Provider and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i SqlClient n/2012/08/difference-between- oledb-provider-and.html 122 Two Tier and Three tier ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Architecture n/2012/08/difference-between- two-tier-and-three.html 123 Pre-Render and Render ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i events in ASP.NET page n/2012/08/difference-between- execution pre-render-and.html 124 Response.TransmitFile and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Response.WriteFile n/2012/08/difference-between- responsetransmitfile.html 125 Layer and Tier ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- layer-and-tier.html 126 Response.Write and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Response.Output.Write n/2012/08/difference-between- responsewrite-and.html 127 Response.Write() and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Response.WriteFile() n/2012/08/difference-between- responsewrite-and_23.html 128 Assembly.LoadFrom() and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Assembly.LoadFile() methods n/2012/08/difference-between- assemblyloadfrom-and.html 129 .NET 1.1 and 2.0 ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 130 .NET 2.0 and 3.0 ASP.NET n/2012/08/aspnet-difference-faqs- 12.html 131 .NET 3.0 and 3.5 ASP.NET 132 .NET 3.5 and 4.0 ASP.NET 133 lock and Monitor.Enter() ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- lock-and-monitorenter.html 134 Encoding and Encryption ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- encoding-and.html 135 DataReader,DataSet and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
  • 7. DataAdapter n/2012/08/difference-between- datareaderdataset.html 135 DataTable and DataSet ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- datatable-and-dataset.html 137 div and table ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between-div- and-table.html 138 Page.RegisterClientScriptBloc ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i k and n/2012/08/difference-between- Page.RegisterStartupScript pageregisterclientsc.html 139 UniqueID and ClientID ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- uniqueid-and-clientid.html 140 PlaceHolder and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i ContentPlaceHolder n/2012/08/difference-between- placeholder-and.html 141 Panel and PlaceHolder ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- panel-and-placeholder.html 142 URL and URI ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between-url- and-uri.html 143 ASP Session and ASP.NET ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Session n/2012/08/difference-between- asp-session-and.html 144 Authentication and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Authorization in ASP.NET n/2012/08/difference-between- authentication-and.html 145 EnableViewState and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i ViewStateMode properties n/2012/08/difference-between- enableviewstate-and.html 146 Grid Layout and Form Layout ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- grid-layout-and-form.html 147 Synchronous and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Asynchronous HTTP n/2012/08/difference-between- Handlers synchronous-and.html 148 Asynchronous and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Synchronous Postback n/2012/08/difference-between- asynchronous-and.html 149 Server.Transfer and Cross- ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i page Posting n/2012/09/difference-between- servertransfer-and.html 150 RDF, OData and GData ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/difference-between-rdf-
  • 8. odata-and-gdata.html 151 Static Members and Non- ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i static Members in Asp.Net n/2012/09/difference-between- static-members-and.html 152 JQGrid,FlexGrid and ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i DataTables n/2012/09/difference-between- jqgridflexigrid-and.html 153 Var vs IEnumerable ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/var-vs- ienumerable.html 154 URL Rewriting vs ASP.NET ASP.NET http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Routing n/2012/09/url-rewriting-vs-aspnet- routing.html 155 IIS and ASP.NET IIS http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Development Server n/2012/09/difference-between-iis- and-aspnet.html 156 IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0 IIS http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/difference-between-iis- 50-and-iis-60.html 157 IIS Web Server and Apache IIS http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Tomcat Server n/2012/09/iis-web-server-vs- apache-tomcat-server.html 158 ASP.NET and Silverlight Silverlight http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 159 WPF and Silverlight Silverlight n/2012/07/silverlight-difference- faqs-1.html 160 HTML 5 and Silverlight Silverlight 161 Flash and Silverlight Silverlight 162 Custom Control and User Silverlight http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Control in Silverlight n/2012/08/silverlight-difference- 163 DataContext and ItemsSource Silverlight faqs-2.html property in Silverlight 164 Silverlight and Flex Silverlight 165 AJAX and Silverlight Silverlight http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/ajax-vs-silverlight.html 166 LINQ and SQL LINQ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 167 LINQ to SQL and Entity LINQ n/2012/07/linq-difference-faqs- Framework 1.html 168 LINQ and Stored Procedures LINQ 169 LINQ to SQL and LINQ to LINQ Objects 170 LINQ to SQL and LINQ to LINQ Entities 171 LINQ to SQL and ADO.NET LINQ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
  • 9. 172 LINQ and nHibernate LINQ n/2012/07/linq-difference-faqs- 173 LINQ and Entity Framework LINQ 2.html 174 First() and Single() extension LINQ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i methods in LINQ n/2012/08/linq-difference-faqs- 175 FirstOrDefault() and LINQ 3.html SingleOrDefault() extension method in LINQ 176 Count() and LongCount() LINQ extension methods in LINQ 177 findall() and where() in LINQ LINQ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- findall-and-where-in.html 178 Skip() and SkipWhile() LINQ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i extension methods in LINQ n/2012/08/difference-between- skip-and-skipwhile.html 179 Take() and TakeWhile() LINQ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i extension methods n/2012/09/take-vs-takewhile.html 180 LINQ and SQL Keywords LINQ http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/linq-vs-sql- keywords.html 181 basicHttpBinding and WCF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i wsHttpBinding n/2012/07/wcf-difference-faqs- 182 Message and Transport level WCF 1.html security 183 Buffered transfer and WCF Streamed transfer 184 WCF and Web Services WCF 185 Self Hosting and IIS Hosting WCF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 186 Service Behaviour and WCF n/2012/08/wcf-difference-faqs- Service Contract 2.html 187 proxy and channel factory WCF 188 DataContractSerializer and WCF XMLSerializer 189 WCF Data Services and WCF WCF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i RIA Services n/2012/08/wcf-difference-faqs- 190 Close and Abort in WCF WCF 3.html Channels 191 ASMX and SVC WCF 192 reliable messaging and WCF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i reliable sessions in WCF n/2012/08/difference-between- reliable-messaging.html 193 regular WCF Services and a WCF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
  • 10. Silverlight-Enabled WCF n/2012/08/differences-between- Services regular-wcf.html 194 and wcf session WCF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/difference-between- aspnet-and-wcf.html 195 C# 3.5 and C# 4.0 CSharp http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 196 C# and VB.NET CSharp n/2012/08/csharp-difference-faqs- 1.html 197 C# and C++ CSharp 198 Object, Var and Dynamic CSharp http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Keywords n/2012/09/difference-between- object-var-and.html 199 Identifier and Keyword in C# CSharp http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/identifier-vs-keyword- in-c.html 200 null keyword vs DBNull class CSharp http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i in C# n/2012/09/null-keyword-vs-dbnull- class-in-c.html 201 C# generics and C++ CSharp http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i templates n/2012/09/c-generics-vs-c- templates.html 202 is and as operators in C# CSharp http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/is-vs-as-operators-in- c.html 203 Factory Pattern and Abstract Design http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Factory Pattern Patterns n/2012/07/design-patterns- 204 Abstract Factory Pattern And Design difference-between-faqs.html Builder Pattern Patterns 205 Builder Pattern And Design Composite Pattern Patterns 206 Proxy Pattern and Observer Design Pattern Patterns 207 Singleton Pattern and a static Design class Patterns 208 Strategy and Inversion of Design Control (IOC) Patterns 209 Factory Pattern and Design Dependency Injection Patterns 210 Strategy Pattern and Factory Design Pattern Patterns 211 Proxy and Adaptor Design Patterns 212 Decorator and Visitor Design Patterns 213 MEF and DI / IOC Design http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
  • 11. Patterns n/2012/09/difference-between- mef-and-di-ioc.html 214 RUP and SCRUM Design http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i methodologies Patterns n/2012/09/difference-between- rup-and-scrum.html 215 Sequence diagram and UML http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Component diagram n/2012/08/uml-difference-faqs- 216 Sequence diagram and UML 1.html Activity diagram 217 Sequence diagram and UML Collaboration diagram 218 XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 XML http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 219 XML and XSLT XML n/2012/08/xml-difference-faqs- 1.html 220 XML and XHTML XML 221 XML and JSON XML http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/difference-between- xml-and-json.html 222 DTD and XSD XML http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- dtd-and-xsd.html 223 HTML 4 and HTML 5 HTML http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 224 HTML and DHTML HTML n/2012/08/html-difference-faqs- 1.html 225 HTML and XHTML HTML 226 HTML and PHP HTML 227 HTML and XML HTML http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- html-and-xml.html 228 AJAX and jQuery AJAX http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 229 AJAX and JavaScript AJAX n/2012/08/ajax-difference-faqs- 1.html 230 AJAX and PHP AJAX 231 AJAX and DHTML AJAX 232 PHP and JavaScript JavaScript http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 233 JScript and JavaScript JavaScript n/2012/08/javascript-difference- faqs-1.html 234 Java and JavaScript JavaScript 235 == and === in JavaScript JavaScript http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- and-in-javascript.html 236 "setTimeout" function and JavaScript http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i setInterval functions in n/2012/08/difference-between- Javascript settimeout-function.html 237 undefined value and null JavaScript http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
  • 12. value n/2012/08/difference-between- undefined-value-and.html 238 onSubmit and onClick events JavaScript http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i in JavaScript n/2012/08/difference-between- onsubmit-and-onclick.html 239 VBScript and JavaScript JavaScript http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/difference-between- vbscript-and.html 240 Flowchart and Data Flow Design http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Diagram n/2012/08/difference-between- flowchart-and-data.html 241 ASP.Net Web services and Web Services http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i .NET Remoting n/2012/07/difference-between- aspnet-web-services.html 242 API and WebServices Web Services http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- api-and-webservices.html 243 SOAP and RESTful Web http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i webservices Services,WCF n/2012/08/difference-between- soap-and-restful.html 244 svcutil.exe and wsdl.exe Web http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Services,WCF n/2012/09/difference-between- svcutilexe-and.html 245 SQL Server 2008 and SQL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Server 2012 n/2012/08/difference-between-sql- server-2008-and.html 246 TRUNCATE and Delete SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 247 Primary key and Unique key SQL Server n/2012/07/sql-server-difference- faqs-1_11.html 248 Clustered Indexes and Non- SQL Server Clustered Indexes 249 Stored Procedures and User SQL Server Defined Functions 250 Where and Having clauses SQL Server 251 Union and UnionAll SQL Server 252 Select statement and Cursor SQL Server 253 Instead of Triggers and After SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Triggers n/2012/07/sql-server-difference- 254 Views and User-Defined SQL Server faqs-2.html Functions 255 Triggers and Stored SQL Server Procedures 256 Identity and Sequence in SQL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Server 2012 n/2012/07/sql-server-difference- 257 Temp table and Table variable SQL Server faqs-3.html
  • 13. 258 RAISERROR and THROW SQL Server statements 259 Local temporary table and SQL Server Global temporary table 260 Correlated subquery and SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Nested subquery n/2012/07/sql-server-difference- 261 Weak Entity Set and Strong SQL Server faqs-4.html Entity Set 262 char and varchar data types in SQL Server Sql Server 263 Sql Server 2005 and Sql SQL Server Server 2008 264 Database Mail and SQL Mail SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 265 Azure Table storage and SQL SQL Server n/2012/07/sql-server-difference- Azure faqs-5.html 266 DBMS and RDBMS SQL Server 267 SQL Server 2000 and SQL SQL Server Server 2005 268 SQL Server and PostgreSQL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Cross Join and Full Outer Join SQL Server n/2012/08/sql-server-difference- faqs-6.html 269 SQL Server and Oracle SQL Server 270 View and Stored Procedure SQL Server 271 IN and EXISTS SQL Server 272 Checkpoint and Lazy Writer SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 273 Mirroring and Log Shipping SQL Server n/2012/08/sql-server-difference- faqs-7.html 274 Change Track and Change SQL Server Data Capture – CDC in SQL Server 2008 275 Index Rebuild and Index SQL Server Reorganize in SQL Server 2005 276 User -defined SP and SQL Server System-defined SP 277 Constraints and Triggers SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 278 Cast and Convert in SQL SQL Server n/2012/08/sql-server-difference- Server faqs-8.html 279 CUBE and ROLLUP SQL Server 280 VARCHAR and NVARCHAR SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i in SQL Server n/2012/08/sql-server-difference- 281 SQL Server and MySQL SQL Server faqs-9.html 282 SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER SQL Server
  • 14. ON and SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF in SQL Server 283 DateTime and DateTime2 SQL Server DataType 284 Crystal Reports and SSRS SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- crystal-reports-and.html 285 OLTP and OLAP SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 286 DTS and SSIS SQL Server n/2012/08/sql-server-difference- faqs-10.html 287 Count(*) and SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Count(column_name) in SQL n/2012/08/difference-between- Server count-and.html 288 Check Constraint and Rule SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- check-constraint-and.html 289 MSDE and SQL Server 2000 SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- msde-and-sql-server_23.html 290 MSDE and SQL Server SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Express 2005 n/2012/08/difference-between- msde-and-sql-server.html 291 STUFF and REPLACE in SQL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Server n/2012/08/difference-between- stuff-and-replace-in.html 292 rdl and rdlc SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between-rdl- and-rdlc.html 293 Windows Authentication and SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i SQL Server Authentication in n/2012/08/difference-between- SQL Server windows.html 294 SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Server 2012 n/2012/08/difference-between-sql- server-2008-r2.html 295 table scan and an index scan SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i in SQL Server Database n/2012/08/difference-between- table-scan-and-index.html 296 SQL and T-SQL in SQL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Server n/2012/08/difference-between-sql- and-t-sql-in-sql_24.html 297 SET and SELECT in SQL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Server n/2012/09/difference-between- set-and-select-in.html 298 Group By and Order By in SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i
  • 15. SQL Servers n/2012/08/difference-between- group-by-and-order.html 299 Database and Schema SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between- database-and-schema.html 300 Control Flow and Data Flow in SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i SSIS n/2012/09/difference-between- control-flow-and.html 301 TIMESTAMP and SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i UNIQUEIDENTIFIER n/2012/09/difference-between- timestamp-and.html 302 COALESCE and NULLIF in SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i SQL Server n/2012/09/difference-between- coalesce-and-nullif.html 303 Star Schema and Snowflake SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Schema n/2012/09/difference-between- star-schema-and.html 304 Tabular Models and SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i PowerPivot in SQL Server n/2012/09/difference-between- 2012 tabular-models-and.html 305 ReportServer Database and SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i ReportServerTempDB in n/2012/09/difference-between- SSRS reportserver.html 306 Derived Measure and SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Calculated Measure in SSAS n/2012/09/difference-between- derived-measure-and.html 307 Merge and Union All SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i transformations in SSIS n/2012/09/differences-between- merge-and-union-all.html 308 MOLAP, ROLAP and HOLAP SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i in SSAS n/2012/09/difference-between- molap-rolap-and.html 309 SQL Server Compact Edition SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i and SQL Server Express n/2012/09/difference-between-sql- Edition server-compact.html 310 ISNULL and COALESCE SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Functions in SQL Server n/2012/09/differences-between- isnull-and-coalesce.html 311 DML Triggers and DDL SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Triggers n/2012/09/difference-between- dml-triggers-and-ddl.html 312 Oracle and SQL Server SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Indexes n/2012/09/difference-between- oracle-and-sql.html
  • 16. 313 DT_STR and DT_WSTR data SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i types in SSIS n/2012/09/difference-between- dtstr-and-dtwstr.html 314 Full Load and Incremental SQL Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Load n/2012/09/difference-between-full- load-and.html 315 .NET and Sharepoint Sharepoint http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 316 Site Template and Site Sharepoint n/2012/08/sharepoint-difference- Definition faqs-1.html 317 SharePoint 2010 and MOSS Sharepoint 2007 318 SharePoint 2010 and Sharepoint http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i SharePoint 2013 n/2012/09/difference-between- sharepoint-2010-and.html 319 Apps and Farm Solutions in Sharepoint http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i SharePoint 2013 n/2012/09/difference-between- apps-and-farm.html 320 Asynchronous Event Handler Sharepoint http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i and Synchronous Event n/2012/08/difference-between- Handler in Sharepoint asynchronous-event.html 321 SharePoint onPremise and Sharepoint http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i SharePoint Online in n/2012/09/difference-between- Sharepoint 2010 sharepoint-onpremise_11.html 322 Sandboxed and Farm Sharepoint http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Solutions in Sharepoint 2010 n/2012/09/difference-between- sandboxed-and-farm.html 323 WPF and XBAP WPF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 324 Silverlight Applications and WPF n/2012/08/wpf-difference-faqs- XBAP Applications 1.html 325 MediaPlayer and WPF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i MediaElement n/2012/08/difference-between- mediaplayer-and.html 326 User Settings and Application WPF http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Settings in WPF n/2012/09/difference-between- user-settings-and.html 327 body.onload() function and jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i document.ready() function n/2012/08/jquery-difference-faqs- 328 jquery.size() and jquery.length jQuery 1.html 329 $get and $find in jQuery jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/difference-between- get-and-find-in.html 330 Json Array and Json Object jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/08/difference-between-
  • 17. json-array-and-json.html 331 and jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i jQuery.each() n/2012/09/jquerymap-vs- jqueryeach.html 332 jQuery.find() vs jQuery.filter() jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/differencebetween-find- and-filter-in.html 333 jQuery.append() vs jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i jQuery.html() n/2012/09/jqueryappend-vs- jqueryhtml.html 334 JQuery.find() and jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i JQuery.children() n/2012/09/jqueryfind-vs- jquerychildren.html 335 sorting string array and jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i numerical array in jQuery n/2012/09/string-array-vs- numerical-array-sorting.html 336 and jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i jQuery.delegate() n/2012/09/jquerylive-vs- jquerydelegate.html 337 clientX/Y and pageX/Y jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/clientxy-vs-pagexy-in- jquery.html 338 mouseout() vs mouseleave() jQuery http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/mouseout-vs- mouseleave-in-jquery.html 339 console and window Winforms http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i application n/2012/08/difference-between- console-and-window.html 340 Group box control and Panel Winforms http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i control n/2012/08/difference-between- group-box-control.html 341 ViewData,ViewBag and MVC http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i TempData in MVC 3.0 n/2012/08/difference-between- viewdataviewbag-and.html 342 MVC 2 and MVC 3 in MVC http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i ASP.NET n/2012/09/difference-between- mvc-2-and-mvc-3-in.html 343 Grails 2.0 and ASP.NET MVC MVC http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i 4 n/2012/09/grails-20-vs-aspnet- mvc-40.html 344 Spring and ASP.NET MVC MVC http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i n/2012/09/spring-vs-aspnet- mvc.html 345 Ruby on Rails and ASP.NET MVC http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i MVC n/2012/09/ruby-on-rails-vs-
  • 18. aspnet-mvc.html 346 Read(),Readline() and Console http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i ReadKey in C# Application n/2012/08/difference-between- readreadline-and.html 347 CCW and RCW Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Framework n/2012/07/net-framework- 348 DLL and EXE Dotnet difference-faqs-1_11.html Framework 349 Managed Code and Dotnet Unmanaged Code Framework 350 Finalize() and Dispose() Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i methods in .NET Framework n/2012/08/dotnet-framework- 351 Dispose and Destructor in Dotnet difference-faqs-2.html .NET Framework 352 Close() and Dispose() Dotnet methods in .NET Framework 353 Namespace and Assembly Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Framework n/2012/08/dotnet-framework- 354 System Exception and Dotnet difference-faqs-3.html Application Exception Framework 355 COM and .NET Component Dotnet Framework 356 Private Assembly and Public Dotnet Assembly Framework 357 Weak-named .NET Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i components and Strong- Framework n/2012/08/difference-between- named .NET components weak-named-net.html 358 STA and MTA Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Framework n/2012/08/difference-between- sta-and-mta.html 359 Assembly.CreateInstance() vs Dotnet http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Activator.CreateInstance() Framework n/2012/09/assemblycreateinstanc e-vs.html 360 Informix .NET Provider and Informix,IBM http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i IBM Data Server .NET n/2012/09/difference-between- Provider informix-net.html 361 Oracle,WCF and TopXml Biztalk Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Adapters n/2012/09/difference-between- biztalk-oracle.html 362 WCF LOB Adapter SDK and Biztalk Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i BizTalk Server Adapter n/2012/09/difference-wcf-lob- Framework adapter-sdk-and.html 363 Value Cross Referencing and Biztalk Server http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i ID Cross Referencing in n/2012/09/difference-between- BizTalk Server value-and-id-cross.html
  • 19. 364 Subversion and Team Team http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i Foundation Server 2010 Foundation n/2012/09/difference-between- Server team-foundation.html 365 GetChildren() and Sitecore http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.i GetDescendants() n/2012/09/getchildren-vs- getdescendants-in.html