Why Reactive Matters #ScalaMatsuri

Yuta Okamoto Há 8 anos

Zen of Akka

Konrad Malawski Há 8 anos

Akka Streams and HTTP

Roland Kuhn Há 9 anos

Reactive Streams 1.0.0 and Why You Should Care (webinar)

Legacy Typesafe (now Lightbend) Há 8 anos

Storage infrastructure using HBase behind LINE messages

LINE Corporation (Tech Unit) Há 11 anos

Introduction to Hardware with littleBits

Tack Mobile Há 9 anos

UniRx - Reactive Extensions for Unity(EN)

Yoshifumi Kawai Há 10 anos

Zero to traction

Andrew Chen Há 10 anos

Building ZingMe News Feed System

Chau Thanh Há 11 anos