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                                       PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl
                                       Deflection of beam: Energy method

1> kmμnþxageRkA W          E   External work
         eRkamGMeBIénbnÞúk muxkat;mYyénr)ar)anpøas;TI. dUcKñaenHEdr m:Um:g;Rtg;muxkat;mYyénr)ar)aneFVI
         cMeBaHr)arQr EdlmancugesrIenAxageRkam nigmanKl;bgáb;enAxagelI ehIyrgbnÞúk P Rtg;cugesrI
enaHvaeFVIeGaymansac;lUt Δ . kmμnþEdlekIteLIgedaybnÞúk P KWkmμnþxageRkA W = 1 P.Δ .
         cMeBaHm:Um:g; M EdlGnuvtþmkelIFñwmmYyeFVIeGaymanmMurgVil θ . kmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgeday
m:Um:g; M KW W = 1 M .θ .
2> famBlb:Utg;Esülxagkñúg W               I   Potential energy
        kmμnþxageRkA)anrkSaTukenAkñúgr)ar ehIy)anERbkøayeTACafamBlxagkñúg.
    k> krNIr)arrgbnÞúktamGkS½
          WI = WE =          P.Δ
          tamc,ab;h‘Uk eyIg)an
          ⇒ WI =
                      2 EI
    x> krNIFñwmrgm:Um:g;Bt; M
        famBlxagkñúgEdlrkSaTukenAelIFatuGnnþtUc dx ehIyeFVIeGaymanmMurgVil dθ KW
          dWI =        M .dθ
          b:uEnþeyIgdwgfa dθ = EI dx

          dWI =      M 2 dx
               2 EI
                   L M
          ⇒ WI = ∫       dx
                  0 2 EI

    • cMNaM³
    - smIkar W = ∫ 2EI dx ¬sMrab;Fñwmrgm:Um:g;Bt; M ¦/ M KWCam:Um:g;Bt;enARtg;muxkat;samBaØmYy
                      M        L

PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                      118

    - krNI truss Edlr)arrbs;vargEtkMlaMgtamGkS½ famBlb:Utg;EsülTak;TgEtnwgkMlaMgtambeNþay
    - kñúgFñwmeRkamGMeBIénbnÞúk nigRbtikmμTMr eFVIeGayeKmankMlaMgkat;TTwg nigm:Um:g;Bt; Rtg;muxkat;
      samBaØNamYyénmuxkat;. dUcenHtameKalkarN_rkSafamBl famBlb:Utg;EsülEdlrkSaTukkñúg
      r)arenaH KWCaGnuKmn_énplrbs;kMlaMgkat;TTwg V nigm:Um:g;Bt; M . b:uEnþeKsnμt;fa b:Utg;Esülxag
      kñúgEdlekIteLIgedaykMlaMgkat;TTwg V mantMéltUcEdleKGacpat;ecal)an ebIeFobeTAnwgfam-
      Blb:Utg;EsülEdlekIteLIgedaysarm:Um:g;Bt; M .
3> karKNnabMErbMrYlragedayviFIfamBl
          tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl eK)an³
          WE = W I
          WE - CakmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgedaykMlaMgxageRkAGnuvtþbnþicmþg²eTAelIrcnasm<n§½.
         W - CafamBlb:Utg;EsülxagkñúgEdlrkSaTukkñúgrcnasm<n§½.

         smIkarxagelIGnuBaØatieGaymanEtGBaØtimYyb:ueNÑaH dUcenHr)arRtUvrgbnÞúkEtmYyEtb:ueNÑaH.
]TahrN_³ rkbMErbMrYlrag ¬PaBdab¦ Rtg;cMnuc C                               P
sMrab;r)arTMrsamBaØEdlman EI efr ehIyrgbnÞúk
Rtg;cMnuc P Rtg;kNþalElVg.                      A                          C                  B
                                                                l/2                   l/2
kmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgedaybnÞúk P KW                                                        M
WE =                                                         Px
           2                                                 2
M  Cam:Um:g;EdlekIteLIgedaysarbnÞúk P                                    4

famBlb:Utg;Esül xagkñúgEdlrkSaTukKW
WI = ∫
      0 2 EI

Et  M =
             ⇒M2 =
                   P2 x2
                            ¬KitcMeBaH 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 ¦l

tamlkçN³qøúHeK)anm:Um:g;srubesμInwgBIrdg m:Um:g;EpñkxageqVg b¤xagsþaM dUcenHeK)an³
                   P2 x2      P 2 x3   2       P 2l 3
WI = 2 ∫       2         dx =              =
              0    8 EI       12 EI    0
                                               96 EI
          PΔ P 2l 3       Pl 3
WE = WI ⇒    =       ⇒Δ=
           2   96 EI     48 EI
]TahrN_³ rkmMurgVilRtg;cMnuc B sMrab;r)arTMrsamBaØEdlman
PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                       119

EI  efr ehIyrgm:Um:g; M Rtg;cMnuc B .
                               B                 A                         B
kmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgedaym:Um:g; M KW
    1                                                      M=MlB.x
WE = M B .θ B
famBlb:Utg;Esül xagkñúgEdlrkSaTukKW                                                          M

WI = ∫
     0 2 EI

eday M= B
           M .x
         l M .x    1
⇒ WI = ∫ ( B ) 2      dx
        0    l   2 EI
         M2 l
     = 2 B ∫ x 2 dx
       2l EI 0
        M 2l
⇒ WI = B
        6 EI
tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl eK)an
           M B .θ B M B l
WE = WI ⇒          =
             2       6 EI
       M Bl
⇒ θB =
4> kmμnþvaTuyEGl b¤kmμnþminBit (Virtual work)
         kmμnþvaTuyEGl (V W) CakmμnþEdlekIteLIgedaykMlaMgminBit ehIyeFVIeGaymanbMlas;TIBit.
Bakü virtual EdleKeRbIkñúgkmμnþ b¤bMlas;TI sMedAeTAelItMélminBit b¤TMhMRsemIRsém. ebIeKGnuvtþmkelI
RbBn§½manlMnwgmYy Q eK)anbegáIteGaymankMlaMg virtual xagkñúg nigbMlas;TI virtual tUc². eKsnμt;faRb

Bn§½kMlaMg virtual Q smmUlesμInwg kMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) edIm,IKNnabMlas;TIRtg;cMnucmYyénrcna

sm<n§½ tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl kmμnþ virtual xageRkAesμInwgkmμnþ virtual xagkñúg.
          We = Wi

5> karKNnabMErbMrYlragedayviFIkmμnþvaTuyEGl (Virtual work method)
         edIm,IKNnabMlas;TIRtg;muxkat;samBaØmYyénrcnasm<n§½eRkamGMeBIénRbBn§½kMlaMgxageRkA. eKGnuvtþ
    - snμt;lubbM)at;kMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;ecj
    - dak;Rtg;cMnucEdlcg;rkbMlas;TInUvkMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) tamTisedAénbMlas;TIBit

PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                     120

    - rkRbtikmμkMlaMg virtual xagkñúg ¬rab;TaMg kMlaMgkat;TTwg kMlaMgbeNþayGkS½ nigm:Um:g;pg¦ Edl
    - rkRbtikmμTMr/ M , V , N EdlekIteLIgedaysarbnÞúkBit
    - tameKalkarN_rkSafamBleK)an W = W   e       i

    k> krNI truss
    kmμnþxageRkAEdlekIteLIgedaysarbnÞúkÉkta (1kN )
    We = 1× δVC
    Edl δ - bMlas;TIBittamTisQrRtg;cMnuc C

    famBlb:Utg;EsülEdlrkSaTukenAkñúgr)ar truss
    Wi = ∑ p.Δ
    Edl p - kMlaMgkñúgrbs;r)ar truss Edl)anBIbnÞúkÉkta (1kN )
        Δ - bMErbMrYlragBiténr)ar truss

    We = Wi ⇒ δVC = ∑ p.Δ
    tamc,ab;h‘Uk eyIg)an
                 ∑ p.P.L
     ⇒ δVC =
    Edl P - kMlaMgkñúgr)arekItBIbnÞúkBit
          L - RbEvgr)ar

          A - muxkat;r)ar

          E - m:UDuleGLasÞic

]TahrN_³ kMNt;PaBdabrbs; truss Rtg;cMnuc C                      P 1 =30KN           P 2 =50KN

ebIeKdwgfamuxkat;rbs;r)arnImYy² A = 1500mm
                                                                  B                   D

nigmanm:UDuleGLasÞic E = 200GPa .                     A

dMeNaHRsay³                                                      4m                  4m

edaylubecalkMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;EdlmanGMeBI                         B                 D

mkelI truss edaydak;bnÞúkÉkta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc                                                          2m

C manTisedAcuHeRkam CacMnucEdleyIgRtukarrkPaBdab
                                                          A                                     E
                                                                  4m                 4m


PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                                  121

kMNt;kMlaMgkñúgrbs;r)arEdlekItBIbnÞúkÉkta nigbnÞúkBit
      r)ar RbEvg L(m) kMlaMgkñúgr)ar p(kN ) kMlaMgkñúgr)ar P(kN )              p.P.L

          AB           2.83         − 0.707                 − 49.5            + 99.04

          AC            4            + 0 .5                  + 35               + 70

          BC           2.83         + 0.707                 + 7.07            + 14.15

          BD            4             −1                     − 40              + 160

          CD           2.83         + 0.707                 − 7.07            − 14.15

          CE            4            + 0 .5                  + 45               + 90

          DE           2.83         − 0.707                 − 63.65           + 127.35
                                    ∑ p.P.L                                   + 546.39
               ∑ p.P.L
          δVC =
                  546.39 × 1000
          ⇒ δVC =               = 1.8mm ↓
                   1500 × 200
    x> krNIFñwm ¬PaBdab¦
        cg;rkbMlas;TI δ Rtg;cMnuc C eKeFVIdUc truss Edr edayeKlubkMlaMgBitTaMgLayecal rYcehIyenA

enARtg;cMnuc C EdleKcg;rkbMlas;TIenaH eKdak;kMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) . eKrkm:Um:g;Bt; virtual m .
bnÞab;mkeKdak;kMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;mkelIFñwm rYcehIyeKrkm:Um:g;BitmkelI dx . enAeBlmanm:Um:g; M naM
eGaymanmMurgVil dθ enAmuxkat;sgxag dx . ebI W Cakmμnþ virtual xageRkAEdlekIteLIgedaysarkMlaMg

virtual Ékta (1kN ) ehIyeFVIeGaymanbMlas;TI δ Rtg;cMnuc C eK)an³

          We = 1.δ C
        Fatu differential énb:Utg;Esülxagkñúg dW EdlrkSaTukenAxagkñúgPaKkMNat;GnnþtUc
                                                      i                                  dx   RtUv)an
begáIteLIgedaym:Um:g; virtual m EdleFVIeGaymuxkat;vil)anmMu dθ .
          dWi = m.dθ

          EteyIgman dθ = EI dx

          ⇒ dWi =        dx
          b¤Wi = ∫
                   L m.M

                  0 EI

          We = Wi

PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                     122

                       L       m.M
          ⇒ δC = ∫                 dx
                       0        EI
   K> krNIFñwm ¬mMurgVil¦
   eFVIdUcKñakrNIxagelIEdr EteKRtUvdak;m:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) CMnYseGaykMlaMg virtual Ékta
(1kN ) vij. eKrkm:Um:g;Bt; virtual m' . bnÞab;mkeKdak;kMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;mkelIFñwm rYcehIyeKrkm:Um:g;

BitmkelI dx . ebI W Cakmμnþ virtual xageRkAEdlekIteLIgedaysarm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) ehIyeFVI

eGaymanmMurgVil θ Rtg;cMnuc C eK)an³

          We = 1.θ C
        Fatu differential énb:Utg;Esülxagkñúg dW EdlrkSaTukenAxagkñúgPaKkMNat;GnnþtUc
                                                  i                                             dx   RtUv)an
begáIteLIgedaym:Um:g; virtual m' EdleFVIeGaymuxkat;vil)anmMu dθ .
          dWi = m'.dθ

          EteyIgman dθ = EI dx

          ⇒ dWi =         dx
          b¤Wi = ∫
                   L m'.M


          We = Wi
                       L   m'.M
          ⇒ θC = ∫              dx
                    0       EI
]TahrN_³ eKeGayFñwmsamBaØrgbnÞúkBRgayesμI w = 20          kN
                                                                                  C    w=20kN

nig EI = 40000kN.m . rkPaBdabenAkNþalElVg Δ A
                                                      C                                              B
                                                                      4m                   4m
nigmMurgVilenATMr A θ .        A

    - rkPaBdabenAkNþalElVg Δ               C

    CMnYskMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc C           A

    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA C
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA C
           w.L.x w.x 2
     ⇒M =        −
             2       2
             w.L.x     w.x 3
     ⇒ m.M =         −
                4       4

PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                             123

    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI B eTA C
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI B eTA C
           w.L.x w.x 2
     ⇒M =        −
             2       2
             w.L.x     w.x 3
     ⇒ m.M =         −
                4       4
    plKuNm:Um:g; sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI A eTA B
                w.L.x 2 w.x 3
     ⇒ m.M =            −
                   2        2
                                w.x 3 1
    dUcenH         0
                    4 w.L.x
             ΔC = ∫ (
                                 2 EI
                                     )  dx
                          4        4
              w.L.x 3   wx 4   1
     ⇒ ΔC = (         −      )
                6 0      8 0 EI
                  20 × 8 × 4 3 20 × 4 4     1
     ⇒ ΔC = (                 −         )       = 26.7 mm ↓
                       6          8       40000
    - rkmMurgVilenATMr A θ     A
                                                                     A          B
    CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) Rtg;cMnuc A                          8m

    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI A eTA B
     ⇒ m' =
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI A eTA B
           w.L.x w.x 2
     ⇒M =         −
              2        2
               w.x     w.x 3
     ⇒ m'.M =        −
                2        16
                            w.x 3 1
    dUcenH      8 w.x
          θA = ∫ (
                0    2
                          −      )
                             16 EI
                      8        8
             w.x 3   wx 4   1
     ⇒θA = (       −      )
              6 0 64 0 EI

     ⇒ θ A = 0.01067 rad
]TahrN_³ eKeGayFñwmTMrbgáb;rgkMlaMgcMcMnucRtg;cug                 30kN

r)ar edayman EI = 30000kN .m . kMNt;PaBdab nigmMu
                                       2                      A


PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                            124

    - rkPaBdabenAcugr)ar δ                  A

    CMnYskMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc A
                                                                                 A                                B

    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B
     ⇒ m = −x
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B
     ⇒ M = −30.x

     ⇒ m.M = 30 x 2
    dUcenH δ = ∫ (30 x ) EI dx
                     4   1          2

              30 x 3      1
     ⇒δA = (           )
                3 0 EI
     ⇒ δ A = (10 × 4 3 )       = 21.3mm ↓
    - rkmMurgVilenAcugr)ar θ            A
                                                                        A                            B

       CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) Rtg;cMnuc A

    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B
     ⇒ m' = −1
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B
     ⇒ M = −30 x

     ⇒ m'.M = 30 x
    dUcenH θ = ∫ (30 x) EI dx
                     4  1

             30 x 2   1
     ⇒θA = (        )
               2 0 EI

     ⇒ θ A = 0.008rad
]TahrN_³ eKeGayFñwmTMrsamBaØrgkMlaMgBRgayesμI w = 20 .            kN
FñwmenHman E = 200 nig I = 200 ×10 mm .
                             mm 2
                                                    6   4                                                 m

kMNt;PaBdabRtg;cMnuc C / mMurgVilRtg;cMnuc C nig A .
                                                                             A                                B
                                                                        3m                 8m

     - rkPaBdabRtg;cMnuc C δ                    C

     CMnYskMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc C
                                                            C                A                                B
                                                                        3m                 8m

     rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A
PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                                      125

     ⇒ m = −x
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A
                 20 2
     ⇒M =−         .x = −10 x 2

     ⇒ m.M = 10 x 3
    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A
     ⇒ m = −0.375 x
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A
                          20 2
     ⇒ M = 68.75 x −        .x = −10 x 2 + 68.75 x

     ⇒ m.M = 3.75 x 3 − 25.78 x 2
    dUcenHδC = ∫
                    L m.M

              3 10 x           8 3.75            8 25.78
     ⇒ δC = ∫           dx + ∫        x 3 dx − ∫         x 2 dx
             0 EI             0 EI              0   EI
             1 ⎛ 10 x 4                       25.78 x 3 ⎞
                           4              8              8
                 ⎜              3.75 x 4                   ⎟
     ⇒ δC =                  +              −
            EI ⎜ 4 0               4 0             3       ⎟
                 ⎝                                       0⎠

     ⇒ δ C = 8.94mm ↑
    - rkmMurgVilRtg;cMnuc C θ       C

       CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN .m) Rtg;cMnuc C
                                                                  C                A        B
                                                                              3m       8m

    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A
     ⇒ m' = −1
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A
     ⇒ M = −10 x 2

     ⇒ m'.M = 10 x 2
    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A
     ⇒ m' = −0.125 x
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A
     ⇒ M = −10 x 2 + 68.75 x

     ⇒ m'.M = 1.25 x 3 − 8.59 x 2
    dUcenHθC = ∫
                 L m'.M


PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                    126

               1 3                8               8
     ⇒ θC =      ( ∫ 10 x 2 dx + ∫ 1.25 x 3 dx − ∫ 8.59 x 2 dx)
               EI 0               0               0
                           3           8            8
            1 10 x 3   1.25 4   8.59 3
     ⇒ θC =   (      +     x −      x
            EI 3 0       4    0   3                 0

     ⇒ θ C = −0.0024 rad

    - rkmMurgVilRtg;cMnuc C θ     A

       CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) Rtg;cMnuc A              C

    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A
     ⇒ m'= 0
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A
     ⇒ M = −10 x 2

     ⇒ m'.M = 0
    rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A
     ⇒ m' = −0.125 x
    smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A
     ⇒ M = −10 x 2 + 68.75 x

     ⇒ m'.M = 1.25 x 3 − 8.59 x 2
    dUcenHθA = ∫
                  L m'.M

            1 8                   8
     ⇒θA =     ( ∫ 1.25 x 3 dx − ∫ 8.59 x 2 dx)
            EI    0               0
                          8           8
            1 1.25 4          8.59 3
     ⇒θA =     (       x −          x )
            EI 4          0     3     0

     ⇒ θ A = −0.00465rad

PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl                                                                127

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Xix introduction to prestressed concreteXix introduction to prestressed concrete
Xix introduction to prestressed concrete
13 beams and frames having nonprismatic members
13 beams and frames having nonprismatic members13 beams and frames having nonprismatic members
13 beams and frames having nonprismatic members
Construction plan
Construction planConstruction plan
Construction plan
Vii. camber, deflection, and crack control
Vii. camber, deflection, and crack controlVii. camber, deflection, and crack control
Vii. camber, deflection, and crack control
Vi. indeterminate prestressed concrete structures
Vi. indeterminate prestressed concrete structuresVi. indeterminate prestressed concrete structures
Vi. indeterminate prestressed concrete structures
Euro sq
Euro sqEuro sq
Euro sq
V. shear and torsional strength design
V. shear and torsional strength designV. shear and torsional strength design
V. shear and torsional strength design
Xvi continuous beams and frames
Xvi continuous beams and framesXvi continuous beams and frames
Xvi continuous beams and frames
6.beam columns
6.beam columns6.beam columns
6.beam columns
Xviii stairs
Xviii stairsXviii stairs
Xviii stairs
10. analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the force method
10. analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the force method10. analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the force method
10. analysis of statically indeterminate structures by the force method
Computer graphic
Computer graphicComputer graphic
Computer graphic

Similar to 11e.deflection of beam the energy methode10

Vi deflection and control of cracking
Vi deflection and control of cracking Vi deflection and control of cracking
Vi deflection and control of cracking Chhay Teng
4.compression members
4.compression members4.compression members
4.compression membersChhay Teng
12. displacement method of analysis moment distribution
12. displacement method of analysis moment distribution12. displacement method of analysis moment distribution
12. displacement method of analysis moment distributionChhay Teng
Xi members in compression and bending
Xi members in compression and bendingXi members in compression and bending
Xi members in compression and bendingChhay Teng
Xv design for torsion
Xv design for torsionXv design for torsion
Xv design for torsionChhay Teng
Iv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elements
Iv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elementsIv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elements
Iv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elementsChhay Teng
Appendix a plastic analysis and design
Appendix a plastic analysis and designAppendix a plastic analysis and design
Appendix a plastic analysis and designChhay Teng
4.internal loading developed in structural members
4.internal loading developed in structural members4.internal loading developed in structural members
4.internal loading developed in structural membersChhay Teng
I. basic concepts
I. basic conceptsI. basic concepts
I. basic conceptsChhay Teng
Xii slender column
Xii slender columnXii slender column
Xii slender columnChhay Teng
9.composite construction
9.composite construction9.composite construction
9.composite constructionChhay Teng
14. truss analysis using the stiffness method
14. truss analysis using the stiffness method14. truss analysis using the stiffness method
14. truss analysis using the stiffness methodChhay Teng
Ii properties of reinforced concrete
Ii properties of reinforced concreteIi properties of reinforced concrete
Ii properties of reinforced concreteChhay Teng
Ix one way slab
Ix one way slabIx one way slab
Ix one way slabChhay Teng
6.stresses and strain23
6.stresses and strain236.stresses and strain23
6.stresses and strain23Chhay Teng
3.tension members
3.tension members3.tension members
3.tension membersChhay Teng
2.analysis of statically determinate structure
2.analysis of statically determinate structure2.analysis of statically determinate structure
2.analysis of statically determinate structureChhay Teng

Similar to 11e.deflection of beam the energy methode10 (20)

Vi deflection and control of cracking
Vi deflection and control of cracking Vi deflection and control of cracking
Vi deflection and control of cracking
4.compression members
4.compression members4.compression members
4.compression members
12. displacement method of analysis moment distribution
12. displacement method of analysis moment distribution12. displacement method of analysis moment distribution
12. displacement method of analysis moment distribution
Xi members in compression and bending
Xi members in compression and bendingXi members in compression and bending
Xi members in compression and bending
Xv design for torsion
Xv design for torsionXv design for torsion
Xv design for torsion
Assignment fluid year 3
Assignment fluid  year 3Assignment fluid  year 3
Assignment fluid year 3
Iv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elements
Iv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elementsIv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elements
Iv.flexural design of prestressed concrete elements
8. deflection
8. deflection8. deflection
8. deflection
Appendix a plastic analysis and design
Appendix a plastic analysis and designAppendix a plastic analysis and design
Appendix a plastic analysis and design
fluid khmer-Chapter5
fluid khmer-Chapter5fluid khmer-Chapter5
fluid khmer-Chapter5
4.internal loading developed in structural members
4.internal loading developed in structural members4.internal loading developed in structural members
4.internal loading developed in structural members
I. basic concepts
I. basic conceptsI. basic concepts
I. basic concepts
Xii slender column
Xii slender columnXii slender column
Xii slender column
9.composite construction
9.composite construction9.composite construction
9.composite construction
14. truss analysis using the stiffness method
14. truss analysis using the stiffness method14. truss analysis using the stiffness method
14. truss analysis using the stiffness method
Ii properties of reinforced concrete
Ii properties of reinforced concreteIi properties of reinforced concrete
Ii properties of reinforced concrete
Ix one way slab
Ix one way slabIx one way slab
Ix one way slab
6.stresses and strain23
6.stresses and strain236.stresses and strain23
6.stresses and strain23
3.tension members
3.tension members3.tension members
3.tension members
2.analysis of statically determinate structure
2.analysis of statically determinate structure2.analysis of statically determinate structure
2.analysis of statically determinate structure

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11e.deflection of beam the energy methode10

  • 1. T.Chhay PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl Deflection of beam: Energy method 1> kmμnþxageRkA W E External work eRkamGMeBIénbnÞúk muxkat;mYyénr)ar)anpøas;TI. dUcKñaenHEdr m:Um:g;Rtg;muxkat;mYyénr)ar)aneFVI eGaymuxkat;enaHmanmMurgVil. cMeBaHr)arQr EdlmancugesrIenAxageRkam nigmanKl;bgáb;enAxagelI ehIyrgbnÞúk P Rtg;cugesrI enaHvaeFVIeGaymansac;lUt Δ . kmμnþEdlekIteLIgedaybnÞúk P KWkmμnþxageRkA W = 1 P.Δ . E 2 cMeBaHm:Um:g; M EdlGnuvtþmkelIFñwmmYyeFVIeGaymanmMurgVil θ . kmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgeday m:Um:g; M KW W = 1 M .θ . E 2 2> famBlb:Utg;Esülxagkñúg W I Potential energy kmμnþxageRkA)anrkSaTukenAkñúgr)ar ehIy)anERbkøayeTACafamBlxagkñúg. k> krNIr)arrgbnÞúktamGkS½ 1 WI = WE = P.Δ 2 tamc,ab;h‘Uk eyIg)an PL Δ= AE P2L ⇒ WI = 2 EI x> krNIFñwmrgm:Um:g;Bt; M famBlxagkñúgEdlrkSaTukenAelIFatuGnnþtUc dx ehIyeFVIeGaymanmMurgVil dθ KW 1 dWI = M .dθ 2 b:uEnþeyIgdwgfa dθ = EI dx M 1 dWI = M 2 dx 2 EI 2 L M ⇒ WI = ∫ dx 0 2 EI • cMNaM³ - smIkar W = ∫ 2EI dx ¬sMrab;Fñwmrgm:Um:g;Bt; M ¦/ M KWCam:Um:g;Bt;enARtg;muxkat;samBaØmYy 2 M L I 0 ehIym:Um:g;enaHbNþalmkBIplbUksrubénbnÞúkxageRkA. PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 118
  • 2. T.Chhay - krNI truss Edlr)arrbs;vargEtkMlaMgtamGkS½ famBlb:Utg;EsülTak;TgEtnwgkMlaMgtambeNþay GkS½r)arenaHEtb:ueNÑaH. - kñúgFñwmeRkamGMeBIénbnÞúk nigRbtikmμTMr eFVIeGayeKmankMlaMgkat;TTwg nigm:Um:g;Bt; Rtg;muxkat; samBaØNamYyénmuxkat;. dUcenHtameKalkarN_rkSafamBl famBlb:Utg;EsülEdlrkSaTukkñúg r)arenaH KWCaGnuKmn_énplrbs;kMlaMgkat;TTwg V nigm:Um:g;Bt; M . b:uEnþeKsnμt;fa b:Utg;Esülxag kñúgEdlekIteLIgedaykMlaMgkat;TTwg V mantMéltUcEdleKGacpat;ecal)an ebIeFobeTAnwgfam- Blb:Utg;EsülEdlekIteLIgedaysarm:Um:g;Bt; M . 3> karKNnabMErbMrYlragedayviFIfamBl tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl eK)an³ WE = W I WE - CakmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgedaykMlaMgxageRkAGnuvtþbnþicmþg²eTAelIrcnasm<n§½. W - CafamBlb:Utg;EsülxagkñúgEdlrkSaTukkñúgrcnasm<n§½. I smIkarxagelIGnuBaØatieGaymanEtGBaØtimYyb:ueNÑaH dUcenHr)arRtUvrgbnÞúkEtmYyEtb:ueNÑaH. ]TahrN_³ rkbMErbMrYlrag ¬PaBdab¦ Rtg;cMnuc C P sMrab;r)arTMrsamBaØEdlman EI efr ehIyrgbnÞúk Rtg;cMnuc P Rtg;kNþalElVg. A C B l/2 l/2 dMeNaHRsay³ kmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgedaybnÞúk P KW M PΔ WE = Px 2 2 Pl M Cam:Um:g;EdlekIteLIgedaysarbnÞúk P 4 famBlb:Utg;Esül xagkñúgEdlrkSaTukKW M2 WI = ∫ L dx 0 2 EI Et M = Px 2 ⇒M2 = P2 x2 4 ¬KitcMeBaH 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 ¦l tamlkçN³qøúHeK)anm:Um:g;srubesμInwgBIrdg m:Um:g;EpñkxageqVg b¤xagsþaM dUcenHeK)an³ l l P2 x2 P 2 x3 2 P 2l 3 WI = 2 ∫ 2 dx = = 0 8 EI 12 EI 0 96 EI PΔ P 2l 3 Pl 3 WE = WI ⇒ = ⇒Δ= 2 96 EI 48 EI ]TahrN_³ rkmMurgVilRtg;cMnuc B sMrab;r)arTMrsamBaØEdlman PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 119
  • 3. T.Chhay EI efr ehIyrgm:Um:g; M Rtg;cMnuc B . B A B M l dMeNaHRsay³ kmμnþxageRkAEdlbegáIteLIgedaym:Um:g; M KW B MB 1 M=MlB.x WE = M B .θ B 2 famBlb:Utg;Esül xagkñúgEdlrkSaTukKW M M2 WI = ∫ L dx 0 2 EI eday M= B M .x l l M .x 1 ⇒ WI = ∫ ( B ) 2 dx 0 l 2 EI M2 l = 2 B ∫ x 2 dx 2l EI 0 M 2l ⇒ WI = B 6 EI tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl eK)an M B .θ B M B l 2 WE = WI ⇒ = 2 6 EI M Bl ⇒ θB = 3EI 4> kmμnþvaTuyEGl b¤kmμnþminBit (Virtual work) kmμnþvaTuyEGl (V W) CakmμnþEdlekIteLIgedaykMlaMgminBit ehIyeFVIeGaymanbMlas;TIBit. Bakü virtual EdleKeRbIkñúgkmμnþ b¤bMlas;TI sMedAeTAelItMélminBit b¤TMhMRsemIRsém. ebIeKGnuvtþmkelI RbBn§½manlMnwgmYy Q eK)anbegáIteGaymankMlaMg virtual xagkñúg nigbMlas;TI virtual tUc². eKsnμt;faRb i Bn§½kMlaMg virtual Q smmUlesμInwg kMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) edIm,IKNnabMlas;TIRtg;cMnucmYyénrcna i sm<n§½ tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl kmμnþ virtual xageRkAesμInwgkmμnþ virtual xagkñúg. We = Wi 5> karKNnabMErbMrYlragedayviFIkmμnþvaTuyEGl (Virtual work method) edIm,IKNnabMlas;TIRtg;muxkat;samBaØmYyénrcnasm<n§½eRkamGMeBIénRbBn§½kMlaMgxageRkA. eKGnuvtþ nUvCMba‘anxageRkam³ - snμt;lubbM)at;kMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;ecj - dak;Rtg;cMnucEdlcg;rkbMlas;TInUvkMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) tamTisedAénbMlas;TIBit PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 120
  • 4. T.Chhay - rkRbtikmμkMlaMg virtual xagkñúg ¬rab;TaMg kMlaMgkat;TTwg kMlaMgbeNþayGkS½ nigm:Um:g;pg¦ Edl ekIteLIgedaysarbnÞúkÉktaenaH. - rkRbtikmμTMr/ M , V , N EdlekIteLIgedaysarbnÞúkBit - tameKalkarN_rkSafamBleK)an W = W e i k> krNI truss kmμnþxageRkAEdlekIteLIgedaysarbnÞúkÉkta (1kN ) We = 1× δVC Edl δ - bMlas;TIBittamTisQrRtg;cMnuc C VC famBlb:Utg;EsülEdlrkSaTukenAkñúgr)ar truss Wi = ∑ p.Δ Edl p - kMlaMgkñúgrbs;r)ar truss Edl)anBIbnÞúkÉkta (1kN ) Δ - bMErbMrYlragBiténr)ar truss tameKalkarN_rkSafamBleyIg)an We = Wi ⇒ δVC = ∑ p.Δ tamc,ab;h‘Uk eyIg)an PL Δ= EA ∑ p.P.L ⇒ δVC = EA Edl P - kMlaMgkñúgr)arekItBIbnÞúkBit L - RbEvgr)ar A - muxkat;r)ar E - m:UDuleGLasÞic ]TahrN_³ kMNt;PaBdabrbs; truss Rtg;cMnuc C P 1 =30KN P 2 =50KN ebIeKdwgfamuxkat;rbs;r)arnImYy² A = 1500mm B D 2 2m nigmanm:UDuleGLasÞic E = 200GPa . A C E dMeNaHRsay³ 4m 4m edaylubecalkMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;EdlmanGMeBI B D mkelI truss edaydak;bnÞúkÉkta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc 2m C manTisedAcuHeRkam CacMnucEdleyIgRtukarrkPaBdab A E C 4m 4m p=1KN PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 121
  • 5. T.Chhay kMNt;kMlaMgkñúgrbs;r)arEdlekItBIbnÞúkÉkta nigbnÞúkBit r)ar RbEvg L(m) kMlaMgkñúgr)ar p(kN ) kMlaMgkñúgr)ar P(kN ) p.P.L AB 2.83 − 0.707 − 49.5 + 99.04 AC 4 + 0 .5 + 35 + 70 BC 2.83 + 0.707 + 7.07 + 14.15 BD 4 −1 − 40 + 160 CD 2.83 + 0.707 − 7.07 − 14.15 CE 4 + 0 .5 + 45 + 90 DE 2.83 − 0.707 − 63.65 + 127.35 ∑ p.P.L + 546.39 ∑ p.P.L δVC = EA 546.39 × 1000 ⇒ δVC = = 1.8mm ↓ 1500 × 200 x> krNIFñwm ¬PaBdab¦ cg;rkbMlas;TI δ Rtg;cMnuc C eKeFVIdUc truss Edr edayeKlubkMlaMgBitTaMgLayecal rYcehIyenA C enARtg;cMnuc C EdleKcg;rkbMlas;TIenaH eKdak;kMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) . eKrkm:Um:g;Bt; virtual m . bnÞab;mkeKdak;kMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;mkelIFñwm rYcehIyeKrkm:Um:g;BitmkelI dx . enAeBlmanm:Um:g; M naM eGaymanmMurgVil dθ enAmuxkat;sgxag dx . ebI W Cakmμnþ virtual xageRkAEdlekIteLIgedaysarkMlaMg e virtual Ékta (1kN ) ehIyeFVIeGaymanbMlas;TI δ Rtg;cMnuc C eK)an³ C We = 1.δ C Fatu differential énb:Utg;Esülxagkñúg dW EdlrkSaTukenAxagkñúgPaKkMNat;GnnþtUc i dx RtUv)an begáIteLIgedaym:Um:g; virtual m EdleFVIeGaymuxkat;vil)anmMu dθ . dWi = m.dθ EteyIgman dθ = EI dx M m.M ⇒ dWi = dx EI b¤Wi = ∫ L m.M 0 EI dx tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl We = Wi PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 122
  • 6. T.Chhay L m.M ⇒ δC = ∫ dx 0 EI K> krNIFñwm ¬mMurgVil¦ eFVIdUcKñakrNIxagelIEdr EteKRtUvdak;m:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) CMnYseGaykMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) vij. eKrkm:Um:g;Bt; virtual m' . bnÞab;mkeKdak;kMlaMgxageRkATaMgGs;mkelIFñwm rYcehIyeKrkm:Um:g; BitmkelI dx . ebI W Cakmμnþ virtual xageRkAEdlekIteLIgedaysarm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) ehIyeFVI e eGaymanmMurgVil θ Rtg;cMnuc C eK)an³ C We = 1.θ C Fatu differential énb:Utg;Esülxagkñúg dW EdlrkSaTukenAxagkñúgPaKkMNat;GnnþtUc i dx RtUv)an begáIteLIgedaym:Um:g; virtual m' EdleFVIeGaymuxkat;vil)anmMu dθ . dWi = m'.dθ EteyIgman dθ = EI dx M m'.M ⇒ dWi = dx EI b¤Wi = ∫ 0 L m'.M EI dx tameKalkarN_rkSafamBl We = Wi L m'.M ⇒ θC = ∫ dx 0 EI ]TahrN_³ eKeGayFñwmsamBaØrgbnÞúkBRgayesμI w = 20 kN m C w=20kN m nig EI = 40000kN.m . rkPaBdabenAkNþalElVg Δ A 2 C B 4m 4m nigmMurgVilenATMr A θ . A dMeNaHRsay³ - rkPaBdabenAkNþalElVg Δ C 1kN CMnYskMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc C A 4m C 4m B rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA C x ⇒m= 2 smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA C w.L.x w.x 2 ⇒M = − 2 2 2 w.L.x w.x 3 ⇒ m.M = − 4 4 PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 123
  • 7. T.Chhay rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI B eTA C x ⇒m= 2 smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI B eTA C w.L.x w.x 2 ⇒M = − 2 2 2 w.L.x w.x 3 ⇒ m.M = − 4 4 plKuNm:Um:g; sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI A eTA B w.L.x 2 w.x 3 ⇒ m.M = − 2 2 2 w.x 3 1 dUcenH 0 4 w.L.x ΔC = ∫ ( 2 − 2 EI ) dx 4 4 w.L.x 3 wx 4 1 ⇒ ΔC = ( − ) 6 0 8 0 EI 20 × 8 × 4 3 20 × 4 4 1 ⇒ ΔC = ( − ) = 26.7 mm ↓ 6 8 40000 - rkmMurgVilenATMr A θ A A B CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) Rtg;cMnuc A 8m rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI A eTA B x ⇒ m' = L smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI A eTA B w.L.x w.x 2 ⇒M = − 2 2 2 w.x w.x 3 ⇒ m'.M = − 2 16 2 w.x 3 1 dUcenH 8 w.x θA = ∫ ( 0 2 − ) 16 EI dx 8 8 w.x 3 wx 4 1 ⇒θA = ( − ) 6 0 64 0 EI ⇒ θ A = 0.01067 rad ]TahrN_³ eKeGayFñwmTMrbgáb;rgkMlaMgcMcMnucRtg;cug 30kN r)ar edayman EI = 30000kN .m . kMNt;PaBdab nigmMu 2 A 4m B rgVilRtg;cugr)ar. dMeNaHRsay³ PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 124
  • 8. T.Chhay - rkPaBdabenAcugr)ar δ A 1kN CMnYskMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc A A B 4m rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B ⇒ m = −x smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B ⇒ M = −30.x ⇒ m.M = 30 x 2 dUcenH δ = ∫ (30 x ) EI dx A 0 4 1 2 4 30 x 3 1 ⇒δA = ( ) 3 0 EI 1 ⇒ δ A = (10 × 4 3 ) = 21.3mm ↓ 30000 - rkmMurgVilenAcugr)ar θ A 1kN.m A B CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) Rtg;cMnuc A 4m rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B ⇒ m' = −1 smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 4m BI A eTA B ⇒ M = −30 x ⇒ m'.M = 30 x dUcenH θ = ∫ (30 x) EI dx A 0 4 1 4 30 x 2 1 ⇒θA = ( ) 2 0 EI ⇒ θ A = 0.008rad ]TahrN_³ eKeGayFñwmTMrsamBaØrgkMlaMgBRgayesμI w = 20 . kN m w=20kN FñwmenHman E = 200 nig I = 200 ×10 mm . kN mm 2 6 4 m C kMNt;PaBdabRtg;cMnuc C / mMurgVilRtg;cMnuc C nig A . A B 3m 8m dMeNaHRsay³ - rkPaBdabRtg;cMnuc C δ C 1kN CMnYskMlaMg virtual Ékta (1kN ) Rtg;cMnuc C C A B 3m 8m rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 125
  • 9. T.Chhay ⇒ m = −x smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A 20 2 ⇒M =− .x = −10 x 2 2 ⇒ m.M = 10 x 3 rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMg virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A ⇒ m = −0.375 x smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A 20 2 ⇒ M = 68.75 x − .x = −10 x 2 + 68.75 x 2 ⇒ m.M = 3.75 x 3 − 25.78 x 2 dUcenHδC = ∫ 0 L m.M EI dx 3 3 10 x 8 3.75 8 25.78 ⇒ δC = ∫ dx + ∫ x 3 dx − ∫ x 2 dx 0 EI 0 EI 0 EI 1 ⎛ 10 x 4 25.78 x 3 ⎞ 4 8 8 ⎜ 3.75 x 4 ⎟ ⇒ δC = + − EI ⎜ 4 0 4 0 3 ⎟ ⎝ 0⎠ ⇒ δ C = 8.94mm ↑ - rkmMurgVilRtg;cMnuc C θ C 1kN.m CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN .m) Rtg;cMnuc C C A B 3m 8m rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A ⇒ m' = −1 smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A ⇒ M = −10 x 2 ⇒ m'.M = 10 x 2 rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A ⇒ m' = −0.125 x smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A ⇒ M = −10 x 2 + 68.75 x ⇒ m'.M = 1.25 x 3 − 8.59 x 2 dUcenHθC = ∫ 0 L m'.M EI dx PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 126
  • 10. T.Chhay 1 3 8 8 ⇒ θC = ( ∫ 10 x 2 dx + ∫ 1.25 x 3 dx − ∫ 8.59 x 2 dx) EI 0 0 0 3 8 8 1 10 x 3 1.25 4 8.59 3 ⇒ θC = ( + x − x EI 3 0 4 0 3 0 ⇒ θ C = −0.0024 rad - rkmMurgVilRtg;cMnuc C θ A 1kN.m CMnYsm:Um:g; virtual Ékta (1kN.m) Rtg;cMnuc A C 3m A 8m B rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A ⇒ m'= 0 smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 3m BI C eTA A ⇒ M = −10 x 2 ⇒ m'.M = 0 rksmIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIm:Um:g; virtual sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A ⇒ m' = −0.125 x smIkarm:Um:g;EdlekItBIkMlaMgBit sMrab; 0 ≤ x ≤ 8m BI B eTA A ⇒ M = −10 x 2 + 68.75 x ⇒ m'.M = 1.25 x 3 − 8.59 x 2 dUcenHθA = ∫ 0 L m'.M EI dx 1 8 8 ⇒θA = ( ∫ 1.25 x 3 dx − ∫ 8.59 x 2 dx) EI 0 0 8 8 1 1.25 4 8.59 3 ⇒θA = ( x − x ) EI 4 0 3 0 ⇒ θ A = −0.00465rad PaBdabrbs;Fñwm edayviFIfamBl 127