agile lean leadership scrum change lean startup agile software development enterprise management user story creativity psychology design patterns vision requirements cynefin human innovation organization change management lean change business user experience mvc dad scaling safe mapping xp extreme programming epics teams kanban prinicples manifesto music productivity client cognitive bias user journeys communication ethics production product chaos complexity pitfalls myths project management software testing risk management software development organizations sociology positive psychology positive ideas methosdology zen system thinking programming governance human side of agile modern agile people business agility transition minimal viable change experiment pocamp16 collaboration strategy team #abd16 impact mapping product ownership impact map chorale music and video talk tao tranistion leffingwell schwaber larmann less cif integration tier data transfer object (dto) store business object (bo) business tier domain web service broker business object data access object (dao) service locator application service java enterprise patters ddd dto ejb dimensional mapping defer commitment brainstorming real options agility path object oriented software design business canvas @iad13 lean modeling portfolio splitting themes workshop principles values practices acceptance criteria agile estimation validation product backlog theme #bsw11 @fabioarmani agile kanban #scrumban #xp2009 @fabioarmani jura adoption agile contracts lean manufacturing #iad12 skillsoft #bsw12 @fabioarmani #liftoff projects agile lean #bdd @fabioarmani agile lean #xp2012 @fabioarmani @fabioarmani #xp2012 #bsw12 @fabioarmani #leanux coaching soft-skills mentoring plugin
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