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Scott Miao
 Course Credit
 Performance Tuning
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 Cluster Administration
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 Show up, 30 scores
 Ask question, each question earns 5 scores
 Hands-on, 40 scores
 70 scores will pass this course
 Each course credit will be calculated once for each
course finished
 The course credit will be sent to you and your
supervisor by mail
 Garbage Collection Tuning
 Compression
 Optimizing Splits and Compactions
 Load Balancing
 Merging Regions
 Client API: Best Practices
 Configuration
 Load Tests
 The process to rewrite the heap generation in
question is called a garbage collection (GC)
 GC parameters only need to be added to the region
 JRE comes with basic assumptions
 Regarding what your programs are doing, how they
create objects, how they allocate the heap to handle
data, and so on
 These assumptions work well in a lot of cases
 But NOT work well for HBase…
 Especially write-heavy ones
 It cannot safely rely on the JRE assumption alone 5
 Memstore flushes the data by the configured minimum
flush size, hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size
 It leaves different size of holes in the heap
 Data resided in different locations in the generational
architecture of the Java heap
 Depending on how long the data was in memory
 Young generation (new generation)
 The space can be reclaimed quickly and no harm is done
 Old generation (tenured generation)
 Data promoted to this location if it stays in memory for a longer
period of time
 Reuse the holes created by data that has been written
to disk
 Requests a size of heap that does not fit into one of
those holes
 Needs to compact the fragmented heap
 Young to Old
 The promotion of longer-living objects from the young to the old
 Old to Stop-The-World
 There is no longer enough space for a young allocation caused by
the fragmentation
 Falls back to the stop-the-world garbage collector
 Rewrites the entire heap space and compacts it to the remaining
active objects
 If this fails, you will see a promotion failure in your
garbage collection logs
What is the Heap looks like ?
 Young generation
 is between 128 MB and 512 MB
 Old generation
 holds the remaining available heap, which is usually
many gigabytes of memory
 Using 128 MB is a good starting point
 Further observation of the JVM metrics should be
 Specify the young generation size like so
 -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:NewSize=128m
 One convenient option
 -Xmn128m
 GC Options setting for HBase
 Adding them in the configuration file
 HBASE_OPTS variable for all HBase
 HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS variable for all region
 Enable the JRE’s log output for garbage collection
 Monitor it for occurrences of
 "concurrent mode failure" or "promotion
failed" messages 12
-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps 
 Recommended value for young generation
 -XX:+UseParNewGC
 Use the Parallel New Collector
 It stops the entire Java process to clean up the young
generation heap
 Since Young generation’s size is small in comparison
 Usually less than a few hundred milliseconds
 Recommended value for old generation
 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 Use the Concurrent Mark-Sweep Collector (CMS)
 It tries to do as much work concurrently as
possible, without stopping the Java process
 It takes extra effort and an increased CPU load
 Avoids the required stops to rewrite a fragmented old
generation heap
 If you hit the promotion error
 It falls back to stop-the-world again
 A switch for CMS
 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70
 A percentage that specifies when the background
process starts
 Avoids the concurrent mode failure
 The background process to mark and sweep the heap for
collection is still running when the heap runs out of usable
 Falls back to stop-the-world again
 Initiating occupancy fraction to 70%
 20% block cache + 40% memstore limits = 60%, by default
 Starts the background process at appropriate time
 Early enough, and not too early 15
 Recommended GC options
 The Alex Su’s GC options
 GC Options Reference
"-Xmx8g -Xms8g -Xmn128m -XX:+UseParNewGC 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -verbose:gc 
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps 
-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps 
-Xloggc:<%= hbase_log_path %>/hbase-regionserver-gc-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`.log 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled 
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -XX:PrintFLSStatistics=1 
-XX:HeapDumpPath=<%= hbase_log_path %>/hbase-regionserver.hprof
 For solving the stop-the-world issue
 Stop-the-world
 The key to reducing these compacting collections is to
reduce fragmentation
 Only objects of exactly the same size should be
allocated from the heap
 Subsequent allocations of new objects of the exact same size
will always reuse these holes
 No promotion error, and therefore no stop-the-world
compacting collection is required
 Are buffers of fixed sizes containing KeyValue
instances of varying sizes
1. A buffer cannot completely fit a newly added
KeyValue, it is considered full
2. And a new buffer is created, once again of the given
fixed size
 Enabled by default in version 0.92
 Disabled in version 0.90 of HBase
 hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.enabled property
 It is recommended that test your setup with this
feature 18
 The size of each allocated, fixed-sized buffer
 hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.chunksize property
 Default is 2 MB
 Based on your KeyValue instances, you may have to adjust
this value
 E.g., 100 KB in size, you need to increase the MSLAB size to fit
more than just a few cells
 An upper boundary of what is stored in the buffers
 hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.max.allocation property
 Default 256 KB
 Any cell (KeyValue) that is larger will be directly allocated in
the Java heap 19
 MSLAB do not come without a cost
 More wasteful in regard to heap usage
 Most likely not fill every buffer to the last byte
 A Tradeoff
 Use MSLABs and benefit from better garbage collection but
incur the extra space that is required
 NOT use MSLABs and benefit from better memory
efficiency but deal with the problem caused by garbage
collection pauses
 Could plan to restart the servers every few days, or weeks, before
the pause happens
 The buffers require an additional byte array copy
operation, therefore slightly slower
 Measure the impact on your workload
 A number of compression algorithms that can be
enabled at the column family level
 It is recommended
 Enable compression unless you have a reason not to do
 For example, when using already compressed content, such
as JPEG images
 Compression usually will yield overall better
 The overhead of the CPU performing the compression
/de-compression is less than what is required to read
more data from disk
 It is recommended
 Snappy/Zippy (in Bigtable)
 Released by Google under the BSD License
 Ships with the required JNI libraries to be able to use it in HBase-0.92
 Must install the native binary library on all region servers
 LZO (Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer)
 A lossless data compression algorithm that is focused on
decompression speed, and written in ANSI C
 HBase cannot ship with LZO because of licensing issues
 incompatible GNU General Public License (GPL)
 LZO installation needs to be performed separately, after HBase has
been installed
 Use command
 hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CompressionTest
<path> <none|gz|lzo|snappy>
 Example
 ./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CompressionTest 
/user/larsgeorge/test.gz gz
 It will return result based on the test
 If success
 If failed
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: 
 A fast failing setup notices the missing libraries
 Instead of running into issues later
 For example, check the Snappy and LZO
compression libraries
 The server will abort at startup with an IOException
 "Compression codec <codec-name> not
supported, aborting RS construction"
 Copy the changed configuration file to all region
servers and to restart them afterward
 Install the JNI libraries
 Install native compression libraries
 Specifying the chosen algorithm in the column family schema
 In HBase shell
 create 'testtable', { NAME => 'colfam1', COMPRESSION => 'GZ' }
 In API
 HColumnDescriptor.setCompressionType(…)
 Refer to ppt#003, p#11
 Grow your regions roughly at the same rate
 Eventually they all need to be split at about the
same time
 A large spike in disk I/O because of the required
compactions to rewrite the split region
 Refer to ppt#004, p#13
 you can turn it off and manually invoke the split and
major_compact commands
 Setting Region Maximum File Size
 hbase.hregion.max.filesize property for the entire cluster
 table level by API
 HTableDescriptor.setMaxFileSize(…)
 Refer to ppt#003, p#7
 To a very high number
 Better to set this value to a reasonable upper boundary
 Such as 100GB
 Long.MAX_VALUE is not recommended in case the manual
splits fail to run
 Then you can time-control them
 Running them staggered across all regions
 Spreads the I/O load as much as possible, avoiding any
split/compaction storm
 Use HBase shell + cron
 Or write your own codes with HBase Admin API supports
 Refer to #003, p#21
 RegionSplitter Class (added in version 0.90.2)
 Another way to split existing regions
 Rolling split feature
 Split the existing regions while waiting long enough for the
involved compactions to complete
 API docs
 An additional advantage
 Have better control over which regions are available at
any time
 In rare case, you need to do very low-level debugging
 With automated splits, it is hard to debug !!
 Due to this region is split to two daughter regions
 You may be dealing with a write pattern that is causing a
specific region to run hot
 Use Region Server Metrics to observe
 Refer to ppt#005, p#12
 Key design approaches
 Salt keys, random keys, etc
 Refer to ppt#004, p#52
 Other only way to alleviate this situation
 Manually split a hot region into one or more new regions, at
exact boundaries
 You can specify any row key within specific region
 Be able to generate halves that are completely different in size
 Refer ppt#003, p#21
 This can not dealing with completely sequential key ranges
 Those are always going to hit one region for a considerable amount
of time
 Manage splits manually is useful
 Therefore start with a larger number of regions right from
the table creation
 Means to create a table with the required number of
 Three ways…
 HBase shell
 create, refer to ppt#003, p#37
 HBaseAdmin.createTable(…), refer to ppt#003, p#16
 RegionSplitter Class
 By default, MD5StringSplit class to partition the row keys into
 Use -D split.algorithm=<your-algorithm-class> for other
/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionSplitter
usage: RegionSplitter <TABLE>
 RegionSplitter with MD5StringSplit sample
 How many presplit regions ?
 Start low with 10 presplit regions per server and watch as data
grows over time
 It is better to err on the side of too few regions and using a
rolling split later
 If Presplit regions to thin
 Increase hbase.hregion.majorcompaction property
 Refet to ppt#004, p# 19
 If data size grows too large
 Use the RegionSplitter utility to perform a rolling split of all
 The main objective is to avoid split/compaction storm
 The master has a built-in feature
 Called the balancer
 By default, runs every five minutes
 hbase.balancer.period property
 Attempts to equal out the number of assigned
regions per region server
 Within one region of the average number per server
 Determines a new assignment plan
 Describes which regions should be moved where starts
the process of moving the regions by calling the
unassign() method
 Refer to ppt#003, p#22 33
 balancer has an upper limit on how long it is allowed to
 hbase.balancer.max.balancing property
 defaults to half of the balancer period value
 2.5 mins
 The balancer switch
 Toggle the balancer status between enabled and disabled
 HBase shell
 balance_switch command, refer to ppt#003, p#39
 balanceSwitch() API method, refer to ppt#003, p#22
 Can be explicitly started
 HBase shell
 balancer command, refer to ppt#003, p#39
 balancer() API method, refer to ppt#003, p#22
 Return true
 Any work has be done
 Return false
 balancer was switched off
 No work to be done
 balancer was not able to run the balancer
 There is a region currently in transition, the balancer will be
 Can also use the move
 To assign regions to other servers
 HBase shell
 move command, refer to ppt#003, p#39
 move() API method, refer to ppt#003, p#22
 Sometimes you may need to merge regions
 For example, after you have removed a large amount of
data and you want to reduce the number of regions
hosted by each server
 HBase allows you to merge two adjacent regions
 The HBase cluster must be offline, but HDFS
/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Merge
Usage: bin/hbase merge <table-name> <region-1> <region-2>
 Disable auto-flush
 When performing a lot of put operations
 Refer to ppt#002, p#9
 Use scanner-caching
 Set Scan.setCaching() method to something greater than the
default of 1 if needed
 Refer to ppt#002, p#26
 Limit scan scope
 If only a small number of the available columns are to be
processed, only those should be specified in the input scan
 For example, use Scan.addFamily() method
 Refer to ppt#002, p#24 38
 Close ResultScanners
 Avoiding performance problems
 This may cause problems on the region servers
 Refer to ppt#002, p#25
 Block cache usage
 Scan instances can be set to use the block cache in the
region server via the setCacheBlocks() method
 true by default, default settings of the table and family
are used
 API docs
 Server side block cache settings
 Refer to ppt#003, p#12 39
 Optimal loading of row keys
 When performing a table scan where only the row keys
are needed
 a FilterList with a MUST_PASS_ALL operator +
FirstKeyOnlyFilter + KeyOnlyFilter
 Refer to ppt#002, p#43 & 46
 Turn off WAL on Puts
 Increasing throughput on Puts is to call
writeToWAL(false), there might be data loss
 Consider to use the bulk loading techniques instead
 Advanced options you can consider adjusting
based on your use case
 Most properties are configured in hbase-site.xml
 Others are in
 Decrease ZooKeeper timeout
 The default timeout between a region server and the
ZooKeeper quorum is three minutes
 Tune the timeout down to a minute, or even less, so the
master notices failures sooner
 zookeeper.session.timeout property
 Be careful of ―Juliet Pause‖ 41
 Increase handlers
 The number of threads that are kept open to answer
incoming requests to user tables
 By default is 10
 hbase.regionserver.handler.count property
 Keep this number low when the payload per request
approaches megabytes
 And high when the payload is small
 Increase heap settings
 HBASE_HEAPSIZE setting in file
instead of changing the global HBASE_HEAP SIZE
 Region servers may need more memory than Master
 Enable data compression
 Should enable compression for the storage files
 In most cases, boosts performance
 Increase region size
 Consider going to larger regions to cut down on the total
number of regions on your cluster
 Fewer regions to manage makes for a smoother-running
 Adjust block cache size
 The amount of heap used for the block cache is specified as a
 Defaults to 20%
 perf.hfile.block.cache.size property
 It is good if you have mainly reading workloads
 Adjust memstore limits
 Memstore heap usage
 property
 Defaults to 40%
 property
 Defaults to 35%
 Control the amount of flushing that will take place once the server is
required to free heap space
 Mainly read-oriented workloads
 Consider reducing both limits to make more room for the block cache
 Handling many writes
 Increase the memstore limits to reduce the excessive amount of I/O
this causes 44
 Increase blocking store files
 The region servers block further updates from clients to
give compactions time to reduce the number of files
 Default is seven files
 hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles property
 Increase block multiplier
 A safety latch that blocks any further updates from clients
when the memstores exceed the multiplier * flush size limit
 hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier property
 Default to 2
 If you have enough memory, can increase this value to
handle spikes more gracefully
 Refer to ppt#003, p#8 45
 Decrease maximum logfiles
 How often flushes occur based on the number of WAL
files on disk
 Default is 32
 hbase.regionserver.maxlogs property
 Can be high in a write-heavy use case
 Lower it to force the servers to flush data more often to
 It is advisable to run performance tests to verify
functionality of your cluster
 These tests give you a baseline which you can refer
 After making changes to the configuration of the cluster
 Or the schemas of your tables
 Doing a burn-in of your cluster
 Show you how much you can gain from it
 But this does not replace a test with the load as
expected from your use case
 HBase ships with its own tool to execute a
performance evaluation
 Performance Evaluation (PE)
 Wiki
/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation
Usage: java org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation 
[--miniCluster] [--nomapred] [--rows=ROWS] <command> <nclients>
 Example
/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation sequentialWrite 1
11/07/03 13:18:34 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: Start class 
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation$SequentialWriteTest at 
offset 0 for 1048576 rows
11/07/03 13:18:41 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: 0/104857/1048576
11/07/03 13:18:45 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: 0/209714/1048576
11/07/03 13:20:03 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: 0/1048570/1048576
11/07/03 13:20:03 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: Finished class 
in 89062ms at offset 0 for 1048576 rows
 Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark* (YCSB)
 It is a suite of tools that can be used to run comparable
workloads against different storage systems
 Also a reasonable tool for performing an HBase cluster burn-
in—or performance test
 Using YCSB is preferred over the HBase-supplied
Performance Evaluation
 Offers more options
 Can combine read and write workloads
 Home page
 Use HBase shell
 create “usertable”, “family”
 git pull
 cd ${GIT_HOME}/hbase-training/006/ycsb
 Run command
 Then you can see performance metrics in ycsb-
laod.log file
java -cp "${HBASE_CONF_DIR}:core-0.1.4.jar:hbase-binding-0.1.4.jar" -load -db -P
workloads/workloada -p columnfamily=family -p recordcount=1000 -s > ycsb-
 Operational Tasks
 Node Decommission
 Rolling Restarts
 Adding Backup
 Adding a Region
 Data Task
 Export
 Import
 CopyTable Tool
 Bulk Import
 Troubleshooting
 HBase Fsck
 Analyzing the Logs
 Use following script
 In normal HBase distribution
 In tm distribution
 Disable the Load Balancer before
Decommissioning a node
 In hbase shell
 balance_switch false
 Regions could be offline for a good period of time
 Many regions on the server
 All regions close
 The master notices the region server’s ZooKeeper
znode being removed
${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ stop regionserver
${TM_PUPPET_HOME}/bin/services/ [<host> ...]
 Stop a region server gradually
 A node to gradually shed its load and then shut itself
 From HBASE 0.90.2
 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/
 Example
 Check the HOSTNAME on your HBase master UI
 Refer to ppt#003, p#41
 IP address is NOT supported at present
 Also use
 Steps as follows
1. Ensure the cluster is consistent
 Fix it if inconsistent
2. Restart the master
3. Disable the region balancer
4. Run the script per region server
5. Restart the master again
 Clear out the dead servers list and reenable the balancer
6. Run hbck to ensure the cluster is consistent
hbase hbck
hbase hbck -fix
${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ stop master; 
${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start master
echo "balance_switch false" | ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell
for i in `cat conf/regionservers|sort`; do ./bin/ 
--restart --reload --debug $i; done &> /tmp/log.txt &
 To prevent the Single Point of Failure
 The machine currently hosting the active master is
failing, the system can fall back to a backup master
 Underlying operations
1. A dedicated ZooKeeper znode /hbase/master
2. All master processes will race to create, and the first
one to create it wins (become currently master)
 It happens at startup
3. All other master processes simply loop around the
znode check and wait for it to disappear
 Triggering the race again 56
 How to start multiple backup master processes
 Use original way to start a master process
 In tm distribution
 Specifically start a backup master process
${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start master
${TM_PUPPET_HOME}/bin/services/ [<host> ...]
${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start master --backup
 In normal HBase distribution
 Edit the ${HBASE_HOME}/conf/regionservers
 To add newly added region server’s host name
 Two scripts can use…
 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/
 It will bypass the original existing region servers, and start
the newly added region server referred to regionservers file
 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start regionserver
 Must executing on the newly added region server
 In tm distribution
 New feature, not talk about this here
 You may be required to move the data as a whole
or in parts
 Archive data for backup purposes
 To bootstrap another cluster
hadoop jar ${HBASE_HOME}/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
An example program must be given as the first argument.
Valid program names are:
completebulkload: Complete a bulk data load.
copytable: Export a table from local cluster to peer cluster
export: Write table data to HDFS.
import: Import data written by Export.
importtsv: Import data in TSV format.
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar export
Usage: Export [-D <property=value>]* <tablename> <outputdir> 
[<versions> [<starttime> [<endtime>]]
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar export 
testtable /user/larsgeorge/backup-testtable
11/06/25 15:58:29 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201106251558_0001
11/06/25 15:58:30 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0%
11/06/25 15:59:40 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 0%
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201106251558_0001
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 6
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job Counters
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Rack-local map tasks=32
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Launched map tasks=32
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: FileSystemCounters
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN=3648
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map-Reduce Framework
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map input records=0
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=0
11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map output records=0
 Each part-m-nnnnn file contains a piece of the
exported data
 Together they form the full backup of the table
 Use the hadoop distcp command to move the
directory from one cluster to another, and perform
the import there 62
hadoop dfs -lsr /user/larsgeorge/backup-testtable
drwxr-xr-x - ... 0 2011-06-25 15:58 _logs
-rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:58 part-m-00000
-rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:58 part-m-00001
-rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:59 part-m-00030
-rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:59 part-m-00031
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar import
Usage: Import <tablename> <inputdir>
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar import 
testtable /user/larsgeorge/backup-testtable
11/06/25 17:09:48 INFO mapreduce.TableOutputFormat: Created table instance 
for testtable
11/06/25 17:09:48 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 32
11/06/25 17:09:49 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201106251558_0003
11/06/25 17:09:50 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0%
11/06/25 17:10:04 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 6% reduce 0%
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job Counters
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Launched map tasks=32
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Data-local map tasks=32
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: FileSystemCounters
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: HDFS_BYTES_READ=3648
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map-Reduce Framework
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map input records=0
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=0
11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map output records=0
 Use the Import job to store the data in a different
 With the same schema
 Both export/import commend are per-table only
 Use hadoop distcp command to copy the entire
/hbase in HDFS
 Not recommended
 May copy store files that are halfway through a
memstore flush operation
 Designed to bootstrap cluster replication
 Make a copy of an existing table from the master
cluster to the slave cluster
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar copytable
Usage: CopyTable [--rs.class=CLASS] [--rs.impl=IMPL] [--starttime=X]
[--endtime=Y] [] [--peer.adr=ADR] <tablename>
 The copy of the table is stored on the same cluster
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar copytable testtable
11/06/26 15:20:07 INFO mapreduce.TableOutputFormat: 
Created table instance for testtable3
11/06/26 15:20:07 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201106261454_0003
11/06/26 15:20:08 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0%
11/06/26 15:20:19 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 6% reduce 0%
11/06/26 15:21:04 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 0%
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201106261454_0003
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 5
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job Counters
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Launched map tasks=32
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Data-local map tasks=32
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map-Reduce Framework
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map input records=0
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=0
11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map output records=0
 Importtsv tool
 Given files containing data in tab-separated value (TSV)
 By default , it uses the HBase put() API to insert data
into HBase one row at a time
 By setting importtsv.bulk.output option, generate files
using HFileOutputFormat
 These can subsequently be bulk-loaded into HBase by
completebulkload Tool
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar importtsv
Usage: importtsv -Dimporttsv.columns=a,b,c <tablename> <inputdir>
 completebulkload Tool
 Is used to import the data into the running cluster
 After a data import has been prepared
 By using the importtsv tool with the importtsv.bulk.output
 By some other MapReduce job using the
hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar completebulkload 
-conf ~/my-hbase-site.xml /user/larsgeorge/myoutput mytable
 Shell Command
 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck
 Once started
 Scans the .META. table to gather all the pertinent information
it holds
 Scans the HDFS root directory HBase is configured to use
 Compare the collected details to report on inconsistencies
and integrity issues
 Consistency check
 Whether the region is listed in .META. and exists in HDFS
 Is also assigned to exactly one region server
 Integrity check
 Compares the regions with the table details to find missing
 Those that have holes or overlaps in their row key ranges 69
${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck -h
Usage: fsck [opts]
where [opts] are:
-details Display full report of all regions.
-timelag {timeInSeconds} Process only regions that have not experienced
any metadata updates in the last {{timeInSeconds} seconds.
-fix Try to fix some of the errors.
-sleepBeforeRerun {timeInSeconds} Sleep this many seconds before checking
if the fix worked if run with -fix
-summary Print only summary of the tables and status.
 No option at all invokes the normal output detail
${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck
Number of Tables: 40
Number of live region servers: 19
Number of dead region servers: 0
Number of empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows in .META.: 0
testtable2 is okay.
Number of regions: 1
Deployed on:
0 inconsistencies detected.
Status: OK
 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck -fix
 Repairs following issues
 Assign .META. to a single new server if it is unassigned
 Reassign .META. to a single new server if it is assigned to
multiple servers
 Assign a user table region to a new server if it is unassigned
 Reassign a user table region to a single new server if it is
assigned to multiple servers
 Reassign a user table region to a new server if the current
server does not match
 what the .META. table refers to
 hbck reports inconsistencies which are temporal, or
transitional only
 Rerun the tool a few times to confirm a permanent problem
Server type Default Logfile tm settings
HBase Master
ZooKeeper Console log output only
 Is useful to begin with the master logfile first
 It acts as the coordinator service of the entire cluster
 Find the processes began logging ERROR level
 Be able to identify the root cause
 A lot of subsequent messages are often side-effect of the
original problem
 Recommend to use the error log event metric under
System Event Metrics group
 Gives you a graph showing you where the server(s)
started logging an increasing number of error messages
in the logfiles
 If find an error message
 Google it !!
 Use the online resources to search for the message in
the public mailing lists
 Search Hadoop
 New VM list
 Due to VMs are not affordable at present :p
 ${YOUR_HOME}=${GIT_HOME}/hbase-
 mkdir ${YOUR_HOME}
 cd ${YOUR_HOME}; cp -rf ../../ycsb/* .
 Use HBase shell
 create <YOUR_NAMED_TABLE>, “family”
 Run YCSB with 5000 record count
 And ouput ycsb-load.log file
 Hands-on result
 Put the ycsb-load.log file under ${YOUR_HOME}

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PT&CA-Performance Tuning & Cluster Administration

  • 2. AGENDA  Course Credit  Performance Tuning  More…  Cluster Administration  More… 2
  • 3. COURSE CREDIT  Show up, 30 scores  Ask question, each question earns 5 scores  Hands-on, 40 scores  70 scores will pass this course  Each course credit will be calculated once for each course finished  The course credit will be sent to you and your supervisor by mail 3
  • 4. PERFORMANCE TUNING  Garbage Collection Tuning  MSLAB  Compression  Optimizing Splits and Compactions  Load Balancing  Merging Regions  Client API: Best Practices  Configuration  Load Tests 4
  • 5. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING  The process to rewrite the heap generation in question is called a garbage collection (GC)  GC parameters only need to be added to the region servers  JRE comes with basic assumptions  Regarding what your programs are doing, how they create objects, how they allocate the heap to handle data, and so on  These assumptions work well in a lot of cases  But NOT work well for HBase…  Especially write-heavy ones  It cannot safely rely on the JRE assumption alone 5
  • 7. 7
  • 8. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING – WRITE-HEAVY USE CASES (1/2)  Memstore flushes the data by the configured minimum flush size, hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size  It leaves different size of holes in the heap  Data resided in different locations in the generational architecture of the Java heap  Depending on how long the data was in memory  Young generation (new generation)  The space can be reclaimed quickly and no harm is done  Old generation (tenured generation)  Data promoted to this location if it stays in memory for a longer period of time 8
  • 9. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING – WRITE-HEAVY USE CASES (2/2)  Reuse the holes created by data that has been written to disk  Requests a size of heap that does not fit into one of those holes  Needs to compact the fragmented heap  Young to Old  The promotion of longer-living objects from the young to the old generation  Old to Stop-The-World  There is no longer enough space for a young allocation caused by the fragmentation  Falls back to the stop-the-world garbage collector  Rewrites the entire heap space and compacts it to the remaining active objects  If this fails, you will see a promotion failure in your garbage collection logs 9
  • 10. 10 What is the Heap looks like ?
  • 11. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING – SPECIFY THE YOUNG GENERATION SIZE  Young generation  is between 128 MB and 512 MB  Old generation  holds the remaining available heap, which is usually many gigabytes of memory  Using 128 MB is a good starting point  Further observation of the JVM metrics should be conducted  Specify the young generation size like so  -XX:MaxNewSize=128m -XX:NewSize=128m  One convenient option  -Xmn128m 11
  • 12. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING – GC OPTIONS SETTING  GC Options setting for HBase  Adding them in the configuration file  HBASE_OPTS variable for all HBase  HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS variable for all region servers  Enable the JRE’s log output for garbage collection details  Monitor it for occurrences of  "concurrent mode failure" or "promotion failed" messages 12 -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:$HBASE_HOME/logs/gc-$(hostname)-hbase.log"
  • 13. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING – GC STRATEGY FOR YOUNG GENERATION  Recommended value for young generation  -XX:+UseParNewGC  Use the Parallel New Collector  It stops the entire Java process to clean up the young generation heap  Since Young generation’s size is small in comparison  Usually less than a few hundred milliseconds 13
  • 14. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING – GC STRATEGY FOR OLD GENERATION  Recommended value for old generation  -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC  Use the Concurrent Mark-Sweep Collector (CMS)  It tries to do as much work concurrently as possible, without stopping the Java process  It takes extra effort and an increased CPU load  Avoids the required stops to rewrite a fragmented old generation heap  If you hit the promotion error  It falls back to stop-the-world again 14
  • 15. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING – GC STRATEGY FOR OLD GENERATION  A switch for CMS  -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70  A percentage that specifies when the background process starts  Avoids the concurrent mode failure  The background process to mark and sweep the heap for collection is still running when the heap runs out of usable space  Falls back to stop-the-world again  Initiating occupancy fraction to 70%  20% block cache + 40% memstore limits = 60%, by default  Starts the background process at appropriate time  Early enough, and not too early 15
  • 16. GARBAGE COLLECTION TUNING - SUMMARY  Recommended GC options  The Alex Su’s GC options  GC Options Reference 16 export HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS= "-Xmx8g -Xms8g -Xmn128m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Xloggc:$HBASE_HOME/logs/gc-$(hostname)-hbase.log" -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:<%= hbase_log_path %>/hbase-regionserver-gc-`date +%F-%H-%M-%S`.log -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=70 -XX:PrintFLSStatistics=1 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=<%= hbase_log_path %>/hbase-regionserver.hprof 140102.html
  • 17. MSLAB - QUESTION  For solving the stop-the-world issue  Stop-the-world  The key to reducing these compacting collections is to reduce fragmentation  Only objects of exactly the same size should be allocated from the heap  Subsequent allocations of new objects of the exact same size will always reuse these holes  No promotion error, and therefore no stop-the-world compacting collection is required 17
  • 18. MSLAB – MEMSTORE-LOCAL ALLOCATION BUFFER (1/3)  Are buffers of fixed sizes containing KeyValue instances of varying sizes 1. A buffer cannot completely fit a newly added KeyValue, it is considered full 2. And a new buffer is created, once again of the given fixed size  Enabled by default in version 0.92  Disabled in version 0.90 of HBase  hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.enabled property  It is recommended that test your setup with this feature 18
  • 19. MSLAB – MEMSTORE-LOCAL ALLOCATION BUFFER (2/3)  The size of each allocated, fixed-sized buffer  hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.chunksize property  Default is 2 MB  Based on your KeyValue instances, you may have to adjust this value  E.g., 100 KB in size, you need to increase the MSLAB size to fit more than just a few cells  An upper boundary of what is stored in the buffers  hbase.hregion.memstore.mslab.max.allocation property  Default 256 KB  Any cell (KeyValue) that is larger will be directly allocated in the Java heap 19
  • 20. MSLAB – MEMSTORE-LOCAL ALLOCATION BUFFER (3/3)  MSLAB do not come without a cost  More wasteful in regard to heap usage  Most likely not fill every buffer to the last byte  A Tradeoff  Use MSLABs and benefit from better garbage collection but incur the extra space that is required  NOT use MSLABs and benefit from better memory efficiency but deal with the problem caused by garbage collection pauses  Could plan to restart the servers every few days, or weeks, before the pause happens  The buffers require an additional byte array copy operation, therefore slightly slower  Measure the impact on your workload 20
  • 21. COMPRESSION  A number of compression algorithms that can be enabled at the column family level  It is recommended  Enable compression unless you have a reason not to do so  For example, when using already compressed content, such as JPEG images  Compression usually will yield overall better performance  The overhead of the CPU performing the compression /de-compression is less than what is required to read more data from disk 21
  • 22. COMPRESSION – AVAILABLE CODECS  It is recommended  Snappy/Zippy (in Bigtable)  Released by Google under the BSD License  Ships with the required JNI libraries to be able to use it in HBase-0.92  Must install the native binary library on all region servers  LZO (Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer)  A lossless data compression algorithm that is focused on decompression speed, and written in ANSI C  HBase cannot ship with LZO because of licensing issues  incompatible GNU General Public License (GPL)  LZO installation needs to be performed separately, after HBase has been installed 22
  • 23. COMPRESSION – COMPRESSION TEST TOOL  Use command  hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CompressionTest <path> <none|gz|lzo|snappy>  Example  ./bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CompressionTest /user/larsgeorge/test.gz gz  It will return result based on the test  If success  If failed 23 … SUCCESS Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec …
  • 24. COMPRESSION – STARTUP CHECK  A fast failing setup notices the missing libraries  Instead of running into issues later  For example, check the Snappy and LZO compression libraries  The server will abort at startup with an IOException stating  "Compression codec <codec-name> not supported, aborting RS construction"  Copy the changed configuration file to all region servers and to restart them afterward 24 <property> <name>hbase.regionserver.codecs</name> <value>snappy,lzo</value> </property>
  • 25. COMPRESSION – ENABLING COMPRESSION  Install the JNI libraries  Install native compression libraries  Specifying the chosen algorithm in the column family schema  In HBase shell  create 'testtable', { NAME => 'colfam1', COMPRESSION => 'GZ' }  In API  HColumnDescriptor.setCompressionType(…)  Refer to ppt#003, p#11 25
  • 26. OPTIMIZING SPLITS AND COMPACTIONS - SPLIT/COMPACTION STORMS  Grow your regions roughly at the same rate  Eventually they all need to be split at about the same time  A large spike in disk I/O because of the required compactions to rewrite the split region  Refer to ppt#004, p#13 26
  • 27. OPTIMIZING SPLITS AND COMPACTIONS – MANAGED SPLITTING (1/2)  you can turn it off and manually invoke the split and major_compact commands  Setting Region Maximum File Size  hbase.hregion.max.filesize property for the entire cluster  table level by API  HTableDescriptor.setMaxFileSize(…)  Refer to ppt#003, p#7  To a very high number  Better to set this value to a reasonable upper boundary  Such as 100GB  Long.MAX_VALUE is not recommended in case the manual splits fail to run  Then you can time-control them  Running them staggered across all regions  Spreads the I/O load as much as possible, avoiding any split/compaction storm  Use HBase shell + cron  Or write your own codes with HBase Admin API supports  Refer to #003, p#21 27
  • 28. OPTIMIZING SPLITS AND COMPACTIONS – MANAGED SPLITTING (2/2)  RegionSplitter Class (added in version 0.90.2)  Another way to split existing regions  Rolling split feature  Split the existing regions while waiting long enough for the involved compactions to complete  API docs  An additional advantage  Have better control over which regions are available at any time  In rare case, you need to do very low-level debugging  With automated splits, it is hard to debug !!  Due to this region is split to two daughter regions 28
  • 29. OPTIMIZING SPLITS AND COMPACTIONS – REGION HOTSPOTTING  You may be dealing with a write pattern that is causing a specific region to run hot  Use Region Server Metrics to observe  Refer to ppt#005, p#12  Key design approaches  Salt keys, random keys, etc  Refer to ppt#004, p#52  Other only way to alleviate this situation  Manually split a hot region into one or more new regions, at exact boundaries  You can specify any row key within specific region  Be able to generate halves that are completely different in size  Refer ppt#003, p#21  This can not dealing with completely sequential key ranges  Those are always going to hit one region for a considerable amount of time 29
  • 30. OPTIMIZING SPLITS AND COMPACTIONS – PRESPLITTING REGIONS (1/3)  Manage splits manually is useful  Therefore start with a larger number of regions right from the table creation  Means to create a table with the required number of regions  Three ways…  HBase shell  create, refer to ppt#003, p#37  API  HBaseAdmin.createTable(…), refer to ppt#003, p#16  RegionSplitter Class  By default, MD5StringSplit class to partition the row keys into ranges  Use -D split.algorithm=<your-algorithm-class> for other implementation 30 /bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.RegionSplitter usage: RegionSplitter <TABLE>
  • 31. OPTIMIZING SPLITS AND COMPACTIONS – PRESPLITTING REGIONS (2/3)  RegionSplitter with MD5StringSplit sample 31 testtable,,1309766006467.c0937d09f1da31f2a6c2950537a61093. testtable,0ccccccc,1309766006467.83a0a6a949a6150c5680f39695450d8a. testtable,19999998,1309766006467.1eba79c27eb9d5c2f89c3571f0d87a92. testtable,26666664,1309766006467.7882cd50eb22652849491c08a6180258. testtable,33333330,1309766006467.cef2853e36bd250c1b9324bac03e4bc9. testtable,3ffffffc,1309766006467.00365940761359fee14d41db6a73ffc5.
  • 32. OPTIMIZING SPLITS AND COMPACTIONS – PRESPLITTING REGIONS (3/3)  How many presplit regions ?  Start low with 10 presplit regions per server and watch as data grows over time  It is better to err on the side of too few regions and using a rolling split later  If Presplit regions to thin  Increase hbase.hregion.majorcompaction property  Refet to ppt#004, p# 19  If data size grows too large  Use the RegionSplitter utility to perform a rolling split of all regions  The main objective is to avoid split/compaction storm 32
  • 33. LOAD BALANCING – BALANCER (1/3)  The master has a built-in feature  Called the balancer  By default, runs every five minutes  hbase.balancer.period property  Attempts to equal out the number of assigned regions per region server  Within one region of the average number per server  Determines a new assignment plan  Describes which regions should be moved where starts the process of moving the regions by calling the unassign() method  Refer to ppt#003, p#22 33
  • 34. LOAD BALANCING - BALANCER (2/3)  balancer has an upper limit on how long it is allowed to run  hbase.balancer.max.balancing property  defaults to half of the balancer period value  2.5 mins  The balancer switch  Toggle the balancer status between enabled and disabled  HBase shell  balance_switch command, refer to ppt#003, p#39  balanceSwitch() API method, refer to ppt#003, p#22 34
  • 35. LOAD BALANCING - BALANCER (3/3)  Can be explicitly started  HBase shell  balancer command, refer to ppt#003, p#39  balancer() API method, refer to ppt#003, p#22  Return true  Any work has be done  Return false  balancer was switched off  No work to be done  balancer was not able to run the balancer  There is a region currently in transition, the balancer will be skipped 35
  • 36. LOAD BALANCING - MOVE  Can also use the move  To assign regions to other servers  HBase shell  move command, refer to ppt#003, p#39  move() API method, refer to ppt#003, p#22 36
  • 37. MERGING REGIONS  Sometimes you may need to merge regions  For example, after you have removed a large amount of data and you want to reduce the number of regions hosted by each server  HBase allows you to merge two adjacent regions  The HBase cluster must be offline, but HDFS 37 /bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Merge Usage: bin/hbase merge <table-name> <region-1> <region-2>
  • 38. CLIENT API: BEST PRACTICES (1/3)  Disable auto-flush  When performing a lot of put operations  Refer to ppt#002, p#9  Use scanner-caching  Set Scan.setCaching() method to something greater than the default of 1 if needed  Refer to ppt#002, p#26  Limit scan scope  If only a small number of the available columns are to be processed, only those should be specified in the input scan  For example, use Scan.addFamily() method  Refer to ppt#002, p#24 38
  • 39. CLIENT API: BEST PRACTICES (2/3)  Close ResultScanners  Avoiding performance problems  This may cause problems on the region servers  Refer to ppt#002, p#25  Block cache usage  Scan instances can be set to use the block cache in the region server via the setCacheBlocks() method  true by default, default settings of the table and family are used  API docs  Server side block cache settings  Refer to ppt#003, p#12 39
  • 40. CLIENT API: BEST PRACTICES (3/3)  Optimal loading of row keys  When performing a table scan where only the row keys are needed  a FilterList with a MUST_PASS_ALL operator + FirstKeyOnlyFilter + KeyOnlyFilter  Refer to ppt#002, p#43 & 46  Turn off WAL on Puts  Increasing throughput on Puts is to call writeToWAL(false), there might be data loss  Consider to use the bulk loading techniques instead 40
  • 41. CONFIGURATION (1/6)  Advanced options you can consider adjusting based on your use case  Most properties are configured in hbase-site.xml  Others are in  Decrease ZooKeeper timeout  The default timeout between a region server and the ZooKeeper quorum is three minutes  Tune the timeout down to a minute, or even less, so the master notices failures sooner  zookeeper.session.timeout property  Be careful of ―Juliet Pause‖ 41
  • 42. CONFIGURATION (2/6)  Increase handlers  The number of threads that are kept open to answer incoming requests to user tables  By default is 10  hbase.regionserver.handler.count property  Keep this number low when the payload per request approaches megabytes  And high when the payload is small  Increase heap settings  HBASE_HEAPSIZE setting in file  Consider using HBASE_REGIONSERVER_OPTS instead of changing the global HBASE_HEAP SIZE  Region servers may need more memory than Master 42
  • 43. CONFIGURATION (3/6)  Enable data compression  Should enable compression for the storage files  In most cases, boosts performance  Increase region size  Consider going to larger regions to cut down on the total number of regions on your cluster  Fewer regions to manage makes for a smoother-running cluster 43
  • 44. CONFIGURATION (4/6)  Adjust block cache size  The amount of heap used for the block cache is specified as a percentage  Defaults to 20%  perf.hfile.block.cache.size property  It is good if you have mainly reading workloads  Adjust memstore limits  Memstore heap usage  property  Defaults to 40%  property  Defaults to 35%  Control the amount of flushing that will take place once the server is required to free heap space  Mainly read-oriented workloads  Consider reducing both limits to make more room for the block cache  Handling many writes  Increase the memstore limits to reduce the excessive amount of I/O this causes 44
  • 45. CONFIGURATION (5/6)  Increase blocking store files  The region servers block further updates from clients to give compactions time to reduce the number of files  Default is seven files  hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles property  Increase block multiplier  A safety latch that blocks any further updates from clients when the memstores exceed the multiplier * flush size limit  hbase.hregion.memstore.block.multiplier property  Default to 2  If you have enough memory, can increase this value to handle spikes more gracefully  Refer to ppt#003, p#8 45
  • 46. CONFIGURATION (6/6)  Decrease maximum logfiles  How often flushes occur based on the number of WAL files on disk  Default is 32  hbase.regionserver.maxlogs property  Can be high in a write-heavy use case  Lower it to force the servers to flush data more often to disk 46
  • 47. LOAD TESTS  It is advisable to run performance tests to verify functionality of your cluster  These tests give you a baseline which you can refer to  After making changes to the configuration of the cluster  Or the schemas of your tables  Doing a burn-in of your cluster  Show you how much you can gain from it  But this does not replace a test with the load as expected from your use case 47
  • 48. LOAD TESTS – PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (1/2)  HBase ships with its own tool to execute a performance evaluation  Performance Evaluation (PE)  Wiki  ation 48 /bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation Usage: java org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation [--miniCluster] [--nomapred] [--rows=ROWS] <command> <nclients>
  • 49. LOAD TESTS – PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (2/2)  Example 49 /bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation sequentialWrite 1 11/07/03 13:18:34 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: Start class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation$SequentialWriteTest at offset 0 for 1048576 rows ... 11/07/03 13:18:41 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: 0/104857/1048576 ... 11/07/03 13:18:45 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: 0/209714/1048576 ... 11/07/03 13:20:03 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: 0/1048570/1048576 11/07/03 13:20:03 INFO hbase.PerformanceEvaluation: Finished class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PerformanceEvaluation$SequentialWriteTest in 89062ms at offset 0 for 1048576 rows
  • 50. LOAD TESTS – YCSB (1/2)  Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark* (YCSB)  It is a suite of tools that can be used to run comparable workloads against different storage systems  Also a reasonable tool for performing an HBase cluster burn- in—or performance test  Using YCSB is preferred over the HBase-supplied Performance Evaluation  Offers more options  Can combine read and write workloads  Home page  50
  • 51. LOAD TESTS – YCSB (2/2)  Use HBase shell  create “usertable”, “family”  git pull  cd ${GIT_HOME}/hbase-training/006/ycsb  Run command  Then you can see performance metrics in ycsb- laod.log file 51 java -cp "${HBASE_CONF_DIR}:core-0.1.4.jar:hbase-binding-0.1.4.jar" -load -db -P workloads/workloada -p columnfamily=family -p recordcount=1000 -s > ycsb- load.log
  • 52. CLUSTER ADMINISTRATION 52  Operational Tasks  Node Decommission  Rolling Restarts  Adding Backup Master  Adding a Region Server  Data Task  Export  Import  CopyTable Tool  Bulk Import  Troubleshooting  HBase Fsck  Analyzing the Logs
  • 53. OPERATIONAL TASKS – NODE DECOMMISSION (1/2)  Use following script  In normal HBase distribution  In tm distribution  Disable the Load Balancer before Decommissioning a node  In hbase shell  balance_switch false  Regions could be offline for a good period of time  Many regions on the server  All regions close  The master notices the region server’s ZooKeeper znode being removed 53 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ stop regionserver ${TM_PUPPET_HOME}/bin/services/ [<host> ...]
  • 54. OPERATIONAL TASKS – NODE DECOMMISSION (2/2)  Stop a region server gradually  A node to gradually shed its load and then shut itself down  From HBASE 0.90.2  ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/  Example  Check the HOSTNAME on your HBase master UI  Refer to ppt#003, p#41  IP address is NOT supported at present 54 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ HOSTNAME
  • 55. OPERATIONAL TASKS – ROLLING RESTARTS  Also use  Steps as follows 1. Ensure the cluster is consistent  Fix it if inconsistent 2. Restart the master 3. Disable the region balancer 4. Run the script per region server 5. Restart the master again  Clear out the dead servers list and reenable the balancer 6. Run hbck to ensure the cluster is consistent 55 hbase hbck hbase hbck -fix ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ stop master; ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start master echo "balance_switch false" | ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell for i in `cat conf/regionservers|sort`; do ./bin/ --restart --reload --debug $i; done &> /tmp/log.txt &
  • 56. OPERATIONAL TASKS – ADDING BACKUP MASTER (1/2)  To prevent the Single Point of Failure  The machine currently hosting the active master is failing, the system can fall back to a backup master  Underlying operations 1. A dedicated ZooKeeper znode /hbase/master 2. All master processes will race to create, and the first one to create it wins (become currently master)  It happens at startup 3. All other master processes simply loop around the znode check and wait for it to disappear  Triggering the race again 56
  • 57. OPERATIONAL TASKS – ADDING BACKUP MASTER (2/2)  How to start multiple backup master processes  Use original way to start a master process  In tm distribution  Specifically start a backup master process 57 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start master ${TM_PUPPET_HOME}/bin/services/ [<host> ...] ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start master --backup
  • 58. OPERATIONAL TASKS – ADDING A REGION SERVER  In normal HBase distribution  Edit the ${HBASE_HOME}/conf/regionservers  To add newly added region server’s host name  Two scripts can use…  ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/  It will bypass the original existing region servers, and start the newly added region server referred to regionservers file  ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/ start regionserver  Must executing on the newly added region server  In tm distribution  New feature, not talk about this here 58
  • 59. DATA TASK  You may be required to move the data as a whole or in parts  Archive data for backup purposes  To bootstrap another cluster 59 hadoop jar ${HBASE_HOME}/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar An example program must be given as the first argument. Valid program names are: … completebulkload: Complete a bulk data load. copytable: Export a table from local cluster to peer cluster export: Write table data to HDFS. import: Import data written by Export. importtsv: Import data in TSV format. …
  • 60. DATA TASK – EXPORT (1/3) 60 hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar export Usage: Export [-D <property=value>]* <tablename> <outputdir> [<versions> [<starttime> [<endtime>]]
  • 61. DATA TASK - EXPORT (2/3) 61 hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar export testtable /user/larsgeorge/backup-testtable 11/06/25 15:58:29 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201106251558_0001 11/06/25 15:58:30 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0% … 11/06/25 15:59:40 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 0% 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201106251558_0001 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 6 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job Counters 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Rack-local map tasks=32 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Launched map tasks=32 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: FileSystemCounters 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN=3648 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map-Reduce Framework 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map input records=0 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=0 11/06/25 15:59:42 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map output records=0
  • 62. DATA TASK - EXPORT (3/3)  Each part-m-nnnnn file contains a piece of the exported data  Together they form the full backup of the table  Use the hadoop distcp command to move the directory from one cluster to another, and perform the import there 62 hadoop dfs -lsr /user/larsgeorge/backup-testtable drwxr-xr-x - ... 0 2011-06-25 15:58 _logs -rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:58 part-m-00000 -rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:58 part-m-00001 … -rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:59 part-m-00030 -rw-r--r-- 1 ... 114 2011-06-25 15:59 part-m-00031
  • 63. DATA TASK – IMPORT (1/2) 63 hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar import Usage: Import <tablename> <inputdir> hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar import testtable /user/larsgeorge/backup-testtable 11/06/25 17:09:48 INFO mapreduce.TableOutputFormat: Created table instance for testtable 11/06/25 17:09:48 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 32 11/06/25 17:09:49 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201106251558_0003 11/06/25 17:09:50 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0% 11/06/25 17:10:04 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 6% reduce 0% … 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job Counters 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Launched map tasks=32 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Data-local map tasks=32 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: FileSystemCounters 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: HDFS_BYTES_READ=3648 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map-Reduce Framework 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map input records=0 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=0 11/06/25 17:10:51 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map output records=0
  • 64. DATA TASK - IMPORT (2/2)  Use the Import job to store the data in a different table  With the same schema  Both export/import commend are per-table only  Use hadoop distcp command to copy the entire /hbase in HDFS  Not recommended  May copy store files that are halfway through a memstore flush operation 64
  • 65. DATA TASK – COPYTABLE TOOL (1/2)  Designed to bootstrap cluster replication  Make a copy of an existing table from the master cluster to the slave cluster 65 hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar copytable Usage: CopyTable [--rs.class=CLASS] [--rs.impl=IMPL] [--starttime=X] [--endtime=Y] [] [--peer.adr=ADR] <tablename>
  • 66. DATA TASK – COPYTABLE TOOL (2/2)  The copy of the table is stored on the same cluster 66 hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar copytable testtable 11/06/26 15:20:07 INFO mapreduce.TableOutputFormat: Created table instance for testtable3 11/06/26 15:20:07 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201106261454_0003 11/06/26 15:20:08 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0% 11/06/26 15:20:19 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 6% reduce 0% … 11/06/26 15:21:04 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 0% 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201106261454_0003 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 5 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job Counters 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Launched map tasks=32 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Data-local map tasks=32 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map-Reduce Framework 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map input records=0 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=0 11/06/26 15:21:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map output records=0
  • 67. DATA TASK – BULK IMPORT (1/2)  Importtsv tool  Given files containing data in tab-separated value (TSV) format  By default , it uses the HBase put() API to insert data into HBase one row at a time  By setting importtsv.bulk.output option, generate files using HFileOutputFormat  These can subsequently be bulk-loaded into HBase by completebulkload Tool 67 hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar importtsv Usage: importtsv -Dimporttsv.columns=a,b,c <tablename> <inputdir>
  • 68. DATA TASK – BULK IMPORT (2/2)  completebulkload Tool  Is used to import the data into the running cluster  After a data import has been prepared  By using the importtsv tool with the importtsv.bulk.output option  By some other MapReduce job using the HFileOutputFormat 68 hadoop jar $HBASE_HOME/hbase-0.91.0-SNAPSHOT.jar completebulkload -conf ~/my-hbase-site.xml /user/larsgeorge/myoutput mytable
  • 69. TROUBLESHOOTING – HBASE FSCK (1/4)  Shell Command  ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck  Once started  Scans the .META. table to gather all the pertinent information it holds  Scans the HDFS root directory HBase is configured to use  Compare the collected details to report on inconsistencies and integrity issues  Consistency check  Whether the region is listed in .META. and exists in HDFS  Is also assigned to exactly one region server  Integrity check  Compares the regions with the table details to find missing regions  Those that have holes or overlaps in their row key ranges 69
  • 70. TROUBLESHOOTING – HBASE FSCK (2/4) 70 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck -h Usage: fsck [opts] where [opts] are: -details Display full report of all regions. -timelag {timeInSeconds} Process only regions that have not experienced any metadata updates in the last {{timeInSeconds} seconds. -fix Try to fix some of the errors. -sleepBeforeRerun {timeInSeconds} Sleep this many seconds before checking if the fix worked if run with -fix -summary Print only summary of the tables and status.
  • 71. TROUBLESHOOTING – HBASE FSCK (3/4)  No option at all invokes the normal output detail 71 ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck Number of Tables: 40 Number of live region servers: 19 Number of dead region servers: 0 Number of empty REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER rows in .META.: 0 Summary: ... testtable2 is okay. Number of regions: 1 Deployed on: 0 inconsistencies detected. Status: OK
  • 72. TROUBLESHOOTING – HBASE FSCK (4/4)  ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase hbck -fix  Repairs following issues  Assign .META. to a single new server if it is unassigned  Reassign .META. to a single new server if it is assigned to multiple servers  Assign a user table region to a new server if it is unassigned  Reassign a user table region to a single new server if it is assigned to multiple servers  Reassign a user table region to a new server if the current server does not match  what the .META. table refers to  hbck reports inconsistencies which are temporal, or transitional only  Rerun the tool a few times to confirm a permanent problem 72
  • 73. TROUBLESHOOTING – ANALYZING THE LOGS (1/2) Server type Default Logfile tm settings HBase Master $HBASE_HOME/logs/hbase-<user>-master- <hostname>.log /var/log/hbase/hbase-<user>-master- <hostname>.log HBase RegionServer $HBASE_HOME/logs/hbase-<user>-regionserver- <hostname>.log /var/log/hbase/hbase-<user>-regionserver- <hostname>.log ZooKeeper Console log output only /var/log/hbase/hbase-<user>-zookeeper- <hostname>.log NameNode $HADOOP_HOME/logs/hadoop-<user>-namenode- <hostname>.log /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-<user>-namenode- <hostname>.log DataNode $HADOOP_HOME/logs/hadoop-<user>-datanode- <hostname>.log /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-<user>-datanode- <hostname>.log JobTracker $HADOOP_HOME/logs/hadoop-<user>-jobtracker- <hostname>.log /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-<user>-jobtracker- <hostname>.log TaskTracker $HADOOP_HOME/logs/hadoop-<user>-jobtracker- <hostname>.log /var/log/hadoop/hadoop-<user>-jobtracker- <hostname>.log 73
  • 74. TROUBLESHOOTING – ANALYZING THE LOGS (2/2)  Is useful to begin with the master logfile first  It acts as the coordinator service of the entire cluster  Find the processes began logging ERROR level messages  Be able to identify the root cause  A lot of subsequent messages are often side-effect of the original problem  Recommend to use the error log event metric under System Event Metrics group  Gives you a graph showing you where the server(s) started logging an increasing number of error messages in the logfiles  If find an error message  Google it !!  Use the online resources to search for the message in the public mailing lists  Search Hadoop 74
  • 75. HANDS-ON – USE YCSB  New VM list  Due to VMs are not affordable at present :p  ${YOUR_HOME}=${GIT_HOME}/hbase- training/006/hands-on/${YOUR_NAME}  mkdir ${YOUR_HOME}  cd ${YOUR_HOME}; cp -rf ../../ycsb/* .  Use HBase shell  create <YOUR_NAMED_TABLE>, “family”  Run YCSB with 5000 record count  And ouput ycsb-load.log file  Hands-on result  Put the ycsb-load.log file under ${YOUR_HOME} 75