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Drinks 101: 14 Cocktail and Mixed Drink Recipes
This section could be called “Drinking on an Empty Stomach,” as all but one of the drinks in
it are intended for serving on Sunday or holiday mornings before brunch. Brunches, of
course, usually begin between eleven in the morning and one in the afternoon, so that about
half the time your guests will arrive before the sun has crossed the yardarm. If you are
superstitious about that sort of thing, it is easy enough to invite your guests to appear
precisely at high noon.
What you will do about daylight saving time you will have to decide for yourself. I ignore it,
but then I feel what is good for you at twelve-thirty is equally good for you at nine-thirty.
Here you will find nothing about martinis, manhattans, side cars, old-fashioneds, whisky
sours, or daiquiris. There are many numbers of books and guides which will teach you, if you
need to learn, how to make cocktails. There is here, though, one cocktail, heretofore
unheralded and unsung, but highly worthy.
Any drink served before brunch should have certain characteristics. It should appeal to the
eye as well as to the palate; it should be strong enough to encourage conversation, but not so
strong as to render your guests insensible before they sample your delicious food. It should be
smooth and soothing, that it may ameliorate hang-overs from the previous evening’s
debauchery, and, finally, it should not be too filling, lest it impair appetites for what is to
follow. An alexander, for example, would be a worse disaster before brunch—heaven knows
it is a catastrophe at any time—than dropping the main dish in the guest of honor’s lap.
Few drinks, notably Black Velvets and Chambles, possess all these desiderata, but all of the
following have some of them, and all are helpful in relieving a hang-over, if only by making
you forget you have one.
The Bamboo Cocktail is a highly refreshing drink with a low alcohol and calorie count, not
that either is necessarily desirable per se. The only apparent connection between the drink
and the grass is that both thrive in hot climates, and a Bamboo Cocktail is a very pleasant
drink indeed on a hot Sunday morning. Despite the murmurs of “heresy,” now clearly audible
from certain quarters, it makes a not unworthy substitute for a dry martini in tropical climes
where there are certain times of day, before luncheon or dinner for example, when a cocktail
is both appropriate and essential. If you do not believe there are tropical climes in the United
States north of the Potomac River, try Washington, New York, Chicago, or even Boston, in
Photo owned by Dennis Mojado
Place the ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass. Hit them gently with two dashes of orange
bitters. Place the twist of peel in the glass, and pour the sherry and the vermouth over the ice.
Stir and serve.
For one who has not yet fallen into the pleasant habit of pre-brunch drinking, a Sherry Flip
provides an ideal starter. Smooth as a Rolls-Royce, soft as an angel’s wing, and ingratiating
as a three-month-old puppy, this drink is salubrious and kind. It is also rich and a little, but
not too, sweet. Two will make their presence felt in a mild way, and three can be fairly
insistent and discouraging to appetite:. It is best to limit the supply, if the fare to follow is to
be appreciated to the full. The belief that Sherry Flips have led many a young girl to her
undoing is not true, and shows that the believer cannot tell a Sherry Flip from a martini.
Put the sugar in the bottom of a large cocktail shaker. Add sherry, and stir well until the sugar
is dissolved. Add the ice. Beat the eggs well and pour in through a coarse wire sieve. Add the
cream and shake the mixture hard. Strain into six-ounce glasses, sprinkle a little freshly
grated nutmeg over the top, and serve.
Peterkin Pepit, that grand old wizard of the bottle, served Iced Sherry one warm Sunday
morning in his living room to a young marine. He was immediately taken to task by an
erudite, gastronomic, culinary, and right thinking friend on the ground that the youth would
grow up to believe it was sometimes right to put ice in sherry. The friend, of course, was
right. Peter pointed out that the youth was a marine, and ventured that, despite his age, his
drinking habits had no doubt been formed sometime since. It was an explanation, not a
justification. One just does not pour sherry over ice and then drink it. It is, nevertheless, a
splendid morning potation. It has a clean, crisp taste; it is light; and it picks one up, always
assuming one needs picking up. A fine cocktail sherry should not, of course, be used for this
Use a large old-fashioned glass or a six-ounce tumbler. Half fill the glass with ice, put in the
lemon peel, and pour the sherry over it. Serve in one minute.
Beneficent, benevolent, and benign best sum up the effects of a milk punch. In Baltimore,
where this recipe comes from, milk punches appear regularly on Sunday and holiday
mornings, before open fires in the fall and winter, and on shady porches and lawns in the
spring and summer. Not so festive as some, not so good an appetizer as others, it yields to
few as a soother of troubled minds and a calmer of jittery nerves. The milk makes it very
smooth, but the drink has a delayed reaction which can be described only by the word
Photo owned by Dinner Series
Put the sugar in the bottom of a large cocktail shaker. Add half a pint of milk, and stir until
the sugar is dissolved. Pour in the whisky and rum; add ice and shake vigorously. Divide the
contents of the shaker, including the ice, among twelve-ounce highball glasses. Fill them with
the remainder of the milk, and top with a generous sprinkling of fresh grated nutmeg.
A number of years ago, Evelyn Waugh described a group of typical Waugh characters
gossiping over a pitcher of Black Velvets. Typical Waugh characters are highly sophisticated
people; they can tell a hawk from a hemeshaw, or a beam from a mote. If, a man thought, if
typical Waugh characters like Black Velvets, the drink must have something. It has:
champagne and stout. It is ideal for that lazy period before brunch when you are reading the
Sunday paper, or doing a crossword puzzle, or playing parlor games, or just sitting, or best of
all, entertaining friends before feeding them. Nothing will start a brunch more auspiciously,
nothing will do more to whet appetites, and nothing else, except sleep, will so well knit up the
ravelled sleeve of care. Many people do not care for stout; some few do not like champagne;
all agree that a Black Velvet is some kind of epitome. On the theory that there is no such
thing as a big drink, the recipe below will allow one very respectable serving for each of four
Chill a large pitcher. Pour the champagne into it. Add the stout slowly, pouring down the side
of the pitcher to prevent foaming. Serve in chilled glasses. Hollow-stem beer glasses make a
fine appearance.
The Black Widow is a bonus recipe and an added starter. As its name implies it is a lethal
drink, but smooth. It will entangle you in its web very subtly, but it will entangle you. It is a
before-brunch drink for the wary only, and belongs probably in that group of long afternoon
or late after-dinner drinks which include: mint juleps, highballs, and French seventy-fives. If
handled with care and solicitously nursed, however, it can be a potent party starter-offer. But
please, and this is no drill, not more than two to a customer. A Black Widow is actually a
spiked Black Velvet.
Everything should be well chilled, including the glasses. Mix the cold stout and the cold
champagne in a cold pitcher. Pour the cold cognac into a cold eight-ounce glass. Add the
champagne and stout, and serve at once.
The recipe for Chambles, according to its inventor, G. Hutcheson, Esq., gourmet and chef,
"came to me suddenly out of the night." If so, it was a brilliant conception, brilliantly
executed. Perhaps the highest compliment which can be paid to it is to quote the remark made
by Peterkin Pepit, that notoriously jealous wizard of the bottle, when he first tasted
Chambles. Peter exclaimed, "It is the least!" Unlike most punches, Chambles is dry. It is also
smooth and not without authority. Few drinks are better at: starting a brunch off in the way it
should go, whetting the appetite, or overcoming the evil effects of prior alcoholic
indiscretion. This recipe makes enough for four thirsty people.
Clean the strawberries. Place the chunk of ice in a large punch bowl. Pour in the chablis, add
the applejack, and then champagne. Put in the whole strawberries, and decorate the bowl by
floating one pink camellia or red rose in the liquid. Serve in chilled Rhine wine glasses,
placing two strawberries in each and ladling the wine over them.
According to the dictionary, an auger is a big gimlet; so is this drink. A gimlet is a cocktail
invented by the British in the hot climes of the Far East and is supposed to have cooling
rather than heating properties, which it has. When made right, which it frequently is not, 2:
gimlet is a more than satisfactory substitute for a martini or an old-fashioned on a steaming
day. It is, however, a little overpowering for antemeridian drinking. The Auger, on the other
hand, is longer, cooler, and less violent. It makes a good morning potion, especially in sultry
weather, and is still potent enough to create a gay and festive atmosphere. Under proper
meteoric conditions it could even be said that an Auger augurs a good party. The lime juice
must be unsweetened, and the gin should, if possible, be chilled before use.
Crack the ice cubes and place them in an eight-ounce glass. Pour the gin over the ice, and add
the lime juice. Fill the glass with plain, tap, or branch water—never seltzer—and stir well.
Garnish with the lime slice and serve.
For reasons not altogether clear to at least one not inexperienced drinker and hang-over
nurser, the Bloody Mary is classed among the best of "morning-after" concoctions.
Detectable perhaps is the fine American hand of Madison Avenue. Faith in its efficiency,
however it arose, is so widespread that it must be included in any list of drinks intended for
Sunday morning. Some highly competent imbibers swear by it, and they should know, if
anyone should, of its curative and restorative powers. Bloody Marys should be made with
very cold ingredients or allowed to chill and mellow in a freezer until they reach an Arctic
Photo owned by William Clifford
Use a six- or seven-ounce tumbler or a large old-fashioned glass. Pour in the vodka; add the
tomato juice. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the mixture, and discard the lemon.
Season with the Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces and the salt and pepper. Stir well and
serve very cold.
Steppe by steppe through many versts the Troika will lead you on, somewhat sweetly, to
brunch. It is light and refreshing but still has enough authority to live up to its name. This
drink is at its best in the early spring or late fall when there is a little nip in the air. It is a mite
too warming for summer. The seltzer water should be well chilled but not icy lest it lose
Pour the cold vodka into a large, well-chilled pitcher. Add the Dubonnet, and then the seltzer
water. Serve in pre-chilled ten-ounce glasses.
In some parts of the country, notably in Maryland and its environs, a Frozen Rye is a much-
served summer drink. It frequently competes successfully with a Tom Collins or a gin and
tonic during the afternoon before people settle down to the serious business of cocktails. It is
in reality a long whisky sour, and makes a perfect long drink for those whose alcoholic
addiction runs to that well-known cocktail. Because it is not so strong, and because it is cool,
refreshing, and unusual enough to start tongues wagging even before it is tasted, a Frozen
Rye makes one of the better ways of getting a Sunday or holiday morning party off to a good
beginning. It is best made with bonded rye whisky, but is not unpalatable if made with
Put the whisky in a ten- or twelve-ounce highball glass. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and
the orange and pour the juice into the whisky. Fill the glass with crushed ice and stir
vigorously until frost forms on the outside. Serve at once.
In North Carolina, at least in Asheville, this name designates what is usually known
elsewhere as a Black Velvet. How this confusion arose is not clear, unless it is somehow
connected with the celebrated gubernatorial remark about the length of time between drinks.
If the time were long enough—an unlikely event in the Carolinas—confusion in names might
follow. However the names were mixed, this drink in no way resembles a Black Velvet, and
is not outstandingly ferocious. Its table of contents reads as though it were devised by a man
with a highly disorganized mind, but do not be put off by that. It is quietly good and quite
soothing. If you substitute hard cider for sweet it becomes lethal, of course, and the name
should probably be changed from "Tiger's Milk" to "The Smile on the Face of the Tiger."
Place the applejack, sugar, vanilla and orange extracts, and the spices in a cocktail shaker.
Add a cup of cracked ice, and shake well. Strain into a chilled, quart pitcher, and fill with the
cold milk and cider. Stir well, and serve in eight-ounce tumblers. Sprinkle a little powdered
cinnamon over each glass before serving.
It is with some trepidation that this drink is suggested to precede a Sunday brunch. Most of
the drinks in this section are basically intended for warm days, some are suitable for any
weather, one drink for very cold mornings may be useful. Hot Buttered Rum should be drank
only when the temperature drops close to the freezing point or below it. It is a perfect thing
for those who have returned from a very cold afternoon or evening of winter sport, either as
spectators or participants. It is lovely to look at, it is soothing to the tongue, the stomach, and
the soul; but it is filling, and it has some of the qualities of a delayed-action bomb. Only after
the second are the effects of the first dimly felt; three lead to coma. Despite these
disadvantages for morning drinking, Hot Buttered Rum has its place before brunch when the
assembled company is being entertained before a roaring fire.
Photo owned by Urban Houstonian
The drinks should be served in large mugs or twelve-ounce glasses. If glasses are used, a
silver spoon should be placed in each when the boiling water is added.
Place the sugar, cloves, and cinnamon in the bottom of the mug or glass. Squeeze the juice
from the lemon over them, and drop in the lemon itself. Add a little hot water, and stir until
the sugar is dissolved. Add the rum and the butter. Pour in the boiling water, and stir until the
butter melts. Sprinkle with nutmeg, and serve piping hot.
This, the fourteenth and extra-bonus drink, is not, repeat, not for Sunday morning or any
other morning. Insidious as Dr. Fu Manchu, smooth and cunning as its namesake and as
deadly, the Rasputini is a fine cocktail for the forewarned. It is included here because it is
mentioned elsewhere in this book, and the recipe has never before been published. Its
birthday was June 11, 1944, its mother was necessity, and its father Peterkin Pepit, caught on
a Sunday afternoon with his gin supplies down and guests who clamoured for martinis. Peter
had a bottle of vodka. On the spot, in both senses of the phrase, he invented the Rasputini.
The results were startling, almost instantaneous, and, for a time, appeared perpetual.
In a martini mixer place a large quantity of ice. Pour in the vermouth and stir well. Add the
gin and the vodka and stir, stir again. Rub a piece of lemon peel around the rim of each of the
chilled cocktail glasses. Drop a piece of peel in each glass. Stir the drink, and serve in the
chilled glasses.
This reproduction is brought to you by Susan Alexander Truffles.

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Drinks 101: 14 Cocktail and Mixed Drink Recipes

  • 1. Drinks 101: 14 Cocktail and Mixed Drink Recipes This section could be called “Drinking on an Empty Stomach,” as all but one of the drinks in it are intended for serving on Sunday or holiday mornings before brunch. Brunches, of course, usually begin between eleven in the morning and one in the afternoon, so that about half the time your guests will arrive before the sun has crossed the yardarm. If you are superstitious about that sort of thing, it is easy enough to invite your guests to appear precisely at high noon. What you will do about daylight saving time you will have to decide for yourself. I ignore it, but then I feel what is good for you at twelve-thirty is equally good for you at nine-thirty. Here you will find nothing about martinis, manhattans, side cars, old-fashioneds, whisky sours, or daiquiris. There are many numbers of books and guides which will teach you, if you need to learn, how to make cocktails. There is here, though, one cocktail, heretofore unheralded and unsung, but highly worthy. Any drink served before brunch should have certain characteristics. It should appeal to the eye as well as to the palate; it should be strong enough to encourage conversation, but not so strong as to render your guests insensible before they sample your delicious food. It should be smooth and soothing, that it may ameliorate hang-overs from the previous evening’s debauchery, and, finally, it should not be too filling, lest it impair appetites for what is to follow. An alexander, for example, would be a worse disaster before brunch—heaven knows it is a catastrophe at any time—than dropping the main dish in the guest of honor’s lap. Few drinks, notably Black Velvets and Chambles, possess all these desiderata, but all of the following have some of them, and all are helpful in relieving a hang-over, if only by making you forget you have one.
  • 2. ▼▼▼ BAMBOO COCKTAIL SERVES 1 The Bamboo Cocktail is a highly refreshing drink with a low alcohol and calorie count, not that either is necessarily desirable per se. The only apparent connection between the drink and the grass is that both thrive in hot climates, and a Bamboo Cocktail is a very pleasant drink indeed on a hot Sunday morning. Despite the murmurs of “heresy,” now clearly audible from certain quarters, it makes a not unworthy substitute for a dry martini in tropical climes where there are certain times of day, before luncheon or dinner for example, when a cocktail is both appropriate and essential. If you do not believe there are tropical climes in the United States north of the Potomac River, try Washington, New York, Chicago, or even Boston, in August. 2 OUNCES DRY SHERRY 2 OUNCES DRY VERMOUTH 2 DASHES ORANGE BITTERS 1 TWIST ORANGE PEEL 2 CUBES ICE Photo owned by Dennis Mojado Place the ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass. Hit them gently with two dashes of orange bitters. Place the twist of peel in the glass, and pour the sherry and the vermouth over the ice. Stir and serve. ▼▼▼
  • 3. SHERRY FLIPS SERVES 4 For one who has not yet fallen into the pleasant habit of pre-brunch drinking, a Sherry Flip provides an ideal starter. Smooth as a Rolls-Royce, soft as an angel’s wing, and ingratiating as a three-month-old puppy, this drink is salubrious and kind. It is also rich and a little, but not too, sweet. Two will make their presence felt in a mild way, and three can be fairly insistent and discouraging to appetite:. It is best to limit the supply, if the fare to follow is to be appreciated to the full. The belief that Sherry Flips have led many a young girl to her undoing is not true, and shows that the believer cannot tell a Sherry Flip from a martini. 2 TABLESPOONS SUGAR 1 PINT MEDIUM DRY SHERRY 1 CUP CRACKED ICE 2 EGGS 3 TABLESPOONS CREAM NUTMEG Put the sugar in the bottom of a large cocktail shaker. Add sherry, and stir well until the sugar is dissolved. Add the ice. Beat the eggs well and pour in through a coarse wire sieve. Add the cream and shake the mixture hard. Strain into six-ounce glasses, sprinkle a little freshly grated nutmeg over the top, and serve. ▼▼▼ ICED SHERRY SERVES 1 Peterkin Pepit, that grand old wizard of the bottle, served Iced Sherry one warm Sunday morning in his living room to a young marine. He was immediately taken to task by an erudite, gastronomic, culinary, and right thinking friend on the ground that the youth would grow up to believe it was sometimes right to put ice in sherry. The friend, of course, was right. Peter pointed out that the youth was a marine, and ventured that, despite his age, his drinking habits had no doubt been formed sometime since. It was an explanation, not a justification. One just does not pour sherry over ice and then drink it. It is, nevertheless, a splendid morning potation. It has a clean, crisp taste; it is light; and it picks one up, always assuming one needs picking up. A fine cocktail sherry should not, of course, be used for this purpose. 4 OUNCES PALE DRY SHERRY 1 TWIST LEMON PEEL ¼ CUP CRACKED ICE
  • 4. Use a large old-fashioned glass or a six-ounce tumbler. Half fill the glass with ice, put in the lemon peel, and pour the sherry over it. Serve in one minute. ▼▼▼ BALTIMORE MILK PUNCH SERVES 4 Beneficent, benevolent, and benign best sum up the effects of a milk punch. In Baltimore, where this recipe comes from, milk punches appear regularly on Sunday and holiday mornings, before open fires in the fall and winter, and on shady porches and lawns in the spring and summer. Not so festive as some, not so good an appetizer as others, it yields to few as a soother of troubled minds and a calmer of jittery nerves. The milk makes it very smooth, but the drink has a delayed reaction which can be described only by the word “insidious.” Photo owned by Dinner Series 6 TEASPOONS SUGAR l½ PINTS MILK 8 OUNCES RYE WHISKY 2 OUNCES DARK RUM l½ CUPS CRACKED ICE FRESH NUTMEG Put the sugar in the bottom of a large cocktail shaker. Add half a pint of milk, and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Pour in the whisky and rum; add ice and shake vigorously. Divide the contents of the shaker, including the ice, among twelve-ounce highball glasses. Fill them with the remainder of the milk, and top with a generous sprinkling of fresh grated nutmeg.
  • 5. ▼▼▼ BLACK VELVETS SERVES 4 A number of years ago, Evelyn Waugh described a group of typical Waugh characters gossiping over a pitcher of Black Velvets. Typical Waugh characters are highly sophisticated people; they can tell a hawk from a hemeshaw, or a beam from a mote. If, a man thought, if typical Waugh characters like Black Velvets, the drink must have something. It has: champagne and stout. It is ideal for that lazy period before brunch when you are reading the Sunday paper, or doing a crossword puzzle, or playing parlor games, or just sitting, or best of all, entertaining friends before feeding them. Nothing will start a brunch more auspiciously, nothing will do more to whet appetites, and nothing else, except sleep, will so well knit up the ravelled sleeve of care. Many people do not care for stout; some few do not like champagne; all agree that a Black Velvet is some kind of epitome. On the theory that there is no such thing as a big drink, the recipe below will allow one very respectable serving for each of four people. 1 FIFTH CHAMPAGNE, COLD 2 BOTTLES (l2 OUNCES EACH) STOUT, COLD Chill a large pitcher. Pour the champagne into it. Add the stout slowly, pouring down the side of the pitcher to prevent foaming. Serve in chilled glasses. Hollow-stem beer glasses make a fine appearance. ▼▼▼ BLACK WIDOW SERVES 1 The Black Widow is a bonus recipe and an added starter. As its name implies it is a lethal drink, but smooth. It will entangle you in its web very subtly, but it will entangle you. It is a before-brunch drink for the wary only, and belongs probably in that group of long afternoon or late after-dinner drinks which include: mint juleps, highballs, and French seventy-fives. If handled with care and solicitously nursed, however, it can be a potent party starter-offer. But please, and this is no drill, not more than two to a customer. A Black Widow is actually a spiked Black Velvet. 2 OUNCES COGNAC 3 OUNCES CHAMPAGNE 3 OUNCES STOUT Everything should be well chilled, including the glasses. Mix the cold stout and the cold champagne in a cold pitcher. Pour the cold cognac into a cold eight-ounce glass. Add the champagne and stout, and serve at once.
  • 6. ▼▼▼ CHAMBLES SERVES 4 The recipe for Chambles, according to its inventor, G. Hutcheson, Esq., gourmet and chef, "came to me suddenly out of the night." If so, it was a brilliant conception, brilliantly executed. Perhaps the highest compliment which can be paid to it is to quote the remark made by Peterkin Pepit, that notoriously jealous wizard of the bottle, when he first tasted Chambles. Peter exclaimed, "It is the least!" Unlike most punches, Chambles is dry. It is also smooth and not without authority. Few drinks are better at: starting a brunch off in the way it should go, whetting the appetite, or overcoming the evil effects of prior alcoholic indiscretion. This recipe makes enough for four thirsty people. ½ PINT LARGE FRESH STRAWBERRIES 5 POUND PIECE ICE 1 FIFTH CHABLIS, COLD 4 OUNCES APPLEJACK 1 FIFTH CHAMPAGNE, COLD Clean the strawberries. Place the chunk of ice in a large punch bowl. Pour in the chablis, add the applejack, and then champagne. Put in the whole strawberries, and decorate the bowl by floating one pink camellia or red rose in the liquid. Serve in chilled Rhine wine glasses, placing two strawberries in each and ladling the wine over them. ▼▼▼ AUGER SERVES 1 According to the dictionary, an auger is a big gimlet; so is this drink. A gimlet is a cocktail invented by the British in the hot climes of the Far East and is supposed to have cooling rather than heating properties, which it has. When made right, which it frequently is not, 2: gimlet is a more than satisfactory substitute for a martini or an old-fashioned on a steaming day. It is, however, a little overpowering for antemeridian drinking. The Auger, on the other hand, is longer, cooler, and less violent. It makes a good morning potion, especially in sultry weather, and is still potent enough to create a gay and festive atmosphere. Under proper meteoric conditions it could even be said that an Auger augurs a good party. The lime juice must be unsweetened, and the gin should, if possible, be chilled before use. 2 ICE CUBES 2 OUNCES GIN ¾ TEASPOON ROSE'S UNSWEETENED LIME JUICE
  • 7. 1 SLICE LIME, VERY THIN Crack the ice cubes and place them in an eight-ounce glass. Pour the gin over the ice, and add the lime juice. Fill the glass with plain, tap, or branch water—never seltzer—and stir well. Garnish with the lime slice and serve. ▼▼▼ BLOODY MARY SERVES 1 For reasons not altogether clear to at least one not inexperienced drinker and hang-over nurser, the Bloody Mary is classed among the best of "morning-after" concoctions. Detectable perhaps is the fine American hand of Madison Avenue. Faith in its efficiency, however it arose, is so widespread that it must be included in any list of drinks intended for Sunday morning. Some highly competent imbibers swear by it, and they should know, if anyone should, of its curative and restorative powers. Bloody Marys should be made with very cold ingredients or allowed to chill and mellow in a freezer until they reach an Arctic temperature. 2 OUNCES VODKA 4 OUNCES TOMATO JUICE 1 QUARTER LEMON 1 TEASPOON WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE 2 DASHES TABASCO ¼ TEASPOON SALT ¼ TEASPOON PEPPER Photo owned by William Clifford Use a six- or seven-ounce tumbler or a large old-fashioned glass. Pour in the vodka; add the tomato juice. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the mixture, and discard the lemon.
  • 8. Season with the Worcestershire and Tabasco sauces and the salt and pepper. Stir well and serve very cold. ▼▼▼ TROIKA SERVES 4 Steppe by steppe through many versts the Troika will lead you on, somewhat sweetly, to brunch. It is light and refreshing but still has enough authority to live up to its name. This drink is at its best in the early spring or late fall when there is a little nip in the air. It is a mite too warming for summer. The seltzer water should be well chilled but not icy lest it lose effervescence. ½ PINT VODKA, COLD 1 PINT DUBONNET, COLD 1 PINT SELTZER WATER, CHILLED Pour the cold vodka into a large, well-chilled pitcher. Add the Dubonnet, and then the seltzer water. Serve in pre-chilled ten-ounce glasses. ▼▼▼ FROZEN RYE SERVES 1 In some parts of the country, notably in Maryland and its environs, a Frozen Rye is a much- served summer drink. It frequently competes successfully with a Tom Collins or a gin and tonic during the afternoon before people settle down to the serious business of cocktails. It is in reality a long whisky sour, and makes a perfect long drink for those whose alcoholic addiction runs to that well-known cocktail. Because it is not so strong, and because it is cool, refreshing, and unusual enough to start tongues wagging even before it is tasted, a Frozen Rye makes one of the better ways of getting a Sunday or holiday morning party off to a good beginning. It is best made with bonded rye whisky, but is not unpalatable if made with Canadian. 2 OUNCES RYE WHISKY 1 ORANGE 1 LEMON CRUSHED ICE Put the whisky in a ten- or twelve-ounce highball glass. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and the orange and pour the juice into the whisky. Fill the glass with crushed ice and stir vigorously until frost forms on the outside. Serve at once.
  • 9. ▼▼▼ TIGER'S MILK SERVES 4 In North Carolina, at least in Asheville, this name designates what is usually known elsewhere as a Black Velvet. How this confusion arose is not clear, unless it is somehow connected with the celebrated gubernatorial remark about the length of time between drinks. If the time were long enough—an unlikely event in the Carolinas—confusion in names might follow. However the names were mixed, this drink in no way resembles a Black Velvet, and is not outstandingly ferocious. Its table of contents reads as though it were devised by a man with a highly disorganized mind, but do not be put off by that. It is quietly good and quite soothing. If you substitute hard cider for sweet it becomes lethal, of course, and the name should probably be changed from "Tiger's Milk" to "The Smile on the Face of the Tiger." 8 OUNCES APPLEJACK 1 TEASPOON SUGAR 1/8 TEASPOON VANILLA EXTRACT 1/8 TEASPOON ORANGE EXTRACT 1 GENEROUS PINCH POWDERED CINNAMON 1 GENEROUS PINCH POWDERED CLOVES 10 OUNCES COLD MILK 10 OUNCES COLD SWEET CIDER Place the applejack, sugar, vanilla and orange extracts, and the spices in a cocktail shaker. Add a cup of cracked ice, and shake well. Strain into a chilled, quart pitcher, and fill with the cold milk and cider. Stir well, and serve in eight-ounce tumblers. Sprinkle a little powdered cinnamon over each glass before serving. ▼▼▼ HOT BUTTERED RUM SERVES 1 It is with some trepidation that this drink is suggested to precede a Sunday brunch. Most of the drinks in this section are basically intended for warm days, some are suitable for any weather, one drink for very cold mornings may be useful. Hot Buttered Rum should be drank only when the temperature drops close to the freezing point or below it. It is a perfect thing for those who have returned from a very cold afternoon or evening of winter sport, either as spectators or participants. It is lovely to look at, it is soothing to the tongue, the stomach, and the soul; but it is filling, and it has some of the qualities of a delayed-action bomb. Only after the second are the effects of the first dimly felt; three lead to coma. Despite these
  • 10. disadvantages for morning drinking, Hot Buttered Rum has its place before brunch when the assembled company is being entertained before a roaring fire. Photo owned by Urban Houstonian The drinks should be served in large mugs or twelve-ounce glasses. If glasses are used, a silver spoon should be placed in each when the boiling water is added. 1 HEAPING TEASPOON SUGAR 6 WHOLE CLOVES 1 STICK CINNAMON, THREE INCHES LONG ¼ LEMON 1 CUP BOILING WATER 3 OUNCES RUM 1 TABLESPOON BUTTER 1 PINCH NUTMEG Place the sugar, cloves, and cinnamon in the bottom of the mug or glass. Squeeze the juice from the lemon over them, and drop in the lemon itself. Add a little hot water, and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add the rum and the butter. Pour in the boiling water, and stir until the butter melts. Sprinkle with nutmeg, and serve piping hot. ▼▼▼ RASPUTTNI SERVES 4 This, the fourteenth and extra-bonus drink, is not, repeat, not for Sunday morning or any other morning. Insidious as Dr. Fu Manchu, smooth and cunning as its namesake and as deadly, the Rasputini is a fine cocktail for the forewarned. It is included here because it is
  • 11. mentioned elsewhere in this book, and the recipe has never before been published. Its birthday was June 11, 1944, its mother was necessity, and its father Peterkin Pepit, caught on a Sunday afternoon with his gin supplies down and guests who clamoured for martinis. Peter had a bottle of vodka. On the spot, in both senses of the phrase, he invented the Rasputini. The results were startling, almost instantaneous, and, for a time, appeared perpetual. 6 OUNCES VODKA 6 OUNCES GIN 4 OUNCES DRY VERMOUTH 4 GENEROUS PIECES LEMON PEEL In a martini mixer place a large quantity of ice. Pour in the vermouth and stir well. Add the gin and the vodka and stir, stir again. Rub a piece of lemon peel around the rim of each of the chilled cocktail glasses. Drop a piece of peel in each glass. Stir the drink, and serve in the chilled glasses. This reproduction is brought to you by Susan Alexander Truffles.