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B. Heard
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 Preparing   for the Week 5 Quiz
    Factorials
    Combinations/Permutations
    Probability
    Probability Distributions
    Discrete/Continuous Distributions
    Binomial Distribution
    Poisson Distribution
    Pivot Tables
 Factorials
     n! simply means n x (n-1) x (n-2) x …. 3 x 2 x 1
         For example 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120, so 5!=120
         Always remember that 0! = 1 (NOT ZERO)
         Additional examples
           3! + 4! = (3x2x1) + (4x3x2x1) = 6 + 24 = 30
           5(5-3)! = 5 x 2! = 5 x (2x1) = 5x2 = 10
           5(5! – 3!) = 5(120 – 6) = 5(114) = 570
           4!(0!) = 24(1) = 24
           3!/0! = 6/1 = 6
   Combinations/Permutations
       Combinations – The number of ways of something
        happening when order DOES NOT matter.

       Permutations – The number of ways of something
        happening when order DOES matter.

       The number of ways to pick 5 out of 10 players to
        start on a basketball team would be a combination.

       The number of ways to pick 5 out of 10 players to
        play 5 different positions would be a permutation.
 Combinations/Permutations       (continued)
    The number of ways to pick 3 committee
     members out of 11 people would be a
     combination because there are not distinct
     positions mentioned (order doesn’t matter).

    The number of ways to pick 3 committee
     members out of 11 people where 1 would be the
     President, Vice-President and Treasurer would be
     a permutation because there are distinct
     positions mentioned (order does matter, you not
     only could be picked, but you could be one of
     three different positions).
 Combinations/Permutations                        (continued)
 Let’s      Do these in Minitab
     The number of ways to pick 3 committee members out of 11
      people would be a combination because there are not distinct
      positions mentioned (order doesn’t matter).
         This is a combination where we are picking 3 from 11 (Sometimes noted

     The number of ways to pick 3 committee members out of 11
      people where 1 would be the President, Vice-President and
      Treasurer would be a permutation because there are distinct
      positions mentioned (order does matter, you not only could be
      picked, but you could be one of three different positions).
         This is a permutation where we are picking 3 from 11 (Sometimes noted
 Combinations/Permutations                            (continued)
 Minitab
       Let’s look at the combination where we are picking 3 from 11
        (Sometimes noted 11C3).

           In Minitab, Choose “Calc”, then “Calculator”
           Type C1, or any other blank column in the “Store result in variable” box
           In the Expression box, type “Combinations(11,3)”

   In the cell you chose, you will see your answer of 165
   This means there are 165 ways to pick a committee of 3
    from 11 people (remember order didn’t matter).
 Combinations/Permutations   (continued)
 Minitab
 Combinations/Permutations                            (continued)
 Minitab
       Let’s look at the permutation where we are picking 3 from 11
        (Sometimes noted 11P3).

           In Minitab, Choose “Calc”, then “Calculator”
           Type C1, or any other blank column in the “Store result in variable” box
           In the Expression box, type “Permutations(11,3)”

   In the cell you chose, you will see your answer of 990
   This means there are 990 ways to pick a committee of 3
    from 11 people where there are THREE DISTINCT
    POSITIONS (order DID matter).
 Combinations/Permutations   (continued)
 Minitab
   Combinations/Permutations (continued)

    For the same numbers, the number of permutations will
      always be larger! This is because there are distinct

    As an example
    3C3 = 1 (there is only one way to pick three from three)
    3P3 = 6 (there are 6 ways to pick 3 people from 3 to serve
      in 3 distinct positions, think about it 3 could be
      President, 2 are left to serve as Vice-President, one is
      left to serve as Treasurer, 3x2x1 = 6

    In our previous example we had 11P3 = 990 which could be
      looked at as 11 x 10 x 9 = 990. Why? 11 could be Pres.,
      10 VP, and 9 Treasurer.
 Probability
     Probability is simply the number of desired
      events over the total number of events that can
         Sound complicated? It’s not
         What is the probability of rolling a 5 on six-sided die?
         One side with a five/six sides = 1/6
 Probability       (continued)
     Sample Spaces (What can happen?)
         For a regular light switch, the sample space would be
          {on, off}
         For a six-sided die, the sample space would be
         For a new baby, the sample space would be {girl, boy}
         For suits in a card deck, the sample space would be
          {hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades}
 Probability       (continued)
     Examples
         What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a
          standard deck of cards? (There are 4 cards out of the
          52 that are Jacks) The probability would be 4/52 or
          1/13 simplified
         What is the probability of drawing a red Jack from a
          standard deck of cards? (There are 2 cards out of the
          52 that are red Jacks) The probability would be 2/52
          or 1/26 simplified
         What is the probability of drawing a Jack of Hearts
          from a standard deck of cards? (There is only 1 Jack of
          Hearts out of the 52) The probability would be 1/52
 Probability       (continued)
     Conditional Probability Examples
         What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a
          standard deck of cards, if you first drew a 3 of clubs
          and didn’t replace it? (There are 4 cards out of the 51
          that are Jacks) The probability would be 4/51
          (Remember you didn’t replace the 3 of clubs)
         What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a
          standard deck of cards, if you first drew a Jack of
          clubs and didn’t replace it? (There are 3 Jacks left out
          of the 51) The probability would be 3/51 or 1/17
          simplified (Remember you didn’t replace the Jack of
 Probability       Distributions
     All Probabilities must be between 0 and 1 and
      the sum of the probabilities must be equal to 1.

     Examples
     If X = {5, 10, 15, 20} and P(5) = 0.10, P(10) =
      0.20, P(15) = 0.30, and P(20) = 0.40, can the
      distribution of the random variable X be
      considered a probability distribution?
         YES, because all probabilities (0.10,0.20,0.30,0.40)
          are between 0 and 1 and they add up to 1
          (0.10+0.20+0.30+0.40 = 1)
 Probability       Distributions (continued)
     Examples
     If X = {5, 10, 15, 20} and P(5) = 0.20, P(10) =
      0.20, P(15) = 0.20, and P(20) = 0.20, can the
      distribution of the random variable X be
      considered a probability distribution?
         No, the probabilities (0.20,0.20,0.20,0.20) are
          between 0 and 1 BUT they DO NOT add up to 1
          (0.20+0.20+0.20+0.20 = 0.80)
 Probability       Distributions (continued)
     Examples
     If X = {-5, A, 7, 0} and P(-5) = 0.50, P(A) = 0.10,
      P(7) = 0.10, and P(0) = 0.30, can the distribution
      of the random variable X be considered a
      probability distribution?
         YES, the probabilities (0.50,0.10,0.10,0.30) are
          between 0 and 1 and they add up to 1
          (0.50+0.10+0.10+0.30 = 1)
          {-5, A, 7, 0} Does Not matter, you can have negative
          numbers, letters, colors, names, etc. in the sample
          space but you couldn’t have negative values as
 Probability    Distributions (continued)
     Examples
     Given the random variable X = {100, 200} with
      P(100) = 0.7 and P(200) = 0.3. Find E(X).

     Simple

     E(X) = Sum of X(P(X) (add the values times their
     E(X) = 100(0.7) + 200(0.3) = 70 + 60 = 130
 Probability   Distributions (continued)
     Examples of Probability values
     Which of these can be probability values?
     3/5 YES
     0.004 YES
     1.32 NO
     43% YES
     -0.67 NO
     1 YES
     5 NO
     0 YES
 Discrete/Continuous   Distributions
 Simple explanation
      A discrete probability distribution has a
 finite number of possible outcomes. (People,
 items, distinct things that can not be
 measured infinitesimally)

     A continuous probability is based on a
 continuous random variable such as a persons
 height or weight. (GOOD EXAMPLES ARE
 Discrete/Continuous     Distributions
 Simple   Example
    The number of cans of soda in your refrigerator is
     discrete (0,1,2,3 etc.)
    The amount of soda IN the can is continuous
     (ounces can be split and split and split, etc.)
 Binomial
         and Poisson Distributions
 Know the difference between the two!

A good hint is that a Poisson usually give you
  an average number of something per time
  period and a Binomial gives you a probability
  and a number of times/trials/etc.
 Binomial   Distribution using Minitab

 The   way is to show you an example.

 Let’s
      say we have a binomial experiment
 with p = 0.2 and n = 6 and you are asked to
 set up the distribution and show all x values
 and the mean, variance and standard
 Binomial      Distribution using Minitab
    Open a new Minitab Project
    Since n= 6, put 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 in column C1
        (Don’t forget the zero)
    Go to Calc>>Probability Distributions>>Binomial
    Change Radial Button to “Probability”
    Put 6 in for number of trials and 0.2 in for event
    Put “C1” in for Input Column
    Click “OK”
 Binomial   Distribution using Minitab

                                        You would write
                                        X = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
                                        P(x=0) = 0.2621

                                        P(x=1) = 0.3932

                                        P(x=2) = 0.2458
                     This is your
              Etc.   distribution, we   P(x=3) = 0.0819
                     now have to
                     calculate the      P(x=4) = 0.0154
                     mean, variance
                     and standard       P(x=5) = 0.0015
                                        P(x=6) = 0.0001
 Binomial       Distribution using Minitab
    Remember we had p = 0.2 and n = 6
    Mean?
        E(X) = np so E(X) = 6(0.2) = 1.2 (the mean)
        Why “E(X)”? Because we would “expect” the outcome
         1.2 times out of the 6 times we did it.
    Variance?
        V(X) = npq (q is just “1-p”), so
        V(X) = 6(0.2)(1-0.2) = 6(0.2)(0.8) = 0.96 (the variance)
    Standard Deviation?
        Std Dev. = Square Root of the Variance = √0.96 =
         0.9216 (the standard deviation)
 Binomial   Distribution using Minitab
    Same Example, what if you were asked
    P(X≥5)
    P(X<3)
    Etc.
    Use your probabilities (next page)
 Binomial     Distribution using Minitab
    P(X≥5)

     P(X≥5) = P(X=5) + P(X=6) =
     0.001536 + 0.000064 =
 Binomial     Distribution using Minitab
    P(X<3)

     P(X<3) = P(X=0) + P(X=1) +
     P(X=2) = 0.262144 +
     0.393216 + 0.245760 =
 Poisson            Distribution with Minitab
 Find P(x=3)
 For a Poisson Distribution with
 mean = 5
 Probability Density Function

 Poisson with mean = 5

 x P( X = x )
 3 0.140374

   Poisson Distribution using Minitab
           Go to Calc>>Probability
           Change Radial Button to “Probability”
           Put 5 in for number of trials and 3 in
           for “Input Constant”
           Click “OK”
 Poisson       Distribution with Minitab

What is the probability that X≤3?
Use Cumulative Distribution Function

Poisson with mean = 5

x P( X <= x )
3 0.265026
 Pivot   Tables

                   Chocolate   Vanilla   Total

           Girls      13         6        19

           Boys       17         5        22

           Total      30         11       41
 Pivot    Tables

Find P(Girl)                        Chocolate   Vanilla   Total
P(Girl) = 19/41
                            Girls        13         6        19
Find P(Vanilla)
P(Vanilla) = 11/41
                            Boys         17         5        22
Find P(Girl who likes
                            Total        30         11       41

13 out of the 41 so it is
 Pivot   Tables

Find P(Girl given they           Chocolate   Vanilla   Total
like chocolate)
P(Girl|Choc) = 13/30     Girls        13         6        19
Find P(Like Vanilla
                         Boys         17         5        22
given they are a boy)
P(Vanilla|Boy) = 5/22
                         Total        30         11       41

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Week 5 lecture_math_221_nov_2012

  • 1. B. Heard These charts are not to be posted or used without my written permission. Students can download a copy for their personal use.
  • 2.  Preparing for the Week 5 Quiz  Factorials  Combinations/Permutations  Probability  Probability Distributions  Discrete/Continuous Distributions  Binomial Distribution  Poisson Distribution  Pivot Tables
  • 3.  Factorials  n! simply means n x (n-1) x (n-2) x …. 3 x 2 x 1  For example 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120, so 5!=120  Always remember that 0! = 1 (NOT ZERO)  Additional examples  3! + 4! = (3x2x1) + (4x3x2x1) = 6 + 24 = 30  5(5-3)! = 5 x 2! = 5 x (2x1) = 5x2 = 10  5(5! – 3!) = 5(120 – 6) = 5(114) = 570  4!(0!) = 24(1) = 24  3!/0! = 6/1 = 6
  • 4. Combinations/Permutations  Combinations – The number of ways of something happening when order DOES NOT matter.  Permutations – The number of ways of something happening when order DOES matter.  The number of ways to pick 5 out of 10 players to start on a basketball team would be a combination.  The number of ways to pick 5 out of 10 players to play 5 different positions would be a permutation.
  • 5.  Combinations/Permutations (continued)  The number of ways to pick 3 committee members out of 11 people would be a combination because there are not distinct positions mentioned (order doesn’t matter).  The number of ways to pick 3 committee members out of 11 people where 1 would be the President, Vice-President and Treasurer would be a permutation because there are distinct positions mentioned (order does matter, you not only could be picked, but you could be one of three different positions).
  • 6.  Combinations/Permutations (continued)  Let’s Do these in Minitab  The number of ways to pick 3 committee members out of 11 people would be a combination because there are not distinct positions mentioned (order doesn’t matter).  This is a combination where we are picking 3 from 11 (Sometimes noted 11C3).  The number of ways to pick 3 committee members out of 11 people where 1 would be the President, Vice-President and Treasurer would be a permutation because there are distinct positions mentioned (order does matter, you not only could be picked, but you could be one of three different positions).  This is a permutation where we are picking 3 from 11 (Sometimes noted 11P3).
  • 7.  Combinations/Permutations (continued)  Minitab  Let’s look at the combination where we are picking 3 from 11 (Sometimes noted 11C3).  In Minitab, Choose “Calc”, then “Calculator”  Type C1, or any other blank column in the “Store result in variable” box  In the Expression box, type “Combinations(11,3)”  In the cell you chose, you will see your answer of 165  This means there are 165 ways to pick a committee of 3 from 11 people (remember order didn’t matter).
  • 8.  Combinations/Permutations (continued)  Minitab
  • 9.  Combinations/Permutations (continued)  Minitab  Let’s look at the permutation where we are picking 3 from 11 (Sometimes noted 11P3).  In Minitab, Choose “Calc”, then “Calculator”  Type C1, or any other blank column in the “Store result in variable” box  In the Expression box, type “Permutations(11,3)”  In the cell you chose, you will see your answer of 990  This means there are 990 ways to pick a committee of 3 from 11 people where there are THREE DISTINCT POSITIONS (order DID matter).
  • 10.  Combinations/Permutations (continued)  Minitab
  • 11. Combinations/Permutations (continued) For the same numbers, the number of permutations will always be larger! This is because there are distinct positions. As an example 3C3 = 1 (there is only one way to pick three from three) 3P3 = 6 (there are 6 ways to pick 3 people from 3 to serve in 3 distinct positions, think about it 3 could be President, 2 are left to serve as Vice-President, one is left to serve as Treasurer, 3x2x1 = 6 In our previous example we had 11P3 = 990 which could be looked at as 11 x 10 x 9 = 990. Why? 11 could be Pres., 10 VP, and 9 Treasurer.
  • 12.  Probability  Probability is simply the number of desired events over the total number of events that can happen.  Sound complicated? It’s not  What is the probability of rolling a 5 on six-sided die?  One side with a five/six sides = 1/6
  • 13.  Probability (continued)  Sample Spaces (What can happen?)  For a regular light switch, the sample space would be {on, off}  For a six-sided die, the sample space would be {1,2,3,4,5,6}  For a new baby, the sample space would be {girl, boy}  For suits in a card deck, the sample space would be {hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades}
  • 14.  Probability (continued)  Examples  What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a standard deck of cards? (There are 4 cards out of the 52 that are Jacks) The probability would be 4/52 or 1/13 simplified  What is the probability of drawing a red Jack from a standard deck of cards? (There are 2 cards out of the 52 that are red Jacks) The probability would be 2/52 or 1/26 simplified  What is the probability of drawing a Jack of Hearts from a standard deck of cards? (There is only 1 Jack of Hearts out of the 52) The probability would be 1/52
  • 15.  Probability (continued)  Conditional Probability Examples  What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a standard deck of cards, if you first drew a 3 of clubs and didn’t replace it? (There are 4 cards out of the 51 that are Jacks) The probability would be 4/51 (Remember you didn’t replace the 3 of clubs)  What is the probability of drawing a Jack from a standard deck of cards, if you first drew a Jack of clubs and didn’t replace it? (There are 3 Jacks left out of the 51) The probability would be 3/51 or 1/17 simplified (Remember you didn’t replace the Jack of clubs)
  • 16.  Probability Distributions  All Probabilities must be between 0 and 1 and the sum of the probabilities must be equal to 1.  Examples  If X = {5, 10, 15, 20} and P(5) = 0.10, P(10) = 0.20, P(15) = 0.30, and P(20) = 0.40, can the distribution of the random variable X be considered a probability distribution?  YES, because all probabilities (0.10,0.20,0.30,0.40) are between 0 and 1 and they add up to 1 (0.10+0.20+0.30+0.40 = 1)
  • 17.  Probability Distributions (continued)  Examples  If X = {5, 10, 15, 20} and P(5) = 0.20, P(10) = 0.20, P(15) = 0.20, and P(20) = 0.20, can the distribution of the random variable X be considered a probability distribution?  No, the probabilities (0.20,0.20,0.20,0.20) are between 0 and 1 BUT they DO NOT add up to 1 (0.20+0.20+0.20+0.20 = 0.80)
  • 18.  Probability Distributions (continued)  Examples  If X = {-5, A, 7, 0} and P(-5) = 0.50, P(A) = 0.10, P(7) = 0.10, and P(0) = 0.30, can the distribution of the random variable X be considered a probability distribution?  YES, the probabilities (0.50,0.10,0.10,0.30) are between 0 and 1 and they add up to 1 (0.50+0.10+0.10+0.30 = 1)  {-5, A, 7, 0} Does Not matter, you can have negative numbers, letters, colors, names, etc. in the sample space but you couldn’t have negative values as PROBABILITIES
  • 19.  Probability Distributions (continued)  Examples  Given the random variable X = {100, 200} with P(100) = 0.7 and P(200) = 0.3. Find E(X).  Simple  E(X) = Sum of X(P(X) (add the values times their probabilities)  E(X) = 100(0.7) + 200(0.3) = 70 + 60 = 130
  • 20.  Probability Distributions (continued)  Examples of Probability values  Which of these can be probability values?  3/5 YES  0.004 YES  1.32 NO  43% YES  -0.67 NO  1 YES  5 NO  0 YES
  • 21.  Discrete/Continuous Distributions  Simple explanation A discrete probability distribution has a finite number of possible outcomes. (People, items, distinct things that can not be measured infinitesimally) A continuous probability is based on a continuous random variable such as a persons height or weight. (GOOD EXAMPLES ARE UNITS OF MEASURE LIKE HEIGHTS, WEIGHTS, VOLUME, ETC.)
  • 22.  Discrete/Continuous Distributions  Simple Example  The number of cans of soda in your refrigerator is discrete (0,1,2,3 etc.)  The amount of soda IN the can is continuous (ounces can be split and split and split, etc.)
  • 23.  Binomial and Poisson Distributions Know the difference between the two! A good hint is that a Poisson usually give you an average number of something per time period and a Binomial gives you a probability and a number of times/trials/etc.
  • 24.  Binomial Distribution using Minitab  The way is to show you an example.  Let’s say we have a binomial experiment with p = 0.2 and n = 6 and you are asked to set up the distribution and show all x values and the mean, variance and standard deviation.
  • 25.  Binomial Distribution using Minitab  Open a new Minitab Project  Since n= 6, put 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 in column C1  (Don’t forget the zero)  Go to Calc>>Probability Distributions>>Binomial  Change Radial Button to “Probability”  Put 6 in for number of trials and 0.2 in for event probability  Put “C1” in for Input Column  Click “OK”
  • 26.  Binomial Distribution using Minitab You would write X = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} P(x=0) = 0.2621 P(x=1) = 0.3932 P(x=2) = 0.2458 This is your Etc. distribution, we P(x=3) = 0.0819 now have to calculate the P(x=4) = 0.0154 mean, variance and standard P(x=5) = 0.0015 deviation. P(x=6) = 0.0001
  • 27.  Binomial Distribution using Minitab  Remember we had p = 0.2 and n = 6  Mean?  E(X) = np so E(X) = 6(0.2) = 1.2 (the mean)  Why “E(X)”? Because we would “expect” the outcome 1.2 times out of the 6 times we did it.  Variance?  V(X) = npq (q is just “1-p”), so  V(X) = 6(0.2)(1-0.2) = 6(0.2)(0.8) = 0.96 (the variance)  Standard Deviation?  Std Dev. = Square Root of the Variance = √0.96 = 0.9216 (the standard deviation)
  • 28.  Binomial Distribution using Minitab  Same Example, what if you were asked  P(X≥5)  P(X<3)  Etc.  Use your probabilities (next page)
  • 29.  Binomial Distribution using Minitab  P(X≥5) P(X≥5) = P(X=5) + P(X=6) = 0.001536 + 0.000064 = 0.0016
  • 30.  Binomial Distribution using Minitab  P(X<3) P(X<3) = P(X=0) + P(X=1) + P(X=2) = 0.262144 + 0.393216 + 0.245760 = 0.90112
  • 31.  Poisson Distribution with Minitab Find P(x=3) For a Poisson Distribution with mean = 5 Probability Density Function Poisson with mean = 5 x P( X = x ) 3 0.140374 Poisson Distribution using Minitab Go to Calc>>Probability Distributions>>Poisson Change Radial Button to “Probability” Put 5 in for number of trials and 3 in for “Input Constant” Click “OK”
  • 32.  Poisson Distribution with Minitab What is the probability that X≤3? Use Cumulative Distribution Function Poisson with mean = 5 x P( X <= x ) 3 0.265026
  • 33.  Pivot Tables Chocolate Vanilla Total Girls 13 6 19 Boys 17 5 22 Total 30 11 41
  • 34.  Pivot Tables Find P(Girl) Chocolate Vanilla Total P(Girl) = 19/41 Girls 13 6 19 Find P(Vanilla) P(Vanilla) = 11/41 Boys 17 5 22 Find P(Girl who likes Chocolate) Total 30 11 41 13 out of the 41 so it is 13/41
  • 35.  Pivot Tables Find P(Girl given they Chocolate Vanilla Total like chocolate) P(Girl|Choc) = 13/30 Girls 13 6 19 Find P(Like Vanilla Boys 17 5 22 given they are a boy) P(Vanilla|Boy) = 5/22 Total 30 11 41