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Feb .21,2010 E.C
Upon completion of this seminar
presentation, the attendants expected to :
Describe the Pharyngeal apparatus
Discuss the development of oro-facial structures
Discuss the development of face
Discuss the development of palate
Discuss the development of tongue
Discuss the development of tooth
Know the major orofascial developemental
Pharyngeal apparatus
Development of face
Development of Palate
Development of Nasal cavity
Development of paranasal sinus
Development of tongue
Development of tooth
Development of salivary glands
 Prenatal growth arbitrarily divided into 3
1. Period of ovum(0-14d)
2. Period of embryo(14-56d)
3. Period of fetus (57-270d)
Introduction cont..
Period of embryo
The following major events occur
Formation of branchial arch
Development of tongue
Development of perioral region(face)
Development of palate
Formation of nasal pit
Introduction cont..
During the 4th week of
development, the human
embryo consists of a flat
disk that bends down at its
anterior extremity as the
overlying brain expands
and enlarges
A pit develops in the
midline b/n the brain and
the heart and becomes the
oral cavity
Beneath this pit the first
pharyngeal arch forms
Introduction cont…
Below the
mandibular arch four
other pharyngeal
arches or bars appear
during the fourth to
seventh prenatal
4 arches are well developed by 4th week of
5th and 6th arches are still rudimentary
Development takes place over weeks 4 to 7
Contribute mostly to neck development but the
first arch contributes to facial development
 It consists of:
A. Pharyngeal arches
B. Pharyngeal pouches
C. Pharyngeal clefts
D. Pharyngeal membranes
Are most distinctive feature in development of
the head and neck
These arches appear in the fourth and fifth
weeks of development and contribute to the
characteristic external appearance of the
Consists of a core of mesenchymal tissue
covered on the outside by surface ectoderm and
on the inside by epithelium of endodermal origin
Separated from each other by grooves known as;
 Pharyngeal Cleft: which are external (ectodermal
grooves), 1st-4th(from above downwards)
 Pharyngeal pouches: which are internal (endodermal
grooves) 1st-4th.
 1st pharyngeal arch (Mandibular arch)
 2nd Ph. Arch (hyoid Arch)
 Succeeding arch are called 3rd,4th,5th and 6th
according to their no.
 5th arch is rudimentary and disappears early on
each side, due to degeneration of its blood
Each arch contains:
A cartilaginous component
A muscular component
An aortic arch (artery)
A nerve
Clinical Comment
From the initial development, each pharyngeal
arch has a specific cranial nerve associated with it.
The nerves and the musculature of each arch
emerge together and follow defined pathways to
their functional positions.
These events are closely regulated genetically
during development, and few errors occur.
Divides early into 2 portions
 Maxillary process dorsally
 Mandibular process ventrally
Mesenchyme of the maxillary process gives rise
to the premaxilla, maxilla, zygomatic bone, and
part of the temporal bone through membranous
Mandibular process contains Meckel’s cartilage
The mandible is also formed by membranous
ossification of mesenchymal tissue surrounding
Meckel’s cartilage.
 Cartilage (Meckel’s Cartilage)
• Dorsal end becomes the malleus and incus
• Intermediate portion regresses, but the
perichondrium forms:
oAnterior ligament of the malleus
oSphenomandibular ligament
• Ventral portion forms the mandible
Secondary cartilages
Three secondary (growth) cartilages govern the
further growth of mandible until birth
1. Condylar cartilage(most important)
2. Coronoid cartilage
3. Symphysial cartilage
 Muscular component
 Muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter,
medial & lateral pterygoids )
Accessory muscles of mastication (mylohyoid,
ant belly of digastric)
Tensor tympani
Tensor veli palatini
 Aortic arch
Maxillary artery
 Nerve
 Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Genetic disorder;
Neural crest cells do
not migrate into Arch
Conductive hearing
Facial malformation
 Cartilage (Reichert’s Cartilage)
Dorsal end becomes stapes (except footplate) and
styloid process
Intermediate portion regresses and perichondrium
forms the stylohyoid ligament
Ventral end forms the lesser cornu of the hyoid
and the upper half of the hyoid bone
 Muscular Component
Migrates over superficial face to form the muscles of
facial expression
Stapedius muscle
Stylohyoid muscle
Posterior belly of digastric
 Aortic Arch
Hyoid artery
Stapedial artery
 Nerve
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
 Cartilage
• Located ventrally and forms the lower half of the body of the
hyoid and the greater cornu
 Muscular Component
• Only one muscle: stylopharyngeus
 Aortic Arch
• Common carotid, external carotid, proximal internal carotid
 Nerve
• Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)
 Cartilage
• Thyroid cartilage
 Muscular Component
• The 3 pharyngeal constrictors
• Cricothyroid muscle
 Aortic Arch
• Left: Aortic arch
• Right: Right subclavian
 Nerve
• Superior laryngeal branch of vagus (CN X)
 Cartilage
• Cricoid cartilage, arytenoid, corniculate and
 Muscular Component
• Intrinsic muscles of larynx
 Aortic Arch
• Left: pulmonary artery, ductus arteriosus
• Right: pulmonary artery
 Nerve
• Recurrent laryngeal nerve of vagus (CN X)
Pharyngeal clefts
( grooves)
 4 ectodermal clefts
 The 2nd to 4th clefts become buried by the
overgrowth of the 2nd arch to form the cervical
 Cervical sinus has disappeared by week 7
 The first cleft persists and invades the
mesenchyme opposite the first pouch
 This becomes the EAC and ectoderm of the TM
Pharyngeal pouches
The human embryo has four pairs of pharyngeal
pouches; the fifth is rudimentary
The epithelial endodermal lining of the pouches
gives rise to a number of important organs
Development of the Face
The dev’t occur b/n the 24th to 38 days of
On 24th day ,the 1st arch divides into maxillary &
mandibular arches.
Five facial primordia contribute to development
of the face:
The frontonasal prominence
Paired Maxillary prominences
Paired Mandibular prominences
Development of the Face
 4th week: thickening of ectoderm in the
ventrolateral parts of the FNP: Nasal Placodes
 Mesenchyme on the edges of the placodes
proliferates to form: medial and lateral nasal
As a result the nasal placodes now lie in a
depression called nasal pits which enlarge dorsally to
form the nasal cavities.
These nasal cavities are separated from the oral
cavity by the oronasal membranes
Development of the Face
 Growth of maxillary prominences pushes
medial nasal prominences medially
These fuse to form the nasal bulb, the philtrum,
the premaxillary segment of the maxilla and the
primitive palate
Development of the Face
The lateral nasal prominences, which become
the ala are separated from the maxillary
prominences by the nasolacrimal grooves which
become the nasolacrimal ducts
Intermaxillary segment
Medial growth of the maxillary prominences, the two
medial nasal prominences
Merge not only at the surface but also at a deeper
Intermaxillary segment has 3 parts
1. Labial component: which forms the philtrum of
the upper lip
2. upper jaw component: carries the four incisor
3. palatal component: which forms the triangular
primary palate
From 7th to 9th week
Primary and Secondary Palate
Primary Palate
Develops from the fusion of the medial nasal
prominences between the maxillary
Forms the adult portion of the palate which is
anterior to the incisive foramen
Secondary Palate
Origin of the hard and soft palate
Develops from internal projections of the maxillary
prominences called the lateral palatine processes
Sixth week two shelflike outgrowths from;the
maxillary prominences of the palatine shelves grow
obliquely downward on each side of the tongue.
Secondary Palate
As mandible develops, the tongue drops and the
palatine processes grow medially and fuse in the
They also fuse with the nasal septum and the
primary palate.
 Seventh week; the palatine shelves ascend to
attain a horizontal position above the tongue and
fuse, forming the secondary palate
Anteriorly, the shelves fuse with the triangular
primary palate
The incisive foramen is the midline landmark
between the 10 and 20 palates.
Nasal cavities
 6th weeks, deepening of the pits due to growth
nasal prominences & partly due to penetration of
the pits into the underlying mesenchyme
And the nasal has a newly formed pit called
primitive choane;
due to the development of secondary palate it is
put at the junction of the nasal cavity and
pharynx to give the definitive choane
Paranasal sinuses
Develop as a diverticula’s of the lateral nasal
cavity into the maxilla, ethmoid, frontal and
sphenoid bones
Start to appear after birth and reaches maximum
size at puberty
Defects of the face and oral region
The face develops during the short span from
the fourth to seventh prenatal weeks.
Environmental factors can cause a facial or
pharyngeal arch defect, which would probably
affect these tissues before the fourth week.
This is the time to be especially careful of
irradiation and chemical, hormonal, dietary, or
stress-related factors.
Defects of the face and oral region
Many facial defects result from a lack of
transformation of the pharyngeal arches to their
adult derivatives.
Pharyngeal cysts and fistulas may appear along the
sides of the neck because the epithelial-lined
pockets remain as a result of the overgrowth of the
These defects may also open in the pharynx. Cysts
and fistulas may result in swelling or draining of
mucus from an opening on the side of the neck
Development Of Tongue
 4th week: elevation on floor of pharynx, just
rostral to foramen cecum:
 Median Tongue Bud (Tuberculum impar)
 Distal Tongue Bud develop just lateral to median
tongue bud
Distal tongue buds overgrow the median tongue
bud and merge with each other
These form the ant 2/3 of the tongue
Median tongue bud forms no adult structure
Development Of Tongue
 At same time 2 elevations develop caudal to foramen
1. Copula: from 2nd arch
2. Hypobranchial emminence: from 3rd & 4th arches
 The hypobranchial emminence overgrows the copula
which disappears
 The post 1/3 of the tongue is formed by the rostral
part of the hypobranchial emminence (Arch 3)
Caudal part of hypobranchial emminence(Arch 4)
forms the epiglottis
Development Of Tongue
Is divided by a V-shaped groove (sulcus
Terminale) into;
Anterior 2/3rd
Posterior 1/3rd
These two parts have different origins and
nerve supply
Special sensory innervation(Taste)
Ant 2/3: chorda tympani branch of facial
Post 1/3: glossopharyngeal nerve
Development Of Tongue
 Branchial mesenchyme forms the
soft tissue, vascular and lymphatics
of the tongue.
Tongue muscles originate from the
occipital somites which bring with
them innervation (CN XII)
Development Of Tongue
 Most muscles are derived from myoblasts
originating in occipital somites.
 Nerve supply to muscle is CN XII except
platoglossus which is supplied by CN X
 Innervation of mucous membranous of Tongue
confirms its dev’t
 Ant 2/3 supplied by lingual br. of Mandibular
 Post 1/3 supplied by glossopharyngeal N.
 Root & glottis: sup. Laryngeal N.
Development Of Tongue
The lingual papillae appears by the end of 8th
Vallate and foliate papilae appear first ,fungi
form & filiform (10-11weeks) papilae appear
Taste buds develop during the 11 to 13 weeks.
Anomalies of Tongue
1. Aglossia: Complete absence of tongue.
2. Microglossia: Small sized tongue.
3. Macroglossia: Large sized tongue.
4. Bifid tongue: due to failure of fusion between
2 lingual swellings.
5. Tongue tie( Ankyloglossia) : due to short
From the interaction of the oral epithelial cells
and the underlying mesenchymal cells
The first sign of tooth formation is the
development of dental lamina rising from the
oral epithelium
The initiating dental lamina that forms both the
successional and general lamina begins to
function in the sixth prenatal week and
continues to function until the fifteenth year,
producing all 52 teeth
By the sixth week of development, the basal
layer of the epithelial lining of the oral cavity
forms a C-shaped structure, the dental lamina,
along the length of the upper and lower jaws.
This lamina subsequently gives rise to a number
of dental buds 10 in each jaw, which form the
primordia of the ectodermal components of the
 it is characterized by a series of easily
distinguishable stages known as ;
 The bud,
 Cap, and
 Bell stages
Dental buds
This lamina subsequently gives rise to a number
of dental buds, 10 in each jaw, which form the
primordia of the ectodermal components of the
Cap stage of tooth development
deep surface of the buds invaginates, resulting
in the cap
cap consists of
 an outer layer, the outer dental epithelium,
 an inner layer, the inner dental epithelium,&
 a central core of loosely woven tissue, the
stellate reticulum
Bell stage
the dental cap grows
and the indentation
deepens, the tooth
takes on the
appearance of a bell
Mesenchyme cells of the papilla adjacent to the
inner dental layer differentiate into
odontoblasts, which later produce dentin.
The odontoblast layer persists throughout the
life of the tooth and continuously provides
The remaining cells of the dental papilla form
the pulp of the tooth .
In the meantime, epithelial cells of the inner
dental epithelium differentiate into ameloblasts
(enamel formers)
Enamel is first laid down at the apex of the tooth
and from here spreads toward the neck
Formation of the root of the tooth begins when
the dental epithelial layers penetrate into the
underlying mesenchyme and form the epithelial
root sheath
Cells of the dental papilla lay down a layer of
dentin continuous with that of the crown .
As more and more dentin is deposited, the pulp
chamber narrows and finally forms a canal
containing blood vessels and nerves of the tooth.
Mesenchymal cells on the outside of the tooth
and in contact with dentin of the root
differentiate into cementoblasts
Outside of the cement layer,mesenchyme gives
rise to the periodontal ligament
With further lengthening of the root, the crown
is gradually pushed through the overlying tissue
layers into the oral cavity
Buds for the permanent teeth, which lie on the
lingual aspect of the milk teeth, are formed
during the third month of development.
These buds remain dormant until approximately
the sixth year of postnatal life
The Embryology of the Salivary
 is the result of a highly orchestrated complex
interaction between 2 distinct tissues, the oral
epithelium and the underlying mesenchyme.
The Embryologyof the Salivary
The secretory units (acini) and the ductal system
system of each gland will eventually arise from
these epithelial outgrowths, which are of
ectodermal origin for the parotid glands,
submandibular glands, and sublingual
glands,and are of mixed ectodermal and
endodermal origin for the minor salivary glands
The Embryology of the Salivary
The mesenchymal cells contain the information
for the branching pattern that eventually will be
the morphologic signature of these glands,
whereas the epithelial cells carry the information
for the type of salivary secretions that will be
produced by each future gland
The Embryology of the Salivary
The stroma, which comprises the capsule of
each gland as well as the septae that divide the
gland into lobes and lobules will develop from
cranial neural crest cells,which are cells that
originate from the dorsal part of the neural tube
Period of fetus
B/n 8th-12th week of IUL;
• Fetus triple in length (20 to 60mm)
By 3rd month ; face assume more human
Eye direct forward
Head erect & bridge of the nose prominent
Ears migrate from lower corners of face to
horizontal plane at level of eye
Period of fetus
Maxillomandibular r/n approaches that of new
born infants
Cranium to face ratio during;
• Embryonic period = 40:1
• 4th month of IUL =5:1
• @ birth = 8:1
• Adulthood =2:1

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Oro facial embryogenesis

  • 1. Oro-facial Embryogenesis Dr. Fuad M. (OMS R1) PRESENTOR Dr. Santosh (OMS) MODERATOR Feb .21,2010 E.C
  • 2. Objectives Upon completion of this seminar presentation, the attendants expected to : Describe the Pharyngeal apparatus Discuss the development of oro-facial structures Discuss the development of face Discuss the development of palate Discuss the development of tongue Discuss the development of tooth Know the major orofascial developemental anomalies SPMMC 2
  • 3. Content Introduction Pharyngeal apparatus Development of face Development of Palate Development of Nasal cavity Development of paranasal sinus Development of tongue Development of tooth Development of salivary glands SPMMC 3
  • 4. Introduction  Prenatal growth arbitrarily divided into 3 periods; 1. Period of ovum(0-14d) 2. Period of embryo(14-56d) 3. Period of fetus (57-270d) SPMMC 4
  • 5. Introduction cont.. Period of embryo The following major events occur Formation of branchial arch Development of tongue Development of perioral region(face) Development of palate Formation of nasal pit SPMMC 5
  • 6. Introduction cont.. During the 4th week of development, the human embryo consists of a flat disk that bends down at its anterior extremity as the overlying brain expands and enlarges A pit develops in the midline b/n the brain and the heart and becomes the oral cavity Beneath this pit the first pharyngeal arch forms SPMMC 6
  • 7. Introduction cont… Below the mandibular arch four other pharyngeal arches or bars appear during the fourth to seventh prenatal week SPMMC 7
  • 8. PHARYNGEAL APPARATUS 4 arches are well developed by 4th week of gestation 5th and 6th arches are still rudimentary Development takes place over weeks 4 to 7 Contribute mostly to neck development but the first arch contributes to facial development SPMMC 8
  • 10. PHARYNGEAL APPARATUS  It consists of: A. Pharyngeal arches B. Pharyngeal pouches C. Pharyngeal clefts D. Pharyngeal membranes SPMMC 10
  • 12. PHARYNGEAL ARCHES Are most distinctive feature in development of the head and neck These arches appear in the fourth and fifth weeks of development and contribute to the characteristic external appearance of the embryo SPMMC 13
  • 13. PHARYNGEAL ARCHES Consists of a core of mesenchymal tissue covered on the outside by surface ectoderm and on the inside by epithelium of endodermal origin Separated from each other by grooves known as;  Pharyngeal Cleft: which are external (ectodermal grooves), 1st-4th(from above downwards)  Pharyngeal pouches: which are internal (endodermal grooves) 1st-4th. SPMMC 14
  • 14. PHARYNGEAL ARCHES  1st pharyngeal arch (Mandibular arch)  2nd Ph. Arch (hyoid Arch)  Succeeding arch are called 3rd,4th,5th and 6th according to their no.  5th arch is rudimentary and disappears early on each side, due to degeneration of its blood supply. SPMMC 15
  • 15. PHARYNGEAL ARCHES Each arch contains: A cartilaginous component A muscular component An aortic arch (artery) A nerve SPMMC 16
  • 17. PHARYNGEAL ARCH Clinical Comment From the initial development, each pharyngeal arch has a specific cranial nerve associated with it. The nerves and the musculature of each arch emerge together and follow defined pathways to their functional positions. These events are closely regulated genetically during development, and few errors occur. SPMMC 18
  • 18. 1ST PHARYNGEALARCH Divides early into 2 portions  Maxillary process dorsally  Mandibular process ventrally SPMMC 19
  • 19. PHARYNGEAL ARCH Mesenchyme of the maxillary process gives rise to the premaxilla, maxilla, zygomatic bone, and part of the temporal bone through membranous ossification Mandibular process contains Meckel’s cartilage The mandible is also formed by membranous ossification of mesenchymal tissue surrounding Meckel’s cartilage. SPMMC 20
  • 20. 1ST PHARYNGEAL ARCH  Cartilage (Meckel’s Cartilage) • Dorsal end becomes the malleus and incus • Intermediate portion regresses, but the perichondrium forms: oAnterior ligament of the malleus oSphenomandibular ligament • Ventral portion forms the mandible SPMMC 21
  • 21. 1st PHARYNGEAL ARCH Secondary cartilages Three secondary (growth) cartilages govern the further growth of mandible until birth 1. Condylar cartilage(most important) 2. Coronoid cartilage 3. Symphysial cartilage SPMMC 22
  • 22. 1ST PHARYNGEAL ARCH  Muscular component  Muscles of mastication (temporalis, masseter, medial & lateral pterygoids ) Accessory muscles of mastication (mylohyoid, ant belly of digastric) Tensor tympani Tensor veli palatini SPMMC 23
  • 23. 1ST PHARYNGEAL ARCH  Aortic arch Maxillary artery  Nerve  Trigeminal nerve (CN V) SPMMC 24
  • 24. FIRST ARCH SYNDROME (TREACHER COLLINS) Genetic disorder; Neural crest cells do not migrate into Arch 1: Mandibular hypoplasia Conductive hearing loss Facial malformation SPMMC 25
  • 25. 2ND PHARYNGEAL ARCH  Cartilage (Reichert’s Cartilage) Dorsal end becomes stapes (except footplate) and styloid process Intermediate portion regresses and perichondrium forms the stylohyoid ligament Ventral end forms the lesser cornu of the hyoid and the upper half of the hyoid bone SPMMC 26
  • 26. 2ND PHARYNGEAL ARCH  Muscular Component Migrates over superficial face to form the muscles of facial expression Stapedius muscle Stylohyoid muscle Posterior belly of digastric  Aortic Arch Hyoid artery Stapedial artery  Nerve Facial Nerve (CN VII) SPMMC 27
  • 27. 3RD PHARYNGEAL ARCH  Cartilage • Located ventrally and forms the lower half of the body of the hyoid and the greater cornu  Muscular Component • Only one muscle: stylopharyngeus  Aortic Arch • Common carotid, external carotid, proximal internal carotid  Nerve • Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) SPMMC 28
  • 28. 4TH PHARYNGEAL ARCHE  Cartilage • Thyroid cartilage  Muscular Component • The 3 pharyngeal constrictors • Cricothyroid muscle  Aortic Arch • Left: Aortic arch • Right: Right subclavian  Nerve • Superior laryngeal branch of vagus (CN X) SPMMC 29
  • 29. 6TH PHARYNGEAL ARCHE  Cartilage • Cricoid cartilage, arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform  Muscular Component • Intrinsic muscles of larynx  Aortic Arch • Left: pulmonary artery, ductus arteriosus • Right: pulmonary artery  Nerve • Recurrent laryngeal nerve of vagus (CN X) SPMMC 30
  • 30. Pharyngeal clefts ( grooves)  4 ectodermal clefts  The 2nd to 4th clefts become buried by the overgrowth of the 2nd arch to form the cervical sinus  Cervical sinus has disappeared by week 7  The first cleft persists and invades the mesenchyme opposite the first pouch  This becomes the EAC and ectoderm of the TM SPMMC 31
  • 32. Pharyngeal pouches The human embryo has four pairs of pharyngeal pouches; the fifth is rudimentary The epithelial endodermal lining of the pouches gives rise to a number of important organs SPMMC 33
  • 40. Development of the Face The dev’t occur b/n the 24th to 38 days of gestation On 24th day ,the 1st arch divides into maxillary & mandibular arches. Five facial primordia contribute to development of the face: The frontonasal prominence Paired Maxillary prominences Paired Mandibular prominences SPMMC 41
  • 41. Development of the Face  4th week: thickening of ectoderm in the ventrolateral parts of the FNP: Nasal Placodes  Mesenchyme on the edges of the placodes proliferates to form: medial and lateral nasal prominences As a result the nasal placodes now lie in a depression called nasal pits which enlarge dorsally to form the nasal cavities. These nasal cavities are separated from the oral cavity by the oronasal membranes SPMMC 42
  • 42. Development of the Face  Growth of maxillary prominences pushes medial nasal prominences medially These fuse to form the nasal bulb, the philtrum, the premaxillary segment of the maxilla and the primitive palate SPMMC 43
  • 43. Development of the Face The lateral nasal prominences, which become the ala are separated from the maxillary prominences by the nasolacrimal grooves which become the nasolacrimal ducts SPMMC 44
  • 44. Intermaxillary segment Medial growth of the maxillary prominences, the two medial nasal prominences Merge not only at the surface but also at a deeper level. SPMMC 45
  • 45. Intermaxillary segment has 3 parts 1. Labial component: which forms the philtrum of the upper lip 2. upper jaw component: carries the four incisor teeth 3. palatal component: which forms the triangular primary palate SPMMC 46
  • 47. Palate From 7th to 9th week Primary and Secondary Palate Primary Palate Develops from the fusion of the medial nasal prominences between the maxillary prominences Forms the adult portion of the palate which is anterior to the incisive foramen SPMMC 48
  • 48. Palate Secondary Palate Origin of the hard and soft palate Develops from internal projections of the maxillary prominences called the lateral palatine processes Sixth week two shelflike outgrowths from;the maxillary prominences of the palatine shelves grow obliquely downward on each side of the tongue. SPMMC 49
  • 49. Palate Secondary Palate As mandible develops, the tongue drops and the palatine processes grow medially and fuse in the midline. They also fuse with the nasal septum and the primary palate. SPMMC 50
  • 51. Palate  Seventh week; the palatine shelves ascend to attain a horizontal position above the tongue and fuse, forming the secondary palate Anteriorly, the shelves fuse with the triangular primary palate The incisive foramen is the midline landmark between the 10 and 20 palates. SPMMC 52
  • 52. Nasal cavities  6th weeks, deepening of the pits due to growth nasal prominences & partly due to penetration of the pits into the underlying mesenchyme And the nasal has a newly formed pit called primitive choane; due to the development of secondary palate it is put at the junction of the nasal cavity and pharynx to give the definitive choane SPMMC 53
  • 53. Paranasal sinuses Develop as a diverticula’s of the lateral nasal cavity into the maxilla, ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid bones Start to appear after birth and reaches maximum size at puberty SPMMC 54
  • 54. Defects of the face and oral region CLINICAL COMMENT The face develops during the short span from the fourth to seventh prenatal weeks. Environmental factors can cause a facial or pharyngeal arch defect, which would probably affect these tissues before the fourth week. This is the time to be especially careful of irradiation and chemical, hormonal, dietary, or stress-related factors. SPMMC 55
  • 55. Defects of the face and oral region Many facial defects result from a lack of transformation of the pharyngeal arches to their adult derivatives. Pharyngeal cysts and fistulas may appear along the sides of the neck because the epithelial-lined pockets remain as a result of the overgrowth of the arches. These defects may also open in the pharynx. Cysts and fistulas may result in swelling or draining of mucus from an opening on the side of the neck SPMMC 56
  • 57. Development Of Tongue  4th week: elevation on floor of pharynx, just rostral to foramen cecum:  Median Tongue Bud (Tuberculum impar)  Distal Tongue Bud develop just lateral to median tongue bud Distal tongue buds overgrow the median tongue bud and merge with each other These form the ant 2/3 of the tongue Median tongue bud forms no adult structure SPMMC 60
  • 58. Development Of Tongue  At same time 2 elevations develop caudal to foramen cecum: 1. Copula: from 2nd arch 2. Hypobranchial emminence: from 3rd & 4th arches  The hypobranchial emminence overgrows the copula which disappears  The post 1/3 of the tongue is formed by the rostral part of the hypobranchial emminence (Arch 3) Caudal part of hypobranchial emminence(Arch 4) forms the epiglottis SPMMC 61
  • 60. Development Of Tongue Is divided by a V-shaped groove (sulcus Terminale) into; Anterior 2/3rd Posterior 1/3rd These two parts have different origins and nerve supply Special sensory innervation(Taste) Ant 2/3: chorda tympani branch of facial nerve Post 1/3: glossopharyngeal nerve SPMMC 63
  • 61. Development Of Tongue  Branchial mesenchyme forms the soft tissue, vascular and lymphatics of the tongue. Tongue muscles originate from the occipital somites which bring with them innervation (CN XII) SPMMC 64
  • 62. Development Of Tongue  Most muscles are derived from myoblasts originating in occipital somites.  Nerve supply to muscle is CN XII except platoglossus which is supplied by CN X  Innervation of mucous membranous of Tongue confirms its dev’t  Ant 2/3 supplied by lingual br. of Mandibular N.  Post 1/3 supplied by glossopharyngeal N.  Root & glottis: sup. Laryngeal N. SPMMC 65
  • 63. Development Of Tongue The lingual papillae appears by the end of 8th week Vallate and foliate papilae appear first ,fungi form & filiform (10-11weeks) papilae appear later. Taste buds develop during the 11 to 13 weeks. SPMMC 66
  • 64. Anomalies of Tongue 1. Aglossia: Complete absence of tongue. 2. Microglossia: Small sized tongue. 3. Macroglossia: Large sized tongue. 4. Bifid tongue: due to failure of fusion between 2 lingual swellings. 5. Tongue tie( Ankyloglossia) : due to short frenulum. SPMMC 67
  • 66. DEVELOPMENT OF TEETH From the interaction of the oral epithelial cells and the underlying mesenchymal cells The first sign of tooth formation is the development of dental lamina rising from the oral epithelium The initiating dental lamina that forms both the successional and general lamina begins to function in the sixth prenatal week and continues to function until the fifteenth year, producing all 52 teeth SPMMC 69
  • 67. STAGES OF TOOTH DEVELOPMENT By the sixth week of development, the basal layer of the epithelial lining of the oral cavity forms a C-shaped structure, the dental lamina, along the length of the upper and lower jaws. This lamina subsequently gives rise to a number of dental buds 10 in each jaw, which form the primordia of the ectodermal components of the teeth SPMMC 70
  • 68. STAGES OF TOOTH DEVELOPMENT  it is characterized by a series of easily distinguishable stages known as ;  The bud,  Cap, and  Bell stages SPMMC 71
  • 69. Dental buds This lamina subsequently gives rise to a number of dental buds, 10 in each jaw, which form the primordia of the ectodermal components of the teeth. SPMMC 72
  • 70. Cap stage of tooth development deep surface of the buds invaginates, resulting in the cap cap consists of  an outer layer, the outer dental epithelium,  an inner layer, the inner dental epithelium,&  a central core of loosely woven tissue, the stellate reticulum SPMMC 73
  • 72. Bell stage the dental cap grows and the indentation deepens, the tooth takes on the appearance of a bell SPMMC 75
  • 73. DEVELOPMENT OF TEETH Mesenchyme cells of the papilla adjacent to the inner dental layer differentiate into odontoblasts, which later produce dentin. The odontoblast layer persists throughout the life of the tooth and continuously provides predentin. The remaining cells of the dental papilla form the pulp of the tooth . SPMMC 76
  • 74. DEVELOPMENT OF TEETH In the meantime, epithelial cells of the inner dental epithelium differentiate into ameloblasts (enamel formers) Enamel is first laid down at the apex of the tooth and from here spreads toward the neck SPMMC 77
  • 75. DEVELOPMENT OF TEETH Formation of the root of the tooth begins when the dental epithelial layers penetrate into the underlying mesenchyme and form the epithelial root sheath Cells of the dental papilla lay down a layer of dentin continuous with that of the crown . As more and more dentin is deposited, the pulp chamber narrows and finally forms a canal containing blood vessels and nerves of the tooth. SPMMC 78
  • 76. DEVELOPMENT OF TEETH Mesenchymal cells on the outside of the tooth and in contact with dentin of the root differentiate into cementoblasts Outside of the cement layer,mesenchyme gives rise to the periodontal ligament With further lengthening of the root, the crown is gradually pushed through the overlying tissue layers into the oral cavity SPMMC 79
  • 77. DEVELOPMENT OF TEETH Buds for the permanent teeth, which lie on the lingual aspect of the milk teeth, are formed during the third month of development. These buds remain dormant until approximately the sixth year of postnatal life SPMMC 80
  • 80. The Embryology of the Salivary Glands  is the result of a highly orchestrated complex interaction between 2 distinct tissues, the oral epithelium and the underlying mesenchyme. SPMMC 83
  • 81. The Embryologyof the Salivary Glands The secretory units (acini) and the ductal system system of each gland will eventually arise from these epithelial outgrowths, which are of ectodermal origin for the parotid glands, submandibular glands, and sublingual glands,and are of mixed ectodermal and endodermal origin for the minor salivary glands SPMMC 84
  • 82. The Embryology of the Salivary Glands The mesenchymal cells contain the information for the branching pattern that eventually will be the morphologic signature of these glands, whereas the epithelial cells carry the information for the type of salivary secretions that will be produced by each future gland SPMMC 85
  • 83. The Embryology of the Salivary Glands The stroma, which comprises the capsule of each gland as well as the septae that divide the gland into lobes and lobules will develop from cranial neural crest cells,which are cells that originate from the dorsal part of the neural tube epithelium SPMMC 86
  • 88. Period of fetus B/n 8th-12th week of IUL; • Fetus triple in length (20 to 60mm) By 3rd month ; face assume more human appearances Eye direct forward Head erect & bridge of the nose prominent Ears migrate from lower corners of face to horizontal plane at level of eye SPMMC 91
  • 89. Period of fetus Maxillomandibular r/n approaches that of new born infants Cranium to face ratio during; • Embryonic period = 40:1 • 4th month of IUL =5:1 • @ birth = 8:1 • Adulthood =2:1 SPMMC 92

Notas do Editor

  1. This action pushes the heart beneath the brain. A pit develops in the midline between the brain and the heart and becomes the oral cavity or stomodeum Beneath this pit the first pharyngeal arch, termed the mandibular arch, forms -head fold forms a primitive stomatodeum (oral cavity)(from 24 days till end of 4th week) -At the end of the fourth week, the center of the face is formed by the stomodeum, surrounded by the first pair of pharyngeal arches
  2. -2nd week>> two layered embryo formed(2 week of gestation)ecto & endo.. - 3rd week 3 layered….(Gastrulation) - Nueral tube undergoes massive expansion to form the forebrain,midbrain &hindbrain===(pict.shows 3rd weeks) Fig. 3-1 The embryo head bends anteriorly with the growth and expansion to the head. This pushes the heart ventrally 3.nd the oral pit (stomodeum, see Fig. 3-2) develops between :ne brain and the heart. Fig. 3-2 Internal view of the oral pit at 3'/2 weeks. The 3ropharyngeal membrane separated the oral pit (stor.odeum) and the pharyngeal cavities. The membranes will :'len rupture, allowing the two cavities to join.
  3. Neural crest cells are group of neuroectoderem migrate and differentiate extensively leading to formation of cranial sensory ganglia & most of the connective tissue of the head
  4. Pharyngeal arches expand by proliferation of neural crest cells
  5. (the old term for these structures is branchial arches because they somewhat resemble the gills [branchia] of a fish) Hence,although development of pharyngeal arches, clefts,and pouches resembles formation of gills in fishes and amphibians, in the human embryo, real gills are never formed. Therefore, the term pharyngeal(arches, clefts, and pouches) has been adopted for the human embryo. The pouches penetrate the surrounding mesenchyme,but do not establish an open communication with the external clefts -….of outpocketings, the pharyngeal pouches, appear along the lateral walls of the pharynx, the most cranial part of the foregut .
  6. -Initially, they consist of bars of mesenchymal tissue separated by deep clefts -Simultaneously, with development of the arches and clefts, a number of outpocketings, the pharyngeal pouches, appear along the lateral walls of the pharynx
  7. each pharyngeal arch is characterized by its own muscular components.The muscular components of each arch have their own cranial nerve, and wherever the muscle cells migrate, they carry their nerve component with them In addition, each arch has its own arterial component The mesoderm of each Ph. Arch gives; Cartilaginous or bony derivatives Muscular derivatives One of the aortic arches (of same number)Contains a main nerve
  8. Consider the Patient ;A patient appears with a swelling in the lateral area of the neck and states that the swelling subsides from time to time but then resumes. He asks you what you think the cause may be.
  9. ~the pharyngeal arches are so termed because they bend around the sides of the pharynx as bars of tissue. Each arch is separated by vertical grooves on the lateral sides of the neck at the fifth week. Within the pharynx, "rooves called pharyngeal pouches separate each arch
  10. Muscles of the arches do not always attach to the bony or cartilaginous components of their own arch but sometimes migrate into surrounding regions. Nevertheless, the origin of these muscles can always be traced, since their nerve supply is derived from the arch of origin.
  11. -cxrized by defects of structures that derived from 1st & 2nd arches & due to failure nueral crest cell to migrate properly to facial region
  12. - Cartilaginous components of the fourth and sixth pharyngeal arches fuse to form the thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages of the larynx
  13. Right: pulmonary artery, distal end degenerates
  14. -Dorsal part deepens to form the external auditory meatus.Ectodermal lining of meatus forms the outer layer of tympanic membrane.Pinna is formed around meatus from small surface elevation that fuse
  15. 5th human pouch incorporated with the 4th pouch
  16. -pharyngotympanic (eutachian tube) -tympanic and mastoid antrum from 1st groove and pouch
  17. FNP=frontonasal prominance = placode –thickening of epithelium
  18. -
  19. Palate develops from primary and secondary palates
  20. -Form the main part of the definitive palate ---Ossification occurs in an antero-posterior direction
  21. Primitive choane, is located in the mid line behind the primary palate -The oronasal membrane separates the nasal pits from the primitive oral cavity
  22. The sinuses form as outpouchings of the ectoderm of lateral nasal walls The olfactory epithelium develops from ectoderm
  23. Both (median t bud & distal..)originate in mesenchyme of first branchial arch- ---rostral..near the front end(tip) of the body -lateral lingual swellings(distal tongue buds) from mesenchyme epith. Of mand arch. -formation of foramen caecum by merge of 1st & 2nd arches(behind sulcus terminalis)---foramen caecum gives tyroid gland
  24. Copula is a median endodermal swelling formed by; Fusion of the ventromedial parts of the second pair of pharyngeal arches
  25. Foramen caecum is a median depression at the junction of ant 2/3 and post 1/3 of the tongue It indicates the original site of the thyroid rudiment -Connected to the floor of the mouth by median frenulum linguae The caudal part of hypobrachial eminence will form the epiglottis and root of the tongue Lingual thyroid …..,thyroglosal duct cyst
  26. …test buds devp from inductive interaction bn epithelial cells of tongue & invading gustatory nerve cells from chorda tympani ,glossopharyngeal & vagus nerves
  27. Lingual thyroid …..,thyroglosal duct cyst
  28. Macroglosia(heriditery eg.muscular hypertropy,downsyndrom,lympangioma..,acquired hypothyroidsms,acromrgally…)tongue tie,bifid tongue,fissured tongue(scrotal t. due to loss of filli form p, Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome•Facial palsy•Chelitis granulomatosa•Fissured tongue & Downsyndrom)
  29. Teeth develop from two types ofcells: oral epithelial cells form the enamel organ and mesenchymal cells form the dental papilla. Enamel develops from the enamel organ, and dentin forms from the dental papilla .In addition to these cells, the neural crest cells contribute to tooth development. The neural crest cells arise from the neural tissue at an early stage of development and migrate into the jaws, intermingling with mesenchymal cells
  30. Although tooth formation is a conrinuous process, it is characterized by a series of easily distinguishable stages known as the bud, cap, and bell stages. =Each stage is defined according to the shape of the epithelial enamel organ, which is a part of the developing tooth
  31. The mesenchyme, which originates in the neural crest in the indentation,forms the dental papilla
  32. Cap stage of tooth development. The enamel organ is outlined in blue, indicating that it is of ectodermal origin. The mesenchyme of the dental papilla surrounds the enamel organ.
  33. -With thickening of the dentin layer, odontoblasts retreat into the dental papilla, leaving a thin cytoplasmic process (dental process) behind in the dentin .
  34. When the enamel thickens, the ameloblasts retreat into the stellate reticulum. Here they regress, temporarily leaving a thin membrane (dental cuticle)on the surface of the enamel
  35. the root differentiate into cementoblasts . These cells produce a thin layer of specialized bone,the cementum. Outside of the cement layer,Enamel Bone of socket Periodontal ligament Cementum Cementoblasts Outside of the cement layer,mesenchyme gives rise to the periodontal ligament, which holds the tooth firmly in position and functions as a shock absorber.
  36. Why are neural crest cells considered such an important cell population for craniofacial development
  37. True generalised eg. In Pitutary dwarfism -Microdontia of single tooth•Maxillary lateral (peg lateral)•Third molar macrodontia
  38. All of the salivary glands share a common embryogenesis in that they develop from growths of oral epithelium into the underlying mesenchyme
  39. Neural crest cells drived from embryonic ectoderm layer
  40. ECM..extra cellular matrix
  41. By the end of the seventh fetal week, all the peripheral branches of the facial nerve are present below the skull base and are separating from one another