The Promise of Cuba: Executive Summary

J. Walter Thompson Intelligence Há 8 anos

Deep Social: The Next Phase of Social Media

Ogilvy Consulting Há 7 anos

Some tips on selling from Ogilvy

OgilvyOne Worldwide Há 14 anos

Winning Affluent Millennials

LinkedIn Há 8 anos

JWT: Generation Z — Executive Summary (May 2015)

J. Walter Thompson Intelligence Há 8 anos

How a Strong Brand Boosts B2B Demand

GYK Antler Há 8 anos

The Atomic Guide to Content Strategy

frankdelmelle Há 8 anos

SXSW 2016 takeaways

Havas Há 8 anos

Introduction to IOT & Smart City

Dr. Mazlan Abbas Há 7 anos

The Art of the Presentation

Jeffrey Stevens Há 7 anos

Kickstarting Design Thinking

Erin 'Folletto' Casali Há 8 anos

Transformación Digital en México

Good Rebels Há 8 anos

RFID: Past, Present, and Future

Sean Robinson Há 8 anos

Live Streaming: Consumption, branding and it's future

String Nguyen | Top Voice Há 8 anos