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Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 31
In Geometry, we have studied triangles and many of their properties in earlier classes. We also have studied
congruence and similarity of two triangles. Recall that the two figures are said to be congruent, if they
have the same shape and same size whereas the two figures are said to be similar, if they have the same
shape (and not necessarily the same size). All circles with the same radii are congruent, all squares with
the same side lengths are congruent and all equilateral triangles with the same side lengths are congruent.
Note that all congruent figures are similar but the similar figures need not be congruent.
We can state the similarity of two triangles as:
Two triangles are similar, if
	(i)	 their corresponding angles are equal.
	(ii)	 their corresponding sides are in the same ratio (or proportion).
Note that if corresponding angles of two triangles are equal, then they are known as equiangular
triangles. We can say that the ratio of any two corresponding sides in two equiangular triangles is always
the same. Now, here we shall start with:
Basic Proportionality Theorem: If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other
two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
It is also called Thales Theorem as it is given by the Thales, a mathematician.
The Centroid: The centroid of a triangle is the point
where the three medians of the triangle meet and is
often described as the triangle’s centre of gravity.
In the triangle ABC, AD, BE and CF are medians.
Point O is the centroid of DABC.
Pythagoras Theorem: In a right-angled triangle, the
square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the
squares of the other two sides.
DABC shown alongside is a right-angled triangle,
in which ∠B = 90°.
According to Pythagoras Theorem,
	=	(Base)2
+ (Perpendicular)­2
i.e.,	AC2
	=	BC2
+ AB2
Activity Plus in Mathematics-1032
Activity 2.1 Triangles: Basic Proportionality Theorem
If a line DE is drawn parallel to side BC to intersect other two sides AB and AC at the points D and E,
respectively of a DABC, then
Fig. 1
This is called ‘Basic Proportionality Theorem’ or ‘Thales Theorem’.
To verify the ‘Basic Proportionality Theorem’ using parallel line
board and triangle cut-outs.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
	(i )	 The statement of basic proportionality theorem: If a line is drawn
parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides
in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
	(ii )	 Drawing a line parallel to a given line which passes through a given point.
	 (i )	 Take three rectangular sheets of ruled paper.
	(ii )	 Paste the ruled sheets on the white chart paper.
	(iii )	 Draw an acute-angled triangle, a right-angled triangle and an obtuse-angled triangle on glazed papers
and cut these using scissors.
Fig. 2
	(iv )	 Paste the acute-angled ∆ABC on a ruled sheet such that the base of triangle coincides with a ruled
sheet. Draw a line l1
parallel to base such that it meets the other two sides at P and Q.
Fig. 3
Materials Required
	 Glazed papers of different colours
	 White chart paper
	 Geometry box, sketch pens, fevicol
	 A pair of scissors
	 Parallel-line board (ruled paper
Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 33
	(v )	 Measure the line segments AP, AQ, BP and CQ with the help of a scale.
	(vi )	 Repeat the above activity for the right-angled triangle as well as for the obtuse-angled triangle.
	 Fig. 4	 Fig. 5
	(vii )	 Record the readings in the following table:
Triangle ABC
Length of the line segment
Acute-angled ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
Right-angled ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
Obtuse-angled ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
From the table for each triangle, we find that
= .
For each triangle, Basic Proportionality Theorem is verified by using parallel-line board.
Learning Outcomes
The students will learn that in all the three triangles, the Basic Proportionality Theorem is verified.
Basic Proportionality Theorem can be applied to acute/obtuse/right-angled triangle.
Suggested Activity
	 1.	 Draw an acute-angled DABC, obtuse-angled DDEF and right DPQR. Take two points on the base (or
base produced) of each triangle and draw equal arcs cutting the other two sides. Draw lines l, m,
and n touching the arcs at B1
, C1
, and D1
, F1
, and Q1
, R1
, respectively (as shown in the figures given
on the next page).
		Here, l || BC, m || EF and n || QR.
Activity Plus in Mathematics-1034
		Measure the line segments AB1
, B1
B, AC1
, C1
C, in figure (i ), DD1
, D1
E, DF1
, F1
F in figure (ii ), PQ1
Q, PR1
, R1
R in figure (iii ) and verify the Basic Proportionality Theorem.
	 Fig. (i )	 Fig. (ii )	Fig. (iii )
Viva Voce
	 Q1.		What is the other name of the “Basic Proportionality Theorem”?
	Ans.	 Thales Theorem.
	 Q2.	 Are two quadrilaterals having their corresponding angles equal, similar?
	Ans.	 Yes.
	 Q3.	If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides at distinct
points, then what is the relation between the ratio in which the two sides of the triangle are
	Ans.	 Their ratios are same.
	 Q4.		If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then what is the relation between the
third side of the triangle and the given line?
	Ans.	 They are parallel to each other.
	 Q5.	 Can a rhombus and a square be similar?
	Ans.	 No, because they are not equiangular.
	 Q6.	 Can a rectangle and a square be similar?
	Ans.	 No, because their sides are not proportional.
	 Q7.	 Are the two similar triangles always congruent?
	Ans.	 No.
	 Q8.	 Are the two congruent triangles always similar?
	Ans.	 Yes.
Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 35
Activity 2.2 Triangles: The Centroid
	(a)	The centroid is always inside the triangle. It is a point where
the three medians of the triangle intersect.
	(b)	Each median divides the triangle into two smaller triangles of
equal area.
	(c)	The centroid is exactly two-third the way along each median.
To illustrate that the medians of a triangle occur at a point
called the centroid, which always lies inside the triangle.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
	(i )	Median of a triangle: The line segment joining a vertex of the triangle
to the mid-point of the opposite side.
	(ii )	Concurrent point: The point where three or more lines intersect.
	(iii )	Interior and exterior of a triangle.
	(iv )	Finding the mid-point of a line segment using paper folding method.
	(i)	Draw three types of triangle:
	(a )	 acute-angled triangle
	(b )	right-angled triangle and
	(c )	 obtuse-angled triangle.
	(ii)	Fold the side AB of the acute-
angled triangle such that vertex
A falls on B.
	(iii)	Press it to obtain a crease.
Fig. 3
	(iv)	Unfold and mark the fold on AB as K. We obtain a crease as shown by dotted line KC and K as the
mid-point of AB.
	(v)	Similarly, obtain mid-points of BC and AC as L and M, respectively.
Fig. 4
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Materials Required
	 Coloured paper
	Scale
	Pencil
	 A pair of scissors
	Fevicol
Activity Plus in Mathematics-1036
	(vi)	Draw line segments KC, LA and MB which are medians with respect to sides AB, BC and AC,
Fig. 5
	(vii)	Repeat the same activity with the
right-angled triangle DEF and the
obtuse-angled triangle PQR as shown
	(i )	In each type of triangle, the three
medians are concurrent at a point G as:
	(a)	in acute-angled ∆ABC, AL, BM and
CK intersect at G.
	(b)	in right-angled ∆DEF, DL, EM and
FK intersect at G.
	(c)	in obtuse-angled ∆PQR, PL, QM and RK intersect at G.
	(ii )	The point of concurrence of the medians lies in the interior of the triangle.
Medians of all types of triangles are concurrent at a point which lies in the interior of the triangle.
Learning Outcomes
The students will learn that medians of all types of triangles are concurrent at a point which lies in the
interior of the triangle is called centroid.
Centroid of a triangle always lies inside the triangle.
Suggested Activity
	 1.	 Using paper folding method, show that medians of a triangle are concurrent at a point (inside the ∆),
which is the point of trisection of each median.
Viva Voce
	 Q1.		What do we call the point of concurrence of the medians of triangle?
	Ans.	Centroid.
	 Q2.	Can centroid of a triangle divides the medians into 3 : 1?
	Ans.	No.
	 Q3.	Can centroid always lies inside of triangle?
	Ans.	Yes. qqq
Fig. 6
Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 37
Activity 2.3 Triangles: Pythagoras Theorem
Always consider a right-angled triangle. By using Pythagoras Theorem, always follow the rule:
= (Base)2
+ (Perpendicular)2
To verify the Pythagoras Theorem by the method of paper folding,
cutting and pasting.
Pre-requisite Knowledge
	(i )	Pythagoras theorem: In a right-angled triangle, the square of
the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other
two sides.
	(ii )	 Area of a square = Side × Side
	(iii )	 Algebraic identity: (a + b)2
= a2
+ b2
+ 2ab.
	 (i )	Draw a right-angled triangle on a chart paper such that its
hypotenuse is ‘c’ and other two sides are ‘a’ and ‘b’.
	(ii )	 Paint it with green colour.
	(iii )	 Make 8 copies of this right triangle on green glazed paper.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
	(iv )	Construct squares of side
a, b and c as shown in the
adjoining figure. Paint them
as blue, yellow, and red,
	(v )	 Take 4 copies of the given right-angled triangle along with yellow
and blue squares. Paste them on a drawing sheet as shown in
the given figure.
Fig. 3
Materials Required
	 Chart paper
	 A pair of scissors
	 Fevicol
	 Geometry box
	 Sketch pens
Activity Plus in Mathematics-1038
	(vi )	 Take the remaining 4 copies of the right-angled triangle along with the red square. Paste all these
shapes on a drawing sheet as shown in the following figure.
Fig. 4
	(i )	 In square PQRS, each side is (a + b) units.
	(ii )	 Also, in square ABCD each side is (a + b) units.
	 	 ⇒  Area of square PQRS = Area of square ABCD.
	(iii )	 On removing four triangles from PQRS, we are left with
“ Area of the
blue square
Area of the
yellow square
 +
	(iv )	 On removing the four triangles from ABCD, we are left with “Area of red square”.
	(v )	 From steps (iii ) and (iv ), we get
Area of the
red square
 	 =
Area of the
blue square
Area of the
yellow square
 +
Area of square
with side' 'c
 	 =
Area of square
with side
Area of square
with side' ' 'a
 +
bb '
		⇒	c 2
	 = a 2
+ b 2
		⇒	 a 2
+ b 2
	 = c 2
Sum of the squares
of the two sides
of a right ∆
Square of the
hypotenuse of
a right ∆
		 which is the Pythagoras theorem.
Pythagoras Theorem is verified.
Learning Outcomes
The students will learn that in a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of two sides is equal to the
square of its hypotenuse.
Pythagoras Theorem is applicable only on right-angled triangle.
Suggested Activities
	 1.	 To verify that the area of an equilateral triangle described on the hypotenuse of a right-angled
triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of equilateral triangles described on the other two sides by
performing an activity.
Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 39
	 2.	 To verify that the area of a semi-circle described on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal
to the sum of the areas of semi-circles described on the other two sides of right-angled triangle.
Viva Voce
	 Q1.	 What is called the side opposite to 90° in right-angled triangle?
	Ans.	 Hypotenuse.
	 Q2.	 Can a right-angled triangle have two equal sides?
	Ans.	 Yes.
	 Q3.	 What is the another name of Pythagoras Theorem which was given by an ancient Indian mathematician?
	Ans.	 Baudhayan Theorem.
	 Q4.	 Is Pythagoras Theorem valid for equilateral triangles?
	Ans.	 Yes.
 A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
	 1.	 Sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 3 : 2. Areas of these triangles are in the ratio:
	(i )	3 : 2	 (ii )	27 : 8	 (iii )	9 : 4	 (iv )	 3 2: .
	 2.	 If P, Q and R are the mid-points of sides of BC, CA and AB, respectively of ∆ABC, then the ratio of
the areas of ∆PQR and ∆ABC is:
	(i )	4 : 5	 (ii )	2 : 3	 (iii )	1 : 2	 (iv )	1 : 4.
	 3.	 If in two triangles ABC and PQR,
= = , then
	(i )	 ∆PQR ~ ∆ABC	(ii )	∆CBA ~ ∆PQR	 (iii )	 ∆BCA ~ ∆PQR	 (iv )	 ∆PQR ~ ∆CAB.
	 4.	 In the given figure, if DE || BC, AC = 4.8 cm and AD
, then measure of
AE is:
	(i )	0.9 cm			 (ii )	 1.5 cm
	(iii )	2.5 cm			 (iv )	 1.8 cm.
	 5.	 In the given figure, if AT = AQ = 6 cm, AS = 3 cm, TS = 4 cm, then:
	(i )	 x = 4 cm, y = 5 cm			 (ii )	 x = 2 cm, y = 3 cm
	(iii )	 x = 1 cm, y = 2 cm			 (iv )	 x = 3 cm, y = 4 cm.
	 6.	In ∆ABC, DE || BC. If BC = 8 cm, DE = 6 cm and area of ∆ADE = 45 cm2
, then
the area of ∆ABC is:
	(i )	 45 cm2			
(ii )	 80 cm2
	(iii )	 125 cm2			
(iv )	 35 cm2
Activity Plus in Mathematics-1040
	 7.	 If the diagonals of a rhombus are 12 cm and 16 cm, then the length of the side of the rhombus is:
	(i )	 20 cm	 (ii )	 10 cm	 (iii )	 9 cm	 (iv )	 8 cm.
	 8.	In ∆ABC and ∆DEF,
= . They will be similar if
	(i )	 ∠B = ∠D 	 (ii )	 ∠B = ∠E	(iii )	 ∠A = ∠F	(iv )	 ∠A = ∠D.
	 9.	If the ratio of the corresponding sides of two similar triangles is 3 : 2, then the ratio of their
corresponding altitudes is:
	(i )	3 : 2	 (ii )	2 : 3	 (iii )	81 : 16	 (iv )	9 : 4.
	 10.	 In the given figures, ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR.
		Then x + y is:
	(i )	 4 + 3 3 	(ii )	 3 + 4 3 	(iii )	 2 + 3 	(iv )	 4 + 3 .
	 11.	 In the given figure, two line segments AC and BD intersect each other at the point P such that PA
= 6 cm, PB = 3 cm, PC = 2.5 cm, PD = 5 cm, ∠APB = 50° and ∠CDP = 30°. Then, ∠PBA is equal to:
	(i )	 100°	 (ii )	 60°	 (iii )	 50°	 (iv )	 30°.
	 12.	 In the given figure, PQ || BC. If
= = , then
	(i )	PQ = BC	 (ii )	PQ2
= BC2
	(iii )	 PQ
	(iv )	 PQ
Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 41
	 13.	 In the given figure, if ∠BAC = 90° and AD ⊥ BC, then:
	(i )	 BC
= BD.CD	(ii )	 BC
= AB.AC	(iii )	 AD
= BD.CD	(iv )	 AD
= AB.AC.
	 14.	 If S is a point on side PQ of a ∆PQR such that PS = QS = RS, then
	(i )	 RS
= PR.QR	 (ii )	QR
= QS
+ RS
	(iii )	PQ
= PR
+ QR
	(iv )	 PR
= PS
+ RS
	 15.	If ∆ABC ∼ ∆QRP,
( )
( )
, AB = 18 cm and BC = 15 cm, then PR is equal to:
	(i )	 12 cm	 (ii )	 10 cm	 (iii )	
	(iv )	 8 cm.
	 16.	If ∆ABC ∼ ∆PQR, with
, then
( )
( )
is equal to:
	(i )	 1
	(ii )	 1
	(iii )	 3	 (iv )	 9.
	 17.	In ∆ABC and ∆DEF, ∠B = ∠E, ∠F = ∠C and AB = 3DE. Then, the two triangles are:
	(i )	neither congruent nor similar	 (ii )	congruent as well as similar
	(iii )	congruent but not similar	 (iv )	similar but not congruent.
 B. State ‘true’ or ‘false’ for each of the following statements:
	 1.	 Two similar triangles are always congruent.
	 2.	 Two congruent triangles are always similar.
	 3.	 If in two triangles one pair of corresponding sides are proportional and the included angles are equal,
then the two triangles are similar.
	 4.	 The ratio of the areas of similar triangles is equal to the ratio of their corresponding sides.
	 5.	 In a right triangle, the square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the other two sides.
	 6.	 In a triangle, if the sum of the squares of two sides is equal to the square of the third side, then
the angle opposite to the third side is 90°.
	 7.	The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of any two
corresponding medians.
	 8.	 Any line parallel to parallel sides of a trapezium divides the non-parallel sides proportionally.
	 9.	 All circles are not similar.
	 10.	 All equilateral triangles are similar.
 C. Match the following:
Column A Column B
	(i )	If in a triangle, a line is drawn parallel to one of its sides
then the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
	(a )	 SSS similarity criterion
	(ii )	 In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is
equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
	(b )	 2 : 3
	(iii )	 The sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio of 4 : 9.
The ratio of areas of these triangles:
	(c )	 Pythagoras Theorem
Activity Plus in Mathematics-1042
	(iv )	 In ∆ABC and ∆PQR, ∠A = ∠P, ∠B = ∠Q
	 	 ⇒  ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR
	(d )	 Thales Theorem
	(v )	 In ∆ABC and ∆PQR, AB
= =
	 	 ⇒  ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR
	(e )	 AAA similarity criterion
 D. Complete the following crossword puzzle, using the given hints.
	1.	All congruent triangles are
.......... .
	2.	The corresponding sides of
two similar triangles are in the
same .......... .
	3.	The longest side of a rt ∆.
	4.	The ratio of ......... of two
similar ∆ is equal to the ratio
of squares of corresponding
Down ↓
	5.	All sides of an ........... triangle
are equal.
	6.	Two circles of equal radii are
.......... .
	7.	According to ............ theorem,
= [Sum of
squares of the remaining two
	 A.	Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
	 1.	(iii )	 2.	(iv )	 3.	(iv )	 4.	(iv )	 5.	(iv )	 6.	(ii )	 7.	(ii )	 8.	(i )	 9.	(i )	 10.	(i )
	 11.	(i )	 12.	(iii )	 13.	(iii )	 14.	(iii )	 15.	(ii )	 16.	(iv )	 17.	(iv )
	 B.	Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ for each of the following statements:
	 1.	False	 2.	True	 3.	True	 4.	False	 5.	False
	 6.	True	 7.	True	 8.	True	 9.	False	 10.	True
	 C.	Match the following:
	(i )	 → (d )	(ii )	 → (c )	(iii )	 → (b )	(iv )	 → (e )	(v )	 → (a )
	 D.	Crossword Puzzle
	 1.	Similar	 2.	ratio	 3.	hypotenuse	 4.	areas	 5.	equilateral
	 6.	congruent	 7.	PYTHAGORAS

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Chapter activity plus-in-mathematics-10

  • 1. Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 31 Introduction In Geometry, we have studied triangles and many of their properties in earlier classes. We also have studied congruence and similarity of two triangles. Recall that the two figures are said to be congruent, if they have the same shape and same size whereas the two figures are said to be similar, if they have the same shape (and not necessarily the same size). All circles with the same radii are congruent, all squares with the same side lengths are congruent and all equilateral triangles with the same side lengths are congruent. Note that all congruent figures are similar but the similar figures need not be congruent. We can state the similarity of two triangles as: Two triangles are similar, if (i) their corresponding angles are equal. (ii) their corresponding sides are in the same ratio (or proportion). Note that if corresponding angles of two triangles are equal, then they are known as equiangular triangles. We can say that the ratio of any two corresponding sides in two equiangular triangles is always the same. Now, here we shall start with: Basic Proportionality Theorem: If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio. It is also called Thales Theorem as it is given by the Thales, a mathematician. The Centroid: The centroid of a triangle is the point where the three medians of the triangle meet and is often described as the triangle’s centre of gravity. In the triangle ABC, AD, BE and CF are medians. Point O is the centroid of DABC. Pythagoras Theorem: In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. DABC shown alongside is a right-angled triangle, in which ∠B = 90°. According to Pythagoras Theorem, (Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)­2 i.e., AC2 = BC2 + AB2 . Geometry2.
  • 2. Activity Plus in Mathematics-1032 Activity 2.1 Triangles: Basic Proportionality Theorem If a line DE is drawn parallel to side BC to intersect other two sides AB and AC at the points D and E, respectively of a DABC, then AD DB AE EC = Fig. 1 This is called ‘Basic Proportionality Theorem’ or ‘Thales Theorem’. Objective To verify the ‘Basic Proportionality Theorem’ using parallel line board and triangle cut-outs. Pre-requisite Knowledge (i ) The statement of basic proportionality theorem: If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio. (ii ) Drawing a line parallel to a given line which passes through a given point. Procedure (i ) Take three rectangular sheets of ruled paper. (ii ) Paste the ruled sheets on the white chart paper. (iii ) Draw an acute-angled triangle, a right-angled triangle and an obtuse-angled triangle on glazed papers and cut these using scissors. Fig. 2 (iv ) Paste the acute-angled ∆ABC on a ruled sheet such that the base of triangle coincides with a ruled sheet. Draw a line l1 parallel to base such that it meets the other two sides at P and Q. Fig. 3 Materials Required  Glazed papers of different colours  White chart paper  Geometry box, sketch pens, fevicol  A pair of scissors  Parallel-line board (ruled paper sheet)
  • 3. Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 33 (v ) Measure the line segments AP, AQ, BP and CQ with the help of a scale. (vi ) Repeat the above activity for the right-angled triangle as well as for the obtuse-angled triangle. Fig. 4 Fig. 5 (vii ) Record the readings in the following table: Triangle ABC Length of the line segment AP PB AQ QC AP AQ PB QC Acute-angled ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Right-angled ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Obtuse-angled ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Observation From the table for each triangle, we find that AP PB AQ QC = . Conclusion For each triangle, Basic Proportionality Theorem is verified by using parallel-line board. Learning Outcomes The students will learn that in all the three triangles, the Basic Proportionality Theorem is verified. Remark Basic Proportionality Theorem can be applied to acute/obtuse/right-angled triangle. Suggested Activity 1. Draw an acute-angled DABC, obtuse-angled DDEF and right DPQR. Take two points on the base (or base produced) of each triangle and draw equal arcs cutting the other two sides. Draw lines l, m, and n touching the arcs at B1 , C1 , and D1 , F1 , and Q1 , R1 , respectively (as shown in the figures given on the next page). Here, l || BC, m || EF and n || QR.
  • 4. Activity Plus in Mathematics-1034 Measure the line segments AB1 , B1 B, AC1 , C1 C, in figure (i ), DD1 , D1 E, DF1 , F1 F in figure (ii ), PQ1 , Q1 Q, PR1 , R1 R in figure (iii ) and verify the Basic Proportionality Theorem. Fig. (i ) Fig. (ii ) Fig. (iii ) Viva Voce Q1. What is the other name of the “Basic Proportionality Theorem”? Ans. Thales Theorem. Q2. Are two quadrilaterals having their corresponding angles equal, similar? Ans. Yes. Q3. If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides at distinct points, then what is the relation between the ratio in which the two sides of the triangle are divided? Ans. Their ratios are same. Q4. If a line divides any two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, then what is the relation between the third side of the triangle and the given line? Ans. They are parallel to each other. Q5. Can a rhombus and a square be similar? Ans. No, because they are not equiangular. Q6. Can a rectangle and a square be similar? Ans. No, because their sides are not proportional. Q7. Are the two similar triangles always congruent? Ans. No. Q8. Are the two congruent triangles always similar? Ans. Yes. qqq
  • 5. Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 35 Activity 2.2 Triangles: The Centroid (a) The centroid is always inside the triangle. It is a point where the three medians of the triangle intersect. (b) Each median divides the triangle into two smaller triangles of equal area. (c) The centroid is exactly two-third the way along each median. Objective To illustrate that the medians of a triangle occur at a point called the centroid, which always lies inside the triangle. Pre-requisite Knowledge (i ) Median of a triangle: The line segment joining a vertex of the triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side. (ii ) Concurrent point: The point where three or more lines intersect. (iii ) Interior and exterior of a triangle. (iv ) Finding the mid-point of a line segment using paper folding method. Procedure (i) Draw three types of triangle: (a ) acute-angled triangle (b ) right-angled triangle and (c ) obtuse-angled triangle. (ii) Fold the side AB of the acute- angled triangle such that vertex A falls on B. (iii) Press it to obtain a crease. Fig. 3 (iv) Unfold and mark the fold on AB as K. We obtain a crease as shown by dotted line KC and K as the mid-point of AB. (v) Similarly, obtain mid-points of BC and AC as L and M, respectively. Fig. 4 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Materials Required  Coloured paper  Scale  Pencil  A pair of scissors  Fevicol
  • 6. Activity Plus in Mathematics-1036 (vi) Draw line segments KC, LA and MB which are medians with respect to sides AB, BC and AC, respectively. Fig. 5 (vii) Repeat the same activity with the right-angled triangle DEF and the obtuse-angled triangle PQR as shown alongside. Observations (i ) In each type of triangle, the three medians are concurrent at a point G as: (a) in acute-angled ∆ABC, AL, BM and CK intersect at G. (b) in right-angled ∆DEF, DL, EM and FK intersect at G. (c) in obtuse-angled ∆PQR, PL, QM and RK intersect at G. (ii ) The point of concurrence of the medians lies in the interior of the triangle. Conclusion Medians of all types of triangles are concurrent at a point which lies in the interior of the triangle. Learning Outcomes The students will learn that medians of all types of triangles are concurrent at a point which lies in the interior of the triangle is called centroid. Remark Centroid of a triangle always lies inside the triangle. Suggested Activity 1. Using paper folding method, show that medians of a triangle are concurrent at a point (inside the ∆), which is the point of trisection of each median. Viva Voce Q1. What do we call the point of concurrence of the medians of triangle? Ans. Centroid. Q2. Can centroid of a triangle divides the medians into 3 : 1? Ans. No. Q3. Can centroid always lies inside of triangle? Ans. Yes. qqq Fig. 6
  • 7. Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 37 Activity 2.3 Triangles: Pythagoras Theorem Always consider a right-angled triangle. By using Pythagoras Theorem, always follow the rule: (Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2 Objective To verify the Pythagoras Theorem by the method of paper folding, cutting and pasting. Pre-requisite Knowledge (i ) Pythagoras theorem: In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. (ii ) Area of a square = Side × Side (iii ) Algebraic identity: (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab. Procedure (i ) Draw a right-angled triangle on a chart paper such that its hypotenuse is ‘c’ and other two sides are ‘a’ and ‘b’. (ii ) Paint it with green colour. (iii ) Make 8 copies of this right triangle on green glazed paper. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 (iv ) Construct squares of side a, b and c as shown in the adjoining figure. Paint them as blue, yellow, and red, respectively. (v ) Take 4 copies of the given right-angled triangle along with yellow and blue squares. Paste them on a drawing sheet as shown in the given figure. Fig. 3 Materials Required  Chart paper  A pair of scissors  Fevicol  Geometry box  Sketch pens
  • 8. Activity Plus in Mathematics-1038 (vi ) Take the remaining 4 copies of the right-angled triangle along with the red square. Paste all these shapes on a drawing sheet as shown in the following figure. Fig. 4 Observations (i ) In square PQRS, each side is (a + b) units. (ii ) Also, in square ABCD each side is (a + b) units. ⇒  Area of square PQRS = Area of square ABCD. (iii ) On removing four triangles from PQRS, we are left with “ Area of the blue square Area of the yellow square     +     ’’ . (iv ) On removing the four triangles from ABCD, we are left with “Area of red square”. (v ) From steps (iii ) and (iv ), we get Area of the red square     = Area of the blue square Area of the yellow square     +     ⇒ Area of square with side' 'c     = Area of square with side Area of square with side' ' 'a     + bb '     ⇒ c 2 = a 2 + b 2 ⇒ a 2 + b 2 = c 2 ⇒ Sum of the squares of the two sides of a right ∆         = Square of the hypotenuse of a right ∆         which is the Pythagoras theorem. Conclusion Pythagoras Theorem is verified. Learning Outcomes The students will learn that in a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of two sides is equal to the square of its hypotenuse. Remark Pythagoras Theorem is applicable only on right-angled triangle. Suggested Activities 1. To verify that the area of an equilateral triangle described on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of equilateral triangles described on the other two sides by performing an activity.
  • 9. Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 39 2. To verify that the area of a semi-circle described on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of semi-circles described on the other two sides of right-angled triangle. Viva Voce Q1. What is called the side opposite to 90° in right-angled triangle? Ans. Hypotenuse. Q2. Can a right-angled triangle have two equal sides? Ans. Yes. Q3. What is the another name of Pythagoras Theorem which was given by an ancient Indian mathematician? Ans. Baudhayan Theorem. Q4. Is Pythagoras Theorem valid for equilateral triangles? Ans. Yes.  A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. Sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 3 : 2. Areas of these triangles are in the ratio: (i ) 3 : 2 (ii ) 27 : 8 (iii ) 9 : 4 (iv ) 3 2: . 2. If P, Q and R are the mid-points of sides of BC, CA and AB, respectively of ∆ABC, then the ratio of the areas of ∆PQR and ∆ABC is: (i ) 4 : 5 (ii ) 2 : 3 (iii ) 1 : 2 (iv ) 1 : 4. 3. If in two triangles ABC and PQR, AB QR BC PR CA PQ = = , then (i ) ∆PQR ~ ∆ABC (ii ) ∆CBA ~ ∆PQR (iii ) ∆BCA ~ ∆PQR (iv ) ∆PQR ~ ∆CAB. 4. In the given figure, if DE || BC, AC = 4.8 cm and AD DB = 3 5 , then measure of AE is: (i ) 0.9 cm (ii ) 1.5 cm (iii ) 2.5 cm (iv ) 1.8 cm. 5. In the given figure, if AT = AQ = 6 cm, AS = 3 cm, TS = 4 cm, then: (i ) x = 4 cm, y = 5 cm (ii ) x = 2 cm, y = 3 cm (iii ) x = 1 cm, y = 2 cm (iv ) x = 3 cm, y = 4 cm. 6. In ∆ABC, DE || BC. If BC = 8 cm, DE = 6 cm and area of ∆ADE = 45 cm2 , then the area of ∆ABC is: (i ) 45 cm2 (ii ) 80 cm2 (iii ) 125 cm2 (iv ) 35 cm2 .
  • 10. Activity Plus in Mathematics-1040 7. If the diagonals of a rhombus are 12 cm and 16 cm, then the length of the side of the rhombus is: (i ) 20 cm (ii ) 10 cm (iii ) 9 cm (iv ) 8 cm. 8. In ∆ABC and ∆DEF, AB DE BC FD = . They will be similar if (i ) ∠B = ∠D (ii ) ∠B = ∠E (iii ) ∠A = ∠F (iv ) ∠A = ∠D. 9. If the ratio of the corresponding sides of two similar triangles is 3 : 2, then the ratio of their corresponding altitudes is: (i ) 3 : 2 (ii ) 2 : 3 (iii ) 81 : 16 (iv ) 9 : 4. 10. In the given figures, ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR. Then x + y is: (i ) 4 + 3 3 (ii ) 3 + 4 3 (iii ) 2 + 3 (iv ) 4 + 3 . 11. In the given figure, two line segments AC and BD intersect each other at the point P such that PA = 6 cm, PB = 3 cm, PC = 2.5 cm, PD = 5 cm, ∠APB = 50° and ∠CDP = 30°. Then, ∠PBA is equal to: (i ) 100° (ii ) 60° (iii ) 50° (iv ) 30°. 12. In the given figure, PQ || BC. If AP PB AQ QC 1 2 = = , then (i ) PQ = BC (ii ) PQ2 = BC2 (iii ) PQ BC = 3 (iv ) PQ BC = 2 .
  • 11. Activity Plus in Mathematics-10 41 13. In the given figure, if ∠BAC = 90° and AD ⊥ BC, then: (i ) BC 2 = BD.CD (ii ) BC 2 = AB.AC (iii ) AD 2 = BD.CD (iv ) AD 2 = AB.AC. 14. If S is a point on side PQ of a ∆PQR such that PS = QS = RS, then (i ) RS 2 = PR.QR (ii ) QR 2 = QS 2 + RS 2 (iii ) PQ 2 = PR 2 + QR 2 (iv ) PR 2 = PS 2 + RS 2 . 15. If ∆ABC ∼ ∆QRP, ar ar ∆ ∆ ABC PQR ( ) ( ) = 9 4 , AB = 18 cm and BC = 15 cm, then PR is equal to: (i ) 12 cm (ii ) 10 cm (iii ) 20 3 (iv ) 8 cm. 16. If ∆ABC ∼ ∆PQR, with BC QR = 1 3 , then ar ar ∆ ∆ PQR ABC ( ) ( ) is equal to: (i ) 1 9 (ii ) 1 3 (iii ) 3 (iv ) 9. 17. In ∆ABC and ∆DEF, ∠B = ∠E, ∠F = ∠C and AB = 3DE. Then, the two triangles are: (i ) neither congruent nor similar (ii ) congruent as well as similar (iii ) congruent but not similar (iv ) similar but not congruent.  B. State ‘true’ or ‘false’ for each of the following statements: 1. Two similar triangles are always congruent. 2. Two congruent triangles are always similar. 3. If in two triangles one pair of corresponding sides are proportional and the included angles are equal, then the two triangles are similar. 4. The ratio of the areas of similar triangles is equal to the ratio of their corresponding sides. 5. In a right triangle, the square of hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the other two sides. 6. In a triangle, if the sum of the squares of two sides is equal to the square of the third side, then the angle opposite to the third side is 90°. 7. The ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares of any two corresponding medians. 8. Any line parallel to parallel sides of a trapezium divides the non-parallel sides proportionally. 9. All circles are not similar. 10. All equilateral triangles are similar.  C. Match the following: Column A Column B (i ) If in a triangle, a line is drawn parallel to one of its sides then the other two sides are divided in the same ratio. (a ) SSS similarity criterion (ii ) In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. (b ) 2 : 3 (iii ) The sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio of 4 : 9. The ratio of areas of these triangles: (c ) Pythagoras Theorem
  • 12. Activity Plus in Mathematics-1042 (iv ) In ∆ABC and ∆PQR, ∠A = ∠P, ∠B = ∠Q ⇒ ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR (d ) Thales Theorem (v ) In ∆ABC and ∆PQR, AB PQ AC PR BE QR = = ⇒ ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR (e ) AAA similarity criterion  D. Complete the following crossword puzzle, using the given hints. ACROSS → 1. All congruent triangles are .......... . 2. The corresponding sides of two similar triangles are in the same .......... . 3. The longest side of a rt ∆. 4. The ratio of ......... of two similar ∆ is equal to the ratio of squares of corresponding sides. Down ↓ 5. All sides of an ........... triangle are equal. 6. Two circles of equal radii are .......... . 7. According to ............ theorem, (Hypotenuse)2 = [Sum of squares of the remaining two sides]. Answers A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. (iii ) 2. (iv ) 3. (iv ) 4. (iv ) 5. (iv ) 6. (ii ) 7. (ii ) 8. (i ) 9. (i ) 10. (i ) 11. (i ) 12. (iii ) 13. (iii ) 14. (iii ) 15. (ii ) 16. (iv ) 17. (iv ) B. Write ‘true’ or ‘false’ for each of the following statements: 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. True C. Match the following: (i ) → (d ) (ii ) → (c ) (iii ) → (b ) (iv ) → (e ) (v ) → (a ) D. Crossword Puzzle 1. Similar 2. ratio 3. hypotenuse 4. areas 5. equilateral 6. congruent 7. PYTHAGORAS qqq