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6-Measurement of energy
 expenditure in athletes

Advanced; Nutrition and Fitness

         Dr. Siham Mohamed
             Osman Gritly
Terms to be learned

• Basal metabolism is the minimum amount of
  energy needed by the body at rest in the fasting
• -basal energy expenditure (BEE) is the amount
  of energy used in 24 hours by person who is lying
  quietly, 12 hours after the last meal in comfortable
  temperature and environment or -resting energy
  expenditure (REE)-the amount of energy used by
  a person in 24 hours when at rest 3-4 hours after
  a meal

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• metabolic rate-MR an expression of the rate at
  which the body utilizes oxygen, -the basal
  metabolic rate (BMR) is the basal energy
  expenditure expressed as kcal/kg body weight
• -total energy expenditure-the sum of the resting
  energy expenditure, energy expended in physical
  activity and the thermic effect of food
• -obligatory thermo-genesis is a portion of the
  thermal effect of food, the energy required to
  digest, absorb and metabolize nutrients
• .
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2); is An important
    measure of sports fitness; aerobic capacity, where the
    amount of oxygen body can consume and turn into energy
• -respiratory quotient (RQ) -is the ratio of carbon dioxide
    expired/moles of oxygen consumed or the ratio of oxygen
    used in metabolism (and therefore heat generated), to
    carbon dioxide eliminated
It is known as respiratory exchange ratio
respiratory quotient of;

                      Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Human energy

• Energy is the ability to do work

• Work is one form of energy, it is known as
  mechanical or kinetic energy.

• Energy are found in different forms in human
  body Energy are of four types;-

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Types of energy in human body

• 1-Chemical energy;– Storage form of energy

• 2- electrical energy for nerve impulses

• 3- Heat energy;– Product of metabolism energy
  to keep body temperature at 37degree C

• 4- Mechanical energy;– Capacity to do metabolic
  work (muscle to be able to move)

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Measurement of Work, Physical
       Activity, and Energy Expenditure
Work and power=
Work is the product of = force x distance
power; is how fast work is done it divided by time
Power = work/time

Measurement systems
– English
– Metric
– International Unit System (SI)

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Energy measurement systems
 Terms in the English, Metric and International Systems (IS)
     sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport
Unit        English system         Metric system         International system
distance    Foot (ft)              Meter (m)             Meter (t)

Time        Second (s)             Second (s)            Second )s)

Force       Pound (Ib)             Newton (N)            Newton (N)

Work        Foot-pound (ft-        Kilogram-meter        Joule (J)
            Ib)                    (kgm)
power       Hourse-power           Watt(W)               Watt(W)

                        Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Interrelationships between work measurement systems
          sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport (1)
Weight                Distance          Work                 Power

1 kilogram=2.2        1 meter=3.28      1kgm=7.23 foot-      1 Watt=1
pounds                feet              pounds               joule/second
1kilogram=1,000       1 meter=1.09      1 kgm=9.8 loules     1 watt=6.12
grams                 yards                                  kgm/minute

454 grams=1 pound     1 foot=o.30       1 foot-pound=0.138   1 hourepower=550
                      meter             kgm                  foot-pounds/second
1 pound= 16 ounces    1,000 meters= 1 1 foot-pound=1.35      1hoursepower=33,0
                      kilometer       joules                 00 foot-

1 ounce= 28.4 grams          1           1 newton=0.102 kg           1
                      kilometer=0.621                        hoursepower=745.8
                           5 mile                                  watts

                           Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Interrelationships between work measurement systems
        sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport (2)

Weight            Distance              Work                        Power

3.5 ounces=100    1 mile= 1.61          1 loule= 1 newton meter
grams             kilometers            1 kilojoule= 1,000 joulew
                  1 inch=2.54           1 megajoule= 1,000,000
                  centimeters           joules
                  1 centimeter= 0.39    1 joule= 0.102 kgm
                  inch                  1 joule= 0.736 foot-
                                        1 kilojoule= 102 kgm

                        Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Measurement of work output and physical activity

• Nutrition scientists are used two conditions
  and systems to measure work output and
  energy expenditure;-
• 1-specific techniques in controlled laboratory

• 2-measurement of energy expenditure within
  normal daily activities including sport
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
1-specific techniques in controlled laboratory

• 1-to measure work output under laboratory
  conditions, scientists used devices known as

• An ergometer, such as cycle or arm ergometer
  is designed to provide accurate measurement
  of work, power and total work output over
  specific period of time

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Ergometers;- an ergometer a device which measures
the amount of work performed. The indoor rower is
calibrated to measure the amount of energy
generating. different types can be used

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
2-to measure work output during normal
physical activity,
• 2-to measure work output during normal physical
  activity, devices such as pedometers and
  accelerometers have been used

• Pedometers and accelerometers devise for
  measuring daily physical activity. They are
  attached to the body to detect motion throughout
  the day, providing an estimate of total daily
• not for measuring energy expenditure
                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• Those devices are not measure or predict the
  energy expenditure, but use to measure the
  pattern of physical activity and in weight

                 Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
pedometers (sports and physical fitness)
• Often worn on the belt and kept on all day, it
  can record how many steps the wearer has
  walked that day, and thus the kilometres or
  miles (distance = number of steps step

• A total of 10,000 steps per day, equivalent to 5
  miles (8.0 km), is recommended by some to be
  the standard for an active lifestyle,
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
A pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or
electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by
detecting the motion of the person's hips. Because the
distance of each person's step varies, an informal calibration,
performed by the user, is required if presentation of the
distance covered in a unit of length (such as in kilometres or
miles or miles) is desired

                       Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Components of Energy Expenditure
• There are three major ways individual can burn
  calories during the day which account for the total
  energy expenditure :

• 1-Resting metabolic rate (RMR),

• 2-The thermic effect of food (TEF),

• 3-Physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE).

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
1-Resting metabolic rate RMR or Basal
            Metabolic rate
• is the number of calories we burn to maintain
  our vital body processes in a resting state.
• It is usually determined by measuring the
  body’s oxygen utilization while the person lay
  or sit quietly in the early morning before
  breakfast after a restful night’s sleep.
• RMR typically accounts for about 65-75
  percent of the total daily calorie expenditure.

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• Basal energy expenditure BEE or basal
  metabolic rate BMR is determined largely by
  body size, body composition, Gender and age.
• Lower in females compared to males
• BMR is typically measured by indirect
  calorimetry under fasted conditions while
  subjects lie quietly at rest in the early morning
  for 30–40 min.

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• The Harris-Benedict equation is a
  mathematical formula used to calculate BEE:
• Adult males:
• BEE (kcal/day) = 66 + (13.7 x wt in kg) + (5 x
  ht in cm) - (6.8 x age).
• Adult females:
• BEE (kcal/kcal) = 655 + (9.6 x wt in kg) + (1.7
  x ht in cm) - (4.7 x age).
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
2-The thermic effect of food (TEF)
• results or estimation from eating food, and is the
  increase in energy expended above your RMR or
  BMR that results from digestion, absorption, and
  storage of the food.

• also called the specific dynamic effect (SDE) of food

• or the specific dynamic activity (SDA) of food.

                     Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• The sum of the TEF and any increase in the
  metabolic rate due to overeating is known as
  diet-induced thermogenesis

• It accounts for about 5-10 percent of the total
  calories human body burn in a day.

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• effect of foods:
• Carbohydrate: 5–10%
• Fat: 0–5% is very easy to process and has very
  little thermic effect
• Protein: 20–30% is hard to process and has a
  much larger thermic effect
• Alcohol: 15–20%
• The percentages are calculated by dividing the
  energy expended during digestion and absorption
  (above basal) by the energy content of the Food.

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• basic formula for determining TEF is to
  multiply the total calories you eat by 10%. So, if
  you eat 2000 calories a day, you'll burn about 200
  calories digesting that food

• Factors that affect the thermic effect of food;
  The thermic effect of food is increased by both
  aerobic training and anaerobic
• duration
• intensity

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
3-Physical activity energy expenditure
• accounts for the remainder of the daily energy

• PAEE is the energy expended in exercise, the
  activities of daily living,

• PAEE can vary considerably depending on how
  much you move throughout the day. For
  example, your PAEE would be high on a day that
  you participate in several hours of vigorous sports
  competition or exercise,

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Total Energy expenditure

• Energy expenditure is the total of resting or
  basal metabolic rate, thermal effect of food and
  physical activity

Total Energy expenditure or Calories expended =

                                              RMR + TEF + PA

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
laboratory techniques for Measurement of energy
• Measurement of work is not the same as
  measurement of energy expenditure
• Most common devices to measure energy
  expenditure in human are calorimetries
• measures energy expenditure by;
• 1- Direct calorimetry
• 2- Indirect calorimetry
• 3- Doubly labeled water technique
• 4-Computerized Instrumentation

                 Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
1-Direct calorimeter

• Direct calorimetry is a devise used to measure
  energy expenditure in human

• A person lives or works in the chamber for an
  extended period of time.

• Changes in water temperature relate directly to
  an individual’s energy metabolism.
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
2-Indirect calorimeter

• Indirect calorimeter used to measure
 metabolism by determining the amount of oxygen
  consumed and the carbon dioxide produced under
  laboratory conditions (The Respiratory Quotient (RQ)

• It is also used to measure VO2max, and cardiovascular
  and respiratory function

• Indirect calorimetry measures energy expenditure (EE)
  by calculating the metabolic rate through measurements
  of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide
  production (VCO2).
                      Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• Indirect calorimetry is used much more often
  than direct calorimetry in terms of determining
  energy expenditure for individuals because it is
  much cheaper and easier to administer

• There are different types of indirect

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Indirect calorimeter measures oxygen intake and
carbon dioxide output to determine energy
expended during daily activities

                 Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
The Respiratory Quotient (RQ)

• The Respiratory Exchange Ratio
• The ratio of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen

• The RQ provides information about the nutrient
  mixture catabolized for energy.

• The RQ equals 1.00 for carbohydrate, 0.70 for fat,
  and 0.82 for protein.

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• The ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide
  released to the volume of oxygen consumed by
  a body tissue or an organism in a given period.

• The respiratory quotient (RQ) obtained from
  indirect calorimetry, defined by the ratio
  carbon dioxide production (VCO2)/oxygen
  consumption (VO2), is affected by extremes of
  substrate use by the body

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
3-Doubly Labeled Water Technique
• Provides a useful way to estimate total daily
  energy expenditure in human

• Expensive and should be used in an laboratory

• Doubly labeled water is water in which both the
  hydrogen and the oxygen have been partly or
  completely replaced for tracing purposes
  (i.e., labeled) with an uncommon isotope of these

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• In this method isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen
  in water are ingested
• Analysis of urine and blood samples provide data
  on hydrogen and oxygen excretion
• The labeled oxygen is eliminated from the body
  as water and carbon dioxide
• The hydrogen is eliminated only as water
• Subtracting the hydrogen losses from the oxygen
  losses provide a measure of carbon
  dioxide, which can converted to energy
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Atoms with the same number of protons, but
  different numbers of neutrons.
Atoms of the same element (same atomic
  number) with different mass numbers
C-12       vs.   C-14

                   Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• The method is safe, requires periodic sampling
  of body fluids (plasma, urine, saliva),

• is ideally suited for measurement of energy
  expenditure in free-living or hospitalized

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
4-Computerized Instrumentation
• A computer interfaces with at least three instruments:

• A system that continuously samples the subject’s
  expired air

• A flow-measuring device that records air volume

• Oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzers that measure the
  composition of the expired gas mixture

                     Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Bomb calorimeters

• Bomb calorimeters measure calorie content by
  igniting and burning a dried portion of food.
  The burning food raises the temperature of the
  water surrounding the chamber holding the
  food. The increase in water temperature
  indicates the number of kilocalories in the food
  because 1 kilocalorie equals the amount of
  heat needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of
  water by 1 c
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Bomb calorimeters; use to measure the energy
       content of a given substance

               Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Measurement Unites for energy
• energy expenditure of exercise metabolism
  expressed either joules or calories.

• A joule (J) can be defined as the energy used
  when 1 kilogram (kg) is moved 1 metre (m) by
  the force of 1 Newton (N).

• A calorie (cal) can be defined as the energy
  needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of
  water from 14.5 to 15.50C. Or is measure of heat

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• One calorie is equivalent to 4.184 joules.
• People use large amounts of energy so nutritionists use
  larger units, called
• kilojoules
• 1 kilojoule (kJ) = 1,000 joules
• 1 megajoule (MJ) = 1,000,000 joules
• 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1,000 calories or 1 Calorie (Cal)
• To convert from one unit to another:
• 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ
• 1 MJ = 239 kcal
                     Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• Calories in food represent a form of potential
  energy to be used by the body to produce heat
  and work
• CHO and fats are primary energy nutrients. A
  caloric value of each food stuff have been
• 1 gram of CHO 4 C
• 1gram of fat     9C
• 1 gram of protein 4 C
                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Energy Sources used During Exercise

1-ATP-PCr energy system
• – Adenosine-triphosphate
• – Phospho-Creatine

2- Lactic acid energy system
• –anaerobic glycolysis

                 Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
3- Oxygen energy system
• – Muscle glycogen and blood glucose
– Muscle triglycerides and blood FFA (fat)
– Protein (amino acids); minor source of energy
• Training increases ability to use both fat and

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
Fuels Used for Activities of Different Intensities and
          sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport
Activity         Activity           Preferred Fuel         Source Oxygen    Activity
Intensity        Duration                                  Needed?          Example

Extreme          8 to 10 sec        ATP-CP                 No (anaerobic)   100-yard dash,
                                    (immediate                              shot put
Very high        20 sec to 3 min    ATP from               No (anaerobic)   ¼-mile run at
                                    carbohydrate                            maximal speed
High             3 min to 20        ATP from               Yes (aerobic)     Cycling,
                 min                carbohydrate                            swimming, or
Moderate         More than 20       ATP from fat           Yes (aerobic)    Hiking

                               Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
• Extreme activities All levels of activity
  intensity use the ATP-CP system initially;
  extremely intense short-term activities rely
  only on the ATP-CP system.

                  Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
•   Ellie Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes; Under standing Nutrition, Twelfth Edition. 2011, 2008
    Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

•   WHO. 1985. Energy and protein requirements: Report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU expert
    consultation. WHO Technical Report Series No. 724. Geneva.

•   WHO. 1995. Physical status: The use and interpretation of anthropometry. Report of a WHO expert
    committee. WHO Technical Report Series No. 854. Geneva.

•   Sareen Gropper, Jack Smith and James Groff, Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, fifth

•   Melvin H Williams 2010; Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport. 9 th ed, McGraw Hill

•   Heymsfield, SB.; Baumgartner N.; Richard and Sheau-Fang P. 1999. Modern Nutrition in Health
    and Disease; Shils E Maurice, Olson A. James, Shike Moshe and Ross A. Catharine eds. 9th
•   edition

•   Guyton, C. Arthur. 1985. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 6th edition, W.B. Company

                                     Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly

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Measuring energy expenditure in athletes

  • 1. 6-Measurement of energy expenditure in athletes Advanced; Nutrition and Fitness Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 2. Terms to be learned • Basal metabolism is the minimum amount of energy needed by the body at rest in the fasting state • -basal energy expenditure (BEE) is the amount of energy used in 24 hours by person who is lying quietly, 12 hours after the last meal in comfortable temperature and environment or -resting energy expenditure (REE)-the amount of energy used by a person in 24 hours when at rest 3-4 hours after a meal Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 3. • metabolic rate-MR an expression of the rate at which the body utilizes oxygen, -the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the basal energy expenditure expressed as kcal/kg body weight • -total energy expenditure-the sum of the resting energy expenditure, energy expended in physical activity and the thermic effect of food • -obligatory thermo-genesis is a portion of the thermal effect of food, the energy required to digest, absorb and metabolize nutrients • . Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 4. • Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2); is An important measure of sports fitness; aerobic capacity, where the amount of oxygen body can consume and turn into energy • -respiratory quotient (RQ) -is the ratio of carbon dioxide expired/moles of oxygen consumed or the ratio of oxygen used in metabolism (and therefore heat generated), to carbon dioxide eliminated It is known as respiratory exchange ratio respiratory quotient of; Carbohydrate=1.0 Fat=0.7 Protein=0.82 Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 5. Human energy • Energy is the ability to do work • Work is one form of energy, it is known as mechanical or kinetic energy. • Energy are found in different forms in human body Energy are of four types;- Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 6. Types of energy in human body • 1-Chemical energy;– Storage form of energy • 2- electrical energy for nerve impulses • 3- Heat energy;– Product of metabolism energy to keep body temperature at 37degree C • 4- Mechanical energy;– Capacity to do metabolic work (muscle to be able to move) Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 7. Measurement of Work, Physical Activity, and Energy Expenditure Work and power= Work is the product of = force x distance power; is how fast work is done it divided by time Power = work/time Measurement systems – English – Metric – International Unit System (SI) Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 8. Energy measurement systems Terms in the English, Metric and International Systems (IS) sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport Unit English system Metric system International system distance Foot (ft) Meter (m) Meter (t) Time Second (s) Second (s) Second )s) Force Pound (Ib) Newton (N) Newton (N) Work Foot-pound (ft- Kilogram-meter Joule (J) Ib) (kgm) power Hourse-power Watt(W) Watt(W) (hp) Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 9. Interrelationships between work measurement systems sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport (1) Weight Distance Work Power 1 kilogram=2.2 1 meter=3.28 1kgm=7.23 foot- 1 Watt=1 pounds feet pounds joule/second 1kilogram=1,000 1 meter=1.09 1 kgm=9.8 loules 1 watt=6.12 grams yards kgm/minute 454 grams=1 pound 1 foot=o.30 1 foot-pound=0.138 1 hourepower=550 meter kgm foot-pounds/second 1 pound= 16 ounces 1,000 meters= 1 1 foot-pound=1.35 1hoursepower=33,0 kilometer joules 00 foot- pounds/minute 1 ounce= 28.4 grams 1 1 newton=0.102 kg 1 kilometer=0.621 hoursepower=745.8 5 mile watts Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 10. Interrelationships between work measurement systems sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport (2) Weight Distance Work Power 3.5 ounces=100 1 mile= 1.61 1 loule= 1 newton meter grams kilometers 1 kilojoule= 1,000 joulew 1 inch=2.54 1 megajoule= 1,000,000 centimeters joules 1 centimeter= 0.39 1 joule= 0.102 kgm inch 1 joule= 0.736 foot- pound 1 kilojoule= 102 kgm Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 11. Measurement of work output and physical activity • Nutrition scientists are used two conditions and systems to measure work output and energy expenditure;- • 1-specific techniques in controlled laboratory research • 2-measurement of energy expenditure within normal daily activities including sport performance Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 12. 1-specific techniques in controlled laboratory research • 1-to measure work output under laboratory conditions, scientists used devices known as ergometers • An ergometer, such as cycle or arm ergometer is designed to provide accurate measurement of work, power and total work output over specific period of time Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 13. Ergometers;- an ergometer a device which measures the amount of work performed. The indoor rower is calibrated to measure the amount of energy generating. different types can be used Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 14. 2-to measure work output during normal physical activity, • 2-to measure work output during normal physical activity, devices such as pedometers and accelerometers have been used • Pedometers and accelerometers devise for measuring daily physical activity. They are attached to the body to detect motion throughout the day, providing an estimate of total daily activities • not for measuring energy expenditure Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 15. • Those devices are not measure or predict the energy expenditure, but use to measure the pattern of physical activity and in weight control Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 16. pedometers (sports and physical fitness) • Often worn on the belt and kept on all day, it can record how many steps the wearer has walked that day, and thus the kilometres or miles (distance = number of steps step length). • A total of 10,000 steps per day, equivalent to 5 miles (8.0 km), is recommended by some to be the standard for an active lifestyle, Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 17. A pedometer is a device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hips. Because the distance of each person's step varies, an informal calibration, performed by the user, is required if presentation of the distance covered in a unit of length (such as in kilometres or miles or miles) is desired Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 18. Components of Energy Expenditure • There are three major ways individual can burn calories during the day which account for the total energy expenditure : • 1-Resting metabolic rate (RMR), • 2-The thermic effect of food (TEF), • 3-Physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE). Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 19. 1-Resting metabolic rate RMR or Basal Metabolic rate • is the number of calories we burn to maintain our vital body processes in a resting state. • It is usually determined by measuring the body’s oxygen utilization while the person lay or sit quietly in the early morning before breakfast after a restful night’s sleep. • RMR typically accounts for about 65-75 percent of the total daily calorie expenditure. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 20. • Basal energy expenditure BEE or basal metabolic rate BMR is determined largely by body size, body composition, Gender and age. • Lower in females compared to males • BMR is typically measured by indirect calorimetry under fasted conditions while subjects lie quietly at rest in the early morning for 30–40 min. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 21. • The Harris-Benedict equation is a mathematical formula used to calculate BEE: • Adult males: • BEE (kcal/day) = 66 + (13.7 x wt in kg) + (5 x ht in cm) - (6.8 x age). • Adult females: • BEE (kcal/kcal) = 655 + (9.6 x wt in kg) + (1.7 x ht in cm) - (4.7 x age). Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 22. 2-The thermic effect of food (TEF) • results or estimation from eating food, and is the increase in energy expended above your RMR or BMR that results from digestion, absorption, and storage of the food. • also called the specific dynamic effect (SDE) of food • or the specific dynamic activity (SDA) of food. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 23. • The sum of the TEF and any increase in the metabolic rate due to overeating is known as diet-induced thermogenesis • It accounts for about 5-10 percent of the total calories human body burn in a day. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 24. • effect of foods: • Carbohydrate: 5–10% • Fat: 0–5% is very easy to process and has very little thermic effect • Protein: 20–30% is hard to process and has a much larger thermic effect • Alcohol: 15–20% • The percentages are calculated by dividing the energy expended during digestion and absorption (above basal) by the energy content of the Food. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 25. • basic formula for determining TEF is to multiply the total calories you eat by 10%. So, if you eat 2000 calories a day, you'll burn about 200 calories digesting that food • Factors that affect the thermic effect of food; The thermic effect of food is increased by both aerobic training and anaerobic • duration • intensity Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 26. 3-Physical activity energy expenditure PAEE, • accounts for the remainder of the daily energy expenditure, • PAEE is the energy expended in exercise, the activities of daily living, • PAEE can vary considerably depending on how much you move throughout the day. For example, your PAEE would be high on a day that you participate in several hours of vigorous sports competition or exercise, Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 27. Total Energy expenditure • Energy expenditure is the total of resting or basal metabolic rate, thermal effect of food and physical activity Total Energy expenditure or Calories expended = RMR + TEF + PA Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 28. laboratory techniques for Measurement of energy expenditure • Measurement of work is not the same as measurement of energy expenditure • Most common devices to measure energy expenditure in human are calorimetries • measures energy expenditure by; • 1- Direct calorimetry • 2- Indirect calorimetry • 3- Doubly labeled water technique • 4-Computerized Instrumentation Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 29. 1-Direct calorimeter • Direct calorimetry is a devise used to measure energy expenditure in human • A person lives or works in the chamber for an extended period of time. • Changes in water temperature relate directly to an individual’s energy metabolism. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 30. 2-Indirect calorimeter • Indirect calorimeter used to measure metabolism by determining the amount of oxygen consumed and the carbon dioxide produced under laboratory conditions (The Respiratory Quotient (RQ) • It is also used to measure VO2max, and cardiovascular and respiratory function • Indirect calorimetry measures energy expenditure (EE) by calculating the metabolic rate through measurements of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2). Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 31. • Indirect calorimetry is used much more often than direct calorimetry in terms of determining energy expenditure for individuals because it is much cheaper and easier to administer • There are different types of indirect calorimetry, Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 32. Indirect calorimeter measures oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output to determine energy expended during daily activities Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 33. The Respiratory Quotient (RQ) • The Respiratory Exchange Ratio • The ratio of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen consumed • The RQ provides information about the nutrient mixture catabolized for energy. • The RQ equals 1.00 for carbohydrate, 0.70 for fat, and 0.82 for protein. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 34. • The ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide released to the volume of oxygen consumed by a body tissue or an organism in a given period. • The respiratory quotient (RQ) obtained from indirect calorimetry, defined by the ratio carbon dioxide production (VCO2)/oxygen consumption (VO2), is affected by extremes of substrate use by the body Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 35. 3-Doubly Labeled Water Technique • Provides a useful way to estimate total daily energy expenditure in human • Expensive and should be used in an laboratory • Doubly labeled water is water in which both the hydrogen and the oxygen have been partly or completely replaced for tracing purposes (i.e., labeled) with an uncommon isotope of these elements. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 36. • In this method isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water are ingested • Analysis of urine and blood samples provide data on hydrogen and oxygen excretion • The labeled oxygen is eliminated from the body as water and carbon dioxide • The hydrogen is eliminated only as water • Subtracting the hydrogen losses from the oxygen losses provide a measure of carbon dioxide, which can converted to energy expenditure Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 37. Isotopes Atoms with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. Atoms of the same element (same atomic number) with different mass numbers C-12 vs. C-14 Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 38. • The method is safe, requires periodic sampling of body fluids (plasma, urine, saliva), • is ideally suited for measurement of energy expenditure in free-living or hospitalized patients Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 39. 4-Computerized Instrumentation • A computer interfaces with at least three instruments: • A system that continuously samples the subject’s expired air • A flow-measuring device that records air volume breathed • Oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzers that measure the composition of the expired gas mixture Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 40. Bomb calorimeters • Bomb calorimeters measure calorie content by igniting and burning a dried portion of food. The burning food raises the temperature of the water surrounding the chamber holding the food. The increase in water temperature indicates the number of kilocalories in the food because 1 kilocalorie equals the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1 c Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 41. Bomb calorimeters; use to measure the energy content of a given substance Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 42. Measurement Unites for energy expenditure • energy expenditure of exercise metabolism expressed either joules or calories. • A joule (J) can be defined as the energy used when 1 kilogram (kg) is moved 1 metre (m) by the force of 1 Newton (N). • A calorie (cal) can be defined as the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water from 14.5 to 15.50C. Or is measure of heat Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 43. • One calorie is equivalent to 4.184 joules. • People use large amounts of energy so nutritionists use larger units, called • kilojoules • 1 kilojoule (kJ) = 1,000 joules • 1 megajoule (MJ) = 1,000,000 joules • 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1,000 calories or 1 Calorie (Cal) • To convert from one unit to another: • 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ • 1 MJ = 239 kcal Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 44. • Calories in food represent a form of potential energy to be used by the body to produce heat and work • CHO and fats are primary energy nutrients. A caloric value of each food stuff have been identified; • 1 gram of CHO 4 C • 1gram of fat 9C • 1 gram of protein 4 C Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 45. Energy Sources used During Exercise 1-ATP-PCr energy system • – Adenosine-triphosphate • – Phospho-Creatine 2- Lactic acid energy system • –anaerobic glycolysis Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 46. 3- Oxygen energy system • – Muscle glycogen and blood glucose (carbohydrate) – Muscle triglycerides and blood FFA (fat) – Protein (amino acids); minor source of energy • Training increases ability to use both fat and carbohydrate Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 47. Fuels Used for Activities of Different Intensities and Durations sources; Melvin- Nutrition for Health, fitness & Sport Activity Activity Preferred Fuel Source Oxygen Activity Intensity Duration Needed? Example Extreme 8 to 10 sec ATP-CP No (anaerobic) 100-yard dash, (immediate shot put availability) Very high 20 sec to 3 min ATP from No (anaerobic) ¼-mile run at carbohydrate maximal speed (lactate) High 3 min to 20 ATP from Yes (aerobic) Cycling, min carbohydrate swimming, or running Moderate More than 20 ATP from fat Yes (aerobic) Hiking min Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 48. • Extreme activities All levels of activity intensity use the ATP-CP system initially; extremely intense short-term activities rely only on the ATP-CP system. Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly
  • 49. References • Ellie Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes; Under standing Nutrition, Twelfth Edition. 2011, 2008 Wadsworth, Cengage Learning • WHO. 1985. Energy and protein requirements: Report of a joint FAO/WHO/UNU expert consultation. WHO Technical Report Series No. 724. Geneva. • WHO. 1995. Physical status: The use and interpretation of anthropometry. Report of a WHO expert committee. WHO Technical Report Series No. 854. Geneva. • Sareen Gropper, Jack Smith and James Groff, Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism, fifth ed. WADSWORTH • Melvin H Williams 2010; Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport. 9 th ed, McGraw Hill • Heymsfield, SB.; Baumgartner N.; Richard and Sheau-Fang P. 1999. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease; Shils E Maurice, Olson A. James, Shike Moshe and Ross A. Catharine eds. 9th • edition • Guyton, C. Arthur. 1985. Textbook of Medical Physiology. 6th edition, W.B. Company Dr. Siham Mohamed Osman Gritly