Cloud Foundry Technical Overview

cornelia davis Há 10 anos

Business Process Management with BPMN & BPEL

Tammo van Lessen Há 12 anos

AngularJS - The Next Big Thing?

Tom Hombergs Há 9 anos

AngularJS Architecture

Eyal Vardi Há 10 anos

Debugging Your Production JVM

kensipe Há 14 anos

Concurrency: Best Practices

IndicThreads Há 14 anos

Concurrency Patterns

melbournepatterns Há 14 anos

Modern Java Concurrency

Ben Evans Há 13 anos

Concurrent talk

rahulrevo Há 12 anos

Java Concurrency, Memory Model, and Trends

Carol McDonald Há 13 anos

Java Concurrency Gotchas

Alex Miller Há 14 anos

Interoperable Web Services with JAX-WS and WSIT

Carol McDonald Há 14 anos

Rest with Java EE 6 , Security , Backbone.js

Carol McDonald Há 11 anos

Java Concurrency

Carol McDonald Há 14 anos