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On Independence of Ethics 1
As a believer I experience having a standard of moral values being conscious
about righteousness, justice, sensitivities and ideals. It is also my duty, as a
Muslim, to participate in society. When one is “caught” in some web of society to
find that he or she is having his or her own true sense of being taken away by
some authoritative power, this seems to be ethically very wrong.
Every true believing Muslim who is allowed to be has a sensitive body, a
sensitive mind, and is in tune to take things in as Allah (S.B.T.) wills. One has
personal sensitivities carrying personal responsibilities to deal with it all.
Sometimes one can take things very personally and this allows for fine
characteristics of empathy and compassion and this also determines the morality
of a personality. The carrier neurotransmitter, dopamine, is a key carrier of
information in the brain that allows for one to sense what is happening. One is
sharp and can have some degree of paranoia. This means that he or she has an
awareness of being careful about doing analytical thinking. It may be that a
strong believer has a higher level of dopamine. As a believer I am being “treated”
to have my dopamine level lowered when I am so conscious of many things.
I have to be medicated as a body that fits into a “portrait” of society. This
imposed process seems to be uncivilized: Dangerously “treating” me, taking
away my active life with bulldozing medicine, when I feel I have a naturally pure
and creative mind in tune with universal beautiful values. The so-called doctors
don’t see the reality your way, but you have to see it their way. It may therefore
be unethical that a believer-“patient” has to be medicated without his or her own
consent so that his or her being, body, mind and sometimes even his or her own
soul all have to be changed.
One is only really true with their loved ones, and the ones who become their
friends, by The Will of Allah (S.B.T.). When one becomes less than him or her self
then there is little natural will of action. May the Will of Allah (S.B.T.) prevail
where so-called doctors serve a society with their practice of conduct where they
subdue the natural will of the subject; a believer, in this case myself, who is used
as a means rather than an end by the authoritative powerful for “treatment.”
On Independence of Ethics 2
Being “treated” as a sub-human being, in order to fit in the reality of a societal
order, raises many questions about whether this is ethical. The combination of
both neural science and social science is too complex to allow for forced
treatment to occur. “Treatment” is even considered evil by the specialists
I exist as an “uprooted tree” from being in a natural state by The Grace of Allah
(S.B.T.). As a believer I try to stay on a spiritual path. Morally my personality is
set on the right path as I am finding inner peace, balance and right knowledge. I
am also being for the great part subdued by a bad medicine walking the earth
like the creature of Frankenstein. When I am lucky, my spirit is kicked into the
reality where no one can claim it. I seem to be with my real friends in visions,
dreams, in moments that flash by in the reality of worldly affairs. The only other
description that can be given to this “treatment” or medicinal imprisonment
from a philosophical point of view is for example that one experiences to
forcefully observe the reality as the prisoner does in Plato’s allegory of The Cave.
At the same time everything to do with an “inner active life” with guidance from
The Light, is practically erased. One is turned inwards into the extreme
experience having to be a burden to one’s limited physical state of being. Also
one is forced to have an ego due to having to belong to an imposed society.
When one becomes alienated which is actually a state of freedom, why is
there a psychoanalytical system that dismantles you only to find that it is
practically impossible to be repaired? Is Allah (S.B.T.) so radical to let this
happen? If the system continues to pursue the path of destruction beyond
Satan’s cruelest ways then this may lead to what is termed psychopathic
behaviour. If you are fortunate and patient enough and you survive the outcome
of psychopathic play by psychoanalysts you may regain the state of alienation
again, or rather liberation, free from the society that is unhealthy and
unbalanced. Society should not entertain wrongdoings like psychoanalysis, being
judgmental, being egoistic, not being reasonable, and being unjust.
As Allah (S.B.T.) wills I should be at best in front of Him Who Created me.
Those who are in control of me, corrupting my body, overwhelming me, or
stepping on me should stop. Allah (S.B.T) knows.
Will I be able to treat myself?
The answer lies in remembering doing everything In the name of Allah
(S.B.T.), The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. The mind-sets of scientists,
judges and other authoritative persons involved who are negatively challenging
me and abusing me should also be in essence doing everything in The name of
Allah (S.B.T.). I am the medicated paranoid “psychotic”. I hit the roof of my belief
system playing at the fringes of Satan’s mysterious positive influences, yet just
never entertaining him, just to react to this judgmental society I am in.
On Tolerance and Respect
As a practicing Muslima I am denied access to my complete mind & body. I have
hardly any natural self-discipline to attain inner peace by The Will of Allah
Due to being subjected to the tortures of medicinal emprisonment forced to feel
weak, subdued and threateningly down along with other physical discomforts, I
have to serve an ego by the combination of “treatment” and the society I am in.
Rather than being actively free and serving The One with guidance from The
Prophet (p.b.u.h.), I have to change just to suit the reality of society. To be in
harmony with the real surroundings, going with the flow of active life, one needs
to be equipped with natural compassion and empathy for the “other”. The noble
personality of The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) is an example of having this fine character
trait from which we may learn. The gut reactions as a result of my real
personality interacting with the real world has been reversed, such that there is
no attention given to real personal human contacts. Instead I am trampled on
and filled with an endless appetite. My body is becoming bloated, inactive and is
“tied up”. My soul is wrung out for the most part and my mind is in a horrific
twist. In society I am an unnoticeable person, looking well with, to my opinion,
“unacceptable content”. It should be that I am a noticeable unnoticeable human
being filled with lots of life, happy thinking, curiosity, learning, creativity and
love for Allah (S.B.T.). I have a “beautiful mind” and a sensitive body with God-
consciousness. However, in society I am the “paranoid psychotic” with the
argument that I am dangerously out of reality and as a result I have to be
severely “treated” in order that I am tolerated by “others”. This is the respect I
get. Well, I am not tolerated by me to have to be “treated” in this way, and my
patience has run out. Yet I continue to follow in The Footsteps of The Prophet
(p.b.u.h.), as best I can, to find me whatever little left of it there is in this life.
The Other Within Me
I know me. Allah (S.B.T.) knows me. By nature I trust others no matter how strange
they may sometimes be. It has been a great misfortune that some others have been
evil strangers towards me, that while they put on a facade to be trusted, they in fact
created mistrust. They think to absolutely know me (which they cannot) just because I
am open, sincere and talkative. I have been harmed with “treatment”/medicinal
emprisonment by others. It has altered my state of being to such an extent that I
cannot be engaged in the world as me. These others thought it necessary to medicate
me because they noticed something different in a person, and this may confirm the
gravity of the situation of mistrust that exists amongst people. To have to be
chronically medicated means it seems no one trusts me in life. The hard part is that I
do not completely trust me being “treated” because a sickness has been instilled in
me. Paradoxically I have been mistreated. Suspicions and paranoia breed because
others broke into my solitary and happy existence making my life not my own. The
fact of the matter is that the reality has to be realised by the practice of the Islamic-
way-of-life. Reading The Message, The Qur’an, learning and praying sincerely (with
full body and mind) paves the way towards healing: The reality of Allah (S.B.T.) is
opened. If others don’t share this truth with me and dramatise my natural condition by
“treating” me, well then there is a problem. I cannot even find me and focus on The
Will of Allah (S.B.T.) with this “treatment”. To “treat” me by subdueing me is
evading the whole purpose of real treatment because there is avoidance of being
confronted with the truth about me given a natural condition. I have felt isolated by
the surroundings, not fully being actively me in this life. It is strange that others who
have control and power know what I am about. No one really knows me. To know
me, one would have to really reach out to me in life, and, for example set me free
from this “treatment”. No one does.
 I have some consolations for me in life about
others. Firstly, I thank Brother Tariq for being there, living for The Love of Allah
(S.B.T.), having a sincere heart, and following in The Footsteps of The Prophet
(p.b.u.h.). It is also a consolation that once you turn to Allah (S.B.T.) sincerely you
become a witness to all that you encounter with others in life. It is also a consolation
that once you have an enemy, with whom you may have a healthy fight, ironically
enough there is truth and trust between you. You really need an enemy to know who
is really dangerous considering that others may just want to finish you off.
On Tolerance
In contemporary society the word “tolerance” brings to mind intolerable behaviours
of young individuals at school. The whole of society is a school in which we can learn
about each other’s truthful natures. There should be a great curiousness about
knowing about other minds. Judging, dominating or merely “tolerating” (which can
be the same as ignoring) someone’s state of mind is unacceptable. “Tolerance” in the
sense of the word, as described in the article above, is the lowest level of approach
one can have in today’s society.
 Self-respecting citizens with different functioning
minds, who don’t use chemical abuse to feel different, but rather feel and accept the
natural life given by Allah (S.B.T.), should all be “tolerated” in society. It is not a
matter of people with differing traditions, cultures and different paths to God(s)/no
God who should be “tolerated” today. A renewed code of moral conduct in
contemporary communal/societal affairs, without rubbing in chemicals in the form of
medicine or drugs into the minds, should be in the making by now. (Imposed
medicinal prisons to bring down the nature and alter the mind of an individual, or
drugs that unnaturally uplift the mind should become intolerable.). That is there
should have to be a great deal of patience and compassion amongst individuals. There
should be a greater appreciation for different functioning minds, no matter how
“defective” some minds seem to be. By teaching and not preaching, by checking and
not imposing, by lightly punishing when offences are committed. The questions as to
why someone is the way he/she is should be asked: Why do you behave the way you
do? What is the reason for mistakes? Why do you have an obstruction? What can be
done to alleviate stresses on the mind? … and so on. Merely “tolerating” or “not
tolerating” someone else’s mind is a matter of not having the time and patience to find
out root causes/truths. One should help if necessary, with healthy communication.
Seeing someone be, in his/her true and natural value, is a key to going beyond
On Respect
A devout Muslim aspires to have a fine character as exemplified by The Prophet
(p.b.u.h.) who naturally respects the creation of Allah (S.B.T.). To respect nature
means letting it be with feeling admiration for it. To disregard the complex
world(s) of nature, full of life from Allah (S.B.T.), means that one has no true self-
As a believer, with the predicament of being severely medicated, I have to
respect those who don't allow me to feel self-respect or human dignity with their
imposed "treatment". I have to accept respect from those who are "powerful"
and perhaps even inhumane. They think it is fine that my body, mind and even
the soul are altered/twisted, being their "dummy", as I live in a medicinal prison.
How can a Muslim accept a quality of life that is less than the true active life
gifted by Allah (S.B.T.)? After years and years of not having my mind and being
respected in its original state, when it is pure, it is not surprising that I lose
respect for many others in society. A concern is that, as the experimental figure
in society, whose real life is for a great part switched off, I have to respect, and I
am given respect by, the material-minded, self-centred, rumourmongering,
judgemental "Kings" and Queens" of society in their mundane world.
What is Truth?
Ophelia was told to go to a nunnery by Hamlet, in Shakepeare's Hamlet. She
aught to be isolated from society, not to be a 'breeder of sinners', but rather she
should only pray and serve God in solitude. The feeling of alienation in society, as
a Muslima, is a gift from Allah (S.B.T.). It means that one is in possession of the
truth of being. From this state one can assume a role in society as being oneself,
being close to The Creator, without being dragged through the disordered and
unhealthy realities of others. One is a responsible individual with his/her own
reality, and free to be in society. A person who follows Jesus (A.S.) according to
the Biblical teachings may wish to retire as a nun or monk, living in a nunnery or
monastery. Followers of The Qur'an, which in essence is the Character of The
Prophet (S.A.W.), teaches the Muslim to be involved in society's life, and all of the
world is a Mosque with realities. A Universal truth here may be that, isolation,
alienation, to be in a nunnery, even to be in a prison, or in a cave, brings one
close to oneself, being in a way free, being with a Universal Being.
However, when a believer's mind is locked up in a medicinal prison, one is not
completely free to be. Sometimes the "powerful" law and doctors impose
"treatment" to moderate/alter a citizen's functioning and thinking. This raises an
alarm when this dealing may be considered a Universal good in societal affairs. Is
it ethical, in the case of a believer, to have to be less alive? Although medicine is
considered a Universal good, having a so-called "paranoid psychotic" mind
trapped in a medicinal prison is a complication: The mind is so complex that why
should the "sufferer" suffer more because of the impurities in a medicine causing
actual sickness? There seems to be hardly any truth in this medicine for the pure
and living mind. When a believing mind-patient is traumatised, sick and tired of
being on medicine, he/she should be given the right to stop it, just to be oneself,
to be pure, to have self-control and to be free: A truth.
On Paths
If there are many paths towards a Universal Being, then why do some
authoritative doctors with their imposed "treatment" have the right to alter the
activities of the neural pathways in my mind? As a result of this "treatment" I am
forced-dragged through an underground tunnel. I should be following the living
mind's path given to me by Allah (S.B.T.), flying high, and at the same time being
on a concrete path. From my pure active mind's view I should see the desert as
being full of adventure, challenges, mysteries and also full of life to be a part of.
However, from the altered state of mind's view, being in a medicinal prison, I see
the desert as one blanket of tranquility, just like how my own mind is "flattened"
out to feel hollow enough to let the desert breezes flow through it. And my eyes
are only just being allowed to see the sea of sand, for dreams that may come.
(Dreams that may come if my mind is not too much reduced to a pulp and
twisted as a result of the adverse effects of "medicine".) Reaching the
summit/goal with a passive state of being/not much of a life and then also
having to go through a dark underground path, is a very hard task. However,
Allah (S.B.T.), The One, The All-Knowing, knows what is happening to me and He
is Most Merciful to let me have an overview from the summit, once-in-a-while,
even though I am restrained from climbing.
On Power and Needs
Living the incomplete truth in life: my body, mind and a great part of my soul are not
complete in the reality of this life where the truth of my being is usurped by those
powerful others who altered it. Like Noorie had mentioned, actions and deeds need to
clothe the body. However, the inside should not be a twisted hollow vacuum so that
the inner truth is replaced by negative outer realities of many others. My body is
private property. Being in a mind-medicinal prison I seem to be everyone’s property
in the society for those who want to get their desired reactions from it. I am not my
own private property and the society around me is the so-called private property in
which I am “diffused” such that the life’s reality is turned outside in and at the same
time I cannot be living my unique truth in it. I have no entry into the natural real
world in life’s distorted societal reality of those powerful others who claim it to be
theirs. I also do not have entry into my original true state of being where common and
singular active Universal truths should be found.
Dogmatic Minds
A self-critical mind can sometimes create a trap for oneself in the presence of a
dogmatic mind. The self-critical mind may decide not to take any path at all. One
may just observe all the paths going to a summit, unaware that he/she is
following a path in another reality by some Universal Being to reach that same
summit. A terrifying reality is when the dogmatic mind gains authority, power
and has the capability to manipulate, creating a "burial" for the self-critical mind
by imposing and causing an implosion in its true sense of being. The "burial" is
that quicksand may be created on the inside for the soul of the mind to drown in,
and, a deep hole in the ground is dug for the self-critical mind to fall into, where
it is rendered worthless. It may appear that the self-critical mind cannot ever get
out and uncoil, let alone be on any path at all to reach a summit. However, Allah
(S.B.T.) watches and may work out a mystery path. A question arises: How will
the powerful dogmatic mind who is busy overriding other truths, or facets of
truths, ever reach any summit at all considering that as a result its own path may
lead to a dead end?
In the equation of a true practicing Muslim, one asks Allah (S.B.T.) that he/she
may follow the right path. One reads The Furqan, i.e., learning to distinguish
between truth and unreality, dealt with in the Qur'an. Nature, knowing oneself
truly in front of a Universal Being or The Divine, history and actuality set the
course for the path(s) to the summit or Universal truth(s). As a true believer,
when persuading/helping others to follow any path(s) at all, requires great
appreciation and empathy for the unique true other.
Faith and Reason
Being God-conscious (one can be aware of it or not, because it is really a humble
state of being, living with acquiring right knowledge and working hard), as a
believer fully actively practising Islam with complete presence of
being/complete nature & life, means that the problem of having a so-called
"psychosis" is just partial reality. Due to the God-conscious believer being
present in The Reality of Allah, the reality of the world as how one perceives it
plays a small role. One may be caught in the world of perceptions of others and
be seen as "psychotic". This is none of any others' business to judge, impose and
alter, if one functions optimally with complete nature & life which is is
a unique truth.
Everyone has a unique psychological make-up, therefore the study of
psychology, based on infinite observations, hypotheses and statistics, is not a
reliable source of information for pure science, it is too arbitrary. Pure
mathematics is pure knowledge, where solving problems is a God-gifted talent. It
is pursuit of true happiness because one discovers absolute truths in life's
realities. Being complete in nature & life is an absolute must in order to achieve
this state of happiness bridging reason and the heart. The heart is not only
bewildered by it, because pursuit of right knowledge brings us closer to The One,
The Happy One.
If each knowledge claim is a puzzle piece in a sea of light, let all the pieces come
together harmoniously by bridges of logic, communication and understanding,
such that when a whole picture is formed, there exist satisfactory
conclusions/results. Let there be awareness of The Light shining through the
borders between the puzzle pieces supplying:
A Life, Love And Happiness to the one who has enriched his/her knowledge.
And may one be open and critical to know more...
And may the one who is a mind-"patient" not be a door-mat for the "doctor" to
rub his/her shoes on to gain knowledge.
When dealing with wordly knowledge, whether it is pure science which is real
fact in life’s realities, or other fields of knowledge, the God-conscious believer has
in his/her equation of pursuing truth of this worldy knowledge the essence of
Taqwa, i.e., God-fear. It is with this essence of being that one discovers the
distinction between good and evil in learning what is right knowledge, being
very open and critical, because there is an awe-inspiring great God. Therefore
this God-fearing believer can contribute effectively to analytical reasoning and
applied ethics. A God-conscious believer who is mind-medicated, losing his her
true inner sense of being, has sacrificed this to be in harmony with the socio-
economic order of contemporary society. This means that the strong believer
who accepts “mental health care” is having less Taqwa, more ego, more material-
minded mentality, and having to be more hypocritical. Details of what matters
become irrelevant, overridden by a general overview of knowledge. One is on
auto-pilot. The innocence of the human being is taken over by an artificial
intelligence through forced-medication to suit the societal life. The discipline of
the way-of-life offered by Islam is taken over by the forced discipline
implemented by an authority in society, so that one goes with the flow of a socio-
economic way-of-life. Then the only reliable truth for the “God-forsaken” active
believer is cherishing the spiritual life trying to do the best that one CAN do
under the circumstances, without being able to make real active changes in many
Reasons and Ends
There is no sound reasoning possible with authorities that pound on it: they deny
access to truth of “the other”. If a believer is crushed, having both faith and reason,
the outcome is that self-defence is necessary. A strategy is to be an automatic actor
and put on the face of the one who destroys you in front of him/her to show how how
evil he/she is, if given the chance. When one is forced into the “mental health care
system”, which cannot be trusted (Theories surrounding this so-called science are
dubious because one’s life becomes lifeless and one is made to actually feel sick, long
term) the initial reaction for the one such as myself is to not to even want to notice
these “doctors” and “nurses”. But when forced to accept their “treatment”, imposed in
a subtle way, the other reaction of verbally reasoning with them means that according
to them, the mind has to be calmed down through forced medication. And when self-
defence is used in the form of putting up a face of anger to reflect the threat &
violence they pose means that they inject me with heavy sleep medication. A believer,
such as myself, who is forced to put up with the “mental health care system” finds
that many of the “people who care” there are a burden, and many are serving as
instruments. The outcome is that, once medicated, acting is not possible because one
is subdued, and giving a genuine happy smile is next to impossible depending on “the
other”…in a sick world there is a show of mouth with (weakened) teeth.
greatest challenge and mission of every authority is to set up monastic schools for
every adult who is sensitive, lonely by the surroundings, friendless and “wakes up”.
In this case he/she is trapped in an unbalanced, unreasonable and “far-away-from-
nature” setting in a socio-economic world with authorities that imprisons him/her.
Therefore monastic schools should be made compulsory for every human being to
attend, at some point in life, and it should be able to replace “mental health care
systems”. The solution is that these schools or monasteries should assist the individual
to connect with oneself, connecting the heart and the mind, finding harmony with the
world as it is, and importantly connecting with The One. In Islam He is Allah
(S.B.T.)…He is the only Friend, therefore all the more reason to be very reasonable in
this world
In Albert Camus’ The Stranger and in Franz Kafka’s The Trial, the main characters’
state of freedoms are challenged in their predicaments imposed by the law systems,
and checked by priests in both the novels. In Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of
Ivan Denizovich, and in Bernard Malamud’s The Fixer, the main characters’ state of
freedom in their imprisonments are checked by their hard work and their finding
material pleasures. In “The Mental Health Care Systems”, the state of freedom is
checked by knowledge: Freedom is knowledge. The more you may know, the less it is
allowed to be. “Doctors” impose “treatment”, with intense forced mind-medicinal
imprisonment, by which means all of the knowledge gained by “the patient” such as
myself, is worked against me. Once medicated, aside from the fact that one is out of
focus to gain any more knowledge (apart from losing it) due to the soul, mind &
body, combined, being in an unfree state, the active free will is also suspended…
Shireen Obaidullah on December 16, 2014 at 7:26 pm
Around the corner in a silent “free” time & space,

 When there is a societal pressure that pushes “the patient” to commit euthanasia,
when the doctor sucks the life out of the “patient” and it is displaced with a force of
evil, and rumour-mongering in society goes on over the “patient’s” mind & body, the
“free” body is a zebra-crossing clothed with rope around the neck. When hiding are
those who want to finish off the “patient” with poison or by stinging & pesting in
subtle ways, because they have a jealousy that is worse than the hottest flame of a
bunsen burner, the “free” body has to be burnt out. When the “patient” runs away
from “treatment” this leads to extreme black magic being carried out against the pure
heart, mind, body & soul. The active free will that remains only has an escape to
freedom: Being in the wilderness. Allah (S.B.T.) loves and cares for the wild nature
because it is all naturally attuned to His Will. Being in a societal competitive
community, with savages hiding somewhere, requires an active free will to be really
humanistic, since this is the state one can discover peace and find Allah (S.B.T). The
great lessons taught by The Noble Prophet (p.b.u.h.) prove that one can be a real
human being.The animal kingdom in the wilderness aids the “patient” to feel balanced
with all the physical discomforts caused by medicinal abuse. Reading Nature and The
Holy Qur’an are the fundamentals for a real human being to be free.
Shireen Obaidullah on December 21, 2014 at 6:12 am
All the knowledge and faith of my life is used against me by the unreasonable
system of law and society that determines how one has to be, both in the mind
and in the body. If this is not enough, measures are taken to "bend" the soul.
This life's societal reality is far worse than the Christian hell. Mother's
responsible character and free heart are overridden. In Aquinas' Summa
Theologiae he emphasised that all the senses are founded on the literal (1 i 10)
and that 'nothing necessary for faith is contained under the spiritual sense which
is not openly conveyed through the literal elsewhere'. So for example, this is I
take to mean that sensing reality from within a subdued mind is different than
the natural. The will power to be as complete as possible is broken down when
the system imposes "treatment". Every individual deserves what he/she deserves.
Deserving is determined by Allah (S.B.T.) Who gives when we are grateful to
Him. He is The Creator Whose Will aught to be followed. This is taught precisely
by the Islamic-way-of-life. There should be trust in The Knower of every single
thing because for example He is Omnipresent. This realisation is freedom. When
a God-conscious mind is restrained from being, inflicted upon by powerful
others, there is no active free will, no freedom of being and no self-sufficient
power for leading a dignified human life, looking after the mind, body and soul
in a natural way, by Allah (S.B.T.). The mind/being has difficulty gaining access
to the Divine Will in this life. It is hard enough being in a "moderate"
unreasonable system's prison of "treatment" imposed that has to be tolerated by
mind, body and soul. One is driven to the extreme of over-consuming. One is in
an extremely depressed state, and there is much physical suffering. The
mind/being is oppressed, suppressed and implodes at times. In addition there is
societal pressure where there are those whose wills are distorted. They are for
example jealous, burning, thereby causing destruction to those on the path; there
are heart-twisters who take away The Will of Allah (S.B.T.) from a believer's
heart; there are idol-worshippers; there are those who impose a 'second death,
which has no end.' (Augustine City of God XIII xiv)...;there are those behind
surveillance cameras who interpret every detail according to their wishes and
desires. Then there are those who destroy by spreading poisons in many
different ways. The sincere believer has to put up with a shallow & unnatural
reality whilst being naturally social enough, and at the same time become out of
focus and feel shallow in many activities. Being creative at a free level, creating
for example abstract & mysterious art and playing simple music yet meaningful
notes, is made difficult for the true believer such as myself, who naturally has
self-control and balance to 'exercise the constraint'. Learning new languages and
going through continuous processing of pure maths becomes very hard. Prayers
are not alive. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) is far above this life's reality where there are
"players" playing with what is far worse than that which Satan introduces. The
powerful authoritarians who judge, the "doctors" who sell their souls to Satan,
bestial savages, those who have a "remote control" directed towards the
suffering believer who is in a dummy state; those who provoke the mind/being of
a believer; those who game away the life of the mind/being of the believer; the
anathema/body double of the true believer taking away whatever life remains
she has. For example there is only one Jesus (A.S.) as he is an unique individual.
Unfortunately in contemporary society there are anathema individuals walking
around of true sincere believers who take away life. Just like there is suppose to
be an anti-Christ.
All those who are evil, at worse those who function at a psychopathic level, all
casting evil eyes, chattering over the believer's existence, or they have destructive
energies, they may all be ready to seize and provoke the mind/being of the
believer in "free" space and time as there is a history of events and experiences
in the memory.

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  • 1. On Independence of Ethics 1 As a believer I experience having a standard of moral values being conscious about righteousness, justice, sensitivities and ideals. It is also my duty, as a Muslim, to participate in society. When one is “caught” in some web of society to find that he or she is having his or her own true sense of being taken away by some authoritative power, this seems to be ethically very wrong. Every true believing Muslim who is allowed to be has a sensitive body, a sensitive mind, and is in tune to take things in as Allah (S.B.T.) wills. One has personal sensitivities carrying personal responsibilities to deal with it all. Sometimes one can take things very personally and this allows for fine characteristics of empathy and compassion and this also determines the morality of a personality. The carrier neurotransmitter, dopamine, is a key carrier of information in the brain that allows for one to sense what is happening. One is sharp and can have some degree of paranoia. This means that he or she has an awareness of being careful about doing analytical thinking. It may be that a strong believer has a higher level of dopamine. As a believer I am being “treated” to have my dopamine level lowered when I am so conscious of many things. I have to be medicated as a body that fits into a “portrait” of society. This imposed process seems to be uncivilized: Dangerously “treating” me, taking away my active life with bulldozing medicine, when I feel I have a naturally pure and creative mind in tune with universal beautiful values. The so-called doctors don’t see the reality your way, but you have to see it their way. It may therefore be unethical that a believer-“patient” has to be medicated without his or her own consent so that his or her being, body, mind and sometimes even his or her own soul all have to be changed. One is only really true with their loved ones, and the ones who become their friends, by The Will of Allah (S.B.T.). When one becomes less than him or her self then there is little natural will of action. May the Will of Allah (S.B.T.) prevail where so-called doctors serve a society with their practice of conduct where they subdue the natural will of the subject; a believer, in this case myself, who is used as a means rather than an end by the authoritative powerful for “treatment.” On Independence of Ethics 2 Being “treated” as a sub-human being, in order to fit in the reality of a societal order, raises many questions about whether this is ethical. The combination of both neural science and social science is too complex to allow for forced treatment to occur. “Treatment” is even considered evil by the specialists involved. I exist as an “uprooted tree” from being in a natural state by The Grace of Allah (S.B.T.). As a believer I try to stay on a spiritual path. Morally my personality is set on the right path as I am finding inner peace, balance and right knowledge. I am also being for the great part subdued by a bad medicine walking the earth like the creature of Frankenstein. When I am lucky, my spirit is kicked into the reality where no one can claim it. I seem to be with my real friends in visions, dreams, in moments that flash by in the reality of worldly affairs. The only other description that can be given to this “treatment” or medicinal imprisonment from a philosophical point of view is for example that one experiences to forcefully observe the reality as the prisoner does in Plato’s allegory of The Cave. At the same time everything to do with an “inner active life” with guidance from
  • 2. The Light, is practically erased. One is turned inwards into the extreme experience having to be a burden to one’s limited physical state of being. Also one is forced to have an ego due to having to belong to an imposed society. When one becomes alienated which is actually a state of freedom, why is there a psychoanalytical system that dismantles you only to find that it is practically impossible to be repaired? Is Allah (S.B.T.) so radical to let this happen? If the system continues to pursue the path of destruction beyond Satan’s cruelest ways then this may lead to what is termed psychopathic behaviour. If you are fortunate and patient enough and you survive the outcome of psychopathic play by psychoanalysts you may regain the state of alienation again, or rather liberation, free from the society that is unhealthy and unbalanced. Society should not entertain wrongdoings like psychoanalysis, being judgmental, being egoistic, not being reasonable, and being unjust. As Allah (S.B.T.) wills I should be at best in front of Him Who Created me. Those who are in control of me, corrupting my body, overwhelming me, or stepping on me should stop. Allah (S.B.T) knows. Will I be able to treat myself? The answer lies in remembering doing everything In the name of Allah (S.B.T.), The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. The mind-sets of scientists, judges and other authoritative persons involved who are negatively challenging me and abusing me should also be in essence doing everything in The name of Allah (S.B.T.). I am the medicated paranoid “psychotic”. I hit the roof of my belief system playing at the fringes of Satan’s mysterious positive influences, yet just never entertaining him, just to react to this judgmental society I am in. On Tolerance and Respect As a practicing Muslima I am denied access to my complete mind & body. I have hardly any natural self-discipline to attain inner peace by The Will of Allah (S.B.T.). Due to being subjected to the tortures of medicinal emprisonment forced to feel weak, subdued and threateningly down along with other physical discomforts, I have to serve an ego by the combination of “treatment” and the society I am in. Rather than being actively free and serving The One with guidance from The Prophet (p.b.u.h.), I have to change just to suit the reality of society. To be in harmony with the real surroundings, going with the flow of active life, one needs to be equipped with natural compassion and empathy for the “other”. The noble personality of The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) is an example of having this fine character trait from which we may learn. The gut reactions as a result of my real personality interacting with the real world has been reversed, such that there is no attention given to real personal human contacts. Instead I am trampled on and filled with an endless appetite. My body is becoming bloated, inactive and is “tied up”. My soul is wrung out for the most part and my mind is in a horrific twist. In society I am an unnoticeable person, looking well with, to my opinion, “unacceptable content”. It should be that I am a noticeable unnoticeable human being filled with lots of life, happy thinking, curiosity, learning, creativity and love for Allah (S.B.T.). I have a “beautiful mind” and a sensitive body with God- consciousness. However, in society I am the “paranoid psychotic” with the argument that I am dangerously out of reality and as a result I have to be severely “treated” in order that I am tolerated by “others”. This is the respect I
  • 3. get. Well, I am not tolerated by me to have to be “treated” in this way, and my patience has run out. Yet I continue to follow in The Footsteps of The Prophet (p.b.u.h.), as best I can, to find me whatever little left of it there is in this life. The Other Within Me I know me. Allah (S.B.T.) knows me. By nature I trust others no matter how strange they may sometimes be. It has been a great misfortune that some others have been evil strangers towards me, that while they put on a facade to be trusted, they in fact created mistrust. They think to absolutely know me (which they cannot) just because I am open, sincere and talkative. I have been harmed with “treatment”/medicinal emprisonment by others. It has altered my state of being to such an extent that I cannot be engaged in the world as me. These others thought it necessary to medicate me because they noticed something different in a person, and this may confirm the gravity of the situation of mistrust that exists amongst people. To have to be chronically medicated means it seems no one trusts me in life. The hard part is that I do not completely trust me being “treated” because a sickness has been instilled in me. Paradoxically I have been mistreated. Suspicions and paranoia breed because others broke into my solitary and happy existence making my life not my own. The fact of the matter is that the reality has to be realised by the practice of the Islamic- way-of-life. Reading The Message, The Qur’an, learning and praying sincerely (with full body and mind) paves the way towards healing: The reality of Allah (S.B.T.) is opened. If others don’t share this truth with me and dramatise my natural condition by “treating” me, well then there is a problem. I cannot even find me and focus on The Will of Allah (S.B.T.) with this “treatment”. To “treat” me by subdueing me is evading the whole purpose of real treatment because there is avoidance of being confronted with the truth about me given a natural condition. I have felt isolated by the surroundings, not fully being actively me in this life. It is strange that others who have control and power know what I am about. No one really knows me. To know me, one would have to really reach out to me in life, and, for example set me free from this “treatment”. No one does.
 I have some consolations for me in life about others. Firstly, I thank Brother Tariq for being there, living for The Love of Allah (S.B.T.), having a sincere heart, and following in The Footsteps of The Prophet (p.b.u.h.). It is also a consolation that once you turn to Allah (S.B.T.) sincerely you become a witness to all that you encounter with others in life. It is also a consolation that once you have an enemy, with whom you may have a healthy fight, ironically enough there is truth and trust between you. You really need an enemy to know who is really dangerous considering that others may just want to finish you off. On Tolerance In contemporary society the word “tolerance” brings to mind intolerable behaviours of young individuals at school. The whole of society is a school in which we can learn about each other’s truthful natures. There should be a great curiousness about knowing about other minds. Judging, dominating or merely “tolerating” (which can be the same as ignoring) someone’s state of mind is unacceptable. “Tolerance” in the sense of the word, as described in the article above, is the lowest level of approach one can have in today’s society.
 Self-respecting citizens with different functioning minds, who don’t use chemical abuse to feel different, but rather feel and accept the natural life given by Allah (S.B.T.), should all be “tolerated” in society. It is not a
  • 4. matter of people with differing traditions, cultures and different paths to God(s)/no God who should be “tolerated” today. A renewed code of moral conduct in contemporary communal/societal affairs, without rubbing in chemicals in the form of medicine or drugs into the minds, should be in the making by now. (Imposed medicinal prisons to bring down the nature and alter the mind of an individual, or drugs that unnaturally uplift the mind should become intolerable.). That is there should have to be a great deal of patience and compassion amongst individuals. There should be a greater appreciation for different functioning minds, no matter how “defective” some minds seem to be. By teaching and not preaching, by checking and not imposing, by lightly punishing when offences are committed. The questions as to why someone is the way he/she is should be asked: Why do you behave the way you do? What is the reason for mistakes? Why do you have an obstruction? What can be done to alleviate stresses on the mind? … and so on. Merely “tolerating” or “not tolerating” someone else’s mind is a matter of not having the time and patience to find out root causes/truths. One should help if necessary, with healthy communication. Seeing someone be, in his/her true and natural value, is a key to going beyond “tolerance”. On Respect A devout Muslim aspires to have a fine character as exemplified by The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) who naturally respects the creation of Allah (S.B.T.). To respect nature means letting it be with feeling admiration for it. To disregard the complex world(s) of nature, full of life from Allah (S.B.T.), means that one has no true self- respect. As a believer, with the predicament of being severely medicated, I have to respect those who don't allow me to feel self-respect or human dignity with their imposed "treatment". I have to accept respect from those who are "powerful" and perhaps even inhumane. They think it is fine that my body, mind and even the soul are altered/twisted, being their "dummy", as I live in a medicinal prison. How can a Muslim accept a quality of life that is less than the true active life gifted by Allah (S.B.T.)? After years and years of not having my mind and being respected in its original state, when it is pure, it is not surprising that I lose respect for many others in society. A concern is that, as the experimental figure in society, whose real life is for a great part switched off, I have to respect, and I am given respect by, the material-minded, self-centred, rumourmongering, judgemental "Kings" and Queens" of society in their mundane world. What is Truth? Ophelia was told to go to a nunnery by Hamlet, in Shakepeare's Hamlet. She aught to be isolated from society, not to be a 'breeder of sinners', but rather she should only pray and serve God in solitude. The feeling of alienation in society, as a Muslima, is a gift from Allah (S.B.T.). It means that one is in possession of the truth of being. From this state one can assume a role in society as being oneself, being close to The Creator, without being dragged through the disordered and unhealthy realities of others. One is a responsible individual with his/her own reality, and free to be in society. A person who follows Jesus (A.S.) according to the Biblical teachings may wish to retire as a nun or monk, living in a nunnery or monastery. Followers of The Qur'an, which in essence is the Character of The
  • 5. Prophet (S.A.W.), teaches the Muslim to be involved in society's life, and all of the world is a Mosque with realities. A Universal truth here may be that, isolation, alienation, to be in a nunnery, even to be in a prison, or in a cave, brings one close to oneself, being in a way free, being with a Universal Being. However, when a believer's mind is locked up in a medicinal prison, one is not completely free to be. Sometimes the "powerful" law and doctors impose "treatment" to moderate/alter a citizen's functioning and thinking. This raises an alarm when this dealing may be considered a Universal good in societal affairs. Is it ethical, in the case of a believer, to have to be less alive? Although medicine is considered a Universal good, having a so-called "paranoid psychotic" mind trapped in a medicinal prison is a complication: The mind is so complex that why should the "sufferer" suffer more because of the impurities in a medicine causing actual sickness? There seems to be hardly any truth in this medicine for the pure and living mind. When a believing mind-patient is traumatised, sick and tired of being on medicine, he/she should be given the right to stop it, just to be oneself, to be pure, to have self-control and to be free: A truth. On Paths If there are many paths towards a Universal Being, then why do some authoritative doctors with their imposed "treatment" have the right to alter the activities of the neural pathways in my mind? As a result of this "treatment" I am forced-dragged through an underground tunnel. I should be following the living mind's path given to me by Allah (S.B.T.), flying high, and at the same time being on a concrete path. From my pure active mind's view I should see the desert as being full of adventure, challenges, mysteries and also full of life to be a part of. However, from the altered state of mind's view, being in a medicinal prison, I see the desert as one blanket of tranquility, just like how my own mind is "flattened" out to feel hollow enough to let the desert breezes flow through it. And my eyes are only just being allowed to see the sea of sand, for dreams that may come. (Dreams that may come if my mind is not too much reduced to a pulp and twisted as a result of the adverse effects of "medicine".) Reaching the summit/goal with a passive state of being/not much of a life and then also having to go through a dark underground path, is a very hard task. However, Allah (S.B.T.), The One, The All-Knowing, knows what is happening to me and He is Most Merciful to let me have an overview from the summit, once-in-a-while, even though I am restrained from climbing. On Power and Needs Living the incomplete truth in life: my body, mind and a great part of my soul are not complete in the reality of this life where the truth of my being is usurped by those powerful others who altered it. Like Noorie had mentioned, actions and deeds need to clothe the body. However, the inside should not be a twisted hollow vacuum so that the inner truth is replaced by negative outer realities of many others. My body is private property. Being in a mind-medicinal prison I seem to be everyone’s property in the society for those who want to get their desired reactions from it. I am not my own private property and the society around me is the so-called private property in which I am “diffused” such that the life’s reality is turned outside in and at the same
  • 6. time I cannot be living my unique truth in it. I have no entry into the natural real world in life’s distorted societal reality of those powerful others who claim it to be theirs. I also do not have entry into my original true state of being where common and singular active Universal truths should be found. Dogmatic Minds A self-critical mind can sometimes create a trap for oneself in the presence of a dogmatic mind. The self-critical mind may decide not to take any path at all. One may just observe all the paths going to a summit, unaware that he/she is following a path in another reality by some Universal Being to reach that same summit. A terrifying reality is when the dogmatic mind gains authority, power and has the capability to manipulate, creating a "burial" for the self-critical mind by imposing and causing an implosion in its true sense of being. The "burial" is that quicksand may be created on the inside for the soul of the mind to drown in, and, a deep hole in the ground is dug for the self-critical mind to fall into, where it is rendered worthless. It may appear that the self-critical mind cannot ever get out and uncoil, let alone be on any path at all to reach a summit. However, Allah (S.B.T.) watches and may work out a mystery path. A question arises: How will the powerful dogmatic mind who is busy overriding other truths, or facets of truths, ever reach any summit at all considering that as a result its own path may lead to a dead end? In the equation of a true practicing Muslim, one asks Allah (S.B.T.) that he/she may follow the right path. One reads The Furqan, i.e., learning to distinguish between truth and unreality, dealt with in the Qur'an. Nature, knowing oneself truly in front of a Universal Being or The Divine, history and actuality set the course for the path(s) to the summit or Universal truth(s). As a true believer, when persuading/helping others to follow any path(s) at all, requires great appreciation and empathy for the unique true other. Faith and Reason Being God-conscious (one can be aware of it or not, because it is really a humble state of being, living with acquiring right knowledge and working hard), as a believer fully actively practising Islam with complete presence of being/complete nature & life, means that the problem of having a so-called "psychosis" is just partial reality. Due to the God-conscious believer being present in The Reality of Allah, the reality of the world as how one perceives it plays a small role. One may be caught in the world of perceptions of others and be seen as "psychotic". This is none of any others' business to judge, impose and alter, if one functions optimally with complete nature & life which is is a unique truth. Everyone has a unique psychological make-up, therefore the study of psychology, based on infinite observations, hypotheses and statistics, is not a reliable source of information for pure science, it is too arbitrary. Pure mathematics is pure knowledge, where solving problems is a God-gifted talent. It is pursuit of true happiness because one discovers absolute truths in life's realities. Being complete in nature & life is an absolute must in order to achieve
  • 7. this state of happiness bridging reason and the heart. The heart is not only bewildered by it, because pursuit of right knowledge brings us closer to The One, The Happy One. If each knowledge claim is a puzzle piece in a sea of light, let all the pieces come together harmoniously by bridges of logic, communication and understanding, such that when a whole picture is formed, there exist satisfactory conclusions/results. Let there be awareness of The Light shining through the borders between the puzzle pieces supplying: A Life, Love And Happiness to the one who has enriched his/her knowledge. And may one be open and critical to know more... And may the one who is a mind-"patient" not be a door-mat for the "doctor" to rub his/her shoes on to gain knowledge. Authority When dealing with wordly knowledge, whether it is pure science which is real fact in life’s realities, or other fields of knowledge, the God-conscious believer has in his/her equation of pursuing truth of this worldy knowledge the essence of Taqwa, i.e., God-fear. It is with this essence of being that one discovers the distinction between good and evil in learning what is right knowledge, being very open and critical, because there is an awe-inspiring great God. Therefore this God-fearing believer can contribute effectively to analytical reasoning and applied ethics. A God-conscious believer who is mind-medicated, losing his her true inner sense of being, has sacrificed this to be in harmony with the socio- economic order of contemporary society. This means that the strong believer who accepts “mental health care” is having less Taqwa, more ego, more material- minded mentality, and having to be more hypocritical. Details of what matters become irrelevant, overridden by a general overview of knowledge. One is on auto-pilot. The innocence of the human being is taken over by an artificial intelligence through forced-medication to suit the societal life. The discipline of the way-of-life offered by Islam is taken over by the forced discipline implemented by an authority in society, so that one goes with the flow of a socio- economic way-of-life. Then the only reliable truth for the “God-forsaken” active believer is cherishing the spiritual life trying to do the best that one CAN do under the circumstances, without being able to make real active changes in many ways… Reasons and Ends There is no sound reasoning possible with authorities that pound on it: they deny access to truth of “the other”. If a believer is crushed, having both faith and reason, the outcome is that self-defence is necessary. A strategy is to be an automatic actor and put on the face of the one who destroys you in front of him/her to show how how evil he/she is, if given the chance. When one is forced into the “mental health care system”, which cannot be trusted (Theories surrounding this so-called science are dubious because one’s life becomes lifeless and one is made to actually feel sick, long
  • 8. term) the initial reaction for the one such as myself is to not to even want to notice these “doctors” and “nurses”. But when forced to accept their “treatment”, imposed in a subtle way, the other reaction of verbally reasoning with them means that according to them, the mind has to be calmed down through forced medication. And when self- defence is used in the form of putting up a face of anger to reflect the threat & violence they pose means that they inject me with heavy sleep medication. A believer, such as myself, who is forced to put up with the “mental health care system” finds that many of the “people who care” there are a burden, and many are serving as instruments. The outcome is that, once medicated, acting is not possible because one is subdued, and giving a genuine happy smile is next to impossible depending on “the other”…in a sick world there is a show of mouth with (weakened) teeth.
 The greatest challenge and mission of every authority is to set up monastic schools for every adult who is sensitive, lonely by the surroundings, friendless and “wakes up”. In this case he/she is trapped in an unbalanced, unreasonable and “far-away-from- nature” setting in a socio-economic world with authorities that imprisons him/her. Therefore monastic schools should be made compulsory for every human being to attend, at some point in life, and it should be able to replace “mental health care systems”. The solution is that these schools or monasteries should assist the individual to connect with oneself, connecting the heart and the mind, finding harmony with the world as it is, and importantly connecting with The One. In Islam He is Allah (S.B.T.)…He is the only Friend, therefore all the more reason to be very reasonable in this world Freedom In Albert Camus’ The Stranger and in Franz Kafka’s The Trial, the main characters’ state of freedoms are challenged in their predicaments imposed by the law systems, and checked by priests in both the novels. In Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denizovich, and in Bernard Malamud’s The Fixer, the main characters’ state of freedom in their imprisonments are checked by their hard work and their finding material pleasures. In “The Mental Health Care Systems”, the state of freedom is checked by knowledge: Freedom is knowledge. The more you may know, the less it is allowed to be. “Doctors” impose “treatment”, with intense forced mind-medicinal imprisonment, by which means all of the knowledge gained by “the patient” such as myself, is worked against me. Once medicated, aside from the fact that one is out of focus to gain any more knowledge (apart from losing it) due to the soul, mind & body, combined, being in an unfree state, the active free will is also suspended… Shireen Obaidullah on December 16, 2014 at 7:26 pm
  • 9. Around the corner in a silent “free” time & space, 
 When there is a societal pressure that pushes “the patient” to commit euthanasia, when the doctor sucks the life out of the “patient” and it is displaced with a force of evil, and rumour-mongering in society goes on over the “patient’s” mind & body, the “free” body is a zebra-crossing clothed with rope around the neck. When hiding are those who want to finish off the “patient” with poison or by stinging & pesting in subtle ways, because they have a jealousy that is worse than the hottest flame of a bunsen burner, the “free” body has to be burnt out. When the “patient” runs away from “treatment” this leads to extreme black magic being carried out against the pure heart, mind, body & soul. The active free will that remains only has an escape to freedom: Being in the wilderness. Allah (S.B.T.) loves and cares for the wild nature because it is all naturally attuned to His Will. Being in a societal competitive community, with savages hiding somewhere, requires an active free will to be really humanistic, since this is the state one can discover peace and find Allah (S.B.T). The great lessons taught by The Noble Prophet (p.b.u.h.) prove that one can be a real human being.The animal kingdom in the wilderness aids the “patient” to feel balanced with all the physical discomforts caused by medicinal abuse. Reading Nature and The Holy Qur’an are the fundamentals for a real human being to be free. Shireen Obaidullah on December 21, 2014 at 6:12 am All the knowledge and faith of my life is used against me by the unreasonable system of law and society that determines how one has to be, both in the mind and in the body. If this is not enough, measures are taken to "bend" the soul. This life's societal reality is far worse than the Christian hell. Mother's responsible character and free heart are overridden. In Aquinas' Summa Theologiae he emphasised that all the senses are founded on the literal (1 i 10) and that 'nothing necessary for faith is contained under the spiritual sense which is not openly conveyed through the literal elsewhere'. So for example, this is I take to mean that sensing reality from within a subdued mind is different than the natural. The will power to be as complete as possible is broken down when the system imposes "treatment". Every individual deserves what he/she deserves. Deserving is determined by Allah (S.B.T.) Who gives when we are grateful to Him. He is The Creator Whose Will aught to be followed. This is taught precisely by the Islamic-way-of-life. There should be trust in The Knower of every single thing because for example He is Omnipresent. This realisation is freedom. When a God-conscious mind is restrained from being, inflicted upon by powerful others, there is no active free will, no freedom of being and no self-sufficient power for leading a dignified human life, looking after the mind, body and soul in a natural way, by Allah (S.B.T.). The mind/being has difficulty gaining access to the Divine Will in this life. It is hard enough being in a "moderate" unreasonable system's prison of "treatment" imposed that has to be tolerated by mind, body and soul. One is driven to the extreme of over-consuming. One is in an extremely depressed state, and there is much physical suffering. The mind/being is oppressed, suppressed and implodes at times. In addition there is societal pressure where there are those whose wills are distorted. They are for example jealous, burning, thereby causing destruction to those on the path; there are heart-twisters who take away The Will of Allah (S.B.T.) from a believer's
  • 10. heart; there are idol-worshippers; there are those who impose a 'second death, which has no end.' (Augustine City of God XIII xiv)...;there are those behind surveillance cameras who interpret every detail according to their wishes and desires. Then there are those who destroy by spreading poisons in many different ways. The sincere believer has to put up with a shallow & unnatural reality whilst being naturally social enough, and at the same time become out of focus and feel shallow in many activities. Being creative at a free level, creating for example abstract & mysterious art and playing simple music yet meaningful notes, is made difficult for the true believer such as myself, who naturally has self-control and balance to 'exercise the constraint'. Learning new languages and going through continuous processing of pure maths becomes very hard. Prayers are not alive. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) is far above this life's reality where there are "players" playing with what is far worse than that which Satan introduces. The powerful authoritarians who judge, the "doctors" who sell their souls to Satan, bestial savages, those who have a "remote control" directed towards the suffering believer who is in a dummy state; those who provoke the mind/being of a believer; those who game away the life of the mind/being of the believer; the anathema/body double of the true believer taking away whatever life remains she has. For example there is only one Jesus (A.S.) as he is an unique individual. Unfortunately in contemporary society there are anathema individuals walking around of true sincere believers who take away life. Just like there is suppose to be an anti-Christ. All those who are evil, at worse those who function at a psychopathic level, all casting evil eyes, chattering over the believer's existence, or they have destructive energies, they may all be ready to seize and provoke the mind/being of the believer in "free" space and time as there is a history of events and experiences in the memory.