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Hi, everyone. Good evening!
K: I’m Kashiyuka.
N: I’m Nocchi.
A: I’m A-chan.
3 人合わせて Perfume です
Three of us as Perfume!
Nice to meet you.

11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。
For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year.
A:はい、今週も来ました。Perfume 結成 10 周年を記念した、 月 3 日水曜祝日の東京ドーム
ライブに向けて、私たちの 10 年間を振り返っていきます。
A: OK, it starts again on this week as well.
A: For the Perfume’s 10th Anniversary Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of November,
A: We are looking back our 10 years history.
N: Yee-ha!

2003 年の Perfume を研究せよ。
Look back Perfume in 2003

K:2003 年か~。
K: Oh, so it’s 2003.
N:2003 年。
N: Yes, 2003.
A:2003 年でございます。えぇ~、上京して参りました。
A: Yeah, in 2003・・・. We moved up to Tokyo.
N 来た!
N: We came to Tokyo!
K:4 月にね、上京して参りました。
K: We did, In April!
A: Yeah, as we moved up from Hiroshima to Tokyo,
A: I’m sure there were a lot of things that surprised you.
N,K: That’s right.
A: So, what surprised you? Nocchi?
N: Oh, “you know?” The Tokyo accent boys spoke was・・・, “you know?”
A:LOL! That sounds Tokyo, with all these “you know?” things.
A,K: You’re totally influenced by Tokyo accent. LOL.
N: Oh! Did I speak in Tokyo accent? LOL
N: Well, I was a bit allergic with the standard language,
N: The Tokyo accent boys spoke.
N: Hiroshima’s local accent sounds kind of cold.
N: Like “What the hell!” and so on. It sounds more manlike.
N: But in Tokyo, boys talked like “Oh dear.” Or “Oh my gosh, how do I read this, Sir?”
N: I was quite surprised about that.
N: That’s my impression, “you know?”
A: All right, how about you, Yuka-chan? “you know?”
K:私はねっ。あのね、電車がね。初めて乗ったじゃない?東京の電車。 何回か乗ってるん
K: Oh for me? “you know?”
K: Well at that time, we took trains in Tokyo for the first time, didn’t we?
K: Well actually, we had got on trains several times in Tokyo.
K: But it was our first experience that we had to take trains by ourselves.
K: In Hiroshima, we usually took buses when we move to somewhere.
A: Yeah, by buses or cars.
K: That’s right, we transported by vehicles.
K: So I didn’t understand to make connections with trains as I had never done that
K: So for me, the train was something scary.
A: Furthermore, your wallet was stolen in the train, wasn’t it?
だよね。 電車乗ってわーってなって、
    で、            山手線でグチャグチャーってなってたら、お財布無
K: Yeah! It did! It was a terror!
K: In the first year after we moved up to Tokyo, I took a train with an open-topped bag.
K: And after suffering the terrible jam-pack train in Yamanote-Line.
K: I found my wallet gone. My entire fortune was in it.
K: After that accident, I determined I would never carry open-topped bags.
A: I remember you said that. You always carried bags with zippers or close tops since
K: Yeah, I did. That really scared me.
A: That’s true.
K: How about you, A-chan?
A:私なんじゃろ?あ、でもバスの、バスって広島はバス乗った時に券取るんですよ。 1 番と
か 2 番とか書かれてて、その番号を見て最終的に降りるときにその数字でお金払って。
A: Oh me? I wonder what it was・・・. Oh I think it was about buses.
A: In Hiroshima, we take tickets when we take a bus.
A: A number is put on that ticket, like 1, 2.
A: And we pay the fare according to that number.
K: It’s getting more & more expensive.
A:そう。どんどん UP していくんだよね。それなんだけど、それでやってきてたから、家から
広島駅までは 800 円とか 900 円とかそのぐらいなんですよ。バスでね。
A: Yes, the farther we go, the more expensive the fare costs.
A: We were used to that system.
A: In that system, it costs 800 or 900 yen to get to Hiroshima station from my house by
A:でなんだけど東京は、最初に 210 円払ったら乗り放題じゃろ?
A: But in Tokyo, you pay 210 yen when you get on the bus and that’s all you have to
N: That’s right.
K:一駅で降りても、10 個でも全部 210 円だかんね。
K: No matter if you get off at first stop or 10th, the fare costs 210 yen only.
A: I was totally blown away with that. Like “Wow! It’s unlimited ride!”
A: That was a shocking news for me.
K: Yes, it was.
A: So anyway, our life in a dormitory had begun.
A: As the dormitory was owned by Amuse, the students were all girls.
N: It was a girl’s dormitory.
K: There were a lot of girls gathered from all over Japan.
A: From Hokkaido to Okinawa.
K: Yeah, there were.
A: The first thing we were told in the dorm was “No local accent!”
N: Yes, it was!
K: They said that!
N: There were plenty of rules for the dorm.
N:門限えーと中学生は 7 時で高校生は 9 時。
N: We had a curfew.
N: It was 7 o’ clock for junior high school students, and 9 for high school students.
K:あのリビングの食堂は 10 時までで、10 時就寝って書いてあった。
K: The dining room at the lounge closed at 10. And bedtime was 10 o’ clock also.
A:あぁ~、そうだ。じゃけん、廊下にも 10 時以降におったら怒られるみたいなね。
A: Yes, that’s right. So, we had got scolded if we were at a corridor after 10.
K: There was a sound room at the basement. There was a closing time for the studio
A: There was also a soaring lobby where we can relax and have a tea party or
something like that.
N,K: Yes.
A: I remember that place had got devastated time after time. LOL.
K: Yeah, kind of.
A:誰も使わんけぇね。まぁそう言うのもしたりして。BEE-HIVE に入りましたね。
A: ‘Cause no one used that place.
A: So, we joined “BEE-HIVE” project like that.
て。BEE-HIVE と言うところに。で寮の地下にライブカメラってのが置いてあって。
N: The “BEE-HIVE” project was formed by Amuse.
N: Idols and girl’s units of Amuse joined in the BEE-HIVE project. And we joined in,
N: The live-broadcasting camera was placed in the basement of the dorm.
A: Yeah, it was!
N:でそこに行けばいつでも、何かこうインターネット上の BEE-HIVE のところに出れる。
N: So, if we went there, whenever we wanted to,
N: We could appear in BEE-HIVE broadcasting programs on the internet.
N: And People could watch anytime they wanted.
N: We had been on those shows quite often.
A: Yes, we had.
K: Yeah.
A: That was an amazing trial.
N: It was!
A: That got so many steps ahead of time, you know?
K: You could also see the rehearsal studio if you switch.
A: That’s right.
K: So, you could see us rehearsing.
N: We used to appear in the shows with pajamas.
A: We did! We didn’t care if we appeared in the shows with pajamas or no makeup on.
N: That was an amazing system.
A:あ、 Perfume はそれまでひらがなで
    で                  「ぱふゅ~む」 13 画で、
                              で      信じてやっていたんです
けれども。 画だとユニットが上手く行くっていうのがあって、
     13                      それでやってきてたんです
A: Oh, until this time, the signage of Perfume was written in Hiragana (ぱふゅ~む)
A: That signage has 13 stroke counts.
A: There’s a kind of superstition saying “Units with name of 13 stroke counts can make
A: We had believed that and kept on acting with that name.
A: But we had been defeated by some circs of Mr. Big,
A: The signage had changed to “Perfume”, English notation.
N: Well, we tried to resist a bit.
A: We did.
K: Yeah
A:平仮名じゃないと、私たち 13 画で私たちやってきたんで、みたいな。
A: Like “The signage has to be in Hiragana.”
A: “We have kept on acting with 13 stroke counts notation!”
K “We can’t compromise at this point!”
K: How dare we said that to the intimidating chairman!
A: We said we could compromise at any other points but not at this!
A: But that was completely turned down.
K: It was a dare for 3rd grade of junior high students to say that.
A: Too true. Especially against that intimidating old man.
N:でも 2~3 年経ってから、あ、英語表記にしてよかったいいよったよね。
N: But when 2 or 3 years had passed, we realized that change was a good thing.
K: Yeah. LOL!
A: That looked much better. LOL!
K: We said like “English notation looks cooler” LOL!
A: “With English notation, our logo looks much better” LOL!
A,N,K: “It’s more fashionable!” LOL!
A: We totally appreciated that.
N: We did.
N: And oh yeah, in this year we finally met Nakata-san for the first time.
A: We did!
N: Mr. Yasutaka Nakata who has been giving us a lot of assistance for years.
A: That’s right. It’s already 7 years?
K: Oh, 7 years have passed since we met.
N: We were young at that time, the both of us.
A: Yes we were. And his posture was too good at that time.
N: He was scary.
A: Yeah, he was.
K: He was so reticent and wearing some kind of sunglasses when we met him first.
K: He had a very good posture. Maybe it was because his chair and desk didn’t fit well.
A: Yeah, his posture was too good.
K: The table was so high that he had to keep a good posture to write letters.
N,A: Yeah.
校 3 年生と。
K: Well, I guess Nakata-san was also young at that time.
K: So he didn’t know what to talk with 3rd year of junior high students.
N: That’s true.
A:14 歳と話すことある?
A: Do you have an opportunity to talk with 14 years old?
K: No way!
N:14 歳と 23 歳とかそう言う感じ?
N: 23 year old speaks to 14 years old. Was it like that?
A:24 とかそんな感じ。
A: Maybe 24 or something like that.
K:私たちが 2 年後くらいに中学生と話すってことじゃろ。
K: That means we speak to a junior high student 2 years later, right?
N: That’s impossible!
K: We wouldn’t know what to talk.
A: The difference of the gender would also affect the situation, I think.
K: Would it?
A:うちら女の子同士で、例えば中学校 2 年生くらいの子とかだったら全然話せるじゃん。
A: Well, if we asked to talk to 14 years old girls, there would be no problems.
K: Yeah, it’s true.
K: But with Boys・・・
A: Yeah.
N: And more than that, if someone told him that we would be his producer,
N: he would feel we were something outrageous.
A: Too true.
N: There’s quite a lot of difference of ages.
A: Well in our case, he dressed in the “I-will-be-your-producer” way.
N,K: He did!
N: He dressed like a middle-aged man. Like a sweater and that stuff.
A,K: He really looked like a middle-aged man.
A: But he’s getting younger and younger!
K: He sure is.
A: And he’s definitely getting better-looking, too!
N,K: Yeah!
A: That is amazing.
A: His skin is transparently white now.
N,K: Yes, it’s porcelain-white.
A: And oh yes, this song. We released “Sweet Donuts”
K:8 月 6 日に。全国インディーズデビューしましたね、これで。
K: Yes, on 6th of August. We made a debut in an All Japan Indie label.
K: We appeared in a lot of shows held in various places.
A: Yeah, we did.
K:階段の下の 1 畳みたいなスペースの所とか。
K: We sang at a small space under the stairs.
K: We did.
K: Also in parking spaces.
A: We were invited to do live shows in Sanrio Puroland in those days.
A: And we sang that song there “♪Tanoshimanaito(You’ve got to have a fan)”
A: We sang that song with living dolls.
N: We did, we did!
A: They were so cute! Those characters, Batsu-Maru kun for example.
N: Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
A: Then, we started to do shows in Kameido Sun Street.
N,K: Yes.
A: We learned a lot of things in there. We went there every week.
K:週 1 くらいで出させて貰って。
K: We sang in there once a week.
K: We made set lists by ourselves, although we had very small variety of songs.
K: We handed out flyers and we also played games in shows.
A: We wanted to attract as many attentions as we could.
A: So for example, if we wanted audiences to dance with us,
A: We gave presents for those who danced with us.
N: Yes, we gave them seals. LOL!
K: We wrote our autographs on seals. Nobody knew us at that time, though.
A: Yeah.
K: We did those things. “Who want this?” if we think about it now.
A: Yes.
N: But we did that because we wanted audiences to have a fun. We were so ambitious
about that.
A,K: That’s true.
A: That kind of attitude we had is so important, I think.
K: Yes, it is.
A: We didn’t give up at all. We had never got disappointed.
N, K: Never.
A: Nothing could beat us up.
A: We don’t want to forget that feelings.
A: Oh, they’re asking “Did you have any confusion for Techno music?” That’s a good
K: Well, Techno・・・
       「美味しいレシピ」とこの「スイート・ドーナツ」 「ジェニーはご機嫌斜め」
A: Well, in our first recording, we recorded
A: “Oishii-recipe (Delicious recipes)”, “Sweet Donuts” we’re playing now
A: And “Jenny ha Gokigen-naname (Jenny’s in a bad mood)”
N,K: Yes.
A: In “Oishi-recipe”, we really had to sing like tongue twister.
A: It was tough. We all cried during the recording.
N,K: Yes, we did.
K: We cried.
N: “What is this song!? We can’t sing this!”
A: “It’s too fast.”
N: Actually, we didn’t say such kind of things. We were so frustrated.
A: We were frustrated at ourselves. It was so frustrating that we couldn’t sing well.
A: So Techno was quite surprising. It sounded like very sci-fi or mechanical
K: I thought it sounded like video game.
A: Yeah, it’s true.
K: We had a difficulty to recognize our voices.
A: Yes. Like “Don’t our voices sound blurry?”
K: Yes, we were like that.
A: We didn’t know that was the great point. LOL!
K: We only thought it was hard to hear our voices.
N: Well later, some people who knows a lot about music interviewed us and said,
N: “Your music is something special!” or “What you’re doing is so cool.”
N: At that point, we realized we were doing something great for the first time.
N: But on this time, we didn’t know about what we were doing and neither about the
genre of music.
A: No, not at that point of time.
N: We just sang those songs feeling like “Oh, it sounds cute” or “It’s kind of like a idol
N: It was also difficult not to put our emotions into songs.
A: Yes, it was.
N: It was tough you know?
A: That’s true.
A: On this year we puzzled a lot.
N: We sure did.
A:それでまぁ 2003 年はそんな感じで。新しいことが一杯で。
A: So like this, a lot of new things happened in 2003.
N,K: Yeah.
K: Our circumstances changed, our school changed, our music changed and we made a
debut in Tokyo.
K: This year was the year of the change.
A: Yes, it was. But I really enjoyed my life in the dorm.
K: We all did.
A: Because we had big sisters, the elder girls in the dorm.
K: It was like days in a school trip.
A: We’ve learned things like “How to make yourself look sexy in Kimono”
A,N,K: They told us that technique!
A: “Oh, I’ve got it! Boys like this kind of stuff” and so on. It was so much fun.
A:それで 2004 年、Perfume は高校に進学します。
A: So, in 2004, Perfume went on to High School.
N: Yes!
A: The High school we had dreamed of.
K: Yes.
A:ココの高校入りたいよねって 3 人とも言ってて。それで受験して。見事合格しまして。
A: We all wanted to enter that High school so we all took entrance exam, and we all
A: We also held our first one-man live show in 2004.
N,K: Yeah.
A: We challenged a lot of things.
N,K: A lot of things happened.
A: Yes, there was a lot!
N:2004 年色々あります。
N: So many things happened in 2004!
A: So, please look forward to the next week!

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Look Back at Perfume's Debut Year and Life in the Amuse Dorm in 2003

  • 1. 皆さんこんばんは Hi, everyone. Good evening! かしゆかです K: I’m Kashiyuka. のっちです N: I’m Nocchi. あ~ちゃんです A: I’m A-chan. 3 人合わせて Perfume です Three of us as Perfume! よろしくお願いします。 Nice to meet you. 11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。 For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year. A:はい、今週も来ました。Perfume 結成 10 周年を記念した、 月 3 日水曜祝日の東京ドーム 11 ライブに向けて、私たちの 10 年間を振り返っていきます。 A: OK, it starts again on this week as well. A: For the Perfume’s 10th Anniversary Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of November, A: We are looking back our 10 years history. N:はい~。 N: Yee-ha! 2003 年の Perfume を研究せよ。 Look back Perfume in 2003 K:2003 年か~。 K: Oh, so it’s 2003. N:2003 年。 N: Yes, 2003. A:2003 年でございます。えぇ~、上京して参りました。 A: Yeah, in 2003・・・. We moved up to Tokyo. N 来た! N: We came to Tokyo!
  • 2. K:4 月にね、上京して参りました。 K: We did, In April! A:はい~。ほいでこう広島から東京に上京して、色々ちょっとびっくりする事あったと思い ますが、 A: Yeah, as we moved up from Hiroshima to Tokyo, A: I’m sure there were a lot of things that surprised you. N,K;そうだね~。 N,K: That’s right. A:じゃあ一人ずつ、それではのっちから。 A: So, what surprised you? Nocchi? N:あのね、男の子がね、東京弁がちょっとね・・・ N: Oh, “you know?” The Tokyo accent boys spoke was・・・, “you know?” A:全部「ね」がもうついとるもん(笑) A:LOL! That sounds Tokyo, with all these “you know?” things. A,K:ひきずっとる(笑) A,K: You’re totally influenced by Tokyo accent. LOL. N:引きずってしゃべっとった!(笑) N: Oh! Did I speak in Tokyo accent? LOL N:男の子の東京弁?標準語がちょっとね、あの苦手で。広島弁てちょっとあの凄く冷たかっ たりとか、 「あれじゃろが!」みたいな。ちょっと男らしい感じだったのに、 「そうなの~?」 みたいな、 「先生これどうやって読むの~?」とか男の子が言ってて。それが結構びっくりし たな。っていう印象だねっ。 N: Well, I was a bit allergic with the standard language, N: The Tokyo accent boys spoke. N: Hiroshima’s local accent sounds kind of cold. N: Like “What the hell!” and so on. It sounds more manlike. N: But in Tokyo, boys talked like “Oh dear.” Or “Oh my gosh, how do I read this, Sir?” N: I was quite surprised about that. N: That’s my impression, “you know?” A:じゃあゆかちゃんはどうなのかねっ? A: All right, how about you, Yuka-chan? “you know?” K:私はねっ。あのね、電車がね。初めて乗ったじゃない?東京の電車。 何回か乗ってるん あ、 だけど、自分だけで乗ったりしなきゃいけなくなったのがこの頃からで。広島って大体基本 移動がバスだったから。 K: Oh for me? “you know?” K: Well at that time, we took trains in Tokyo for the first time, didn’t we?
  • 3. K: Well actually, we had got on trains several times in Tokyo. K: But it was our first experience that we had to take trains by ourselves. K: In Hiroshima, we usually took buses when we move to somewhere. A:バスとか車だよね。 A: Yeah, by buses or cars. K:そうそう、車とかだったから。電車を乗り継ぐ、ってことが分からなくて、やったことがな かったから。だからすごい電車が怖いっていうイメージがあって。 K: That’s right, we transported by vehicles. K: So I didn’t understand to make connections with trains as I had never done that before. K: So for me, the train was something scary. A:しかもお財布盗られたよね。 A: Furthermore, your wallet was stolen in the train, wasn’t it? K:そうなのそうなの~!もう恐怖だったよ!上京した年に、上が開いてたカバンだったん だよね。 電車乗ってわーってなって、 で、 山手線でグチャグチャーってなってたら、お財布無 くなってたんだよね。全財産入ってたのにさ。それからもう上の開いてるカバンは持たない って。 K: Yeah! It did! It was a terror! K: In the first year after we moved up to Tokyo, I took a train with an open-topped bag. K: And after suffering the terrible jam-pack train in Yamanote-Line. K: I found my wallet gone. My entire fortune was in it. K: After that accident, I determined I would never carry open-topped bags. A:て言ってね、必ずなんかチャックがついとるやつとか、上が閉まっとるやつとかね A: I remember you said that. You always carried bags with zippers or close tops since then. K:とかにしとったね。怖かったもん。 K: Yeah, I did. That really scared me. A:ほうじゃね。 A: That’s true. K:あ~ちゃんは? K: How about you, A-chan? A:私なんじゃろ?あ、でもバスの、バスって広島はバス乗った時に券取るんですよ。 1 番と で か 2 番とか書かれてて、その番号を見て最終的に降りるときにその数字でお金払って。 A: Oh me? I wonder what it was・・・. Oh I think it was about buses. A: In Hiroshima, we take tickets when we take a bus. A: A number is put on that ticket, like 1, 2.
  • 4. A: And we pay the fare according to that number. K:どんどん加算されてくんだよね。 K: It’s getting more & more expensive. A:そう。どんどん UP していくんだよね。それなんだけど、それでやってきてたから、家から 広島駅までは 800 円とか 900 円とかそのぐらいなんですよ。バスでね。 A: Yes, the farther we go, the more expensive the fare costs. A: We were used to that system. A: In that system, it costs 800 or 900 yen to get to Hiroshima station from my house by bus. A:でなんだけど東京は、最初に 210 円払ったら乗り放題じゃろ? A: But in Tokyo, you pay 210 yen when you get on the bus and that’s all you have to pay. N:そうじゃね。 N: That’s right. K:一駅で降りても、10 個でも全部 210 円だかんね。 K: No matter if you get off at first stop or 10th, the fare costs 210 yen only. A:それに超感動して。乗り放題じゃん!って言って。アレは衝撃的でしたね。 A: I was totally blown away with that. Like “Wow! It’s unlimited ride!” A: That was a shocking news for me. K:衝撃的だった~。 K: Yes, it was. A:そう、そんなことがあって。まぁ寮生活がスタートします。で、アミューズの寮なので みんな女子、女子だけの。 A: So anyway, our life in a dormitory had begun. A: As the dormitory was owned by Amuse, the students were all girls. N:女子寮。 N: It was a girl’s dormitory. K:各地から集まった女の子達がね。一杯いて。 K: There were a lot of girls gathered from all over Japan. A:北海道から沖縄までいましたね。 A: From Hokkaido to Okinawa. K:いたね~。 K: Yeah, there were. A:で最初に言われたのが、方言禁止って言われたんですよ。 A: The first thing we were told in the dorm was “No local accent!” N:あった!
  • 5. N: Yes, it was! K:言われたわ~! K: They said that! N:寮の規則が一杯書いてあってね。 N: There were plenty of rules for the dorm. N:門限えーと中学生は 7 時で高校生は 9 時。 N: We had a curfew. N: It was 7 o’ clock for junior high school students, and 9 for high school students. K:あのリビングの食堂は 10 時までで、10 時就寝って書いてあった。 K: The dining room at the lounge closed at 10. And bedtime was 10 o’ clock also. A:あぁ~、そうだ。じゃけん、廊下にも 10 時以降におったら怒られるみたいなね。 A: Yes, that’s right. So, we had got scolded if we were at a corridor after 10. K:スタジオも使って良いのは何時まで、とかね。地下にあったスタジオが。 K: There was a sound room at the basement. There was a closing time for the studio also. A:あの中に吹き抜けもあって、何か。ゆっくりお茶でも出来るスペースがあって。 A: There was also a soaring lobby where we can relax and have a tea party or something like that. N,K:うん N,K: Yes. A:あそこがどんどん荒んでいってたよね(笑) A: I remember that place had got devastated time after time. LOL. K:ちょっとね。 K: Yeah, kind of. A:誰も使わんけぇね。まぁそう言うのもしたりして。BEE-HIVE に入りましたね。 A: ‘Cause no one used that place. A: So, we joined “BEE-HIVE” project like that. N:そのアミューズのアイドルというか女性ユニットがね、沢山いたところに私たちも入っ て。BEE-HIVE と言うところに。で寮の地下にライブカメラってのが置いてあって。 N: The “BEE-HIVE” project was formed by Amuse. N: Idols and girl’s units of Amuse joined in the BEE-HIVE project. And we joined in, too. N: The live-broadcasting camera was placed in the basement of the dorm. A:置いてあった! A: Yeah, it was! N:でそこに行けばいつでも、何かこうインターネット上の BEE-HIVE のところに出れる。
  • 6. というか。いつでも見れる、みたいなところがあって。結構出てましたね。 N: So, if we went there, whenever we wanted to, N: We could appear in BEE-HIVE broadcasting programs on the internet. N: And People could watch anytime they wanted. N: We had been on those shows quite often. A:出てましたね~。 A: Yes, we had. K:出たね。 K: Yeah. A:アレ凄いよね。 A: That was an amazing trial. N:凄い。 N: It was! A:だって超先取りじゃない? A: That got so many steps ahead of time, you know? K:スイッチ切り替えたらリハのスタジオが見れるようになってたからね。 K: You could also see the rehearsal studio if you switch. A:なってたなってた。 A: That’s right. K:リハーサル風景が見れたりとか。 K: So, you could see us rehearsing. N:パジャマで普通に出てたもんね。 N: We used to appear in the shows with pajamas. A:出てた!パジャマすっぴん当然でしたね。 A: We did! We didn’t care if we appeared in the shows with pajamas or no makeup on. N:凄いシステムでしたね。 N: That was an amazing system. A:あ、 Perfume はそれまでひらがなで で 「ぱふゅ~む」 13 画で、 で 信じてやっていたんです けれども。 画だとユニットが上手く行くっていうのがあって、 13 それでやってきてたんです けど、でもなんか事務所のお偉いがたのなんか色々に負けて英語表記になりました。 A: Oh, until this time, the signage of Perfume was written in Hiragana (ぱふゅ~む) A: That signage has 13 stroke counts. A: There’s a kind of superstition saying “Units with name of 13 stroke counts can make successes.” A: We had believed that and kept on acting with that name. A: But we had been defeated by some circs of Mr. Big,
  • 7. A: The signage had changed to “Perfume”, English notation. N:一応ちょっと反抗はしたんよね。 N: Well, we tried to resist a bit. A:そうよね。 A: We did. K:ねぇ。 K: Yeah A:平仮名じゃないと、私たち 13 画で私たちやってきたんで、みたいな。 A: Like “The signage has to be in Hiragana.” A: “We have kept on acting with 13 stroke counts notation!” K:ここだけは譲れません!てね。あんな怖い会長に向かってね。 K “We can’t compromise at this point!” K: How dare we said that to the intimidating chairman! A;他は全部譲っても良いぐらいなのに、そこだけは譲りたくないって言ったのに、全部モゲ モゲにされたね。 A: We said we could compromise at any other points but not at this! A: But that was completely turned down. K:中学三年生にしてはよく言ったよね。 K: It was a dare for 3rd grade of junior high students to say that. A:確かに。そうよね、あんな怖いおじちゃんに向かってね。 A: Too true. Especially against that intimidating old man. N:でも 2~3 年経ってから、あ、英語表記にしてよかったいいよったよね。 N: But when 2 or 3 years had passed, we realized that change was a good thing. K:うん(笑) K: Yeah. LOL! A:全然よかった(笑) A: That looked much better. LOL! K:かっこいいねって(笑) K: We said like “English notation looks cooler” LOL! A:英語だとなんかこう、このロゴとかもかっこいいもんねって(笑) A: “With English notation, our logo looks much better” LOL! N:おしゃれだも~ん(笑) A,N,K: “It’s more fashionable!” LOL! A:全然感謝だよね。 A: We totally appreciated that. N:全然感謝!
  • 8. N: We did. N:でそうだ、この年ついに中田さんとの出会いが。 N: And oh yeah, in this year we finally met Nakata-san for the first time. A:そうですね~! A: We did! N:今ももう何年も何年もお世話になっている中田ヤスタカさん。 N: Mr. Yasutaka Nakata who has been giving us a lot of assistance for years. A:もう7年? A: That’s right. It’s already 7 years? K:7年か~。 K: Oh, 7 years have passed since we met. N:若かったよあの頃は、お互い。 N: We were young at that time, the both of us. A:ほうじゃね~、姿勢が良すぎた。 A: Yes we were. And his posture was too good at that time. N:怖かった~。 N: He was scary. A:怖かったよね~。 A: Yeah, he was. K:何かもうすっごい無口でさ~。サングラスみたいなのかけとるしさ~。最初。 K: He was so reticent and wearing some kind of sunglasses when we met him first. K:でまあ多分テーブルと椅子の関係性がよくないんだろうけどさ、すっごい姿勢よかった んよね。 K: He had a very good posture. Maybe it was because his chair and desk didn’t fit well. A:よかった。 A: Yeah, his posture was too good. K:なんかテーブルが高すぎて、姿勢良くないと文字が書けないみたいな。 K: The table was so high that he had to keep a good posture to write letters. N,A:うん N,A: Yeah. K:でも多分中田さんも若かったから、何しゃべって良いか分かんなかったんだろうね。中学 校 3 年生と。 K: Well, I guess Nakata-san was also young at that time. K: So he didn’t know what to talk with 3rd year of junior high students. N:そうだよね~。 N: That’s true.
  • 9. A:14 歳と話すことある? A: Do you have an opportunity to talk with 14 years old? K:無いよ~! K: No way! N:14 歳と 23 歳とかそう言う感じ? N: 23 year old speaks to 14 years old. Was it like that? A:24 とかそんな感じ。 A: Maybe 24 or something like that. K:私たちが 2 年後くらいに中学生と話すってことじゃろ。 K: That means we speak to a junior high student 2 years later, right? N:いや無理だよ~! N: That’s impossible! K:何話して良いかワカランよね。 K: We wouldn’t know what to talk. A:多分ね、男と女とかってのも・・・。 A: The difference of the gender would also affect the situation, I think. K:あるかな? K: Would it? A:うちら女の子同士で、例えば中学校 2 年生くらいの子とかだったら全然話せるじゃん。 A: Well, if we asked to talk to 14 years old girls, there would be no problems. K:そうだね。 K: Yeah, it’s true. K:男の子って言われてもね~。 K: But with Boys・・・ A:そうじゃね。 A: Yeah. N:でなんかこっちがプロデューサーって言われたらさ、なんかもうとてつもないものって いう感じがするじゃん。 N: And more than that, if someone told him that we would be his producer, N: he would feel we were something outrageous. A:そうじゃね。 A: Too true. N:ずいぶん年上じゃし。 N: There’s quite a lot of difference of ages. A:それ風な格好しとったしね。 A: Well in our case, he dressed in the “I-will-be-your-producer” way.
  • 10. N,K:してた~。 N,K: He did! N:おじちゃんみたいな、「セーター」みたいな。 N: He dressed like a middle-aged man. Like a sweater and that stuff. A,K:おじちゃんだったよね。ホンマに。 A,K: He really looked like a middle-aged man. A:でもホンマに若がえっとるよね。 A: But he’s getting younger and younger! K:若返ってる。 K: He sure is. A:しかもホントかっこよくなってるし。 A: And he’s definitely getting better-looking, too! N,K:うん! N,K: Yeah! A:アレは凄いね。 A: That is amazing. A:肌は透き通るしね。 A: His skin is transparently white now. N,K:白いね~。ホンマに。 N,K: Yes, it’s porcelain-white. A:あ、そうこれですね。「スイート・ドーナツ」リリースしてます。 A: And oh yes, this song. We released “Sweet Donuts” K:8 月 6 日に。全国インディーズデビューしましたね、これで。 K: Yes, on 6th of August. We made a debut in an All Japan Indie label. K:色んな所でさ~、インストアやったよね~。 K: We appeared in a lot of shows held in various places. A:やったね~。 A: Yeah, we did. K:階段の下の 1 畳みたいなスペースの所とか。 K: We sang at a small space under the stairs. A:やらせてもらったね~。 K: We did. K:駐車場とか。 K: Also in parking spaces. A:でこの時サンリオピューロランドでイベントをやらせて貰って、あの「楽しまないと」み たいな。
  • 11. A: We were invited to do live shows in Sanrio Puroland in those days. A: And we sang that song there “♪Tanoshimanaito(You’ve got to have a fan)” A:人形達と一緒に踊って。 A: We sang that song with living dolls. N:やったやった! N: We did, we did! A:あれ可愛かったね~。×○君とか。 A: They were so cute! Those characters, Batsu-Maru kun for example. N:ね~、楽しかった。 N: Yeah, it was a lot of fun. A:ほいで亀戸サンストリートが始まって。 A: Then, we started to do shows in Kameido Sun Street. N,K:うん。 N,K: Yes. A:い~っぱい勉強しましたね、毎週毎週。 A: We learned a lot of things in there. We went there every week. K:週 1 くらいで出させて貰って。 K: We sang in there once a week. K:自分たちで曲、少ない曲の中から曲順考えたりとか。 K: We made set lists by ourselves, although we had very small variety of songs. K:チラシ配ってみたり。ゲームしてみたりとかね。 K: We handed out flyers and we also played games in shows. A:なるだけ興味を持ってもらえるように、例えば振りをやって欲しいから、振りを一緒にや ってくれた人にはこれをプレゼントします、とか。 A: We wanted to attract as many attentions as we could. A: So for example, if we wanted audiences to dance with us, A: We gave presents for those who danced with us. N:シールプレゼントみたいな。(笑) N: Yes, we gave them seals. LOL! K:みんな誰も知らないのにさ、シールに私たちのサイン書いて。みたいなさ。 K: We wrote our autographs on seals. Nobody knew us at that time, though. A:そうそう。 A: Yeah. K:誰が欲しがるん?みたいなことやってたよね。 K: We did those things. “Who want this?” if we think about it now. A:うん。
  • 12. A: Yes. N:でもさ、喜んで貰おうって一生懸命やってたよね。 N: But we did that because we wanted audiences to have a fun. We were so ambitious about that. A,K:そうそう。 A,K: That’s true. A:あの気持ちって大事。 A: That kind of attitude we had is so important, I think. K:ホント。 K: Yes, it is. A:全然しょげない、もげないだったよね。 A: We didn’t give up at all. We had never got disappointed. N,K:うん。 N, K: Never. A:負けなかったよね、何にもね。 A: Nothing could beat us up. A:あの気持ち忘れたくないですね。 A: We don’t want to forget that feelings. A:あ、「初めてのテクノにとまどいは?」って書いてある。そうこれイイね。 A: Oh, they’re asking “Did you have any confusion for Techno music?” That’s a good question. K:テクノね~。 K: Well, Techno・・・ A:一番最初ね、 「美味しいレシピ」とこの「スイート・ドーナツ」 「ジェニーはご機嫌斜め」 と をとったんですけど。 A: Well, in our first recording, we recorded A: “Oishii-recipe (Delicious recipes)”, “Sweet Donuts” we’re playing now A: And “Jenny ha Gokigen-naname (Jenny’s in a bad mood)” N,K:うん。 N,K: Yes. A:美味しいレシピがむっちゃ早口でね。大変だったね。みんな一人ずつ泣いたよね。 A: In “Oishi-recipe”, we really had to sing like tongue twister. A: It was tough. We all cried during the recording. N,K:うん。 N,K: Yes, we did. K:泣いた~。
  • 13. K: We cried. N:何この歌?歌えません! N: “What is this song!? We can’t sing this!” A:口が回りません。 A: “It’s too fast.” N:そんなことは言わなかったけど。悔しくて。 N: Actually, we didn’t say such kind of things. We were so frustrated. A:自分が悔しいんよね、歌えんのが。 A: We were frustrated at ourselves. It was so frustrating that we couldn’t sing well. A:テクノね~、最初結構ビックリしましたね。なんかめっちゃピコピコしてるし。 A: So Techno was quite surprising. It sounded like very sci-fi or mechanical K:ゲームみたいって思って。 K: I thought it sounded like video game. A:そうだね。 A: Yeah, it’s true. K:声が聞き辛いっていうね。 K: We had a difficulty to recognize our voices. A:何か声こもってない?みたいな。 A: Yes. Like “Don’t our voices sound blurry?” K:そうそう。 K: Yes, we were like that. A:それがいいのに(笑) A: We didn’t know that was the great point. LOL! K:声が聞き辛いしか思わなかったよね。 K: We only thought it was hard to hear our voices. N:なんか後々さぁ、音楽をよく知ってる大人達の取材を受けたりして、「君たちは凄い音楽 をやっているんだよ」とか「オシャレなことをしてるんだよ」って言われて初めて気付いた けど、この時は全然そんなこと知らないし、そんなジャンルも知らないっていう。 N: Well later, some people who knows a lot about music interviewed us and said, N: “Your music is something special!” or “What you’re doing is so cool.” N: At that point, we realized we were doing something great for the first time. N: But on this time, we didn’t know about what we were doing and neither about the genre of music. A:当時はね~。 A: No, not at that point of time. N:ただちょっと可愛いな、みたいな。アイドルっぽくて可愛いな、とかそんな感じでね。歌っ
  • 14. てたし。 N: We just sang those songs feeling like “Oh, it sounds cute” or “It’s kind of like a idol song” N:難しかったしね。感情を出さずに歌うっていうのが、やっぱり難しいよね。 N: It was also difficult not to put our emotions into songs. A:うん、そうだね。 A: Yes, it was. N:難しかった。 N: It was tough you know? A:そうだね。 A: That’s true. A:戸惑った年ですね。 A: On this year we puzzled a lot. N:そうだ。 N: We sure did. A:それでまぁ 2003 年はそんな感じで。新しいことが一杯で。 A: So like this, a lot of new things happened in 2003. N,K:うん! N,K: Yeah. K:環境が変わって。学校が変わって。音楽も変わって。東京でデビューしてっていう。凄い変 化の年だったよね。 K: Our circumstances changed, our school changed, our music changed and we made a debut in Tokyo. K: This year was the year of the change. A:うん、でも寮生活楽しかったな。 A: Yes, it was. But I really enjoyed my life in the dorm. K:そうね。 K: We all did. A:お姉さんがたいたから。 A: Because we had big sisters, the elder girls in the dorm. K:修学旅行みたいだったよね。 K: It was like days in a school trip. A:「浴衣を着たときの計画的な後れ毛」っていうのを A: We’ve learned things like “How to make yourself look sexy in Kimono” A,N,K:教えて貰ったね! A,N,K: They told us that technique!
  • 15. A:なるほど!こういうのが男子にいいんだ!みたいな、教えて貰ったりして。凄い楽しかっ た。 A: “Oh, I’ve got it! Boys like this kind of stuff” and so on. It was so much fun. A:それで 2004 年、Perfume は高校に進学します。 A: So, in 2004, Perfume went on to High School. N:はい! N: Yes! A:もう夢の高校で。 A: The High school we had dreamed of. K:そうですね。 K: Yes. A:ココの高校入りたいよねって 3 人とも言ってて。それで受験して。見事合格しまして。 A:色々、初ワンマンを行ったりとか。 A: We all wanted to enter that High school so we all took entrance exam, and we all passed. A: We also held our first one-man live show in 2004. N,K:うん。 N,K: Yeah. A:色々やります。 A: We challenged a lot of things. N,K:色々あります! N,K: A lot of things happened. A:色々ありますホントに! A: Yes, there was a lot! N:2004 年色々あります。 N: So many things happened in 2004! A:次週もお楽しみに! A: So, please look forward to the next week!