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Koka Sexton
28 April 2014
Foundation Chapter
Management Chapter
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 2
Personal Details
Koka Sexton
2029 Stierlin Ct,
Mountain View,
United States
Telephone: 4155008677
Date Completed: 28 April 2014
Date Printed: 17 October 2016
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 3
Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd.
Introduction............................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5
Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5
Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6
Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7
Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8
Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9
Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10
Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11
Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12
Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13
Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15
Management .......................................................................................................... 16
Creating the Ideal Environment.................................................................................................... 16
Managing Koka ............................................................................................................................ 17
Motivating Koka............................................................................................................................ 18
Management Style ................................................................................................. 19
The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 20
The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 21
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 4
This Insights Discovery profile is based on Koka Sexton’s responses to the Insights Preference
Evaluator which was completed on 28 April 2014.
The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates
identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around
the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model
was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings.
Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in
understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the
present day.
Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding
and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and
weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them
to better respond to the demands of their environment.
Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It
reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete
any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify
whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you.
Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take
action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on
areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally
and interpersonally.
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 5
These statements provide a broad understanding of Koka’s work style. Use this section to gain a
better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions.
Personal Style
Gifted in natural marketing and selling, Koka needs work that challenges him and holds his
attention. He sees himself as having rigorous standards that typically take precedence over his
own and others' personal needs. He is usually more effective when he takes time to consider
how he really feels. He attends to and likes to remember significant events and important detail.
Others need to be sure of their facts. He tends to be disinterested in subjects for which he sees
no practical application.
Koka is optimistic and positive, living mainly in the here and now. At work he often makes
significantly more starts than finishes and he may need someone else to follow through with the
details. He dislikes confusion, inefficiency, half measures and anything that he sees as aimless
or ineffective. He is a disciplinarian who can be tough when the situation calls for it. Koka tends
to know intuitively what structure and organisation is necessary to harness ideas and people to
achieve long-range goals. He tends to be realistic and matter-of-fact about work issues.
He has a drive for tangible accomplishment and correctness with a leaning towards perfection.
He tends to appreciate tradition and is interested in maintaining established rules and
procedures. He expects his goals to be attained, and he wants to be recognised for his own
accomplishments. Developing, fostering, improving and honing his skills is likely to be a life's
work for him. Koka is seen as a natural leader with a hearty and frank style, who tends to take
charge of any situation in which he finds himself.
He is usually neat, tidy and orderly, both at work and at home. By slowing down occasionally he
is more able to gather relevant data and consider both the practical and personal ramifications of
his actions. Exhibiting boundless energy and the ability to perform a number of roles
simultaneously, Koka can develop a level of result expectation that others may find daunting.
Koka systematically sets about achieving his scheduled goals on time in an efficient and effective
manner. Once a desired objective is fixed in his mind, he moves into action without
Both for himself and others, fun, relaxation and free time are scheduled and prioritised events.
He is responsible and faithful to his commitments and obligations. Koka is a direct,
results-oriented person who considers people within the framework of his objectives. He is a
good initiator of new projects, though he may fail to persevere with the details. As he lives by a
rather strict set of rules he may expect others to do so as well.
Interacting with Others
Seen by most people as outgoing, flexible and fearless, Koka can rise to meet any challenge.
Frequently reflecting, his intuitive feelings prompt a sense of the endless possibilities inherent
within him as he considers how such potential may be realised. He is outstanding at establishing
and implementing orderly procedures, rules and regulations, and may show impatience with
those who don't carry out their designated tasks or work by the rules. By listening carefully to the
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 6
reactions of others, he may avoid being considered rather bull-headed at times. His
communication style is honest, direct and to the point and he prefers others to be similarly candid
with him.
Koka is alert to changing situations and will act quickly to get results, giving direction or
instructions to others as he thinks is necessary. His outgoing nature may lead him to misinterpret
the significance of some issues. He may need to slow down to consider the feelings of people he
is involved with and regularly listen to, and accept, other people's opposing points of view. He is
not particularly discouraged by indifference or criticism. He may appear not to be overly
concerned with the needs of others.
Koka is not slow to help people come together to negotiate solutions if a project needs this. He
needs to be aware of being too outspoken, over-talkative and overly logical with some
colleagues. He does not appreciate critical comments about his personal qualities as he sees
these comments as personal attacks on his integrity. He has a tendency to blame other people
for difficulties he encounters and may sometimes dismiss others' opinions as of relatively little or
no value. He may frequently rebel against the rules and in so doing will strongly resist attempts
by others to regulate his behaviour.
Decision Making
Koka's many accomplishments are achieved mainly through determination and perseverance in
reaching or exceeding his high standards. “Do it now” is his motto. He enjoys deciding what
ought to be done and can give the necessary instructions to ensure that it is done. He will pursue
all possible avenues of a solution to any problem that captures his interest. Koka is self-reliant
and is not frightened to take “the path of maximum resistance” in his efforts to produce the best
He may appear dismissive of decisions made on “gut-feel” rather than objective analysis. Koka is
seen by many as a natural leader and decision maker. Impatient with what he may see as
inefficiency and incompetence, he can take tough decisions when the situation calls for it. He
seeks realistic and satisfying solutions to challenges. He is a good problem solver because he
can absorb necessary factual information and find logical and sensible solutions quickly.
Koka is willing to admit the truth about people or things that are important to him, is very alert to
problems, and seeks to find solutions himself. In practising active and long-range thinking and
planning, he is logical, analytical, objectively critical and prefers to be convinced by reason. If
something does not seem rational, he runs the risk of dismissing it out of hand, even if it is a
critical issue. He is adaptable but constantly needs to get results. Using past experiences to help
him solve current problems and get things done is one of his strong points.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 7
Key Strengths & Weaknesses
This section identifies the key strengths which Koka brings to the organisation. Koka has abilities,
skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the
fundamental gifts he has to offer.
Koka’s key strengths:
● Practical, agile and spontaneous.
● Enjoys a challenge.
● Brave, daring and bold.
● Realistic, adaptable and pragmatic problem solver.
● Enthusiastic leader - drives for results.
● Sees decision making as a challenge.
● Keen sense of priorities.
● Frank, honest and straightforward leader.
● Displays high levels of energy.
● Knows the importance of detail within the process.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 8
Key Strengths & Weaknesses
Possible Weaknesses
Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness
is simply an overused strength. Koka's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas
as possible weaknesses.
Koka’s possible weaknesses:
● Can be thick skinned and appear self-opinionated.
● Appears to be critical of or to de-value the work of others.
● Lacks follow-through if interest wanes.
● Fears loss of face in any situation.
● Can be seen as aggressive and intimidating.
● Answers the question before it has been asked.
● Inflexible, stubborn, blunt and impersonal.
● Can be seen as curt and abrasive.
● May appear abrupt.
● Should avoid china shops.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 9
Value to the Team
Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which
they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Koka brings,
and make the most important items on the list available to other team members.
As a team member, Koka:
● Is unlikely to get side tracked by peripheral items.
● Will cut through “red tape” to speed up the outcome.
● Exhibits a strong sense of urgency
● Brings order and structure through his organisational qualities.
● Breaks down barriers to completion.
● Will drive others to achieve greater things.
● Ensures the results are achieved on time.
● Ensures there is never a dull moment where he is involved!
● Almost always delivers on time.
● Challenges existing methods if he feels they are inadequate.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 10
Effective Communications
Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each
person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies
some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Koka. Identify the most
important statements and make them available to colleagues.
Strategies for communicating with Koka:
● Ask for his advice.
● Respect his values and ambition.
● Keep up with his pace.
● Seek his opinions and ideas before imposing yours.
● Stick to business at all times.
● Be well structured and organised.
● Show respect for his ideas and opinions.
● Keep it brief and to the point.
● Be ready to ignore his seemingly arrogant demeanour.
● Be practical and logical.
● Present an overview of the essence of the important facts.
● Take things one step at a time.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 11
Barriers to Effective Communication
Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Koka. Some of the things to be
avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and
mutually acceptable communication strategies.
When communicating with Koka, DO NOT:
● Impose a “can't be done” or defeatist attitude on him.
● Interrupt him while he is in control.
● Challenge his perception of himself.
● Be unenthusiastic or negative.
● Challenge his authority “head on”.
● Confuse the conversation with irrelevant details.
● Be indecisive, unclear or “woolly”.
● Approach him with foregone conclusions.
● Leap between topics in an unstructured way.
● Speak too slowly or hesitantly.
● Tell him what to do or how to do it.
● Criticise his ideas too harshly or personally.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 12
Possible Blind Spots
Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we
are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less
conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind
Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them
for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues.
Koka’s possible Blind Spots:
Koka needs to try to become more aware of the talents, efforts and contributions of others and to
more regularly offer compliments and praise for good performance. He seeks to adopt a strict
code of ethics and values for both self and others and can be seen as dictatorial when he
attempts to impose his standards. He may exert pressure on others to do the “right thing” from a
moral standpoint - but the “right thing” comes from his perception.
He may have difficulty accepting what others have to say if it varies from his own certainties. He
needs to look beyond the current moment and his pressing interest in the practical world and
consider ways of completing tasks with less pressure. The high value he places on critical
analysis, competence and forthright communication fosters a perception that he doesn't
particularly care about peoples feelings. Sometimes he is so intent on his own plans that he
doesn't stop to listen to what others have to say. He dislikes disorganisation, tardiness,
sloppiness or inappropriate behaviour in both self and others and can sometimes generate an
intensity inappropriate to the situation.
Endowed with the gift of articulation, he is likely to feel that he is competent in most areas. He
runs the risk of deciding too quickly and should first stop and listen to the views of others before
barging ahead. He sets himself a lifestyle of discipline, structure, schedule and order, and leads
best when he learns to keep his tendency to become frustrated and impatient with others in
check. His preference for living in the moment and adopting an “emergency” style of responding
to crises can generate a rather chaotic environment for others around him. He sometimes takes
confrontation and rejection personally and bitterly.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 13
Opposite Type
The description in this section is based on Koka's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often, we
have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different to
our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal growth
and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness.
Recognising your Opposite Type:
Koka’s opposite Insights type is the Supporter, Jung’s “Introverted Feeling” type.
Supporters are affable, amiable, steady, loyal individuals who get on well with others. They build
a close relationship with a small group of associates in the work environment. Koka will see the
Supporter’s efforts being directed at retaining the familiar and predictable. Supporters look for
constant appreciation from others and may be slow to adapt to change. They will often go the
“extra mile” to help someone they consider as a friend.
Koka may suspect the Supporter requires assistance in eliminating the old and embracing the
new. Supporters are cautious, conventional, diplomatic and sincere and may avoid decision
making until many of the facts and details are available to them. The Supporter is intent on
maintaining a low profile. In order to perform well, the Supporter needs specific and detailed
instructions before starting a job.
Koka will experience frustration when the Supporter, if challenged, becomes stubborn and
defiant. Supporters are easy going and low key people and like to feel needed and significant in
other peoples’ lives. Even if a mistake has been made by someone else the Supporter may
spend a lot of time sympathising and attempting to diffuse responsibility. Disagreements or
opposing views can be stressful to Supporters. If the conflict in the workplace becomes too great
they may become restless and uneasy, often withdrawing to avoid further conflict.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 14
Opposite Type
Communication with Koka's Opposite Type
Written specifically for Koka, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective
interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel.
Koka Sexton: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type:
● Adopt a low key, positive approach.
● Speak slowly and sincerely.
● Give him advance notice and time to prepare.
● Take time to listen to his feelings about the reactions of others.
● Appeal to his need to be of service.
● Remember to ask for his opinions of other systems and projects.
Koka Sexton: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT:
● Pressure him or encroach on his free time.
● Forget how individual he is.
● Create a hostile environment devoid of feelings.
● Discourage his participation by forcibly suppressing his viewpoint.
● Interrupt his thought processes.
● Assume that because you have “told it like it is”, this will make the slightest difference to the
way that he does things.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 15
Suggestions for Development
Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training.
However, listed below are some suggestions for Koka’s development. Identify the most important
areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a personal
development plan.
Koka may benefit from:
● Considering alternative solutions to every decision.
● Appearing more sensitive to others feelings.
● Not constantly demanding perfection of self and others.
● Reducing his high profile stance.
● Gently asking some quieter people to express their point of view.
● Becoming more affable, amiable and generally slower paced.
● Becoming more generous, warm and caring.
● Learning how to relax completely.
● Recognising that his bull in a china shop approach is sometimes inappropriate.
● Withholding his opinions.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 16
Creating the Ideal Environment
People are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits their
preferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not. This
section should be used to ensure a close match between Koka’s ideal environment and his
current one and to identify any possible frustrations.
Koka’s Ideal Environment is one in which:
● The work environment is task-focused.
● There are opportunities to beat new paths.
● He feels that he has freedom of action.
● Everyone makes good use of their time.
● Time is not wasted.
● Few distractions exist to take attention away from the task.
● He is given responsibility early on.
● Decision making is objective and impersonal.
● There is little “traffic” or social interaction.
● There is space for graphs, charts and other sources of reference.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 17
Managing Koka
This section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Koka. Some of these
needs can be met by Koka himself and some may be met by his colleagues or management. Go
through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personal
management plan.
Koka needs:
● Freedom from controls, supervision and details.
● To be more diplomatic at times.
● The ability to define at least some of the rules.
● Tasks which require thought, planning, but most of all action.
● Help to tolerate colleagues less gifted than himself.
● To be encouraged to explore new ideas.
● Space to become the top performer.
● To have authority equal to responsibility.
● Managed by exception - let him get on with it!
● Help in restraining the allocation of blame.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 18
Motivating Koka
It has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the environment
in which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can help to provide
motivation for Koka. With his agreement, build the most important ones into his Performance
Management System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation.
Koka is motivated by:
● Being able to take control of situations.
● Technological breakthroughs.
● Career prospects that appear unlimited.
● “Reality” rather than abstract theories.
● Status, influence and prestige.
● Having a changing routine at work and at home.
● Being consulted, and having his views implemented.
● Improvements in design, quality and functionality.
● Setting stretching goals for himself and others to achieve.
● A relentless drive to competency and effectiveness.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 19
Management Style
There are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situational
applications. This section identifies Koka’s natural management approach and offers clues to his
management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further explored.
In managing others, Koka may tend to:
● Want to be the best.
● Delegate administration and concentrate on outcomes.
● Be passionate about his ideas.
● Feel ineffective if he loses control of the task or process.
● Take on too much and over extend himself.
● Base decisions on facts and logic.
● Leave people drowning in his wake.
● Always shoot for the goal.
● Ignore the feelings of those around him.
● Pay lip-service to, or completely ignore, both positive and negative feedback.
Personal Notes
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 20
The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel
Conscious Wheel Position
42: Reforming Director (Accommodating)
Less Conscious Wheel Position
2: Reforming Director (Focused)
Koka Sexton
© The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 21
The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics
Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious)
3.92 2.92 3.16 4.76
65% 49% 53% 79%
2.84 1.24 2.08 3.08
47% 21% 35% 51%
Less Conscious
Insights Learning & Development
Terra Nova, 3 Explorer Road, Dundee, DD2 1EG, Scotland, UK.
TEL: +44(0)1382 908050 FAX: +44(0)1382 908051

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Koka Sexton Behavioral Insights

  • 1. Koka Sexton 28 April 2014 Foundation Chapter Management Chapter
  • 2. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 2 Personal Details Koka Sexton marketing LinkedIn 2029 Stierlin Ct, Mountain View, CA United States 94043 Telephone: 4155008677 Date Completed: 28 April 2014 Date Printed: 17 October 2016
  • 3. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 3 Insights Discovery and Insights Learning Systems were originated by Andi and Andy Lothian. Insights, Insights Discovery and the Insights Wheel are registered trademarks of The Insights Group Ltd. Contents Introduction............................................................................................................... 4 Overview .................................................................................................................. 5 Personal Style ................................................................................................................................ 5 Interacting with Others ................................................................................................................... 5 Decision Making ............................................................................................................................. 6 Key Strengths & Weaknesses.................................................................................. 7 Strengths ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Possible Weaknesses .................................................................................................................... 8 Value to the Team .................................................................................................... 9 Effective Communications...................................................................................... 10 Barriers to Effective Communication ...................................................................... 11 Possible Blind Spots............................................................................................... 12 Opposite Type ........................................................................................................ 13 Suggestions for Development ................................................................................ 15 Management .......................................................................................................... 16 Creating the Ideal Environment.................................................................................................... 16 Managing Koka ............................................................................................................................ 17 Motivating Koka............................................................................................................................ 18 Management Style ................................................................................................. 19 The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel ............................................................... 20 The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics ............................................................ 21
  • 4. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 4 Introduction This Insights Discovery profile is based on Koka Sexton’s responses to the Insights Preference Evaluator which was completed on 28 April 2014. The origins of personality theory can be traced back to the fifth century BC, when Hippocrates identified four distinct energies exhibited by different people. The Insights System is built around the model of personality first identified by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. This model was published in his 1921 work “Psychological Types” and developed in subsequent writings. Jung’s work on personality and preferences has since been adopted as the seminal work in understanding personality and has been the subject of study for thousands of researchers to the present day. Using Jung's typology, this Insights Discovery profile offers a framework for self-understanding and development. Research suggests that a good understanding of self, both strengths and weaknesses, enables individuals to develop effective strategies for interaction and can help them to better respond to the demands of their environment. Generated from several hundred thousand permutations of statements, this profile is unique. It reports statements which your Evaluator responses indicate may apply to you. Modify or delete any statement which does not apply, but only after checking with colleagues or friends to identify whether the statement may be a “blind spot” for you. Use this profile pro-actively. That is, identify the key areas in which you can develop and take action. Share the important aspects with friends and colleagues. Ask for feedback from them on areas which seem particularly relevant for you and develop an action plan for growth personally and interpersonally.
  • 5. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 5 Overview These statements provide a broad understanding of Koka’s work style. Use this section to gain a better understanding of his approaches to his activities, relationships and decisions. Personal Style Gifted in natural marketing and selling, Koka needs work that challenges him and holds his attention. He sees himself as having rigorous standards that typically take precedence over his own and others' personal needs. He is usually more effective when he takes time to consider how he really feels. He attends to and likes to remember significant events and important detail. Others need to be sure of their facts. He tends to be disinterested in subjects for which he sees no practical application. Koka is optimistic and positive, living mainly in the here and now. At work he often makes significantly more starts than finishes and he may need someone else to follow through with the details. He dislikes confusion, inefficiency, half measures and anything that he sees as aimless or ineffective. He is a disciplinarian who can be tough when the situation calls for it. Koka tends to know intuitively what structure and organisation is necessary to harness ideas and people to achieve long-range goals. He tends to be realistic and matter-of-fact about work issues. He has a drive for tangible accomplishment and correctness with a leaning towards perfection. He tends to appreciate tradition and is interested in maintaining established rules and procedures. He expects his goals to be attained, and he wants to be recognised for his own accomplishments. Developing, fostering, improving and honing his skills is likely to be a life's work for him. Koka is seen as a natural leader with a hearty and frank style, who tends to take charge of any situation in which he finds himself. He is usually neat, tidy and orderly, both at work and at home. By slowing down occasionally he is more able to gather relevant data and consider both the practical and personal ramifications of his actions. Exhibiting boundless energy and the ability to perform a number of roles simultaneously, Koka can develop a level of result expectation that others may find daunting. Koka systematically sets about achieving his scheduled goals on time in an efficient and effective manner. Once a desired objective is fixed in his mind, he moves into action without procrastinating. Both for himself and others, fun, relaxation and free time are scheduled and prioritised events. He is responsible and faithful to his commitments and obligations. Koka is a direct, results-oriented person who considers people within the framework of his objectives. He is a good initiator of new projects, though he may fail to persevere with the details. As he lives by a rather strict set of rules he may expect others to do so as well. Interacting with Others Seen by most people as outgoing, flexible and fearless, Koka can rise to meet any challenge. Frequently reflecting, his intuitive feelings prompt a sense of the endless possibilities inherent within him as he considers how such potential may be realised. He is outstanding at establishing and implementing orderly procedures, rules and regulations, and may show impatience with those who don't carry out their designated tasks or work by the rules. By listening carefully to the
  • 6. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 6 reactions of others, he may avoid being considered rather bull-headed at times. His communication style is honest, direct and to the point and he prefers others to be similarly candid with him. Koka is alert to changing situations and will act quickly to get results, giving direction or instructions to others as he thinks is necessary. His outgoing nature may lead him to misinterpret the significance of some issues. He may need to slow down to consider the feelings of people he is involved with and regularly listen to, and accept, other people's opposing points of view. He is not particularly discouraged by indifference or criticism. He may appear not to be overly concerned with the needs of others. Koka is not slow to help people come together to negotiate solutions if a project needs this. He needs to be aware of being too outspoken, over-talkative and overly logical with some colleagues. He does not appreciate critical comments about his personal qualities as he sees these comments as personal attacks on his integrity. He has a tendency to blame other people for difficulties he encounters and may sometimes dismiss others' opinions as of relatively little or no value. He may frequently rebel against the rules and in so doing will strongly resist attempts by others to regulate his behaviour. Decision Making Koka's many accomplishments are achieved mainly through determination and perseverance in reaching or exceeding his high standards. “Do it now” is his motto. He enjoys deciding what ought to be done and can give the necessary instructions to ensure that it is done. He will pursue all possible avenues of a solution to any problem that captures his interest. Koka is self-reliant and is not frightened to take “the path of maximum resistance” in his efforts to produce the best results. He may appear dismissive of decisions made on “gut-feel” rather than objective analysis. Koka is seen by many as a natural leader and decision maker. Impatient with what he may see as inefficiency and incompetence, he can take tough decisions when the situation calls for it. He seeks realistic and satisfying solutions to challenges. He is a good problem solver because he can absorb necessary factual information and find logical and sensible solutions quickly. Koka is willing to admit the truth about people or things that are important to him, is very alert to problems, and seeks to find solutions himself. In practising active and long-range thinking and planning, he is logical, analytical, objectively critical and prefers to be convinced by reason. If something does not seem rational, he runs the risk of dismissing it out of hand, even if it is a critical issue. He is adaptable but constantly needs to get results. Using past experiences to help him solve current problems and get things done is one of his strong points. Personal Notes
  • 7. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 7 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths This section identifies the key strengths which Koka brings to the organisation. Koka has abilities, skills and attributes in other areas, but the statements below are likely to be some of the fundamental gifts he has to offer. Koka’s key strengths: ● Practical, agile and spontaneous. ● Enjoys a challenge. ● Brave, daring and bold. ● Realistic, adaptable and pragmatic problem solver. ● Enthusiastic leader - drives for results. ● Sees decision making as a challenge. ● Keen sense of priorities. ● Frank, honest and straightforward leader. ● Displays high levels of energy. ● Knows the importance of detail within the process. Personal Notes
  • 8. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 8 Key Strengths & Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Jung said “wisdom accepts that all things have two sides”. It has also been said that a weakness is simply an overused strength. Koka's responses to the Evaluator have suggested these areas as possible weaknesses. Koka’s possible weaknesses: ● Can be thick skinned and appear self-opinionated. ● Appears to be critical of or to de-value the work of others. ● Lacks follow-through if interest wanes. ● Fears loss of face in any situation. ● Can be seen as aggressive and intimidating. ● Answers the question before it has been asked. ● Inflexible, stubborn, blunt and impersonal. ● Can be seen as curt and abrasive. ● May appear abrupt. ● Should avoid china shops. Personal Notes
  • 9. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 9 Value to the Team Each person brings a unique set of gifts, attributes and expectations to the environment in which they operate. Add to this list any other experiences, skills or other attributes which Koka brings, and make the most important items on the list available to other team members. As a team member, Koka: ● Is unlikely to get side tracked by peripheral items. ● Will cut through “red tape” to speed up the outcome. ● Exhibits a strong sense of urgency ● Brings order and structure through his organisational qualities. ● Breaks down barriers to completion. ● Will drive others to achieve greater things. ● Ensures the results are achieved on time. ● Ensures there is never a dull moment where he is involved! ● Almost always delivers on time. ● Challenges existing methods if he feels they are inadequate. Personal Notes
  • 10. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 10 Communication Effective Communications Communication can only be effective if it is received and understood by the recipient. For each person certain communication strategies are more effective than others. This section identifies some of the key strategies which will lead to effective communication with Koka. Identify the most important statements and make them available to colleagues. Strategies for communicating with Koka: ● Ask for his advice. ● Respect his values and ambition. ● Keep up with his pace. ● Seek his opinions and ideas before imposing yours. ● Stick to business at all times. ● Be well structured and organised. ● Show respect for his ideas and opinions. ● Keep it brief and to the point. ● Be ready to ignore his seemingly arrogant demeanour. ● Be practical and logical. ● Present an overview of the essence of the important facts. ● Take things one step at a time. Personal Notes
  • 11. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 11 Communication Barriers to Effective Communication Certain strategies will be less effective when communicating with Koka. Some of the things to be avoided are listed below. This information can be used to develop powerful, effective and mutually acceptable communication strategies. When communicating with Koka, DO NOT: ● Impose a “can't be done” or defeatist attitude on him. ● Interrupt him while he is in control. ● Challenge his perception of himself. ● Be unenthusiastic or negative. ● Challenge his authority “head on”. ● Confuse the conversation with irrelevant details. ● Be indecisive, unclear or “woolly”. ● Approach him with foregone conclusions. ● Leap between topics in an unstructured way. ● Speak too slowly or hesitantly. ● Tell him what to do or how to do it. ● Criticise his ideas too harshly or personally. Personal Notes
  • 12. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 12 Possible Blind Spots Our perceptions of self may be different to the perceptions others have of us. We project who we are onto the outside world through our “persona” and are not always aware of the effect our less conscious behaviours have on others. These less conscious behaviours are termed “Blind Spots”. Highlight the important statements in this section of which you are unaware and test them for validity by asking for feedback from friends or colleagues. Koka’s possible Blind Spots: Koka needs to try to become more aware of the talents, efforts and contributions of others and to more regularly offer compliments and praise for good performance. He seeks to adopt a strict code of ethics and values for both self and others and can be seen as dictatorial when he attempts to impose his standards. He may exert pressure on others to do the “right thing” from a moral standpoint - but the “right thing” comes from his perception. He may have difficulty accepting what others have to say if it varies from his own certainties. He needs to look beyond the current moment and his pressing interest in the practical world and consider ways of completing tasks with less pressure. The high value he places on critical analysis, competence and forthright communication fosters a perception that he doesn't particularly care about peoples feelings. Sometimes he is so intent on his own plans that he doesn't stop to listen to what others have to say. He dislikes disorganisation, tardiness, sloppiness or inappropriate behaviour in both self and others and can sometimes generate an intensity inappropriate to the situation. Endowed with the gift of articulation, he is likely to feel that he is competent in most areas. He runs the risk of deciding too quickly and should first stop and listen to the views of others before barging ahead. He sets himself a lifestyle of discipline, structure, schedule and order, and leads best when he learns to keep his tendency to become frustrated and impatient with others in check. His preference for living in the moment and adopting an “emergency” style of responding to crises can generate a rather chaotic environment for others around him. He sometimes takes confrontation and rejection personally and bitterly. Personal Notes
  • 13. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 13 Opposite Type The description in this section is based on Koka's opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Often, we have most difficulty understanding and interacting with those whose preferences are different to our own. Recognising these characteristics can help in developing strategies for personal growth and enhanced interpersonal effectiveness. Recognising your Opposite Type: Koka’s opposite Insights type is the Supporter, Jung’s “Introverted Feeling” type. Supporters are affable, amiable, steady, loyal individuals who get on well with others. They build a close relationship with a small group of associates in the work environment. Koka will see the Supporter’s efforts being directed at retaining the familiar and predictable. Supporters look for constant appreciation from others and may be slow to adapt to change. They will often go the “extra mile” to help someone they consider as a friend. Koka may suspect the Supporter requires assistance in eliminating the old and embracing the new. Supporters are cautious, conventional, diplomatic and sincere and may avoid decision making until many of the facts and details are available to them. The Supporter is intent on maintaining a low profile. In order to perform well, the Supporter needs specific and detailed instructions before starting a job. Koka will experience frustration when the Supporter, if challenged, becomes stubborn and defiant. Supporters are easy going and low key people and like to feel needed and significant in other peoples’ lives. Even if a mistake has been made by someone else the Supporter may spend a lot of time sympathising and attempting to diffuse responsibility. Disagreements or opposing views can be stressful to Supporters. If the conflict in the workplace becomes too great they may become restless and uneasy, often withdrawing to avoid further conflict. Personal Notes
  • 14. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 14 Opposite Type Communication with Koka's Opposite Type Written specifically for Koka, this section suggests some strategies he could use for effective interaction with someone who is his opposite type on the Insights Wheel. Koka Sexton: How you can meet the needs of your Opposite Type: ● Adopt a low key, positive approach. ● Speak slowly and sincerely. ● Give him advance notice and time to prepare. ● Take time to listen to his feelings about the reactions of others. ● Appeal to his need to be of service. ● Remember to ask for his opinions of other systems and projects. Koka Sexton: When dealing with your opposite type DO NOT: ● Pressure him or encroach on his free time. ● Forget how individual he is. ● Create a hostile environment devoid of feelings. ● Discourage his participation by forcibly suppressing his viewpoint. ● Interrupt his thought processes. ● Assume that because you have “told it like it is”, this will make the slightest difference to the way that he does things. Personal Notes
  • 15. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 15 Suggestions for Development Insights Discovery does not offer direct measures of skill, intelligence, education or training. However, listed below are some suggestions for Koka’s development. Identify the most important areas which have not yet been addressed. These can then be incorporated into a personal development plan. Koka may benefit from: ● Considering alternative solutions to every decision. ● Appearing more sensitive to others feelings. ● Not constantly demanding perfection of self and others. ● Reducing his high profile stance. ● Gently asking some quieter people to express their point of view. ● Becoming more affable, amiable and generally slower paced. ● Becoming more generous, warm and caring. ● Learning how to relax completely. ● Recognising that his bull in a china shop approach is sometimes inappropriate. ● Withholding his opinions. Personal Notes
  • 16. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 16 Management Creating the Ideal Environment People are generally most effective when provided with an environment which suits their preferences and style. It can be uncomfortable to work in an environment which does not. This section should be used to ensure a close match between Koka’s ideal environment and his current one and to identify any possible frustrations. Koka’s Ideal Environment is one in which: ● The work environment is task-focused. ● There are opportunities to beat new paths. ● He feels that he has freedom of action. ● Everyone makes good use of their time. ● Time is not wasted. ● Few distractions exist to take attention away from the task. ● He is given responsibility early on. ● Decision making is objective and impersonal. ● There is little “traffic” or social interaction. ● There is space for graphs, charts and other sources of reference. Personal Notes
  • 17. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 17 Management Managing Koka This section identifies some of the most important strategies in managing Koka. Some of these needs can be met by Koka himself and some may be met by his colleagues or management. Go through this list to identify the most important current needs, and use it to build a personal management plan. Koka needs: ● Freedom from controls, supervision and details. ● To be more diplomatic at times. ● The ability to define at least some of the rules. ● Tasks which require thought, planning, but most of all action. ● Help to tolerate colleagues less gifted than himself. ● To be encouraged to explore new ideas. ● Space to become the top performer. ● To have authority equal to responsibility. ● Managed by exception - let him get on with it! ● Help in restraining the allocation of blame. Personal Notes
  • 18. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 18 Management Motivating Koka It has often been said that it is not possible to motivate anyone - only to provide the environment in which they will motivate themselves. Here are some suggestions which can help to provide motivation for Koka. With his agreement, build the most important ones into his Performance Management System and Key Result Areas for maximum motivation. Koka is motivated by: ● Being able to take control of situations. ● Technological breakthroughs. ● Career prospects that appear unlimited. ● “Reality” rather than abstract theories. ● Status, influence and prestige. ● Having a changing routine at work and at home. ● Being consulted, and having his views implemented. ● Improvements in design, quality and functionality. ● Setting stretching goals for himself and others to achieve. ● A relentless drive to competency and effectiveness. Personal Notes
  • 19. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 19 Management Style There are many different approaches to management, most of which have different situational applications. This section identifies Koka’s natural management approach and offers clues to his management style, highlighting both gifts and possible hindrances that can be further explored. In managing others, Koka may tend to: ● Want to be the best. ● Delegate administration and concentrate on outcomes. ● Be passionate about his ideas. ● Feel ineffective if he loses control of the task or process. ● Take on too much and over extend himself. ● Base decisions on facts and logic. ● Leave people drowning in his wake. ● Always shoot for the goal. ● Ignore the feelings of those around him. ● Pay lip-service to, or completely ignore, both positive and negative feedback. Personal Notes
  • 20. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 20 The Insights Discovery® 72 Type Wheel Conscious Wheel Position 42: Reforming Director (Accommodating) Less Conscious Wheel Position 2: Reforming Director (Focused)
  • 21. Koka Sexton © The Insights Group Ltd, 1992-2016. All rights reserved. Page 21 The Insights Discovery® Colour Dynamics Persona (Conscious) Preference Flow Persona (Less Conscious) 6 3 0 BLUE GREEN YELLOW RED 3.92 2.92 3.16 4.76 65% 49% 53% 79% 100 50 0 50 100 59.7% 6 3 0 BLUE GREEN YELLOW RED 2.84 1.24 2.08 3.08 47% 21% 35% 51% Conscious Less Conscious
  • 22. GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Insights Learning & Development Terra Nova, 3 Explorer Road, Dundee, DD2 1EG, Scotland, UK. TEL: +44(0)1382 908050 FAX: +44(0)1382 908051 EMAIL: WEB: