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Spring Framework 4.1
Sam Brannen
Sam Brannen
•  Spring and Java Consultant @ Swiftmind
•  Java Developer for over 15 years
•  Spring Framework Core Committer since 2007
•  Component lead for spring-test
•  Spring Trainer
•  Speaker on Spring, Java, and testing
•  Swiss Spring User Group Lead
Areas of expertise
–  Spring *
–  Java EE
–  Software Architecture
–  Software Engineering Best
Where you find us
•  Zurich, Switzerland
•  @swiftmind
Your experts for Spring & Enterprise Java
A show of hands…
•  Container enhancements
•  Caching
•  JMS
•  Spring MVC
•  Testing
•  Q&A
Container Enhancements
Enhancements in 4.1
•  java.util.Optional
•  Dependency injection
•  MVC method arguments
•  @Order on @Bean methods
•  Injecting ordered lists
•  @Priority (javax.annotation)
•  Ordering
•  Primary candidate selection
•  SpEL compiler
•  Modes: off, immediate, mixed
•  System / Spring property: spring.expression.compiler.mode
Injection point with required flag
public class MyService {
NotificationService notificationService;
public Book findBook(long id) {
if (notificationService != null) { /* ... */ }
Injection point with java.util.Optional
public class MyService {
Optional<NotificationService> notificationService;
public Book findBook(long id) {
notificationService.ifPresent(service -> /* ... */ );
@Order on Components (4.0)
@Service @Order(1)
public class ServiceA implements MyService { /* ... */ }
@Service @Order(2)
public class ServiceB implements MyService { /* ... */ }
List<MyService> myServices;
ServiceA is 1st
@Order on @Bean Methods (4.1)
@Bean @Order(1)
public MyService serviceA() { return new ServiceA(); }
@Bean @Order(2)
public MyService serviceB() { return new ServiceB(); }
List<MyService> myServices;
ServiceA is 1st
New Caching Features
•  @CacheConfig
•  common class-level configuration
•  CacheResolver
•  fine grained, programmatic cache resolution
•  JCache (JSR-107)
•  New putIfAbsent() method in Cache API
Review: Spring Caching API
“books” cache name is
duplicated everywhere. L
“books” cache name is
declared only once! J
CacheResolver API
•  getOperation()
•  getTarget()
•  getMethod()
•  getArgs()
JCache (JSR 107) and Spring
•  JCache 1.0 annotations now supported in Spring
•  Integration based on Spring’s own Cache and CacheManager APIs
•  JCacheCache and JCacheCacheManager
•  Enabled via Spring’s standard mechanisms:
•  XML: <cache:annotation-driven />
•  Java: @EnableCaching
•  Cache Abstraction: JCache (JSR-107) Annotations Support
JCache Annotations Support
Caching Annotations Comparison
Spring JCache
@Cacheable @CacheResult
@CachePut @CachePut
@CacheEvict @CacheRemove
@CacheEvict(allEntries=true) @CacheRemoveAll
JMS Overhaul
•  Alignment with spring-messaging module
•  Annotation-driven endpoints
•  Analogous to <jms:listener-container />
•  Listener methods declared via @JmsListener
•  Configured via:
o  XML: <jms:annotation-driven />
o  Java: @EnableJms and JmsListenerConfigurer
Review: Spring JMS Config in XML
Annotated JMS Endpoints
Flexible Method Signatures
Transition from existing XML config…
… or remove XML altogether
Spring MVC
•  Callback for @ResponseBody / ResponseEntity methods
•  just before the response is written (and committed)
•  you can still modify headers
•  or the object to be written to the response
•  Two implementations already
•  JsonViewResponseBodyAdvice
•  AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice
Jackson @JsonView Support
interface PublicView {}
class User {
String username;
String password;
// ...
class UserController {
public User getUser() {
return new User("eric",
JSONP Support
•  Simply declare as a Spring-managed component…
class JsonpAdvice extends AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice {
public JsonpAdvice() {
Name of JSONP
query param(s)
HttpMessageConverter Additions
•  Gson
•  lighter footprint (vs Jackson); used in Spring Android
•  Google Protocol Buffers
•  effective inter-service communication data protocol
•  Jackson / XML
•  just add jackson-dataformat-xml to the classpath
Static Resource Handling in Web MVC
•  ResourceTransformer API
•  Transforms the content of a resource
•  ResourceResolver API for resolving:
•  Internal static resources
•  External resource paths (i.e., links)
•  ResourceResolverChain
•  Maintains a chain of resolvers
•  Allowing for delegation
•  Configured via ResourceHandlerRegistry
•  For example, via WebMvcConfigurationSupport
ResourceResolver Implementations
•  PathResourceResolver
•  simple path lookup under configured locations
•  VersionResourceResolver
•  resolution with version in URL path
•  GzipResourceResolver
•  lookup with .gz extension when “Accept-Encoding: gzip”
•  CachingResourceResolver
•  caching of resolved resource
ResourceTransformer Implementations
•  CssLinkResourceTransformer
•  update links in CSS file (e.g. insert version)
•  AppCacheManifestTransformer
•  update links in HTML5 AppCache manifest
•  insert comment with content-based hash
•  CachingResourceTransformer
•  caching of transformed resource
Ex: Fingerprinting URLs w/ content-based version
boolean useResourceCache = !this.environment.acceptsProfiles("dev");
VersionResourceResolver resolver = new VersionResourceResolver();
Example URL: “/css/font-awesome.min-7fbe76cdac.css”
Additional New Features in Spring MVC
•  Groovy markup templates
•  Declarative MVC view resolution
•  Enhanced view controllers
•  Linking to @RequestMapping methods
•  See HandlerMethodMappingNamingStrategy
•  ListenableFuture return type for handler methods
•  ResponseEntity Builder API
•  RequestEntity &
Bootstrap Strategy & TestExecutionListeners
•  TestContext bootstrap strategy
•  TestContextBootstrapper & @BootstrapWith
•  Automatic discovery of default TestExecutionListeners
•  Uses SpringFactoriesLoader
•  Already used by Spring Security
•  Merging custom TestExecutionListeners with defaults
•  @TestExecutionListeners(mergeMode=MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS)
Spring MVC Test
•  Assert JSON responses with JSON Assert
•  Complements JSONPath support
•  Create MockMvcBuilder recipes with MockMvcConfigurer
•  Developed to apply Spring Security setup but can be used by anyone
•  AsyncRestTemplate support in MockRestServiceServer
•  For asynchronous client-side testing
Groovy Beans in Spring
•  Spring Framework 4.0 introduced support for the Groovy Bean
Definition DSL via the GroovyBeanDefinitionReader and
•  Spring Framework 4.1 introduces support for Groovy scripts in
web applications via the GroovyWebApplicationContext
•  Testing support added in 4.1…
Groovy Scripts for Context Config in Tests
•  Spring Framework 4.1 introduces support for Groovy scripts in
integration tests via @ContextConfiguration
•  Scripts are configured via the locations or value attribute
o  Resource semantics identical to XML
o  Default detected with “Context.groovy” suffix in same package
•  The inheritLocations flag is fully supported
•  Groovy and XML configuration can be declared together
•  Groovy WebApplicationContexts supported via
Ex: Groovy Script Config
public class GroovyPersonTests {
private Person person;
/* test methods using person bean */
Ex: Default Groovy Script Detection
public com.example;
// ApplicationContext will be loaded from
// “classpath:com/example/MyTestContext.groovy”
public class MyTest {
/* ... */
Ex: Groovy & XML Config Together
// ApplicationContext will be loaded from
// “/context.groovy” and “/context.xml”
@ContextConfiguration({ "/context.groovy", "/context.xml" })
public class MyTest {
/* ... */
Test Property Sources
•  Spring 3.1 introduced PropertySources abstraction
•  Configured via Environment or via @PropertySource
•  Spring 4.1 supports declarative test property sources
•  Configured via @TestPropertySource
•  Test property sources are declared via annotation attributes
•  locations or value: resource locations
•  properties: inlined properties
•  both are inherited by default
@TestPropertySource – locations
•  String array of resource locations for Java Properties files
•  Both traditional *.properties and XML formats are supported
•  Resource semantics are identical to those for locations in
Ex: @TestPropertySource – locations
public class MyIntegrationTests {
// class body...
@TestPropertySource – properties
•  Inlined properties can be declared as key/value pairs
•  Uses syntax for entries in Java properties files:
•  "key=value"
•  "key:value"
•  "key value"
Ex: @TestPropertySource – properties
properties = {"foo=bar", "port: 4242"}
public class MyIntegrationTests {
// class body...
Default Properties File Detection
•  If neither locations nor properties are defined, a default properties
file will be detected
•  Default is detected with “.properties” suffix in same package
•  If the class is com.example.MyTest, the default properties file is
•  Exception is thrown if default is not present
@TestPropertySource – Precedence
Application & System
Ex: @TestPropertySource – locations & properties
locations = "/",
properties = "port: 4242"
public class MyIntegrationTests {
// class body...
Programmatic Transaction Management in Tests
•  History Lesson: Spring’s JUnit 3.8 testing framework supported
endTransaction() and startNewTransaction() methods in
•  But… the Spring TestContext Framework, introduced in Spring
2.5, did not… until now
•  Due to popular demand, Spring 4.1 introduces a new
TestTransaction API
Transactions in Spring
•  Spring-managed transactions: managed by Spring in the
•  @Transactional and AOP
•  Application-managed transactions: managed programmatically within
application code
•  TransactionTemplate and TransactionSynchronizationManager
•  Test-managed transactions: managed by the Spring TestContext
•  @Transactional on test classes and test methods
•  Transaction is rolled back by default!
Ex: Declarative Transaction Management in Tests
public class TransactionalTests {
public void withinTransaction() {
/* ... */
What if we want to
stop & start the
transaction within the
test method?
TestTransaction API
•  Static methods for interacting with test-managed transactions
•  isActive()
•  isFlaggedForRollback()
•  flagForCommit()
•  flagForRollback()
•  end()
•  start()
query status
change default rollback setting
end: roll back or commit based on flag
start: new tx with default rollback setting
Ex: Programmatic Tx Management in Tests
public void withinTransaction() {
// assert initial state in test database:
// changes to the database will be committed
// perform other actions against the database that will
// be automatically rolled back after the test completes...
Executing SQL Scripts
Ex: Embedded Database in Java Config
public DataSource dataSource() {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
.addScripts("user_data.sql", "country_data.sql")
API greatly improved
in Spring 4.0.3
Ex: Embedded Database in XML Config
<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="H2">
<jdbc:script location="classpath:/schema.sql" />
<jdbc:script location="classpath:/user_data.sql" />
Ex: Populate Database in XML Config
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource">
<jdbc:script location="classpath:/schema_01.sql" />
<jdbc:script location="classpath:/schema_02.sql" />
<jdbc:script location="classpath:/data_01.sql" />
<jdbc:script location="classpath:/data_02.sql" />
Executing SQL per Test Method
•  The previous techniques are very useful for setting up the initial
database state
•  Q: But how can we execute SQL scripts per test method?
•  A: Programmatically via ScriptUtils,
ResourceDatabasePopulator, or abstract transactional base test
classes for JUnit and TestNG.
•  Q: OK, but how can we do that declaratively?
•  A: Via @Sql in Spring Framework 4.1!
Executing SQL Scripts Declaratively with @Sql
•  @Sql: declared on a test class or test method
•  method-level overrides class-level
•  The scripts attribute is used to declare resource locations for
SQL scripts
•  semantics analogous to locations in @ContextConfiguration
•  Scripts can be executed before or after a test method
•  configured via the executionPhase attribute of @Sql
Ex: @Sql in Action
@Sql({ "schema1.sql", "data1.sql" })
public class SqlScriptsTests {
public void classLevelScripts() { /* ... */ }
@Sql({ "schema2.sql", "data2.sql" })
public void methodLevelScripts() { /* ... */ }
Default SQL Script Detection
•  If no scripts are declared, a default script will be detected
•  Depending on where @Sql is declared
•  Class-level: for com.example.DbTest, the default is “classpath:com/
•  Method-level: for com.example.DbTest.test(), the default is
•  If the default is not present, an exception is thrown
Declaring Multiple @Sql Sets
•  Declare multiple sets of @Sql scripts for varying configuration
•  Java 8: use @Sql as a repeatable annotation
•  Java 6 & 7: wrap @Sql sets in @SqlGroup
@Sql as a Repeatable Annotation (Java 8)
config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`")
public void userTest() {
// code that uses the test schema and test data
Schema uses
custom syntax
@Sql wrapped in @SqlGroup (Java 6 & 7)
config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`"),
public void userTest() {
// code that uses the test schema and test data
Configuring SQL Scripts with @SqlConfig
•  @SqlConfig: configures script parsing and error handling
•  Class-level: serves as global configuration for the test class
•  @Sql(config): serves as local configuration for the enclosing @Sql
•  Local configuration inherits global configuration and can
selectively override global configuration
•  Transaction management for script execution is configured via
the dataSource, transactionManager, and transactionMode
•  See Javadoc and reference manual for details
In closing…
Spring Resources
Spring Framework:
Spring Guides:
Spring JIRA:
Spring on GitHub:
Stack Overflow: spring, spring-test, spring-mvc, …
Spring Blog:
Swiftmind Blog:
Q & A
Sam Brannen

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Mais de Sam Brannen

Testing with Spring, AOT, GraalVM, and JUnit 5 - Spring I/O 2023
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Mais de Sam Brannen (11)

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Spring Framework 4.1

  • 1. Spring Framework 4.1 Sam Brannen @sam_brannen
  • 2. Sam Brannen •  Spring and Java Consultant @ Swiftmind •  Java Developer for over 15 years •  Spring Framework Core Committer since 2007 •  Component lead for spring-test •  Spring Trainer •  Speaker on Spring, Java, and testing •  Swiss Spring User Group Lead 2
  • 3. Areas of expertise –  Spring * –  Java EE –  Software Architecture –  Software Engineering Best Practices Where you find us •  Zurich, Switzerland •  @swiftmind • 3 Your experts for Spring & Enterprise Java
  • 4. A show of hands… 4 ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 5. Agenda •  Container enhancements •  Caching •  JMS •  Spring MVC •  Testing •  Q&A 5
  • 7. Enhancements in 4.1 •  java.util.Optional •  Dependency injection •  MVC method arguments •  @Order on @Bean methods •  Injecting ordered lists •  @Priority (javax.annotation) •  Ordering •  Primary candidate selection •  SpEL compiler •  Modes: off, immediate, mixed •  System / Spring property: spring.expression.compiler.mode 7
  • 8. Injection point with required flag @Service public class MyService { @Autowired(required=false) NotificationService notificationService; public Book findBook(long id) { if (notificationService != null) { /* ... */ } } } 8 before
  • 9. Injection point with java.util.Optional @Service public class MyService { @Autowired Optional<NotificationService> notificationService; public Book findBook(long id) { notificationService.ifPresent(service -> /* ... */ ); } } 9 after
  • 10. @Order on Components (4.0) @Service @Order(1) public class ServiceA implements MyService { /* ... */ } @Service @Order(2) public class ServiceB implements MyService { /* ... */ } @Autowired List<MyService> myServices; 10 ServiceA is 1st
  • 11. @Order on @Bean Methods (4.1) @Bean @Order(1) public MyService serviceA() { return new ServiceA(); } @Bean @Order(2) public MyService serviceB() { return new ServiceB(); } @Autowired List<MyService> myServices; 11 ServiceA is 1st
  • 13. New Caching Features •  @CacheConfig •  common class-level configuration •  CacheResolver •  fine grained, programmatic cache resolution •  JCache (JSR-107) •  New putIfAbsent() method in Cache API 13
  • 14. Review: Spring Caching API 14 “books” cache name is duplicated everywhere. L
  • 15. @CacheConfig 15 “books” cache name is declared only once! J
  • 16. CacheResolver API 16 •  getOperation() •  getTarget() •  getMethod() •  getArgs()
  • 17. JCache (JSR 107) and Spring •  JCache 1.0 annotations now supported in Spring •  Integration based on Spring’s own Cache and CacheManager APIs •  JCacheCache and JCacheCacheManager •  Enabled via Spring’s standard mechanisms: •  XML: <cache:annotation-driven /> •  Java: @EnableCaching •  Cache Abstraction: JCache (JSR-107) Annotations Support • 17
  • 19. Caching Annotations Comparison 19 Spring JCache @Cacheable @CacheResult @CachePut @CachePut @CacheEvict @CacheRemove @CacheEvict(allEntries=true) @CacheRemoveAll
  • 21. JMS Overhaul •  Alignment with spring-messaging module •  Annotation-driven endpoints •  Analogous to <jms:listener-container /> •  Listener methods declared via @JmsListener •  Configured via: o  XML: <jms:annotation-driven /> o  Java: @EnableJms and JmsListenerConfigurer 21
  • 22. Review: Spring JMS Config in XML 22
  • 25. Transition from existing XML config… 25
  • 26. … or remove XML altogether 26
  • 28. ResponseBodyAdvice •  Callback for @ResponseBody / ResponseEntity methods •  just before the response is written (and committed) •  you can still modify headers •  or the object to be written to the response •  Two implementations already •  JsonViewResponseBodyAdvice •  AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice 28
  • 29. Jackson @JsonView Support interface PublicView {} class User { @JsonView(PublicView.class) String username; String password; // ... } 29 @RestController class UserController { @RequestMapping("/user") @JsonView(PublicView.class) public User getUser() { return new User("eric", "7!#H2"); } }
  • 30. JSONP Support •  Simply declare as a Spring-managed component… @ControllerAdvice class JsonpAdvice extends AbstractJsonpResponseBodyAdvice { public JsonpAdvice() { super("callback"); } } 30 Name of JSONP query param(s)
  • 31. HttpMessageConverter Additions •  Gson •  lighter footprint (vs Jackson); used in Spring Android •  Google Protocol Buffers •  effective inter-service communication data protocol •  Jackson / XML •  just add jackson-dataformat-xml to the classpath 31
  • 32. Static Resource Handling in Web MVC •  ResourceTransformer API •  Transforms the content of a resource •  ResourceResolver API for resolving: •  Internal static resources •  External resource paths (i.e., links) •  ResourceResolverChain •  Maintains a chain of resolvers •  Allowing for delegation •  Configured via ResourceHandlerRegistry •  For example, via WebMvcConfigurationSupport 32
  • 33. ResourceResolver Implementations •  PathResourceResolver •  simple path lookup under configured locations •  VersionResourceResolver •  resolution with version in URL path •  GzipResourceResolver •  lookup with .gz extension when “Accept-Encoding: gzip” •  CachingResourceResolver •  caching of resolved resource 33
  • 34. ResourceTransformer Implementations •  CssLinkResourceTransformer •  update links in CSS file (e.g. insert version) •  AppCacheManifestTransformer •  update links in HTML5 AppCache manifest •  insert comment with content-based hash •  CachingResourceTransformer •  caching of transformed resource 34
  • 35. Ex: Fingerprinting URLs w/ content-based version boolean useResourceCache = !this.environment.acceptsProfiles("dev"); VersionResourceResolver resolver = new VersionResourceResolver(); resolver.addContentVersionStrategy("/**"); registry.addResourceHandler("/**").addResourceLocations(locations) .resourceChain(useResourceCache).addResolver(resolver); Example URL: “/css/font-awesome.min-7fbe76cdac.css” 35
  • 36. Additional New Features in Spring MVC •  Groovy markup templates •  Declarative MVC view resolution •  Enhanced view controllers •  Linking to @RequestMapping methods •  See HandlerMethodMappingNamingStrategy •  ListenableFuture return type for handler methods •  ResponseEntity Builder API •  RequestEntity & 36
  • 38. Bootstrap Strategy & TestExecutionListeners •  TestContext bootstrap strategy •  TestContextBootstrapper & @BootstrapWith •  Automatic discovery of default TestExecutionListeners •  Uses SpringFactoriesLoader •  Already used by Spring Security •  Merging custom TestExecutionListeners with defaults •  @TestExecutionListeners(mergeMode=MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS) •  Defaults to REPLACE_DEFAULTS 38
  • 39. Spring MVC Test •  Assert JSON responses with JSON Assert •  Complements JSONPath support •  Create MockMvcBuilder recipes with MockMvcConfigurer •  Developed to apply Spring Security setup but can be used by anyone •  AsyncRestTemplate support in MockRestServiceServer •  For asynchronous client-side testing 39
  • 40. Groovy Beans in Spring •  Spring Framework 4.0 introduced support for the Groovy Bean Definition DSL via the GroovyBeanDefinitionReader and GenericGroovyApplicationContext •  Spring Framework 4.1 introduces support for Groovy scripts in web applications via the GroovyWebApplicationContext •  Testing support added in 4.1… 40
  • 41. Groovy Scripts for Context Config in Tests •  Spring Framework 4.1 introduces support for Groovy scripts in integration tests via @ContextConfiguration •  Scripts are configured via the locations or value attribute o  Resource semantics identical to XML o  Default detected with “Context.groovy” suffix in same package •  The inheritLocations flag is fully supported •  Groovy and XML configuration can be declared together •  Groovy WebApplicationContexts supported via @WebAppConfiguration 41
  • 42. Ex: Groovy Script Config @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration("/context.groovy") public class GroovyPersonTests { @Autowired private Person person; /* test methods using person bean */ } 42
  • 43. Ex: Default Groovy Script Detection public com.example; @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) // ApplicationContext will be loaded from // “classpath:com/example/MyTestContext.groovy” @ContextConfiguration public class MyTest { /* ... */ } 43
  • 44. Ex: Groovy & XML Config Together @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) // ApplicationContext will be loaded from // “/context.groovy” and “/context.xml” @ContextConfiguration({ "/context.groovy", "/context.xml" }) public class MyTest { /* ... */ } 44
  • 45. Test Property Sources •  Spring 3.1 introduced PropertySources abstraction •  Configured via Environment or via @PropertySource •  Spring 4.1 supports declarative test property sources •  Configured via @TestPropertySource •  Test property sources are declared via annotation attributes •  locations or value: resource locations •  properties: inlined properties •  both are inherited by default 45
  • 46. @TestPropertySource – locations •  String array of resource locations for Java Properties files •  Both traditional *.properties and XML formats are supported •  Resource semantics are identical to those for locations in @ContextConfiguration 46
  • 47. Ex: @TestPropertySource – locations @ContextConfiguration @TestPropertySource("/") public class MyIntegrationTests { // class body... } 47
  • 48. @TestPropertySource – properties •  Inlined properties can be declared as key/value pairs •  Uses syntax for entries in Java properties files: •  "key=value" •  "key:value" •  "key value" 48
  • 49. Ex: @TestPropertySource – properties @ContextConfiguration @TestPropertySource( properties = {"foo=bar", "port: 4242"} ) public class MyIntegrationTests { // class body... } 49
  • 50. Default Properties File Detection •  If neither locations nor properties are defined, a default properties file will be detected •  Default is detected with “.properties” suffix in same package •  If the class is com.example.MyTest, the default properties file is “classpath:com/example/” •  Exception is thrown if default is not present 50
  • 52. Ex: @TestPropertySource – locations & properties @ContextConfiguration @TestPropertySource( locations = "/", properties = "port: 4242" ) public class MyIntegrationTests { // class body... } 52
  • 53. Programmatic Transaction Management in Tests •  History Lesson: Spring’s JUnit 3.8 testing framework supported endTransaction() and startNewTransaction() methods in AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests •  But… the Spring TestContext Framework, introduced in Spring 2.5, did not… until now •  Due to popular demand, Spring 4.1 introduces a new TestTransaction API 53
  • 54. Transactions in Spring •  Spring-managed transactions: managed by Spring in the ApplicationContext •  @Transactional and AOP •  Application-managed transactions: managed programmatically within application code •  TransactionTemplate and TransactionSynchronizationManager •  Test-managed transactions: managed by the Spring TestContext Framework •  @Transactional on test classes and test methods •  Transaction is rolled back by default! 54
  • 55. Ex: Declarative Transaction Management in Tests @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration @Transactional public class TransactionalTests { @Test public void withinTransaction() { /* ... */ } 55 What if we want to stop & start the transaction within the test method?
  • 56. TestTransaction API •  Static methods for interacting with test-managed transactions •  isActive() •  isFlaggedForRollback() •  flagForCommit() •  flagForRollback() •  end() •  start() 56 query status change default rollback setting end: roll back or commit based on flag start: new tx with default rollback setting
  • 57. Ex: Programmatic Tx Management in Tests @Test public void withinTransaction() { // assert initial state in test database: assertNumUsers(2); deleteFromTables("user"); // changes to the database will be committed TestTransaction.flagForCommit(); TestTransaction.end(); assertFalse(TestTransaction.isActive()); assertNumUsers(0); TestTransaction.start(); // perform other actions against the database that will // be automatically rolled back after the test completes... } 57
  • 59. Ex: Embedded Database in Java Config 59 @Bean public DataSource dataSource() { return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder() .setType(H2) .setScriptEncoding("UTF-8") .ignoreFailedDrops(true) .addScript("schema.sql") .addScripts("user_data.sql", "country_data.sql") .build(); } API greatly improved in Spring 4.0.3
  • 60. Ex: Embedded Database in XML Config <jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="H2"> <jdbc:script location="classpath:/schema.sql" /> <jdbc:script location="classpath:/user_data.sql" /> </jdbc:embedded-database> 60
  • 61. Ex: Populate Database in XML Config <jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource"> <jdbc:script location="classpath:/schema_01.sql" /> <jdbc:script location="classpath:/schema_02.sql" /> <jdbc:script location="classpath:/data_01.sql" /> <jdbc:script location="classpath:/data_02.sql" /> </jdbc:initialize-database> 61
  • 62. Executing SQL per Test Method •  The previous techniques are very useful for setting up the initial database state •  Q: But how can we execute SQL scripts per test method? •  A: Programmatically via ScriptUtils, ResourceDatabasePopulator, or abstract transactional base test classes for JUnit and TestNG. •  Q: OK, but how can we do that declaratively? •  A: Via @Sql in Spring Framework 4.1! 62
  • 63. Executing SQL Scripts Declaratively with @Sql •  @Sql: declared on a test class or test method •  method-level overrides class-level •  The scripts attribute is used to declare resource locations for SQL scripts •  semantics analogous to locations in @ContextConfiguration •  Scripts can be executed before or after a test method •  configured via the executionPhase attribute of @Sql 63
  • 64. Ex: @Sql in Action @ContextConfiguration @Sql({ "schema1.sql", "data1.sql" }) public class SqlScriptsTests { @Test public void classLevelScripts() { /* ... */ } @Test @Sql({ "schema2.sql", "data2.sql" }) public void methodLevelScripts() { /* ... */ } 64
  • 65. Default SQL Script Detection •  If no scripts are declared, a default script will be detected •  Depending on where @Sql is declared •  Class-level: for com.example.DbTest, the default is “classpath:com/ example/DbTest.sql” •  Method-level: for com.example.DbTest.test(), the default is “classpath:com/example/DbTest.test.sql” •  If the default is not present, an exception is thrown 65
  • 66. Declaring Multiple @Sql Sets •  Declare multiple sets of @Sql scripts for varying configuration •  Java 8: use @Sql as a repeatable annotation •  Java 6 & 7: wrap @Sql sets in @SqlGroup 66
  • 67. @Sql as a Repeatable Annotation (Java 8) 67 @Test @Sql( scripts="/test-schema.sql", config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`") @Sql("/user-data.sql") public void userTest() { // code that uses the test schema and test data } Schema uses custom syntax
  • 68. @Sql wrapped in @SqlGroup (Java 6 & 7) 68 @Test @SqlGroup({ @Sql( scripts="/test-schema.sql", config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`"), @Sql("/user-data.sql") }) public void userTest() { // code that uses the test schema and test data }
  • 69. Configuring SQL Scripts with @SqlConfig •  @SqlConfig: configures script parsing and error handling •  Class-level: serves as global configuration for the test class •  @Sql(config): serves as local configuration for the enclosing @Sql •  Local configuration inherits global configuration and can selectively override global configuration •  Transaction management for script execution is configured via the dataSource, transactionManager, and transactionMode attributes •  See Javadoc and reference manual for details 69
  • 71. Spring Resources Spring Framework: Spring Guides: Spring JIRA: Spring on GitHub: Stack Overflow: spring, spring-test, spring-mvc, … 71
  • 72. Blogs Spring Blog: Swiftmind Blog: 72
  • 73. Q & A Sam Brannen @sam_brannen 73 @springcentral