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EnterA : .asciiz "Nhap A "
EnterB : .asciiz "Nhap B "
Menu : .asciiz "----------------------------Menu------------------------nn1. Tong a
va bn2. Hieu a va bn3. Tich a va bn4. Thuong a va bn5. Kiem tra a va b la so
nguyen to ?n6. Kiem tra a va b la so hoan thien ?n7. Kiem tra a va b la so chinh
phuong ?n8. Kiem tra a va b la so doi xung ?n0. Thoatn--------------------------------------------------------------------n"
Chose: .asciiz "Chon "
Tong : .asciiz "Tong : "
Hieu : .asciiz "Hieu : "
Tich : .asciiz "Tich : "
Thuong : .asciiz "Thuong : "
Result : .asciiz "Ket qua: "
True_Nt_A : .asciiz "A la so nguyen to"
False_Nt_A : .asciiz "A khong phai so nguyen to"
True_Nt_B : .asciiz "nB la so nguyen to"
False_Nt_B : .asciiz "nB khong phai so nguyen to"

.asciiz "A la so hoan thien"
: .asciiz "A khong phai so hoan thien"
.asciiz "nB la so hoan thien"
: .asciiz "nB khong phai so hoan thien"


.asciiz "A la so chinh phuong"
: .asciiz "A khong phai so chinh phuong"
.asciiz "nB la so chinh phuong"
: .asciiz "nB khong phai so chinh phuong"


.asciiz "A la so doi xung"
: .asciiz "A khong phai so doi xung"
.asciiz "nB la so doi xung"
: .asciiz "nB khong phai so doi xung"

.globl main

li $v0,4 #print "Nhap a"
la $a0,EnterA
li $v0,5 #scan a
move $s0,$v0
li $v0,4 #print "Nhap b"
la $a0,EnterB
li $v0,5 #scan b
move $s1,$v0
li $v0,4 #print "Menu"
la $a0,Menu
li $v0,4 #print "Chon"
la $a0,Chose
li $v0,5 #scan k
move $s2,$v0
li $v0,4 #print "Ket qua : "
la $a0,Result
addi $t0,$s2,-1
bne $t0,$0,Subtraction #k==0 Jump -> Exit
add $s3,$s1,$s0 #S=a+b
li $v0,4 #print "Tong : "
la $a0,Tong
move $a0,$s3
li $v0,1 #print "Tong"
j Exit
addi $t0,$s2,-2
bne $t0,$0,Multiplication
sub $s3,$s0,$s1 #S=a-b
li $v0,4 #print "Hieu : "
la $a0,Hieu
move $a0,$s3
li $v0,1 #print Hieu
j Exit
addi $t0,$s2,-3
bne $t0,$0,Division
mult $s1,$s0 #S=a*b
mflo $s3
li $v0,4 #print "Tich : "
la $a0,Tich
move $a0,$s3
li $v0,1 #print Tich
j Exit
addi $t0,$s2,-4
bne $t0,$0,Prime
div $s0,$s1 #S=a/b
mflo $s3
li $v0,4 #print "Thuong : "
la $a0,Thuong
move $a0,$s3
li $v0,1 #print Thuong

addi $t0,$s2,-5
bne $t0,$0,CompleteNumber
addi $s4,$0,2 #i=2
addi $s5,$0,1 #check = 1
slt $t0,$s4,$s0 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a
beq $t0,$0,Nt_A_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat
div $s0,$s4 # a%i
mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i
bne $s6,$0,Nt_A_ExitIf
add $s5,$0,$0
j Nt_A_ExitLoop
addi $s4,$s4,1
j Nt_A_Loop
bne $s5,$0,Nt_A_CheckIf
li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so nguyen to "
la $a0,False_Nt_A
j Nt_A_CheckElse
li $v0,4 #print "A la so nguyen to "
la $a0,True_Nt_A
addi $s4,$0,2 #i=2
addi $s5,$0,1 #check = 1
slt $t0,$s4,$s1 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a
beq $t0,$0,Nt_B_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat
div $s1,$s4 # a%i
mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i
bne $s6,$0,Nt_B_ExitIf
add $s5,$0,$0
j Nt_B_ExitLoop
addi $s4,$s4,1
j Nt_B_Loop
bne $s5,$0,Nt_B_CheckIf
li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so nguyen to "
la $a0,False_Nt_B
j Nt_B_CheckElse
li $v0,4 #print "A la so nguyen to "
la $a0,True_Nt_B
j Exit
addi $t0,$s2,-6
bne $t0,$0,SquareNumber
addi $s3,$0,0 #s=0
addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1
slt $t0,$s4,$s0 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a
beq $t0,$0,Ht_A_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat
div $s0,$s4 # a%i
mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i
bne $s6,$0,Ht_A_ExitIf
add $s3,$s3,$s4
addi $s4,$s4,1
j Ht_A_Loop
bne $s3,$s0,Ht_A_CheckIf
li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien"
la $a0,True_Ht_A
j Ht_A_CheckElse
li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien"
la $a0,False_Ht_A
addi $s3,$0,0 #s=0
addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1
slt $t0,$s4,$s1 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a
beq $t0,$0,Ht_B_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat
div $s1,$s4 # a%i
mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i
bne $s6,$0,Ht_B_ExitIf
add $s3,$s3,$s4
addi $s4,$s4,1
j Ht_B_Loop
bne $s3,$s1,Ht_B_CheckIf
li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien"
la $a0,True_Ht_B
j Ht_B_CheckElse
li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien"
la $a0,False_Ht_B
j Exit
addi $t0,$s2,-7
bne $t0,$0,SymmetryNumber
addi $s5,$0,0 #check=0
addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1
slt $t0,$s4,$s0 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a
beq $t0,$0,Cp_A_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat
mult $s4,$s4 # a*a
mflo $s6 #temp = a*a
bne $s6,$s0,Cp_A_ExitIf
addi $s5,$0,1 #check=1
j Cp_A_ExitLoop
addi $s4,$s4,1
j Cp_A_Loop
beq $s5,$0,Cp_A_CheckIf
li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien"
la $a0,True_Cp_A
j Cp_A_CheckElse
li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien"
la $a0,False_Cp_A

addi $s5,$0,0 #check=0
addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1
slt $t0,$s4,$s1 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a
beq $t0,$0,Cp_B_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat
mult $s4,$s4 # a*a
mflo $s6 #temp = a*a
bne $s6,$s1,Cp_B_ExitIf
addi $s5,$0,1 #check=1
j Cp_B_ExitLoop
addi $s4,$s4,1
j Cp_B_Loop
beq $s5,$0,Cp_B_CheckIf
li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien"
la $a0,True_Cp_B
j Cp_B_CheckElse
li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien"
la $a0,False_Cp_B

j Exit
addi $t0,$s2,-8
bne $t0,$0,Exit
addi $s3,$0,0 #dao=0
add $s4,$s0,$0 #m=a
slt $t0,$0,$s4 #0>=m thi 0, 0<m thi 1
beq $t0,$0,Dx_A_ExitLoop # 0<=m thi thoat
addi $s7,$0,10 # $s7 = 10
mult $s3,$s7 # dao*10
mflo $s3 # dao=dao*10
div $s4,$s7
mfhi $s6 # temp = m % 10
add $s3,$s3,$s6 # dao = dao + temp
div $s4,$s7
mflo $s4
j Dx_A_Loop
bne $s3,$s0,Dx_A_CheckIf
li $v0,4
la $a0,True_Dx_A
j Dx_A_CheckElse
li $v0,4
la $a0,False_Dx_A

addi $s3,$0,0 #dao=0
add $s4,$s1,$0 #m=a
slt $t0,$0,$s4 #0>=m thi 0, 0<m thi 1
beq $t0,$0,Dx_B_ExitLoop # 0<=m thi thoat
addi $s7,$0,10 # $s7 = 10
mult $s3,$s7 # dao*10
mflo $s3 # dao=dao*10
div $s4,$s7
mfhi $s6 # temp = m % 10
add $s3,$s3,$s6 # dao = dao + temp
div $s4,$s7
mflo $s4
j Dx_B_Loop
bne $s3,$s1,Dx_B_CheckIf
li $v0,4
la $a0,True_Dx_B
j Dx_B_CheckElse
li $v0,4
la $a0,False_Dx_B
j Exit
li $v0, 10

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Hop ngu MIP

  • 1. .data EnterA : .asciiz "Nhap A " EnterB : .asciiz "Nhap B " Menu : .asciiz "----------------------------Menu------------------------nn1. Tong a va bn2. Hieu a va bn3. Tich a va bn4. Thuong a va bn5. Kiem tra a va b la so nguyen to ?n6. Kiem tra a va b la so hoan thien ?n7. Kiem tra a va b la so chinh phuong ?n8. Kiem tra a va b la so doi xung ?n0. Thoatn--------------------------------------------------------------------n" Chose: .asciiz "Chon " Tong : .asciiz "Tong : " Hieu : .asciiz "Hieu : " Tich : .asciiz "Tich : " Thuong : .asciiz "Thuong : " Result : .asciiz "Ket qua: " True_Nt_A : .asciiz "A la so nguyen to" False_Nt_A : .asciiz "A khong phai so nguyen to" True_Nt_B : .asciiz "nB la so nguyen to" False_Nt_B : .asciiz "nB khong phai so nguyen to" True_Ht_A: False_Ht_A True_Ht_B: False_Ht_B .asciiz "A la so hoan thien" : .asciiz "A khong phai so hoan thien" .asciiz "nB la so hoan thien" : .asciiz "nB khong phai so hoan thien" True_Cp_A: False_Cp_A True_Cp_B: False_Cp_B .asciiz "A la so chinh phuong" : .asciiz "A khong phai so chinh phuong" .asciiz "nB la so chinh phuong" : .asciiz "nB khong phai so chinh phuong" True_Dx_A: False_Dx_A True_Dx_B: False_Dx_B .asciiz "A la so doi xung" : .asciiz "A khong phai so doi xung" .asciiz "nB la so doi xung" : .asciiz "nB khong phai so doi xung" .text .globl main main: li $v0,4 #print "Nhap a" la $a0,EnterA syscall li $v0,5 #scan a syscall move $s0,$v0 li $v0,4 #print "Nhap b" la $a0,EnterB syscall li $v0,5 #scan b syscall move $s1,$v0 li $v0,4 #print "Menu" la $a0,Menu syscall li $v0,4 #print "Chon"
  • 2. la $a0,Chose syscall li $v0,5 #scan k syscall move $s2,$v0 li $v0,4 #print "Ket qua : " la $a0,Result syscall addi $t0,$s2,-1 bne $t0,$0,Subtraction #k==0 Jump -> Exit add $s3,$s1,$s0 #S=a+b li $v0,4 #print "Tong : " la $a0,Tong syscall move $a0,$s3 li $v0,1 #print "Tong" syscall j Exit Subtraction: addi $t0,$s2,-2 bne $t0,$0,Multiplication sub $s3,$s0,$s1 #S=a-b li $v0,4 #print "Hieu : " la $a0,Hieu syscall move $a0,$s3 li $v0,1 #print Hieu syscall j Exit Multiplication: addi $t0,$s2,-3 bne $t0,$0,Division mult $s1,$s0 #S=a*b mflo $s3 li $v0,4 #print "Tich : " la $a0,Tich syscall move $a0,$s3 li $v0,1 #print Tich syscall j Exit Division: addi $t0,$s2,-4 bne $t0,$0,Prime div $s0,$s1 #S=a/b mflo $s3
  • 3. li $v0,4 #print "Thuong : " la $a0,Thuong syscall move $a0,$s3 li $v0,1 #print Thuong syscall Prime: addi $t0,$s2,-5 bne $t0,$0,CompleteNumber addi $s4,$0,2 #i=2 addi $s5,$0,1 #check = 1 Nt_A_Loop: slt $t0,$s4,$s0 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a beq $t0,$0,Nt_A_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat div $s0,$s4 # a%i mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i bne $s6,$0,Nt_A_ExitIf add $s5,$0,$0 j Nt_A_ExitLoop Nt_A_ExitIf: addi $s4,$s4,1 j Nt_A_Loop Nt_A_ExitLoop: bne $s5,$0,Nt_A_CheckIf li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so nguyen to " la $a0,False_Nt_A syscall j Nt_A_CheckElse Nt_A_CheckIf: li $v0,4 #print "A la so nguyen to " la $a0,True_Nt_A syscall Nt_A_CheckElse: addi $s4,$0,2 #i=2 addi $s5,$0,1 #check = 1 Nt_B_Loop: slt $t0,$s4,$s1 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a beq $t0,$0,Nt_B_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat div $s1,$s4 # a%i mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i bne $s6,$0,Nt_B_ExitIf add $s5,$0,$0 j Nt_B_ExitLoop
  • 4. Nt_B_ExitIf: addi $s4,$s4,1 j Nt_B_Loop Nt_B_ExitLoop: bne $s5,$0,Nt_B_CheckIf li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so nguyen to " la $a0,False_Nt_B syscall j Nt_B_CheckElse Nt_B_CheckIf: li $v0,4 #print "A la so nguyen to " la $a0,True_Nt_B syscall Nt_B_CheckElse: j Exit CompleteNumber: addi $t0,$s2,-6 bne $t0,$0,SquareNumber addi $s3,$0,0 #s=0 addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1 Ht_A_Loop: slt $t0,$s4,$s0 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a beq $t0,$0,Ht_A_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat div $s0,$s4 # a%i mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i bne $s6,$0,Ht_A_ExitIf add $s3,$s3,$s4 Ht_A_ExitIf: addi $s4,$s4,1 j Ht_A_Loop Ht_A_ExitLoop: bne $s3,$s0,Ht_A_CheckIf li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien" la $a0,True_Ht_A syscall j Ht_A_CheckElse Ht_A_CheckIf: li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien" la $a0,False_Ht_A syscall Ht_A_CheckElse:
  • 5. addi $s3,$0,0 #s=0 addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1 Ht_B_Loop: slt $t0,$s4,$s1 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a beq $t0,$0,Ht_B_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat div $s1,$s4 # a%i mfhi $s6 #temp = a%i bne $s6,$0,Ht_B_ExitIf add $s3,$s3,$s4 Ht_B_ExitIf: addi $s4,$s4,1 j Ht_B_Loop Ht_B_ExitLoop: bne $s3,$s1,Ht_B_CheckIf li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien" la $a0,True_Ht_B syscall j Ht_B_CheckElse Ht_B_CheckIf: li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien" la $a0,False_Ht_B syscall Ht_B_CheckElse: j Exit SquareNumber: addi $t0,$s2,-7 bne $t0,$0,SymmetryNumber addi $s5,$0,0 #check=0 addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1 Cp_A_Loop: slt $t0,$s4,$s0 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a beq $t0,$0,Cp_A_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat mult $s4,$s4 # a*a mflo $s6 #temp = a*a bne $s6,$s0,Cp_A_ExitIf addi $s5,$0,1 #check=1 j Cp_A_ExitLoop Cp_A_ExitIf: addi $s4,$s4,1 j Cp_A_Loop
  • 6. Cp_A_ExitLoop: beq $s5,$0,Cp_A_CheckIf li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien" la $a0,True_Cp_A syscall j Cp_A_CheckElse Cp_A_CheckIf: li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien" la $a0,False_Cp_A syscall Cp_A_CheckElse: addi $s5,$0,0 #check=0 addi $s4,$0,1 #i = 1 Cp_B_Loop: slt $t0,$s4,$s1 #i<a i>=a thi thoat i<a beq $t0,$0,Cp_B_ExitLoop # Tuc la a khong lon hon i(a<=i) thi thoat mult $s4,$s4 # a*a mflo $s6 #temp = a*a bne $s6,$s1,Cp_B_ExitIf addi $s5,$0,1 #check=1 j Cp_B_ExitLoop Cp_B_ExitIf: addi $s4,$s4,1 j Cp_B_Loop Cp_B_ExitLoop: beq $s5,$0,Cp_B_CheckIf li $v0,4 #print "A la so hoan thien" la $a0,True_Cp_B syscall j Cp_B_CheckElse Cp_B_CheckIf: li $v0,4 #print "A khong la so hoan thien" la $a0,False_Cp_B syscall Cp_B_CheckElse: j Exit SymmetryNumber: addi $t0,$s2,-8 bne $t0,$0,Exit
  • 7. addi $s3,$0,0 #dao=0 add $s4,$s0,$0 #m=a Dx_A_Loop: slt $t0,$0,$s4 #0>=m thi 0, 0<m thi 1 beq $t0,$0,Dx_A_ExitLoop # 0<=m thi thoat addi $s7,$0,10 # $s7 = 10 mult $s3,$s7 # dao*10 mflo $s3 # dao=dao*10 div $s4,$s7 mfhi $s6 # temp = m % 10 add $s3,$s3,$s6 # dao = dao + temp div $s4,$s7 mflo $s4 j Dx_A_Loop Dx_A_ExitLoop: bne $s3,$s0,Dx_A_CheckIf li $v0,4 la $a0,True_Dx_A syscall j Dx_A_CheckElse Dx_A_CheckIf: li $v0,4 la $a0,False_Dx_A syscall Dx_A_CheckElse: addi $s3,$0,0 #dao=0 add $s4,$s1,$0 #m=a Dx_B_Loop: slt $t0,$0,$s4 #0>=m thi 0, 0<m thi 1 beq $t0,$0,Dx_B_ExitLoop # 0<=m thi thoat addi $s7,$0,10 # $s7 = 10 mult $s3,$s7 # dao*10 mflo $s3 # dao=dao*10 div $s4,$s7 mfhi $s6 # temp = m % 10 add $s3,$s3,$s6 # dao = dao + temp div $s4,$s7 mflo $s4 j Dx_B_Loop Dx_B_ExitLoop:
  • 8. bne $s3,$s1,Dx_B_CheckIf li $v0,4 la $a0,True_Dx_B syscall j Dx_B_CheckElse Dx_B_CheckIf: li $v0,4 la $a0,False_Dx_B syscall Dx_B_CheckElse: j Exit Exit: li $v0, 10 syscall