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JavaScript Libraries Overview

          Siarhei Barysiuk
Our roadmap
Libraries: What we will cover today...
5 great open source libraries for your project.
  • prototype
  • jQuery
  • dojo
  • qooxdoo
Libraries: General picture
Global picture

    Lightweight              Widgets   One-page Applications
Prototype: Overview
Prototype: Focus
• DOM manipulation
• Ajax transport
• Utility methods for built-in objects
• Class-based OOP
Prototype: DOM manipulation
Say goodbye to getElementById()

 document.getElementById(quot;idquot;).innerHTML = quot;<li>node</li>quot;;

Say hello to $()

  $(quot;idquot;).innerHTML = quot;<li>node</li>quot;;

  $(element)                      extended DOM element
Prototype: DOM Element extension
                            * extend                   * makePositioned
 * absolutize                                                                 * select
                            * fire                      * match
 * addClassName                                                               * setOpacity
                            * firstDescendant           * next
 * addMethods                                                                 * setStyle
                            * getDimensions            * nextSiblings
 * adjacent                                                                   * show
                            * getElementsByClassName   * observe
 * ancestors                                                                  * siblings
                            * getElementsBySelector    * positionedOffset
 * childElements                                                              * stopObserving
                            * getHeight                * previous
 * classNames                                                                 * toggle
                            * getOffsetParent          * previousSiblings
 * cleanWhitespace                                                            * toggleClassName
                            * getStyle                 * readAttribute
 * clonePosition                                                              * undoClipping
                            * getWidth                 * recursivelyCollect
 * cumulativeOffset                                                           * undoPositioned
                            * hasClassName             * relativize
 * cumulativeScrollOffset                                                     * up
                            * hide                     * remove
 * descendantOf                                                               * update
                            * identify                 * removeClassName
 * descendants                                                                * viewportOffset
                            * immediateDescendants     * replace
 * down                                                                       * visible
                            * insert                   * scrollTo
 * empty                                                                      * wrap
                            * inspect                                         * writeAttribute
                            * makeClipping

 $('message').addClassName('read').update('I read this message!').setStyle({opacity: 0.5});
Prototype: Creating a DOM element
The old way:
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('class', 'foo');
a.setAttribute('href', '/foo.html');
a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(quot;Next pagequot;));

The new way:

var a = new Element('a', { 'class': 'foo', href: '/foo.html' }).update(quot;Next pagequot;);
Prototype: Even more bucks
$((id | element)...) -> [HTMLElement...]
$$(cssRule...) -> [HTMLElement...]
$A(iterable) -> actualArray

$F(element) -> value
$H([obj]) -> Hash

$R(start, end[, exclusive = false]) -> ObjectRange

$w(String) -> Array
Prototype: Event handling
$('foo').observe('click', respondToClick);

function respondToClick(event) {
  var element = event.element();
Prototype: Ajax transport
new Ajax.Request('/some_url',{
		       onSuccess: function(transport){
		          var response = transport.responseText || quot;no response textquot;;
		          alert(quot;Success! nnquot; + response);
		       onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }

Also available are onXXX callbacks, where XXX is the HTTP response status
like 200 or 404.
Prototype: Ajax transport
new   Ajax.Request('/some_url', {
		     	   method: 'get',
		     	   parameters: {company: 'example', limit: 12}

new Ajax.Request('/some_url', {
			      parameters: $('id_of_form_element').serialize(true)

                                             form serialization
Prototype: Ajax magic
        new Ajax.Updater(
	   	   	 	 	 	 success: 'products', 3.1
	   	   	 	 	 	 failure: 'errors'           3.2
	   	   	 	 	 '/some_url', 1
	   	   			      method: 'get', 2
	   	   			      insertion: Insertion.Top   4
Prototype: Built-in object extensions
                                                             * all
                                                             * any
                                                             * collect
        var myObject = {};                                   * detect
                                                             * each
                                                             * eachSlice
	   	   ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].each(function(name, index) {
                                                             * entries
	   	     this[name] = index;                                * find
	   	   }, myObject); // we have specified the context       * findAll
                                                             * grep
	   	                                                        * inGroupsOf
	   	   myObject                                             * include
                                                             * inject
	   	   //-> { foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
                                                             * invoke
                                                             * map
                                                             * max
                                                             * member
                                                             * min
                                                             * partition
                                                             * pluck
                                                             * reject
                                                             * select
                                                             * size
                                                             * sortBy
                                                             * toArray
                                                             * zip
Prototype: Built-in object extensions                    * blank
                                                         * camelize
                                                         * capitalize
                                                         * dasherize
quot;<h1>hello, i'm HTML</h1>quot;.escapeHTML()                  * empty
                                                         * endsWith
//-> quot;&lt;h1&gt;hello, i'm HTML&lt;/h1&gt;quot;              * escapeHTML
                                                         * evalJSON
                                                         * evalScripts
'background-color'.camelize(); // -> 'backgroundColor'   * extractScripts
                                                         * gsub
                                                         * include
'Prototype framework'.include('frame'); //-> true        * inspect
'Prototype framework'.include('frameset');//-> false     * interpolate
                                                         * isJSON
                                                         * parseQuery
                                                         * scan
quot;echo quot;.times(3);   //-> quot;echo echo echo quot;
                                                         * startsWith
                                                         * strip
                                                         * stripScripts
quot;#{animals} on a #{transport}quot;.interpolate({
                                                         * stripTags
                    animals: quot;Pigsquot;,                     * sub
                                                         * succ
                    transport: quot;Surfboardquot; });           * times
//-> quot;Pigs on a Surfboardquot;                               * toArray
                                                         * toJSON
                                                         * toQueryParams
                                                         * truncate
                                                         * underscore
                                                         * unescapeHTML
                                                         * unfilterJSON
Prototype: Class-based OOP
var Person = Class.create({
  initialize: function(name) { = name;
  say: function(message) {
     return + ': ' + message;

var Pirate = Class.create(Person, {
  // redefine the speak method
  say: function($super, message) {
    return $super(message) + ', yarr!';

var john = new Pirate('Long John');
john.say('ahoy matey');
// -> quot;Long John: ahoy matey, yarr!quot;
Prototype: Real life example
Prototype: Conclusion

• lightweight
• good for small projects
• a lot of useful methods
• transport support
• effects with
• good documented
• a lot of real project which use prototype
jQuery: Overview
jQuery: Focus
Motto: Write less, do more.
• DOM manipulation
• Ajax transport
• Effects
• Other functionality with plugins
jQuery: DOM manipulation
Very powerful selectors.

$(quot;#myDivquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;);

$(quot;divquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;);

$(quot;.myClassquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;);

$(quot;*quot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;);

$(quot;div,span,p.myClassquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;);
jQuery: DOM manipulation
Even more powerful than you expect.




$('p a[href*=#]')

$('code, li.goofy')

$('ol .goofy > strong')

$('li + li > a[href$=pdf]')

jQuery: DOM manipulation
Attributes:                 Text:
     attr( name )             text( )
     attr( properties   )     text( val )
     attr( key, value   )
     attr( key, value   )
     removeAttr( name   )
                               html( )
Classes:                       html( val )
     addClass( class )
     hasClass( class )
     removeClass( class )      val( )
     toggleClass( class )      val( val )
jQuery: DOM manipulation
append( content )
appendTo( content )

prepend( content )
prependTo( content )

after( content )
before( content )

insertAfter( content )
insertBefore( content )

wrap( html )

replaceWith( content )

clone( )
jQuery: Events
Very convenient event handling system.

  3 main methods:

   bind( type, data, fn )

   trigger( type, data )

   unbind( type, data )
jQuery: Binding event handlers
$(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;clickquot;, function(e){
  var str = quot;( quot; + e.pageX + quot;, quot; + e.pageY + quot; )quot;;
  $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Click happened! quot; + str);

$(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;dblclickquot;, function(){
  $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Double-click happened in quot; + this.tagName);

$(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;mouseenter mouseleavequot;, function(e){

jQuery: Binding event handlers
  var str = quot;( quot; + e.pageX + quot;, quot; + e.pageY + quot; )quot;;
  $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Click happened! quot; + str);

  $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Double-click happened in quot; + this.tagName);

jQuery: Custom events
$(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;myCustomEventquot;, function(e, myName, myValue){
  $(this).text(myName + quot;, hi there!quot;);
  $(quot;spanquot;).stop().css(quot;opacityquot;, 1)
           .text(quot;myName = quot; + myName)

$(quot;buttonquot;).click(function () {
  $(quot;pquot;).trigger(quot;myCustomEventquot;, [ quot;Johnquot; ]);
jQuery: onload event
$(document).ready(function () {
    $(quot;pquot;).text(quot;The DOM is now loaded and can be manipulated.quot;);
jQuery: Ajax transport
   type: quot;POSTquot;,
   url: quot;some.phpquot;,
   data: quot;name=John&location=Bostonquot;,
   success: function(msg){
     alert( quot;Data Saved: quot; + msg );

  url: quot;test.htmlquot;,
  cache: false,
  success: function(html){
jQuery: Ajax transport
	 success: function(data){
jQuery: Effects



jQuery: Conclusion
• lightweight
• powerful CSS selectors
• ‘less code’ way
• built-in effects and animation
• transport support (including cross-domain)
• a lot of real-life examples
Dojo: Overview
Dojo: Focus
• DOM manipulation
• Animations
• Ajax
• Event and keyboard normalization
• Internationalization (i18n)
• Widgets
Dojo: Package system
Dojo has a package system built-in to load all the code you need,
and is controlled by dojo.require().
This function allows us to pull in parts of the Dojo Toolkit not provided for
in the Base dojo.js, such as Drag and Drop, additional animations, Dijit widgets,
DojoX projects, or even your own code.

Dojo: Selectors
	 // our dom is ready, get the node:
		    // add quot;testClassquot; to its class=quot;quot; attribute
		    // and fade it out after 500 ms
	 	 .fadeOut({ delay:500 }).play();
Dojo: Event handling
    var node = dojo.byId(quot;testHeadingquot;);
	    node.innerHTML = quot;I've been clickedquot;;     	

	      this.innerHTML = quot;I've been clickedquot;;
Dojo: Ajax transport
var init = function(){
	 var contentNode = dojo.byId(quot;contentquot;);
	 	 url: quot;js/sample.txtquot;,
	 	 handleAs: quot;textquot;,
	 	 load: function(data,args){
	 	 	 // fade out the node we're modifying
	 	 	 	 node: contentNode,
	 	 	 	 onEnd: function(){
				          // set the data, fade it back in
				          contentNode.innerHTML = data;
				          dojo.fadeIn({node: contentNode}).play();
	 	 // if any error occurs, it goes here:
	 	 error: function(error,args){
Dojo: Ajax transport
// sumbit the form
var formSubmit = function(e){
	   // prevent the form from actually submitting
	   // submit the form in the background	
	   	   url: quot;alternate-submit.phpquot;,
	   	   form: quot;mainFormquot;,
	   	   handleAs: quot;textquot;,
	   	   handle: function(data,args){
	   	   	   if(typeof data == quot;errorquot;){
	   	   	   	   // show our response
	   var theForm = dojo.byId(quot;mainFormquot;);
	   // another dojo.connect syntax: call a function directly	
Dojo: Widgets
First Name:
<input type=quot;textquot; size=quot;20quot; name=quot;firstquot;
            trim=quot;truequot; propercase=quot;truequot; />

<input type=quot;textquot;
    class=quot;fillwidth currencyquot;
    id=quot;grossincomequot; name=quot;grossincomequot;

Dojo: Dijit at a Glance

                Border Container          AccordionContainer
  ContentPane                                                      Toolbar

  Slider         ComboBox           CurrencyTextBox       NumberTextBox
                 CheckBox         DateTextBox
 Textarea                                           ValidationTextBox
                FilteringSelect     InlineEditBox
 TimeTextBox                                              TabContainer
                NumberSpinner           StackContainer
                Tree   ProgressBar         Editor        Grid
Dojo: DojoX - Dojo eXtensions

   Cometd                             Cryptography
                               Data                 Layout
              Image                                            Timing
  XML Utilities                                 Offline                         GFX
                             String Utilities
Dojo: Dojo custom build

1. groups together modules into layers
2. interns external non-JavaScript files
3. smooshes the layer down with ShrinkSafe
4. copies all non-layered scripts to the appropriate places
Dojo: Conclusion
• not so lightweight as previous
• tons of features
• separate packages
• custom build
qooxdoo: Overview
qooxdoo: Focus

• One page Rich Internet Applications
• A lot of ideas from Qt
• OOP approach
• No HTML and CSS programming
qooxdoo: The power is in OOP
The main actors of qooxdoo OO are:

• Classes
• Interfaces
• Mixins
qooxdoo: Classes
qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, {
  construct : function() { ... }

qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, {
  statics : {
    LEGS: 4,
    makeSound : function() { ... }

qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, {
  members: {
    name : quot;Kittyquot;,
    getName: function() { return }
qooxdoo: Special Types of Classes
qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, {
  type : quot;staticquot;

qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, {
  type : quot;abstractquot;

qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, {
  type : quot;singletonquot;
qooxdoo: Inheritance
qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Animalquot;, {
  members: {
    makeSound : function(howManyTimes) {

qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, {
  extend: qx.test.Animal,
  members: {
    makeSound : function() {
      this.debug(quot;I'm a catquot;);
      /* howManyTimes or any other parameter are passed.   We
don't need to know how many parameters are used. */
      arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments);
qooxdoo: Interfaces
Defining interface:
   extend: [SuperInterfaces],

      properties: {quot;colorquot;: {}, quot;namequot;: {} },

         meth1: function() { return true; },
         meth2: function(a, b) { return arguments.length == 2; },
         meth3: function(c) { return qx.Class.hasInterface(c.constructor, qx.some.IInterface); }

         PI : 3.14,
         staticMethod: function(z) { return typeof z == quot;stringquot;; }

qooxdoo: Interfaces
Implementing interface:
   implement: [qx.test.ISample],

      properties: {
         quot;colorquot;: { check: quot;colorquot;},
         quot;namequot;: { check: quot;Stringquot;}

        meth1: function() { return 42; },
        meth2: function(a, b) { return a+b },
        meth3: function(c) { }
qooxdoo: Mixins
Defining mixin:
  include: [SuperMixins],

  properties: {
     quot;tabIndexquot;: {check: quot;Numberquot;, init: -1}

    prop1: quot;fooquot;,
    meth1: function() {},
    meth2: function() {}
qooxdoo: Mixins
Attaching mixin:
  include : [,]

qx.Class.include(qx.ui.core.Widget, qx.MWidgetExtensions);
qooxdoo: Properties
properties : {
  width : { check : quot;Numberquot;, apply : quot;applyWidthquot; }

members :
  applyWidth : function(value) {
    this.setStyleProperty(quot;widthquot;, value + quot;pxquot;);

widget.addEventListener(quot;changeWidthquot;, function(e) {
  e.getValue().innerHTML = quot;Hello Worldquot;;
qooxdoo: GUI
qooxdoo: GUI and even more features
• Layouting
• Widgets
• Interaction
• Selection Handling
• Drag & Drop
• Theming
• Low-level Ajax Transport
• Logging and Debugging
• Unit testing
qooxdoo: Tooling

• Optimization
• Compressing
• Internalization
• API Documentation
• More
XML description for UI - qxtransformer
qooxdoo: Real life example

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JavaScript Libraries Overview

  • 1.
  • 2. JavaScript Libraries Overview Siarhei Barysiuk
  • 4. Libraries: What we will cover today... 5 great open source libraries for your project. • prototype • jQuery • dojo • qooxdoo
  • 5. Libraries: General picture Global picture Lightweight Widgets One-page Applications
  • 7. Prototype: Overview
  • 8. Prototype: Focus • DOM manipulation • Ajax transport • Utility methods for built-in objects • Class-based OOP
  • 9. Prototype: DOM manipulation Say goodbye to getElementById() document.getElementById(quot;idquot;).innerHTML = quot;<li>node</li>quot;; Say hello to $() $(quot;idquot;).innerHTML = quot;<li>node</li>quot;; $(element) extended DOM element
  • 10. Prototype: DOM Element extension * extend * makePositioned * absolutize * select * fire * match * addClassName * setOpacity * firstDescendant * next * addMethods * setStyle * getDimensions * nextSiblings * adjacent * show * getElementsByClassName * observe * ancestors * siblings * getElementsBySelector * positionedOffset * childElements * stopObserving * getHeight * previous * classNames * toggle * getOffsetParent * previousSiblings * cleanWhitespace * toggleClassName * getStyle * readAttribute * clonePosition * undoClipping * getWidth * recursivelyCollect * cumulativeOffset * undoPositioned * hasClassName * relativize * cumulativeScrollOffset * up * hide * remove * descendantOf * update * identify * removeClassName * descendants * viewportOffset * immediateDescendants * replace * down * visible * insert * scrollTo * empty * wrap * inspect * writeAttribute * makeClipping $('message').addClassName('read').update('I read this message!').setStyle({opacity: 0.5});
  • 11. Prototype: Creating a DOM element The old way: var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('class', 'foo'); a.setAttribute('href', '/foo.html'); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(quot;Next pagequot;)); The new way: var a = new Element('a', { 'class': 'foo', href: '/foo.html' }).update(quot;Next pagequot;);
  • 12. Prototype: Even more bucks $((id | element)...) -> [HTMLElement...] $$(cssRule...) -> [HTMLElement...] $A(iterable) -> actualArray $F(element) -> value $H([obj]) -> Hash $R(start, end[, exclusive = false]) -> ObjectRange $w(String) -> Array
  • 13. Prototype: Event handling $('foo').observe('click', respondToClick); function respondToClick(event) { var element = event.element(); element.addClassName('active'); }
  • 14. Prototype: Ajax transport new Ajax.Request('/some_url',{ method:'get', onSuccess: function(transport){ var response = transport.responseText || quot;no response textquot;; alert(quot;Success! nnquot; + response); }, onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') } }); Also available are onXXX callbacks, where XXX is the HTTP response status like 200 or 404.
  • 15. Prototype: Ajax transport new Ajax.Request('/some_url', { method: 'get', parameters: {company: 'example', limit: 12} }); new Ajax.Request('/some_url', { parameters: $('id_of_form_element').serialize(true) }); form serialization
  • 16. Prototype: Ajax magic new Ajax.Updater( { success: 'products', 3.1 failure: 'errors' 3.2 }, '/some_url', 1 { method: 'get', 2 insertion: Insertion.Top 4 } );
  • 17. Prototype: Built-in object extensions * all * any * collect var myObject = {}; * detect * each * eachSlice ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].each(function(name, index) { * entries this[name] = index; * find }, myObject); // we have specified the context * findAll * grep * inGroupsOf myObject * include * inject //-> { foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2} * invoke * map * max * member * min * partition * pluck * reject * select * size * sortBy * toArray * zip
  • 18. Prototype: Built-in object extensions * blank * camelize * capitalize * dasherize quot;<h1>hello, i'm HTML</h1>quot;.escapeHTML() * empty * endsWith //-> quot;&lt;h1&gt;hello, i'm HTML&lt;/h1&gt;quot; * escapeHTML * evalJSON * evalScripts 'background-color'.camelize(); // -> 'backgroundColor' * extractScripts * gsub * include 'Prototype framework'.include('frame'); //-> true * inspect 'Prototype framework'.include('frameset');//-> false * interpolate * isJSON * parseQuery * scan quot;echo quot;.times(3); //-> quot;echo echo echo quot; * startsWith * strip * stripScripts quot;#{animals} on a #{transport}quot;.interpolate({ * stripTags animals: quot;Pigsquot;, * sub * succ transport: quot;Surfboardquot; }); * times //-> quot;Pigs on a Surfboardquot; * toArray * toJSON * toQueryParams * truncate * underscore * unescapeHTML * unfilterJSON
  • 19. Prototype: Class-based OOP var Person = Class.create({ initialize: function(name) { = name; }, say: function(message) { return + ': ' + message; } }); var Pirate = Class.create(Person, { // redefine the speak method say: function($super, message) { return $super(message) + ', yarr!'; } }); var john = new Pirate('Long John'); john.say('ahoy matey'); // -> quot;Long John: ahoy matey, yarr!quot;
  • 20. Prototype: Real life example
  • 21. Prototype: Conclusion • lightweight • good for small projects • a lot of useful methods • transport support • effects with • good documented • a lot of real project which use prototype
  • 24. jQuery: Overview
  • 25. jQuery: Focus Motto: Write less, do more. • DOM manipulation • Ajax transport • Effects • Other functionality with plugins
  • 26. jQuery: DOM manipulation Very powerful selectors. $(quot;#myDivquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;); $(quot;divquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;); $(quot;.myClassquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;); $(quot;*quot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;); $(quot;div,span,p.myClassquot;).css(quot;borderquot;,quot;3px solid redquot;);
  • 27. jQuery: DOM manipulation Even more powerful than you expect. $('li:eq(0)') $('li:even') $('li:lt(3)') $('li:not(.goofy)') $('p a[href*=#]') $('code, li.goofy') $('ol .goofy > strong') $('li + li > a[href$=pdf]') $('span:hidden')
  • 28. jQuery: DOM manipulation Attributes: Text: attr( name ) text( ) attr( properties ) text( val ) attr( key, value ) HTML: attr( key, value ) removeAttr( name ) html( ) Classes: html( val ) addClass( class ) Value: hasClass( class ) removeClass( class ) val( ) toggleClass( class ) val( val )
  • 29. jQuery: DOM manipulation append( content ) appendTo( content ) prepend( content ) prependTo( content ) after( content ) before( content ) insertAfter( content ) insertBefore( content ) wrap( html ) replaceWith( content ) clone( )
  • 30. jQuery: Events Very convenient event handling system. 3 main methods: bind( type, data, fn ) trigger( type, data ) unbind( type, data )
  • 31. jQuery: Binding event handlers $(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;clickquot;, function(e){ var str = quot;( quot; + e.pageX + quot;, quot; + e.pageY + quot; )quot;; $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Click happened! quot; + str); }); $(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;dblclickquot;, function(){ $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Double-click happened in quot; + this.tagName); }); $(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;mouseenter mouseleavequot;, function(e){ $(this).toggleClass(quot;overquot;); }); $(quot;pquot;).trigger(quot;clickquot;);
  • 32. jQuery: Binding event handlers $(quot;pquot;).click(function(e){ var str = quot;( quot; + e.pageX + quot;, quot; + e.pageY + quot; )quot;; $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Click happened! quot; + str); }); $(quot;pquot;).dblclick(function(){ $(quot;spanquot;).text(quot;Double-click happened in quot; + this.tagName); }); $(quot;pquot;).click();
  • 33. jQuery: Custom events $(quot;pquot;).bind(quot;myCustomEventquot;, function(e, myName, myValue){ $(this).text(myName + quot;, hi there!quot;); $(quot;spanquot;).stop().css(quot;opacityquot;, 1) .text(quot;myName = quot; + myName) .fadeIn(30).fadeOut(1000); }); $(quot;buttonquot;).click(function () { $(quot;pquot;).trigger(quot;myCustomEventquot;, [ quot;Johnquot; ]); });
  • 34. jQuery: onload event $(document).ready(function () { $(quot;pquot;).text(quot;The DOM is now loaded and can be manipulated.quot;); });
  • 35. jQuery: Ajax transport $.ajax({ type: quot;POSTquot;, url: quot;some.phpquot;, data: quot;name=John&location=Bostonquot;, success: function(msg){ alert( quot;Data Saved: quot; + msg ); } }); $.ajax({ url: quot;test.htmlquot;, cache: false, success: function(html){ $(quot;#resultsquot;).append(html); } });
  • 36. jQuery: Ajax transport $.ajax({ url:quot; tags=cat&tagmode=any&format=jsonquot;, dataType:quot;jsonpquot;, jsonp:quot;jsoncallbackquot;, success: function(data){ //... }) } })
  • 38. jQuery: Conclusion • lightweight • powerful CSS selectors • ‘less code’ way • built-in effects and animation • transport support (including cross-domain) • a lot of real-life examples
  • 40. Dojo
  • 41. Dojo: Overview
  • 42. Dojo: Focus • DOM manipulation • Animations • Ajax • Event and keyboard normalization • Internationalization (i18n) • Widgets
  • 43. Dojo: Package system Dojo has a package system built-in to load all the code you need, and is controlled by dojo.require(). This function allows us to pull in parts of the Dojo Toolkit not provided for in the Base dojo.js, such as Drag and Drop, additional animations, Dijit widgets, DojoX projects, or even your own code. dojo.require(quot;dijit.form.Buttonquot;); dojo.require(quot;dijit.TitlePanequot;);
  • 44. Dojo: Selectors dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ // our dom is ready, get the node: dojo.query(quot;#testHeadingquot;) // add quot;testClassquot; to its class=quot;quot; attribute .addClass(quot;testClassquot;) // and fade it out after 500 ms .fadeOut({ delay:500 }).play(); });
  • 45. Dojo: Event handling dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ var node = dojo.byId(quot;testHeadingquot;); dojo.connect(node,quot;onclickquot;,function(){ node.innerHTML = quot;I've been clickedquot;; }); }); dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ dojo.query(quot;#testHeadingquot;) .style(quot;cursorquot;,quot;pointerquot;) .connect(quot;onclickquot;,function(){ this.innerHTML = quot;I've been clickedquot;; }); });
  • 46. Dojo: Ajax transport var init = function(){ var contentNode = dojo.byId(quot;contentquot;); dojo.xhrGet({ url: quot;js/sample.txtquot;, handleAs: quot;textquot;, load: function(data,args){ // fade out the node we're modifying dojo.fadeOut({ node: contentNode, onEnd: function(){ // set the data, fade it back in contentNode.innerHTML = data; dojo.fadeIn({node: contentNode}).play(); } }).play(); }, // if any error occurs, it goes here: error: function(error,args){ console.warn(quot;error!quot;,error); } }); }; dojo.addOnLoad(init);
  • 47. Dojo: Ajax transport // sumbit the form var formSubmit = function(e){ // prevent the form from actually submitting e.preventDefault(); // submit the form in the background dojo.xhrPost({ url: quot;alternate-submit.phpquot;, form: quot;mainFormquot;, handleAs: quot;textquot;, handle: function(data,args){ if(typeof data == quot;errorquot;){ console.warn(quot;error!quot;,args); }else{ // show our response console.log(data); } } }); }; dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ var theForm = dojo.byId(quot;mainFormquot;); // another dojo.connect syntax: call a function directly dojo.connect(theForm,quot;onsubmitquot;,formSubmit); });
  • 48. Dojo: Widgets First Name: <input type=quot;textquot; size=quot;20quot; name=quot;firstquot; dojoType=quot;dijit.form.TextBoxquot; trim=quot;truequot; propercase=quot;truequot; /> Price: <input type=quot;textquot; maxlength=quot;12quot; class=quot;fillwidth currencyquot; id=quot;grossincomequot; name=quot;grossincomequot; value=quot;0.00quot; dojoType=quot;dijit.form.CurrencyTextBoxquot; required=quot;truequot; onChange=quot;updateTotals()quot; currency=quot;USDquot;/> dojo.require(quot;dijit.form.TextBoxquot;); dojo.require(quot;dijit.form.CurrencyTextquot;);
  • 49. Dojo: Dijit at a Glance Border Container AccordionContainer ContentPane Toolbar Slider ComboBox CurrencyTextBox NumberTextBox CheckBox DateTextBox Textarea ValidationTextBox FilteringSelect InlineEditBox TimeTextBox TabContainer NumberSpinner StackContainer Menu Dialog Tree ProgressBar Editor Grid
  • 50. Dojo: DojoX - Dojo eXtensions Cometd Cryptography Widgets Charting FX Data Layout Collections Wire Grid I/O Image Timing XML Utilities Offline GFX String Utilities Validate UUID
  • 51. Dojo: Dojo custom build 1. groups together modules into layers 2. interns external non-JavaScript files 3. smooshes the layer down with ShrinkSafe 4. copies all non-layered scripts to the appropriate places
  • 52. Dojo: Conclusion • not so lightweight as previous • tons of features • separate packages • custom build
  • 55. qooxdoo: Overview
  • 56. qooxdoo: Focus • One page Rich Internet Applications • A lot of ideas from Qt • OOP approach • No HTML and CSS programming
  • 57. qooxdoo: The power is in OOP The main actors of qooxdoo OO are: • Classes • Interfaces • Mixins
  • 58. qooxdoo: Classes qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, { construct : function() { ... } }); qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, { ... statics : { LEGS: 4, makeSound : function() { ... } } }); qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, { ... members: { name : quot;Kittyquot;, getName: function() { return } } });
  • 59. qooxdoo: Special Types of Classes qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, { type : quot;staticquot; ... }); qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, { type : quot;abstractquot; ... }); qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, { type : quot;singletonquot; ... });
  • 60. qooxdoo: Inheritance qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Animalquot;, { members: { makeSound : function(howManyTimes) { .... } } }); qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Catquot;, { extend: qx.test.Animal, members: { makeSound : function() { this.debug(quot;I'm a catquot;); /* howManyTimes or any other parameter are passed. We don't need to know how many parameters are used. */ arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments); } } });
  • 61. qooxdoo: Interfaces Defining interface: qx.Interface.define(quot;qx.test.ISamplequot;, { extend: [SuperInterfaces], properties: {quot;colorquot;: {}, quot;namequot;: {} }, members: { meth1: function() { return true; }, meth2: function(a, b) { return arguments.length == 2; }, meth3: function(c) { return qx.Class.hasInterface(c.constructor, qx.some.IInterface); } }, statics: { PI : 3.14, staticMethod: function(z) { return typeof z == quot;stringquot;; } }, });
  • 62. qooxdoo: Interfaces Implementing interface: qx.Class.define(quot;qx.test.Samplequot;, { implement: [qx.test.ISample], properties: { quot;colorquot;: { check: quot;colorquot;}, quot;namequot;: { check: quot;Stringquot;} }, members: { meth1: function() { return 42; }, meth2: function(a, b) { return a+b }, meth3: function(c) { } } });
  • 63. qooxdoo: Mixins Defining mixin: qx.Mixin.define(quot;namequot;, { include: [SuperMixins], properties: { quot;tabIndexquot;: {check: quot;Numberquot;, init: -1} }, members: { prop1: quot;fooquot;, meth1: function() {}, meth2: function() {} } });
  • 64. qooxdoo: Mixins Attaching mixin: qx.Class.define(quot;;, { include : [,] ... }); qx.Class.include(qx.ui.core.Widget, qx.MWidgetExtensions);
  • 65. qooxdoo: Properties ... properties : { width : { check : quot;Numberquot;, apply : quot;applyWidthquot; } } members : { applyWidth : function(value) { this.setStyleProperty(quot;widthquot;, value + quot;pxquot;); } } ... widget.addEventListener(quot;changeWidthquot;, function(e) { e.getValue().innerHTML = quot;Hello Worldquot;; });
  • 67. qooxdoo: GUI and even more features • Layouting • Widgets • Interaction • Selection Handling • Drag & Drop • Theming • Low-level Ajax Transport • RPC • Logging and Debugging • Unit testing
  • 68. qooxdoo: Tooling Generator: • Optimization • Compressing • Internalization • API Documentation • More XML description for UI - qxtransformer
  • 69. qooxdoo: Real life example