Sposoby na podtrzymanie uwagi podczas edukacji zdalnej

Marta Pawlak-Dobrzanska Há 3 anos

Solution Selling Methodology Training

Michael Nitso Há 14 anos

Learning how to present like Steve Jobs

Jordi Casteleyn Há 11 anos

Azure Labs QA Testing Webcast

InCycleSoftware Há 8 anos

Wprowadzenie do Microsoft Azure

Michal Furmankiewicz Há 6 anos

Hype vs. Reality: The AI Explainer

Luminary Labs Há 7 anos

Shall we play a game?

Maciej Lasyk Há 10 anos

Otwarte Miasta

Data Science Warsaw Há 8 anos

Introduction to Lean Startup for Startup Weekend attendees - Michael Kacprzak

Fundacja Rozwoju Branży Internetowej Netcamp Há 8 anos

Big data on Azure for Architects

Tomasz Kopacz Há 8 anos

INFOGRAPHICS: The Good and The Bad

Didit Marketing Há 9 anos

The Art of Storytelling

SheSaysSG Há 9 anos

Social media training 26.10.10_wk

Małgorzata Nowak Há 13 anos