python programming drupal geospatial leaflet web mapping string openlayers drupalcamp here maps chart form api widget regular expressions object-oriented programming objects oop list views geofield custom drupal module google maps strategy design pattern map apis cnn travel mapbox design pattern drupal camp hooks custom module module development chartjs drupal.settings behaviors block api hook_menu efq api entityfieldquery drupal_get_form system_settings_form render api chart block json #attached ckeditor leaflet maps cebu wysiwyg data export relationships exposed filters filters contextual filters attachment table pager entity reference flexslider training gallery slideshow map entities batch process batch set entityfieldquery api batch api batch scripting entity api canvas python mega widgets eval tkinter tcl gui pmw python programming event handling tk eigenfaces ahp eigenvectors land value arcpy pycon numpy market value eigenvalues geocomputation text files buffering with as write append read parsing file processing split close file handling open data text assertion error finally catch try raise exception handling toss mersenne random simulation linear congruential generator deadly diamond of death super class abstract classes derived class inheritance base class polymorphism type conversion type coercion operator overloading rational methods object-oriented set and get composition constructors classes static destructors tuple multidimensional array associative array set dictionary sequences foss javascript css html foss4g philgeos jquery import functions packages modules control flow ranel padon phdug
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