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non-blocking microservices
in Java 8
Michał	Baliński
System	Architect
Oleksandr	Goldobin
System	Architect
Cloud of microservices for secure IoT
gateway backing
The demand and characteristics of our domain
Crowded IoT environment	
Slow,	long lived connections
Big	amount of	concurrent connections
Scalability and resilience
Rather I/O	intensive than CPU	intensive
OTA Gateway – Use Case
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
1.	submit
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
3.	store
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
4.	submition
3.	store
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
4.	submition
5.	poll
3.	store
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
3.	store
4.	submition
5.	poll
6.	search
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
3.	store
4.	submition
5.	poll
6.	search
7.	response
with	scripts
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
OTA Gateway – Use Case
Security Module
TCP File I/OMonitoring
Let’s test blocking approach!
OTA Gateway Blocking - technologies
DB Log
Security Module
JAX-RS Client
OTA Gateway – Blocking - test
2 scripts per
Security Module
TCP File I/O
200	ms
<	450	ms
verified with	
over 7k	req/s
Blocking – 1k threads
2 scripts per
Security Module
TCP File I/O
200	ms
max	1000
max	1000	
<	450	ms
Blocking – 1k threads
500 req/s 1000 req/s 1500 req/s 2000 req/s
The drawbacks of classic synchronous I/O
One	thread per	connection
Threads waiting instead of	running
Context switches
Resource wasting (~1	MB	per	thread - 64bit)
Let’s switch from blocking to non-blocking
OTA Gateway Non-blocking - technologies
DB Log
JAX-RS 2.0
Async Http Client 2
Security Module
JAX-RS 2.0
Non-blocking – 16 threads
2 scripts per
Security Module
TCP File I/O
200	ms
no	limit	for	
max	16	
<	450	ms
Non-blocking – 16 threads
1k req/s 2k req/s 2.5k req/s 3k req/s
Blocking Non-blocking
1000	threads 56	threads
1.2	GB 0.5	GB
~1.2k	r/s 2.5k	r/s
Let’s talk about challenges
OTA Gateway Blocking – sequence diagram
Module DB Logs
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
3a.	store
4.	submition
3b.	count
OTA Gateway Non-blocking – sequence diagram
Module DB Logs
1.	submit
2.	encrypt
3a.	store
4.	submition
3b.	count
OTA Non-blocking – realityOTA
Module DB Logs
1.	submit
4.	submition
3b.	count
2.	encrypt
3a.	store
Code. Bird view
3110	October	2016
public class ScriptSubmissionResource extends Application {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScriptSubmissionResource.class);
private static final ResourceMetrics METRICS = new ResourceMetrics("ota_submission");
private SecureModuleClient secureModuleClient = SecureModuleClient.instance();
private ScriptStorageClient scriptStorageClient = ScriptStorageClient.instance();
public long submitScripts(@PathParam("seId") String seId, List<Script> scripts) {
MDC.put("flow", "submission");
MDC.put("se", seId);
return METRICS.instrument(() -> {
log.debug("Processing {} scripts submission", scripts.size(), seId);
for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) {
final Script script = scripts.get(i);
log.debug("Encrypting {} script", i);
final String encryptedPayload = secureModuleClient.encrypt(seId, script.getPayload());
log.debug("Storing encrypted script {}", i);
scriptStorageClient.storeScript(seId, script);
long numberOfScripts = scriptStorageClient.numberOfScriptsForSe(seId);
log.debug("Request processed", seId);
return numberOfScripts;
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
return Collections.singleton(this);
public class ScriptSubmissionResource extends Application {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScriptSubmissionResource.class);
private static final ResourceMetrics METRICS = new ResourceMetrics("ota_submission");
private SecureModuleClient secureModuleClient = SecureModuleClient.instance();
private ScriptStorageClient scriptStorageClient = ScriptStorageClient.instance();
public void submitScripts(
@PathParam("seId") String seId,
List<Script> scripts,
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse
) {
final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext = new DiagnosticContext("submission", seId);
METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> {
log.debug("{} Processing {} scripts submission", diagnosticContext, scripts.size());
encryptAndStoreAllScripts(diagnosticContext, seId, scripts)
ignore -> scriptStorageClient.numberOfScriptsForSe(seId)
.whenComplete((numberOfScripts, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
} else {
log.debug("{} Request processed", diagnosticContext);
private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreAllScripts(
final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext,
final String seId,
final List<Script> scripts
) {
CompletionStage<Void> stage = null; // <- non final field, potential concurrent access bug!
for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) {
final int scriptIndex = i;
final Script script = scripts.get(scriptIndex);
if (stage == null) {
stage = encryptAndStoreSingleScript(diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script);
} else {
stage = stage.thenCompose(ignore ->
encryptAndStoreSingleScript(diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script));
return stage;
private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreSingleScript(
final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext,
final String seId,
final int scriptIndex,
final Script script
) {
log.debug("{} Encrypting script {}", diagnosticContext, scriptIndex);
return secureModuleClient
.encrypt(seId, script.getPayload())
encryptedPayload -> {
log.debug("{} Storing encrypted script {}", diagnosticContext, scriptIndex);
return scriptStorageClient.storeScript(seId, new Script(encryptedPayload));
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
return new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList(this));
Code. Blocking. Submission 1
10	October	2016 32
long submitScripts(@PathParam("seId") String seId, List<Script> scripts) {
MDC.put("flow", "submission"); // ß Setting diagnostic context
MDC.put("se", seId);
return METRICS.instrument(() -> { // ß Instrumenting with metrics
Code. Blocking. Submission 2
10	October	2016 33
log.debug("Processing {} scripts submission", scripts.size(), seId);
for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { ß Cycle through the
final Script script = scripts.get(i);
log.debug("Encrypting {} script", i);
final String encryptedPayload = secureModuleClient
.encrypt(seId, script.getPayload()); ß Encrypting the script
log.debug("Storing encrypted script {}", i);
scriptStorageClient.storeScript(seId, script); ß Saving the script into
long numberOfScripts =
scriptStorageClient.numberOfScriptsForSe(seId); ß Getting current number
of scripts in DB
log.debug("Request processed", seId);
return numberOfScripts;
Code. Non-blocking. Submission 1
10	October	2016 34
public void submitScripts(
@PathParam("seId") String seId,
List<Script> scripts,
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse
) {
final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext =
new DiagnosticContext("submission", seId); ß Creating diagnostic
METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> { ß Instrumenting with metrics
Code. Non-blocking. Submission 1
10	October	2016 35
public void submitScripts(
@PathParam("seId") String seId,
List<Script> scripts,
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse
) {
final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext =
new DiagnosticContext("submission", seId); ß Creating diagnostic
METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> { ß Instrumenting with metrics
Code. Non-blocking. Submission 2
10	October	2016 36
METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> {
"{} Processing {} scripts submission",
encryptAndStoreAllScripts(diagnosticContext, seId, scripts)
ignore ->
.whenComplete((numberOfScripts, e) -> {
if (e != null) {
} else {
log.debug("{} Request processed", diagnosticContext);
Code. Non-blocking. Submission 3
10	October	2016 37
private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreAllScripts(
final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext,
final String seId,
final List<Script> scripts
) {
CompletionStage<Void> stage = null; // <- non final field, potential
// concurrent access bug!
for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { ß Cycle through the
final int scriptIndex = i;
final Script script = scripts.get(scriptIndex);
if (stage == null) {
stage = encryptAndStoreSingleScript(
diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script);
} else {
stage = stage.thenCompose(ignore ->
diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script));
return stage;
Code. Non-blocking. Submission 4
10	October	2016 38
private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreSingleScript(
final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext,
final String seId,
final int scriptIndex,
final Script script
) {
log.debug("{} Encrypting script {}", diagnosticContext, scriptIndex);
return secureModuleClient
.encrypt(seId, script.getPayload()) ß Encrypting the script
encryptedPayload -> {
"{} Storing encrypted script {}",
scriptStorageClient.storeScript( ß Saving the script into
seId, the DB
new Script(encryptedPayload));
Code. Blocking. Integration
10	October	2016 39
private final JedisPool pool;
public void storeScript(String seId, Script script) {
try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {
jedis.rpush(seId, script.getPayload());
public long numberOfScriptsForSe(String seId) {
try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {
return jedis.llen(seId);
public Optional<Script> nextScript(String seId) {
try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) {
return Optional.ofNullable(jedis.lpop(seId)).map(Script::new);
public String encrypt(String keyDiversifier, String payload) {
// ...
Code. Non-Blocking. Integration
10	October	2016 40
private final RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands;
public CompletionStage<Void> storeScript(String seId, Script script) {
return commands
.rpush(seId, script.getPayload())
.thenApply(ignore -> null);
public CompletionStage<Long> numberOfScriptsForSe(String seId) {
return commands.llen(seId);
public CompletionStage<Optional<String>> nextScript(String seId) {
return commands.lpop(seId).thenApply(Optional::ofNullable);
public CompletionStage<String> encrypt(String keyDiversifier, String payload)
// ...
Diagnostics in non-blocking systems
No	clear	stack	traces, need for	good logs
Name	your	threads properly
MDC becomes	useless (thread	locals)
Explicitly pass	debug context to	trace flows
Be	prepared	for	debuging non-obvious	errors
NIO technology landscape
JDK	1.4
JDK	1.7
JAX-RS	2.x
Servlet API	3.x
Lessons learned, part 1
Vanila Java	8 for	NIO	µ-services
Netty best	for	custom	protocols	in	NIO
Unit	tests should	be	synchronous
Load/stress	testing is	a	must
Make	bulkheading and	plan	your	resources
Lessons learned, part 2
Functional programming patterns	for	readability
Immutability as 1-st	class	citizen
Scala may be	good choice	;-)
Non-blocking	processing	can	really	
save	your resources	(== money)
Weight	all	pros	and	cons	and	use	non-blocking	processing	
only	if	you	really	need	it.
Thank you.
Michał	Baliński
Oleksandr	Goldobin
• C10k	Problem,	C10M	Problem,	Asynchronous I/O
• Boost	application	performance	using	asynchronous	I/O (M.	Tim	Jones,	2006)
• Zuul 2	:	The	Netflix	Journey	to	Asynchronous,	Non-Blocking	Systems (Netflix,	2016)
• Thousands	of	Threads	and	Blocking	I/O:	The	Old	Way	to	Write	Java	Servers	Is	New	
Again	(and	Way	Better) (Paul Tyma,	2008)
• Why Non-Blocking? (Bozhidar Bozhanov,	2011)

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JDD 2016 - Michał Balinski, Oleksandr Goldobin - Practical Non Blocking Microservices in Java 8

  • 1. Practical non-blocking microservices in Java 8 Michał Baliński System Architect Oleksandr Goldobin System Architect
  • 2. Cloud of microservices for secure IoT gateway backing service core service gateway gateway core service backing service
  • 3. The demand and characteristics of our domain Crowded IoT environment Slow, long lived connections Big amount of concurrent connections Scalability and resilience Rather I/O intensive than CPU intensive
  • 4. OTA Gateway – Use Case TSM Trusted Service Manager
  • 5. OTA Gateway – Use Case TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module
  • 6. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB
  • 7. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP 1. submit scripts
  • 8. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP 1. submit scripts HTTP 2. encrypt scripts
  • 9. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP 1. submit scripts HTTP 2. encrypt scripts TCP 3. store scripts
  • 10. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP 1. submit scripts HTTP 2. encrypt scripts TCP 4. submition response 3. store scripts
  • 11. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP 1. submit scripts HTTP 2. encrypt scripts TCP 4. submition response HTTP 5. poll scripts 3. store scripts
  • 12. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP 1. submit scripts HTTP 2. encrypt scripts TCP 3. store scripts 4. submition response HTTP 5. poll scripts 6. search scripts
  • 13. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP 1. submit scripts HTTP 2. encrypt scripts TCP 3. store scripts 4. submition response HTTP 5. poll scripts 6. search scripts 7. response with scripts
  • 14. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB HTTP HTTP HTTP TCP
  • 15. OTA Gateway – Use Case OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway TSM Trusted Service Manager Security Module DB Log Storage HTTP HTTP HTTP TCP File I/OMonitoring System HTTP
  • 17. OTA Gateway Blocking - technologies 17 TSM DB Log Storage HTTP TCP STDOUT OTA Gateway JAX-RS Logback appender Security Module JAX-RS Jedis JAX-RS Client
  • 18. OTA Gateway – Blocking - test OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway send 2 scripts per request Security Module DB Log Storage HTTP HTTP HTTP TCP File I/O emulated latency 200 ms expected latency < 450 ms verified with throughput over 7k req/s
  • 19. Blocking – 1k threads OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway send 2 scripts per request Security Module DB Log Storage HTTP HTTP HTTP TCP File I/O emulated latency 200 ms max 1000 connections max 1000 threads expected latency < 450 ms
  • 20. Blocking – 1k threads 500 req/s 1000 req/s 1500 req/s 2000 req/s
  • 21. The drawbacks of classic synchronous I/O One thread per connection Threads waiting instead of running Context switches Resource wasting (~1 MB per thread - 64bit)
  • 22. Let’s switch from blocking to non-blocking
  • 23. OTA Gateway Non-blocking - technologies 23 TSM DB Log Storage HTTP TCP STDOUT OTA Gateway JAX-RS 2.0 Logback async appender Async Http Client 2 (Netty) Security Module JAX-RS 2.0 Lettuce (Netty)
  • 24. Non-blocking – 16 threads OTA (Over-the-Air) Gateway send 2 scripts per request Security Module DB Log Storage HTTP HTTP HTTP TCP File I/O emulated latency 200 ms no limit for connections max 16 threads expected latency < 450 ms
  • 25. Non-blocking – 16 threads 1k req/s 2k req/s 2.5k req/s 3k req/s
  • 27. Let’s talk about challenges
  • 28. OTA Gateway Blocking – sequence diagram OTA Gateway TSM Security Module DB Logs loop 1. submit scripts 2. encrypt script 3a. store script 4. submition response 3b. count scripts
  • 29. OTA Gateway Non-blocking – sequence diagram OTA Gateway TSM Security Module DB Logs loop 1. submit scripts 2. encrypt script 3a. store script 4. submition response 3b. count scripts
  • 30. OTA Non-blocking – realityOTA Gateway TSM Security Module DB Logs „loopedprocessingchain” 1. submit scripts 4. submition response 3b. count scripts HTTP Server 2. encrypt script 3a. store script Logging DB Client Security Client
  • 31. Code. Bird view 3110 October 2016 package; @Path("se") public class ScriptSubmissionResource extends Application { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScriptSubmissionResource.class); private static final ResourceMetrics METRICS = new ResourceMetrics("ota_submission"); private SecureModuleClient secureModuleClient = SecureModuleClient.instance(); private ScriptStorageClient scriptStorageClient = ScriptStorageClient.instance(); @POST @Path("/{seId}/scripts") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public long submitScripts(@PathParam("seId") String seId, List<Script> scripts) { MDC.put("flow", "submission"); MDC.put("se", seId); return METRICS.instrument(() -> { log.debug("Processing {} scripts submission", scripts.size(), seId); for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { final Script script = scripts.get(i); log.debug("Encrypting {} script", i); final String encryptedPayload = secureModuleClient.encrypt(seId, script.getPayload()); script.setPayload(encryptedPayload); log.debug("Storing encrypted script {}", i); scriptStorageClient.storeScript(seId, script); } long numberOfScripts = scriptStorageClient.numberOfScriptsForSe(seId); log.debug("Request processed", seId); return numberOfScripts; }); } @Override public Set<Object> getSingletons() { return Collections.singleton(this); } } package; @Path("se") public class ScriptSubmissionResource extends Application { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScriptSubmissionResource.class); private static final ResourceMetrics METRICS = new ResourceMetrics("ota_submission"); private SecureModuleClient secureModuleClient = SecureModuleClient.instance(); private ScriptStorageClient scriptStorageClient = ScriptStorageClient.instance(); @POST @Path("/{seId}/scripts") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public void submitScripts( @PathParam("seId") String seId, List<Script> scripts, @Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse ) { final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext = new DiagnosticContext("submission", seId); METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> { log.debug("{} Processing {} scripts submission", diagnosticContext, scripts.size()); return encryptAndStoreAllScripts(diagnosticContext, seId, scripts) .thenCompose( ignore -> scriptStorageClient.numberOfScriptsForSe(seId) ); }) .whenComplete((numberOfScripts, e) -> { if (e != null) { asyncResponse.resume(e); } else { log.debug("{} Request processed", diagnosticContext); asyncResponse.resume(numberOfScripts); } }); } private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreAllScripts( final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext, final String seId, final List<Script> scripts ) { CompletionStage<Void> stage = null; // <- non final field, potential concurrent access bug! for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { final int scriptIndex = i; final Script script = scripts.get(scriptIndex); if (stage == null) { stage = encryptAndStoreSingleScript(diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script); } else { stage = stage.thenCompose(ignore -> encryptAndStoreSingleScript(diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script)); } } return stage; } private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreSingleScript( final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext, final String seId, final int scriptIndex, final Script script ) { log.debug("{} Encrypting script {}", diagnosticContext, scriptIndex); return secureModuleClient .encrypt(seId, script.getPayload()) .thenCompose( encryptedPayload -> { log.debug("{} Storing encrypted script {}", diagnosticContext, scriptIndex); return scriptStorageClient.storeScript(seId, new Script(encryptedPayload)); } ); } @Override public Set<Object> getSingletons() { return new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList(this)); } }
  • 32. Code. Blocking. Submission 1 10 October 2016 32 @POST @Path("/{seId}/scripts") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public long submitScripts(@PathParam("seId") String seId, List<Script> scripts) { MDC.put("flow", "submission"); // ß Setting diagnostic context MDC.put("se", seId); return METRICS.instrument(() -> { // ß Instrumenting with metrics //...
  • 33. Code. Blocking. Submission 2 10 October 2016 33 log.debug("Processing {} scripts submission", scripts.size(), seId); for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { ß Cycle through the scripts final Script script = scripts.get(i); log.debug("Encrypting {} script", i); final String encryptedPayload = secureModuleClient .encrypt(seId, script.getPayload()); ß Encrypting the script script.setPayload(encryptedPayload); log.debug("Storing encrypted script {}", i); scriptStorageClient.storeScript(seId, script); ß Saving the script into DB } long numberOfScripts = scriptStorageClient.numberOfScriptsForSe(seId); ß Getting current number of scripts in DB log.debug("Request processed", seId); return numberOfScripts;
  • 34. Code. Non-blocking. Submission 1 10 October 2016 34 @POST @Path("/{seId}/scripts") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public void submitScripts( @PathParam("seId") String seId, List<Script> scripts, @Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse ) { final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext = new DiagnosticContext("submission", seId); ß Creating diagnostic context METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> { ß Instrumenting with metrics
  • 35. Code. Non-blocking. Submission 1 10 October 2016 35 @POST @Path("/{seId}/scripts") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public void submitScripts( @PathParam("seId") String seId, List<Script> scripts, @Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse ) { final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext = new DiagnosticContext("submission", seId); ß Creating diagnostic context METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> { ß Instrumenting with metrics
  • 36. Code. Non-blocking. Submission 2 10 October 2016 36 METRICS.instrumentStage(() -> { log.debug( "{} Processing {} scripts submission", diagnosticContext, scripts.size()); return encryptAndStoreAllScripts(diagnosticContext, seId, scripts) .thenCompose( ignore -> scriptStorageClient.numberOfScriptsForSe(seId) ); }) .whenComplete((numberOfScripts, e) -> { if (e != null) { asyncResponse.resume(e); } else { log.debug("{} Request processed", diagnosticContext); asyncResponse.resume(numberOfScripts); } });
  • 37. Code. Non-blocking. Submission 3 10 October 2016 37 private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreAllScripts( final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext, final String seId, final List<Script> scripts ) { CompletionStage<Void> stage = null; // <- non final field, potential // concurrent access bug! for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { ß Cycle through the scripts final int scriptIndex = i; final Script script = scripts.get(scriptIndex); if (stage == null) { stage = encryptAndStoreSingleScript( diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script); } else { stage = stage.thenCompose(ignore -> encryptAndStoreSingleScript( diagnosticContext, seId, scriptIndex, script)); } } return stage; }
  • 38. Code. Non-blocking. Submission 4 10 October 2016 38 private CompletionStage<Void> encryptAndStoreSingleScript( final DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext, final String seId, final int scriptIndex, final Script script ) { log.debug("{} Encrypting script {}", diagnosticContext, scriptIndex); return secureModuleClient .encrypt(seId, script.getPayload()) ß Encrypting the script .thenCompose( encryptedPayload -> { log.debug( "{} Storing encrypted script {}", diagnosticContext, scriptIndex); return scriptStorageClient.storeScript( ß Saving the script into seId, the DB new Script(encryptedPayload)); } ); }
  • 39. Code. Blocking. Integration 10 October 2016 39 private final JedisPool pool; public void storeScript(String seId, Script script) { try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) { jedis.rpush(seId, script.getPayload()); } } public long numberOfScriptsForSe(String seId) { try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) { return jedis.llen(seId); } } public Optional<Script> nextScript(String seId) { try (Jedis jedis = pool.getResource()) { return Optional.ofNullable(jedis.lpop(seId)).map(Script::new); } } public String encrypt(String keyDiversifier, String payload) { // ... }
  • 40. Code. Non-Blocking. Integration 10 October 2016 40 private final RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands; public CompletionStage<Void> storeScript(String seId, Script script) { return commands .rpush(seId, script.getPayload()) .thenApply(ignore -> null); } public CompletionStage<Long> numberOfScriptsForSe(String seId) { return commands.llen(seId); } public CompletionStage<Optional<String>> nextScript(String seId) { return commands.lpop(seId).thenApply(Optional::ofNullable); } public CompletionStage<String> encrypt(String keyDiversifier, String payload) { // ... }
  • 41. Diagnostics in non-blocking systems No clear stack traces, need for good logs Name your threads properly MDC becomes useless (thread locals) Explicitly pass debug context to trace flows Be prepared for debuging non-obvious errors
  • 43. Lessons learned, part 1 Vanila Java 8 for NIO µ-services Netty best for custom protocols in NIO Unit tests should be synchronous Load/stress testing is a must Make bulkheading and plan your resources
  • 44. Lessons learned, part 2 Functional programming patterns for readability Immutability as 1-st class citizen Scala may be good choice ;-)
  • 46. Thank you. Michał Baliński Oleksandr Goldobin goldobin @goldobin balonus @MichalBalinski Readings: • • C10k Problem, C10M Problem, Asynchronous I/O • Boost application performance using asynchronous I/O (M. Tim Jones, 2006) • Zuul 2 : The Netflix Journey to Asynchronous, Non-Blocking Systems (Netflix, 2016) • Thousands of Threads and Blocking I/O: The Old Way to Write Java Servers Is New Again (and Way Better) (Paul Tyma, 2008) • Why Non-Blocking? (Bozhidar Bozhanov, 2011)