sugar ethanol sugar industry sugarcane india biodiesel biofuels pollution sugar mills food ebp emissions blending oxygenate railways automotive 2g fuel psychology roads and highways supply chain andhra pradesh cogeneration aviation fuel anhydrous ethanol biofuel rejuvenation battery energy sustainability environment public renewable energy e vehicles particulates decarbonisation e rickshaw automobiles diesel energycane trade import hydrocarbons vessels airways genset refinery world health organisation junk food anxiety stress frosting's tooth paste sweeteners mouthwash yogurt fruits reporting country journalists safety mtbe alcohol etbe ap smart cities gender health children death suicide disaster management cyclone transport travel urban mercury hospitals healthcare fire safety public health nuclear power economic development states composite safet labour farmer function roleplaying police call of duty marketing sale breeding dogs options bifurcation srikrishna committee sorughum butanol paper mills bagasse halal religion muslims marketing strategy brand fish feed formulations bamboo nursery enzymes stem plants roots growth regulators ethnol decontrol logistics biomass bio monomores
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