oauth web security iam http security it-security authentication openid connect identity and access management hypertext transfer protocol rest web service authorization saml representational state transfer soa json pki ws-trust sts oidc identity management api xml claims-based identity management soap web api web tls trust user-centric identity cardspace identity 2.0 ws-federation wtls wmlscrypt wim wpki jwt ssl ace wsfed kerberos claims-based identity ua4c internet-of-things iot google sso security cloud computing uma user-managed access scim cloud identity- and access management composite applications mashups non-repudiation digital signature persistent transient wap cryptography x.509 ca ra identity federation xacml jax-ws wsit openid federation health care web services electronic case records ehealth id-wsf pkcs#7/11 x509v3 wap security ssl/tls pkix presence instant messaging real-time-communications corporate network information security
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