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A Framework for improving the effectiveness of
the Openness in OER Repositories and Open
Educational Datasets!
From OER to Open OER Data!
Open Education Global Conference 2015, !
Banff, Alberta, Canada from 22-24 April, 2015!
Nelson Piedra, Janneth Chicaiza, Jorge López!
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador!
{nopiedra, jachicaiza, jalopez2}!
Edmundo Tovar Caro (presenter)!
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid!!
•  OER Practices: A case in Engineering Education!
•  Open data and Open knowledge!
•  OER data requirements!
•  Conclusions!
1. OER Practices: A case
in Engineering Education!
•  It is widely recognized that re-use of educational
resources by both individuals and organizations may
have significant creative and economic benefit for
educational environment. !
•  One major barrier on the way to a sustainable open
educational environment based on open educational
resources is an appropriate global - scale
interoperable and integrated approach ecosystem. !
•  Goal: Contribute to improvement the discovery and re-
use of OER!
This special issue will focus on innovative experiences using OCW/OER to
demonstrate the theory and practice of electrical and computer engineering,
presenting both scientific and educational studies using OER-based novel
educational research techniques such as Social Web, Semantic Web, Linked
Data, and the like that are within the scope of interest of the IEEE Transactions
on Education.!
The target audience will be educators and researchers across the field of
electrical and computer engineering, as well as practitioners wanting an insight
into the future of OCW and the overall OER value chain.!
Relevant practices in
Enginering Education!
•  Production of open content!
•  Reuse of contents!
•  Institutional open web site initiatives!
•  Technological applications!
Generating OER by
Recording Lectures!
•  Experience of recording lectures and generating
the corresponding videos under an institutional
policy of the University, that makes all teaching
material generated by its teachers freely available.!
•  Records are made available through the
Institutional Learning Management System.!
Experimental Architecture Design of
a Series of Aerospace Control
Course !
The VLAB OER Experience!
•  The first two papers in this issue pay special
attention to the production of experiments and the
skills they engender. Although in both cases the
material produced is accessible only to the
students enrolled in each course, thus losing the
original “open” characteristic!
•  it is a step forward to create awareness among
faculty, students, and policy-makers of the
importance of creating open content and the need
for institutional policies on OER.!
OER Approach for Specific
Student Groups in Hardware-!
Based Courses!
2. Open data and
open knowledge!
Open Data and Open
Content in the Context of
Open Educational Initiatives!
Although, the OER itself has been described as early as 2001,
detailed reusable insight into the relationship between OER
offers and OER re-utilization has remained scarce. !
The primary permissions or usage rights
open content is expressed in the !
“5Rs Framework”!
Source: David Wiley, 5, 2014, CC-BY
1 Retain - the right to make, own, and control copies of the content (e.g.,
download, duplicate, store, and manage)
2 Reuse - the right to use the content in a wide range of ways (e.g., in a class, in
a study group, on a website, in a video)
3 Revise - the right to adapt, adjust, modify, or alter the content itself (e.g.,
translate the content into another language)
4 Remix - the right to combine the original or revised content with other open
content to create something new (e.g., incorporate the content into a mashup)
5 Redistribute - the right to share copies of the original content, your revisions,
or your remixes with others (e.g., give a copy of the content to a friend)
Legal Requirements and
Restrictions Make Open
Educational Content Less Open,
Interoperable and Integrable! sets out
principles that define “openness” in
relation to data and content
Poor Technical Choices!
Make Open Educational Content
Less Open, Interoperable and
Integrable! sets out
principles that define “openness” in
relation to data and content
definition sets out
principles that define “openness” in
relation to data and content
ensures interoperability
and integration between
different pools of OERs
and other open materials
“Open means anyone can freely access, use, modify, and
share for any purpose (subject, at most, to requirements that
preserve provenance and openness).”!
Open knowledge means OER and data can be
freely used, reused, remixed, adapted and
redistributed by anyone.!
search social media
offers and content
Public Domain
Open Educational
Resources Providers

OER Applications
Our approach (GICAC Group): to contribute to the
improvement of discovery and re-use of OER!
Also take the Metadata into account!
Towards OER-Open Metadata …as an
essential precondition for open, flexible
delivery of OER materials and services”.!
3. OER data
OER Data Requirements!
•  The following topics could be identified & described on
the basis of a requirement analysis to implement Open
Data on OER Repositories: !
•  (a) completeness, (b) primary, (c) timeliness, (d) ease of
access to digital resources and metadata, (e) metadata
documented, (f) metadata in standard and machine
readability formats, (f) universal participation, (g) formats
non-proprietaries, (i) ensures interoperability between
different collections of OER using open licenses both a
human-readable description and computer-readable
metadata, and (j) persistence.!
•  The repositories, resources and datasets released
by OER Initiatives should be as complete as
possible, reflecting the entirety of what is shared
about a particular subject. !
•  Metadata that defines and explains the raw data
should be included as well, along with practices and
explanations for how derived data are calculated.
Doing so we will permit users to understand the
scope of information available and examine each
OER at the greatest possible level of detail.!
Unlocking knowledge!
Public Domain
Open Educational
Resources Providers

Educational Resources!
Metadata Document!
Scattered or Closed Metadata: OER
providers should organize the scattered
Metadata in structured repositories,
catalogues or libraries and provide open
access to the collected OERs.!
Where are the metadata for this course?!
Open Metadata for Humans & Open Re- useable Metadata: Public
administrations should provide services to query, browse and export their
Metadata in a machine-readable and preferably non-proprietary format
(e.g. CSV, XML).!
Data Open Education Consortium

This is experimental Open Data API to Courses that are currently tracked by
OpenCourseWare Consortium.
Scattered or Closed Metadata: OER providers
should organize the scattered Metadata in
structured repositories,catalogues or libraries
and provide open access to the collected OERs.!
All raw information from a repository or a specific
OER should be released to the public. !
•  Repositories released by the OER initiatives should
be primary source digital resources and data, with
the highest possible level of granularity and
detailed way that is practicable. !
original information that describe the OER details on:!
i. how the digital resource was created!
ii. how it can be used, modified or adapted for others to build
their own materials.!
•  Both, digital resource released by an OER Initiative,
and their metadata should be available to the
teachers, students, and self-learning’s in a timely
•  If OER creator adds the OER dataset to a catalog,
such as the Data Hub, creator should make sure
that he indicates the license under which the
dataset is available within that catalog. !
D."Ease of access to digital
resources and metadata.!
•  The repositories and resources released by OER Initiatives
should be as accessible as possible in convenient,
modifiable, and open formats that can be retrieved, re-
used, re-mixed, adapted, downloaded, indexed, and
•  An aspect of this is "findability," which is the ability to easily
locate and download content (digital resources and
E."Metadata documented!
•  Because the purpose of OER is reuse, user needs
that resources and metadata be as well
documented and standardized as possible. What
those terms mean depends very much upon the
data and potential uses. This challenge is often
framed in terms of properly identifying what to
collect, or perhaps as a challenge in filtering the
great mass of content from which one must
carefully select. !
Where are the metadata
document of the course?!
Metadata Ignorance: OER providers should become aware of the
importance of Metadata in OER repositories and resources and the need
for coherent relevant management policies.!
◦ There are a number of ways you can add documentation to your
Embedded documentation
Information about a OER or repository can be included within the
data or document itself. For digital data sets, this means that the
documentation can sit in separate files (for example text files) or be
integrated into the data file(s), as a header or at specified locations
in the file.
◦ Supporting documentation
This is information in separate files that accompanies data in order
to provide context, explanation, or instructions on confidentiality and
data use or reuse. Examples
◦ Catalogue metadata
This is structured information which can be used to identify and
locate the data that meet the user's requirements via a web
navigator or web based catalogue. Examples of catalogue data are:
Title; Description; Abstract; Creator; Geographic location; Keywords
F."Metadata in Standard and
Machine readability Formats !
•  Formats of open-OER-data should be machine-readable (i.e, data are
reasonably structured to allow automated processing). Metadata
should be in standard formats to ease processing, for pattern
recognition, mining, integration, interoperability, simulation,
longitudinal studies, and so forth.!
OER Interoperability
Open Standard and Open Licensing
Semantic web and linked data technologies
OER providers should consider applying
linked metadata policies, including use of
RDF to document their Metadata, persistent
design, use and maintenance of URIs, linking
to external vocabularies/schemata, harmonize
their resources to third parties resources etc. !
Ontologies to improve collaboration and
Global discovery of library resources!
•  RDA Ontology!
•  Dublin Core Ontology!
•  Bibliographic Ontology (BIBO)!
•  Citation (CITO)!
•  Vivo Core Ontology (VIVO)!
•  Provenance Ontology (PROV-O)!
•  FRBR!
•  Holding Ontology!
•  LOCWD & LOERD (Linked OER
Data vocabularies)!
G. Universal Participation!
•  Everyone (teachers, students, self-learners), must
be able to use, reuse and redistribute — there
should be no discrimination against fields of
endeavor or against persons or groups. !
H."Formats non-proprietaries!
•  Open OER Data do not discriminate against any
person or group of persons and should be made
available to the widest range of users for the widest
range of purposes, often by providing the data in
multiple formats for consumption. !
•  To the extent permitted by law, these formats
should be non-proprietary, publicly available, and
no restrictions should be placed upon their use. !
I."Open Licenses!
•  Ensures interoperability between different
collections of OER using open licenses both a
human-readable description and computer-
readable metadata. !
•  The human-readable descriptions and marks that
creator should use are spelled out on the Creative
Commons and Open Data Commons websites: (a)
Creative Commons license chooser; (b) Open Data
Commons licenses!!
•  OER creator should indicate the license for content or data that
make available using both a human-readable description and
computer-readable metadata. !
•  According to the above Open Definition, there
are only two kinds of restrictions that an open
license can place: (a) That users must give
attribution to the source of the content or data.
(b) That users must publish any derived content
or data under the same license (this is called
<— “free”: human-readable description
Is this enough?!
machine-readable metadata insufficient!!
<— “free”: human-readable description !
Appropriate license images
Creating, using and
displaying license metadata!
<a rel="license" href="">!
<img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width: 0" src="creativecommons.png"/></a>!
<br/>This work is licensed under a !
<a rel="license" href="">!
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence</a>.!
<html xmlns:dc=""!
<h1 property="dc:title">History as commemoration</h1>!
<h2 property="dc:creator dc:contributor">The Open University</h2>!
<p property="dc:description">!
Commemoration - remembering and marking your past - makes an !
important contribution to our sense of community. Written texts, !
memorials, letters and photographs can all serve to commemorate !
events, people and values we wise to remember from our past.!
<p>Available languages: <span property="dc:language" content="en-gb">!
English (Great Britain)</span></p>!
<p>Subjects: <span property="dc:subject">Arts and History</span></p>!
<p>Licensed under a !
<a href="" rel="license">!
Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence</a>. !
Original copyright <a href="" rel="dc:publisher">The Open University</a>.!
Attribute use to <a href="" rel="cc:attributionURL" !
property="cc:attributionName">The Open University</a>.</p>!
RDFa (including rel="license")
Note that including rel="license" marks the link as the license for crawlers and other software.
Embedding RDF in your OER pages
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" href="Your RDF url here"/>!
RDF in an external file
<rdf:RDF xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" !
<Work rdf:about="">!
<dc:contributor>The Open University</dc:contributor>!
<dc:creator>The Open University</dc:creator>!
<dc:description>Commemoration - remembering and marking your past - makes an important contribution to
our sense of community. Written texts, memorials, letters and photographs can all serve to commemorate events,
people and values we wise to remember from our past.</dc:description>!
<dc:publisher>The Open University</dc:publisher>!
<dc:rights>Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence - see - Original copyright The Open University</dc:rights>!
<dc:subject>Arts and History</dc:subject>!
<dc:title>History as commemoration</dc:title>!
Recommendations from!
J. Persistence!
•  When OER is made available on the Web, it is
important for the integrity of the Web, and the
society based upon it, that the digital resources,
metadata and specially the URIs used to reference
information be used well into the future, and that the
information persist as identified.!
a. Page not found!
b. OER page have been updated!!
The OER initiative will ensure that persistent resources continue to be available
throughout the life of the organization. Where a persistent resource is modified, a
change history will be archived though the archive will not necessarily be
available publicly.!
c. OER page is no longer available!!
The intent is reduce the failure of links due to
uncoordinated management or inadequate
commitment to information persistence,
and to provide a stable reference base of
information about Open Educational
Resources as a service to the community.!
d. OER page URI could not be stable!
4. Conclusions!
No more silo in
Elena Berriolo, Drawing for The Silo, 2010; courtesy Raphael Rubinstein"
•  We have put forward different criteria for improving the
openness of OER collections available in the Web.!
•  It’s still needed an extension about the Openess concept
discussion in all the educational community!
•  Linked Open Data is considered as one of the most
effective alternatives for creating global shared information
spaces, it has become an interesting approach for
discovering and enriching open educational resources
data, as well as achieving semantic interoperability and
re-use between multiple OER repositories.!

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So You Have Been Asked To Use OER Resources!
OER workshop
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OER workshop

Mais de Open Education Consortium

Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices for teac...
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Impact of OER on Cost and Quality of Course Materials in Postgraduate Distanc...
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OER-based Degree Pathways: Emerging Trends and Lessons Learned at U.S. Commun...
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The power of open information in open learning curriculum development
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Openness for visibility: The ROER4D Curation and Dissemination strategy
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Change the world through OERs (we’re not kidding)! Inclusive design, accessib...
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Change the world through OERs (we’re not kidding)! Inclusive design, accessib...Open Education Consortium
Developing a Community of Practice for Open Education with the Community Coll...
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Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...
Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...
Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...Open Education Consortium
The Constraints of Policy: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Open Education Po...
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The Constraints of Policy: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Open Education Po...Open Education Consortium
Access and Affordability in US Higher Education: A Social Justice Perspective...
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The OER World Map: Adolescence of a Community Platform for the OER Movement
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SDG4 + OER: Working Together to Mainstream Open Education
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A public OER initiative as driver for educational innovation
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A public OER initiative as driver for educational innovationOpen Education Consortium
Open for Good: Tales of Building Open Synergies
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Open for Good: Tales of Building Open SynergiesOpen Education Consortium
Creating an OER Unit: Lessons and Successes over the first 2.5 years
Creating an OER Unit: Lessons and Successes over the first 2.5 yearsCreating an OER Unit: Lessons and Successes over the first 2.5 years
Creating an OER Unit: Lessons and Successes over the first 2.5 yearsOpen Education Consortium
Open or closed learning environments? The topography of HE practitioners lear...
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Open or closed learning environments? The topography of HE practitioners lear...Open Education Consortium

Mais de Open Education Consortium (20)

Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices for teac...
Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices for teac...Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices for teac...
Openness and praxis: Exploring the use of open educational practices for teac...
Impact of OER on Cost and Quality of Course Materials in Postgraduate Distanc...
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Impact of OER on Cost and Quality of Course Materials in Postgraduate Distanc...
Institutionalizing Open Education Practices
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Institutionalizing Open Education Practices
OER-based Degree Pathways: Emerging Trends and Lessons Learned at U.S. Commun...
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OER-based Degree Pathways: Emerging Trends and Lessons Learned at U.S. Commun...
The power of open information in open learning curriculum development
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The power of open information in open learning curriculum development
Openness for visibility: The ROER4D Curation and Dissemination strategy
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Openness for visibility: The ROER4D Curation and Dissemination strategy
Year of Open & Open Education Week
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Change the world through OERs (we’re not kidding)! Inclusive design, accessib...
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Change the world through OERs (we’re not kidding)! Inclusive design, accessib...
Developing a Community of Practice for Open Education with the Community Coll...
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Developing a Community of Practice for Open Education with the Community Coll...
Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...
Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...
Towards ethical open practices at a University of Technology during times of ...
The Constraints of Policy: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Open Education Po...
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The Constraints of Policy: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Open Education Po...
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Access and Affordability in US Higher Education: A Social Justice Perspective...
The OER World Map: Adolescence of a Community Platform for the OER Movement
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SDG4 + OER: Working Together to Mainstream Open Education
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Online learning, offline
Online learning, offlineOnline learning, offline
Online learning, offline
A public OER initiative as driver for educational innovation
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A public OER initiative as driver for educational innovation
Open for Good: Tales of Building Open Synergies
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Open for Good: Tales of Building Open Synergies
Creating an OER Unit: Lessons and Successes over the first 2.5 years
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Creating an OER Unit: Lessons and Successes over the first 2.5 years
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Open or closed learning environments? The topography of HE practitioners lear...
OER Peer Learning Web-Based Application
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OER Peer Learning Web-Based Application


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A Framework for improving the effectiveness of the Openness in OER Repositories and Open Educational Datasets!

  • 1. A Framework for improving the effectiveness of the Openness in OER Repositories and Open Educational Datasets! From OER to Open OER Data! Open Education Global Conference 2015, ! Banff, Alberta, Canada from 22-24 April, 2015! ! Nelson Piedra, Janneth Chicaiza, Jorge López! Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador! {nopiedra, jachicaiza, jalopez2}! ! Edmundo Tovar Caro (presenter)! Universidad Politécnica de Madrid!!
  • 2. Agenda! •  OER Practices: A case in Engineering Education! •  Open data and Open knowledge! •  OER data requirements! •  Conclusions!
  • 3. 1. OER Practices: A case in Engineering Education! !
  • 4. Motivation! •  It is widely recognized that re-use of educational resources by both individuals and organizations may have significant creative and economic benefit for educational environment. ! •  One major barrier on the way to a sustainable open educational environment based on open educational resources is an appropriate global - scale interoperable and integrated approach ecosystem. ! •  Goal: Contribute to improvement the discovery and re- use of OER!
  • 5. This special issue will focus on innovative experiences using OCW/OER to demonstrate the theory and practice of electrical and computer engineering, presenting both scientific and educational studies using OER-based novel educational research techniques such as Social Web, Semantic Web, Linked Data, and the like that are within the scope of interest of the IEEE Transactions on Education.! The target audience will be educators and researchers across the field of electrical and computer engineering, as well as practitioners wanting an insight into the future of OCW and the overall OER value chain.!
  • 6. Relevant practices in Enginering Education! •  Production of open content! •  Reuse of contents! •  Institutional open web site initiatives! •  Technological applications!
  • 7. Generating OER by Recording Lectures! •  Experience of recording lectures and generating the corresponding videos under an institutional policy of the University, that makes all teaching material generated by its teachers freely available.! •  Records are made available through the Institutional Learning Management System.!
  • 8. Experimental Architecture Design of a Series of Aerospace Control Course !
  • 9. The VLAB OER Experience!
  • 10. •  The first two papers in this issue pay special attention to the production of experiments and the skills they engender. Although in both cases the material produced is accessible only to the students enrolled in each course, thus losing the original “open” characteristic! •  it is a step forward to create awareness among faculty, students, and policy-makers of the importance of creating open content and the need for institutional policies on OER.!
  • 11. OER Approach for Specific Student Groups in Hardware-! Based Courses!
  • 12. 2. Open data and open knowledge!
  • 13. Open Data and Open Content in the Context of Open Educational Initiatives! Although, the OER itself has been described as early as 2001, detailed reusable insight into the relationship between OER offers and OER re-utilization has remained scarce. !
  • 14. The primary permissions or usage rights open content is expressed in the ! “5Rs Framework”! Source: David Wiley, 5, 2014, CC-BY 1 Retain - the right to make, own, and control copies of the content (e.g., download, duplicate, store, and manage) 2 Reuse - the right to use the content in a wide range of ways (e.g., in a class, in a study group, on a website, in a video) 3 Revise - the right to adapt, adjust, modify, or alter the content itself (e.g., translate the content into another language) 4 Remix - the right to combine the original or revised content with other open content to create something new (e.g., incorporate the content into a mashup) 5 Redistribute - the right to share copies of the original content, your revisions, or your remixes with others (e.g., give a copy of the content to a friend)
  • 15. Legal Requirements and Restrictions Make Open Educational Content Less Open, Interoperable and Integrable! sets out principles that define “openness” in relation to data and content
  • 16. Poor Technical Choices! Make Open Educational Content Less Open, Interoperable and Integrable! sets out principles that define “openness” in relation to data and content
  • 17. Open definition sets out principles that define “openness” in relation to data and content ensures interoperability and integration between different pools of OERs and other open materials “Open means anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share for any purpose (subject, at most, to requirements that preserve provenance and openness).”! Open knowledge means OER and data can be freely used, reused, remixed, adapted and redistributed by anyone.!
  • 18. InteroperabilityLayer! basedonLinkedOERData! search social media activity Personalized offers and content Location Data Visualization Public Domain Open Educational Resources Providers API OER Applications Our approach (GICAC Group): to contribute to the improvement of discovery and re-use of OER!
  • 19. Also take the Metadata into account! Towards OER-Open Metadata …as an essential precondition for open, flexible delivery of OER materials and services”.!
  • 21. OER Data Requirements! •  The following topics could be identified & described on the basis of a requirement analysis to implement Open Data on OER Repositories: ! •  (a) completeness, (b) primary, (c) timeliness, (d) ease of access to digital resources and metadata, (e) metadata documented, (f) metadata in standard and machine readability formats, (f) universal participation, (g) formats non-proprietaries, (i) ensures interoperability between different collections of OER using open licenses both a human-readable description and computer-readable metadata, and (j) persistence.!
  • 22. A."Completeness! •  The repositories, resources and datasets released by OER Initiatives should be as complete as possible, reflecting the entirety of what is shared about a particular subject. ! •  Metadata that defines and explains the raw data should be included as well, along with practices and explanations for how derived data are calculated. Doing so we will permit users to understand the scope of information available and examine each OER at the greatest possible level of detail.!
  • 23. Unlocking knowledge! Public Domain Open Educational Resources Providers API Metadata! Educational Resources! Metadata Document! +! +! Scattered or Closed Metadata: OER providers should organize the scattered Metadata in structured repositories, catalogues or libraries and provide open access to the collected OERs.!
  • 24. Where are the metadata for this course?! ! Open Metadata for Humans & Open Re- useable Metadata: Public administrations should provide services to query, browse and export their Metadata in a machine-readable and preferably non-proprietary format (e.g. CSV, XML).!
  • 25. Data Open Education Consortium This is experimental Open Data API to Courses that are currently tracked by OpenCourseWare Consortium. Scattered or Closed Metadata: OER providers should organize the scattered Metadata in structured repositories,catalogues or libraries and provide open access to the collected OERs.! All raw information from a repository or a specific OER should be released to the public. !
  • 26. B."Primary! •  Repositories released by the OER initiatives should be primary source digital resources and data, with the highest possible level of granularity and detailed way that is practicable. ! original information that describe the OER details on:! ! ! ! ! ! ! i. how the digital resource was created! ii. how it can be used, modified or adapted for others to build their own materials.!
  • 27. C."Timeliness! •  Both, digital resource released by an OER Initiative, and their metadata should be available to the teachers, students, and self-learning’s in a timely fashion.! •  If OER creator adds the OER dataset to a catalog, such as the Data Hub, creator should make sure that he indicates the license under which the dataset is available within that catalog. !
  • 28. D."Ease of access to digital resources and metadata.! •  The repositories and resources released by OER Initiatives should be as accessible as possible in convenient, modifiable, and open formats that can be retrieved, re- used, re-mixed, adapted, downloaded, indexed, and searched.! •  An aspect of this is "findability," which is the ability to easily locate and download content (digital resources and metadata).!
  • 29. E."Metadata documented! •  Because the purpose of OER is reuse, user needs that resources and metadata be as well documented and standardized as possible. What those terms mean depends very much upon the data and potential uses. This challenge is often framed in terms of properly identifying what to collect, or perhaps as a challenge in filtering the great mass of content from which one must carefully select. !
  • 30. Where are the metadata document of the course?! Metadata Ignorance: OER providers should become aware of the importance of Metadata in OER repositories and resources and the need for coherent relevant management policies.! ◦ There are a number of ways you can add documentation to your data: Embedded documentation Information about a OER or repository can be included within the data or document itself. For digital data sets, this means that the documentation can sit in separate files (for example text files) or be integrated into the data file(s), as a header or at specified locations in the file. ◦ Supporting documentation This is information in separate files that accompanies data in order to provide context, explanation, or instructions on confidentiality and data use or reuse. Examples ◦ Catalogue metadata This is structured information which can be used to identify and locate the data that meet the user's requirements via a web navigator or web based catalogue. Examples of catalogue data are: Title; Description; Abstract; Creator; Geographic location; Keywords
  • 31. F."Metadata in Standard and Machine readability Formats ! •  Formats of open-OER-data should be machine-readable (i.e, data are reasonably structured to allow automated processing). Metadata should be in standard formats to ease processing, for pattern recognition, mining, integration, interoperability, simulation, longitudinal studies, and so forth.! OER Interoperability Open Standard and Open Licensing =! Semantic web and linked data technologies +!
  • 32. OER providers should consider applying linked metadata policies, including use of RDF to document their Metadata, persistent design, use and maintenance of URIs, linking to external vocabularies/schemata, harmonize their resources to third parties resources etc. !
  • 33. Ontologies to improve collaboration and Global discovery of library resources! •  RDA Ontology! •  Dublin Core Ontology! •  Bibliographic Ontology (BIBO)! •  Citation (CITO)! •  Vivo Core Ontology (VIVO)! •  Provenance Ontology (PROV-O)! •  MODS/MADS! •  FRBR! •  Holding Ontology! •  LOCWD & LOERD (Linked OER Data vocabularies)!
  • 34. G. Universal Participation! •  Everyone (teachers, students, self-learners), must be able to use, reuse and redistribute — there should be no discrimination against fields of endeavor or against persons or groups. !
  • 35. H."Formats non-proprietaries! •  Open OER Data do not discriminate against any person or group of persons and should be made available to the widest range of users for the widest range of purposes, often by providing the data in multiple formats for consumption. ! •  To the extent permitted by law, these formats should be non-proprietary, publicly available, and no restrictions should be placed upon their use. !
  • 36. I."Open Licenses! •  Ensures interoperability between different collections of OER using open licenses both a human-readable description and computer- readable metadata. ! •  The human-readable descriptions and marks that creator should use are spelled out on the Creative Commons and Open Data Commons websites: (a) Creative Commons license chooser; (b) Open Data Commons licenses!
  • 37.! •  OER creator should indicate the license for content or data that make available using both a human-readable description and computer-readable metadata. ! •  According to the above Open Definition, there are only two kinds of restrictions that an open license can place: (a) That users must give attribution to the source of the content or data. (b) That users must publish any derived content or data under the same license (this is called share-alike)! <— “free”: human-readable description Is this enough?! machine-readable metadata insufficient!! <— “free”: human-readable description !
  • 38. Appropriate license images from!!
  • 39. Creating, using and displaying license metadata! <a rel="license" href="">! <img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width: 0" src="creativecommons.png"/></a>! <br/>This work is licensed under a ! <a rel="license" href="">! Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence</a>.! <html xmlns:dc=""! xmlns:cc="">! <body>! <h1 property="dc:title">History as commemoration</h1>! <h2 property="dc:creator dc:contributor">The Open University</h2>! ! <p property="dc:description">! Commemoration - remembering and marking your past - makes an ! important contribution to our sense of community. Written texts, ! memorials, letters and photographs can all serve to commemorate ! events, people and values we wise to remember from our past.! </p>! ! <p>Available languages: <span property="dc:language" content="en-gb">! English (Great Britain)</span></p>! <p>Subjects: <span property="dc:subject">Arts and History</span></p>! <p>Licensed under a ! <a href="" rel="license">! Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence</a>. ! Original copyright <a href="" rel="dc:publisher">The Open University</a>.! Attribute use to <a href="" rel="cc:attributionURL" ! property="cc:attributionName">The Open University</a>.</p>! </body>! </html>! RDFa (including rel="license") Note that including rel="license" marks the link as the license for crawlers and other software. Embedding RDF in your OER pages <link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" href="Your RDF url here"/>! RDF in an external file <rdf:RDF xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" ! xmlns:rdf="">! <Work rdf:about="">! <dc:contributor>The Open University</dc:contributor>! <dc:creator>The Open University</dc:creator>! <dc:date>2008-01-23T09:09:21Z</dc:date>! <dc:description>Commemoration - remembering and marking your past - makes an important contribution to our sense of community. Written texts, memorials, letters and photographs can all serve to commemorate events, people and values we wise to remember from our past.</dc:description>! <dc:format>text/html</dc:format>! ! <dc:language>en-gb</dc:language>! <dc:publisher>The Open University</dc:publisher>! <dc:rights>Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Licence - see - Original copyright The Open University</dc:rights>! <dc:subject>Arts and History</dc:subject>! <dc:title>History as commemoration</dc:title>! <dc:type>Course</dc:type>! ! </Work>! Recommendations from!
  • 40. J. Persistence! •  When OER is made available on the Web, it is important for the integrity of the Web, and the society based upon it, that the digital resources, metadata and specially the URIs used to reference information be used well into the future, and that the information persist as identified.!
  • 42. b. OER page have been updated!
  • 43.! The OER initiative will ensure that persistent resources continue to be available throughout the life of the organization. Where a persistent resource is modified, a change history will be archived though the archive will not necessarily be available publicly.! c. OER page is no longer available!
  • 44.! The intent is reduce the failure of links due to uncoordinated management or inadequate commitment to information persistence, and to provide a stable reference base of information about Open Educational Resources as a service to the community.! d. OER page URI could not be stable!
  • 46. No more silo in OER Repositories! Elena Berriolo, Drawing for The Silo, 2010; courtesy Raphael Rubinstein"
  • 47. Conclusions! •  We have put forward different criteria for improving the openness of OER collections available in the Web.! •  It’s still needed an extension about the Openess concept discussion in all the educational community! •  Linked Open Data is considered as one of the most effective alternatives for creating global shared information spaces, it has become an interesting approach for discovering and enriching open educational resources data, as well as achieving semantic interoperability and re-use between multiple OER repositories.!
  • 48. Thanks!! Edmundo  Tovar     Nelson  Piedra