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June 1, 2022
Project 2.8
Noreen Whysel
Decision Fish LLP and Internet Safety Labs
User Experience Research
Deriving Insights for Customer Development
➔ Customer Development - Lean Startup Model
➔ Customer Validation - Lean Startup and Traditional Models
➔ User Stories, Personas and Jobs To Be Done
➔ Measuring the Customer Experience
Designing Websites since 1997
...and Internet spaces since 1991
Internet Safety Labs, Dir. Validation Research
Decision Fish, Founder
Kantara Initiative, FIRE WG, UX Expert
IA Institute, Operations Manager 2005-2014
PWC, Website Operations Manager 1997-2002
Price Waterhouse, Research Assoc. 1991-1997
City Tech, Adjunct Lecturer, since Fall 2019
General Assembly, UXDI Instructor, Fall 2019
NYCDA, UX Instructor, Spring and Fall 2018
About Me
Customer Development Model
➔ Turning the Business Model Canvas Into Facts
Customer Dvelopment Model
Source: Steve Blank. Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win.
Elements of Lean Startup
Part 1: Business Model Canvas
Part 2: Customer Development
Part 3: Agile Development
The Scientific Method
Source: Wikimedia Commons. File: The Scientific Method.jpg
What have others done?
Source: Wikimedia Commons. File: The Scientific Method.jpg
Start with the Problem
Now we can test it
The Scientific Method
The Lean Startup Method
Gather Data
Source: Wikimedia Commons. File: The Scientific Method.jpg
Has anyone even done it?
What Problem?
The Lean Startup Method
Source: Lean Impact. Quick and Dirty: The Minimum Viable Product Campaign.
The Lean Startup Method
Source: Lean Impact. Quick and Dirty: The Minimum Viable Product Campaign.
So, where does
UX fit?
User Experience
➔ UX Research and Insights can also help turn the Business Model Canvas Into Facts
Source: Garrett, J.J. Elements of User Experience. Web.
Double Diamond
Source: British Design Council, 2005. CC4.0
Define the Problem
● What problem are we trying to solve?
● Who are we solving the problem for?
● Who are the stakeholders?
● Who can help us define the problem?
Define the problem
Define the Problem
● What problem are we trying to solve?
● Who are we solving the problem for?
● Who are the stakeholders?
● Who can help us define the problem?
Define the problem
Make a Hypothesis
Just like in Lean you may not know what
the actual problem is until you research
and test it with your customers
Rather than jumping into straight into a design, first we ask:
How Might We…?
● How: suggests we don’t have an answer yet
● Might: recognizes that there are many different solutions
● We: Suggests that the solution lies in collaboration
Source: Interaction Design Foundation. How Might We?
The Hypothesis: How Might We?
Hypothesis (what we think the problem is):
Teenage girls need… to eat nutritious food…
in order to thrive and grow in a healthy way.
● How Might We make healthy eating appealing to young females?
● How Might We inspire teenage girls towards healthier eating options?
● How Might We make healthy eating something, which teenage girls aspire
● How Might We make nutritious food more affordable?
Source: Interaction Design Foundation. How Might We?
The Hypothesis: How Might We?
Why Do UX Research
To better understand
● Needs
● Desires
● Goals
● Expectations
● Motivations
● Behaviors
Of both Users and Stakeholders
● Research is needed to establish facts, reach new conclusions
● It will help you understand your target audience and their needs
● Which will help you identify the requirements of the product/project
● UX Research requires Observed User Behavior
○ UX designer must know how to Listen and Observe
○ Observation gives you insight into what a user is saying and doing
What UX Research Does
Customer Validation
Business Model Canvas
Can we do it?
Can we afford it?
If we build it will they come?
Business Model Canvas
Feasibility Usability
Business Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas
Customer Validation
➔ Start with your Value Proposition
➔ How does your understanding of customer needs and desires mesh with
the Value Proposition?
➔ What questions can you ask potential customers to validate your
◆ How are they Solving the Problem
◆ What are their Pain Points
➔ Get Out of the Building and Ask
Empathy Map Canvas
➔ Who are we empathizing with?
➔ What do they need to Do?
➔ What do they See?
➔ What do they Say?
➔ What do they Do?
➔ What do they Hear?
➔ What do they Think and Feel?
Download the Empathy Map at
Empathy Map Exercise
● Each group uses Post-It notes to “Brain Dump” for every section of the Empathy
Map canvas (we will use Miro)
● Each group refine and fill out a single canvas
○ Think about your customers’ Goals
● Rapid fire group share
○ Company Rep
■ Share questions you plan to ask, openers, etc.
■ Where do you plan to look for people to talk to?
Miro Board:
What Can You Learn From Your Interviews?
● Things the User Said
○ Vocabulary: How they talk about it
○ Sentiment: Words that signal frustration, joy
● Observed User Behavior
○ Nonverbal cues
■ Body language
■ Facial expression
■ Exclamations, grunts, sighs
This information paints a picture of who the user is and what they need to do.
Analyze the Data
➔ Map it: Arrange data into physical/digital format that allows for easy
scanning, moving, grouping at the elemental level
◆ Index cards or post-it notes
◆ Affinity/cluster mapping, empathy mapping
➔ Establish common themes
◆ Observed and stated needs
◆ Pain points
➔ Derive insights/meaning
Themes and Obstacles: What to Look For
Common Themes: Are there thoughts, ideas or comments that keep coming up?
Pain Points: What is behind your users’ deepest frustrations? What will
motivate them to look for a solution?
Obstacles: What keeps people from finding a solution that works for them?
Cost? Access? Language?
Quotes: Was there something one of your participants said that ties their
concerns together? These help focus your team on helping real people.
“I wouldn’t be able to live without my cell phone.”
“Why can’t I just fill out a form and be done?”
➔ Now that you have done the research, has anything changed?
➔ Look at your Empathy Map assumptions and note what you learned?
What insights did you gather?
➔ How should your Business Model Canvas change?
◆ Revise your Problem Statement
◆ Revise your Value Proposition
◆ Revise your Customer Segments
◆ Revise your Channels
◆ Look for new Partners and a Resources to serve this new customer
User Stories, Personas, JTBD
Draw a Clear Picture
➔ Personas/Jobs to Be Done
➔ User scenarios and User Stories
➔ Customer Journey Map
When we know who our users are, what they are trying to do and what
they tried and failed to do before, we can address these pain points and
deliver a positive user experience.
What is a Persona?
A persona is a detailed picture of a type of product user.
It is not an average.
It represents a real person as best as your team can. Give them a name!
It allows your team to focus on a real person’s goals and pain points and
keeps the users needs in mind at all times.
You probably need more than one persona, especially for products with two
sided markets or multiple user scenarios (Microsoft Word).
Anatomy of a Persona
Relevant skills and experience
Other contextual info
Demographic information
Personas Will Help You...
Understand the user’s needs, desires, expectations, motivations, behavior,
● Focus your design on the user, not you.
○ Your ideas, expectations, hypotheses are validated through
○ The persona is the outcome of this validation.
● Prioritize your decisions
● Eliminate unnecessary features
● Empathize: the user becomes concrete rather than abstract
Personas Are a Communication Tool
● Help others understand the user’s needs, desires, expectations,
motivations, behavior, etc.
○ Stakeholders
○ Developers
○ Marketers
○ Funders
● Moves teams from generalizations to specifics
● Helps prioritize design decisions
“Personas that don’t help make decisions are a waste.” —Jared Spool
A Persona is a Process
● A Process, not a Person
● Used as a document while designing
● Can evolve as you learn more about your target users
● Will inform your user scenarios and customer journey
Jobs To Be Done (JTBD)
Jobs To Be Done
JTBD is task-based. It focuses on what the user needs to do rather than on
who they are. It is a good method for exploring a new problem or feature.
When I ________________, (situation)
I want to ________________, (motivation)
So I can ________________. (expected outcome)
Jobs To Be Done - Car Sharing Service
When I go out on the weekend,
I want to impress my friends,
So I can look like I made it.
(expected outcome)
Jobs To Be Done - Car Sharing Service
When I go out on the weekend,
I want to impress my friends,
So I can look like I made it.
(expected outcome)
is a nicer car
When I go to Coney Island,
I want save money on travel,
So I can spend more at Luna Park.
(expected outcome)
UBER X Take the Train
Jobs To Be Done - Car Sharing Service
When I go out on the weekend,
I want to impress my friends,
So I can look like I made it.
(expected outcome)
(nicer car)
When I go to Coney Island,
I want save money on travel,
So I can spend more at Luna Park.
(expected outcome)
UBER X Take the Train
Personas vs JTBD
● Looks and feels like a real person.
● Keeps real, human needs in mind.
● Can change to reflect new research.
● Not all designs require a specific “type”
of person.
● May not reflect the changing needs of a
user as they use your product.
Jobs To Be Done
● Recognizes that people have different
needs depending on their situation.
● Focuses on motivation. Why do they need
your product?
● The user is reduced to a role, so they may
not seem seem real or empathetic.
● Task-based roles may not reflect the full
experience with your app.
User Scenarios
User Scenarios/User Stories
Maria wanted to connect with her friend Alice who she heard wasn’t feeling
well and had to leave school for the day.
She tried texting, but Alice didn’t answer.
Since they are friends on Facebook and she knew her mom was also on
Facebook, she sent her mom a Friend request. When her mom accepted, she
sent her a message asking about Alice.
Her mom wrote back that she is at the hospital on an IV but alert and kind of
bored. She messaged Maria the address and visiting hours.
User Stories Provide Context
Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit
Hero’s Journey
1. Exposition: The Current State of Things. What does your customer want?
2. Inciting Problem: The Pain Points. What is is about making decisions that
is difficult or annoying?
3. Rising Action: The Search: How does the customer find your product?
4. Crisis: The Competition. What else is out there and why isn’t is sufficient?
5. Climax: The Value. What does your product do that other products don’t?
6. Resolution: The Takeaway. What does the customer think, feel or envision
after discovering your product?
7. End: The Goal. What can the customer do now that they couldn’t do
User Stories - Concept Story
Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit
● Big picture
● Product positioning
What does your product
mean to your customer?
User Stories - Origin/Onboarding Story
Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit
● Product discovery
● First Use
How do your customers find your
What is their first experience with
your product like?
User Stories - Usage Story
Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit
● Product features
● Problems solved
● Delight
What makes them come back and
keep using it?
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
What is the Exposition?
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have
a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m
not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint
has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values.
I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
What is the Inciting Action?
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint
has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values.
I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
Inciting Action
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
What is the Rising Action?
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
Rising Action
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
What is the Crisis?
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to tryout Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
What is the Climax?
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am
going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
What is the Resolution?
Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try it out and see it it works for me.
Class Exercise: Building the User Story
I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a
pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not
sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has
tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I
saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people
create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going
to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me.
What happens at The End?
Exercise: Building the User Story
Customer Journey Map
What is a Customer Journey Map?
A Customer Journey Map (aka User Journey Mapping) is a visual representation that
shows an experience your customers have with your product/service.
It tells the story of a customer's experience with your brand from initial engagement
into a long-term relationship (e.g. brand awareness to purchasing to receiving
post-sale service) and is based on research with current and/or prospective users.
Journey mapping can also help visualize how customers experience a specific feature
of your product or service, and how they feel along the way.
Source: Visual Paradigm
User Journeys
A User Journey outlines the
problem or need, emotion and
touchpoints as a user
completes a task.
UX101: Complete Guide to Building Data-Driven User Journeys. Web.
Customer Journey Map
Scope: One Persona and One Goal or Task
1. Set the Stage: Review the Persona
2. Build the Customer Back-Story:
a. Why does your customer need your product
b. How do they hear about it?
3. Map what the customer Thinks and Feels: use your Empathy Map
4. Map the Pain Points: Where does the user hit a roadblock or feel frustrated?
5. Chart a Sentiment Line: at each point is the customer happy, sad, indifferent?
6. Add Touchpoints (addition to Atlassian journey mapping play)
7. Analyze the Big Picture: What can you learn from your customer journey?
Source: Atlassian Playbook
Journey Map: Review the Persona
Source: NYU Libraries
Journey Map: Build the Back Story
Source: NYU Libraries
I’m having trouble
keeping track of
my resources.
My books are so
heavy. Can’t the
library have extra
I could use help
figuring out how
to keep my
devices charged
Journey Map: Map the Feelings
All these
sources. I’m so
Carrying heavy
books in a backpack
on a bike make me
so TIRED. Will I be
able to stay awake
to study?
It makes me
ANGRY. Is it so hard
to have these basic
things available?
I HOPE I can find
the resources I
But she is
determined to find
help and get her
research done
She can’t find
basic things she
needs to study and
is feeling angry
Jessie is tired from
riding to school
with heavy books
Journey Map: Map the Pain Points
Activity Biking to Library
Beginning to
Can’t find an outlet
Uses iPad app to
book a private
The room has
everything she
Jessie can relax
now and feels more
confident because
she has everything
she needs.
Jessie uses your
tool to find a room
with outlets and a
computer with a
research guide for
all her disciplines.
But she is
determined to find
help and get her
research done
She can’t find
basic things she
needs to study and
is feeling angry
Jessie is tired from
riding to school
with heavy books
Jessie can relax
now and feels more
confident because
she has everything
she needs.
Jessie uses your
tool to find a room
with outlets and a
computer with a
research guide for
all her disciplines.
Journey Map: Analyze your Map
Feeling Tired Determined Frustrated Hopeful Satisfied
Activity Biking to Library
Beginning to
Can’t find an outlet
Uses iPad app to
book a private
The room has
everything she
But she is
determined to find
help and get her
research done
She can’t find basic
things she needs to
study and is feeling
Jessie is tired from
riding to school with
heavy books
Jessie can relax
now and feels more
confident because
she has everything
she needs.
Jessie uses your
tool to find a room
with outlets and a
computer with a
research guide for
all her disciplines.
Feeling Tired Determined Frustrated Hopeful Satisfied
Activity Biking to Library
Beginning to
Can’t find an outlet
Uses iPad app to
book a private room
The room has
everything she needs
Jessie is a P/T
graduate student
who commutes to
school on her bike.
Analyze the Opportunities
● Where are the areas of greatest confusion/frustration?
● Where is the journey falling short of expectations?
● Are there any new un-met needs that have come up for the user type?
● Are there areas in the process being needlessly complicated or
duplicated? Are there lots of emails being sent that aren’t actually
● Then, discuss areas of opportunity to improve the experience.
● Finally, prototype and test features and functions that improve the user
UX Research Methods
Behavioral: What they do
Attitudinal: What they think
Quantitative: Objective, measurable
Qualitative: Subjective, narrative
Source: NNGroup, When to Use
Which UX Research Methods
Reflection: What Did You Learn?
➔ How do these activities support your business?
➔ What opportunities do you see?
➔ What challenges do you see?
➔ How would you plan for the challenges?
➔ What actionable steps can you take?
Evaluate your new Customer Insights:
Steve Blank. The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win.
Dave Gray. Empathy Map Canvas.
Atlassian Playbook
The Nielsen-Norman Group.
Interactive Design Foundation.
Keep Learning!
Thank You!
Noreen Whysel
@nwhysel on Twitter

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User Experience Research: Deriving Insights for Customer Development

  • 1. June 1, 2022 Project 2.8 Noreen Whysel Decision Fish LLP and Internet Safety Labs User Experience Research Deriving Insights for Customer Development
  • 2. Agenda ➔ Customer Development - Lean Startup Model ➔ Customer Validation - Lean Startup and Traditional Models ➔ User Stories, Personas and Jobs To Be Done ➔ Measuring the Customer Experience
  • 3. Designing Websites since 1997 ...and Internet spaces since 1991 Current: Internet Safety Labs, Dir. Validation Research Decision Fish, Founder Kantara Initiative, FIRE WG, UX Expert Past: IA Institute, Operations Manager 2005-2014 PWC, Website Operations Manager 1997-2002 Price Waterhouse, Research Assoc. 1991-1997 Teaching: City Tech, Adjunct Lecturer, since Fall 2019 General Assembly, UXDI Instructor, Fall 2019 NYCDA, UX Instructor, Spring and Fall 2018 About Me
  • 4. Customer Development Model ➔ Turning the Business Model Canvas Into Facts Customer Dvelopment Model
  • 5. Source: Steve Blank. Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win. Elements of Lean Startup Part 1: Business Model Canvas Part 2: Customer Development Part 3: Agile Development
  • 6. The Scientific Method Source: Wikimedia Commons. File: The Scientific Method.jpg
  • 7. What have others done? Source: Wikimedia Commons. File: The Scientific Method.jpg Start with the Problem Now we can test it The Scientific Method
  • 8. The Lean Startup Method Gather Data Source: Wikimedia Commons. File: The Scientific Method.jpg Has anyone even done it? What Problem?
  • 9. The Lean Startup Method Source: Lean Impact. Quick and Dirty: The Minimum Viable Product Campaign.
  • 10. The Lean Startup Method Source: Lean Impact. Quick and Dirty: The Minimum Viable Product Campaign. So, where does UX fit?
  • 11. User Experience ➔ UX Research and Insights can also help turn the Business Model Canvas Into Facts
  • 12. Source: Garrett, J.J. Elements of User Experience. Web.
  • 13. Double Diamond Source: British Design Council, 2005. CC4.0
  • 14. Define the Problem ● What problem are we trying to solve? ● Who are we solving the problem for? ● Who are the stakeholders? ● Who can help us define the problem? Define the problem
  • 15. Define the Problem ● What problem are we trying to solve? ● Who are we solving the problem for? ● Who are the stakeholders? ● Who can help us define the problem? Define the problem Make a Hypothesis Just like in Lean you may not know what the actual problem is until you research and test it with your customers
  • 16. Rather than jumping into straight into a design, first we ask: How Might We…? ● How: suggests we don’t have an answer yet ● Might: recognizes that there are many different solutions ● We: Suggests that the solution lies in collaboration Source: Interaction Design Foundation. How Might We? The Hypothesis: How Might We?
  • 17. Hypothesis (what we think the problem is): Teenage girls need… to eat nutritious food… in order to thrive and grow in a healthy way. ● How Might We make healthy eating appealing to young females? ● How Might We inspire teenage girls towards healthier eating options? ● How Might We make healthy eating something, which teenage girls aspire towards? ● How Might We make nutritious food more affordable? Source: Interaction Design Foundation. How Might We? The Hypothesis: How Might We?
  • 18. Why Do UX Research To better understand ● Needs ● Desires ● Goals ● Expectations ● Motivations ● Behaviors Of both Users and Stakeholders
  • 19. ● Research is needed to establish facts, reach new conclusions ● It will help you understand your target audience and their needs ● Which will help you identify the requirements of the product/project ● UX Research requires Observed User Behavior ○ UX designer must know how to Listen and Observe ○ Observation gives you insight into what a user is saying and doing What UX Research Does
  • 22. Feasibility Can we do it? Viability Can we afford it? Usability If we build it will they come? Business Model Canvas
  • 25. Customer Validation ➔ Start with your Value Proposition ➔ How does your understanding of customer needs and desires mesh with the Value Proposition? ➔ What questions can you ask potential customers to validate your market? ◆ How are they Solving the Problem ◆ What are their Pain Points ➔ Get Out of the Building and Ask
  • 26. Empathy Map Canvas ➔ Who are we empathizing with? ➔ What do they need to Do? ➔ What do they See? ➔ What do they Say? ➔ What do they Do? ➔ What do they Hear? ➔ What do they Think and Feel? Download the Empathy Map at
  • 28. Empathy Map Exercise ● Each group uses Post-It notes to “Brain Dump” for every section of the Empathy Map canvas (we will use Miro) ● Each group refine and fill out a single canvas ○ Think about your customers’ Goals ● Rapid fire group share ○ Company Rep ■ Share questions you plan to ask, openers, etc. ■ Where do you plan to look for people to talk to? Miro Board:
  • 29. What Can You Learn From Your Interviews? ● Things the User Said ○ Vocabulary: How they talk about it ○ Sentiment: Words that signal frustration, joy ● Observed User Behavior ○ Nonverbal cues ■ Body language ■ Facial expression ■ Exclamations, grunts, sighs This information paints a picture of who the user is and what they need to do.
  • 30. Analyze the Data ➔ Map it: Arrange data into physical/digital format that allows for easy scanning, moving, grouping at the elemental level ◆ Index cards or post-it notes ◆ Affinity/cluster mapping, empathy mapping ➔ Establish common themes ◆ Observed and stated needs ◆ Pain points ➔ Derive insights/meaning
  • 31. Themes and Obstacles: What to Look For Common Themes: Are there thoughts, ideas or comments that keep coming up? Pain Points: What is behind your users’ deepest frustrations? What will motivate them to look for a solution? Obstacles: What keeps people from finding a solution that works for them? Cost? Access? Language? Quotes: Was there something one of your participants said that ties their concerns together? These help focus your team on helping real people. “I wouldn’t be able to live without my cell phone.” “Why can’t I just fill out a form and be done?”
  • 32. Insights ➔ Now that you have done the research, has anything changed? ➔ Look at your Empathy Map assumptions and note what you learned? What insights did you gather? ➔ How should your Business Model Canvas change? ◆ Revise your Problem Statement ◆ Revise your Value Proposition ◆ Revise your Customer Segments ◆ Revise your Channels ◆ Look for new Partners and a Resources to serve this new customer vision
  • 34. Draw a Clear Picture ➔ Personas/Jobs to Be Done ➔ User scenarios and User Stories ➔ Customer Journey Map When we know who our users are, what they are trying to do and what they tried and failed to do before, we can address these pain points and deliver a positive user experience.
  • 36. What is a Persona? A persona is a detailed picture of a type of product user. It is not an average. It represents a real person as best as your team can. Give them a name! It allows your team to focus on a real person’s goals and pain points and keeps the users needs in mind at all times. You probably need more than one persona, especially for products with two sided markets or multiple user scenarios (Microsoft Word).
  • 37. Anatomy of a Persona Name Photo Goals Frustrations Relevant skills and experience Other contextual info Demographic information Quote
  • 38. Personas Will Help You... Understand the user’s needs, desires, expectations, motivations, behavior, etc. ● Focus your design on the user, not you. ○ Your ideas, expectations, hypotheses are validated through research ○ The persona is the outcome of this validation. ● Prioritize your decisions ● Eliminate unnecessary features ● Empathize: the user becomes concrete rather than abstract
  • 39. Personas Are a Communication Tool ● Help others understand the user’s needs, desires, expectations, motivations, behavior, etc. ○ Stakeholders ○ Developers ○ Marketers ○ Funders ● Moves teams from generalizations to specifics ● Helps prioritize design decisions “Personas that don’t help make decisions are a waste.” —Jared Spool
  • 40. A Persona is a Process ● A Process, not a Person ● Used as a document while designing ● Can evolve as you learn more about your target users ● Will inform your user scenarios and customer journey
  • 41. Jobs To Be Done (JTBD)
  • 42. Jobs To Be Done JTBD is task-based. It focuses on what the user needs to do rather than on who they are. It is a good method for exploring a new problem or feature. When I ________________, (situation) I want to ________________, (motivation) So I can ________________. (expected outcome)
  • 43. Jobs To Be Done - Car Sharing Service When I go out on the weekend, (situation) I want to impress my friends, (motivation) So I can look like I made it. (expected outcome) UBER X UBER Black
  • 44. Jobs To Be Done - Car Sharing Service When I go out on the weekend, (situation) I want to impress my friends, (motivation) So I can look like I made it. (expected outcome) UBER X UBER Black is a nicer car When I go to Coney Island, (situation) I want save money on travel, (motivation) So I can spend more at Luna Park. (expected outcome) UBER X Take the Train
  • 45. Jobs To Be Done - Car Sharing Service When I go out on the weekend, (situation) I want to impress my friends, (motivation) So I can look like I made it. (expected outcome) UBER X UBER Black (nicer car) When I go to Coney Island, (situation) I want save money on travel, (motivation) So I can spend more at Luna Park. (expected outcome) UBER X Take the Train (cheaper)
  • 46. Personas vs JTBD Personas PROS: ● Looks and feels like a real person. ● Keeps real, human needs in mind. ● Can change to reflect new research. CONS: ● Not all designs require a specific “type” of person. ● May not reflect the changing needs of a user as they use your product. Jobs To Be Done PROS: ● Recognizes that people have different needs depending on their situation. ● Focuses on motivation. Why do they need your product? CONS: ● The user is reduced to a role, so they may not seem seem real or empathetic. ● Task-based roles may not reflect the full experience with your app.
  • 48. User Scenarios/User Stories Maria wanted to connect with her friend Alice who she heard wasn’t feeling well and had to leave school for the day. She tried texting, but Alice didn’t answer. Since they are friends on Facebook and she knew her mom was also on Facebook, she sent her mom a Friend request. When her mom accepted, she sent her a message asking about Alice. Her mom wrote back that she is at the hospital on an IV but alert and kind of bored. She messaged Maria the address and visiting hours.
  • 49. User Stories Provide Context Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit
  • 50. Hero’s Journey 1. Exposition: The Current State of Things. What does your customer want? 2. Inciting Problem: The Pain Points. What is is about making decisions that is difficult or annoying? 3. Rising Action: The Search: How does the customer find your product? 4. Crisis: The Competition. What else is out there and why isn’t is sufficient? 5. Climax: The Value. What does your product do that other products don’t? 6. Resolution: The Takeaway. What does the customer think, feel or envision after discovering your product? 7. End: The Goal. What can the customer do now that they couldn’t do before?
  • 51. User Stories - Concept Story Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit ● Big picture ● Product positioning What does your product mean to your customer?
  • 52. User Stories - Origin/Onboarding Story Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit ● Product discovery ● First Use How do your customers find your product? What is their first experience with your product like?
  • 53. User Stories - Usage Story Source: Dona Lichaw, Storymapping Toolkit ● Product features ● Problems solved ● Delight What makes them come back and keep using it?
  • 54. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. What is the Exposition?
  • 55. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. Exposition
  • 56. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. What is the Inciting Action?
  • 57. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. Inciting Action
  • 58. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. What is the Rising Action?
  • 59. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. Rising Action
  • 60. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. What is the Crisis?
  • 61. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to tryout Decision Fish and see it it works for me. Crisis
  • 62. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. What is the Climax?
  • 63. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. Climax
  • 64. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. What is the Resolution?
  • 65. Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try it out and see it it works for me. Resolution
  • 66. Class Exercise: Building the User Story I have been entering my purchases into Mint for a few years now and have a pretty good feeling for my current assets and monthly budget. But I’m not sure I am on track to retire comfortably. I searched the App Store. Mint has tools for future planning but they fall short on understanding my values. I saw an ad for a new product called Decision Fish. It seems to help people create that vision for a happy future, based on what I value most. I am going to try out Decision Fish and see it it works for me. What happens at The End?
  • 67. Exercise: Building the User Story THE END
  • 69. What is a Customer Journey Map? A Customer Journey Map (aka User Journey Mapping) is a visual representation that shows an experience your customers have with your product/service. It tells the story of a customer's experience with your brand from initial engagement into a long-term relationship (e.g. brand awareness to purchasing to receiving post-sale service) and is based on research with current and/or prospective users. Journey mapping can also help visualize how customers experience a specific feature of your product or service, and how they feel along the way. Source: Visual Paradigm mapping/
  • 70. User Journeys A User Journey outlines the problem or need, emotion and touchpoints as a user completes a task. UX101: Complete Guide to Building Data-Driven User Journeys. Web.
  • 71. Customer Journey Map Scope: One Persona and One Goal or Task 1. Set the Stage: Review the Persona 2. Build the Customer Back-Story: a. Why does your customer need your product b. How do they hear about it? 3. Map what the customer Thinks and Feels: use your Empathy Map 4. Map the Pain Points: Where does the user hit a roadblock or feel frustrated? 5. Chart a Sentiment Line: at each point is the customer happy, sad, indifferent? 6. Add Touchpoints (addition to Atlassian journey mapping play) 7. Analyze the Big Picture: What can you learn from your customer journey? Source: Atlassian Playbook
  • 72. Journey Map: Review the Persona Source: NYU Libraries
  • 73. Journey Map: Build the Back Story Source: NYU Libraries I’m having trouble keeping track of my resources. My books are so heavy. Can’t the library have extra copies? I could use help figuring out how to keep my devices charged
  • 74. Journey Map: Map the Feelings All these disconnected sources. I’m so CONFUSED! Carrying heavy books in a backpack on a bike make me so TIRED. Will I be able to stay awake to study? It makes me ANGRY. Is it so hard to have these basic things available? I HOPE I can find the resources I need.
  • 75. But she is determined to find help and get her research done She can’t find basic things she needs to study and is feeling angry Jessie is tired from riding to school with heavy books Journey Map: Map the Pain Points Activity Biking to Library Beginning to Research Can’t find an outlet Uses iPad app to book a private room The room has everything she needs Jessie can relax now and feels more confident because she has everything she needs. Jessie uses your tool to find a room with outlets and a computer with a research guide for all her disciplines.
  • 76. But she is determined to find help and get her research done She can’t find basic things she needs to study and is feeling angry Jessie is tired from riding to school with heavy books Jessie can relax now and feels more confident because she has everything she needs. Jessie uses your tool to find a room with outlets and a computer with a research guide for all her disciplines. Journey Map: Analyze your Map Feeling Tired Determined Frustrated Hopeful Satisfied Activity Biking to Library Beginning to Research Can’t find an outlet Uses iPad app to book a private room The room has everything she needs
  • 77. But she is determined to find help and get her research done She can’t find basic things she needs to study and is feeling angry Jessie is tired from riding to school with heavy books Jessie can relax now and feels more confident because she has everything she needs. Jessie uses your tool to find a room with outlets and a computer with a research guide for all her disciplines. Feeling Touchpoints Feeling Tired Determined Frustrated Hopeful Satisfied Activity Biking to Library Beginning to Research Can’t find an outlet Uses iPad app to book a private room The room has everything she needs Jessie is a P/T graduate student who commutes to school on her bike.
  • 78. Analyze the Opportunities ● Where are the areas of greatest confusion/frustration? ● Where is the journey falling short of expectations? ● Are there any new un-met needs that have come up for the user type? ● Are there areas in the process being needlessly complicated or duplicated? Are there lots of emails being sent that aren’t actually useful? ● Then, discuss areas of opportunity to improve the experience. ● Finally, prototype and test features and functions that improve the user experience.
  • 79. UX Research Methods Behavioral: What they do Attitudinal: What they think Quantitative: Objective, measurable Qualitative: Subjective, narrative Source: NNGroup, When to Use Which UX Research Methods hich-ux-research-methods/
  • 81. Reflection: What Did You Learn? ➔ How do these activities support your business? ➔ What opportunities do you see? ➔ What challenges do you see? ➔ How would you plan for the challenges? ➔ What actionable steps can you take? Evaluate your new Customer Insights:
  • 82. Steve Blank. The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win. Dave Gray. Empathy Map Canvas. a; Atlassian Playbook The Nielsen-Norman Group. Interactive Design Foundation. Keep Learning!