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Presented by
Asher Snyder
co-founder of
Latest PostgreSQL version 9.0.1
What is PostgreSQL?
• Completely Open Source Database System
– Started in 1995
– Open source project
– Not owned by any one company
– Controlled by the community
– Can’t be bought (Looking at you ORACLE)
– Object-relational database management system?
• RDBMS with object-oriented database model
– That’s right, it’s not just an RDMBS
– You can create your own objects
– You can inherit
• Fully ACID compliant
– Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. Guarantees that
database transactions are processed reliably.
• ANSI SQL compliant
Notable Features
• Transactions
• Functions (Stored procedures)
• Rules
• Views
• Triggers
• Inheritance
• Custom Types
• Referential Integrity
• Array Data Types
• Schemas
• Hot Standby (as of 9.0)
• Streaming Replication (as of 9.0)
• Excellent Personal Support!
– Vibrant Community
• Active Mailing List
• Active IRC - #postgres on
– Absolutely amazing
• Complete, Extensive and Detailed Documentation
• Regular and frequent releases and updates
– Public Roadmap
• Support for older builds
– Currently support and release updates to builds as
old as 5 years
• Numerous Shared Hosts
– Such as A2hosting (
• Numerous GUI Administration Tools
– pgAdmin (
– php pgAdmin
– Notable commercial tools
• Navicat (
• EMS (
– Many many more
• Despite what you’ve heard
Postgres is NOT hard to install
$ apt-get install postgresql
On Ubuntu or Debian:
$ emerge postgresql
On Gentoo:
$ adduser postgres
mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
su - postgres
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
Manual Installation:
Installation (cont)
• Regardless of what installation method
you choose. Make sure to modify
postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf
configuration files if you want to allow
outside access.
host all all md5
pg_hba.conf - Controls which hosts are allowed to connect
Allows for connection from any outside connection with md5 verification
# - Connection Settings
listen_addresses = '*' # IP address to listen on
#listen_addresses = 'localhost' # default
postgresql.conf - PostgreSQL configuration file
Allows PostgreSQL to listen on any address
Getting Started
$ /etc/init.d/postgresql start
pg_hba.conf - Controls which hosts are allowed to connect
$ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
alternatively, you can start it manually
Start from distro
Creating Your Database
$ psql
Launch psql
Create your first PostgreSQL database
c first_db
Connect to your newly created database
Tables - Creating
"user_id" SERIAL,
"email" TEXT,
"firstname" TEXT,
"lastname" TEXT,
"password" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY("user_id")
• What’s a SERIAL?
– Short for INTEGER NOT NULL with default value of
• Similar to AUTO_INCREMENT property of other databases.
Tables - Inserting
INSERT INTO users (email, firstname, lastname, password)
VALUES ('', 'Asher', 'Snyder', 'Pass');
We can explicitly define each field and the value associated with it.
This will set user_id to the default value.
'John', 'Doe', 'OtherPass');
Alternatively, we can not specify the column names and insert
based on the column order, using DEFAULT for the user_id.
SELECT * FROM users;
Lets see the results
user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password
1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass
2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass
CREATE VIEW v_get_all_users AS
SELECT * FROM users;
• Views allow you store a query for easy retrieval later.
– Query a view as if it were a table
– Allows you to name your query
– Use views as types
– Abstract & encapsulate table structure changes
• Allows for easier modification & extension of your database
Create basic view
Query the view
SELECT * FROM v_get_all_users;
user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password
1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass
2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass
Views (cont)
ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN "time_created"
Alter Table
Now, if we were to query the table we would see a timestamp showing us when
the user was created.
SELECT * FROM users;
As you can see, this is not very useful for humans. This is where a view can
come in to make your life easier.
user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password | time_created
1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936
2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936
Views (cont)
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_get_all_users
SELECT user_id,
to_char(time_created, 'FMMonth
FROM users;
Alter View
Views (cont)
Now, when we query the view we can actually interpret time_created
SELECT * FROM v_get_all_users;
user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password | time_created
1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936
2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass | 2010-10-27 15:20:05.235936
| friendly_time
October 27th, 2010 2:30:07 PM
October 27th, 2010 3:20:05 PM
Views (cont) – Joined View
Finally, lets create a joined view
CREATE TABLE companies (
"company_id" SERIAL,
"company_name" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY("company_id")
Create companies table
Add company
Add company_id to users
UPDATE users SET company_id = 1;
Update users
Views (cont) – Joined View
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_get_all_users
SELECT user_id,
to_char(time_created, 'FMMonth FMDDth, YYYY
FMHH12:MI:SS AM') as friendly_time,
FROM users t1
LEFT JOIN companies t2 ON (t1.company_id =
Alter view
Views (cont)
SELECT * FROM v_get_all_users;
user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password | time_created
1 | | Ash | Snyder | SomePass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936
2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass | 2010-10-27 15:20:05.235936
| friendly_time | company_id | company_name
October 27th, 2010 2:30:07 PM | 1 | NOLOH LLC.
October 27th, 2010 3:20:05 PM | 1 | NOLOH LLC.
Query view
Nice! Now instead of having to modify a query each time we can just use
v_get_all_users. We can even use this VIEW as a return type when
creating your own database functions.
• Also known as Stored Procedures
• Allows you to carry out operations that would normally
take several queries and round-trips in a single function
within the database
• Allows database re-use as other applications can interact
directly with your stored procedures instead of a middle-
tier or duplicating code
• Can be used in other functions
• First class citizens
– Query functions like tables
– Create functions in language of your choice
• SQL, PL/pgSQL, C, Python, etc.
– Allowed to modify tables and perform multiple operations
– Defaults
– In/Out parameters
Functions (cont)
CREATE FUNCTION f_add_company(p_name TEXT) RETURNS
INSERT INTO companies (company_name) VALUES ($1)
RETURNING company_id;
Create basic function
Call f_add_company
(1 row)
SELECT f_add_company('Google');
Functions (cont) – Syntax Explained
• Return type
– In this case we used INTEGER
• Can be anything you like including your views and own custom types
– Can even return an ARRAY of types, such as INTEGER[]
• Do not confusing this with returning a SET of types.
• Returning multiple rows of a particular types is done
through RETURN SETOF. For example, RETURN SETOF
• $func$ is our delimiter separating the function body. It
can be any string you like. For example $body$ instead of
• $1 refers to parameter corresponding to that number. We
can also use the parameter name instead. In our example
this would be 'p_name'.
Functions (cont) – PL/pgSQL
• If you’re using PostgreSQL < 9.0 make
sure you add PL/pgSQL support
HANDLER "plpgsql_call_handler"
VALIDATOR "plpgsql_validator";
Functions (cont) – PL/pgSQL
return_var INTEGER;
SELECT INTO return_var company_id FROM companies WHERE
lower(company_name) = lower($1);
INSERT INTO companies (company_name) VALUES ($1) RETURNING
company_id INTO return_var;
RETURN return_var;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Functions (cont)
Call f_add_company
(1 row)
SELECT f_add_company('Zend');
Call f_add_company with repeated entry
(1 row)
SELECT f_add_company('Google');
• We can see that using functions in our database allows us
to integrate safeguards and business logic into our
functions allowing for increased modularity and re-use.
• Specifies a function to be called BEFORE or AFTER any
– Similar to an event handler (but clearly confined) in event
based programming
– BEFORE triggers fire before the data is actually inserted.
– AFTER triggers fire after the statement is executed and
data is inserted into the row
• Function takes NO parameters and returns type
• Most commonly used for logging or validation
• Can be defined on entire statement or a per-row basis
– Statement level triggers should always return NULL
• As of 9.0 can be specified for specific columns and
specific WHEN conditions
Triggers (cont)
"log_id" SERIAL,
"log" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY("log_id")
Create logs table
CREATE FUNCTION "tr_log_handler"()
RETURNS trigger AS
log_string TEXT;
log_string := 'User ' || OLD.user_id || ' changed ' || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
log_string := log_string || 'email changed from '
|| || ' to ' || || '. ';
IF NEW.firstname != OLD.firstname THEN
log_string := log_string || 'firstname changed from '
|| OLD.firstname || ' to ' || NEW.firstname || '. ';
IF NEW.lastname != OLD.lastname THEN
log_string := log_string || 'lastname changed from '
|| OLD.lastname || ' to ' || NEW.lastname || '. ';
INSERT INTO logs (log) VALUES (log_string);
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Create trigger handler
Triggers (cont)
EXECUTE PROCEDURE "tr_log_handler"();
Create trigger
log_id | log
1 | User 1 changed 2010-08-30 23:43:23.771347-04 firstname changed from Asher to Ash.
(1 row)
Update user
UPDATE users SET firstname = 'Ash' WHERE user_id = 1;
Display logs
Full-Text Search
Full-Text Search
• Allows documents to be preprocessed
• Search through text to find matches
• Sort matches based on relevance
– Apply weights to certain attributes to
increase/decrease relevance
• Faster than LIKE, ILIKE, and LIKE with regular
• Define your own dictionaries
– Define your own words, synonyms, phrase
relationships, word variations
Full-Text Search
• tsvector
– Vectorized text data
• tsquery
– Search predicate
• Converted to Normalized lexemes
– Ex. run, runs, ran and running are forms of the same lexeme
• @@
– Match operator
Full-Text Search (cont)
SELECT 'phpbarcelona 2010 is a great conference'::tsvector
@@ 'conference & great'::tsquery;
Match Test 1
SELECT 'phpbarcelona 2010 is a great conference'
@@ 'conference & bad'
Match Test 2
(1 row)
(1 row)
Full-Text Search (cont) – to_
SELECT to_tsvector('phpbarcelona 2010 is a great conference‘)
@@ plainto_tsquery('conference & great') ;
to_tsvector & plainto_tsquery
SELECT * FROM companies WHERE to_tsvector(company_name) @@
Search through tables
(1 row)
company_id | company_name
(0 rows)
Full-Text Search
• setweight
– Possible weights are A, B, C, D
• equivalent 1.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1 respectively
• ts_rank
– Normal ranking function
• ts_rank_cd
– uses the cover density method of ranking, as
specified in Clarke, Cormack, and Tudhope’s
“Relevance Ranking for One to Three Term
Queries” in the journal, “Information Processing
and Management”, 1999.
Full-Text Search (cont) - Ranking
SELECT case_id, file_name,
ts_rank_cd(setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(t1.file_name)), 'A') ||
setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(t1.contents)), 'B'), query) AS rank
FROM cases.cases t1, plainto_tsquery('copyright') query
WHERE to_tsvector(file_name || ' ' || contents) @@ query
setweight & ts_rank_cd
case_id | file_name | rank
101 | Harper & Row v Nation Enter 471 US 539.pdf | 84.8
113 | IN Re Literary Works Elec Databases 509 F3d 522.pdf | 76
215 | Lexmark Intl v Static Control 387 F3d 522.pdf | 75.2
283 | Feist Pubs v Rural Tel 499 US 340.pdf | 67.2
216 | Lucks Music Library v Ashcroft 321 F Supp 2d 107.pdf | 59.2
342 | Blue Nile v Ice 478 F Supp 2d 1240.pdf | 50.8
374 | Perfect 10 v Amazon 487 F3d 701.pdf | 43.6
85 | Pillsbury v Milky Way 215 USPQ 124.pdf | 43.6
197 | St Lukes Cataract v Sanderson 573 F3d 1186.pdf | 42
272 | Religious Technology v Netcom 907 F Supp 1361.pdf | 42
(10 rows)
Presented by
Asher Snyder
co-founder of

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Demystifying PostgreSQL

  • 1. Demystifying Presented by Asher Snyder @ashyboy co-founder of Latest PostgreSQL version 9.0.1
  • 2. What is PostgreSQL? • Completely Open Source Database System – Started in 1995 – Open source project – Not owned by any one company – Controlled by the community – Can’t be bought (Looking at you ORACLE) • ORDMBS – Object-relational database management system? • RDBMS with object-oriented database model – That’s right, it’s not just an RDMBS – You can create your own objects – You can inherit • Fully ACID compliant – Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. Guarantees that database transactions are processed reliably. • ANSI SQL compliant
  • 3. Notable Features • Transactions • Functions (Stored procedures) • Rules • Views • Triggers • Inheritance • Custom Types • Referential Integrity • Array Data Types • Schemas • Hot Standby (as of 9.0) • Streaming Replication (as of 9.0)
  • 4. Support • Excellent Personal Support! – Vibrant Community • Active Mailing List • Active IRC - #postgres on – Absolutely amazing • Complete, Extensive and Detailed Documentation – • Regular and frequent releases and updates – Public Roadmap • Support for older builds – Currently support and release updates to builds as old as 5 years
  • 5. Support • Numerous Shared Hosts – Such as A2hosting ( • Numerous GUI Administration Tools – pgAdmin ( – php pgAdmin ( – Notable commercial tools • Navicat ( • EMS ( – Many many more • PostgreSQL_GUI_Tools
  • 6. Installation • Despite what you’ve heard Postgres is NOT hard to install $ apt-get install postgresql On Ubuntu or Debian: $ emerge postgresql On Gentoo: $ adduser postgres mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data su - postgres /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data Manual Installation:
  • 7. Installation (cont) • Regardless of what installation method you choose. Make sure to modify postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf configuration files if you want to allow outside access. # TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR-ADDRESS METHOD host all all md5 pg_hba.conf - Controls which hosts are allowed to connect Allows for connection from any outside connection with md5 verification # - Connection Settings listen_addresses = '*' # IP address to listen on #listen_addresses = 'localhost' # default postgresql.conf - PostgreSQL configuration file Allows PostgreSQL to listen on any address
  • 8. Getting Started $ /etc/init.d/postgresql start pg_hba.conf - Controls which hosts are allowed to connect $ /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/pgsql/data alternatively, you can start it manually Start from distro
  • 9. Creating Your Database $ psql Launch psql CREATE DATABASE first_db; Create your first PostgreSQL database c first_db Connect to your newly created database
  • 11. Tables - Creating CREATE TABLE users ( "user_id" SERIAL, "email" TEXT, "firstname" TEXT, "lastname" TEXT, "password" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY("user_id") ); • What’s a SERIAL? – Short for INTEGER NOT NULL with default value of nextval('users_user_id_seq') • Similar to AUTO_INCREMENT property of other databases.
  • 12. Tables - Inserting INSERT INTO users (email, firstname, lastname, password) VALUES ('', 'Asher', 'Snyder', 'Pass'); We can explicitly define each field and the value associated with it. This will set user_id to the default value. INSERT INTO users VALUES (DEFAULT, '', 'John', 'Doe', 'OtherPass'); Alternatively, we can not specify the column names and insert based on the column order, using DEFAULT for the user_id. SELECT * FROM users; Lets see the results user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password --------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass 2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass
  • 14. Views CREATE VIEW v_get_all_users AS SELECT * FROM users; • Views allow you store a query for easy retrieval later. – Query a view as if it were a table – Allows you to name your query – Use views as types – Abstract & encapsulate table structure changes • Allows for easier modification & extension of your database Create basic view Query the view SELECT * FROM v_get_all_users; user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password --------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass 2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass
  • 15. Views (cont) ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN "time_created" TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE DEFAULT Alter Table Now, if we were to query the table we would see a timestamp showing us when the user was created. SELECT * FROM users; As you can see, this is not very useful for humans. This is where a view can come in to make your life easier. user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password | time_created --------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936 2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936
  • 16. Views (cont) CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_get_all_users AS SELECT user_id, email, firstname, lastname, password, time_created, to_char(time_created, 'FMMonth FMDDth, YYYY FMHH12:MI:SS AM') as friendly_time FROM users; Alter View
  • 17. Views (cont) Now, when we query the view we can actually interpret time_created SELECT * FROM v_get_all_users; user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password | time_created ---------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | | Ash | Snyder | Pass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936 2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass | 2010-10-27 15:20:05.235936 | friendly_time +------------------------------- October 27th, 2010 2:30:07 PM October 27th, 2010 3:20:05 PM
  • 18. Views (cont) – Joined View Finally, lets create a joined view CREATE TABLE companies ( "company_id" SERIAL, "company_name" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY("company_id") ); Create companies table INSERT INTO companies VALUES(DEFAULT, 'NOLOH LLC.'); Add company ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN company_id INTEGER; Add company_id to users UPDATE users SET company_id = 1; Update users
  • 19. Views (cont) – Joined View CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_get_all_users AS SELECT user_id, email, firstname, lastname, password, time_created, to_char(time_created, 'FMMonth FMDDth, YYYY FMHH12:MI:SS AM') as friendly_time, t2.company_id, t2.company_name FROM users t1 LEFT JOIN companies t2 ON (t1.company_id = t2.company_id); Alter view
  • 20. Views (cont) SELECT * FROM v_get_all_users; user_id | email | firstname | lastname | password | time_created ---------+-------------------+-----------+------------------+-----------+---------------------------- 1 | | Ash | Snyder | SomePass | 2010-10-27 14:30:07.335936 2 | John | Doe | | OtherPass | 2010-10-27 15:20:05.235936 | friendly_time | company_id | company_name +------------------------------+------------+-------------- October 27th, 2010 2:30:07 PM | 1 | NOLOH LLC. October 27th, 2010 3:20:05 PM | 1 | NOLOH LLC. Query view Nice! Now instead of having to modify a query each time we can just use v_get_all_users. We can even use this VIEW as a return type when creating your own database functions.
  • 22. Functions • Also known as Stored Procedures • Allows you to carry out operations that would normally take several queries and round-trips in a single function within the database • Allows database re-use as other applications can interact directly with your stored procedures instead of a middle- tier or duplicating code • Can be used in other functions • First class citizens – Query functions like tables – Create functions in language of your choice • SQL, PL/pgSQL, C, Python, etc. – Allowed to modify tables and perform multiple operations – Defaults – In/Out parameters
  • 23. Functions (cont) CREATE FUNCTION f_add_company(p_name TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $func$ INSERT INTO companies (company_name) VALUES ($1) RETURNING company_id; $func$ LANGUAGE SQL; Create basic function Call f_add_company f_add_company --------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT f_add_company('Google');
  • 24. Functions (cont) – Syntax Explained • Return type – In this case we used INTEGER • Can be anything you like including your views and own custom types – Can even return an ARRAY of types, such as INTEGER[] • Do not confusing this with returning a SET of types. • Returning multiple rows of a particular types is done through RETURN SETOF. For example, RETURN SETOF v_get_all_users. • $func$ is our delimiter separating the function body. It can be any string you like. For example $body$ instead of $func$. • $1 refers to parameter corresponding to that number. We can also use the parameter name instead. In our example this would be 'p_name'.
  • 25. Functions (cont) – PL/pgSQL • If you’re using PostgreSQL < 9.0 make sure you add PL/pgSQL support CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE "plpgsql" HANDLER "plpgsql_call_handler" VALIDATOR "plpgsql_validator";
  • 26. Functions (cont) – PL/pgSQL CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_add_company(p_name TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $func$ DECLARE return_var INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT INTO return_var company_id FROM companies WHERE lower(company_name) = lower($1); IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO companies (company_name) VALUES ($1) RETURNING company_id INTO return_var; END IF; RETURN return_var; END; $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  • 27. Functions (cont) Call f_add_company f_add_company --------------- 3 (1 row) SELECT f_add_company('Zend'); Call f_add_company with repeated entry f_add_company --------------- 2 (1 row) SELECT f_add_company('Google'); • We can see that using functions in our database allows us to integrate safeguards and business logic into our functions allowing for increased modularity and re-use.
  • 29. Triggers • Specifies a function to be called BEFORE or AFTER any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation – Similar to an event handler (but clearly confined) in event based programming – BEFORE triggers fire before the data is actually inserted. – AFTER triggers fire after the statement is executed and data is inserted into the row • Function takes NO parameters and returns type TRIGGER • Most commonly used for logging or validation • Can be defined on entire statement or a per-row basis – Statement level triggers should always return NULL • As of 9.0 can be specified for specific columns and specific WHEN conditions
  • 30. Triggers (cont) CREATE TABLE logs ( "log_id" SERIAL, "log" TEXT, PRIMARY KEY("log_id") ); Create logs table CREATE FUNCTION "tr_log_handler"() RETURNS trigger AS $func$ DECLARE log_string TEXT; BEGIN log_string := 'User ' || OLD.user_id || ' changed ' || CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; IF != THEN log_string := log_string || 'email changed from ' || || ' to ' || || '. '; END IF; IF NEW.firstname != OLD.firstname THEN log_string := log_string || 'firstname changed from ' || OLD.firstname || ' to ' || NEW.firstname || '. '; END IF; IF NEW.lastname != OLD.lastname THEN log_string := log_string || 'lastname changed from ' || OLD.lastname || ' to ' || NEW.lastname || '. '; END IF; INSERT INTO logs (log) VALUES (log_string); RETURN NEW; END; $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Create trigger handler
  • 31. Triggers (cont) CREATE TRIGGER "tr_log" AFTER UPDATE ON users FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE "tr_log_handler"(); Create trigger log_id | log --------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | User 1 changed 2010-08-30 23:43:23.771347-04 firstname changed from Asher to Ash. (1 row) SELECT * FROM logs; Update user UPDATE users SET firstname = 'Ash' WHERE user_id = 1; Display logs
  • 33. Full-Text Search • Allows documents to be preprocessed • Search through text to find matches • Sort matches based on relevance – Apply weights to certain attributes to increase/decrease relevance • Faster than LIKE, ILIKE, and LIKE with regular expressions • Define your own dictionaries – Define your own words, synonyms, phrase relationships, word variations
  • 34. Full-Text Search • tsvector – Vectorized text data • tsquery – Search predicate • Converted to Normalized lexemes – Ex. run, runs, ran and running are forms of the same lexeme • @@ – Match operator
  • 35. Full-Text Search (cont) SELECT 'phpbarcelona 2010 is a great conference'::tsvector @@ 'conference & great'::tsquery; Match Test 1 SELECT 'phpbarcelona 2010 is a great conference' @@ 'conference & bad' Match Test 2 ?column? --------- t (1 row) ?column? --------- f (1 row)
  • 36. Full-Text Search (cont) – to_ SELECT to_tsvector('phpbarcelona 2010 is a great conference‘) @@ plainto_tsquery('conference & great') ; to_tsvector & plainto_tsquery SELECT * FROM companies WHERE to_tsvector(company_name) @@ to_tsquery('unlimited'); Search through tables ?column? --------- t (1 row) company_id | company_name ------------+-------------- (0 rows)
  • 37. Full-Text Search • setweight – Possible weights are A, B, C, D • equivalent 1.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1 respectively • ts_rank – Normal ranking function • ts_rank_cd – uses the cover density method of ranking, as specified in Clarke, Cormack, and Tudhope’s “Relevance Ranking for One to Three Term Queries” in the journal, “Information Processing and Management”, 1999.
  • 38. Full-Text Search (cont) - Ranking SELECT case_id, file_name, ts_rank_cd(setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(t1.file_name)), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(t1.contents)), 'B'), query) AS rank FROM cases.cases t1, plainto_tsquery('copyright') query WHERE to_tsvector(file_name || ' ' || contents) @@ query ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT 10 setweight & ts_rank_cd case_id | file_name | rank ---------+------------------------------------------------------+------ 101 | Harper & Row v Nation Enter 471 US 539.pdf | 84.8 113 | IN Re Literary Works Elec Databases 509 F3d 522.pdf | 76 215 | Lexmark Intl v Static Control 387 F3d 522.pdf | 75.2 283 | Feist Pubs v Rural Tel 499 US 340.pdf | 67.2 216 | Lucks Music Library v Ashcroft 321 F Supp 2d 107.pdf | 59.2 342 | Blue Nile v Ice 478 F Supp 2d 1240.pdf | 50.8 374 | Perfect 10 v Amazon 487 F3d 701.pdf | 43.6 85 | Pillsbury v Milky Way 215 USPQ 124.pdf | 43.6 197 | St Lukes Cataract v Sanderson 573 F3d 1186.pdf | 42 272 | Religious Technology v Netcom 907 F Supp 1361.pdf | 42 (10 rows)