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Advanced query optimizer 
tuning and analysis 
Sergei Petrunia 
Timour Katchaounov 
Monty Program Ab 
MySQL Conference And Expo 2013
2 07:48:08 AM 
● Introduction 
– What is an optimizer problem 
– How to catch it 
● old an new tools 
● Single-table selects 
– brief recap from 2012 
● JOINs 
– ref access 
● index statistics 
– join condition pushdown 
– join plan efficiency 
– query plan vs reality 
● Big I/O bound JOINs 
– Batched Key Access 
● Aggregate functions 
● Subqueries
Is there a problem with query optimizer? 
3 07:48:08 AM 
• Database 
performance is 
affected by many 
• One of them is the 
query optimizer 
• Is my performance 
problem caused by 
the optimizer?
Sings that there is a query optimizer problem 
• Some (not all) queries are slow 
• A query seems to run longer than it ought to 
– And examines more records than it ought to 
• Usually, query remains slow regardless of 
other activity on the server 
4 07:48:08 AM
Catching slow queries, the old ways 
5 07:48:08 AM 
● Watch the Slow query log 
– Percona Server/MariaDB: 
# Thread_id: 1 Schema: dbt3sf10 QC_hit: No 
# Query_time: 2.452373 Lock_time: 0.000113 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 1500000 
# Full_scan: Yes Full_join: No Tmp_table: No Tmp_table_on_disk: No 
# Filesort: No Filesort_on_disk: No Merge_passes: 0 
SET timestamp=1333385770; 
select * from customer where c_acctbal < -1000; 
– Run pt-query-digest on the log 
• Run SHOW PROCESSLIST periodically
• Available in MariaDB 10.0+ 
• Displays EXPLAIN of a running statement 
MariaDB> show processlist; 
|Id|User|Host |db |Command|Time|State |Info 
| 1|root|localhost|dbt3sf1|Query | 10|Sending data|select max(o_totalprice) ... 
| 2|root|localhost|dbt3sf1|Query | 0|init |show processlist 
MariaDB> show explain for 1; 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1498194|Using where| 
MariaDB [dbt3sf1]> show warnings; 
|Level|Code|Message | 
|Note |1003|select max(o_totalprice) from orders where year(o_orderDATE)=1995| 
6 07:48:08 AM
7 07:48:08 AM 
● Intended usage 
● Why not just run EXPLAIN again 
– Difficult to replicate setups 
● Temporary tables 
● Optimizer settings 
● Storage engine's index statistics 
● ... 
– No uncertainty about whether you're looking at 
the same query plan or not.
Catching slow queries (NEW) 
8 07:48:08 AM 
● use performance_schema 
● Many ways to analyze via queries 
– events_statements_summary_by_digest 
● count_star, sum_timer_wait, 
min_timer_wait, avg_timer_wait, max_timer_wait 
● digest_text, digest 
● sum_rows_examined, sum_created_tmp_disk_tables, 
– events_statements_history 
● sql_text, digest_text, digest 
● timer_start, timer_end, timer_wait 
● rows_examined, created_tmp_disk_tables, 
Catching slow queries (NEW) 
• Modified Q18 from DBT3 
select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, 
9 07:48:08 AM 
o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) 
from customer, orders, lineitem 
o_totalprice > ? 
and c_custkey = o_custkey 
and o_orderkey = l_orderkey 
group by c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, 
o_orderdate, o_totalprice 
order by o_totalprice desc, o_orderdate 
LIMIT 10; 
• App executes Q18 many times with 
? = 550000, 500000, 400000, ... 
Catching slow queries (NEW) 
● Find candidate slow queries 
● Simple tests: select_full_join > 0, 
created_tmp_disk_tables > 0, etc 
● Complex conditions: 
max execution time > X sec OR 
min/max time vary a lot: 
select max_timer_wait/avg_timer_wait as max_ratio, 
avg_timer_wait/min_timer_wait as min_ratio 
from events_statements_summary_by_digest 
where max_timer_wait > 1000000000000 
or max_timer_wait / avg_timer_wait > 2 
or avg_timer_wait / min_timer_wait > 2G 
10 07:48:08 AM
Catching slow queries (NEW) 
11 07:48:08 AM 
*************************** 5. row *************************** 
DIGEST: 3cd7b881cbc0102f65fe8a290ec1bd6b 
DIGEST_TEXT: SELECT `c_name` , `c_custkey` , `o_orderkey` , `o_orderdate` , 
`o_totalprice` , SUM ( `l_quantity` ) FROM `customer` , `orders` , `lineitem` WHERE 
`o_totalprice` > ? AND `c_custkey` = `o_custkey` AND `o_orderkey` = `l_orderkey` GROUP BY 
`c_name` , `c_custkey` , `o_orderkey` , `o_orderdate` , `o_totalprice` ORDER BY `o_totalprice` 
DESC , `o_orderdate` LIMIT ? 
SUM_TIMER_WAIT: 3251758347000 
MIN_TIMER_WAIT: 3914209000 → 0.0039 sec 
AVG_TIMER_WAIT: 1083919449000 
MAX_TIMER_WAIT: 3204044053000 → 3.2 sec 
SUM_LOCK_TIME: 555000000 
FIRST_SEEN: 1970-01-01 03:38:27 
LAST_SEEN: 1970-01-01 03:38:43 
max_ratio: 2.9560 
min_ratio: 276.9192 
High variance of 
execution time
Catching slow queries (NEW) 
● Check the actual queries and constants 
● The events_statements_history table 
select timer_wait/1000000000000 as exec_time, sql_text 
from events_statements_history 
where digest in 
(select digest from events_statements_summary_by_digest 
where max_timer_wait > 1000000000000 
12 07:48:08 AM 
or max_timer_wait / avg_timer_wait > 2 
or avg_timer_wait / min_timer_wait > 2) 
order by timer_wait;
Catching slow queries (NEW) 
| exec_time | sql_text | 
| 0.0039 | select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) 
from customer, orders, lineitem 
where o_totalprice > 550000 and c_custkey = o_custkey ... LIMIT 10 | 
| 0.0438 | select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) 
from customer, orders, lineitem 
where o_totalprice > 500000 and c_custkey = o_custkey ... LIMIT 10 | 
| 3.2040 | select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) 
from customer, orders, lineitem 
where o_totalprice > 400000 and c_custkey = o_custkey ... LIMIT 10 | 
orders.o_totalprice > ? is less and less selective 
13 07:48:08 AM
Actions after finding the slow query 
Bad query plan 
– Rewrite the query 
– Force a good query plan 
• Bad optimizer settings 
– Do tuning 
• Query is inherently complex 
– Don't waste time with it 
– Look for other solutions. 
14 07:48:08 AM
15 07:48:08 AM 
● Introduction 
– What is an optimizer problem 
– How to catch it 
● old an new tools 
● Single-table selects 
– brief recap from 2012 
● JOINs 
– ref access 
● index statistics 
– join condition pushdown 
– join plan efficiency 
– query plan vs reality 
● Big I/O bound JOINs 
– Batched Key Access 
● Aggregate functions 
● Subqueries
o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and 
● Run the query: 
19 rows in set (7.65 sec) 
● Check the query plan: 
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | 
| 1 | SIMPLE | orders | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 15084733 | Using where | 
16 07:48:08 AM 
Consider a simple select 
select * from orders 
• 15M rows were scanned, 19 rows in output 
• Query plan seems inefficient 
– (note: this logic doesn't directly apply to group/order by queries).
select * from orders 
o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and 
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | 
| 1 | SIMPLE | orders | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 15084733 | Using where | 
17 07:48:08 AM 
Query plan analysis 
• Entire table is scanned 
• WHERE condition checked 
after records are read 
– Not used to limit 
#examined rows.
o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_orderdate|i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|306322|Using where| 
18 07:48:08 AM 
Let's add an index 
alter table orders add key i_o_orderdate (o_orderdate); 
select * from orders 
● Query time: 
19 rows in set (0.76 sec) 
• Outcome 
– Down to reading 300K rows 
– Still, 300K >> 19 rows.
Finding out which indexes to add 
select * from orders 
o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and 
Check selectivity of conditions that will use the index 
o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06'; 
19 07:48:08 AM 
● index (o_orderdate) 
select count(*) from orders 
306322 rows 
● index (o_clerk) 
select count(*) from orders where o_clerk='Clerk#000009506' 
1507 rows.
Try adding composite indexes 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_clerk_...|i_o_clerk_date|20 |NULL|19 |Using where| 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_date_c...|i_o_date_clerk|20 |NULL|360354|Using where| 
20 07:48:08 AM 
● index (o_clerk, o_orderdate) 
● index (o_orderdate, o_clerk) 
Bingo! 100% efficiency 
Much worse! 
• If condition uses multiple columns, composite index will be most efficient 
• Order of column matters 
– Explanation why is outside of scope of this tutorial. Covered in last year's 
Conditions must be in SARGable form 
• Condition must represent a range 
• It must have form that is recognized by the optimizer 
o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-01' and '1992-06-30' 
day(o_orderDate)=1992 and month(o_orderdate)=6 
TO_DAYS(o_orderDATE) between TO_DAYS('1992-06-06') and 
21 07:48:08 AM 
o_clerk LIKE 'Clerk#000009506' 
o_clerk LIKE '%Clerk#000009506%' 
column IN (1,10,15,21, ...) 
(col1, col2) IN ( (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), …).
New in MySQL-5.6: optimizer_trace 
22 07:48:08 AM 
● Lets you see the ranges 
set optimizer_trace=1; 
explain select * from orders 
where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-01' and '1992-07-03' and 
o_orderdate not in ('1992-01-01', '1992-06-12','1992-07-04') 
select * from information_schema.optimizer_traceG 
● Will print a big JSON struct 
● Search for range_scan_alternatives.
New in MySQL-5.6: optimizer_trace 
23 07:48:08 AM 
"range_scan_alternatives": [ 
"index": "i_o_orderdate", 
"ranges": [ 
"1992-06-01 <= o_orderDATE < 1992-06-12", 
"1992-06-12 < o_orderDATE <= 1992-07-03" 
"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, 
"rowid_ordered": false, 
"using_mrr": false, 
"index_only": false, 
"rows": 319082, 
"cost": 382900, 
"chosen": true 
"index": "i_o_date_clerk", 
"ranges": [ 
"1992-06-01 <= o_orderDATE < 1992-06-12", 
"1992-06-12 < o_orderDATE <= 1992-07-03" 
"index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, 
"rowid_ordered": false, 
"using_mrr": false, 
"index_only": false, 
"rows": 406336, 
"cost": 487605, 
"chosen": false, 
"cause": "cost" 
● Considered ranges are shown 
in range_scan_alternatives 
● This is actually original use 
case of optimizer_trace 
● Alas, recent mysql-5.6 displays 
misleading info about ranges 
on multi-component keys (will 
file a bug) 
● Still, very useful.
24 07:48:08 AM 
Source of #rows estimates for range 
select * from orders 
where o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_orderdate|i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|306322|Using where| 
• “records_in_range” estimate 
• Done by diving into index 
• Usually is fairly accurate 
• Not affected by ANALYZE 
25 07:48:08 AM 
Simple selects: conclusions 
• Efficiency == “#rows_scanned is close to #rows_returned” 
• Indexes and WHERE conditions reduce #rows scanned 
• Index estimates are usually accurate 
• Multi-column indexes 
– “handle” conditions on multiple columns 
– Order of columns in the index matters 
• optimizer_trace allows to view the ranges 
– But misrepresents ranges over multi-column indexes.
26 07:48:08 AM 
Now, will skip some topics 
One can also speedup simple selects with 
● index_merge access method 
● index access method 
● Index Condition Pushdown 
We don't have time for these now, check out the last 
year's tutorial.
27 07:48:08 AM 
● Introduction 
– What is an optimizer problem 
– How to catch it 
● old an new tools 
● Single-table selects 
– brief recap from 2012 
● JOINs 
– ref access 
● index statistics 
– join condition pushdown 
– join plan efficiency 
– query plan vs reality 
● Big I/O bound JOINs 
– Batched Key Access 
● Aggregate functions 
● Subqueries
• “Customers with their orders” 
28 07:48:08 AM 
A simple join 
select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey
Execution: Nested Loops join 
select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 
29 07:48:08 AM 
for each customer C { 
for each order O { 
if (C.c_custkey == O.o_custkey) 
produce record(C, O); 
• Complexity: 
– Scans table customer 
– For each record in customer, scans table orders 
• Is this ok?
Execution: Nested loops join (2) 
select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 
30 07:48:08 AM 
for each customer C { 
for each order O { 
if (C.c_custkey == O.o_custkey) 
produce record(C, O); 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|148749 | | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1493631|Using where| 
Execution: Nested loops join (3) 
select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 
31 07:48:08 AM 
for each customer C { 
for each order O { 
if (C.c_custkey == O.o_custkey) 
produce record(C, O); 
rows to read 
from customer 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|148749 | | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1493631|Using where| 
rows to read from orders 
Execution: Nested loops join (4) 
select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|148749 | | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1493631|Using where| 
• Scan a 1,493,361-row table 148,749 times 
– Consider 1,493,361 * 148,749 row combinations 
• Is this query inherently complex? 
– We know each customer has his own orders 
– size(customer x orders)= size(orders) 
– Lower bound is 
1,493,361 + 148,749 + costs to match customer<->order. 
32 07:48:08 AM
Using index for join: ref access 
alter table orders add index i_o_custkey(o_custkey) 
select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 
33 07:48:08 AM
select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 
34 07:48:08 AM 
ref access - analysis 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra| 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |148749| | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 | | 
● One ref lookup scans 7 rows. 
● In total: 7 * 148,749=1,041,243 rows 
– `orders` has 1.4M rows 
– no redundant reads from `orders` 
● The whole query plan 
– Reads all customers 
– Reads 1M orders (of 1.4M) 
● Efficient!
Conditions that can be used for ref access 
35 07:48:08 AM 
● Can use equalities 
– tbl.key=other_table.col 
– tbl.key=const 
– tbl.key IS NULL 
● For multipart keys, will use largest prefix 
– keypart1=... AND keypart2= … AND keypartK=... .
Conditions that can't be used for ref access 
● Doesn't work for non-equalities 
36 07:48:08 AM 
t1.key BETWEEN t2.col1 AND t2.col2 
● Doesn't work for OR-ed equalities 
t1.key=t2.col1 OR t1.key=t2.col2 
– Except for ref_or_null 
t1.key=... OR t1.key IS NULL 
● Doesn't “combine” ref and range 
– t.keypart1 BETWEEN c1 AND c2 AND 
– t.keypart2 BETWEEN c1 AND c2 AND 
t.keypart1=t2.col .
37 07:48:08 AM 
Is ref always efficient? 
● Efficient, if column has many different values 
– Best case – unique index (eq_ref) 
● A few different values – not useful 
● Skewed distribution: depends on which part the 
join touches 
bad depends
ref access estimates - index statistics 
38 07:48:08 AM 
• How many rows will match 
tbl.key_column = $value 
for an arbitrary $value? 
• Index statistics 
show keys from orders where key_name='i_o_custkey' 
*************************** 1. row *************** 
Table: orders 
Non_unique: 1 
Key_name: i_o_custkey 
Seq_in_index: 1 
Column_name: o_custkey 
Collation: A 
Cardinality: 214462 
Sub_part: NULL 
Packed: NULL 
Null: YES 
Index_type: BTREE 
show table status like 'orders' 
*************************** 1. row **** 
Name: orders 
Engine: InnoDB 
Version: 10 
Row_format: Compact 
Rows: 1495152 
Avg_row_length: 133 
Data_length: 199966720 
Max_data_length: 0 
Index_length: 122421248 
Data_free: 6291456 
average = Rows /Cardinality = 1495152 / 214462 = 6.97.
39 07:48:08 AM 
ref access – conclusions 
● Based on t.key=... equality conditions 
● Can make joins very efficient 
● Relies on index statistics for estimates.
40 07:48:08 AM 
Optimizer statistics 
● MySQL/Percona Server 
– Index statistics 
– Persistent/transient InnoDB stats 
● MariaDB 
– Index statistics, persistent/transient 
● Same as Percona Server (via XtraDB) 
– Persistent, 
index-independent statistics.
41 07:48:08 AM 
Index statistics 
● Cardinality allows to calculate a table-wide 
average #rows-per-key-prefix 
● It is a statistical value (inexact) 
● Exact collection procedure depends on the 
storage engine 
– InnoDB – random sampling 
– MyISAM – index scan 
– Engine-independent – index scan.
42 07:48:08 AM 
Index statistics in MySQL 5.6 
● Sample [8] random index leaf pages 
● Table statistics (stored) 
– rows - estimated number of rows in a table 
– Other stats not used by optimizer 
● Index statistics (stored) 
– fields - #fields in the index 
– rows_per_key - rows per 1 key value, per prefix fields 
([1 column value], [2 columns value], [3 columns value], …) 
– Other stats not used by optimizer.
43 07:48:08 AM 
Index statics updates 
● Statistics updated when: 
– ANALYZE TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] … 
– A table is opened for the first time 
(after server restart) 
– A table has changed >10% 
– When InnoDB Monitor is turned ON.
44 07:48:08 AM 
Displaying optimizer statistics 
● MySQL 5.5, MariaDB 5.3, and older 
– Issue SQL statements to count rows/keys 
– Indirectly, look at EXPLAIN for simple queries 
● MariaDB 5.5, Percona Server 5.5 (using XtraDB) 
– information_schema.[innodb_index_stats, innodb_table_stats] 
– Read-only, always visible 
● MySQL 5.6 
– mysql.[innodb_index_stats, innodb_table_stats] 
– User updatetable 
– Only available if innodb_analyze_is_persistent=ON 
● MariaDB 10.0 
– Persistent updateable tables mysql.[index_stats, column_stats, table_stats] 
– User updateable 
– + current XtraDB mechanisms.
45 07:48:08 AM 
Plan [in]stability 
● Statistics may vary a lot (orders) 
MariaDB [dbt3]> select * from information_schema.innodb_index_stats; 
+------------+-----------------+--------------+ +---------------+ 
| table_name | index_name | rows_per_key | | rows_per_key | error (actual) 
+------------+-----------------+--------------+ +---------------+ 
| partsupp | PRIMARY | 3, 1 | | 4, 1 | 25% 
| partsupp | i_ps_partkey | 3, 0 | => | 4, 1 | 25% (4) 
| partsupp | i_ps_suppkey | 64, 0 | | 91, 1 | 30% (80) 
| orders | i_o_orderdate | 9597, 1 | | 1660956, 0 | 99% (6234) 
| orders | i_o_custkey | 15, 1 | | 15, 0 | 0% (15) 
| lineitem | i_l_receiptdate | 7425, 1, 1 | | 6665850, 1, 1 | 99.9% (23477) 
+------------+-----------------+--------------+ +---------------+ 
MariaDB [dbt3]> select * from information_schema.innodb_table_stats; 
+-----------------+----------+ +----------+ 
| table_name | rows | | rows | 
+-----------------+----------+ +----------+ 
| partsupp | 6524766 | | 9101065 | 28% (8000000) 
| orders | 15039855 | ==> | 14948612 | 0.6% (15000000) 
| lineitem | 60062904 | | 59992655 | 0.1% (59986052) 
+-----------------+----------+ +----------+
Controlling statistics (MySQL 5.6) 
● Persistent and user-updatetable InnoDB statistics 
– innodb_analyze_is_persistent = ON, 
– updated manually by ANALYZE TABLE or 
– automatically by innodb_stats_auto_recalc = ON 
● Control the precision of sampling [default 8] 
– innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages, 
– innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages 
● No new statistics compared to older versions. 
46 07:48:08 AM
Controlling statistics (MariaDB 10.0) 
Current XtraDB index statistics 
● Engine-independent, persistent, user-updateable statistics 
● Precise 
● Additional statistics per column (even when there is no 
– min_value, max_value: minimum/maximum value per 
47 07:48:08 AM 
– nulls_ratio: fraction of null values in a column 
– avg_length: average size of values in a column 
– avg_frequency: average number of rows with the same 
48 07:48:08 AM 
Join condition 
49 07:48:08 AM 
Join condition pushdown 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| 
50 07:48:08 AM 
Join condition pushdown 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| 
51 07:48:08 AM 
Join condition pushdown 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| 
52 07:48:08 AM 
Join condition pushdown 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| 
● Conjunctive (ANDed) conditions are split into parts 
● Each part is attached as early as possible 
– Either as “Using where” 
– Or as table access method.
Observing join condition pushdown 
53 07:48:08 AM 
"query_block": { 
"select_id": 1, 
"nested_loop": [ 
"table": { 
"table_name": "orders", 
"access_type": "ALL", 
"possible_keys": [ 
"rows": 1499715, 
"filtered": 100, 
"attached_condition": "((`dbt3sf1`.`orders`.`o_orderpriority` = 
'1-URGENT') and (`dbt3sf1`.`orders`.`o_custkey` is not null))" 
"table": { 
"table_name": "customer", 
"access_type": "eq_ref", 
"possible_keys": [ 
"key": "PRIMARY", 
"used_key_parts": [ 
"key_length": "4", 
"ref": [ 
"rows": 1, 
"filtered": 100, 
"attached_condition": "(`dbt3sf1`.`customer`.`c_acctbal` < 
● Before mysql-5.6: 
EXPLAIN shows only 
“Using where” 
– The condition itself 
only visible in debug 
● Starting from 5.6: 
shows attached 
Reasoning about join plan efficiency 
54 07:48:08 AM 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| 
First table, “customer” 
● type=ALL, 150 K rows 
● select count(*) from customer where c_acctbal < -500 gives 6804. 
● alter table customer add index (c_acctbal).
Reasoning about join plan efficiency 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| 
55 07:48:08 AM 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; 
First table, “customer” 
● type=ALL, 150 K rows 
● select count(*) from customer where c_acctbal < -500 gives 6804. 
● alter table customer add index (c_acctbal) 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | 
Now, access to 'customer' is efficient.
Reasoning about join plan efficiency 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | 
56 07:48:08 AM 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; 
Second table, “orders” 
● Attached condition: c_custkey=o_custkey and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' 
● ref access uses only c_custkey=o_custkey 
● What about o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'?.
57 07:48:08 AM 
● select count(*) from orders – 1.5M rows 
● select count(*) from orders where o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' - 300K 
● 300K / 1.5M = 0.2
Reasoning about join plan efficiency 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | 
58 07:48:08 AM 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; 
Second table, “orders” 
● Attached condition: c_custkey=o_custkey and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' 
● ref access uses only c_custkey=o_custkey 
● What about o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'? Selectivity= 0.2 
– Can examine 7*0.2=1.4 rows, 6802 times if we add an index: 
alter table orders add index (o_custkey, o_orderpriority) 
alter table orders add index (o_orderpriority, o_custkey)
Reasoning about join plan efficiency - summary 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | 
Basic* approach to evaluation of join plan efficiency: 
for each table $T in the join order { 
Look at conditions attached to table $T (condition must 
use table $T, may also use previous tables) 
Does access method used with $T make a good use 
of attached conditions? 
* some other details may also affect join performance 
59 07:48:08 AM
60 07:48:08 AM 
Attached conditions
61 07:48:08 AM 
Attached conditions 
● Ideally, should be used for table access 
● Not all conditions can be used [at the same time] 
– Unused ones are still useful 
– They reduce number of scans for subsequent tables 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| 
Informing optimizer about attached conditions 
Currently: a range access that's too expensive to use 
|id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys |key |key_len|ref |rows |filtered|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY,c_acctbal|NULL |NULL |NULL |150081| 36.22 |Using where| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 | 100.00 |Using where| 
62 07:48:08 AM 
explain extended 
select * 
customer, orders 
c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal > 8000 and 
● `orders` will be scanned 150081 * 36.22%= 54359 times 
● This reduces the cost of join 
– Has an effect when comparing potential join plans 
● => Index i_o_custkey is not used. But may help the optimizer.
63 07:48:08 AM 
Attached condition selectivity 
● Unused indexes provide info about selectivity 
– Works, but very expensive 
● MariaDB 10.0 has engine-independent statistics 
– Index statistics 
– Non-indexed Column statistics 
● Histograms 
– Further info: 
Tomorrow, 2:20 pm @ Ballroom D 
Igor Babaev 
Engine-independent persistent statistics with histograms 
in MariaDB.
How to check if the query plan 
64 07:48:08 AM 
matches the reality
65 07:48:08 AM 
Check if query plan is realistic 
● EXPLAIN shows what optimizer 
expects. It may be wrong 
– Out-of-date index statistics 
– Non-uniform data distribution 
● MySQL: no equivalent. Instead, have 
– Handler counters 
– “User statistics” (Percona, MariaDB) 
Join analysis: example query (Q18, DBT3) 
<reset counters> 
select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, 
o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) 
from customer, orders, lineitem 
o_totalprice > 500000 
and c_custkey = o_custkey 
and o_orderkey = l_orderkey 
group by c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, 
order by o_totalprice desc, o_orderdate 
LIMIT 10; 
<collect statistics> 
66 07:48:08 AM
Join analysis: handler counters (old) 
67 07:48:08 AM 
| Handler_mrr_key_refills | 0 | 
| Handler_mrr_rowid_refills | 0 | 
| Handler_read_first | 0 | 
| Handler_read_key | 1646 | 
| Handler_read_last | 0 | 
| Handler_read_next | 1462 | 
| Handler_read_prev | 0 | 
| Handler_read_rnd | 10 | 
| Handler_read_rnd_deleted | 0 | 
| Handler_read_rnd_next | 184 | 
| Handler_tmp_update | 1096 | 
| Handler_tmp_write | 183 | 
| Handler_update | 0 | 
| Handler_write | 0 |
Join analysis: USERSTAT by Facebook 
MariaDB, Percona Server 
| Table_schema | Table_name | Rows_read | Rows_changed | Rows_changed_x_#indexes | 
| dbt3 | orders | 183 | 0 | 0 | 
| dbt3 | lineitem | 1279 | 0 | 0 | 
| dbt3 | customer | 183 | 0 | 0 | 
| Table_schema | Table_name | Index_name | Rows_read | 
| dbt3 | customer | PRIMARY | 183 | 
| dbt3 | lineitem | i_l_orderkey_quantity | 1279 | 
| dbt3 | orders | i_o_totalprice | 183 | 
68 07:48:08 AM
[MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] 
● summary tables with read/write statistics 
69 07:48:08 AM 
– table_io_waits_summary_by_table 
– table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage 
● Superset of the userstat tables 
● More overhead 
● Not possible to associate statistics with a query 
=> truncate stats tables before running a query 
● Possible bug 
– performance schema not ignored 
– Disable by 
UPDATE setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'NO' 
where name = 'global_instrumentation';
Analyze joins via PERFORMANCE SCHEMA: 
select object_schema, object_name, count_read, count_write, 
70 07:48:08 AM 
sum_timer_read, sum_timer_write, ... 
from table_io_waits_summary_by_table 
where object_schema = 'dbt3' and count_star > 0; 
| object_schema | object_name | count_read | count_write | 
| dbt3 | customer | 183 | 0 | 
| dbt3 | lineitem | 1462 | 0 | 
| dbt3 | orders | 184 | 0 | 
| sum_timer_read | sum_timer_write | ... 
| 8326528406 | 0 | 
| 12117332778 | 0 | 
| 7946312812 | 0 | 
Analyze joins via PERFORMANCE SCHEMA: 
select object_schema, object_name, index_name, count_read, 
71 07:48:08 AM 
sum_timer_read, sum_timer_write, ... 
from table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage 
where object_schema = 'dbt3' and count_star > 0 
and index_name is not null; 
| object_schema | object_name | index_name | count_read | 
| dbt3 | customer | PRIMARY | 183 | 
| dbt3 | lineitem | i_l_orderkey_quantity | 1462 | 
| dbt3 | orders | i_o_totalprice | 184 | 
| sum_timer_read | sum_timer_write | ... 
| 8326528406 | 0 | 
| 12117332778 | 0 | 
| 7946312812 | 0 | 
72 07:48:08 AM 
● Introduction 
– What is an optimizer problem 
– How to catch it 
● old an new tools 
● Single-table selects 
– brief recap from 2012 
● JOINs 
– ref access 
● index statistics 
– join condition pushdown 
– join plan efficiency 
– query plan vs reality 
● Big I/O bound JOINs 
– Batched Key Access 
● Aggregate functions 
● Subqueries
73 07:48:08 AM 
Batched joins 
● Optimization for analytical queries 
● Analytic queries shovel through lots of data 
– e.g. “average size of order in the last month” 
– or “pairs of goods purchased together” 
● Indexes,etc won't help when you really need to 
look at all data 
● More data means greater chance of being io-bound 
● Solution: batched joins
74 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea
75 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea
76 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea
77 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea
78 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea
79 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea
80 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea 
● Non-BKA join hits data at random 
● Caches are not used efficiently 
● Prefetching is not useful
81 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Idea 
● BKA implementation accesses data 
in order 
● Takes advantages of caches and 
82 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key access effect 
set join_cache_level=6; 
select max(l_extendedprice) 
from orders, lineitem 
l_orderkey=o_orderkey and 
o_orderdate between $DATE1 and $DATE2 
The benchmark was run with 
● Various BKA buffer size 
● Various size of $DATE1...$DATE2 range
83 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access Performance 
BKA join performance depending on buffer size 
-2,000,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 13,000,000 18,000,000 23,000,000 28,000,000 33,000,000 
query_size=1, regular 
query_size=1, BKA 
query_size=2, regular 
query_size=2, BKA 
query_size=3, regular 
query_size=3, BKA 
Buffer size, bytes 
Query time, sec 
Performance without BKA 
Performance with BKA, 
given sufficient buffer size ● 4x-10x speedup 
● The more the data, the bigger the speedup 
● Buffer size setting is very important.
84 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access settings 
● Needs to be turned on 
set join_buffer_size= 32*1024*1024; 
set join_cache_level=6; -- MariaDB 
set optimizer_switch='batched_key_access=on' -- MySQL 5.6 
set optimizer_switch='mrr=on'; 
set optimizer_switch='mrr_sort_keys=on'; -- MariaDB only 
● Further join_buffer_size tuning is watching 
– Query performance 
– Handler_mrr_init counter 
and increasing join_buffer_size until either saturates.
85 07:48:08 AM 
Batched Key Access - conclusions 
● Targeted at big joins 
● Needs to be enabled manually 
● @@join_buffer_size is the most important 
● MariaDB's implementation is a superset of 
86 07:48:08 AM 
● Introduction 
– What is an optimizer problem 
– How to catch it 
● old an new tools 
● Single-table selects 
– brief recap from 2012 
● JOINs 
– ref access 
● index statistics 
– join condition pushdown 
– join plan efficiency 
– query plan vs reality 
● Big I/O bound JOINs 
– Batched Key Access 
● Aggregate functions 
● Subqueries
87 07:48:08 AM 
Aggregate functions, no GROUP BY 
● COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc need to examine all rows 
select SUM(column) from tbl needs to examine the whole tbl. 
● MIN and MAX can use index for lookup 
index (o_orderpriority, o_orderdate) 
|id|select_type|table|type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|NULL|Select tables optimized away| 
88 07:48:08 AM 
index (o_orderdate) 
select max(o_orderdate) from orders 
select min(o_orderdate) from orders where o_orderdate > '1995-05-01' 
select max(o_orderdate) from orders where o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'
Three algorithms 
● Use an index to read in order 
● Read one table, sort, join - “Using filesort” 
● Execute join into temporary table and then 
sort - “Using temporary; Using filesort” 
89 07:48:08 AM
Using index to read data in order 
● No special indication 
in EXPLAIN output 
● LIMIT n: as soon as 
we read n records, 
we can stop! 
90 07:48:08 AM
A problem with LIMIT N optimization 
`orders` has 1.5 M rows 
explain select * from orders order by o_orderdate desc limit 10; 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra| 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders|index|NULL |i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|10 | | 
select * from orders where o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' order by o_orderdate desc limit 10; 
|id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | 
|1 |SIMPLE |orders|index|NULL |i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|10 |Using where| 
91 07:48:08 AM 
● A problem: 
– 1.5M rows, 300K of them 'URGENT' 
– Scanning by date, when will we find 10 'URGENT' rows? 
– No good solution so far.
92 07:48:08 AM 
Using filesort strategy 
● Have to read the entire 
first table 
● For remaining, can apply 
● ORDER BY can only use 
columns of tbl1.
93 07:48:08 AM 
Using temporary; Using filesort 
● ORDER BY clause 
can use columns of 
any table 
● LIMIT is applied only 
after executing the 
entire join and 
94 07:48:08 AM 
ORDER BY - conclusions 
● Resolving ORDER BY with index allows very 
efficient handling for LIMIT 
– Optimization for 
WHERE unused_condition ORDER BY … LIMIT n 
is challenging. 
● Use sql_big_result, IGNORE INDEX FOR ORDER BY 
● Using filesort 
– Needs all ORDER BY columns in the first table 
– Take advantage of LIMIT when doing join to non-first tables 
● Using where; Using filesort is least efficient.
95 07:48:08 AM 
GROUP BY strategies 
There are three strategies 
● Ordered index scan 
● Loose Index Scan (LooseScan) 
● Groups table 
(Using temporary; [Using filesort]).
96 07:48:08 AM 
Ordered index scan 
● Groups are 
enumerated one after 
● Can compute 
aggregates on the fly 
● Loose index scan is 
also able to jump to 
next group.
Execution of GROUP BY with temptable 
97 07:48:08 AM
98 07:48:08 AM
99 07:48:08 AM 
Subquery optimizations 
● Before MariaDB 5.3/MySQL 5.6 - “don't use subqueries” 
● Queries that caused most of the pain 
– SELECT … FROM tbl WHERE col IN (SELECT …) - semi-joins 
– SELECT … FROM (SELECT …) - derived tables 
● MariaDB 5.3 and MySQL 5.6 
– Have common inheritance, MySQL 6.0 alpha 
– Huge (100x, 1000x) speedups for painful areas 
– Other kinds of subqueries received a speedup, too 
– MariaDB 5.3/5.5 has a superset of MySQL 5.6's optimizations 
● 5.6 handles some un-handled edge cases, too
100 07:48:08 AM 
Tuning for subqueries 
● “Before”: one execution strategy 
– No tuning possible 
● “After”: similar to joins 
– Reasonable execution strategies supported 
– Need indexes 
– Need selective conditions 
– Support batching in most important cases 
● Should be better 9x% of the time.
What if it still picks a poor query plan? 
For both MariaDB and MySQL: 
● Check EXPLAIN [EXTENDED], find a keyword around a 
101 07:48:08 AM 
subquery table 
● Google “ $subuqery_keyword” 
● Find which optimization it was 
● set optimizer_switch='$subquery_optimization=off'
102 07:48:08 AM 
Q & A

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Advanced Query Optimizer Tuning and Analysis

  • 1. Advanced query optimizer tuning and analysis Sergei Petrunia Timour Katchaounov Monty Program Ab MySQL Conference And Expo 2013
  • 2. 2 07:48:08 AM ● Introduction – What is an optimizer problem – How to catch it ● old an new tools ● Single-table selects – brief recap from 2012 ● JOINs – ref access ● index statistics – join condition pushdown – join plan efficiency – query plan vs reality ● Big I/O bound JOINs – Batched Key Access ● Aggregate functions ● ORDER BY ... LIMIT ● GROUP BY ● Subqueries
  • 3. Is there a problem with query optimizer? 3 07:48:08 AM • Database performance is affected by many factors • One of them is the query optimizer • Is my performance problem caused by the optimizer?
  • 4. Sings that there is a query optimizer problem • Some (not all) queries are slow • A query seems to run longer than it ought to – And examines more records than it ought to • Usually, query remains slow regardless of other activity on the server 4 07:48:08 AM
  • 5. Catching slow queries, the old ways 5 07:48:08 AM ● Watch the Slow query log – Percona Server/MariaDB: --log_slow_verbosity=query_plan # Thread_id: 1 Schema: dbt3sf10 QC_hit: No # Query_time: 2.452373 Lock_time: 0.000113 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 1500000 # Full_scan: Yes Full_join: No Tmp_table: No Tmp_table_on_disk: No # Filesort: No Filesort_on_disk: No Merge_passes: 0 SET timestamp=1333385770; select * from customer where c_acctbal < -1000; – Run pt-query-digest on the log • Run SHOW PROCESSLIST periodically
  • 6. The new way: SHOW PROCESSLIST + SHOW EXPLAIN • Available in MariaDB 10.0+ • Displays EXPLAIN of a running statement MariaDB> show processlist; +--+----+---------+-------+-------+----+------------+-------------------------... |Id|User|Host |db |Command|Time|State |Info +--+----+---------+-------+-------+----+------------+-------------------------... | 1|root|localhost|dbt3sf1|Query | 10|Sending data|select max(o_totalprice) ... | 2|root|localhost|dbt3sf1|Query | 0|init |show processlist +--+----+---------+-------+-------+----+------------+-------------------------... MariaDB> show explain for 1; +--+-----------+------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |orders|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1498194|Using where| +--+-----------+------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ MariaDB [dbt3sf1]> show warnings; +-----+----+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Level|Code|Message | +-----+----+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Note |1003|select max(o_totalprice) from orders where year(o_orderDATE)=1995| +-----+----+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 6 07:48:08 AM
  • 7. 7 07:48:08 AM SHOW EXPLAIN usage ● Intended usage – SHOW PROCESSLIST ... – SHOW EXPLAIN FOR ... ● Why not just run EXPLAIN again – Difficult to replicate setups ● Temporary tables ● Optimizer settings ● Storage engine's index statistics ● ... – No uncertainty about whether you're looking at the same query plan or not.
  • 8. Catching slow queries (NEW) PERFORMANCE SCHEMA [MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] 8 07:48:08 AM ● use performance_schema ● Many ways to analyze via queries – events_statements_summary_by_digest ● count_star, sum_timer_wait, min_timer_wait, avg_timer_wait, max_timer_wait ● digest_text, digest ● sum_rows_examined, sum_created_tmp_disk_tables, sum_select_full_join – events_statements_history ● sql_text, digest_text, digest ● timer_start, timer_end, timer_wait ● rows_examined, created_tmp_disk_tables, select_full_join 8
  • 9. Catching slow queries (NEW) PERFORMANCE SCHEMA [MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] • Modified Q18 from DBT3 select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, 9 07:48:08 AM o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) from customer, orders, lineitem where o_totalprice > ? and c_custkey = o_custkey and o_orderkey = l_orderkey group by c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice order by o_totalprice desc, o_orderdate LIMIT 10; • App executes Q18 many times with ? = 550000, 500000, 400000, ... 9
  • 10. Catching slow queries (NEW) PERFORMANCE SCHEMA [MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] ● Find candidate slow queries ● Simple tests: select_full_join > 0, created_tmp_disk_tables > 0, etc ● Complex conditions: max execution time > X sec OR min/max time vary a lot: select max_timer_wait/avg_timer_wait as max_ratio, avg_timer_wait/min_timer_wait as min_ratio from events_statements_summary_by_digest where max_timer_wait > 1000000000000 or max_timer_wait / avg_timer_wait > 2 or avg_timer_wait / min_timer_wait > 2G 10 07:48:08 AM
  • 11. Catching slow queries (NEW) PERFORMANCE SCHEMA [MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] 11 07:48:08 AM *************************** 5. row *************************** DIGEST: 3cd7b881cbc0102f65fe8a290ec1bd6b DIGEST_TEXT: SELECT `c_name` , `c_custkey` , `o_orderkey` , `o_orderdate` , `o_totalprice` , SUM ( `l_quantity` ) FROM `customer` , `orders` , `lineitem` WHERE `o_totalprice` > ? AND `c_custkey` = `o_custkey` AND `o_orderkey` = `l_orderkey` GROUP BY `c_name` , `c_custkey` , `o_orderkey` , `o_orderdate` , `o_totalprice` ORDER BY `o_totalprice` DESC , `o_orderdate` LIMIT ? COUNT_STAR: 3 SUM_TIMER_WAIT: 3251758347000 MIN_TIMER_WAIT: 3914209000 → 0.0039 sec AVG_TIMER_WAIT: 1083919449000 MAX_TIMER_WAIT: 3204044053000 → 3.2 sec SUM_LOCK_TIME: 555000000 SUM_ROWS_SENT: 25 SUM_ROWS_EXAMINED: 0 SUM_CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES: 0 SUM_CREATED_TMP_TABLES: 3 SUM_SELECT_FULL_JOIN: 0 SUM_SELECT_RANGE: 3 SUM_SELECT_SCAN: 0 SUM_SORT_RANGE: 0 SUM_SORT_ROWS: 25 SUM_SORT_SCAN: 3 SUM_NO_INDEX_USED: 0 SUM_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED: 0 FIRST_SEEN: 1970-01-01 03:38:27 LAST_SEEN: 1970-01-01 03:38:43 max_ratio: 2.9560 min_ratio: 276.9192 High variance of execution time
  • 12. Catching slow queries (NEW) PERFORMANCE SCHEMA [MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] ● Check the actual queries and constants ● The events_statements_history table select timer_wait/1000000000000 as exec_time, sql_text from events_statements_history where digest in (select digest from events_statements_summary_by_digest where max_timer_wait > 1000000000000 12 07:48:08 AM or max_timer_wait / avg_timer_wait > 2 or avg_timer_wait / min_timer_wait > 2) order by timer_wait;
  • 13. Catching slow queries (NEW) PERFORMANCE SCHEMA [MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | exec_time | sql_text | +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.0039 | select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) from customer, orders, lineitem where o_totalprice > 550000 and c_custkey = o_custkey ... LIMIT 10 | | 0.0438 | select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) from customer, orders, lineitem where o_totalprice > 500000 and c_custkey = o_custkey ... LIMIT 10 | | 3.2040 | select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) from customer, orders, lineitem where o_totalprice > 400000 and c_custkey = o_custkey ... LIMIT 10 | +-----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Observation: orders.o_totalprice > ? is less and less selective 13 07:48:08 AM
  • 14. Actions after finding the slow query Bad query plan – Rewrite the query – Force a good query plan • Bad optimizer settings – Do tuning • Query is inherently complex – Don't waste time with it – Look for other solutions. 14 07:48:08 AM
  • 15. 15 07:48:08 AM ● Introduction – What is an optimizer problem – How to catch it ● old an new tools ● Single-table selects – brief recap from 2012 ● JOINs – ref access ● index statistics – join condition pushdown – join plan efficiency – query plan vs reality ● Big I/O bound JOINs – Batched Key Access ● Aggregate functions ● ORDER BY ... LIMIT ● GROUP BY ● Subqueries
  • 16. o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and o_clerk='Clerk#000009506' ● Run the query: 19 rows in set (7.65 sec) ● Check the query plan: +----+-------------+--------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+----------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+--------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+----------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | orders | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 15084733 | Using where | +----+-------------+--------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+----------+-------------+ 16 07:48:08 AM Consider a simple select select * from orders where • 15M rows were scanned, 19 rows in output • Query plan seems inefficient – (note: this logic doesn't directly apply to group/order by queries).
  • 17. select * from orders where o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and o_clerk='Clerk#000009506' +----+-------------+--------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+----------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+--------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+----------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | orders | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 15084733 | Using where | +----+-------------+--------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+----------+-------------+ 17 07:48:08 AM Query plan analysis • Entire table is scanned • WHERE condition checked after records are read – Not used to limit #examined rows.
  • 18. o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and o_clerk='Clerk#000009506' +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_orderdate|i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|306322|Using where| +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ 18 07:48:08 AM Let's add an index alter table orders add key i_o_orderdate (o_orderdate); select * from orders where ● Query time: 19 rows in set (0.76 sec) • Outcome – Down to reading 300K rows – Still, 300K >> 19 rows.
  • 19. Finding out which indexes to add select * from orders where o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' and o_clerk='Clerk#000009506' Check selectivity of conditions that will use the index o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06'; 19 07:48:08 AM ● index (o_orderdate) select count(*) from orders where 306322 rows ● index (o_clerk) select count(*) from orders where o_clerk='Clerk#000009506' 1507 rows.
  • 20. Try adding composite indexes +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+--------------+-------+----+----+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+--------------+-------+----+----+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_clerk_...|i_o_clerk_date|20 |NULL|19 |Using where| +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+--------------+-------+----+----+-----------+ +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+--------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+--------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_date_c...|i_o_date_clerk|20 |NULL|360354|Using where| +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+--------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ 20 07:48:08 AM ● index (o_clerk, o_orderdate) ● index (o_orderdate, o_clerk) Bingo! 100% efficiency Much worse! • If condition uses multiple columns, composite index will be most efficient • Order of column matters – Explanation why is outside of scope of this tutorial. Covered in last year's tutorial
  • 21. Conditions must be in SARGable form • Condition must represent a range • It must have form that is recognized by the optimizer o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-01' and '1992-06-30' day(o_orderDate)=1992 and month(o_orderdate)=6 TO_DAYS(o_orderDATE) between TO_DAYS('1992-06-06') and TO_DAYS('1992-07-06') 21 07:48:08 AM o_clerk='Clerk#000009506' o_clerk LIKE 'Clerk#000009506' o_clerk LIKE '%Clerk#000009506%'        column IN (1,10,15,21, ...) (col1, col2) IN ( (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), …).
  • 22. New in MySQL-5.6: optimizer_trace 22 07:48:08 AM ● Lets you see the ranges set optimizer_trace=1; explain select * from orders where o_orderDATE between '1992-06-01' and '1992-07-03' and o_orderdate not in ('1992-01-01', '1992-06-12','1992-07-04') select * from information_schema.optimizer_traceG ● Will print a big JSON struct ● Search for range_scan_alternatives.
  • 23. New in MySQL-5.6: optimizer_trace 23 07:48:08 AM ... "range_scan_alternatives": [ { "index": "i_o_orderdate", "ranges": [ "1992-06-01 <= o_orderDATE < 1992-06-12", "1992-06-12 < o_orderDATE <= 1992-07-03" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": false, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 319082, "cost": 382900, "chosen": true }, { "index": "i_o_date_clerk", "ranges": [ "1992-06-01 <= o_orderDATE < 1992-06-12", "1992-06-12 < o_orderDATE <= 1992-07-03" ], "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true, "rowid_ordered": false, "using_mrr": false, "index_only": false, "rows": 406336, "cost": 487605, "chosen": false, "cause": "cost" } ], ... ● Considered ranges are shown in range_scan_alternatives section ● This is actually original use case of optimizer_trace ● Alas, recent mysql-5.6 displays misleading info about ranges on multi-component keys (will file a bug) ● Still, very useful.
  • 24. 24 07:48:08 AM Source of #rows estimates for range select * from orders where o_orderDate BETWEEN '1992-06-06' and '1992-07-06' +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |orders|range|i_o_orderdate|i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|306322|Using where| +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+------+-----------+ ? • “records_in_range” estimate • Done by diving into index • Usually is fairly accurate • Not affected by ANALYZE TABLE.
  • 25. 25 07:48:08 AM Simple selects: conclusions • Efficiency == “#rows_scanned is close to #rows_returned” • Indexes and WHERE conditions reduce #rows scanned • Index estimates are usually accurate • Multi-column indexes – “handle” conditions on multiple columns – Order of columns in the index matters • optimizer_trace allows to view the ranges – But misrepresents ranges over multi-column indexes.
  • 26. 26 07:48:08 AM Now, will skip some topics One can also speedup simple selects with ● index_merge access method ● index access method ● Index Condition Pushdown We don't have time for these now, check out the last year's tutorial.
  • 27. 27 07:48:08 AM ● Introduction – What is an optimizer problem – How to catch it ● old an new tools ● Single-table selects – brief recap from 2012 ● JOINs – ref access ● index statistics – join condition pushdown – join plan efficiency – query plan vs reality ● Big I/O bound JOINs – Batched Key Access ● Aggregate functions ● ORDER BY ... LIMIT ● GROUP BY ● Subqueries
  • 28. • “Customers with their orders” 28 07:48:08 AM A simple join select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey
  • 29. Execution: Nested Loops join select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 29 07:48:08 AM for each customer C { for each order O { if (C.c_custkey == O.o_custkey) produce record(C, O); } } • Complexity: – Scans table customer – For each record in customer, scans table orders • Is this ok?
  • 30. Execution: Nested loops join (2) select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 30 07:48:08 AM for each customer C { for each order O { if (C.c_custkey == O.o_custkey) produce record(C, O); } } • EXPLAIN: +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|148749 | | |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1493631|Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+
  • 31. Execution: Nested loops join (3) select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 31 07:48:08 AM for each customer C { for each order O { if (C.c_custkey == O.o_custkey) produce record(C, O); } } rows to read • EXPLAIN: from customer +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|148749 | | |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1493631|Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ rows to read from orders c_custkey=o_custkey
  • 32. Execution: Nested loops join (4) select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|148749 | | |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ALL |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|1493631|Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+----+-------+----+-------+-----------+ • Scan a 1,493,361-row table 148,749 times – Consider 1,493,361 * 148,749 row combinations • Is this query inherently complex? – We know each customer has his own orders – size(customer x orders)= size(orders) – Lower bound is 1,493,361 + 148,749 + costs to match customer<->order. 32 07:48:08 AM
  • 33. Using index for join: ref access alter table orders add index i_o_custkey(o_custkey) select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 33 07:48:08 AM
  • 34. select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey 34 07:48:08 AM ref access - analysis +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |148749| | |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 | | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----+ ● One ref lookup scans 7 rows. ● In total: 7 * 148,749=1,041,243 rows – `orders` has 1.4M rows – no redundant reads from `orders` ● The whole query plan – Reads all customers – Reads 1M orders (of 1.4M) ● Efficient!
  • 35. Conditions that can be used for ref access 35 07:48:08 AM ● Can use equalities – tbl.key=other_table.col – tbl.key=const – tbl.key IS NULL ● For multipart keys, will use largest prefix – keypart1=... AND keypart2= … AND keypartK=... .
  • 36. Conditions that can't be used for ref access ● Doesn't work for non-equalities 36 07:48:08 AM t1.key BETWEEN t2.col1 AND t2.col2 ● Doesn't work for OR-ed equalities t1.key=t2.col1 OR t1.key=t2.col2 – Except for ref_or_null t1.key=... OR t1.key IS NULL ● Doesn't “combine” ref and range access – t.keypart1 BETWEEN c1 AND c2 AND t.keypart2=t2.col – t.keypart2 BETWEEN c1 AND c2 AND t.keypart1=t2.col .
  • 37. 37 07:48:08 AM Is ref always efficient? ● Efficient, if column has many different values – Best case – unique index (eq_ref) ● A few different values – not useful ● Skewed distribution: depends on which part the join touches good bad depends
  • 38. ref access estimates - index statistics 38 07:48:08 AM • How many rows will match tbl.key_column = $value for an arbitrary $value? • Index statistics show keys from orders where key_name='i_o_custkey' *************************** 1. row *************** Table: orders Non_unique: 1 Key_name: i_o_custkey Seq_in_index: 1 Column_name: o_custkey Collation: A Cardinality: 214462 Sub_part: NULL Packed: NULL Null: YES Index_type: BTREE show table status like 'orders' *************************** 1. row **** Name: orders Engine: InnoDB Version: 10 Row_format: Compact Rows: 1495152 Avg_row_length: 133 Data_length: 199966720 Max_data_length: 0 Index_length: 122421248 Data_free: 6291456 ... average = Rows /Cardinality = 1495152 / 214462 = 6.97.
  • 39. 39 07:48:08 AM ref access – conclusions ● Based on t.key=... equality conditions ● Can make joins very efficient ● Relies on index statistics for estimates.
  • 40. 40 07:48:08 AM Optimizer statistics ● MySQL/Percona Server – Index statistics – Persistent/transient InnoDB stats ● MariaDB – Index statistics, persistent/transient ● Same as Percona Server (via XtraDB) – Persistent, engine-independent, index-independent statistics.
  • 41. 41 07:48:08 AM Index statistics ● Cardinality allows to calculate a table-wide average #rows-per-key-prefix ● It is a statistical value (inexact) ● Exact collection procedure depends on the storage engine – InnoDB – random sampling – MyISAM – index scan – Engine-independent – index scan.
  • 42. 42 07:48:08 AM Index statistics in MySQL 5.6 ● Sample [8] random index leaf pages ● Table statistics (stored) – rows - estimated number of rows in a table – Other stats not used by optimizer ● Index statistics (stored) – fields - #fields in the index – rows_per_key - rows per 1 key value, per prefix fields ([1 column value], [2 columns value], [3 columns value], …) – Other stats not used by optimizer.
  • 43. 43 07:48:08 AM Index statics updates ● Statistics updated when: – ANALYZE TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] … – SHOW TABLE STATUS, SHOW INDEX – Access to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.[TABLES| STATISTICS] – A table is opened for the first time (after server restart) – A table has changed >10% – When InnoDB Monitor is turned ON.
  • 44. 44 07:48:08 AM Displaying optimizer statistics ● MySQL 5.5, MariaDB 5.3, and older – Issue SQL statements to count rows/keys – Indirectly, look at EXPLAIN for simple queries ● MariaDB 5.5, Percona Server 5.5 (using XtraDB) – information_schema.[innodb_index_stats, innodb_table_stats] – Read-only, always visible ● MySQL 5.6 – mysql.[innodb_index_stats, innodb_table_stats] – User updatetable – Only available if innodb_analyze_is_persistent=ON ● MariaDB 10.0 – Persistent updateable tables mysql.[index_stats, column_stats, table_stats] – User updateable – + current XtraDB mechanisms.
  • 45. 45 07:48:08 AM Plan [in]stability ● Statistics may vary a lot (orders) MariaDB [dbt3]> select * from information_schema.innodb_index_stats; +------------+-----------------+--------------+ +---------------+ | table_name | index_name | rows_per_key | | rows_per_key | error (actual) +------------+-----------------+--------------+ +---------------+ | partsupp | PRIMARY | 3, 1 | | 4, 1 | 25% | partsupp | i_ps_partkey | 3, 0 | => | 4, 1 | 25% (4) | partsupp | i_ps_suppkey | 64, 0 | | 91, 1 | 30% (80) | orders | i_o_orderdate | 9597, 1 | | 1660956, 0 | 99% (6234) | orders | i_o_custkey | 15, 1 | | 15, 0 | 0% (15) | lineitem | i_l_receiptdate | 7425, 1, 1 | | 6665850, 1, 1 | 99.9% (23477) +------------+-----------------+--------------+ +---------------+ MariaDB [dbt3]> select * from information_schema.innodb_table_stats; +-----------------+----------+ +----------+ | table_name | rows | | rows | +-----------------+----------+ +----------+ | partsupp | 6524766 | | 9101065 | 28% (8000000) | orders | 15039855 | ==> | 14948612 | 0.6% (15000000) | lineitem | 60062904 | | 59992655 | 0.1% (59986052) . +-----------------+----------+ +----------+
  • 46. Controlling statistics (MySQL 5.6) ● Persistent and user-updatetable InnoDB statistics – innodb_analyze_is_persistent = ON, – updated manually by ANALYZE TABLE or – automatically by innodb_stats_auto_recalc = ON ● Control the precision of sampling [default 8] – innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages, – innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages ● No new statistics compared to older versions. 46 07:48:08 AM
  • 47. Controlling statistics (MariaDB 10.0) Current XtraDB index statistics + ● Engine-independent, persistent, user-updateable statistics ● Precise ● Additional statistics per column (even when there is no index): – min_value, max_value: minimum/maximum value per 47 07:48:08 AM column – nulls_ratio: fraction of null values in a column – avg_length: average size of values in a column – avg_frequency: average number of rows with the same value.
  • 48. 48 07:48:08 AM Join condition pushdown
  • 49. 49 07:48:08 AM Join condition pushdown select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+.
  • 50. 50 07:48:08 AM Join condition pushdown select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+
  • 51. 51 07:48:08 AM Join condition pushdown select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+
  • 52. 52 07:48:08 AM Join condition pushdown select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ ● Conjunctive (ANDed) conditions are split into parts ● Each part is attached as early as possible – Either as “Using where” – Or as table access method.
  • 53. Observing join condition pushdown 53 07:48:08 AM EXPLAIN: { "query_block": { "select_id": 1, "nested_loop": [ { "table": { "table_name": "orders", "access_type": "ALL", "possible_keys": [ "i_o_custkey" ], "rows": 1499715, "filtered": 100, "attached_condition": "((`dbt3sf1`.`orders`.`o_orderpriority` = '1-URGENT') and (`dbt3sf1`.`orders`.`o_custkey` is not null))" } }, { "table": { "table_name": "customer", "access_type": "eq_ref", "possible_keys": [ "PRIMARY" ], "key": "PRIMARY", "used_key_parts": [ "c_custkey" ], "key_length": "4", "ref": [ "dbt3sf1.orders.o_custkey" ], "rows": 1, "filtered": 100, "attached_condition": "(`dbt3sf1`.`customer`.`c_acctbal` < <cache>(-(500)))" } ● Before mysql-5.6: EXPLAIN shows only “Using where” – The condition itself only visible in debug trace ● Starting from 5.6: EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON shows attached conditions.
  • 54. Reasoning about join plan efficiency 54 07:48:08 AM select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ First table, “customer” ● type=ALL, 150 K rows ● select count(*) from customer where c_acctbal < -500 gives 6804. ● alter table customer add index (c_acctbal).
  • 55. Reasoning about join plan efficiency +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ 55 07:48:08 AM select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; First table, “customer” ● type=ALL, 150 K rows ● select count(*) from customer where c_acctbal < -500 gives 6804. ● alter table customer add index (c_acctbal) +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ Now, access to 'customer' is efficient.
  • 56. Reasoning about join plan efficiency +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ 56 07:48:08 AM select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; Second table, “orders” ● Attached condition: c_custkey=o_custkey and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' ● ref access uses only c_custkey=o_custkey ● What about o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'?.
  • 57. 57 07:48:08 AM ●o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' ● select count(*) from orders – 1.5M rows ● select count(*) from orders where o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' - 300K rows ● 300K / 1.5M = 0.2
  • 58. Reasoning about join plan efficiency +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ 58 07:48:08 AM select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; Second table, “orders” ● Attached condition: c_custkey=o_custkey and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' ● ref access uses only c_custkey=o_custkey ● What about o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'? Selectivity= 0.2 – Can examine 7*0.2=1.4 rows, 6802 times if we add an index: alter table orders add index (o_custkey, o_orderpriority) or alter table orders add index (o_orderpriority, o_custkey)
  • 59. Reasoning about join plan efficiency - summary +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|range|PRIMARY,c_...|c_acctbal |9 |NULL |6802|Using index condition| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where | +--+-----------+--------+-----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+----+---------------------+ Basic* approach to evaluation of join plan efficiency: for each table $T in the join order { Look at conditions attached to table $T (condition must use table $T, may also use previous tables) Does access method used with $T make a good use of attached conditions? } * some other details may also affect join performance 59 07:48:08 AM
  • 60. 60 07:48:08 AM Attached conditions
  • 61. 61 07:48:08 AM Attached conditions ● Ideally, should be used for table access ● Not all conditions can be used [at the same time] – Unused ones are still useful – They reduce number of scans for subsequent tables select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal < -500 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows |Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY |NULL |NULL |NULL |150081|Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+-----------+
  • 62. Informing optimizer about attached conditions Currently: a range access that's too expensive to use +--+-----------+--------+----+-----------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+--------+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type|possible_keys |key |key_len|ref |rows |filtered|Extra | +--+-----------+--------+----+-----------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+--------+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |customer|ALL |PRIMARY,c_acctbal|NULL |NULL |NULL |150081| 36.22 |Using where| |1 |SIMPLE |orders |ref |i_o_custkey |i_o_custkey|5 |customer.c_custkey|7 | 100.00 |Using where| +--+-----------+--------+----+-----------------+-----------+-------+------------------+------+--------+-----------+ 62 07:48:08 AM explain extended select * from customer, orders where c_custkey=o_custkey and c_acctbal > 8000 and o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'; ● `orders` will be scanned 150081 * 36.22%= 54359 times ● This reduces the cost of join – Has an effect when comparing potential join plans ● => Index i_o_custkey is not used. But may help the optimizer.
  • 63. 63 07:48:08 AM Attached condition selectivity ● Unused indexes provide info about selectivity – Works, but very expensive ● MariaDB 10.0 has engine-independent statistics – Index statistics – Non-indexed Column statistics ● Histograms – Further info: Tomorrow, 2:20 pm @ Ballroom D Igor Babaev Engine-independent persistent statistics with histograms in MariaDB.
  • 64. How to check if the query plan 64 07:48:08 AM matches the reality
  • 65. 65 07:48:08 AM Check if query plan is realistic ● EXPLAIN shows what optimizer expects. It may be wrong – Out-of-date index statistics – Non-uniform data distribution ● Other DBMS: EXPLAIN ANALYZE ● MySQL: no equivalent. Instead, have – Handler counters – “User statistics” (Percona, MariaDB) – PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA
  • 66. Join analysis: example query (Q18, DBT3) <reset counters> select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) from customer, orders, lineitem where o_totalprice > 500000 and c_custkey = o_custkey and o_orderkey = l_orderkey group by c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice order by o_totalprice desc, o_orderdate LIMIT 10; <collect statistics> 66 07:48:08 AM
  • 67. Join analysis: handler counters (old) 67 07:48:08 AM FLUSH STATUS; => RUN QUERY SHOW STATUS LIKE "Handler%"; +----------------------------+-------+ | Handler_mrr_key_refills | 0 | | Handler_mrr_rowid_refills | 0 | | Handler_read_first | 0 | | Handler_read_key | 1646 | | Handler_read_last | 0 | | Handler_read_next | 1462 | | Handler_read_prev | 0 | | Handler_read_rnd | 10 | | Handler_read_rnd_deleted | 0 | | Handler_read_rnd_next | 184 | | Handler_tmp_update | 1096 | | Handler_tmp_write | 183 | | Handler_update | 0 | | Handler_write | 0 |
  • 68. Join analysis: USERSTAT by Facebook MariaDB, Percona Server SET GLOBAL USERSTAT=1; FLUSH TABLE_STATISTICS; FLUSH INDEX_STATISTICS; => RUN QUERY SHOW TABLE_STATISTICS; +--------------+------------+-----------+--------------+-------------------------+ | Table_schema | Table_name | Rows_read | Rows_changed | Rows_changed_x_#indexes | +--------------+------------+-----------+--------------+-------------------------+ | dbt3 | orders | 183 | 0 | 0 | | dbt3 | lineitem | 1279 | 0 | 0 | | dbt3 | customer | 183 | 0 | 0 | +--------------+------------+-----------+--------------+-------------------------+ SHOW INDEX_STATISTICS; +--------------+------------+-----------------------+-----------+ | Table_schema | Table_name | Index_name | Rows_read | +--------------+------------+-----------------------+-----------+ | dbt3 | customer | PRIMARY | 183 | | dbt3 | lineitem | i_l_orderkey_quantity | 1279 | | dbt3 | orders | i_o_totalprice | 183 | +--------------+------------+-----------------------+-----------+ 68 07:48:08 AM
  • 69. Join analysis: PERFORMANCE SCHEMA [MySQL 5.6, MariaDB 10.0] ● summary tables with read/write statistics 69 07:48:08 AM – table_io_waits_summary_by_table – table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage ● Superset of the userstat tables ● More overhead ● Not possible to associate statistics with a query => truncate stats tables before running a query ● Possible bug – performance schema not ignored – Disable by UPDATE setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'NO' where name = 'global_instrumentation';
  • 70. Analyze joins via PERFORMANCE SCHEMA: SHOW TABLE_STATISTICS analogue select object_schema, object_name, count_read, count_write, 70 07:48:08 AM sum_timer_read, sum_timer_write, ... from table_io_waits_summary_by_table where object_schema = 'dbt3' and count_star > 0; +---------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | object_schema | object_name | count_read | count_write | +---------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ | dbt3 | customer | 183 | 0 | | dbt3 | lineitem | 1462 | 0 | | dbt3 | orders | 184 | 0 | +---------------+-------------+------------+-------------+ +----------------+-----------------+ | sum_timer_read | sum_timer_write | ... +----------------+-----------------+ | 8326528406 | 0 | | 12117332778 | 0 | | 7946312812 | 0 | +----------------+-----------------+
  • 71. Analyze joins via PERFORMANCE SCHEMA: SHOW INDEX_STATISTICS analogue select object_schema, object_name, index_name, count_read, 71 07:48:08 AM sum_timer_read, sum_timer_write, ... from table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage where object_schema = 'dbt3' and count_star > 0 and index_name is not null; +---------------+-------------+-----------------------+------------+ | object_schema | object_name | index_name | count_read | +---------------+-------------+-----------------------+------------+ | dbt3 | customer | PRIMARY | 183 | | dbt3 | lineitem | i_l_orderkey_quantity | 1462 | | dbt3 | orders | i_o_totalprice | 184 | +---------------+-------------+-----------------------+------------+ +----------------+-----------------+ | sum_timer_read | sum_timer_write | ... +----------------+-----------------+ | 8326528406 | 0 | | 12117332778 | 0 | | 7946312812 | 0 | +----------------+-----------------+
  • 72. 72 07:48:08 AM ● Introduction – What is an optimizer problem – How to catch it ● old an new tools ● Single-table selects – brief recap from 2012 ● JOINs – ref access ● index statistics – join condition pushdown – join plan efficiency – query plan vs reality ● Big I/O bound JOINs – Batched Key Access ● Aggregate functions ● ORDER BY ... LIMIT ● GROUP BY ● Subqueries
  • 73. 73 07:48:08 AM Batched joins ● Optimization for analytical queries ● Analytic queries shovel through lots of data – e.g. “average size of order in the last month” – or “pairs of goods purchased together” ● Indexes,etc won't help when you really need to look at all data ● More data means greater chance of being io-bound ● Solution: batched joins
  • 74. 74 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea
  • 75. 75 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea
  • 76. 76 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea
  • 77. 77 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea
  • 78. 78 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea
  • 79. 79 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea
  • 80. 80 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea ● Non-BKA join hits data at random ● Caches are not used efficiently ● Prefetching is not useful
  • 81. 81 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Idea ● BKA implementation accesses data in order ● Takes advantages of caches and prefetching
  • 82. 82 07:48:08 AM Batched Key access effect set join_cache_level=6; select max(l_extendedprice) from orders, lineitem where l_orderkey=o_orderkey and o_orderdate between $DATE1 and $DATE2 The benchmark was run with ● Various BKA buffer size ● Various size of $DATE1...$DATE2 range
  • 83. 83 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access Performance 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 BKA join performance depending on buffer size -2,000,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 13,000,000 18,000,000 23,000,000 28,000,000 33,000,000 query_size=1, regular query_size=1, BKA query_size=2, regular query_size=2, BKA query_size=3, regular query_size=3, BKA Buffer size, bytes Query time, sec Performance without BKA Performance with BKA, given sufficient buffer size ● 4x-10x speedup ● The more the data, the bigger the speedup ● Buffer size setting is very important.
  • 84. 84 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access settings ● Needs to be turned on set join_buffer_size= 32*1024*1024; set join_cache_level=6; -- MariaDB set optimizer_switch='batched_key_access=on' -- MySQL 5.6 set optimizer_switch='mrr=on'; set optimizer_switch='mrr_sort_keys=on'; -- MariaDB only ● Further join_buffer_size tuning is watching – Query performance – Handler_mrr_init counter and increasing join_buffer_size until either saturates.
  • 85. 85 07:48:08 AM Batched Key Access - conclusions ● Targeted at big joins ● Needs to be enabled manually ● @@join_buffer_size is the most important setting ● MariaDB's implementation is a superset of MySQL's.
  • 86. 86 07:48:08 AM ● Introduction – What is an optimizer problem – How to catch it ● old an new tools ● Single-table selects – brief recap from 2012 ● JOINs – ref access ● index statistics – join condition pushdown – join plan efficiency – query plan vs reality ● Big I/O bound JOINs – Batched Key Access ● Aggregate functions ● ORDER BY ... LIMIT ● GROUP BY ● Subqueries
  • 87. ORDER BY 87 07:48:08 AM aggregates GROUP BY
  • 88. Aggregate functions, no GROUP BY ● COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc need to examine all rows select SUM(column) from tbl needs to examine the whole tbl. ● MIN and MAX can use index for lookup index (o_orderpriority, o_orderdate) +--+-----------+-----+----+-------------+----+-------+----+----+----------------------------+ |id|select_type|table|type|possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | +--+-----------+-----+----+-------------+----+-------+----+----+----------------------------+ |1 |SIMPLE |NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|NULL |NULL|NULL|Select tables optimized away| +--+-----------+-----+----+-------------+----+-------+----+----+----------------------------+ 88 07:48:08 AM index (o_orderdate) select max(o_orderdate) from orders select min(o_orderdate) from orders where o_orderdate > '1995-05-01' select max(o_orderdate) from orders where o_orderpriority='1-URGENT'
  • 89. ORDER BY … LIMIT Three algorithms ● Use an index to read in order ● Read one table, sort, join - “Using filesort” ● Execute join into temporary table and then sort - “Using temporary; Using filesort” 89 07:48:08 AM
  • 90. Using index to read data in order ● No special indication in EXPLAIN output ● LIMIT n: as soon as we read n records, we can stop! 90 07:48:08 AM
  • 91. A problem with LIMIT N optimization `orders` has 1.5 M rows explain select * from orders order by o_orderdate desc limit 10; +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+----+-----+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra| +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+----+-----+ |1 |SIMPLE |orders|index|NULL |i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|10 | | +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+----+-----+ select * from orders where o_orderpriority='1-URGENT' order by o_orderdate desc limit 10; +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+----+-----------+ |id|select_type|table |type |possible_keys|key |key_len|ref |rows|Extra | +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+----+-----------+ |1 |SIMPLE |orders|index|NULL |i_o_orderdate|4 |NULL|10 |Using where| +--+-----------+------+-----+-------------+-------------+-------+----+----+-----------+ 91 07:48:08 AM ● A problem: – 1.5M rows, 300K of them 'URGENT' – Scanning by date, when will we find 10 'URGENT' rows? – No good solution so far.
  • 92. 92 07:48:08 AM Using filesort strategy ● Have to read the entire first table ● For remaining, can apply LIMIT n ● ORDER BY can only use columns of tbl1.
  • 93. 93 07:48:08 AM Using temporary; Using filesort ● ORDER BY clause can use columns of any table ● LIMIT is applied only after executing the entire join and sorting.
  • 94. 94 07:48:08 AM ORDER BY - conclusions ● Resolving ORDER BY with index allows very efficient handling for LIMIT – Optimization for WHERE unused_condition ORDER BY … LIMIT n is challenging. ● Use sql_big_result, IGNORE INDEX FOR ORDER BY ● Using filesort – Needs all ORDER BY columns in the first table – Take advantage of LIMIT when doing join to non-first tables ● Using where; Using filesort is least efficient.
  • 95. 95 07:48:08 AM GROUP BY strategies There are three strategies ● Ordered index scan ● Loose Index Scan (LooseScan) ● Groups table (Using temporary; [Using filesort]).
  • 96. 96 07:48:08 AM Ordered index scan ● Groups are enumerated one after another ● Can compute aggregates on the fly ● Loose index scan is also able to jump to next group.
  • 97. Execution of GROUP BY with temptable 97 07:48:08 AM
  • 99. 99 07:48:08 AM Subquery optimizations ● Before MariaDB 5.3/MySQL 5.6 - “don't use subqueries” ● Queries that caused most of the pain – SELECT … FROM tbl WHERE col IN (SELECT …) - semi-joins – SELECT … FROM (SELECT …) - derived tables ● MariaDB 5.3 and MySQL 5.6 – Have common inheritance, MySQL 6.0 alpha – Huge (100x, 1000x) speedups for painful areas – Other kinds of subqueries received a speedup, too – MariaDB 5.3/5.5 has a superset of MySQL 5.6's optimizations ● 5.6 handles some un-handled edge cases, too
  • 100. 100 07:48:08 AM Tuning for subqueries ● “Before”: one execution strategy – No tuning possible ● “After”: similar to joins – Reasonable execution strategies supported – Need indexes – Need selective conditions – Support batching in most important cases ● Should be better 9x% of the time.
  • 101. What if it still picks a poor query plan? For both MariaDB and MySQL: ● Check EXPLAIN [EXTENDED], find a keyword around a 101 07:48:08 AM subquery table ● Google “ $subuqery_keyword” or ● Find which optimization it was ● set optimizer_switch='$subquery_optimization=off'
  • 102. 102 07:48:08 AM Thanks! Q & A