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= Međunarodni susret umjetnika| International Artists Meeting
                           Antonio Gotovac Lauer, Štaglinec
                                                  = 2011

= Međunarodni susret umjetnika| International Artists Meeting
                                                           Antonio Gotovac Lauer, Štaglinec
                                                                                         = 2011
                                  Premošćivanje granica | Crossing Zones
                                                                           Jezik | Language
                                                                                Zemlja | Land

                                                                  Milijana Babić || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                          Anne Bean | Poshya Kakl || Engleska | Irak | England | Iraq
                                                      David Belas | Pino Ivančić || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                                       Buba | Marina || Srbija | Serbia
                                                                   Jasenka Bulj || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                                        Mariel Carranza || Peru | Peru
                                                      Efi Ben David | Gina Ben David || Izrael | Israel
                                                    Vlasta Delimar | Milan Božić || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                                       Alejandra Herrera || Čile | Chile
                                                                  Jason Lim || Singapur | Singapore
                                                                Marko Marković || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                              Boris Nieslony || Njemačka | Germany
                                                             Sinead O’Donnell || S. Irska | N. Ireland
                                                                              Goran Ristić || BIH | B&H
                                                                  Damir Stojnić || Hrvatska | Croatia
    The Smithsons | Kristina Leko | Vidan Leko Smithson | David Smithson || Hrvatska | Njemačka | SAD
                                                                            | Croatia | Germany | USA
                                                                    Mio Vesović || Hrvatska | Croatia

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    J                                                      L
            ezik je nešto ogromno, on je enormno                  anguage is something enormous, a vast
            kompleksan sistem. A mi ga spontano                   and complex system. Yet we learn it qu-
            naučimo dok smo djeca. U ranom dje-                   ite spontaneously as children. In our in-
    tinjstvu bez ikakvog napora savladamo pravi-           fancy, without any effort, we master the rules
    la našeg materinskog jezika, i to mnogo prije          of our native tongue, much before things like
    nego neke druge stvari kao što su čitanje, pisa-       reading and writing and arithmetic. We express
    nje ili računanje. Jezikom izražavamo svoje misli      our thoughts to others in language. And under-
    drugima. I razumijemo druge kad govore istim           stand others who speak the same tongue. And
    jezikom. A zahvaljujući izumu pisma, možemo            thanks to the invention of script, we can under-
    razumjeti i zapisane misli onih koji odavno više       stand the written thoughts of those who long
    nisu među nama.                                        since are no longer with us.
    Mi ne možemo birati koji jezik će nam biti ma-         We cannot choose our native tongue. Those
    terinski. Oni koji se rode u Velikoj Britaniji imaju   who are born in the UK have the luck to be able
    sreću da u raznim državama mogu razgova-               to talk in their own language in many countries.
    rati na svom jeziku. I Austrijanci se svojim jezi-     Austrians too can make themselves understood
    kom mogu sporazumijevati s mnogo više ljudi            in their own language with many more people
    nego što ih živi u Austriji. Nasuprot njima, ma-       than live in Austria. As against them, Hungar-
    đarski intelektualci su svjesni da im je njihov        ian intellectuals are aware that their language is
    jezik prije božja kazna nego dar s neba. I kažu        more of a divine punishment to them than a gift
    da mi u Hrvatskoj imamo sreću s našim mate-            from heaven. And they say that we in Croatia
    rinskim jezikom jer ga govore i druge države:          are lucky because other nations speak our na-
    Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina i Crna Gora.               tive tongue: in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
                                                           and Montenegro.
    Naravno da unutar svakog jezika koji se govo-
    ri u više država ima nacionalnih jezičnih razli-       Naturally, inside every language that is spoken
    ka, često i većih nego između Hrvata i Srba.           in several states, there are national linguistic
    Ali te razlike ne ugrožavaju međusobnu razu-           differences, quite often greater than those be-
    mljivost pa se zato i dalje u lingvistici kaže da      tween Croats and Serbs. But these differenc-
    je riječ o jednom jeziku, policentričnom jer on        es do not threaten mutual intelligibility, and so
    ima nekoliko centara. Takvi su svi veći evrop-         in linguistics it is still said to be one language,
    ski jezici i brojni izvanevropski, pa je policentri-   but polycentric, because it has several centres.
    čan tip jezika čak prije normalno stanje nego          This is the case with all the major European lan-
    iznimka.                                               guages, and many outside the continent, and
                                                           the polycentric type is more the norm than the
    Jezični puristi nas rado uvjeravaju da ne zna-
    mo svoj jezik i da trebamo način izražavanja
    promijeniti onako kako oni propisuju. Među-            Language purists are fond of persuading us
    tim, izvorni govornici znaju jezik i raspolažu         that we don’t know our own tongue and that
    podsvjesnim znanjem njegovih pravila. Za us-           we need to change our way of expression ac-
    poredbu, to je kao kad vozite bicikl: vi znate         cording to their prescriptions. But native speak-
    voziti, iako ne znate navesti koje mišiće ko-          ers know their language and have a subcon-
    ristite dok vozite. Tako isto dok govorite, vi         scious knowledge of its rules. For comparison,
    podsvjesno stalno primjenjujete jezična pra-           this is like when you ride a bicycle you know
    vila, iako ih najčešće niste u stanju navesti ili      how to ride, even if you cannot state the musc-
    opisati. Naše podsvjesno znanje jezičnih pra-          les you use to do so. And so it is when you spe-
    vila je čak mnogo, mnogo opširnije od pra-             ak, you constantly, subconsciously, apply lan-
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vila koja se nude u gramatikama, rječnicima
     ili drugim knjigama. Nijedan lingvist na svijetu
                                                             guage rules, although most often you are inca-
                                                             pable of listing or describing them. Our subcon-
                                                                                                                                            =   Govoriš li štaglinečki?             =   Do you speak Štaglinec language?
     nije dosad bio u stanju ni približno opisati sva        scious knowledge of linguistic rules goes much,

                                                                                                                     D                                                       W
     pravila koja bilo koji izvorni govornik nekog je-       much wider than the rules that are provided in                  ok mnoštvo i dalje nadograđuje «babi-                     hile many still upgrade »Tower of
     zika nosi u glavi, a da pritom nije ni svjestan         grammar books, and dictionaries. No single                      lonsku kulu» najmodernijim tehnikama                      Babel« with the most modern tech-
     da posjeduje neku posebnu vještinu.                     linguist in the world has ever been capable of                  i usavršava je najpreciznijim statistič-                  niques, perfecting its superstructure
                                                             even approximately describing all the rules that        kim izračunima, mala skupina ljudi odvratila se         by the most accurate statistical calculations,
     Kad netko zahtijeva navodno ispravniji i čisti-                                                                 od penjanja po njoj i krenula spuštati se pre-          a small group of people turned away from
                                                             any native speaker of a language carries in their
     ji jezik, time usađuje u nas na perfidan način                                                                   ma zemlji. Kako se po putu i po prizemljenju            climbing on it, and started going back, down
                                                             head, without being aware of possessing any
     netrpeljivost prema ljudima. Kad netko ra-                                                                      ne bi pogubili, raspršili i nestali, dogovorili su      to earth. In order not to get lost, scatter or
                                                             particular skill.
     zdraženo reagira na riječi koje prepoznaje kao                                                                  mjesto i vrijeme susreta: Štaglinec, 18. lipnja         vanish on their way or after landing, they had
     znak druge nacije, to je izraz jezične netole-          When someone demands an allegedly purer                 2011. godine.                                           agreed place and time of meeting: Štaglinec,
     rancije, a jezična netolerancija je često poli-         and more correct language, they are insidiously                                                                 18th June 2011.
     tički prihvatljiva maska za netoleranciju pre-          implanting in our heads intolerance for others.         I doista, do susreta je došlo. Ne, nije riječ o
     ma drugoj naciji. Odbojnost prema određenoj             When someone reacts with irritation to words            povijesnom romanu ili futurističkoj priči. Ri-          Indeed, the encounter occurred. This is not
     grupi ljudi nije u demokratskim društvima pri-          that he recognises as the sign of another peo-          ječ je o jednom radosnom susretu. U zagr-               a historical novel or a futuristic story, but a
     hvatljivo direktno izricati, pa se to indirektno        ple, it is an expression of linguistic intolerance,     ljaju majke prirode i zagrljajima jedni drugih,         text about a joyful meeting. In the embrace
     čini kroz rasprave o jeziku pomoću naizgled             and linguistic intolerance is often a politically ac-   pripadnici naše male skupine vratili su se na           of mother nature and mutual hugs, the mem-
     prihvatljivijih tvrdnji fokusiranih na jezik.           ceptable disguise for lack of toleration for the        početke. U međuvremenu, prvobitni jezik se              bers of our small group returned to the begin-
                                                             other nation. In democratic societies it is not ac-     rascjepkao i odmetnuo od svoje prave naravi:            nings. In the meantime, the original language
     Ali jezik nije vlasništvo purista, i arogantno je kad                                                           nije više želio služiti ljudima kao živo sredstvo       is split apart and perverted from its true na-
                                                             ceptable to express repulsion for a given group,
     oni vjeruju da jest. Jezik je vlasništvo svih njego-                                                            komunikacije, nego se počeo okoštavati u su-            ture: no longer it wanted to serve people as
                                                             and so it is done indirectly through discussions
     vih govornika, dakle svih nas, i svi mi ga nepre-                                                               stave koji su težili zbuniti, zavaditi i zatim zavla-   a living means of communication, but began
                                                             about language with what seem to be accept-
     stano sređujemo, uređujemo, dorađujemo. To                                                                      dati zavađenim jedinkama, sposobnima razu-              to ossify in systems that have tended to con-
                                                             able claims focused on language.
     radimo spontano, nesvjesno i nenamjerno kad                                                                     mjeti jedino same sebe. Ali našoj maloj skupini         fuse, alienate and then rule the warring units–
     god govorimo ili pišemo. Do nastanka jezičnih           But language is not the property of the purists,        to nije predstavljalo problem. Svak je na svoj          beings, capable of understanding only them-
     pravila dolazi na isti način kao što dolazi do na-      and they are being arrogant in thinking it is. Lan-     način, svojom umješnošću i umjetnošću odlu-             selves. But it did not present a problem to our
     stanka utabanih prečica po parku. Prečice po            guage is the property of all speakers, of all of us,    čio učiniti sve kako bi pomogao tom ranjenom            small group. Everyone in their own way, by
     parku nastaju tako što veći broj pojedinaca gazi        and we all incessantly settle it, work on it, polish    organizmu jezika i iscijelio ga. Na taj način bi        his/her skill and art, decided to do everything
     travu po istom mjestu. Međutim, nijedan od tih          it. We do this spontaneously, unconsciously and         se donekle obnovilo međusobno razumijeva-               to help the wounded body of language and
     pojedinaca nije gazio travu s ciljem da nastane         unintentionally when we speak or write. Linguis-        nje kakvo je postojalo nekada, prije vremena            heal it. That would somewhat restore mutual
     prečica, nego s ciljem da u konkretnoj situaciji        tic rules arise in the same way that well–trod-         »babilonskoga carstva«, a kojeg nije nedosta-           understanding that had existed once, before
     što brže dođe do odredišta. Nastanak preči-             den shortcuts in the park. These shortcuts are          jalo okupljenim umjetnicima.                            the time of »the empire of Babylon«, the un-
     ce je nenamjeravana posljedica iste radnje veli-        made by most individuals walking on the grass                                                                   derstanding which the assembled artists did
     kog broja ljudi. Na jednak način nastaju i jezična      in the same place. But none of these individuals        Boris Nieslony je zaplesao s kamenjem ne bi
                                                                                                                                                                             not lack.
     pravila. I to kroz dugačka vremenska razdoblja.         has stepped on the grass with the intention of          li ono ispustilo prvobitni zvuk; Marko Marković
     Pritom je obogaćivanje i čak profinjivanje izra-         creating a shortcut, rather with the intention of       je kirurškom iglom i koncem šio rane svoga              Boris Nieslony was dancing with stones in or-
     žajnih mogućnosti kad je u dodiru s govornici-          getting, in the given situation, where he wants         jezika; Sinéad O’Donnell se trudila uobličiti mi-       der to make them let out their original sound;
     ma drugih jezika dolazilo do razmjene jezičnog          to go to as fast as possible. The creation of the       sao na papir, a Jason Lim je zaustavio govor            Marko Marković, with a surgical needle and
     materijala. Čisti jezici ne postoje i nikada nisu       shortcut is the unintentional result of the same        vjetra. Gina i Efi ben David su oblikovale nova          thread, was sewing the wounds of his (moth-
     postojali.                                              action by a large number of people. Language            imena od grančica trešnjinog drveta. Alejan-            er) tongue; Sinéad O’Donnell was trying to
                                                             rules are created in the same way. Over a long          dra Herera je kontemplirala težinu nerazumije-          formulate her thought on paper, and Jason
                                  =   Snježana Kordić        period of time. And expressive capacities tend          vanja. Buba i Marina su posudile tuđe jezike,
                                                                                                                     a tete zvane »Proljeće« krijepile su jezike sviju
                                                                                                                                                                             Lim stopped the speech of wind. Gina and
                                                                                                                                                                             Efi Ben David shaped the new names out of
                                                             to be enhanced and refined when, in contact
                                                             with speakers of other language, there is an ex-        kako bi ustrajali i ne bi izgubili radost. Milijana     cherry tree branches. Alejandra Herera was
                                                             change of language materials. Pure languages            Babić je ispisala priznanje koprivom, prizna-           contemplating the weight of non–understand-
                                                             do not exist, and never have existed.                   nje da već teško razumije čak i one s kojima            ing. Buba and Marina borrowed other peo-
                                                                                                                     dijeli isti jezik. Damir Stojnić je dahom ozvu-         ple’s tongues, while a group of women called
                                                                                          =    Snježana Kordić
                                                                                                                     čio anđela, dok su Pino i David dahtali i režali
                                                                                                                     poput životinja. Mariel Carranza se, vezana za
                                                                                                                                                                             »Spring« were invigorating all present pal-
                                                                                                                                                                             ates so to persevere and not lose joy. Milijana
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                                                                      Preveo | Translated by Graham McMaster
zemlju, prisjećala govora bića koje postoji iz-
     među životinja i anđela. Bili su tamo još mnogi
                                                         Babić wrote her confession in nettle, the con-
                                                         fession that she finds it harder and harder to
     drugi i dali svoj doprinos, sebe.                   understand even those who share the same
                                                         language with her. Damir Stojnić tuned in an
     Na kraju dana, u zemlji je izgaralo staro ime
                                                         angel with his breath, while Pino and David
     Čovjeka (Tom) dok je Milan Božić ispirao sta-                                                                                                                          Milijana Babić || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                         were panting and growling like animals. Mari-
     ru boju sa svoje družice Vlaste Delimar. Ime je                                                                                                Anne Bean | Poshya Kakl || Engleska | Irak | England | Iraq
                                                         el Carranza was, tied to the ground, recalling
     gutala vatra, boju je ispirala voda, u zraku je                                                                                                            David Belas | Pino Ivančić || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                         the speech of the beings whose existence is
     lebdjela prekrasna glazba Glenna Millera koju                                                                                                                               Buba | Marina || Srbija | Serbia
                                                         between animals and angels. There were also
     je izvodio tamburaški orkestar «Podravka».                                                                                                                              Jasenka Bulj || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                         many others who gave their contribution, their
     Suton je progutao sve. Boje, toplinu, zvukove.                                                                                                                               Mariel Carranza || Peru | Peru
     Iz tišine, na rubu svjetlosti i mraka, rodilo se                                                                                                           Efi Ben David | Gina Ben David || Izrael | Israel
     novo ime, nova boja, novi jezik. Štaglinečki.       At the end of the day, the old name of the Man                                                       Vlasta Delimar | Milan Božić || Hrvatska | Croatia
                                                         (Tom) was burning out in the ground, while                                                                              Alejandra Herrera || Čile | Chile
     Sveti Pavle je upozorio Korinćane da se ne
                                                         Milan Božić was washing away the old paint                                                                         Jason Lim || Singapur | Singapore
     razmeću poznavanjem stranih jezika, pa čak
                                                         from the body of his companion Vlasta Deli-                                                                      Marko Marković || Hrvatska | Croatia
     ni anđeoskih, jer uza sva ta znanja bit će tek
                                                         mar. The name was being consumed by fire,                                                                       Boris Nieslony || Njemačka | Germany
     hladan limeni vjetrokaz na krovu koji zveči pod
                                                         the color was being washed away by water,                                                                     Sinead O’Donnell || S. Irska | N. Ireland
     naletima vjetra ili instrument bez duše koji ječi
                                                         and the wonderful music of Glenn Miller per-                                                                                   Goran Ristić || BIH | B&H
     pod udarima lošeg svirača — ako ne sjednu
                                                         formed by the tambura orchestra »Podravka«                                                                         Damir Stojnić || Hrvatska | Croatia
     zajedno za stol i ne podijele hranu, piće i lju-
                                                         was floating in the air. Twilight swallowed it all:   The Smithsons | Kristina Leko | Vidan Leko Smithson | David Smithson || Hrvatska | Njemačka | SAD
     bav. Štaglinčani bi ga, vjerujem, preduhitrili u
                                                         colours, heat, sounds. From the silence, on                                                                                  | Croatia | Germany | USA
     pisanju te poslanice. Prije nego li bi se stigao
                                                         the edge of light and darkness, a new name,                                                                          Mio Vesović || Hrvatska | Croatia
     mašiti pera, već bi sjedio za dugačkim stolom,
                                                         new colour, new language was born: Štaglinec
     dijelio pogaču, nazdravljao domaćim vinom i
     radosno pjevao. Na štaglinečkom.
                                                         St. Paul warned the Corinthians not to boast
     Tečaj ovog svjetskog jezika se za sve zaintere-
                                                         with their knowledge of foreign languages,
     sirane i dalje održava jednom godišnje u ma-
                                                         even angelic languages, because all that
     lom mjestu Štaglinec pored Koprivnice. Dođi
                                                         knowledge will be just a cold tin vane clink-
     pa nauči.
                                                         ing under the gusts of wind, or a soulless in-
                                                         strument tinkling under the beats of bad play-
                                   =   Ivana Krencer     ers — unless they sit together at the table and
                                                         share food, drink, and love. The people from
                                                         Štaglinec would, I believe, have advanced him
                                                         in writing that epistle and, before he had even
                                                         come to wave his pen, he would have found
                                                         himself sitting at the long table, sharing home-
                                                         made bread, toasting with wine, and singing
                                                         joyfully. In Štaglinec language.
                                                         The course of this world language, for all con-
                                                         cerned, is still held annually in a small village
                                                         near Koprivnica called Štaglinec. Come and

                                                                                       =   Ivana Krencer

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=   Milijana Babić       Ne razumijem, riječi u koprivama.                  I do not understand, the words in the nettles.
     =   Hrvatska | Croatia   Na ovogodišnju temu reagiram izjavom Ne            At this year’s theme I react with the statement
                              razumijem. Priznajem da ne razumijem puno          I do not understand. I confess that I do not
                              toga iako pričamo isti jezik. Pritom se koristim   understand a lot even though we speak the
                              vizualnim jezikom koji nije razumljiv. Premošći-   same language. Doing this, I use a visual lan-
                              vanje granica nemoguće je bez razumijevanja.       guage that is not understandable. Bridging
                              Nerazumijevanje ima svoje posljedice.              borders and limits is impossible without un-
                                                                                 derstanding. Misunderstanding has its con-

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=   Anne Bean | Poshya Kakl            ‘PAVES’
     =   Engleska | Irak | England | Iraq   Trajanje: 30 minuta | Duration — 30 minutes

                                            Anne Bean nije bila prisutna na festivalu. Da bi
                                            bila uključena, iako ne fizički tamo, poslala je
                                            kutije s žutim vrpcama i dva lica od papira: jed-
                                            no papirnato lice sebe, a drugo lice od papira
                                            bilo je lice iračko–kurdske umjetnice Poshye
                                            Kakl. Vrpcu sam koristila za aktivnu instalaciju
                                            kroz prozor sobe u kojoj sam izvodila svoj per-
                                            formans cijeli dan. Uz pomoć jedne djevojčice
                                            odmatala sam kolutove žute vrpce i puštala ih
                                            da padaju kroz prozor na tlo.

                                            Anne Bean was not present at the festival. In
                                            order to be included yet not be there physi-
                                            cally, she sent boxes of yellow ribbon and two
                                            paper faces, one paper face of her own and
                                            one paper face of Iraqi Kurdish artist Poshya
                                            Kakl. I used the ribbon to make an active in-
                                            stallation through the window in which I had
                                            been performing all day. Assisted by a young
                                            girl, I unleashed the yellow ribbon reels one
                                            after the other out through the window onto
                                            the soil.

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=   David Belas | Pino Ivančić   »...dječja narodna igra :                             govu percepciju... trenutak kad su svi prirodni
     =   Hrvatska | Croatia           ODUzimanje zemlje...«                                 reflexi lišeni svih konvencionalnosti... uzet će
                                                                                            mi ruku i voditi kroz... osjećam radost alke-
                                                                                            mije krvi... ne ovdje, hajdemo dalje... sa svo-
                                      + poznata dječja igra oduzimanje zemlje, ov -
                                                                                            jeg mjesta vidim zvijezde i misli mi streme u
                                      dje transformirana u sferu odraslih, svako–
                                                                                            uragan svijetla...
                                      dnevnih aktualnosti
                                                                                            Krenuo sam vlastitom interpretacijom, osob-
                                                                                            nog rituala prisvajati zemlje oko sebe, te kroz
                                      ...kad smo bili mali... crtanje po zemlji koma-
                                                                                            fizičku akciju uvjeravati samoga sebe da je ta
                                      dom drva... asfaltu kredom ili komadićem ci-
                                                                                            zemlja uistinu moja. Nakon obavljenog rituala,
                                      gle... kako je bilo moguće u kojem dijelu gra-
                                                                                            kroz ritual dovodio sam se u stanje iz kojeg su
                                      da il sela... i bilo je bitno »ukrasti/oduzeti« što
                                                                                            proizlazile sve iduće akcije, borbe, bijeg, skri-
                                      veći komad teritorija suprotnog dijela do tre-
                                                                                            vanje ispod stola te nakraju nestajanja u krošnji
                                      na kad je nekom zauzet cijeli njegov ucrta-
                                                                                            trešnje. Sve što mi se dogodilo zapravo je po-
                                      ni teritorij ... bila nam je to razbibriga/igra...
                                                                                            sljedica izvedbe same. Osnovna ideja kojom
                                      ta igra je samo prebačena u kontekst aktu-
                                                                                            sam se ravnao te pitanje na koje sam tražio
                                      alnosti odraslog svijeta... crtanje je zamijenje-
                                                                                            odgovore je: Da li je ljudska potreba za prisva-
                                      no ritualom obilježavanja/zauzimanja teritorija
                                                                                            janjem pa naknadno otimanje zemlje skrivena
                                      zrnjevljem pšenice i kukuruza... od nasušne
                                                                                            u samom nagonu za preživljavanje te shodno
                                      potrebe preživljavanja do čiste pohlepe i ego-
                                                                                            tome nastanje pojma privatnog vlasništva ili je
                                      ističkog samozadovoljavanja... bildanje ega...
                                                                                            to kategorija čiste ljudske pohlepe odnosno
                                      koji živi i stvara u beskrupuloznom svijetu i
                                                                                            nedostatak razumijevanja vlastitih ograniče-
                                      uniformiranom društvu... svaka extremna si-
                                                                                            nja. Nakon ostvarenog performansa te na-
                                      tuacija u kojoj se čovik nadje izoštriti će nje-
                                                                                            kon razmišljanja o događajima u Štaglincu,
                                                                                            pokušavam definirati osobni stav o temi »Je-
                                                                                            zik« i krenuti od onoga što tjera ljude do jezika
                                                                                            samog, do potrebe za komunikacijom, kako
                                                                                            uopće dolazimo do jezika i zašto? Nemam ne-
                                                                                            kog odgovora, ali možda je pitanje dovoljno,
                                                                                            također sjećam se osjećaja koji me pratio tije  -
                                                                                            kom cijele izvedbe i volio bi ga nekako artikuli-
                                                                                            rati... da motiv, osjećaj, koji me tjerao da tako
                                                                                            ritualno osvojim zemlju je isti onaj koji me po-
                                                                                            tjerao na stablo, a zove se »PLAN ZA BIJEG«
                                                                                            ili način preživljavanja. STRAH.
                                                                                            ...sama koncepcija rada dozvoljavala je slo-
                                                                                            bodu improvizacije i otvorenog kraja, ...i nit-
                                                                                            ko nije znao kako će performans završiti... on
                                                                                            proizlazi iz ideje, interakcije izvođača, publike,
                                                                                            i okoline.
                                                                                            materijal: — kanta / vjedro zrnjevlja kuruze
                                                                                            — kanta / vjedro pšeničnog zrnja

18                                                                                                                                               19
al I was brought into a state from which
                                                            all the following actions resulted: fight, flee,
                                                            hiding under the table and finally the disap-
                                                            pearance in the top of a cherry tree.
                                                            All that actually happened to me is a result
                                                            of the performance itself. The basic idea I
                                                            conducted myself with, and the question I
                                                            searched the answers to is:
                                                            Is the human need for appropriation and sub-
                                                            sequent abduction of the land hidden in the
     »... children’s traditional play:                      instinct for survival and consequently the con-
     CONfiscation of land ...«                               cept of private property is inhabited or is it a
                                                            category of pure human greed and lack of un-
     + a well–known children’s play confiscation            derstanding of our own limitations. After real-
     of land was here transformed into the sphere           izing the performance and after thinking about
     of adult daily actualities                             the events in Štaglinec, I have been trying
                                                            to define a personal attitude about the top-
                                                            ic of »Language« and start from what com-
     ... when we were little ... drawing on the gro-        pels people to the language itself, the need to
     und with a piece of wood ... on asphalt with           communicate, how we come to the language
     a piece of chalk or brick ... as was possible in       and why? I do not have any particular answer,
     a particular part of the city or village .... and it   but the question itself is perhaps enough; I
     was important to »steal / seize« as much of a          also remember the feeling that accompa-
     territory belonging to the opposite side, up to        nied me during the whole performance and
     the moment when someone’s whole marked                 I would like to, somehow, articulate it... yes,
     territory is occupied .... it was our pastime....      the motive, feeling which forced me to occu-
     that game is only transferred into the context         py the land in such a ritual way is the same
     of the news of the adult world .... drawing is         one that chased me up a tree, and is called
     replaced by the ritual of marking / occupy-            »ESCAPE PLAN« or a way of survival. FEAR.
     ing territory with grains of wheat and corn ...        ... the very conception of work allowed free-
     from the critical need to survive to pure greed        dom of improvisation and open–endedness,
     and egoistic masturbation ... building of ego          ...and no one knew how the performance was
     ... who lives and works in an unscrupulous             going to finish ... .. it results from the idea, the
     world and uniform society ... any extreme sit-         interaction of performers, audience, and en-
     uation where man finds himself will sharpen             vironment.
     his perception ... a moment when all the natu-
     ral reflexes are deprived of all conventionalities
     ... will take my hand and guide me through             Material: — bucket / pail of corn grain
     ... I feel the joy of the alchemy of blood ....        — bucket / pail of wheat grain
     not here, let’s go further ... from my position I
     see the stars and my thoughts strive into hur-
     ricane of light ...
     I started to occupy lands around me by
     my own interpretation, a personal ritual,
     and through physical action I was convinc-
     ing myself that the land was truly mine. Af-
     ter performing the ritual, through the ritu-
20                                                                                                                 21
=   Buba Čvorić | Marina Tomić   »AVAZ«*
     =   Srbija | Serbia              Mesec dana pre početka festivala »Moja ze-
                                      mlja, Štaglinec« započele smo dnevno pisa-
                                      ti jedna drugoj ručno pisana pisma (u peri-
                                      odu od 11 maja do 11 juna). Pisma su bila
                                      poslata na adresu organizatorke i umetnice
                                      Vlaste Delimar tj. adresu festivala »Moja ze-
                                      mlja, Štaglinec« u Hrvatskoj. Buba je pisa-
                                      la iz Holandije a Marina uglavnom iz Švaj-
                                      carske. Za vreme jednomesečne prepiske
                                      prestale smo potpuno sa komuniciranjem.

                                      Nakon tog meseca »slepe« korespodenci-
                                      je, dve lokalne žene iz Štaglineca Nada No-
                                      vak i Marija Polančec su sele skupa javno
                                      čitajući jedna drugoj naša pisma. Marija Po-
                                      lančec je bila Marinin a Nada Novak Bu-
                                      bin glas. Taj takozvani drugi deo jednome-
                                      sečnog performansa zbio se tokom otva-
                                      ranja festivala i trajao je nekoliko časova.
                                      *Avaz je turcizam, glas.

                                      One month before the festival “My Earth Šta-
                                      glinec” occurred we started on a daily basis
                                      writing hand written letters to each other (du-
                                      ring the period from 11th May till 11th of June).
                                      The letters were send to the organizer–artist
                                      Vlasta Delimar i.e. on the address of the Art
                                      organization “My Earth Štaglinec” in Croatia.
                                      Buba was writing from The Netherlands and
                                      Marina mostly from Switzerland. During this
                                      one–month of correspondence, we stopped
                                      completely to communicate with each other.
                                      After that month of “blind” correspondence,
                                      two local women Nada Novak and Marija Po-
                                      lančec from Štaglinec sat together and read
                                      our letters to each other in public. Marija Po-
                                      lančec was Marina’s and Nada Novak was
                                      Buba’s voice. That so–called second part of
                                      one–month performance took place during
                                      the opening time of the festival and it lasted a
                                      couple of hours.
                                      *Avaz is a Turkish word that means voice.

22                                                                                        23
=   Jasenka Bulj         Moja virtualna priča                                     My Virtual Story                                   We used to meet at my computer screen,
     =   Hrvatska | Croatia                                                                                                               everyone was in his/her environment, his/her
                                                                                                                                          surroundings. I photographed the screen and
                                                                                       Just as in real life, conversations via Skype
                              Baš kao i u stvarnom životu tako i preko                                                                    the whole situation, those with whom I con-
                                                                                       take a different course with each person.
                              Skypea razgovori sa svakom osobom imaju                                                                     versed. Their portraits are recorded. The vir-
                              drugačiji tijek.                                         In the spring of this year I was separated from    tual world of temporary communication has
                                                                                       my usual surroundings for two months. Co-          become real. They became palpable and re-
                              U proljeće ove godine bila sam dva mjeseca
                                                                                       mmunication with friends in other parts of the     corded, and when the line got disconnected
                              odvojena od svoje uobičajene okoline. Komu-
                                                                                       world took place via computer through the          the faces disappeared, all that was between
                              nikacija s prijateljima u drugim krajevima odvi-
                                                                                       Skype service.                                     us during the conversation disappeared. They
                              jala se preko računala putem Skype servisa.
                                                                                                                                          were not aware that they were recorded in
                                                                                       Way of communicating across the screen is
                              Način komuniciranja preko ekrana uvijek je vrlo                                                             space and time.
                                                                                       always very personal and different. Portraits
                              osoban i drugačiji. Portreti koji nastanu u ta-
                                                                                       arising from such a situation can always be        Their faces were a reflection of the moment,
                              kvoj situaciji uvijek mogu biti zanimljivi. Prijatelji
                                                                                       interesting. Friends and persons are in their      conversation, mood, environment and situati-
                              i osobe su u svojem okruženju, a nesvjesnost
                                                                                       environment, unaware of the fact that a pho-       on which they were surrounded with.
                              činjenice fotografiranja kao postupka, nedo-
                                                                                       tographic process is going on, so lack of awa-
                              statak svjesnosti o činu snimanja, omogućila                                                                When I was invited by Vlasta to Štaglinec, I
                                                                                       reness about the act of shooting allowed the
                              je drugačiju iskrenost u samoj fotografiji.                                                                  felt that this was an opportunity for our mutual
                                                                                       different sincerity in the photograph.
                                                                                                                                          communication, portraits of people who were
                              Bili smo na vezi u raznim razdobljima dana,
                                                                                       We were on the line at various times during        with me in moments of conversation, and
                              ovisno o vremenskim zonama, nekada je bilo
                                                                                       the day, depending on time zones, someti-          who disappeared, to be this way collected at
                              jutro ili pak večer, svi smo bili na raznim kraje-
                                                                                       mes it was morning sometimes evening, we           one place in a new joint conversation that has
                              vima svijeta i drugim kontinentima.
                                                                                       were all in different parts of the world and ot-   actually never occurred.
                              Sretali smo se na ekranu mog računala, svat-             her continents.
                              ko je bio u svojoj okolini u svom okruženju.
                              Fotografirala sam ekran i cijelu situaciju, one s
                              kojima sam komunicirala. Njihovi portreti ostali
                              su zabilježeni. Virtualni svijet trenutne komuni-
                              kacije postao je stvaran. Postali su opipljivi i
                              zabilježeni, a kada se prekinula veza nestala
                              su lica, nestalo je sve što je bilo između nas
                              tijekom razgovora. Oni nisu bili svjesni da su
                              ostali zabilježeni u prostoru i vremenu.
                              Njihova lica su bila odraz trenutka, razgovo-
                              ra, raspoloženja, okoline i situacije koja ih je
                              Kad me je Vlasta pozvala u Štaglinec osjetila
                              sam da bi to bila prilika da naša zajednička
                              komunikacija, portreti ljudi koji su bili sa mnom
                              u trenutcima razgovora i koji su nestali, bude
                              na ovaj način skupljena na jednom mjestu u
                              novom zajedničkom razgovoru koji se zapra-
                              vo nije nikada dogodio.

24                                                                                                                                                                                           25
=   Mariel Carranza   Mariel Carranza                             Mariel Carranza                               Joined in the pulsating/ breathing
     =   Peru | Peru       I AM / JA JESAM                             I AM / JA JESAM                               Sensation that unified us all
                                                                                                                     Time awareness returned
                                                                                                                     As the body began vibrating
                           Vezana za zemlju                            Bound to the ground
                                                                                                                     But I no longer remembered
                           Užad vezana oko mojih zapešća i gležnjeva   Ropes tied around my wrists and ankles
                                                                                                                     Who I was
                           Namotana oko kamenova                       Coiled around rocks
                                                                                                                     Arising and pulling the ropes
                           Pijesak je popustio pod težinom             Sand caved in under the weight
                                                                                                                     JA JESAM JA JESAM? JA JESAM
                           Tijela potonulog u zemlju                   Of the body sunk into the earth
                                                                                                                     Unsure of which way to go
                           Um upetljan u svoju nepreglednost           Mind entangled in its vastness
                                                                                                                     Searching contorted faces of others
                           Svjesnost o fizičkom sebstvu                 Awareness of physical self
                                                                                                                     Vibrating/repeating JA JESAM
                           Probuđen čisti osjećaj bivanja              Awakened pure sensation of being
                                                                                                                     Fell, pulled by the ropes
                           Širi se u svim smjerovima                   Expanding in all directions
                                                                                                                     To the ground
                           Prepuštanje/postajanje jednoga sa svime     Yielding/ becoming one in all
                                                                                                                     Raised again pulsating/
                           Brisanje pojmova vremena, mjesta, granica   Erasing concepts of time, place, boundaries
                                                                                                                     Breathing/ vibrating,
                           Nebo konfigurira slike                       The sky configured images
                                                                                                                     Repeating JA JESAM?
                           Koje se rastaču u moje biće                 Disintegrating into my being
                                                                                                                     Slowly approaching
                           Kao što se moje tijelo rastače u zemlju     As my body disintegrated onto the earth
                                                                                                                     The sun reflection in the window
                           Osjećala sam puls žarećeg sunca             I felt the pulse of the brazing sun
                                                                                                                     I saw myself
                           Kako kuca u mom tijelu i vjetru             Beat in my body and in the wind
                                                                                                                     JA JESAM
                           Koji ga raznosi svuda naokolo               Carrying it to everything around
                                                                                                                     JA JESAM?
                           Kukci                                       The insects
                                                                                                                     JA JESAM
                           Vrte se i migolje po mojoj koži             Wriggling, squirming on my skin
                           Pridruženi pulsiranju/disanju
                           Osjećanje koje nas je sve ujedinilo
                           Svijest o vremenu se vratila
                           Kako je tijelo počelo vibrirati
                           Ali ja se više nisam sjećala
                           Tko sam
                           Ustajući i povlačeći užad
                           JA JESAM JA JESAM? JA JESAM
                           Nesigurna kojim putem ići
                           Tražeći iskrivljena lica drugih
                           Vibrirajući/ponavljajući JA JESAM
                           Pala sam, konopima povučena
                           Na zemlju
                           Dižem se opet pulsirajući/
                           Ponavljajući JA JESAM?
                           Polako se približavajući
                           U odrazu sunca u prozoru
                           Ugledah sebe
                           JA JESAM
                           JA JESAM?
                           JA JESAM

26                                                                                                                                                         27
28   29
=   Efi Ben David | Gina Ben David   Materinji jezik — performans duljeg trajanja       “Mother tongue” — Durational performance
     =   Izrael | Israel
                                         Majka i kći odjevene u bijelo, rade zajedno.       Mother and daughter dressed in white, are
                                                                                            working together.
                                         ‘Nećete pomoći mladicama da narastu time
                                         što ćete ih vući prema gore’                       “You won’t help shoots grow, by pulling them
                                                                                            up higher”
                                         Kod kuće uzgajane mladice (izdanci, klice)
                                         Mong graha (po)jedene su jedna po jedna,           Home made shoots of Mong beans have been
                                         od strane 10 prstiju obojanih crnim lakom za       eaten one by one, by 10 fingers colored in
                                         nokte, ostavljajući prazne staze koje su tvorile   black nail polish, leaving empty trails that crea-
                                         slova, riječi, taoističku kinesku poslovicu.       te letters, words, a Taoist Chinese saying.
                                         3 sata meditacije.                                 3 hours of meditation.
                                         U ritmu kopanja 13 rupa u zemlji, imena umjet-     To the rythem of digging 13 holes in the gro-
                                         nika se prevode na hebrejski. U skladu s nji-      und, artists’ names are being transliterate to
                                         hovom podudarnošću sa slovima na tipkovnici        Hebrew. According to their matching letters in
                                         računala, pretvaraju se u novo ime na novom        a computer keyboard, they are transformed
                                         jeziku i oblikuju od grančica trešnjinog drveta.   into a new name in a new language, and for-
                                                                                            med by cherry tree twigs.
                                         13 pari nogu koje stoje u rupama prekrivaju
                                         se zemljom.                                        13 pairs of feet standing in the holes are being
                                                                                            covered with soil.
                                         13 umjetnika je ukorijenjeno u tlo Moje zemlje.
                                         ‘Nećete pomoći mladicama da narastu time           13 artists are rooted in MOJA ZEMLJA land.
                                         što ćete ih vući prema gore’.
                                                                                            “You won’t help shoots grow, by pulling them
                                                                                            up higher”.

30                                                                                                                                               31
32   33
=   Vlasta Delimar | Milan Božić   Apsolutni umjetnik (sjećanje i osjećaj) Antonio       Absolute Artist (Memories and Feelings) Anto-       carried out during the funeral of Antonio Goto-
     =   Hrvatska | Croatia             Gotovac Lauer                                         nio Gotovac Lauer                                   vac Lauer at the Mirogoj cemetery in Zagreb.
                                                                                                                                                  All three of us were wearing the same clot-
                                                                                                                                                  hes: black satin suit, white shirt, white under-
                                        Kako nismo mogli preuzeti odgovornost da se           Since we could not take the responsibility to       pants, white sneakers; a choice of dressing of
                                        brinemo za umjetničku ostavštinu koju nam je          care for his artistic legacy offered to us by An-   the deceased immediately before his death.
                                        Antonio Gotovac Lauer za života ponudio,              tonio Gotovac Lauer himself while alive, we         The project’s aim was to carry out a num-
                                        odlučili smo se nakon njegove smrti na jedan          decided after his death on a larger project en-     ber of actions and performances in Croatian
                                        veći projekt pod naslovom Apsolutni umjetnik          titled Absolute Artist (Memories and Feelings)      towns where Gotovac worked (Zagreb, Rije-
                                        (Sjećanje i osjećaj) Antonio Gotovac Lauer koji       Antonio Gotovac Lauer, intended to have his         ka, Koprivnica, Split and Dubrovnik).
                                        je imao intenciju da se njegov život i rad valo-      life and work validated through the prism of
                                                                                                                                                  After the performing actions in Croatia, we
                                        rizira kroz prizmu drugog umjetnika.                  another artist.
                                                                                                                                                  continued in Venice, London, Paris, Suboti-
                                        Kroz zadnjih šest godina intenzivnog druže-           During six last years of intensive meetings         ca and Belgrade. These are the cities whe-
                                        nja Božić, Delimar, Lauer iz kojeg je proizašao       Bozic — Delimar — Lauer, from which was             re we together with him planned to continue
                                        zajednički performans u Ilici 2.09. 2009. pod         derived a joint performance in Ilica Street in      our joint actions but we did not succeed, and
                                        naslovom »Dva muškarca i jedna žena« (Hr-             Zagreb on 2nd September 2009 entitled »Two          are the cities where Gotovac worked before.
                                        vatska remek — djela) nastalo je i niz tzv. pri-      Men and one Woman« (Croatian Masterpie-             This complex project is a commemoration on
                                        vatnih performansa koje smo nastavili i nakon         ces) a series of so–called private performan-       the activity of one contemporary who had a
                                        smrti Antonija Gotovca Lauera. Prvi posthu-           ces were derived, which we continue to give         specially important influence on art — perfor-
                                        mni privatni performans izveli smo za vrijeme         after the death of Antonio Gotovac Lauer.           mance scene in Croatia.
                                        samog posljednjeg ispraćaja Antonia Gotov-            The first posthumous private performance we
                                        ca Lauera na groblju Mirogoj. Svo troje bili
                                        smo odjeveni u istu odjeću; crno saten odije-
                                        lo, bijela košulja, bijele gaćice, bijele tenisice;
                                        kao pokojnikov izbor odijevanja neposredno
                                        prije smrti.
                                        Cilj projekta bio je da se izvode akcije i per-
                                        formansi u više gradova Hrvatske u kojima je
                                        Gotovac djelovao (Zagreb, Rijeka, Koprivnica,
                                        Split i Dubrovnik).
                                        Nakon izvedenih akcija u Hrvatskoj nastavi-
                                        li smo u Veneciji, Londonu, Parizu, Subotici i
                                        Beogradu. To su gradovi u kojima smo zajed-
                                        no s njime planirali nastaviti naše zajedničke
                                        akcije ali nismo uspjeli i to su gradovi u kojima
                                        je Gotovac prije radio.
                                        Ovaj kompleksan projekt sjećanje je na djelo-
                                        vanje jednog suvremenika koji je imao poseb-
                                        no važan utjecaj na likovno — performersku
                                        scenu u Hrvatskoj.

34                                                                                                                                                                                                   35
36   37
=   Alejandra Herrera   »Prelaženje međa«
     =   Čile | Chile
                             Festival se održava u nekadašnjoj užari koja se
                             nalazi na velikom imanju s jednom većom ne-
                             dovršenom građevinom i dva manja prostora.
                             Mjesto je puno energije. Energija se nakupila
                             tijekom povijesti prostora i prethodnih festivala
                             koji su se tamo događali. Posjed sam temelji-
                             to istražila. Večer prije dana nastupa, osjećala
                             sam da mjesto ne odgovara za izvedbu koju
                             sam planirala, pa sam odlučila da ću rad izve-
                             sti u selu među stanovnicima. Nismo proveli
                             mnogo vremena u tom selu, pa sam osjetila
                             potrebu komunicirati s mještanima i povezati
                             se s njima.
                             Započinjem akciju oko 2 sata hoda od mjesta
                             gdje ću je završiti. Počinjem hodati. Nosim bi-
                             jelu odjeću: hlače, majicu i čarape. U ruci dr-
                             žim vrč pun crnog vina. Svakih 10 koraka ot-
                             pijem vino i pustim ga da iscuri iz mojih usta
                             preko bijele odjeće, bojajući je u crveno. To
                             činim svaki put kad prođem pored pješaka ili
                             automobila. Prolaznici mi nešto dovikuju, ali ja
                             ne razumijem što. Osjećam ljutnju i strah. Au-
                             tomobili usporavaju, ali ne staju. Ljudi se ne
                             smiješe, djeluju iznenađeno i lice im poprima
                             prestrašen i zbunjen izraz. Nastavljam hodati,
                             noge mi počinju osjećati nepravilnosti na ce-
                             sti. Moje ruke također osjećaju težinu vrča.
                             Sat vremena je prošlo i vrč s vinom je polu-
                             prazan. Odjeća je već dobrano boje vina i moj
                             izgled čini se odražava koliko vremena perfor-
                             mans traje. Hod je pun razmišljanja, pitanja,
                             kontemplacije. Cesta se promijenila, više nije
                             autocesta, nego seoska ulica. Nakon 2 sata
                             hoda stižem na odredište. Gotovo svi su vani
                             i čekaju početak festivala. Ulazim u prostor i
                             krećem se prema kuhinji gdje ljudi pripremaju
                             hranu. Nastavljam izvoditi performans za njih.
                             Vraćam se van i ostavljam prazan vrč na be-
                             toniranoj stazi. Krećem se dalje prema vrtu u
                             kojem sam ostavila veliko keramičko jaje. Ho-
                             dam uokolo prostora s jajetom, moleći Zdravo
                             Mariju na španjolskom. Vraćam se na mjesto
                             gdje sam ostavila vrč i bacam jaje preko ra-
38                                                                               39
Saturday, June 18, 2:30 PM, Staglinec, Croatia.     stand anything they are saying. I sense anger
     “Crossing Land Borders”                             and fear. Cars slow down, but don’t stop. Pe-
                                                         ople are not smiling, they act surprised and
                                                         have expressions of terror, confusion.
     The festival takes place at an old rope fac-
     tory. It is located on a large property with un-    I keep walking, my feet start feeling the irregu-
     finished construction and empty houses. The          larity of the road. My arms are also feeling the
     place has a lot of energy. Energy that has          weight of the jug. An hour has passed and the
     been contained there because of the history         jug of wine is half empty. The clothes are dee-
     of the space and the previous festivals that        ply colored from the wine and my appearance
     have taken place there. I surveyed the proper-      seems to show the time that has passed thus
     ty extensively. The evening before the perfor-      far in the performance. The walk has been full
     mances, I felt like the location was not for the    of reflection, questions, contemplation.
     work I was planning, so I decided that I would
                                                         The road changes, no longer a freeway but
     make work in the town amongst the residents.
                                                         surface streets in the middle of the village.
     We had not spent any time in the nearby
     village, so I felt the need to communicate and      After 2 hours of walking I arrive at my desti-
     connect with its citizens.                          nation. Almost everyone is outside waiting for
                                                         the opening of the festival. I enter the space
     I start the action approximately 2 hours wal-
                                                         and move into the dinner area where there are
     king distance from where the piece will end.
                                                         people preparing food for the opening. I conti-
     I begin walking.
                                                         nue the action for them.
     I am wearing white clothes; pants, t–shirt
                                                         I return outside and leave the empty jug on a
     and socks. I am holding a jug full of red wine.
                                                         cement path. I move to a garden where I have
     Every 10 steps I take a drink of the wine and I
                                                         left a large ceramic egg. I walk around the space
     let it spill out of my mouth over the white clot-
                                                         with the egg, reciting the Hail Mary in Spanish.
     hes, staining the clothes red. I also engage in
                                                         I return to where the jug was left, and throw
     this action each time I pass by a pedestrian or a
                                                         egg over my back.
     car. Bystanders yell at me, but I don’t under-

40                                                                                                           41
=   Jason Lim              Stigao sam u Hrvatsku otvorenog uma, ne
     =   Singapur | Singapour   imajući unaprijed stvorenu predodžbu o tome
                                što ću raditi kao performans. Prekrasan krajo-
                                lik Štaglinca pobudio je u meni interes odmah
                                pri dolasku. Na zemlji su se odvijale mnoge
                                aktivnosti, trajale su pripreme drugih umjetni-
                                ka, imanje je brujalo od razgovora i aktivno-
                                sti. Nakon dana provedenog u hodu, proma-
                                tranju i otkrivanju što zemlja ima za ponuditi,
                                odlučio sam da u svom komadu želim ima-
                                ti što manje moguće akcije. Želio sam osta-
                                ti nepomičan. Unutar perimetra zemljišta bilo
                                je obilje oborenih stabala i grana. Sviđao mi
                                se kontrast mrtvih stabala položenih i po-
                                slaganih pored polja mladih kukuruza. Slika
                                mene kako stojim u polju kukuruza s gra-
                                nom bila je prva slika koja mi je došla u pa-
                                met. Balansiranje velike grane na glavi odr-
                                žavalo me mirnim. Granu je pomicao vjetar
                                koji je puhao nad zemljom, čas jak, čas blag.
                                Činilo se da je sve u pokretu osim mene u po-

                                I arrived to Croatia with an open mind witho-
                                ut any preconceived idea of what I would do
                                as a performance. The beautiful landscape of
                                Stalignec struck an interest in me upon arrival.
                                At the land, there were many activities of pre-
                                paration by other artists, the land was buzzing
                                with conversation and activities. Having spent
                                a day of walking, looking and discovering what
                                the land has to offer, I decided that I want to
                                have minimum actions for my piece. I would
                                like to remain still. There was an abundance of
                                fallen trees and branches in the perimeter of
                                the land. I liked the contrast of the dead trees
                                lying and piling next to fields of young corns.
                                The image of me standing in the corn field with
                                a tree branch was the first image that came
                                into my head. Balancing a large tree branch on
                                my head kept me in stillness. The branch was
                                moved by the wind that was blowing in the
                                land, sometimes strong, other times gentle.
                                Everything else seemed to be in movement
                                accept for myself in the field.

42                                                                                 43
=   Marko Marković       SITNI VEZ
     =   Hrvatska | Croatia   Sitni vez u narodnoj primopredaji označava
                              vještinu heklanja ( šlingeraj) te vještinu sviranja
                              određenih dionica na tamburici.
                              Izvedba sitni vez spoj je tradicionalnog folklora
                              u suvremenom ruhu body–arta.
                              Uz pratnju tamburice (svira Vlado Bunić) s
                              kompozicijom »Podravska krv« odjeven u na-
                              rodnu nošnju, autor u prirodnom ambijentu
                              seoskog domaćinstva izvodi performance.
                              Sjedeći za stolom, kirurškom iglom i koncem
                              šije svoje ožiljke dobivene tijekom života tj do-
                              bivene u ranijim izvedbama. Na taj način zaši-
                              va stare rane te zatvara prijašnje epohe jednog
                              vremena: izranjajavane zemlje, ljudi i sudbina
                              na tim prostorima. Izvedba Sitni Vez dolazi iz
                              ciklusa koji se bavi folklornim tematikama što
                              obrađuju položaje ljudi na određenim prosto-
                              rima i sredinama.

                              FINE EMBROIDERY
                              Expression ‘fine embroidery’ in the folk art
                              handover has two connotations: it represents
                              the skill of crochet, and the skill of playing cer-
                              tain shares on a tamburica (small tamboura, a
                              folk instrument similar to mandolin).
                              Performance is a combination of tradition-
                              al folklore in a contemporary body–art attire.
                              Accompanied by tamburica, playing (played
                              by Vlado Bunić) the composition ‘Podravina
                              Blood’, dressed in a traditional costume, the
                              author runs performance in the natural envi-
                              ronment of a rural household. Sitting at the
                              table, he sews his scars with a surgical nee-
                              dle and thread, the scars received during life,
                              i.e. obtained in earlier versions of the perform-
                              ance. In this way, the old wounds get sewn
                              up so that he may close previous epochs of
                              the time of the wounded country, people and
                              fates in these areas. Fine Embroidery perform-
                              ance comes from the cycle that deals with fol-
                              klore themes that deal with people’s positions
                              in certain areas and communities.

44                                                                                  45
=   Boris Nieslony       Kamenje me čekalo. Svaki pojedini kamen je
     =   Njemačka | Germany   bio zadovoljan. Ali tužan, vrlo tužan. Dobili su
                              samo 20 minuta.
                              Oni žele ostati sa mnom satima. Igrati se sa
                              mnom, zabavljati se, imati duboka iskustva
                              s mojim pokretima, žele plesati i vrtjeti se u
                              zraku, biti bačeni u visinu i padati proizvodeći
                              ovaj prekrasan zvuk. Da, kamenje je bilo tuž-
                              no kad sam ga ostavio u Štaglincu. Nadam
                              se da se ne ljuti na mene, dok leži u vrtu s ovo
                              malo 20–minutnog sjećanja.

                              The stones had waited for me. The stones
                              were satisfied. The stones were sad, very sad.
                              They got only 20 minutes. They want to stay
                              with me for hours. To play with me, to have
                              fun, to get deep experiences with my move-
                              ments, they want to dance and swirl in the air,
                              be thrown into the high and fall down with this
                              wonderfull sound. Yes, the stones were sad
                              when I left them in Štaglinec. Hope they are
                              not angry with me, lying in the garden with this
                              little 20–minute memory.

46                                                                               47
=   Sinead O’Donnell       Materijalna Mjera
     =   S.Irska | N. Ireland   Trajanje: 3 sata

                                Tema festivala je bila »jezik«. Ja sam umjet-
                                nica koja se predstavlja kao osoba s poteš-
                                koćama i svojedobno sam istraživala kako
                                je moja poteškoća utjecala na metodologiju
                                izvedbene umjetnosti. Na ovogodišnjem festi-
                                valu sam polako punila jednu sobu u kući gu-
                                žvajući bijele papire formata A4. Ovaj perfor-
                                mans je izrazio poteškoće s pisanjem teksta i
                                ujedno djelovao kao način mjerenja prostora

                                Material Measure
                                Duration: 3 hours.
                                The theme of the festival was ‘language’. I am
                                an artist that identifies as disabled, and I had
                                at time been researching how disability infor-
                                med my performance art methodology. For
                                this year’s festival I slowly filled a room insi-
                                de the house by crumpling white A4 pieces of
                                paper. This performance expressed a difficul-
                                ty with text and also acted as a way of mea-
                                suring space with material.

48                                                                                 49
=   Goran Ristić   FORKED TONGUE (performans/instalacija)               Forked tongue (performance / installation)
     =   BIH | B&H      FORKED TONGUE — (Rašljasti jezik) je jezik           FORKED TONGUE is the language of repti-
                        gmazova, koji se rašlja na dvije strane i služi      les, which separates in two and is used for
                        im za orijentaciju u prostoru, kao i raspozna-       orientation, and for recognition of warm from
                        vanje toplog od hladnog. Ono u čemu ga naj-          cold. It is most used for the biggest challen-
                        više koriste je najveći izazov prirode — preživ-     ge of nature — survival: how to recognize the
                        ljavanje, kako prepoznati plijen i što većom br-     prey and kill it as fast as possible, how to find
                        zinom ga usmrtiti, pronaći rod, usmjeriti se na      your species, how to direct on the right path,
                        pravi put, skloniti od neprijatelja. Možda baš       away from the enemy. Perhaps hence a ge-
                        odatle potiče genetički kod koji je kod čovjeka      netic code is promoted that is in man expre-
                        izražen u jeziku. Indijanci su u Americi zvali bi-   ssed in language. The Red Indians in America
                        jelce »forked tongue (jezik viljušaka)« jer su im    called the whites »forked tongues« because
                        riječi bile podijeljene na više značenja. Jedno      their words were divided into multiple meanin-
                        su govorili njima, drugo između sebe a treće         gs. One was spoken to them (the Indians), the
                        su radili. Forked Tongue je rad koji se bazira       other (second) was said between themselves
                        na historijskim političarima i njihovom govo-        (the whites) and the third thing was done. For-
                        ru upućenom običnom narodu. Uspoređiva-              ked Tongue is a work that is based on historic
                        nje ljudskog bića na vlasti s gmazom koji je         politicians and their speech addressed to or-
                        u stanju da uništi čovjeka jednim ugrizom nije       dinary people. Comparing a human being that
                        ni po čemu različito od govora predsjednika          has political power with a reptile that is able
                        koji jednom rečenicom može da uništi na hilja-       to destroy a man with one bite is no different
                        de ljudi. Slatko zapakovane laži i obećanja da       from the speech of one president who can by
                        ćemo jesti zlatnim kašikama su u protivnom           one sentence destroy thousands of people.
                        gorko nasjedanje na njihove riječi, bez ikakvog      Sweetly packed lies and promises that we will
                        upozorenja na drugačiji ishod. Performans/           eat with golden spoons, in the otherwise can
                        Instalacija je moja izvedba i shvatanje pred-        mean to be bitterly taken in their words, witho-
                        sjednika koji su bili na vlasti i bez premca nam     ut any warning of a different outcome. Perfor-
                        obećavali a ujedno i lagali. Njihovo zaslužno        mance/Installation is my performance and un-
                        mjesto nisu nikakvi muzeji ni svečane dvorane        derstanding of the presidents who had power
                        već viljuška: onakvo kakav je bio i njihov jezik     and were unmatchedly promising and lying at
                        a posebno djela. Nabijanjem na viljuške de-          the same time. Their meritorious position is no
                        struiram i poništavam svaki njihov govor, koji       museum(s) or festive hall(s), but just a fork, as
                        nije donio mir i dobro.                              it was their language and, particularly, deeds.
                                                                             By jamming (their photos) on the forks, I de-
                                                                             stroy and cancel all their speech, which has
                                                                             not brought peace and well being.

50                                                                                                                               51
=   Damir Stojnić        »IZG(OV)ARANJE; ANĐEO«
     =   Hrvatska | Croatia   Jakovljeva borba s anđelom; da bi opstao u
                              svijetu, čovjek se bori protiv najboljeg u sebi.
                              Tim potiskivanjem usvaja strategije temeljene
                              na strahu; lukavost, agresivnost... Sinopsis;
                              Anđela sam napravio po vlastitoj silueti ocr-
                              tavši je solju, i dodao krila. Po tom crtežu po-
                              stavljam kamenje i pravim ognjište.
                              Sakupljam drva i palim vatru koju raspirujem
                              puhanjem u metalnu cijev koja završava uzor-
                              kom koji nalikuje na zmijski jezik. U Istri tu cijev
                              nazivaju »puhalnica« i ona zamjenjuje mjeh,
                              kada se loži vatra. Ona je pupčana vrpca izme-
                              đu mene i anđela od vatre i žara. Toplina mog
                              daha mi biva vraćena kroz toplinu potaknute
                              vatre. Stvara se anđeo od žeravice i ja započi-
                              njem svirati u drvenu blok–flautu. Sviram samo
                              tonove MI i FA koji u »Glazbi sfera« Johannesa
                              Koeplera predstavljaju raspon nota što ih kru-
                              žeći po svojoj orbiti proizvodi planeta Zemlja.
                              Ti tonovi su skraćenice za latinske riječi MIse-
                              ria i FAmae (Jad i Glad) koji vladaju zemljom.
                              Na kraju stavljam flautu u srce »Anđela« od že-
                              ravice i »puhalnicom« raspirujem vatru oko nje
                              istovremeno pušući u nju tako da ton zamire s
                              izgaranjem instrumenta. Neko vrijeme proma-
                              tram dogorijevanje flaute (Zemlje) i odlazim.
                              Oslobađajući bez straha ono najbolje u nama
                              što smo potisnuli, postajemo izotopom samih
                              sebe; oslobađanjem vlastitih anđela spaljuje-          “PRONOUNCING; THE ANGEL”                             and I begin to play in a wooden block flute. I
                              mo pakao njegovom vlastitom vatrom.                                                                         only play notes MI and FA, which in the “Mu-
                                                                                     Jacob’s struggle with the angel; in order to
                                                                                                                                          sic of the Spheres” by Johannes Koepler re-
                                                                                     survive in the world, a man struggles against
                                                                                                                                          present a range of notes that are produced
                                                                                     what is best in him. By such suppressing he
                                                                                                                                          by Planet Earth circling in its orbit. These to-
                                                                                     adopts strategies based on fear: cunningness,
                                                                                                                                          nes are abbreviations for Latin words MIseria
                                                                                     aggression ... Synopsis: I make an angel after
                                                                                                                                          and FAmae (Misery and Hunger), which rule
                                                                                     my own silhouette, outlining it by salt, and add
                                                                                                                                          the planet. In the end I put the flute in em-
                                                                                     wings. On the drawing I lay stones and make
                                                                                                                                          ber »Angel«’s heart, fanning the fire around it
                                                                                     a fireplace. I collect wood and light a fire and
                                                                                                                                          with a metal tube (“puhalnica”) and blowing
                                                                                     fan it by blowing into a metal tube that ends
                                                                                                                                          directly into the flute at the same time, so that
                                                                                     in a sample that resembles a snake’s tongue.
                                                                                                                                          the tone dies parallely with the burning (out)
                                                                                     In Istria, that tube/pipe is called “puhalnica” (a
                                                                                                                                          of the instrument. For a while I am watching
                                                                                     thing to blow on) and it replaces a bag (in a
                                                                                                                                          how the flute (Earth) is burning and then leave.
                                                                                     bag–pipe) when you light a fire. It presents the
                                                                                                                                          By liberating the very best in us, what we have
                                                                                     umbilical cord between me and the angel of
                                                                                                                                          suppressed, without fear, we become isoto-
                                                                                     fire and ember. The heat of my breath is be-
                                                                                                                                          pes of ourselves; by releasing our own angels
                                                                                     ing returned to me through the heat of indu-
                                                                                                                                          we burn hell with its own fire.
                                                                                     ced fire. The angel of ember starts to appear
52                                                                                                                                                                                           53
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šTaglinec 2011l 2

  • 1. = Međunarodni susret umjetnika| International Artists Meeting Antonio Gotovac Lauer, Štaglinec = 2011 1
  • 2. = Međunarodni susret umjetnika| International Artists Meeting Antonio Gotovac Lauer, Štaglinec = 2011 Premošćivanje granica | Crossing Zones = Jezik | Language = Zemlja | Land Milijana Babić || Hrvatska | Croatia Anne Bean | Poshya Kakl || Engleska | Irak | England | Iraq David Belas | Pino Ivančić || Hrvatska | Croatia Buba | Marina || Srbija | Serbia Jasenka Bulj || Hrvatska | Croatia Mariel Carranza || Peru | Peru Efi Ben David | Gina Ben David || Izrael | Israel Vlasta Delimar | Milan Božić || Hrvatska | Croatia Alejandra Herrera || Čile | Chile Jason Lim || Singapur | Singapore Marko Marković || Hrvatska | Croatia Boris Nieslony || Njemačka | Germany Sinead O’Donnell || S. Irska | N. Ireland Goran Ristić || BIH | B&H Damir Stojnić || Hrvatska | Croatia The Smithsons | Kristina Leko | Vidan Leko Smithson | David Smithson || Hrvatska | Njemačka | SAD | Croatia | Germany | USA Mio Vesović || Hrvatska | Croatia 2 3
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  • 5. = = J L ezik je nešto ogromno, on je enormno anguage is something enormous, a vast kompleksan sistem. A mi ga spontano and complex system. Yet we learn it qu- naučimo dok smo djeca. U ranom dje- ite spontaneously as children. In our in- tinjstvu bez ikakvog napora savladamo pravi- fancy, without any effort, we master the rules la našeg materinskog jezika, i to mnogo prije of our native tongue, much before things like nego neke druge stvari kao što su čitanje, pisa- reading and writing and arithmetic. We express nje ili računanje. Jezikom izražavamo svoje misli our thoughts to others in language. And under- drugima. I razumijemo druge kad govore istim stand others who speak the same tongue. And jezikom. A zahvaljujući izumu pisma, možemo thanks to the invention of script, we can under- razumjeti i zapisane misli onih koji odavno više stand the written thoughts of those who long nisu među nama. since are no longer with us. Mi ne možemo birati koji jezik će nam biti ma- We cannot choose our native tongue. Those terinski. Oni koji se rode u Velikoj Britaniji imaju who are born in the UK have the luck to be able sreću da u raznim državama mogu razgova- to talk in their own language in many countries. rati na svom jeziku. I Austrijanci se svojim jezi- Austrians too can make themselves understood kom mogu sporazumijevati s mnogo više ljudi in their own language with many more people nego što ih živi u Austriji. Nasuprot njima, ma- than live in Austria. As against them, Hungar- đarski intelektualci su svjesni da im je njihov ian intellectuals are aware that their language is jezik prije božja kazna nego dar s neba. I kažu more of a divine punishment to them than a gift da mi u Hrvatskoj imamo sreću s našim mate- from heaven. And they say that we in Croatia rinskim jezikom jer ga govore i druge države: are lucky because other nations speak our na- Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina i Crna Gora. tive tongue: in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. Naravno da unutar svakog jezika koji se govo- ri u više država ima nacionalnih jezičnih razli- Naturally, inside every language that is spoken ka, često i većih nego između Hrvata i Srba. in several states, there are national linguistic Ali te razlike ne ugrožavaju međusobnu razu- differences, quite often greater than those be- mljivost pa se zato i dalje u lingvistici kaže da tween Croats and Serbs. But these differenc- je riječ o jednom jeziku, policentričnom jer on es do not threaten mutual intelligibility, and so ima nekoliko centara. Takvi su svi veći evrop- in linguistics it is still said to be one language, ski jezici i brojni izvanevropski, pa je policentri- but polycentric, because it has several centres. čan tip jezika čak prije normalno stanje nego This is the case with all the major European lan- iznimka. guages, and many outside the continent, and the polycentric type is more the norm than the Jezični puristi nas rado uvjeravaju da ne zna- exception. mo svoj jezik i da trebamo način izražavanja promijeniti onako kako oni propisuju. Među- Language purists are fond of persuading us tim, izvorni govornici znaju jezik i raspolažu that we don’t know our own tongue and that podsvjesnim znanjem njegovih pravila. Za us- we need to change our way of expression ac- poredbu, to je kao kad vozite bicikl: vi znate cording to their prescriptions. But native speak- voziti, iako ne znate navesti koje mišiće ko- ers know their language and have a subcon- ristite dok vozite. Tako isto dok govorite, vi scious knowledge of its rules. For comparison, podsvjesno stalno primjenjujete jezična pra- this is like when you ride a bicycle you know vila, iako ih najčešće niste u stanju navesti ili how to ride, even if you cannot state the musc- opisati. Naše podsvjesno znanje jezičnih pra- les you use to do so. And so it is when you spe- vila je čak mnogo, mnogo opširnije od pra- ak, you constantly, subconsciously, apply lan- 8 9
  • 6. vila koja se nude u gramatikama, rječnicima ili drugim knjigama. Nijedan lingvist na svijetu guage rules, although most often you are inca- pable of listing or describing them. Our subcon- = Govoriš li štaglinečki? = Do you speak Štaglinec language? nije dosad bio u stanju ni približno opisati sva scious knowledge of linguistic rules goes much, D W pravila koja bilo koji izvorni govornik nekog je- much wider than the rules that are provided in ok mnoštvo i dalje nadograđuje «babi- hile many still upgrade »Tower of zika nosi u glavi, a da pritom nije ni svjestan grammar books, and dictionaries. No single lonsku kulu» najmodernijim tehnikama Babel« with the most modern tech- da posjeduje neku posebnu vještinu. linguist in the world has ever been capable of i usavršava je najpreciznijim statistič- niques, perfecting its superstructure even approximately describing all the rules that kim izračunima, mala skupina ljudi odvratila se by the most accurate statistical calculations, Kad netko zahtijeva navodno ispravniji i čisti- od penjanja po njoj i krenula spuštati se pre- a small group of people turned away from any native speaker of a language carries in their ji jezik, time usađuje u nas na perfidan način ma zemlji. Kako se po putu i po prizemljenju climbing on it, and started going back, down head, without being aware of possessing any netrpeljivost prema ljudima. Kad netko ra- ne bi pogubili, raspršili i nestali, dogovorili su to earth. In order not to get lost, scatter or particular skill. zdraženo reagira na riječi koje prepoznaje kao mjesto i vrijeme susreta: Štaglinec, 18. lipnja vanish on their way or after landing, they had znak druge nacije, to je izraz jezične netole- When someone demands an allegedly purer 2011. godine. agreed place and time of meeting: Štaglinec, rancije, a jezična netolerancija je često poli- and more correct language, they are insidiously 18th June 2011. tički prihvatljiva maska za netoleranciju pre- implanting in our heads intolerance for others. I doista, do susreta je došlo. Ne, nije riječ o ma drugoj naciji. Odbojnost prema određenoj When someone reacts with irritation to words povijesnom romanu ili futurističkoj priči. Ri- Indeed, the encounter occurred. This is not grupi ljudi nije u demokratskim društvima pri- that he recognises as the sign of another peo- ječ je o jednom radosnom susretu. U zagr- a historical novel or a futuristic story, but a hvatljivo direktno izricati, pa se to indirektno ple, it is an expression of linguistic intolerance, ljaju majke prirode i zagrljajima jedni drugih, text about a joyful meeting. In the embrace čini kroz rasprave o jeziku pomoću naizgled and linguistic intolerance is often a politically ac- pripadnici naše male skupine vratili su se na of mother nature and mutual hugs, the mem- prihvatljivijih tvrdnji fokusiranih na jezik. ceptable disguise for lack of toleration for the početke. U međuvremenu, prvobitni jezik se bers of our small group returned to the begin- other nation. In democratic societies it is not ac- rascjepkao i odmetnuo od svoje prave naravi: nings. In the meantime, the original language Ali jezik nije vlasništvo purista, i arogantno je kad nije više želio služiti ljudima kao živo sredstvo is split apart and perverted from its true na- ceptable to express repulsion for a given group, oni vjeruju da jest. Jezik je vlasništvo svih njego- komunikacije, nego se počeo okoštavati u su- ture: no longer it wanted to serve people as and so it is done indirectly through discussions vih govornika, dakle svih nas, i svi mi ga nepre- stave koji su težili zbuniti, zavaditi i zatim zavla- a living means of communication, but began about language with what seem to be accept- stano sređujemo, uređujemo, dorađujemo. To dati zavađenim jedinkama, sposobnima razu- to ossify in systems that have tended to con- able claims focused on language. radimo spontano, nesvjesno i nenamjerno kad mjeti jedino same sebe. Ali našoj maloj skupini fuse, alienate and then rule the warring units– god govorimo ili pišemo. Do nastanka jezičnih But language is not the property of the purists, to nije predstavljalo problem. Svak je na svoj beings, capable of understanding only them- pravila dolazi na isti način kao što dolazi do na- and they are being arrogant in thinking it is. Lan- način, svojom umješnošću i umjetnošću odlu- selves. But it did not present a problem to our stanka utabanih prečica po parku. Prečice po guage is the property of all speakers, of all of us, čio učiniti sve kako bi pomogao tom ranjenom small group. Everyone in their own way, by parku nastaju tako što veći broj pojedinaca gazi and we all incessantly settle it, work on it, polish organizmu jezika i iscijelio ga. Na taj način bi his/her skill and art, decided to do everything travu po istom mjestu. Međutim, nijedan od tih it. We do this spontaneously, unconsciously and se donekle obnovilo međusobno razumijeva- to help the wounded body of language and pojedinaca nije gazio travu s ciljem da nastane unintentionally when we speak or write. Linguis- nje kakvo je postojalo nekada, prije vremena heal it. That would somewhat restore mutual prečica, nego s ciljem da u konkretnoj situaciji tic rules arise in the same way that well–trod- »babilonskoga carstva«, a kojeg nije nedosta- understanding that had existed once, before što brže dođe do odredišta. Nastanak preči- den shortcuts in the park. These shortcuts are jalo okupljenim umjetnicima. the time of »the empire of Babylon«, the un- ce je nenamjeravana posljedica iste radnje veli- made by most individuals walking on the grass derstanding which the assembled artists did kog broja ljudi. Na jednak način nastaju i jezična in the same place. But none of these individuals Boris Nieslony je zaplesao s kamenjem ne bi not lack. pravila. I to kroz dugačka vremenska razdoblja. has stepped on the grass with the intention of li ono ispustilo prvobitni zvuk; Marko Marković Pritom je obogaćivanje i čak profinjivanje izra- creating a shortcut, rather with the intention of je kirurškom iglom i koncem šio rane svoga Boris Nieslony was dancing with stones in or- žajnih mogućnosti kad je u dodiru s govornici- getting, in the given situation, where he wants jezika; Sinéad O’Donnell se trudila uobličiti mi- der to make them let out their original sound; ma drugih jezika dolazilo do razmjene jezičnog to go to as fast as possible. The creation of the sao na papir, a Jason Lim je zaustavio govor Marko Marković, with a surgical needle and materijala. Čisti jezici ne postoje i nikada nisu shortcut is the unintentional result of the same vjetra. Gina i Efi ben David su oblikovale nova thread, was sewing the wounds of his (moth- postojali. action by a large number of people. Language imena od grančica trešnjinog drveta. Alejan- er) tongue; Sinéad O’Donnell was trying to rules are created in the same way. Over a long dra Herera je kontemplirala težinu nerazumije- formulate her thought on paper, and Jason = Snježana Kordić period of time. And expressive capacities tend vanja. Buba i Marina su posudile tuđe jezike, a tete zvane »Proljeće« krijepile su jezike sviju Lim stopped the speech of wind. Gina and Efi Ben David shaped the new names out of to be enhanced and refined when, in contact with speakers of other language, there is an ex- kako bi ustrajali i ne bi izgubili radost. Milijana cherry tree branches. Alejandra Herera was change of language materials. Pure languages Babić je ispisala priznanje koprivom, prizna- contemplating the weight of non–understand- do not exist, and never have existed. nje da već teško razumije čak i one s kojima ing. Buba and Marina borrowed other peo- dijeli isti jezik. Damir Stojnić je dahom ozvu- ple’s tongues, while a group of women called = Snježana Kordić čio anđela, dok su Pino i David dahtali i režali poput životinja. Mariel Carranza se, vezana za »Spring« were invigorating all present pal- ates so to persevere and not lose joy. Milijana 10 11 Preveo | Translated by Graham McMaster
  • 7. zemlju, prisjećala govora bića koje postoji iz- među životinja i anđela. Bili su tamo još mnogi Babić wrote her confession in nettle, the con- fession that she finds it harder and harder to = drugi i dali svoj doprinos, sebe. understand even those who share the same language with her. Damir Stojnić tuned in an Na kraju dana, u zemlji je izgaralo staro ime angel with his breath, while Pino and David Čovjeka (Tom) dok je Milan Božić ispirao sta- Milijana Babić || Hrvatska | Croatia were panting and growling like animals. Mari- ru boju sa svoje družice Vlaste Delimar. Ime je Anne Bean | Poshya Kakl || Engleska | Irak | England | Iraq el Carranza was, tied to the ground, recalling gutala vatra, boju je ispirala voda, u zraku je David Belas | Pino Ivančić || Hrvatska | Croatia the speech of the beings whose existence is lebdjela prekrasna glazba Glenna Millera koju Buba | Marina || Srbija | Serbia between animals and angels. There were also je izvodio tamburaški orkestar «Podravka». Jasenka Bulj || Hrvatska | Croatia many others who gave their contribution, their Suton je progutao sve. Boje, toplinu, zvukove. Mariel Carranza || Peru | Peru selves. Iz tišine, na rubu svjetlosti i mraka, rodilo se Efi Ben David | Gina Ben David || Izrael | Israel novo ime, nova boja, novi jezik. Štaglinečki. At the end of the day, the old name of the Man Vlasta Delimar | Milan Božić || Hrvatska | Croatia (Tom) was burning out in the ground, while Alejandra Herrera || Čile | Chile Sveti Pavle je upozorio Korinćane da se ne Milan Božić was washing away the old paint Jason Lim || Singapur | Singapore razmeću poznavanjem stranih jezika, pa čak from the body of his companion Vlasta Deli- Marko Marković || Hrvatska | Croatia ni anđeoskih, jer uza sva ta znanja bit će tek mar. The name was being consumed by fire, Boris Nieslony || Njemačka | Germany hladan limeni vjetrokaz na krovu koji zveči pod the color was being washed away by water, Sinead O’Donnell || S. Irska | N. Ireland naletima vjetra ili instrument bez duše koji ječi and the wonderful music of Glenn Miller per- Goran Ristić || BIH | B&H pod udarima lošeg svirača — ako ne sjednu formed by the tambura orchestra »Podravka« Damir Stojnić || Hrvatska | Croatia zajedno za stol i ne podijele hranu, piće i lju- was floating in the air. Twilight swallowed it all: The Smithsons | Kristina Leko | Vidan Leko Smithson | David Smithson || Hrvatska | Njemačka | SAD bav. Štaglinčani bi ga, vjerujem, preduhitrili u colours, heat, sounds. From the silence, on | Croatia | Germany | USA pisanju te poslanice. Prije nego li bi se stigao the edge of light and darkness, a new name, Mio Vesović || Hrvatska | Croatia mašiti pera, već bi sjedio za dugačkim stolom, new colour, new language was born: Štaglinec dijelio pogaču, nazdravljao domaćim vinom i language. radosno pjevao. Na štaglinečkom. St. Paul warned the Corinthians not to boast Tečaj ovog svjetskog jezika se za sve zaintere- with their knowledge of foreign languages, sirane i dalje održava jednom godišnje u ma- even angelic languages, because all that lom mjestu Štaglinec pored Koprivnice. Dođi knowledge will be just a cold tin vane clink- pa nauči. ing under the gusts of wind, or a soulless in- strument tinkling under the beats of bad play- = Ivana Krencer ers — unless they sit together at the table and share food, drink, and love. The people from Štaglinec would, I believe, have advanced him in writing that epistle and, before he had even come to wave his pen, he would have found himself sitting at the long table, sharing home- made bread, toasting with wine, and singing joyfully. In Štaglinec language. The course of this world language, for all con- cerned, is still held annually in a small village near Koprivnica called Štaglinec. Come and learn. = Ivana Krencer 12 13
  • 8. = Milijana Babić Ne razumijem, riječi u koprivama. I do not understand, the words in the nettles. = Hrvatska | Croatia Na ovogodišnju temu reagiram izjavom Ne At this year’s theme I react with the statement razumijem. Priznajem da ne razumijem puno I do not understand. I confess that I do not toga iako pričamo isti jezik. Pritom se koristim understand a lot even though we speak the vizualnim jezikom koji nije razumljiv. Premošći- same language. Doing this, I use a visual lan- vanje granica nemoguće je bez razumijevanja. guage that is not understandable. Bridging Nerazumijevanje ima svoje posljedice. borders and limits is impossible without un- derstanding. Misunderstanding has its con- sequences. 14 15
  • 9. = Anne Bean | Poshya Kakl ‘PAVES’ = Engleska | Irak | England | Iraq Trajanje: 30 minuta | Duration — 30 minutes Anne Bean nije bila prisutna na festivalu. Da bi bila uključena, iako ne fizički tamo, poslala je kutije s žutim vrpcama i dva lica od papira: jed- no papirnato lice sebe, a drugo lice od papira bilo je lice iračko–kurdske umjetnice Poshye Kakl. Vrpcu sam koristila za aktivnu instalaciju kroz prozor sobe u kojoj sam izvodila svoj per- formans cijeli dan. Uz pomoć jedne djevojčice odmatala sam kolutove žute vrpce i puštala ih da padaju kroz prozor na tlo. Anne Bean was not present at the festival. In order to be included yet not be there physi- cally, she sent boxes of yellow ribbon and two paper faces, one paper face of her own and one paper face of Iraqi Kurdish artist Poshya Kakl. I used the ribbon to make an active in- stallation through the window in which I had been performing all day. Assisted by a young girl, I unleashed the yellow ribbon reels one after the other out through the window onto the soil. 16 17
  • 10. = David Belas | Pino Ivančić »...dječja narodna igra : govu percepciju... trenutak kad su svi prirodni = Hrvatska | Croatia ODUzimanje zemlje...« reflexi lišeni svih konvencionalnosti... uzet će mi ruku i voditi kroz... osjećam radost alke- mije krvi... ne ovdje, hajdemo dalje... sa svo- + poznata dječja igra oduzimanje zemlje, ov - jeg mjesta vidim zvijezde i misli mi streme u dje transformirana u sferu odraslih, svako– uragan svijetla... dnevnih aktualnosti Krenuo sam vlastitom interpretacijom, osob- nog rituala prisvajati zemlje oko sebe, te kroz ...kad smo bili mali... crtanje po zemlji koma- fizičku akciju uvjeravati samoga sebe da je ta dom drva... asfaltu kredom ili komadićem ci- zemlja uistinu moja. Nakon obavljenog rituala, gle... kako je bilo moguće u kojem dijelu gra- kroz ritual dovodio sam se u stanje iz kojeg su da il sela... i bilo je bitno »ukrasti/oduzeti« što proizlazile sve iduće akcije, borbe, bijeg, skri- veći komad teritorija suprotnog dijela do tre- vanje ispod stola te nakraju nestajanja u krošnji na kad je nekom zauzet cijeli njegov ucrta- trešnje. Sve što mi se dogodilo zapravo je po- ni teritorij ... bila nam je to razbibriga/igra... sljedica izvedbe same. Osnovna ideja kojom ta igra je samo prebačena u kontekst aktu- sam se ravnao te pitanje na koje sam tražio alnosti odraslog svijeta... crtanje je zamijenje- odgovore je: Da li je ljudska potreba za prisva- no ritualom obilježavanja/zauzimanja teritorija janjem pa naknadno otimanje zemlje skrivena zrnjevljem pšenice i kukuruza... od nasušne u samom nagonu za preživljavanje te shodno potrebe preživljavanja do čiste pohlepe i ego- tome nastanje pojma privatnog vlasništva ili je ističkog samozadovoljavanja... bildanje ega... to kategorija čiste ljudske pohlepe odnosno koji živi i stvara u beskrupuloznom svijetu i nedostatak razumijevanja vlastitih ograniče- uniformiranom društvu... svaka extremna si- nja. Nakon ostvarenog performansa te na- tuacija u kojoj se čovik nadje izoštriti će nje- kon razmišljanja o događajima u Štaglincu, pokušavam definirati osobni stav o temi »Je- zik« i krenuti od onoga što tjera ljude do jezika samog, do potrebe za komunikacijom, kako uopće dolazimo do jezika i zašto? Nemam ne- kog odgovora, ali možda je pitanje dovoljno, također sjećam se osjećaja koji me pratio tije - kom cijele izvedbe i volio bi ga nekako artikuli- rati... da motiv, osjećaj, koji me tjerao da tako ritualno osvojim zemlju je isti onaj koji me po- tjerao na stablo, a zove se »PLAN ZA BIJEG« ili način preživljavanja. STRAH. ...sama koncepcija rada dozvoljavala je slo- bodu improvizacije i otvorenog kraja, ...i nit- ko nije znao kako će performans završiti... on proizlazi iz ideje, interakcije izvođača, publike, i okoline. materijal: — kanta / vjedro zrnjevlja kuruze — kanta / vjedro pšeničnog zrnja 18 19
  • 11. al I was brought into a state from which all the following actions resulted: fight, flee, hiding under the table and finally the disap- pearance in the top of a cherry tree. All that actually happened to me is a result of the performance itself. The basic idea I conducted myself with, and the question I searched the answers to is: Is the human need for appropriation and sub- sequent abduction of the land hidden in the »... children’s traditional play: instinct for survival and consequently the con- CONfiscation of land ...« cept of private property is inhabited or is it a category of pure human greed and lack of un- + a well–known children’s play confiscation derstanding of our own limitations. After real- of land was here transformed into the sphere izing the performance and after thinking about of adult daily actualities the events in Štaglinec, I have been trying to define a personal attitude about the top- ic of »Language« and start from what com- ... when we were little ... drawing on the gro- pels people to the language itself, the need to und with a piece of wood ... on asphalt with communicate, how we come to the language a piece of chalk or brick ... as was possible in and why? I do not have any particular answer, a particular part of the city or village .... and it but the question itself is perhaps enough; I was important to »steal / seize« as much of a also remember the feeling that accompa- territory belonging to the opposite side, up to nied me during the whole performance and the moment when someone’s whole marked I would like to, somehow, articulate it... yes, territory is occupied .... it was our pastime.... the motive, feeling which forced me to occu- that game is only transferred into the context py the land in such a ritual way is the same of the news of the adult world .... drawing is one that chased me up a tree, and is called replaced by the ritual of marking / occupy- »ESCAPE PLAN« or a way of survival. FEAR. ing territory with grains of wheat and corn ... ... the very conception of work allowed free- from the critical need to survive to pure greed dom of improvisation and open–endedness, and egoistic masturbation ... building of ego ...and no one knew how the performance was ... who lives and works in an unscrupulous going to finish ... .. it results from the idea, the world and uniform society ... any extreme sit- interaction of performers, audience, and en- uation where man finds himself will sharpen vironment. his perception ... a moment when all the natu- ral reflexes are deprived of all conventionalities ... will take my hand and guide me through Material: — bucket / pail of corn grain ... I feel the joy of the alchemy of blood .... — bucket / pail of wheat grain not here, let’s go further ... from my position I see the stars and my thoughts strive into hur- ricane of light ... I started to occupy lands around me by my own interpretation, a personal ritual, and through physical action I was convinc- ing myself that the land was truly mine. Af- ter performing the ritual, through the ritu- 20 21
  • 12. = Buba Čvorić | Marina Tomić »AVAZ«* = Srbija | Serbia Mesec dana pre početka festivala »Moja ze- mlja, Štaglinec« započele smo dnevno pisa- ti jedna drugoj ručno pisana pisma (u peri- odu od 11 maja do 11 juna). Pisma su bila poslata na adresu organizatorke i umetnice Vlaste Delimar tj. adresu festivala »Moja ze- mlja, Štaglinec« u Hrvatskoj. Buba je pisa- la iz Holandije a Marina uglavnom iz Švaj- carske. Za vreme jednomesečne prepiske prestale smo potpuno sa komuniciranjem. Nakon tog meseca »slepe« korespodenci- je, dve lokalne žene iz Štaglineca Nada No- vak i Marija Polančec su sele skupa javno čitajući jedna drugoj naša pisma. Marija Po- lančec je bila Marinin a Nada Novak Bu- bin glas. Taj takozvani drugi deo jednome- sečnog performansa zbio se tokom otva- ranja festivala i trajao je nekoliko časova. *Avaz je turcizam, glas. “AVAZ”* One month before the festival “My Earth Šta- glinec” occurred we started on a daily basis writing hand written letters to each other (du- ring the period from 11th May till 11th of June). The letters were send to the organizer–artist Vlasta Delimar i.e. on the address of the Art organization “My Earth Štaglinec” in Croatia. Buba was writing from The Netherlands and Marina mostly from Switzerland. During this one–month of correspondence, we stopped completely to communicate with each other. After that month of “blind” correspondence, two local women Nada Novak and Marija Po- lančec from Štaglinec sat together and read our letters to each other in public. Marija Po- lančec was Marina’s and Nada Novak was Buba’s voice. That so–called second part of one–month performance took place during the opening time of the festival and it lasted a couple of hours. *Avaz is a Turkish word that means voice. 22 23
  • 13. = Jasenka Bulj Moja virtualna priča My Virtual Story We used to meet at my computer screen, = Hrvatska | Croatia everyone was in his/her environment, his/her surroundings. I photographed the screen and Just as in real life, conversations via Skype Baš kao i u stvarnom životu tako i preko the whole situation, those with whom I con- take a different course with each person. Skypea razgovori sa svakom osobom imaju versed. Their portraits are recorded. The vir- drugačiji tijek. In the spring of this year I was separated from tual world of temporary communication has my usual surroundings for two months. Co- become real. They became palpable and re- U proljeće ove godine bila sam dva mjeseca mmunication with friends in other parts of the corded, and when the line got disconnected odvojena od svoje uobičajene okoline. Komu- world took place via computer through the the faces disappeared, all that was between nikacija s prijateljima u drugim krajevima odvi- Skype service. us during the conversation disappeared. They jala se preko računala putem Skype servisa. were not aware that they were recorded in Way of communicating across the screen is Način komuniciranja preko ekrana uvijek je vrlo space and time. always very personal and different. Portraits osoban i drugačiji. Portreti koji nastanu u ta- arising from such a situation can always be Their faces were a reflection of the moment, kvoj situaciji uvijek mogu biti zanimljivi. Prijatelji interesting. Friends and persons are in their conversation, mood, environment and situati- i osobe su u svojem okruženju, a nesvjesnost environment, unaware of the fact that a pho- on which they were surrounded with. činjenice fotografiranja kao postupka, nedo- tographic process is going on, so lack of awa- statak svjesnosti o činu snimanja, omogućila When I was invited by Vlasta to Štaglinec, I reness about the act of shooting allowed the je drugačiju iskrenost u samoj fotografiji. felt that this was an opportunity for our mutual different sincerity in the photograph. communication, portraits of people who were Bili smo na vezi u raznim razdobljima dana, We were on the line at various times during with me in moments of conversation, and ovisno o vremenskim zonama, nekada je bilo the day, depending on time zones, someti- who disappeared, to be this way collected at jutro ili pak večer, svi smo bili na raznim kraje- mes it was morning sometimes evening, we one place in a new joint conversation that has vima svijeta i drugim kontinentima. were all in different parts of the world and ot- actually never occurred. Sretali smo se na ekranu mog računala, svat- her continents. ko je bio u svojoj okolini u svom okruženju. Fotografirala sam ekran i cijelu situaciju, one s kojima sam komunicirala. Njihovi portreti ostali su zabilježeni. Virtualni svijet trenutne komuni- kacije postao je stvaran. Postali su opipljivi i zabilježeni, a kada se prekinula veza nestala su lica, nestalo je sve što je bilo između nas tijekom razgovora. Oni nisu bili svjesni da su ostali zabilježeni u prostoru i vremenu. Njihova lica su bila odraz trenutka, razgovo- ra, raspoloženja, okoline i situacije koja ih je okruživala. Kad me je Vlasta pozvala u Štaglinec osjetila sam da bi to bila prilika da naša zajednička komunikacija, portreti ljudi koji su bili sa mnom u trenutcima razgovora i koji su nestali, bude na ovaj način skupljena na jednom mjestu u novom zajedničkom razgovoru koji se zapra- vo nije nikada dogodio. 24 25
  • 14. = Mariel Carranza Mariel Carranza Mariel Carranza Joined in the pulsating/ breathing = Peru | Peru I AM / JA JESAM I AM / JA JESAM Sensation that unified us all Time awareness returned As the body began vibrating Vezana za zemlju Bound to the ground But I no longer remembered Užad vezana oko mojih zapešća i gležnjeva Ropes tied around my wrists and ankles Who I was Namotana oko kamenova Coiled around rocks Arising and pulling the ropes Pijesak je popustio pod težinom Sand caved in under the weight JA JESAM JA JESAM? JA JESAM Tijela potonulog u zemlju Of the body sunk into the earth Unsure of which way to go Um upetljan u svoju nepreglednost Mind entangled in its vastness Searching contorted faces of others Svjesnost o fizičkom sebstvu Awareness of physical self Vibrating/repeating JA JESAM Probuđen čisti osjećaj bivanja Awakened pure sensation of being Fell, pulled by the ropes Širi se u svim smjerovima Expanding in all directions To the ground Prepuštanje/postajanje jednoga sa svime Yielding/ becoming one in all Raised again pulsating/ Brisanje pojmova vremena, mjesta, granica Erasing concepts of time, place, boundaries Breathing/ vibrating, Nebo konfigurira slike The sky configured images Repeating JA JESAM? Koje se rastaču u moje biće Disintegrating into my being Slowly approaching Kao što se moje tijelo rastače u zemlju As my body disintegrated onto the earth The sun reflection in the window Osjećala sam puls žarećeg sunca I felt the pulse of the brazing sun I saw myself Kako kuca u mom tijelu i vjetru Beat in my body and in the wind JA JESAM Koji ga raznosi svuda naokolo Carrying it to everything around JA JESAM? Kukci The insects JA JESAM Vrte se i migolje po mojoj koži Wriggling, squirming on my skin Pridruženi pulsiranju/disanju Osjećanje koje nas je sve ujedinilo Svijest o vremenu se vratila Kako je tijelo počelo vibrirati Ali ja se više nisam sjećala Tko sam Ustajući i povlačeći užad JA JESAM JA JESAM? JA JESAM Nesigurna kojim putem ići Tražeći iskrivljena lica drugih Vibrirajući/ponavljajući JA JESAM Pala sam, konopima povučena Na zemlju Dižem se opet pulsirajući/ Dišući/vibrirajući, Ponavljajući JA JESAM? Polako se približavajući U odrazu sunca u prozoru Ugledah sebe JA JESAM JA JESAM? JA JESAM 26 27
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  • 16. = Efi Ben David | Gina Ben David Materinji jezik — performans duljeg trajanja “Mother tongue” — Durational performance = Izrael | Israel Majka i kći odjevene u bijelo, rade zajedno. Mother and daughter dressed in white, are working together. ‘Nećete pomoći mladicama da narastu time što ćete ih vući prema gore’ “You won’t help shoots grow, by pulling them up higher” Kod kuće uzgajane mladice (izdanci, klice) Mong graha (po)jedene su jedna po jedna, Home made shoots of Mong beans have been od strane 10 prstiju obojanih crnim lakom za eaten one by one, by 10 fingers colored in nokte, ostavljajući prazne staze koje su tvorile black nail polish, leaving empty trails that crea- slova, riječi, taoističku kinesku poslovicu. te letters, words, a Taoist Chinese saying. 3 sata meditacije. 3 hours of meditation. U ritmu kopanja 13 rupa u zemlji, imena umjet- To the rythem of digging 13 holes in the gro- nika se prevode na hebrejski. U skladu s nji- und, artists’ names are being transliterate to hovom podudarnošću sa slovima na tipkovnici Hebrew. According to their matching letters in računala, pretvaraju se u novo ime na novom a computer keyboard, they are transformed jeziku i oblikuju od grančica trešnjinog drveta. into a new name in a new language, and for- med by cherry tree twigs. 13 pari nogu koje stoje u rupama prekrivaju se zemljom. 13 pairs of feet standing in the holes are being covered with soil. 13 umjetnika je ukorijenjeno u tlo Moje zemlje. ‘Nećete pomoći mladicama da narastu time 13 artists are rooted in MOJA ZEMLJA land. što ćete ih vući prema gore’. “You won’t help shoots grow, by pulling them up higher”. 30 31
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  • 18. = Vlasta Delimar | Milan Božić Apsolutni umjetnik (sjećanje i osjećaj) Antonio Absolute Artist (Memories and Feelings) Anto- carried out during the funeral of Antonio Goto- = Hrvatska | Croatia Gotovac Lauer nio Gotovac Lauer vac Lauer at the Mirogoj cemetery in Zagreb. All three of us were wearing the same clot- hes: black satin suit, white shirt, white under- Kako nismo mogli preuzeti odgovornost da se Since we could not take the responsibility to pants, white sneakers; a choice of dressing of brinemo za umjetničku ostavštinu koju nam je care for his artistic legacy offered to us by An- the deceased immediately before his death. Antonio Gotovac Lauer za života ponudio, tonio Gotovac Lauer himself while alive, we The project’s aim was to carry out a num- odlučili smo se nakon njegove smrti na jedan decided after his death on a larger project en- ber of actions and performances in Croatian veći projekt pod naslovom Apsolutni umjetnik titled Absolute Artist (Memories and Feelings) towns where Gotovac worked (Zagreb, Rije- (Sjećanje i osjećaj) Antonio Gotovac Lauer koji Antonio Gotovac Lauer, intended to have his ka, Koprivnica, Split and Dubrovnik). je imao intenciju da se njegov život i rad valo- life and work validated through the prism of After the performing actions in Croatia, we rizira kroz prizmu drugog umjetnika. another artist. continued in Venice, London, Paris, Suboti- Kroz zadnjih šest godina intenzivnog druže- During six last years of intensive meetings ca and Belgrade. These are the cities whe- nja Božić, Delimar, Lauer iz kojeg je proizašao Bozic — Delimar — Lauer, from which was re we together with him planned to continue zajednički performans u Ilici 2.09. 2009. pod derived a joint performance in Ilica Street in our joint actions but we did not succeed, and naslovom »Dva muškarca i jedna žena« (Hr- Zagreb on 2nd September 2009 entitled »Two are the cities where Gotovac worked before. vatska remek — djela) nastalo je i niz tzv. pri- Men and one Woman« (Croatian Masterpie- This complex project is a commemoration on vatnih performansa koje smo nastavili i nakon ces) a series of so–called private performan- the activity of one contemporary who had a smrti Antonija Gotovca Lauera. Prvi posthu- ces were derived, which we continue to give specially important influence on art — perfor- mni privatni performans izveli smo za vrijeme after the death of Antonio Gotovac Lauer. mance scene in Croatia. samog posljednjeg ispraćaja Antonia Gotov- The first posthumous private performance we ca Lauera na groblju Mirogoj. Svo troje bili smo odjeveni u istu odjeću; crno saten odije- lo, bijela košulja, bijele gaćice, bijele tenisice; kao pokojnikov izbor odijevanja neposredno prije smrti. Cilj projekta bio je da se izvode akcije i per- formansi u više gradova Hrvatske u kojima je Gotovac djelovao (Zagreb, Rijeka, Koprivnica, Split i Dubrovnik). Nakon izvedenih akcija u Hrvatskoj nastavi- li smo u Veneciji, Londonu, Parizu, Subotici i Beogradu. To su gradovi u kojima smo zajed- no s njime planirali nastaviti naše zajedničke akcije ali nismo uspjeli i to su gradovi u kojima je Gotovac prije radio. Ovaj kompleksan projekt sjećanje je na djelo- vanje jednog suvremenika koji je imao poseb- no važan utjecaj na likovno — performersku scenu u Hrvatskoj. 34 35
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  • 20. = Alejandra Herrera »Prelaženje međa« = Čile | Chile Festival se održava u nekadašnjoj užari koja se nalazi na velikom imanju s jednom većom ne- dovršenom građevinom i dva manja prostora. Mjesto je puno energije. Energija se nakupila tijekom povijesti prostora i prethodnih festivala koji su se tamo događali. Posjed sam temelji- to istražila. Večer prije dana nastupa, osjećala sam da mjesto ne odgovara za izvedbu koju sam planirala, pa sam odlučila da ću rad izve- sti u selu među stanovnicima. Nismo proveli mnogo vremena u tom selu, pa sam osjetila potrebu komunicirati s mještanima i povezati se s njima. Započinjem akciju oko 2 sata hoda od mjesta gdje ću je završiti. Počinjem hodati. Nosim bi- jelu odjeću: hlače, majicu i čarape. U ruci dr- žim vrč pun crnog vina. Svakih 10 koraka ot- pijem vino i pustim ga da iscuri iz mojih usta preko bijele odjeće, bojajući je u crveno. To činim svaki put kad prođem pored pješaka ili automobila. Prolaznici mi nešto dovikuju, ali ja ne razumijem što. Osjećam ljutnju i strah. Au- tomobili usporavaju, ali ne staju. Ljudi se ne smiješe, djeluju iznenađeno i lice im poprima prestrašen i zbunjen izraz. Nastavljam hodati, noge mi počinju osjećati nepravilnosti na ce- sti. Moje ruke također osjećaju težinu vrča. Sat vremena je prošlo i vrč s vinom je polu- prazan. Odjeća je već dobrano boje vina i moj izgled čini se odražava koliko vremena perfor- mans traje. Hod je pun razmišljanja, pitanja, kontemplacije. Cesta se promijenila, više nije autocesta, nego seoska ulica. Nakon 2 sata hoda stižem na odredište. Gotovo svi su vani i čekaju početak festivala. Ulazim u prostor i krećem se prema kuhinji gdje ljudi pripremaju hranu. Nastavljam izvoditi performans za njih. Vraćam se van i ostavljam prazan vrč na be- toniranoj stazi. Krećem se dalje prema vrtu u kojem sam ostavila veliko keramičko jaje. Ho- dam uokolo prostora s jajetom, moleći Zdravo Mariju na španjolskom. Vraćam se na mjesto gdje sam ostavila vrč i bacam jaje preko ra- mena. 38 39
  • 21. Saturday, June 18, 2:30 PM, Staglinec, Croatia. stand anything they are saying. I sense anger “Crossing Land Borders” and fear. Cars slow down, but don’t stop. Pe- ople are not smiling, they act surprised and have expressions of terror, confusion. The festival takes place at an old rope fac- tory. It is located on a large property with un- I keep walking, my feet start feeling the irregu- finished construction and empty houses. The larity of the road. My arms are also feeling the place has a lot of energy. Energy that has weight of the jug. An hour has passed and the been contained there because of the history jug of wine is half empty. The clothes are dee- of the space and the previous festivals that ply colored from the wine and my appearance have taken place there. I surveyed the proper- seems to show the time that has passed thus ty extensively. The evening before the perfor- far in the performance. The walk has been full mances, I felt like the location was not for the of reflection, questions, contemplation. work I was planning, so I decided that I would The road changes, no longer a freeway but make work in the town amongst the residents. surface streets in the middle of the village. We had not spent any time in the nearby village, so I felt the need to communicate and After 2 hours of walking I arrive at my desti- connect with its citizens. nation. Almost everyone is outside waiting for the opening of the festival. I enter the space I start the action approximately 2 hours wal- and move into the dinner area where there are king distance from where the piece will end. people preparing food for the opening. I conti- I begin walking. nue the action for them. I am wearing white clothes; pants, t–shirt I return outside and leave the empty jug on a and socks. I am holding a jug full of red wine. cement path. I move to a garden where I have Every 10 steps I take a drink of the wine and I left a large ceramic egg. I walk around the space let it spill out of my mouth over the white clot- with the egg, reciting the Hail Mary in Spanish. hes, staining the clothes red. I also engage in I return to where the jug was left, and throw this action each time I pass by a pedestrian or a egg over my back. car. Bystanders yell at me, but I don’t under- 40 41
  • 22. = Jason Lim Stigao sam u Hrvatsku otvorenog uma, ne = Singapur | Singapour imajući unaprijed stvorenu predodžbu o tome što ću raditi kao performans. Prekrasan krajo- lik Štaglinca pobudio je u meni interes odmah pri dolasku. Na zemlji su se odvijale mnoge aktivnosti, trajale su pripreme drugih umjetni- ka, imanje je brujalo od razgovora i aktivno- sti. Nakon dana provedenog u hodu, proma- tranju i otkrivanju što zemlja ima za ponuditi, odlučio sam da u svom komadu želim ima- ti što manje moguće akcije. Želio sam osta- ti nepomičan. Unutar perimetra zemljišta bilo je obilje oborenih stabala i grana. Sviđao mi se kontrast mrtvih stabala položenih i po- slaganih pored polja mladih kukuruza. Slika mene kako stojim u polju kukuruza s gra- nom bila je prva slika koja mi je došla u pa- met. Balansiranje velike grane na glavi odr- žavalo me mirnim. Granu je pomicao vjetar koji je puhao nad zemljom, čas jak, čas blag. Činilo se da je sve u pokretu osim mene u po- lju. I arrived to Croatia with an open mind witho- ut any preconceived idea of what I would do as a performance. The beautiful landscape of Stalignec struck an interest in me upon arrival. At the land, there were many activities of pre- paration by other artists, the land was buzzing with conversation and activities. Having spent a day of walking, looking and discovering what the land has to offer, I decided that I want to have minimum actions for my piece. I would like to remain still. There was an abundance of fallen trees and branches in the perimeter of the land. I liked the contrast of the dead trees lying and piling next to fields of young corns. The image of me standing in the corn field with a tree branch was the first image that came into my head. Balancing a large tree branch on my head kept me in stillness. The branch was moved by the wind that was blowing in the land, sometimes strong, other times gentle. Everything else seemed to be in movement accept for myself in the field. 42 43
  • 23. = Marko Marković SITNI VEZ = Hrvatska | Croatia Sitni vez u narodnoj primopredaji označava vještinu heklanja ( šlingeraj) te vještinu sviranja određenih dionica na tamburici. Izvedba sitni vez spoj je tradicionalnog folklora u suvremenom ruhu body–arta. Uz pratnju tamburice (svira Vlado Bunić) s kompozicijom »Podravska krv« odjeven u na- rodnu nošnju, autor u prirodnom ambijentu seoskog domaćinstva izvodi performance. Sjedeći za stolom, kirurškom iglom i koncem šije svoje ožiljke dobivene tijekom života tj do- bivene u ranijim izvedbama. Na taj način zaši- va stare rane te zatvara prijašnje epohe jednog vremena: izranjajavane zemlje, ljudi i sudbina na tim prostorima. Izvedba Sitni Vez dolazi iz ciklusa koji se bavi folklornim tematikama što obrađuju položaje ljudi na određenim prosto- rima i sredinama. FINE EMBROIDERY Expression ‘fine embroidery’ in the folk art handover has two connotations: it represents the skill of crochet, and the skill of playing cer- tain shares on a tamburica (small tamboura, a folk instrument similar to mandolin). Performance is a combination of tradition- al folklore in a contemporary body–art attire. Accompanied by tamburica, playing (played by Vlado Bunić) the composition ‘Podravina Blood’, dressed in a traditional costume, the author runs performance in the natural envi- ronment of a rural household. Sitting at the table, he sews his scars with a surgical nee- dle and thread, the scars received during life, i.e. obtained in earlier versions of the perform- ance. In this way, the old wounds get sewn up so that he may close previous epochs of the time of the wounded country, people and fates in these areas. Fine Embroidery perform- ance comes from the cycle that deals with fol- klore themes that deal with people’s positions in certain areas and communities. 44 45
  • 24. = Boris Nieslony Kamenje me čekalo. Svaki pojedini kamen je = Njemačka | Germany bio zadovoljan. Ali tužan, vrlo tužan. Dobili su samo 20 minuta. Oni žele ostati sa mnom satima. Igrati se sa mnom, zabavljati se, imati duboka iskustva s mojim pokretima, žele plesati i vrtjeti se u zraku, biti bačeni u visinu i padati proizvodeći ovaj prekrasan zvuk. Da, kamenje je bilo tuž- no kad sam ga ostavio u Štaglincu. Nadam se da se ne ljuti na mene, dok leži u vrtu s ovo malo 20–minutnog sjećanja. The stones had waited for me. The stones were satisfied. The stones were sad, very sad. They got only 20 minutes. They want to stay with me for hours. To play with me, to have fun, to get deep experiences with my move- ments, they want to dance and swirl in the air, be thrown into the high and fall down with this wonderfull sound. Yes, the stones were sad when I left them in Štaglinec. Hope they are not angry with me, lying in the garden with this little 20–minute memory. 46 47
  • 25. = Sinead O’Donnell Materijalna Mjera = S.Irska | N. Ireland Trajanje: 3 sata Tema festivala je bila »jezik«. Ja sam umjet- nica koja se predstavlja kao osoba s poteš- koćama i svojedobno sam istraživala kako je moja poteškoća utjecala na metodologiju izvedbene umjetnosti. Na ovogodišnjem festi- valu sam polako punila jednu sobu u kući gu- žvajući bijele papire formata A4. Ovaj perfor- mans je izrazio poteškoće s pisanjem teksta i ujedno djelovao kao način mjerenja prostora materijalom. Material Measure Duration: 3 hours. The theme of the festival was ‘language’. I am an artist that identifies as disabled, and I had at time been researching how disability infor- med my performance art methodology. For this year’s festival I slowly filled a room insi- de the house by crumpling white A4 pieces of paper. This performance expressed a difficul- ty with text and also acted as a way of mea- suring space with material. 48 49
  • 26. = Goran Ristić FORKED TONGUE (performans/instalacija) Forked tongue (performance / installation) = BIH | B&H FORKED TONGUE — (Rašljasti jezik) je jezik FORKED TONGUE is the language of repti- gmazova, koji se rašlja na dvije strane i služi les, which separates in two and is used for im za orijentaciju u prostoru, kao i raspozna- orientation, and for recognition of warm from vanje toplog od hladnog. Ono u čemu ga naj- cold. It is most used for the biggest challen- više koriste je najveći izazov prirode — preživ- ge of nature — survival: how to recognize the ljavanje, kako prepoznati plijen i što većom br- prey and kill it as fast as possible, how to find zinom ga usmrtiti, pronaći rod, usmjeriti se na your species, how to direct on the right path, pravi put, skloniti od neprijatelja. Možda baš away from the enemy. Perhaps hence a ge- odatle potiče genetički kod koji je kod čovjeka netic code is promoted that is in man expre- izražen u jeziku. Indijanci su u Americi zvali bi- ssed in language. The Red Indians in America jelce »forked tongue (jezik viljušaka)« jer su im called the whites »forked tongues« because riječi bile podijeljene na više značenja. Jedno their words were divided into multiple meanin- su govorili njima, drugo između sebe a treće gs. One was spoken to them (the Indians), the su radili. Forked Tongue je rad koji se bazira other (second) was said between themselves na historijskim političarima i njihovom govo- (the whites) and the third thing was done. For- ru upućenom običnom narodu. Uspoređiva- ked Tongue is a work that is based on historic nje ljudskog bića na vlasti s gmazom koji je politicians and their speech addressed to or- u stanju da uništi čovjeka jednim ugrizom nije dinary people. Comparing a human being that ni po čemu različito od govora predsjednika has political power with a reptile that is able koji jednom rečenicom može da uništi na hilja- to destroy a man with one bite is no different de ljudi. Slatko zapakovane laži i obećanja da from the speech of one president who can by ćemo jesti zlatnim kašikama su u protivnom one sentence destroy thousands of people. gorko nasjedanje na njihove riječi, bez ikakvog Sweetly packed lies and promises that we will upozorenja na drugačiji ishod. Performans/ eat with golden spoons, in the otherwise can Instalacija je moja izvedba i shvatanje pred- mean to be bitterly taken in their words, witho- sjednika koji su bili na vlasti i bez premca nam ut any warning of a different outcome. Perfor- obećavali a ujedno i lagali. Njihovo zaslužno mance/Installation is my performance and un- mjesto nisu nikakvi muzeji ni svečane dvorane derstanding of the presidents who had power već viljuška: onakvo kakav je bio i njihov jezik and were unmatchedly promising and lying at a posebno djela. Nabijanjem na viljuške de- the same time. Their meritorious position is no struiram i poništavam svaki njihov govor, koji museum(s) or festive hall(s), but just a fork, as nije donio mir i dobro. it was their language and, particularly, deeds. By jamming (their photos) on the forks, I de- stroy and cancel all their speech, which has not brought peace and well being. 50 51
  • 27. = Damir Stojnić »IZG(OV)ARANJE; ANĐEO« = Hrvatska | Croatia Jakovljeva borba s anđelom; da bi opstao u svijetu, čovjek se bori protiv najboljeg u sebi. Tim potiskivanjem usvaja strategije temeljene na strahu; lukavost, agresivnost... Sinopsis; Anđela sam napravio po vlastitoj silueti ocr- tavši je solju, i dodao krila. Po tom crtežu po- stavljam kamenje i pravim ognjište. Sakupljam drva i palim vatru koju raspirujem puhanjem u metalnu cijev koja završava uzor- kom koji nalikuje na zmijski jezik. U Istri tu cijev nazivaju »puhalnica« i ona zamjenjuje mjeh, kada se loži vatra. Ona je pupčana vrpca izme- đu mene i anđela od vatre i žara. Toplina mog daha mi biva vraćena kroz toplinu potaknute vatre. Stvara se anđeo od žeravice i ja započi- njem svirati u drvenu blok–flautu. Sviram samo tonove MI i FA koji u »Glazbi sfera« Johannesa Koeplera predstavljaju raspon nota što ih kru- žeći po svojoj orbiti proizvodi planeta Zemlja. Ti tonovi su skraćenice za latinske riječi MIse- ria i FAmae (Jad i Glad) koji vladaju zemljom. Na kraju stavljam flautu u srce »Anđela« od že- ravice i »puhalnicom« raspirujem vatru oko nje istovremeno pušući u nju tako da ton zamire s izgaranjem instrumenta. Neko vrijeme proma- tram dogorijevanje flaute (Zemlje) i odlazim. Oslobađajući bez straha ono najbolje u nama što smo potisnuli, postajemo izotopom samih sebe; oslobađanjem vlastitih anđela spaljuje- “PRONOUNCING; THE ANGEL” and I begin to play in a wooden block flute. I mo pakao njegovom vlastitom vatrom. only play notes MI and FA, which in the “Mu- Jacob’s struggle with the angel; in order to sic of the Spheres” by Johannes Koepler re- survive in the world, a man struggles against present a range of notes that are produced what is best in him. By such suppressing he by Planet Earth circling in its orbit. These to- adopts strategies based on fear: cunningness, nes are abbreviations for Latin words MIseria aggression ... Synopsis: I make an angel after and FAmae (Misery and Hunger), which rule my own silhouette, outlining it by salt, and add the planet. In the end I put the flute in em- wings. On the drawing I lay stones and make ber »Angel«’s heart, fanning the fire around it a fireplace. I collect wood and light a fire and with a metal tube (“puhalnica”) and blowing fan it by blowing into a metal tube that ends directly into the flute at the same time, so that in a sample that resembles a snake’s tongue. the tone dies parallely with the burning (out) In Istria, that tube/pipe is called “puhalnica” (a of the instrument. For a while I am watching thing to blow on) and it replaces a bag (in a how the flute (Earth) is burning and then leave. bag–pipe) when you light a fire. It presents the By liberating the very best in us, what we have umbilical cord between me and the angel of suppressed, without fear, we become isoto- fire and ember. The heat of my breath is be- pes of ourselves; by releasing our own angels ing returned to me through the heat of indu- we burn hell with its own fire. ced fire. The angel of ember starts to appear 52 53