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Connor Bogin
Thomas Gaubert
Troy Hodges
Sam Jones
Pranav Nagesh
Measuring real-time crowd sizes in public places and empowering users to
make more informed decisions every time they leave the home
Total Interviews Performed: 119
Interviews Since Last Class: 24
Day 1
HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 1
Key Partners
Venues – we use
bouncers/staff as source of
Venues – we create a
marketplace in which they
are the “suppliers”
Google / other data
providers – to obtain
historic and real-time
location information and
occupancy levels
Hardware providers – for
tracking occupancy and
crowd information
Key Activities
Offer an application, which
allows people to see how
busy venues are (either
historically at a given time
or in real-time)
Facilitate better venue
decision making in any
given city
Provide a marketplace that
enables venues to
communicate directly with
potential customers
Value Propositions
Problem - Right now we
have no way of knowing
which venues are busy on
an aggregated, real-time
Solution – We will:
More concisely and
accurately inform people
which venues are best for
their needs
Aggregate the location
info of users to enable
venues to better
understand customers and
serve them
Engagement based on
customer desire for optimal
venue information
Very limited requirements
from a support perspective
Customer Segments
Generally this has mass-
market appeal –we will
target the 21-30
Initial customer segment
will working professionals
without families between
age 24-28
Distribute product through
a smartphone app
Key Resources
Publically available map,
geographic, and venue
User location data
Cost Structure
Upfront development of UI/UX
Collection of traffic and occupancy data
Marketing to acquire users
Scaling product and processes to support growing user base
Headcount for technical and sales team
Revenue Streams
Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model –
taking % of transaction fee
Advertisements in-app
Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
Over the next five days, we tested hypotheses across
the business model canvas by performing 119 interviews
means hypothesis passed
means hypothesis failed
Day 2
HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 2
Key Partners
 Venues – we plan to
provide information for
a wide range of venues,
each with their own
unique information
which will be valuable to
different customer
 Venues – if we create a
marketplace in which
they are the “suppliers”
our app will provide the
platform for direct sales
/ marketing efforts.
 Google / other data
providers – to obtain
historic and real-time
location information and
occupancy levels
 Hardware providers – for
tracking occupancy and
crowd information
Key Activities
 Offer an application,
which allows people to
see how busy venues are
(either historically at a
given time or in real-
time) and provide useful
information about such
 Provide a marketplace
that enables venues to
communicate directly
with potential customers
Value Propositions
 Problem - Right now we
have no way of knowing
which venues are busy
on an aggregated, real-
time basis. Solution – We
 More concisely and
accurately inform people
which venues are best
for their needs
 Venues: additional sales
channel & marketing
avenue, analytics will
enable venues to better
understand customers
and serve them
 Users: One stop shop for
users which provides
crowd information,
venue information,
reviews, uber transport
options, and
merchandise purchase
opportunities and deals.
 Customer
 Relationships
 Engagement based on
customer desire for
optimal venue
 Very limited
requirements from a
support perspective
 Customer
 Generally this has mass-
market appeal –we will
target the 21-30
 Initial customer segment
will working
professionals without
families between age 24-
 We have broadened our
customer segment as we
have widened our target
market and
 Our product has a much
wider application and
customers will be self
segmented depending
on their specific
 Distribute product
through a smartphone
 Distribute the product
through an online web
offering in addition
Key Resources
 Publically available map,
geographic, and venue
 User location data
 Active input from both
users and venue staff
Cost Structure
 Upfront development of UI/UX
 Collection of traffic and occupancy data. Storage data costs. Google API
 Marketing to acquire users
 Scaling product and processes to support growing user base
 Headcount for technical and sales team
Revenue Streams
 Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model –
taking % of transaction fee
 Advertisements in-app
 Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
HotSpot – Petal Diagram
Social Reviewers
Conducted meeting
HotSpot – Market Size
Target Market
Total Available Market
 200M smartphone users in US in 2016
 80% of the US population lives in urban
and suburban areas, and we believe
these populations would gain value from
using this product
 TAM in US market is 160M
Served Available Market
 50% of TAM leverages digital tools to
inform public destination decision
 As a reference, Yelp has 80M unique
monthly US visitors
 SAM in US market is 80M
Target Market
 Assuming 25% penetration of the SAM
in a 3 year period
 As a reference, this would mean
achieving 25% of Yelp’s penetration
 Target Market is 20M
HotSpot – Type of Business
We leverage existing technology, aggregate passive data feeds, and add incremental user
generated data inputs
We are building a technology-enabled startup
A wide range of
people want to know
historical population
density in public
Users are
interested in this
information if it is
accurate in real time
Users will want this
data delivered
through an
1 2 3
Day 3
HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 3
Key Partners
 Venues – we plan to
provide information for
a wide range of venues,
each with their own
unique information
which will be valuable to
different customer
 Venues – if we create a
marketplace in which
they are the “suppliers”
our app will provide the
platform for direct sales
/ marketing efforts.
 Google / other data
providers – to obtain
historic and real-time
location information and
occupancy levels
 Hardware providers – for
tracking occupancy and
crowd information
Key Activities
 Offer an application,
which allows people to
see how busy venues are
(either historically at a
given time or in real-
time) and provide useful
information about such
 Provide a marketplace
that enables venues to
communicate directly
with potential customers
Value Propositions
 More concisely and
accurately inform people
which venues are best
for their needs
 Venues: additional sales
channel & marketing
avenue, analytics will
enable venues to better
understand customers
and serve them
 Users: One stop shop for
users which provides
crowd information,
venue information,
reviews, uber transport
options, and
merchandise purchase
opportunities and deals.
 Customer
 Relationships
 Engagement based on
customer desire for
optimal venue
 Very limited
requirements from a
support perspective
 Customer relationship
for each sub sector of
product offering should
be different
 Most efficient call to
action is social adoption
amongst friends and
 Customer
 We have broadened our
customer segment as we
have widened our target
market and demo.
 Our product has a much
wider application and
customers will be self
segmented depending
on their specific
 We need to narrow
down to a core following
who find the greatest
value as an initial hook –
 We have segmented the
bar/club market into 3
Undergraduate and
graduate students/
white collar
professionals / creative
Key Resources
 Publically available map,
geographic, and venue
 User location data
 Active input from both
users and venue staff
 Distribute product
through a smartphone
 Distribute the product
through an online web
offering in addition
Cost Structure
 Upfront development of UI/UX
 Collection of traffic and occupancy data. Storage data costs. Google API
 Marketing to acquire users
 Scaling product and processes to support growing user base
 Headcount for technical and sales team
Revenue Streams
 Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model –
taking % of transaction fee
 Advertisements in-app
 Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
Retail Shops
Grocery Stores
Bars and Clubs
HotSpot – Identifying Our Focus Areas
is a tool for your life
Through interviews, we have identified
bars and clubs as the most relevant
and underserved venues for
measuring crowd size
But WHO are our target customers at bars and clubs?
HotSpot – Customer Segments and Product / Market Fit
In the bar and club venue category, we have identified three target customer segments
and Grad
White Collar
Students with active social lives
and excitement to experience
new places in the city
 Age 18-29
 Limited disposable income
 Low loyalty to specific venues
 In search of the right vibe
Professionals with high stress
jobs and a “work hard, play hard”
 Age 22-28
 High disposable income
 Willingness to spend for the
right thing
Professionals with highly creative
jobs in fashion, marketing, and
 Age 18-26
 Medium disposable income
 Goal to find trendy,
understated venues
Identify the right place based on:
 Crowd Size – Crowded but not
 Price – $, $$
 Location – Near campus
 Vibe – Beer bar, dive bar
Identify the right place based on:
 Crowd Size – Hottest spots in
the city, packed or exclusive
 Price – $$$, $$$$
 Location – Trendiest hoods
 Vibe – Night clubs, craft
cocktail bars
Identify the right place based on:
 Crowd Size – Medium to large
 Price – $$, $$$
 Location – Hipster hoods
 Vibe – Alternative longue,
dive bar with taxidermy
Day 4
HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 4
Key Partners
 Venues – we plan to
provide information for
a wide range of venues,
each with their own
unique information
which will be valuable to
different customer
 Venues – if we create a
marketplace in which
they are the “suppliers”
our app will provide the
platform for direct sales
/ marketing efforts.
 Google / other data
providers – to obtain
historic and real-time
location information and
occupancy levels
 Hardware providers – for
tracking occupancy and
crowd information
Key Activities
 Offer an application,
which allows people to
see how busy venues are
(either historically at a
given time or in real-
time) and provide useful
information about such
 Provide a marketplace
that enables venues to
communicate directly
with potential customers
 Provide unique in-app
offerings which vary
according to venue type
Value Propositions
 More concisely and
accurately inform people
which venues are best
for their needs
 Venues: additional sales
channel & marketing
avenue, analytics will
enable venues to better
understand customers
and serve them
 Users: One stop shop for
users which provides
crowd information,
venue information,
reviews, uber transport
options, and
merchandise purchase
opportunities , deals
 For bars / clubs –
incorporate new core
value propositions for
this segment: HotSpot
Recommends, In-App
Specials, Real time
Picture Feeds
 Customer
 Relationships
 Engagement based on
customer desire for
optimal venue
 Very limited
requirements from a
support perspective
 Customer relationship
for each sub sector of
product offering should
be different
 Most efficient call to
action is social adoption
amongst friends and
 Customer
 Our product has a much
wider application and
customers will be self
segmented depending
on their specific
 Initial focus: core
following who find the
greatest value in
 We have segmented the
bar/club market into 3 2
Undergraduate /
graduate students and
white collar
professionals / creative
professional working
young professionals
Key Resources
 Publically available map,
geographic, and venue
 User location data
 Active input from both
users and venue staff
 Distribute product
through a smartphone
 Distribute the product
through an online web
offering in addition
Cost Structure
 Upfront development of UI/UX
 Collection of traffic and occupancy data. Storage data costs. Google API
 Marketing to acquire users
 Scaling product and processes to support growing user base
 Headcount for technical and sales team
Revenue Streams
 Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model –
taking % of transaction fee
 Advertisements in-app
 Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
HotSpot – Channels and Get Strategy
Previous Hypothesis: Mobile App Only Revised Hypothesis: Mobile App and Web
People care most about making crowd-
sized based decisions on the go; to do
this, they will use a mobile app
Users will plan ahead and use computers
50% of mobile Yelp searches happen
through mobile web, not app
Deeply penetrate single
geography – New York City
 Leverage existing networks
across students and working
 Create referral incentives
 CAC: <$.50
Incentivize social evangelists
across global urban locations
 Utilize existing MBA and
personal networks
 Create referral incentives with
multi-level marketing structure
 CAC: <$.25
Target users via social media
(e.g. Instagram, Facebook)
 Use data attributes to target
high likelihood adaptors
 CAC: <$1.75
Untested Untested
HotSpot – Revenue Model
1. Fee for In-App Transactions 2. Sale of Analysis from Data
3. Revenue Share with Partners 4. Marketing and Promotion Services
Charge a percentage of in-
app revenue generated by
business posting geo-
based offers to HotSpot
Take revenue share of the
sale of venue tickets,
table/bottle service, etc.
through partners like
Sell customer insights to
small and medium sized
Aggregate macro-analysis
for sale to hedge funds and
investment shops
Charge venues, performing
artists, etc. to have their
events promoted to
HotSpot users
Day 5
HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 5
Key Partners
 Venue types; museums,
bars, clubs, restaurants,
grocery stores, retail
 Venues – we plan to
provide information for
a wide range of venues,
each with their own
unique information
which will be valuable to
different customer
segments. Our app will
provide the platform for
direct sales / marketing
 Google / other data
providers – to obtain
historic and real-time
location information and
occupancy levels
Key Activities
 Offer an app, which
allows people to see
how busy venues are
(either historically at a
given time or in real-
time) and provide useful
info about such venues.
 Provide a marketplace
that enables venues to
communicate directly
with potential customers
 Provide unique in-app
offerings which vary
according to venue type
Value Propositions
 Users:
 More concisely and
accurately inform people
which venues are busy in
real time and provide
information and insights
about these venues
 One stop shop for users
which provides crowd
information, venue
information, reviews, in-
app deals, Hotspot
Recommends, and
optional real time
picture Feeds
 Venues:
 Additional sales channel
& marketing avenue
 Source of data analytics
which will enable venues
to better understand
customers and serve
 Users – Get Strategy:
 Leverage existing
student + working
 Referral incentives
 Incentivize social
 Social media ads
 Venues – Get Strategy:
 Social media ads
 In-store visits
 Our product has a wide
application and
customers will be self
segmented depending
on their specific venue
 Initial focus: core
following who find the
greatest value in
nightlife (bar/club
 Segmented into
students and working
young professionals
 Venue segmented by
types: museums, bars,
clubs, restaurants,
grocery stores, retail
 Distribute product
through a smartphone
 Distribute the product
through an online web
offering in addition
Key Resources
 Publically available map,
geographic, and venue
 User location data
 Active input from both
users and venue staff
 Other social API plugins
Cost Structure
 Upfront development of UI/UX
 Data: Collection of traffic and occupancy data., storage data costs, third
party API keys.
 Marketing to acquire users
 Scaling product and processes to support growing user base
 Headcount for technical and sales team
Revenue Streams
 Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model –
taking % of transaction fee
 Advertisements in-app
 Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
Venues Customers
HotSpot – Enabling Data
Using existing data, we built a tool that changes the venue search process
HotSpot – Our MVP
After showcasing our MVP product, 60% of interviewees actioned to download it and
75% of interviewees provided their email addresses to receive updates
Next Steps
HotSpot – Next Steps
 Users – To validate evangelist growth strategy and “download now” sentiment
 Venues – To understand the value HotSpot provides to them
 Partners – To verify mutually beneficial opportunities with complementary products
 Based on feedback from users, venues, and partners
 Factoring in difficulty to introduce to our platform and cost
Build  Gradually introduce additional features to the UI/UX, verifying customer interest
by using an agile-like methodology
 Work towards a product that users download and start using in their daily life
Appendix – Experiment Findings
HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 2
Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results
Ask across wide demo if
problem identified is real
Pass: Millennials
confirm problem 30%
more than others
Fail – wide interest
across multiple
Nightlife interests
Rank venues where
crowd size information
is most useful
Pass: Nightlife comes
up as #1 in 20 of 30
Fail – strong interest in
multiple applications:
Restaurants, Bars,
Grocery Stores
Crowd size is
inconvenience for
people at venues (too
large, too small)
Rank pain points at
venue types
Pass: Crowdedness
ranked in top 2
problem for venues 15
of 30 users
Pass – Crowdedness
ranked majority as top 2
among 48 users
People gain value
from crowd size
Confirmation of
usefulness + to
download app + give
email info for updates
Pass: 75% acceptance
rate by 30 users
Pass – 90% confirmation
+ email commit rate
Venues find value in
incremental sales
Interview venues for
interest in additional
sales channels
Pass: 75% venue
owners confirm
TBD Subject of later tests
Delivery through
mobile app
Customers rank
usefulness of mobile
app vs. web information
Pass: 2/3 users prefer
Pass – strong majority
mobile app, but additional
interest in web-based
Venue owner interviews
Pass: 75% venue
owners say yes
TBD Subject of later tests
In-app ads Ask user ads ok to have
Pass: 75% of users ok
with ads
TBD Subject of later tests
HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 3
Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results
Crowd size
of venue is
decider of
All Venues
(Grocery stores,
Rank top 3 concerns in
a venue
Pass: Crowd size
ranked as top 3
concern for majority of
Pass – highest among
bars/clubs + restaurants
Users find
value in
data to
the app
based on
Grocery Store
Will download app
solely based on
historical data of
restaurant crowdedness
Pass: Yes confirmation
by 75% of
Fail – No strong interest
as grocery store as hook
Will download app
solely based on
historical data of
restaurant crowdedness
Pass: Yes confirmation
by 75% of
Pass – Yes, requires
more testing on bigger
Will download app
solely based on
historical data of
bar/club crowdedness
Pass: Yes confirmation
by 75% of
Pass – Yes, requires
more testing on bigger
We validated the types of venues where crowd size data was wanted
HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 4
Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results
Bar and
Venues 
and Graduate
Will download app
based on historical
data of bar/club
Pass: 75% confirmed
Additional features
will boost
download rate
Pass: 75% respondents
confirm yes + 2 features
wanted by majority
Pass – Live picture
feed + In-app drink
White Collar
Will download app
based on historical
data of bar/club
Pass: 75% confirmed
Additional features
will boost
download rate
Pass: 75% respondents
confirm yes + 2 features
wanted by majority
Pass – In-app drink
special + HotSpot
Creative Young
Will download app
based on historical
data of bar/club
Pass: 75% confirmed
Fail – low # surveyed
Additional features
will boost
download rate
Pass: 75% respondents
confirm yes + 2 features
wanted by majority
Pass – HotSpot
recommendations +
In-app drink specials
We aimed to validate “hook” strategies that will drive downloads from target segments
HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 5
Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results
Mobile App Only
1) Ask users if they would engage
with this offering if only offered on
2) Comparables – ask people if they
would still use Yelp / Foursquare if
only available as an app
1) Pass: 75% confirmed
2) Pass: 75%
respondents confirm
1) Fail
2) Fail
Mobile App and
Web UI
1) Ask people whether they use
mobile / web to access offerings
which are also offered as an app
2) Ask user preference as to apps /
web access
1) Pass: 75% confirmed
2) Pass: 75%
respondents confirm
prefer both
1) Pass
2) Pass
Deeply penetrate
single geography
– New York City
1) Friends and colleagues will
download and test app
2) What incentives would be required
for them to spread the word across
NYC colleagues and friends
1) Pass: 75% confirm yes
2) Qualitative survey
1) Pass
1) TBD
Incentivize social
across global
urban locations
1) Outreach and gage interest to
known evangelists
2) Speak to competitors who have
tried similar things
1) Show interest / Have
no interest
2) How successful has
this been
1) TBD
1) Pass
Target users via
social media (e.g.
1) Run $10 trial run of the social
media promotion on Facebook and
look at the effect of $10 campaign
1) Our $10 investment
attracts users
We aimed to validate distribution channels, get strategies, and revenue models
HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 5
Test P/F Signal Results
Fee for In-
1) Would customers use In
App Transactions
2) Would venues be happy to
have additional sales
channel + pay fee
1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes
2) Pass: 75% respondents confirm
1) Pass
2) Pass
Sale of Data
1) Ask SME’s whether there
is value in them having
crowd information about
their venue
2) Rank value of information
to venues
3) Find out how much they
would be willing to pay for
1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes
2) Less than 3 of 5 fails
3) Will be relative to each situation
1) TBD
2) TBD
3) TBD
Share with
1) There are other
applications which we can
partner with to secure
additional stream e.g.
table list
1) Qualitative confirmation and
insights from these products
that they are open to such
1) Would venues / products
see upside in an additional
promotion channel
2) Are there any downside to
venues we haven't
1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes
2) Get Insight
1) Pass, but
need proof
of large user
2) TBD
We aimed to validate distribution channels, get strategies, and revenue models

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Semelhante a Hot Spot Columbia

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Mais de Stanford University

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Mais de Stanford University (20)

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Hot Spot Columbia

  • 1. Connor Bogin MBA Thomas Gaubert IEOR MS&E Troy Hodges EEE Sam Jones MBA Pranav Nagesh IEOR MS&E Measuring real-time crowd sizes in public places and empowering users to make more informed decisions every time they leave the home Total Interviews Performed: 119 Interviews Since Last Class: 24
  • 3. HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 1 Key Partners Venues – we use bouncers/staff as source of data Venues – we create a marketplace in which they are the “suppliers” Google / other data providers – to obtain historic and real-time location information and occupancy levels Hardware providers – for tracking occupancy and crowd information Key Activities Offer an application, which allows people to see how busy venues are (either historically at a given time or in real-time) Facilitate better venue decision making in any given city Provide a marketplace that enables venues to communicate directly with potential customers Value Propositions Problem - Right now we have no way of knowing which venues are busy on an aggregated, real-time basis Solution – We will: More concisely and accurately inform people which venues are best for their needs Aggregate the location info of users to enable venues to better understand customers and serve them Customer Relationships Engagement based on customer desire for optimal venue information Very limited requirements from a support perspective Customer Segments Generally this has mass- market appeal –we will target the 21-30 demographic Initial customer segment will working professionals without families between age 24-28 Channels Distribute product through a smartphone app Key Resources Publically available map, geographic, and venue information User location data Cost Structure Upfront development of UI/UX Collection of traffic and occupancy data Marketing to acquire users Scaling product and processes to support growing user base Headcount for technical and sales team Revenue Streams Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model – taking % of transaction fee Advertisements in-app Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
  • 4. Over the next five days, we tested hypotheses across the business model canvas by performing 119 interviews means hypothesis passed means hypothesis failed
  • 6. HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 2 Key Partners  Venues – we plan to provide information for a wide range of venues, each with their own unique information which will be valuable to different customer segments.  Venues – if we create a marketplace in which they are the “suppliers” our app will provide the platform for direct sales / marketing efforts.  Google / other data providers – to obtain historic and real-time location information and occupancy levels  Hardware providers – for tracking occupancy and crowd information Key Activities  Offer an application, which allows people to see how busy venues are (either historically at a given time or in real- time) and provide useful information about such venues.  Provide a marketplace that enables venues to communicate directly with potential customers Value Propositions  Problem - Right now we have no way of knowing which venues are busy on an aggregated, real- time basis. Solution – We will:  More concisely and accurately inform people which venues are best for their needs  Venues: additional sales channel & marketing avenue, analytics will enable venues to better understand customers and serve them  Users: One stop shop for users which provides crowd information, venue information, reviews, uber transport options, and merchandise purchase opportunities and deals.  Customer  Relationships  Engagement based on customer desire for optimal venue information  Very limited requirements from a support perspective  Customer Segments  Generally this has mass- market appeal –we will target the 21-30 demographic  Initial customer segment will working professionals without families between age 24- 28  We have broadened our customer segment as we have widened our target market and demographic.  Our product has a much wider application and customers will be self segmented depending on their specific requirement Channels  Distribute product through a smartphone app  Distribute the product through an online web offering in addition Key Resources  Publically available map, geographic, and venue information  User location data  Active input from both users and venue staff Cost Structure  Upfront development of UI/UX  Collection of traffic and occupancy data. Storage data costs. Google API Key.  Marketing to acquire users  Scaling product and processes to support growing user base  Headcount for technical and sales team Revenue Streams  Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model – taking % of transaction fee  Advertisements in-app  Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
  • 7. HotSpot – Petal Diagram HotSpot Social Reviewers Search Maps Reservations Crowd-sizing Software Crowd-sizing Hardware 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 Conducted meeting Contacted
  • 8. HotSpot – Market Size TAM 160M SAM 80M Target Market 20M Total Available Market  200M smartphone users in US in 2016  80% of the US population lives in urban and suburban areas, and we believe these populations would gain value from using this product  TAM in US market is 160M Served Available Market  50% of TAM leverages digital tools to inform public destination decision making  As a reference, Yelp has 80M unique monthly US visitors  SAM in US market is 80M Target Market  Assuming 25% penetration of the SAM in a 3 year period  As a reference, this would mean achieving 25% of Yelp’s penetration  Target Market is 20M
  • 9. HotSpot – Type of Business We leverage existing technology, aggregate passive data feeds, and add incremental user generated data inputs We are building a technology-enabled startup A wide range of people want to know historical population density in public venues Users are increasingly interested in this information if it is accurate in real time Users will want this data delivered through an interactive application 1 2 3
  • 10. Day 3
  • 11. HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 3 Key Partners  Venues – we plan to provide information for a wide range of venues, each with their own unique information which will be valuable to different customer segments.  Venues – if we create a marketplace in which they are the “suppliers” our app will provide the platform for direct sales / marketing efforts.  Google / other data providers – to obtain historic and real-time location information and occupancy levels  Hardware providers – for tracking occupancy and crowd information Key Activities  Offer an application, which allows people to see how busy venues are (either historically at a given time or in real- time) and provide useful information about such venues.  Provide a marketplace that enables venues to communicate directly with potential customers Value Propositions  More concisely and accurately inform people which venues are best for their needs  Venues: additional sales channel & marketing avenue, analytics will enable venues to better understand customers and serve them  Users: One stop shop for users which provides crowd information, venue information, reviews, uber transport options, and merchandise purchase opportunities and deals.  Customer  Relationships  Engagement based on customer desire for optimal venue information  Very limited requirements from a support perspective  Customer relationship for each sub sector of product offering should be different  Most efficient call to action is social adoption amongst friends and peers  Customer Segments  We have broadened our customer segment as we have widened our target market and demo.  Our product has a much wider application and customers will be self segmented depending on their specific requirement  We need to narrow down to a core following who find the greatest value as an initial hook – nightlife  We have segmented the bar/club market into 3 segments: Undergraduate and graduate students/ white collar professionals / creative professional Key Resources  Publically available map, geographic, and venue information  User location data  Active input from both users and venue staff Channels  Distribute product through a smartphone app  Distribute the product through an online web offering in addition Cost Structure  Upfront development of UI/UX  Collection of traffic and occupancy data. Storage data costs. Google API Key.  Marketing to acquire users  Scaling product and processes to support growing user base  Headcount for technical and sales team Revenue Streams  Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model – taking % of transaction fee  Advertisements in-app  Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
  • 12. Museums Retail Shops Grocery Stores Restaurants Bars and Clubs HotSpot – Identifying Our Focus Areas HotSpot is a tool for your life Through interviews, we have identified bars and clubs as the most relevant and underserved venues for measuring crowd size But WHO are our target customers at bars and clubs? Untested Untested
  • 13. HotSpot – Customer Segments and Product / Market Fit In the bar and club venue category, we have identified three target customer segments CustomerSegmentValueProposition Undergrad and Grad Students White Collar Young Professionals Creative Young Professionals Students with active social lives and excitement to experience new places in the city  Age 18-29  Limited disposable income  Low loyalty to specific venues  In search of the right vibe Professionals with high stress jobs and a “work hard, play hard” attitude  Age 22-28  High disposable income  Willingness to spend for the right thing Professionals with highly creative jobs in fashion, marketing, and media  Age 18-26  Medium disposable income  Goal to find trendy, understated venues Identify the right place based on:  Crowd Size – Crowded but not overwhelming  Price – $, $$  Location – Near campus  Vibe – Beer bar, dive bar Identify the right place based on:  Crowd Size – Hottest spots in the city, packed or exclusive  Price – $$$, $$$$  Location – Trendiest hoods  Vibe – Night clubs, craft cocktail bars Identify the right place based on:  Crowd Size – Medium to large crowd  Price – $$, $$$  Location – Hipster hoods  Vibe – Alternative longue, dive bar with taxidermy
  • 14. Day 4
  • 15. HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 4 Key Partners  Venues – we plan to provide information for a wide range of venues, each with their own unique information which will be valuable to different customer segments.  Venues – if we create a marketplace in which they are the “suppliers” our app will provide the platform for direct sales / marketing efforts.  Google / other data providers – to obtain historic and real-time location information and occupancy levels  Hardware providers – for tracking occupancy and crowd information Key Activities  Offer an application, which allows people to see how busy venues are (either historically at a given time or in real- time) and provide useful information about such venues.  Provide a marketplace that enables venues to communicate directly with potential customers  Provide unique in-app offerings which vary according to venue type Value Propositions  More concisely and accurately inform people which venues are best for their needs  Venues: additional sales channel & marketing avenue, analytics will enable venues to better understand customers and serve them  Users: One stop shop for users which provides crowd information, venue information, reviews, uber transport options, and merchandise purchase opportunities , deals  For bars / clubs – incorporate new core value propositions for this segment: HotSpot Recommends, In-App Specials, Real time Picture Feeds  Customer  Relationships  Engagement based on customer desire for optimal venue information  Very limited requirements from a support perspective  Customer relationship for each sub sector of product offering should be different  Most efficient call to action is social adoption amongst friends and peers  Customer Segments  Our product has a much wider application and customers will be self segmented depending on their specific requirement  Initial focus: core following who find the greatest value in nightlife  We have segmented the bar/club market into 3 2 segments: Undergraduate / graduate students and white collar professionals / creative professional working young professionals Key Resources  Publically available map, geographic, and venue information  User location data  Active input from both users and venue staff Channels  Distribute product through a smartphone app  Distribute the product through an online web offering in addition Cost Structure  Upfront development of UI/UX  Collection of traffic and occupancy data. Storage data costs. Google API Key.  Marketing to acquire users  Scaling product and processes to support growing user base  Headcount for technical and sales team Revenue Streams  Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model – taking % of transaction fee  Advertisements in-app  Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms
  • 16. HotSpot – Channels and Get Strategy DistributionChannels Previous Hypothesis: Mobile App Only Revised Hypothesis: Mobile App and Web People care most about making crowd- sized based decisions on the go; to do this, they will use a mobile app Users will plan ahead and use computers 50% of mobile Yelp searches happen through mobile web, not app GetStrategy Deeply penetrate single geography – New York City  Leverage existing networks across students and working professionals  Create referral incentives  CAC: <$.50 Incentivize social evangelists across global urban locations  Utilize existing MBA and personal networks  Create referral incentives with multi-level marketing structure  CAC: <$.25 Target users via social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook)  Use data attributes to target high likelihood adaptors  CAC: <$1.75 + Untested Untested
  • 17. HotSpot – Revenue Model 1. Fee for In-App Transactions 2. Sale of Analysis from Data 3. Revenue Share with Partners 4. Marketing and Promotion Services Charge a percentage of in- app revenue generated by business posting geo- based offers to HotSpot users Take revenue share of the sale of venue tickets, table/bottle service, etc. through partners like Tablelist Sell customer insights to small and medium sized businesses Aggregate macro-analysis for sale to hedge funds and investment shops Charge venues, performing artists, etc. to have their events promoted to HotSpot users Untested
  • 18. Day 5
  • 19. HotSpot – Business Model Canvas – Day 5 Key Partners  Venue types; museums, bars, clubs, restaurants, grocery stores, retail stores  Venues – we plan to provide information for a wide range of venues, each with their own unique information which will be valuable to different customer segments. Our app will provide the platform for direct sales / marketing efforts.  Google / other data providers – to obtain historic and real-time location information and occupancy levels Key Activities  Offer an app, which allows people to see how busy venues are (either historically at a given time or in real- time) and provide useful info about such venues.  Provide a marketplace that enables venues to communicate directly with potential customers  Provide unique in-app offerings which vary according to venue type Value Propositions  Users:  More concisely and accurately inform people which venues are busy in real time and provide information and insights about these venues  One stop shop for users which provides crowd information, venue information, reviews, in- app deals, Hotspot Recommends, and optional real time picture Feeds  Venues:  Additional sales channel & marketing avenue  Source of data analytics which will enable venues to better understand customers and serve them Customer Relationships  Users – Get Strategy:  Leverage existing student + working professionals  Referral incentives  Incentivize social evangelists  Social media ads  Venues – Get Strategy:  Social media ads  In-store visits Customer Segments  Our product has a wide application and customers will be self segmented depending on their specific venue selections  Initial focus: core following who find the greatest value in nightlife (bar/club market)  Segmented into Undergrad/grad students and working young professionals  Venue segmented by types: museums, bars, clubs, restaurants, grocery stores, retail stores Channels  Distribute product through a smartphone app  Distribute the product through an online web offering in addition Key Resources  Publically available map, geographic, and venue information  User location data  Active input from both users and venue staff  Other social API plugins Cost Structure  Upfront development of UI/UX  Data: Collection of traffic and occupancy data., storage data costs, third party API keys.  Marketing to acquire users  Scaling product and processes to support growing user base  Headcount for technical and sales team Revenue Streams  Online marketplace between users and venues – commission model – taking % of transaction fee  Advertisements in-app  Sale of data to SMBs and financial firms Venues Customers Key:
  • 20. HotSpot – Enabling Data Using existing data, we built a tool that changes the venue search process
  • 21. HotSpot – Our MVP After showcasing our MVP product, 60% of interviewees actioned to download it and 75% of interviewees provided their email addresses to receive updates
  • 23. HotSpot – Next Steps Interview  Users – To validate evangelist growth strategy and “download now” sentiment  Venues – To understand the value HotSpot provides to them  Partners – To verify mutually beneficial opportunities with complementary products Prioritize Features  Based on feedback from users, venues, and partners  Factoring in difficulty to introduce to our platform and cost Iteratively Build  Gradually introduce additional features to the UI/UX, verifying customer interest by using an agile-like methodology  Work towards a product that users download and start using in their daily life
  • 25. HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 2 Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results Customer Segment Millennials Ask across wide demo if problem identified is real Pass: Millennials confirm problem 30% more than others Fail – wide interest across multiple demographics Nightlife interests Rank venues where crowd size information is most useful Pass: Nightlife comes up as #1 in 20 of 30 users Fail – strong interest in multiple applications: Restaurants, Bars, Grocery Stores Value Proposition Crowd size is inconvenience for people at venues (too large, too small) Rank pain points at venue types Pass: Crowdedness ranked in top 2 problem for venues 15 of 30 users Pass – Crowdedness ranked majority as top 2 among 48 users People gain value from crowd size information Confirmation of usefulness + to download app + give email info for updates Pass: 75% acceptance rate by 30 users Pass – 90% confirmation + email commit rate Venues find value in incremental sales channels Interview venues for interest in additional sales channels Pass: 75% venue owners confirm TBD Subject of later tests Channel Delivery through mobile app Customers rank usefulness of mobile app vs. web information Pass: 2/3 users prefer app Pass – strong majority mobile app, but additional interest in web-based offering Revenue Commission-based model Venue owner interviews Pass: 75% venue owners say yes TBD Subject of later tests In-app ads Ask user ads ok to have Pass: 75% of users ok with ads TBD Subject of later tests
  • 26. HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 3 Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results Crowd size of venue is important decider of venue choice All Venues (Grocery stores, Restaurants, Bars/Clubs) Rank top 3 concerns in a venue Pass: Crowd size ranked as top 3 concern for majority of users Pass – highest among bars/clubs + restaurants Users find enough value in historical data to download the app based on specific venue types Grocery Store Will download app solely based on historical data of restaurant crowdedness Pass: Yes confirmation by 75% of respondents Fail – No strong interest as grocery store as hook Restaurants Will download app solely based on historical data of restaurant crowdedness Pass: Yes confirmation by 75% of respondents Pass – Yes, requires more testing on bigger pool Bars/Clubs Will download app solely based on historical data of bar/club crowdedness Pass: Yes confirmation by 75% of respondents Pass – Yes, requires more testing on bigger pool We validated the types of venues where crowd size data was wanted
  • 27. HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 4 Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results Bar and Club Venues  Customer Segments Undergraduate and Graduate Students Will download app based on historical data of bar/club crowdedness Pass: 75% confirmed yes Pass Additional features will boost download rate Pass: 75% respondents confirm yes + 2 features wanted by majority Pass – Live picture feed + In-app drink special White Collar Young Professional Will download app based on historical data of bar/club crowdedness Pass: 75% confirmed yes Pass Additional features will boost download rate Pass: 75% respondents confirm yes + 2 features wanted by majority Pass – In-app drink special + HotSpot recommendations Creative Young Professionals Will download app based on historical data of bar/club crowdedness Pass: 75% confirmed yes Fail – low # surveyed Additional features will boost download rate Pass: 75% respondents confirm yes + 2 features wanted by majority Pass – HotSpot recommendations + In-app drink specials We aimed to validate “hook” strategies that will drive downloads from target segments
  • 28. HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 5 Category Subcategory Test P/F Signal Results Distributi on Channels Mobile App Only 1) Ask users if they would engage with this offering if only offered on app 2) Comparables – ask people if they would still use Yelp / Foursquare if only available as an app 1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes 2) Pass: 75% respondents confirm yes 1) Fail 2) Fail Mobile App and Web UI 1) Ask people whether they use mobile / web to access offerings which are also offered as an app 2) Ask user preference as to apps / web access 1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes 2) Pass: 75% respondents confirm prefer both 1) Pass 2) Pass Get Strategy Deeply penetrate single geography – New York City 1) Friends and colleagues will download and test app 2) What incentives would be required for them to spread the word across NYC colleagues and friends 1) Pass: 75% confirm yes 2) Qualitative survey question 1) Pass 1) TBD Incentivize social evangelists across global urban locations 1) Outreach and gage interest to known evangelists 2) Speak to competitors who have tried similar things 1) Show interest / Have no interest 2) How successful has this been TBD 1) TBD 1) Pass Target users via social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook) 1) Run $10 trial run of the social media promotion on Facebook and look at the effect of $10 campaign 1) Our $10 investment attracts users TBD 1) TBD We aimed to validate distribution channels, get strategies, and revenue models
  • 29. HotSpot – Experiment Results Day 5 Category Subcateg ory Test P/F Signal Results Revenue Models Fee for In- App Transaction s 1) Would customers use In App Transactions 2) Would venues be happy to have additional sales channel + pay fee 1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes 2) Pass: 75% respondents confirm yes 1) Pass 2) Pass Sale of Data Insights 1) Ask SME’s whether there is value in them having crowd information about their venue 2) Rank value of information to venues 3) Find out how much they would be willing to pay for this 1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes 2) Less than 3 of 5 fails 3) Will be relative to each situation TBD 1) TBD 2) TBD 3) TBD Revenue Share with Partners 1) There are other applications which we can partner with to secure additional stream e.g. table list 1) Qualitative confirmation and insights from these products that they are open to such methodologies TBD 1) TBD Marketing and Promotion Services 1) Would venues / products see upside in an additional promotion channel 2) Are there any downside to venues we haven't considered 1) Pass: 75% confirmed yes 2) Get Insight 1) Pass, but need proof of large user base 2) TBD We aimed to validate distribution channels, get strategies, and revenue models