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Mixture Models for Image Analysis

Aristidis Likas & Christophoros Nikou

         IPAN Research Group
    Department of Computer Science
         University of Ioannina
      Nikolaos Galatsanos, Professor

      Konstantinos Blekas, Assistant Professor

      Dr. Costas Constantinopoulos, Researcher

      George Sfikas, Ph.d Candidate
      Demetrios Gerogiannis, Ph.d Candidate
• Mixture Models and EM (GMM, SMM)
• Bayesian GMMs
• Image segmentation using mixture models
   – Incremental Bayesian GMMs
   – Spatially varying GMMs (SVMMs) with MRF priors
   – SVMMs and line processes
• Image registration using mixture models
Mixture Models
• Probability density estimation: estimate the density function
  model f(x) that generated a given dataset X={x1,…, xN}
• Mixture Models
                      M                                      M
           f ( x)     
                      j 1
                             j   j   ( x;  j )    j  0,   
                                                             j 1
                                                                    j   1

   – M pdf components φj(x),
   – mixing weights: π1, π2, …, πM (priors)

• Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM): φj = N(μj, Σj)
GMM (graphical model)


       Hidden variable
GMM examples

GMMs be used for density estimation (like histograms) or clustering
                       j j ( x n ; j )            Cluster
         P( j | x ) 
                                           z j 
                          f (x )
                                   6                 probability
Mixture Model training
• Given a dataset X={x1,…, xN} and a GMM f (x;Θ)

                 p( X ; )  p( x1 ,..., xN ; )  i 1 f ( xi ; )
• Likelihood:

• GMM training: log-likelihood maximization
                  arg max  ln p( xi ; )
                               i 1

• Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm
   – Applicable when posterior P(Z|X) can be computed
EM for Mixture Models
• E-step: compute expectation of hidden
  variables given the observations:
                                            j ( xn |  j )
                 P( j | x n )  z n 
                                   j      K

                                            j ( xn |  p )
                                          p 1

• M-step: maximize expected complete likelihood
   ( t 1)
                arg max  Q(Θ)   log p( X , Z ;Θ)P( Z |X )

              Q ( )    z n  log  j  log  ( x n |  j )
                        N    K

                       n 1 j 1
EM for GMM (M-step)

                                        n1 j
                                             zn  xn
Mean                  (jt 1) 
                                                 n 1
                                                        z  n

                              n1 j
                                   z n  ( x n   (jt 1) )( x n   (jt 1) )T

Covariance       (jt 1) 
                                                     n1 j
                                                          zn 

                                            n1 j
                                                 zn 
Mixing weights               ( t 1)
                              j         
Student's t-distribution
                                           d  1/ 2
                                              ||
St ( x;  , , )                       2 
                           d / 2  
                                                                    (  d )
                      ( )    1  ( x   )  ( x   ) / 
                                                 1              2
                                  2                          

    Mean μ
    Covariance matrix Σ
    Degrees of freedom v

    Bell-shaped + heavy-tailed (depending on v)
    Tends to Gaussian for large v
The Student's t-distribution
The Student's t-distribution

                u; ~ Gamma( / 2, / 2)
                 x | u; ,  ~ ( ,  / u)

   Hierarchical distribution
   x follows a Gaussian distribution whose covariance is scaled
    by a factor following a Gamma distribution.
   ML parameter estimation using the EM algorithm
          (u is considered as hidden variable).
The Student's t-distribution
SMM: Student's t Mixture Models
   Each component j follows St(μj, Σj, vj) (robust mixture)

   Parameter estimation using EM
        hidden variables: uj and zj
                                  j ( xn |  j )
   E-step:        z n 
                      j      K

                               p ( xn |  p )
                             p 1

                                        v (jt )  d
          u 

                   v  x                          
                                                     ( t ) 1
                                                                 x n   (jt ) 
                    (t )     n         (t ) T
                    j                  j              j
SMM training
• M-step
                            n1 j
                                 u n  z n  x n
 Mean          (jt 1)                   j

                               n1 j
                                    u n  z n 

                            n1 j
                                 u n  z n  ( x n   (jt 1) )( x n   (jt 1) )T

              (jt 1) 
                                                 n 1
                                                       u n  z n 
                                                          j      j

                            n1 j
                                 u n  z n 
               (jt 1) 
EM for SMM
• M-step
 Degrees of freedom: no closed form update
               v (jt 1)        v (jt 1)               v (jt 1)  d   
          log 
               2             
                                 2             1  log 
                                                                           
                                                                2       

               z n (t )  log  u n (t )   u n (t ) 
          n1 j
                                                                     v(jt 1)  d 
                                                                               0
                                    j             j
                                                                                  
                             n1 j
                                  z n ( t )                               2     
Mixture model training issues
• EM local maxima (dependence on initialization)

• Covariance Singularities

• How to select the number of components

• SMM vs GMM
   • Better results for data with outliers (robustness)
   • Higher dependence on initialization (how to
       initialize vi ?)
EM Local Maxima
Bayesian GMM
               M                                 M
    f ( x )    j j ( x;  j ,  j )          
                                                 j 1
                                                        j   1
               j 1

Typical approach: Priors on all GMM parameters
        j : N (m, S ), p(  )   p( j )
                                          j 1

       Tj : Wishart (v,V ), p(T )   p(T j ), T j  1
                                          j 1

        ( 1 ,...,   ) : Dirichlet (a1 ,..., aM )
Bayesian GMM training
• Parameters Θ become (hidden) RVs: H={Z, Θ}
• Objective: Compute Posteriors P(Z|X), P(Θ|X) (intractable)
• Approximations
   • Sampling (RJMCMC)
   • MAP approach
   • Variational approach
• MAP approximation
   • mode of the posterior P(Θ|Χ) (MAP-EM)
            MAP  arg max {log P( X | )  log P( )}

   • compute P(Z|X,ΘMAP)
Variational Inference (no parameters)
• Computes approximation q(H) of the true posterior P(H|X)
• For any pdf q(H): ln p  X   F  q   KL  q  H  P  H | X  
• Variational Bound (F) maximization
                                                       pX,H 
       q*  arg max q F  q   arg max q  q  H  ln            dH
                                                        qH 

• Mean field approximation qH    qH k 

                              exp ln p  X , H ;  
                                                                    
          q  H ;  
                k                                           q H k

                           exp   ln p  X , H ;                   dH k
                                                       q H k    
• System of equations

      D. Tzikas, A. Likas, N. Galatsanos, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2008
Variational Inference (with parameters)
• X data, H hidden RVs, Θ parameters
• For any pdf q(H;Θ):
     ln p  X ;   F  q,   KL q  H ;  p  H | X ;    
• Maximization of Variational Bound F
                                  p  X , H ; 
      F  q,    q  H ;  ln                dH  ln p  X ; 
                                    q  H ; 
 • Variational EM
    • VE-Step: q  arg max F q, 
                                                     
    • VM-Step:   arg max F qold , 
                                                 
Bayesian GMM training

• Bayesian GMMs (no parameters)
   • mean field variational approximation
   • tackles the covariance singularity problem
   • requires to specify the parameters of the priors
• Estimating the number of components:
   • Start with a large number of components
   • Let the training process prune redundant components (πj=0)
   • Dirichlet prior on πj prevents component prunning
Bayesian GMM without prior on π
• Mixing weights πj are parameters (remove Dirichlet prior)
• Training using Variational EM

Method (C-B)
 • Start with a large number of components
 • Perform variational maximization of the marginal likelihood
 • Prunning of redundant components (πj=0)
 • Only components that fit well to the data are finally retained
Bayesian GMM (C-B)

•   C-B method: Results depend on
      • the number of initial components
      • initialization of components
      • specification of the scale matrix V of the Wishart prior p(T)
Incremental Bayesian GMM
 • Solution: incremental training using component splitting
 • Local scale matrix V: based on the variance of the component to be

• Modification of the Bayesian GMM is needed
   • Divide the components as ‘fixed’ or ‘free’
   • Prior on the weights of ‘fixed’ components (retained)
   • No prior on the weights of ‘free’ components (may be
   • Prunning restricted among ‘free’ components
         C. Constantinopoulos & A. Likas, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 2007
Incremental Bayesian GMM
Incremental Bayesian GMM
•   Start with k=1 component.
•At each step:
         • select a component j
         • split component j in two subcomponents
         • set the scale matrix V analogous to Σj
         • apply Variational EM considering the two subcomponents
         as free and the rest components as fixed
         • either the two components will be retained and adjusted
         • or one of them will be eliminated and the other one will
         recover the original component (before split)
• until all components have been tested for split unsuccessfully
Mixture Models for Image Modeling
• Select a feature representation
• Compute a feature vector per pixel to form the training set
• Build a mixture model for the image using the training set

   • Image retrieval + relevance feedback
   • Image segmentation
   • Image registration
Mixture Models for Image Segmentation

• One cluster per mixture component.
• Assign pixels to clusters based on P(j|x)
• Take into account spatial smoothness:
   neighbouring pixels are expected to have the same label
       • Simple way: add pixel coordinates to the feature vector
       • Bayesian way: impose MRF priors (SVMM)
Incremental Bayesian GMM
     Image segmentation

Number of segments determined automatically
Incremental Bayesian GMM
     Image segmentation

Number of segments determined automatically
Spatially Varying mixtures (1)

             f ( x n | Π, Θ)    n  ( x n |  j )
                                                        n  1,2,...,N
                                j 1

  x   n                     Image feature (e.g. pixel intensity)

     n
                            Contextual mixing proportions

(x |  j )
                            Gaussian parameterized by  j  { j ,  j }
 z   j                       Data Label, hidden variable
Spatially Varying mixtures (2)
Insight into the contextual mixing proportions:

                 p( z  1| x )

Smoothness is enforced in the image by imposing
a prior p(Π) on the probability of the pixel labels
(contextual mixing proportions).
     L(Π | Χ, Θ)   log f ( x n | Π, Θ)  log p( Π)
                     n 1
SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (1)

     • A typical constraint is the Gibbs prior:

         1 U (Π )                                          N
   p(Π)  e        ,                            U (Π )    VN i (Π ),
         Z                                                 i 1

                 Ni                     2

                                   
VNi (Π)               i
                                j           ,     Smoothness weight
            j 1 m 1

[K. Blekas, A. Likas, N. Galatsanos and I. Lagaris. IEEE Trans. Neur.
Net., 2005]
SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (2)
SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (3)
• E-step: equivalent with GMM.
• M-step: the contextual mixing proportions are
  solutions to a quadratic equation.

• Note that:
  1) Parameter β of the Gibbs prior must be determined
  2) The contextual mixing proportions are not
    constraint to be probability vectors:
       0   n  1,
             j         j
                        n  1, n  1, 2,..., N
                      j 1
SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (4)

To address these issues:
1) Class adaptive Gauss-Markov random field

2) Projection of probabilities to the hyper-plane
   (another solution will be presented later on):


                     j
                      n  1, n  1, 2,..., N
                    j 1
SV-GMM with Gauss-Markov prior (2)
• One variance per cluster j=1,2,…,K per direction
  d=0, 45, 90, 135 degrees

                                    N
                                                    m 2
                 D    K             m ( j   j ) 

        p(Π )    j ,d exp
                          N    1 n 1 Nn           
                d 1 j 1      2             j2,d    
                                                      
                                                      

 [C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and A. Likas. IEEE Trans. Im. Proc., 2007]
SV-GMM with Gauss-Markov prior (3)
MAP estimation
      Posterior probabilities are the non-negative
       solutions of the second degree equation:
                                          D D                
Q                   D D                                                        D
      0  | N n |    j2,d  ( n ) 2      j2,d   m  ( n )  z ij   j2,d  0
 n               p 1 d 1
                                j           p 1 d 1 mN n
                                                                 j            d 1
                        d p  
                                            dp
                                                               

      There is always a non-negative solution.

      Projection to the hyperplane:                     j
                                                          n  1, n  1, 2,..., N
                                                         j 1
RGB image segmentation (1)

Original image    R-SNR = 2 dB
                  G-SNR = 4 dB
                  B-SNR = 3 dB
RGB image segmentation (2)

    Noise-free image segmentation

 SVFMM                    CA-SVFMM
RGB image segmentation (3)

         Degraded image segmentation

       SVFMM                  CA-SVFMM
(β determined by trial
      and error)
RGB image segmentation (4)

       Shading effect on cupola and wall
       modeled with SVFMM with a GMRF
                    βj x10-3
              Cupola      128
              Sky         33
              Wall        119
SV-GMM with DCM prior (1)
For pixel n, the class label is a random variable multinomially
                                 jn  ,  jn  0,
                                K              zn                  K
   p( z n |  n )                                                  jn  1, n  1,..., N ,


                       z ij
                      j 1
                               j 1                               j 1

                                                                          ,  ,...,        
  parameterized by probability vector                                    n
                                                                                  n   n
                                                                                            K       .

  The whole image is parameterized by

                               Ξ       1
                                                ,  
                                                                   
                                                              ,...,     
SV-GMM with DCM prior (2)
                              jn  ,  jn  0,
                             K       zn             K
p( z n |  n )                                       jn  1, n  1,..., N ,


                    z ij
                   j 1
                            j 1                    j 1

Generative model for the image
• Multinomial distribution: K possile outcomes.
• Class label j, (j=1…K) appears with probability ξj .
• M realizations of the process.
• The distribution of the counts of a certain class is
SV-GMM with DCM prior (3)

• The Dirichlet distribution forms the conjugate
prior for the multinomial distribution.
– The posterior p( | x) has the same functional form as
  the prior p( ) .

                                 p( x |  ) p( )
                 p( | x) 
                               p( x |  ) p( )d
 [C. Nikou, A. Likas and N. Galatsanos. IEEE Trans. Im. Proc., 2010]
SV-GMM with DCM prior (4)

 • It is natural to impose a Dirichlet prior on the
 parameters of the multinomial pdf:

                   K n
                aj 
p ( n | a n )  K      
                                
                           K          ( a n 1)
                    j 1
                                jn               , a n  0, n  1,..., N , j  1,..., K ,


                 j    
                     a n j 1
               j 1

  parameterized by vector a   a , a ,..., a                               
                                                     n      n   n       n
                                                            1   2       K       .
SV-GMM with DCM prior (5)
Marginalizing the parameters of the multinomial
   p( z n | a n )   p( z n |  n ) p( n | a n ) d i , n  1, 2,..., N

yields the Dirichlet compound multinomial distribution for
the class labels:
                              K n
                          aj 
                 M!           j 1                  
                                           K  an  z n
  p( z | a )  K                            a n , n  1,..., N .
      n   n                                     j     j

                           K n         
                    z j    a j  z n  j 1
                                                   j       
               j 1
                           j 1        
SV-GMM with DCM prior (6)

Image model: for a given pixel, its class j is
determined by M=1 realization of the process.
       n  p( z n  1| x n )  1
      n
         j        j

      m  p( zm  1| x n )  0 m  j, m  1, 2,..., K ,

The DCM prior for the class label becomes:
                                an       an
        p( z n  1| a n )                      j  1,..., K .
                                 j        j

             j                 K             n

                                n
                              m 1
SV-GMM with DCM prior (7)

The model becomes spatially varying by imposing a
GMRF prior on the parameters of the Dirichlet pdf.

                                   N
                                                  n 2
                    K              m (a j  a j ) 

         p ( A )    j exp
                        N     1 n 1 Nn          
                   j 1       2             j2     
                                                    
                                                    
 [C. Nikou, A. Likas and N. Galatsanos. IEEE Trans. Im. Proc., 2010]
SV-GMM with DCM prior (8)
MAP estimation

   Posterior probabilities are the non-negative solutions to

                                jam 
                       n mNi  n 2 
                                                   n j  a m 
                                                         mN i
                                                                  n z j  j  j
                                                                            n n  2

      0  ( a n )3     j          (a j )                 (a j )  | N |  0
a j
   n           j
                                | Nn |                 | Nn |
                                                                           n
                                                              
                            n
                             j     am , n  1, 2,..., N

                                    m 1
                                    m j

   There is always a non-negative solution.
   No need for projection!
Natural image segmentation (1)
    Berkeley image data base (300 images).
    Ground truth: human segmentations.
    Features
       MRF features

         o 7x7 windows x 3 components.

         o 147 dimensional vector.

         o PCA on a single image.

         o 8 principal components kept.
Natural image segmentation (2)
Natural image segmentation (3)

           MRF features
Natural image segmentation (4)

           MRF features
Natural image segmentation (6)
Natural image segmentation (7)
Natural image segmentation (8)
Natural image segmentation (9)
Results (K=5)
Segmentation and recovery (1)
   Berkeley image data base.
   Additive white Gaussian noise
      SNR between -4 dB and 12 dB

   MRF features.
   Evaluation indices
      PR.

      VI.

      GCE.

      BDE.
Segmentation and recovery (2)
           PR index (K=5)
Line processes (1)
Image recovery: estimate a smooth function from noisy

• Observations: d
• Function to be estimated: u
                                                    2
              min   di  ui      ui  ui 1  

                   i                i                

                  Data fidelity term     Smoothness term

• Calculus of variations (Euler-Lagrange equations).
Line processes (2)
In presence of many edges (piecewise smoothness) the standard
solution is not satisfactory. A line process is integrated:

                                                              
     min   di  ui      ui  ui 1  1  li   a li 
                       2                    2

      u ,l
            i              i                             i    
    li  0 : Non-edge, include the term.
                                                     Penalty term
    li  1: Edge, add penalty.

• Many local minima (due to simultaneous estimation of u and
  l), calculus of variations cannot be applied.
Line processes (3)
   Milestones
       [D. Geman and S. Geman 1984],
       [A. Blake and A. Zisserman 1988],
       [M. Black 1996 ].
   Integration of la line process into a SV-GMM.
       Continuous line process model on the
        contextual mixing proportions.
       Gamma distributed line process variables.
       Line process parameters are automatically
        estimated from the data (EM and Variational
GMM with line process (2)

Line Process
GMM with continuous line process (1)
      Student’s-t prior on the local differences of the
       contextual mixing proportions:

          ~ St (0,  , v jd ), d , n, j, k  d (n)

      Distinct priors on each:
            Image class,
            Neighborhood direction (horizontal, vertical).
GMM with continuous line process (2)

      Equivalently, at each pixel n:
          ~ N (0,  / u ),

  u nk ~ Gamma(v jd / 2, v jd / 2), d , n, j, k  d (n).

      Joint distribution:
                         N        D
       p(;  , v)                       St ( n |  k ;  jd , v jd ).
                                                    j     j

                    j 1 n 1 d 1 k ( n )
GMM with continuous line process (3)
GMM with continuous line process (4)
        Description of edge structure.
        Continuous generalization of a binary line

     u nk  
                   Weak class variances (smoothness).

     u nk  0
       j           Uninformative prior (no smoothness).
     u   j
                   Separation of class j from the remaining
 [G. Sfikas, C. Nikou and N. Galatsanos. IEEE CVPR, 2008]
Edges between segments (1)
Edges between segments (2)
                Horizontal differences   Vertical differences



Numerical results (1)
Berkeley images -Rand index (RI)
Image registration

• Estimate the transformation TΘ mapping the
  coordinates of an image I1 to a target image

        2  x, y, z   I1    x, y, z 

         ΤΘ is described by a set of parameters Θ
Image similarity measure

  E()  I1    x, y, z  ,  2  x, y, z 
                                               
• Single modal images
  – Quadratic error, Correlation, Fourier transform,
    Sign changes.
• Multimodal images
  – Inter-image uniformity, mutual information (MI),
    normalized MI.
Fundamental hypothesis
• Correspondence between uniform regions in the two
• Partitioning of the image to be registered.
   – Not necessarily into joint regions.
• Projection of the partition onto the reference image.
• Evaluation of a distance between the overlapping regions.
   – Minimum at correct alignment.
   – Minimize the distance.
Distance between GMMs (1)

 A straightforward approach would be:
G1 ( x | Π1 , Θ1 )    m  ( x )
      i                          1

                       m 1
G2 ( x | Π 2 , Θ 2 )    n n2 ( x i )

                         n 1

                     M       N
E (G1 , G2 )    m n B  m , n 
                              1    2

                    m 1 n 1

                                           Bhattacharyya distance
Distance between GMMs (2)

Knowing the correspondences
allows the definition of:

  E (G1 , G2 )     B  T k  , k 
                                1      2

                     k 1

Pixels of the transformed floating   Component of the reference image.
image overlapping with the kth
component of the reference image.
Energy function (1)

• For a set of transformation parameters Θ:
  – Segment the image to be registered into K
    segments by GMM (or SMM).
  – For each segment:
     • Project the pixels onto the reference image.
     • Compute the mean and covariance of the reference
       image pixels under the projection mask.
  – Evaluate the distance between the distributions.
Energy function (2)
       • Find the transformation parameters Θ:

                                       2 
             min    B  T k  , k  
                  k 1                     
        • Optimization by simplex, Powell method
          or ICM.
[D. Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Image and Vision Computing, 2009]

Battacharyya distance
Registration error
                     (Gaussian noise)

MMBIA 2007, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Registration error
Registration of point clouds

• Correspondence is unknown
  – Greedy distance between mixtures
  – Determine the correspondence (Hungarian algorithm)
Experimental results

initial point set   2% outliers + uniform noise
Greedy distance
Hungarian algorithm
• Application of mixture models to
  – Image segmentation
  – Image registration
• Other applications
  – Image retrieval
  – Visual tracking

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Mixture Models for Image Analysis

  • 1. Mixture Models for Image Analysis Aristidis Likas & Christophoros Nikou IPAN Research Group Department of Computer Science University of Ioannina
  • 2. Collaborators: Nikolaos Galatsanos, Professor Konstantinos Blekas, Assistant Professor Dr. Costas Constantinopoulos, Researcher George Sfikas, Ph.d Candidate Demetrios Gerogiannis, Ph.d Candidate
  • 3. Outline • Mixture Models and EM (GMM, SMM) • Bayesian GMMs • Image segmentation using mixture models – Incremental Bayesian GMMs – Spatially varying GMMs (SVMMs) with MRF priors – SVMMs and line processes • Image registration using mixture models
  • 4. Mixture Models • Probability density estimation: estimate the density function model f(x) that generated a given dataset X={x1,…, xN} • Mixture Models M M f ( x)    j 1 j j ( x;  j )  j  0,  j 1 j 1 – M pdf components φj(x), – mixing weights: π1, π2, …, πM (priors) • Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM): φj = N(μj, Σj)
  • 5. GMM (graphical model) πj Hidden variable observation
  • 6. GMM examples GMMs be used for density estimation (like histograms) or clustering  j j ( x n ; j ) Cluster P( j | x )  n n  z j  n memberhsip f (x ) 6 probability
  • 7. Mixture Model training • Given a dataset X={x1,…, xN} and a GMM f (x;Θ) p( X ; )  p( x1 ,..., xN ; )  i 1 f ( xi ; ) N • Likelihood: • GMM training: log-likelihood maximization N   arg max  ln p( xi ; )   i 1 • Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm – Applicable when posterior P(Z|X) can be computed
  • 8. EM for Mixture Models • E-step: compute expectation of hidden variables given the observations:  j ( xn |  j ) P( j | x n )  z n  j K   j ( xn |  p ) p 1 • M-step: maximize expected complete likelihood  ( t 1)  arg max  Q(Θ)   log p( X , Z ;Θ)P( Z |X ) Q ( )    z n  log  j  log  ( x n |  j ) N K j n 1 j 1
  • 9. EM for GMM (M-step) n1 j N  zn  xn Mean  (jt 1)   N n 1 z  n j n1 j  z n  ( x n   (jt 1) )( x n   (jt 1) )T N Covariance (jt 1)  n1 j N  zn  n1 j N  zn  Mixing weights  ( t 1) j  N
  • 10. Student's t-distribution    d  1/ 2  || St ( x;  , , )   2  d / 2   1 (  d ) ( )    1  ( x   )  ( x   ) /   1 2  2    Mean μ  Covariance matrix Σ  Degrees of freedom v  Bell-shaped + heavy-tailed (depending on v)  Tends to Gaussian for large v
  • 12. The Student's t-distribution u; ~ Gamma( / 2, / 2) x | u; ,  ~ ( ,  / u)  Hierarchical distribution  x follows a Gaussian distribution whose covariance is scaled by a factor following a Gamma distribution.  ML parameter estimation using the EM algorithm (u is considered as hidden variable).
  • 14. SMM: Student's t Mixture Models  Each component j follows St(μj, Σj, vj) (robust mixture)  Parameter estimation using EM hidden variables: uj and zj  j ( xn |  j )  E-step:  z n  j K   p ( xn |  p ) p 1 v (jt )  d  u  n v  x      ( t ) 1  x n   (jt )  j (t ) n (t ) T j j j
  • 15. SMM training • M-step n1 j N  u n  z n  x n Mean  (jt 1)  j n1 j N  u n  z n  j n1 j  u n  z n  ( x n   (jt 1) )( x n   (jt 1) )T N (jt 1)  j Covariance  N n 1  u n  z n  j j n1 j N  u n  z n   (jt 1)  j Mixing N proportion
  • 16. EM for SMM • M-step Degrees of freedom: no closed form update  v (jt 1)   v (jt 1)   v (jt 1)  d  log   2      2   1  log           2   z n (t )  log  u n (t )   u n (t )  n1 j N  v(jt 1)  d     0 j j   n1 j N  z n ( t )  2 
  • 17. Mixture model training issues • EM local maxima (dependence on initialization) • Covariance Singularities • How to select the number of components • SMM vs GMM • Better results for data with outliers (robustness) • Higher dependence on initialization (how to initialize vi ?)
  • 19. Bayesian GMM M M f ( x )    j j ( x;  j ,  j )  j 1 j 1 j 1 Typical approach: Priors on all GMM parameters   j : N (m, S ), p(  )   p( j ) j 1  Tj : Wishart (v,V ), p(T )   p(T j ), T j  1 j j 1   ( 1 ,...,   ) : Dirichlet (a1 ,..., aM )
  • 20. Bayesian GMM training • Parameters Θ become (hidden) RVs: H={Z, Θ} • Objective: Compute Posteriors P(Z|X), P(Θ|X) (intractable) • Approximations • Sampling (RJMCMC) • MAP approach • Variational approach • MAP approximation • mode of the posterior P(Θ|Χ) (MAP-EM) MAP  arg max {log P( X | )  log P( )} • compute P(Z|X,ΘMAP)
  • 21. Variational Inference (no parameters) • Computes approximation q(H) of the true posterior P(H|X) • For any pdf q(H): ln p  X   F  q   KL  q  H  P  H | X   • Variational Bound (F) maximization pX,H  q*  arg max q F  q   arg max q  q  H  ln dH qH  • Mean field approximation qH    qH k  k exp ln p  X , H ;     q  H ;   k q H k  exp ln p  X , H ;   dH k  q H k  • System of equations D. Tzikas, A. Likas, N. Galatsanos, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2008
  • 22. Variational Inference (with parameters) • X data, H hidden RVs, Θ parameters • For any pdf q(H;Θ):  ln p  X ;   F  q,   KL q  H ;  p  H | X ;   • Maximization of Variational Bound F p  X , H ;  F  q,    q  H ;  ln dH  ln p  X ;  q  H ;  • Variational EM • VE-Step: q  arg max F q,  old q   • VM-Step:   arg max F qold ,    
  • 23. Bayesian GMM training • Bayesian GMMs (no parameters) • mean field variational approximation • tackles the covariance singularity problem • requires to specify the parameters of the priors • Estimating the number of components: • Start with a large number of components • Let the training process prune redundant components (πj=0) • Dirichlet prior on πj prevents component prunning
  • 24. Bayesian GMM without prior on π • Mixing weights πj are parameters (remove Dirichlet prior) • Training using Variational EM Method (C-B) • Start with a large number of components • Perform variational maximization of the marginal likelihood • Prunning of redundant components (πj=0) • Only components that fit well to the data are finally retained
  • 25. Bayesian GMM (C-B) • C-B method: Results depend on • the number of initial components • initialization of components • specification of the scale matrix V of the Wishart prior p(T)
  • 26. Incremental Bayesian GMM • Solution: incremental training using component splitting • Local scale matrix V: based on the variance of the component to be splitted • Modification of the Bayesian GMM is needed • Divide the components as ‘fixed’ or ‘free’ • Prior on the weights of ‘fixed’ components (retained) • No prior on the weights of ‘free’ components (may be eliminated) • Prunning restricted among ‘free’ components C. Constantinopoulos & A. Likas, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 2007
  • 28. Incremental Bayesian GMM • Start with k=1 component. •At each step: • select a component j • split component j in two subcomponents • set the scale matrix V analogous to Σj • apply Variational EM considering the two subcomponents as free and the rest components as fixed • either the two components will be retained and adjusted • or one of them will be eliminated and the other one will recover the original component (before split) • until all components have been tested for split unsuccessfully
  • 29. Mixture Models for Image Modeling • Select a feature representation • Compute a feature vector per pixel to form the training set • Build a mixture model for the image using the training set •Applications • Image retrieval + relevance feedback • Image segmentation • Image registration
  • 30. Mixture Models for Image Segmentation • One cluster per mixture component. • Assign pixels to clusters based on P(j|x) • Take into account spatial smoothness: neighbouring pixels are expected to have the same label • Simple way: add pixel coordinates to the feature vector • Bayesian way: impose MRF priors (SVMM)
  • 31. Incremental Bayesian GMM Image segmentation Number of segments determined automatically
  • 32. Incremental Bayesian GMM Image segmentation Number of segments determined automatically
  • 33. Spatially Varying mixtures (1) K f ( x n | Π, Θ)    n  ( x n |  j ) j n  1,2,...,N j 1 x n Image feature (e.g. pixel intensity)  n j Contextual mixing proportions (x |  j ) n Gaussian parameterized by  j  { j ,  j } n z j Data Label, hidden variable
  • 34. Spatially Varying mixtures (2) Insight into the contextual mixing proportions:   p( z  1| x ) n j n j n Smoothness is enforced in the image by imposing a prior p(Π) on the probability of the pixel labels (contextual mixing proportions). N L(Π | Χ, Θ)   log f ( x n | Π, Θ)  log p( Π) n 1
  • 35. SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (1) • A typical constraint is the Gibbs prior: 1 U (Π ) N p(Π)  e , U (Π )    VN i (Π ), Z i 1 Ni 2   K VNi (Π)      i j m j , Smoothness weight j 1 m 1 [K. Blekas, A. Likas, N. Galatsanos and I. Lagaris. IEEE Trans. Neur. Net., 2005]
  • 36. SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (2)
  • 37. SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (3) • E-step: equivalent with GMM. • M-step: the contextual mixing proportions are solutions to a quadratic equation. • Note that: 1) Parameter β of the Gibbs prior must be determined beforehand. 2) The contextual mixing proportions are not constraint to be probability vectors: K 0   n  1, j  j  n  1, n  1, 2,..., N j 1
  • 38. SV-GMM with Gibbs prior (4) To address these issues: 1) Class adaptive Gauss-Markov random field prior. 2) Projection of probabilities to the hyper-plane (another solution will be presented later on): K  j  n  1, n  1, 2,..., N j 1
  • 39. SV-GMM with Gauss-Markov prior (2) • One variance per cluster j=1,2,…,K per direction d=0, 45, 90, 135 degrees  N m 2 D K   m ( j   j )  n p(Π )    j ,d exp N   1 n 1 Nn  d 1 j 1  2  j2,d      [C. Nikou, N. Galatsanos and A. Likas. IEEE Trans. Im. Proc., 2007]
  • 41. MAP estimation  Posterior probabilities are the non-negative solutions of the second degree equation:   D D  Q D D D  0  | N n |    j2,d  ( n ) 2      j2,d   m  ( n )  z ij   j2,d  0  n  p 1 d 1  j  p 1 d 1 mN n p j  j d 1 j   d p    dp     There is always a non-negative solution. K  Projection to the hyperplane:  j  n  1, n  1, 2,..., N j 1
  • 42. RGB image segmentation (1) Original image R-SNR = 2 dB G-SNR = 4 dB B-SNR = 3 dB
  • 43. RGB image segmentation (2) Noise-free image segmentation SVFMM CA-SVFMM
  • 44. RGB image segmentation (3) Degraded image segmentation SVFMM CA-SVFMM (β determined by trial and error)
  • 45. RGB image segmentation (4) Shading effect on cupola and wall modeled with SVFMM with a GMRF prior. βj x10-3 Cupola 128 Sky 33 Wall 119
  • 46. SV-GMM with DCM prior (1) For pixel n, the class label is a random variable multinomially distributed: !   jn  ,  jn  0, K zn K p( z n |  n )    jn  1, n  1,..., N , j K  z ij j 1 j 1 j 1    ,  ,...,   T parameterized by probability vector n 1 n n 2 n K . The whole image is parameterized by Ξ   1  ,    2    ,...,   
  • 47. SV-GMM with DCM prior (2) !   jn  ,  jn  0, K zn K p( z n |  n )    jn  1, n  1,..., N , j K  z ij j 1 j 1 j 1 Generative model for the image • Multinomial distribution: K possile outcomes. • Class label j, (j=1…K) appears with probability ξj . • M realizations of the process. • The distribution of the counts of a certain class is binomial.
  • 48. SV-GMM with DCM prior (3) • The Dirichlet distribution forms the conjugate prior for the multinomial distribution. – The posterior p( | x) has the same functional form as the prior p( ) . p( x |  ) p( ) p( | x)   p( x |  ) p( )d [C. Nikou, A. Likas and N. Galatsanos. IEEE Trans. Im. Proc., 2010]
  • 49. SV-GMM with DCM prior (4) • It is natural to impose a Dirichlet prior on the parameters of the multinomial pdf:  K n aj  p ( n | a n )  K    K ( a n 1)  j 1  jn , a n  0, n  1,..., N , j  1,..., K , j j  j    a n j 1 j 1 parameterized by vector a   a , a ,..., a  T n n n n 1 2 K .
  • 50. SV-GMM with DCM prior (5) Marginalizing the parameters of the multinomial 1 p( z n | a n )   p( z n |  n ) p( n | a n ) d i , n  1, 2,..., N 0 yields the Dirichlet compound multinomial distribution for the class labels:  K n aj  M!  j 1   K  an  z n  p( z | a )  K   a n , n  1,..., N . n n j j   K n  z j    a j  z n  j 1 n j j   j 1  j 1 
  • 51. SV-GMM with DCM prior (6) Image model: for a given pixel, its class j is determined by M=1 realization of the process.   n  p( z n  1| x n )  1  n j j  m  p( zm  1| x n )  0 m  j, m  1, 2,..., K , n The DCM prior for the class label becomes: an an p( z n  1| a n )   j  1,..., K . j j  j K n  n am m 1
  • 52. SV-GMM with DCM prior (7) The model becomes spatially varying by imposing a GMRF prior on the parameters of the Dirichlet pdf.  N n 2 K   m (a j  a j )  n p ( A )    j exp N   1 n 1 Nn  j 1  2  j2      [C. Nikou, A. Likas and N. Galatsanos. IEEE Trans. Im. Proc., 2010]
  • 53. SV-GMM with DCM prior (8)
  • 54. MAP estimation  Posterior probabilities are the non-negative solutions to Q   jam   n mNi  n 2   n j  a m   mN i j  n z j  j  j n n 2  0  ( a n )3     j   (a j )    (a j )  | N |  0 a j n j | Nn | | Nn |     n     K  n j   am , n  1, 2,..., N n m 1 m j  There is always a non-negative solution.  No need for projection!
  • 55. Natural image segmentation (1)  Berkeley image data base (300 images).  Ground truth: human segmentations.  Features  MRF features o 7x7 windows x 3 components. o 147 dimensional vector. o PCA on a single image. o 8 principal components kept.
  • 57. Natural image segmentation (3) MRF features
  • 58. Natural image segmentation (4) MRF features
  • 64. Segmentation and recovery (1)  Berkeley image data base.  Additive white Gaussian noise  SNR between -4 dB and 12 dB  MRF features.  Evaluation indices  PR.  VI.  GCE.  BDE.
  • 65. Segmentation and recovery (2) PR index (K=5)
  • 66. Line processes (1) Image recovery: estimate a smooth function from noisy observations. • Observations: d • Function to be estimated: u  2 min   di  ui      ui  ui 1   2 u  i i  Data fidelity term Smoothness term • Calculus of variations (Euler-Lagrange equations).
  • 67. Line processes (2) In presence of many edges (piecewise smoothness) the standard solution is not satisfactory. A line process is integrated:   min   di  ui      ui  ui 1  1  li   a li  2 2 u ,l  i i i  li  0 : Non-edge, include the term. Penalty term li  1: Edge, add penalty. • Many local minima (due to simultaneous estimation of u and l), calculus of variations cannot be applied.
  • 68. Line processes (3)  Milestones  [D. Geman and S. Geman 1984],  [A. Blake and A. Zisserman 1988],  [M. Black 1996 ].  Integration of la line process into a SV-GMM.  Continuous line process model on the contextual mixing proportions.  Gamma distributed line process variables.  Line process parameters are automatically estimated from the data (EM and Variational EM).
  • 69. GMM with line process (2) Line Process
  • 70. GMM with continuous line process (1)  Student’s-t prior on the local differences of the contextual mixing proportions:    ~ St (0,  , v jd ), d , n, j, k  d (n) n j k j 2 jd  Distinct priors on each:  Image class,  Neighborhood direction (horizontal, vertical).
  • 71. GMM with continuous line process (2)  Equivalently, at each pixel n:    ~ N (0,  / u ), n j k j 2 jd nk j u nk ~ Gamma(v jd / 2, v jd / 2), d , n, j, k  d (n). j  Joint distribution:  N D p(;  , v)    St ( n |  k ;  jd , v jd ). j j 2  j 1 n 1 d 1 k ( n )
  • 72. GMM with continuous line process (3)
  • 73. GMM with continuous line process (4)  Description of edge structure.  Continuous generalization of a binary line process. u nk   j Weak class variances (smoothness). u nk  0 j Uninformative prior (no smoothness). nk u j Separation of class j from the remaining classes. [G. Sfikas, C. Nikou and N. Galatsanos. IEEE CVPR, 2008]
  • 75. Edges between segments (2) Horizontal differences Vertical differences Sky Cupola Building
  • 76. Numerical results (1) Berkeley images -Rand index (RI)
  • 77. Image registration • Estimate the transformation TΘ mapping the coordinates of an image I1 to a target image I2: 2  x, y, z   I1    x, y, z  ΤΘ is described by a set of parameters Θ
  • 78. Image similarity measure E()  I1    x, y, z  ,  2  x, y, z    • Single modal images – Quadratic error, Correlation, Fourier transform, Sign changes. • Multimodal images – Inter-image uniformity, mutual information (MI), normalized MI.
  • 79. Fundamental hypothesis • Correspondence between uniform regions in the two images. • Partitioning of the image to be registered. – Not necessarily into joint regions. • Projection of the partition onto the reference image. • Evaluation of a distance between the overlapping regions. – Minimum at correct alignment. – Minimize the distance.
  • 80. Distance between GMMs (1) A straightforward approach would be: M G1 ( x | Π1 , Θ1 )    m  ( x ) i 1 m i m 1 N G2 ( x | Π 2 , Θ 2 )    n n2 ( x i ) i n 1 M N E (G1 , G2 )    m n B  m , n  1 2 m 1 n 1 Bhattacharyya distance
  • 81. Distance between GMMs (2) Knowing the correspondences allows the definition of: E (G1 , G2 )     B  T k  , k  K 1 2 k 1 Pixels of the transformed floating Component of the reference image. image overlapping with the kth component of the reference image.
  • 82. Energy function (1) • For a set of transformation parameters Θ: – Segment the image to be registered into K segments by GMM (or SMM). – For each segment: • Project the pixels onto the reference image. • Compute the mean and covariance of the reference image pixels under the projection mask. – Evaluate the distance between the distributions.
  • 83. Energy function (2) • Find the transformation parameters Θ:  2  min    B  T k  , k   K 1   k 1  • Optimization by simplex, Powell method or ICM. [D. Gerogiannis, C. Nikou and A. Likas. Image and Vision Computing, 2009]
  • 85. Registration error (Gaussian noise) MMBIA 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • 87. Registration of point clouds • Correspondence is unknown – Greedy distance between mixtures – Determine the correspondence (Hungarian algorithm)
  • 88. Experimental results initial point set 2% outliers + uniform noise
  • 91. Conclusions • Application of mixture models to – Image segmentation – Image registration • Other applications – Image retrieval – Visual tracking –…