webofthings rfid wot sensor rest mobile guinard epc web nfc iot qr ubicomp internetofthings relate spatial jersey epcis wsn sensors jazoon evrythng mashup restful javaee sunspots soa embedded devices phone relategateways java webservice ble 1d arduino android motion interfaces user kinetic kui mobikui08 nokia hci sun spontaneous socrades internet of things web of things ir ibeacons bluetooth adk adi ws-* pubsub push sunspot physical javascript energy mobileiot toolkit mobilehci2008 mobilephone interface pervasive enterprise unifr dpws sap course nodejs raspberrypi barcodes scaling json nosql springdata mongojack jongo mongodb adb rifd wot2012 qrcode products qr code hotel tourism location bto2011 real-world phd jax-rs atmosphere websockets html5 wot2011 soap roa icwe icwe2010 enterprise epc framework guinard java javaee jazoo wot2010 sharing socialnetworks social security real-timeweb microformats interfaces pervasive ubicomp spontaneous webservic dpws enterprise guinard jazoon pervasive sensor su mem2009 www context awareness lift9wot lift09 epcfind lost+found community lostfound fuhrer framework
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