medicine case report hepatitis treatment clinical fever interesting case rare case aki acute kidney injury mi myocardial infarction toxicology drugs bp blood pressure acc/aha guideline american heart association american college of cardiology aha acc 2017 systemic hypertension hypertension leptospirosis infection leptospira jaundice weils disease short term vs long term transfusion transfusion reaction blood transfusion blood bank storage lesion packed cell transfusion efficacy blood splenomegaly spleen clinical examination approach to splenomegaly etiology examination gastro intestinal abdomen examination clinical medicine git health hyperglycemia skipping breakfast brunch insulin diabetes sugar meal type 2 diabetes rct second meal phenomenon breakfast alcoholic hepatitis stopah trial alcohol journal drug trial liver disease steroid cirrhosis nejm prednisolone pentoxiphylline hormones prl panhypopituitarism endocrine endocrinology kallman syndrome lh tuberculosis gh hypopituitarism syndrome fsh acth growth hormone disease anterior pituitary aneurysm vsd infective endocarditis echo dukes criteria mycotic aneurysm ie embolisation ventricular septal defect cardiology mri kidney nephrology interstitial att antituberculous treatment atn tubular necrosis i antibody interstitial nephritis renal failure drug induced renal injury rifampin rifampicin encephalitis doxycycline meningoencephalitis typhus tropical disease scrub typhus rickettsiae eschar thrombolysis myocardial damage critical care snake emergency medicine snake bite asv shock rhabdomyolysis stemi envenomation antisnake venom clinical trial antiplatelet clopidogrel plato trial pegasus timi aspirin timi ticagrelor ards ventilation lung injury physiology mechanical ventilator vili ventilator induced lung injury vali ventilator complications ventilator associated lung injury n acetyl cysteine coumarins yellow phosphorus rodenticide paste poisoning rat killer
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