Event storming recipes

Alberto Brandolini Há 9 anos

Advanced Search with Solr & django-haystack

Marcel Chastain Há 9 anos

security in wireless sensor networks

Vishnu Kudumula Há 10 anos

Wireless sensor network security

argh61 Há 10 anos

Getting Started with AWS IoT

Amazon Web Services Há 8 anos

AWS for IoT

Amazon Web Services Há 8 anos

jQuery: Nuts, Bolts and Bling

Doug Neiner Há 12 anos

H2O Deep Learning at Next.ML

Sri Ambati Há 9 anos

How Google Works

Eric Schmidt Há 9 anos

SOA with Thrift and Finagle

Luka Zakrajšek Há 10 anos

LMAX Disruptor as real-life example

Guy Nir Há 10 anos

Node.js vs Play Framework

Yevgeniy Brikman Há 9 anos

Storm Anatomy

Eiichiro Uchiumi Há 10 anos