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Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)

                       Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)

                                      Arnaud Cogolu`gnes

                       Consultant with Zenika, Co-author Spring Batch in Action

                                         March 20, 2012
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)



      XML file reading

      Item enrichment

      File reading partitioning

      File dropping launching

      Database reading partitioning

      Complex flow

      Atomic processing
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)


              This workshop highlights advanced Spring Batch features
              Problem/solution approach
                     A few slides to cover the feature
                     A project to start from, just follow the TODOs
                     Basics about Java and Java EE
                     Spring: dependency injection, enterprise support
                     Spring Batch: what the first workshop covers
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)


      This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
      Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
      To view a copy of this license, visit or send a
      letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900,
      Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  XML file reading

              Problem: reading items from a XML file and sending them to
              another source (e.g. database)
              Solution: using the StaxEventItemReader
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  XML file reading

Spring Batch’s support for XML file reading

              Spring Batch has built-in support for XML files
                     Through the StaxEventItemReader for reading
              The StaxEventItemReader handles I/O for efficient XML
              2 main steps:
                     Configuring the StaxEventItemReader
                     Configuring a Spring OXM’s Unmarshaller
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  XML file reading

The usual suspects
       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

       public class Contact {

           private Long id;
           private String firstname,lastname;
           private Date birth;

Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  XML file reading

The StaxEventItemReader configuration
       <bean id="reader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.xml.StaxEventItemReader">
         <property name="fragmentRootElementName" value="contact" />
         <property name="unmarshaller">
           <bean class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.XStreamMarshaller">
             <property name="aliases">
                 <entry key="contact" value="com.zenika.workshop.springbatch.Contact" />
             <property name="converters">
               <bean class="com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.DateConverter">
                 <constructor-arg value="yyyy-MM-dd" />
                 <constructor-arg><array /></constructor-arg>
                 <constructor-arg value="true" />
         <property name="resource" value="classpath:contacts.xml" />

              NB: Spring OXM supports XStream, JAXB2, etc.
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  XML file reading

Going further...

              StaxEventItemWriter to write XML files
              Spring OXM’s support for other marshallers
              Skipping badly formatted lines
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

              Problem: I want to enrich read items with a Web Service
              before they get written
              Solution: implement an ItemProcessor to make the Web
              Service call
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

Use case

              Reading contacts from a flat file
              Enriching the contact with their social security number
              Writing the whole contact in the database
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

       4,Alecia,Van Holst,2010-03-04

              NB: no SSN in the CSV file!
       public class Contact {

           private    Long id;
           private    String firstname,lastname;
           private    Date birth;
           private    String ssn;
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

The Web Service

              It can be any kind of Web Service (SOAP, REST)
              Our Web Service
                     It returns
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

The ItemProcessor implementation
       package com.zenika.workshop.springbatch;

       import   javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
       import   org.springframework.batch.item.ItemProcessor;
       import   org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;
       import   org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

       public class SsnWebServiceItemProcessor implements
                    ItemProcessor<Contact, Contact> {

           private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
           private String url;

           public Contact process(Contact item) throws Exception {
             DOMSource source = restTemplate.getForObject(url,DOMSource.class,
             String ssn = extractSsnFromXml(item, source);
             return item;

           private String extractSsnFromXml(Contact item, DOMSource source) {
             // some DOM code
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

Configuring the SsnWebServiceItemProcessor

       <batch:job id="itemEnrichmentJob">
         <batch:step id="itemEnrichmentStep">
             <batch:chunk reader="reader" processor="processor" writer="writer"

       <bean id="processor"
         <property name="url"
         value="http://localhost:8085/?firstname={firstname}&amp;lastname={lastname}" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

But my Web Service has a lot of latency!

              The Web Service call can benefit from multi-threading
              Why not spawning several processing at the same time?
              We could wait for the completion in the ItemWriter
              Let’s use some asynchronous ItemProcessor and
                     Provided in the Spring Batch Integration project
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

Using async ItemProcessor and ItemWriter

              This is only about wrapping
       <bean id="processor"
         <property name="delegate" ref="processor" />
         <property name="taskExecutor" ref="taskExecutor" />

       <bean id="writer"
         <property name="delegate" ref="writer" />

       <task:executor id="taskExecutor" pool-size="5" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Item enrichment

Going further...

              Business delegation with an ItemProcessor
              Available ItemProcessor implementations
                     Adapter, validator
              The ItemProcessor can filter items
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

               Problem: I have multiple input files and I want to process
               them in parallel
               Solution: use partitioning to parallelize the processing on
               multiple threads
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

Serial processing
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

Partitioning in Spring Batch

               Partition the input data
                       e.g. one input file = one partition
                       partition processed in a dedicated step execution
               Partitioning is easy to set up but need some knowledge about
               the data
               Partition handler implementation
                       Spring Integration
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

Multi-threaded partitioning
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

Partitioner for input files

       <bean id="partitioner"
         <property name="resources"
                   value="file:./src/main/resources/input/*.txt" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

The partitioner sets a context for the components

       <bean id="reader"
         <property name="resource"
                   value="#{stepExecutionContext[’fileName’]}" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

Using the multi-threaded partition handler

       <batch:job id="fileReadingPartitioningJob">
         <batch:step id="partitionedStep" >
           <batch:partition step="readWriteContactsPartitionedStep"
             <batch:handler task-executor="taskExecutor" />

       <batch:step id="readWriteContactsPartitionedStep">
           <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer"
                         commit-interval="10" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File reading partitioning

Going further...

               Spring Integration partition handler implementation
               Other scaling approaches
                       parallel steps, remote chunking, multi-threaded step)
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File dropping launching

              Problem: downloading files from a FTP server and processing
              them with Spring Batch
              Solution: use Spring Integration to poll the FTP server and
              trigger Spring Batch accordingly
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File dropping launching

Using Spring Integration for transfer and triggering
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File dropping launching

The launching code

       public class FileContactJobLauncher {

           public void launch(File file) throws Exception {
               JobExecution exec =
                 new JobParametersBuilder()
                   .addString("input.file", "file:"+file.getAbsolutePath())


              The File is the local copy
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File dropping launching

Listening to the FTP server

       <int:channel id="fileIn" />

       <int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter local-directory="file:./input"
           channel="fileIn" session-factory="ftpClientFactory"
           remote-directory="/" auto-create-local-directory="true">
         <int:poller fixed-rate="1000" />

       <bean id="ftpClientFactory"
         <property name="host" value="localhost"/>
         <property name="port" value="2222"/>
         <property name="username" value="admin"/>
         <property name="password" value="admin"/>
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File dropping launching

Calling the launcher on an inbound message

       <int:channel id="fileIn" />

       <int:service-activator input-channel="fileIn">
           <property name="job" ref="fileDroppingLaunchingJob" />
           <property name="jobLauncher" ref="jobLauncher" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  File dropping launching

Going further...

              Checking Spring Integration connectors
                      Local file system, FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, JMS, etc.
              Checking operations on messages
                      Filtering, transforming, routing, etc.
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

              Problem: I want to export items from different categories
              from a database to files
              Solution: provide a partition strategy and use partitioning
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

The use case

                                         ID      name      category
                                         1       Book 01   books
                                         2       DVD 01    dvds
                                         3       DVD 02    dvds
                                         4       Book 02   books

                                           ?                        ?
                                   products books.txt       products dvds.txt
                                   1,Book 01,books          2,DVD 01,dvds
                                   4,Book 02,books          3,DVD 02,dvds
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

Partitioning based on categories

              2 partitions in this case

                                   ID   name      category
                                   1    Book 01   books
                                   2    DVD 01    dvds
                                   3    DVD 02    dvds
                                   4    Book 02   books
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

Partitioning logic with the Partitioner interface
       public class ProductCategoryPartitioner implements Partitioner {

           public Map<String, ExecutionContext> partition(int gridSize) {
             List<String> categories = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(
               "select distinct(category) from product",
             Map<String, ExecutionContext> results =
               new LinkedHashMap<String, ExecutionContext>();
             for(String category : categories) {
               ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext();
               context.put("category", category);
               results.put("partition."+category, context);
             return results;
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

Output of the Partitioner

       for(String category : categories) {
         ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext();
         context.put("category", category);
         results.put("partition."+category, context);

       partition.books = { category => ’books’ }
       partition.dvds = { category => ’dvds’ }
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

Components can refer to partition parameters

              They need to use the step scope
       <bean id="reader"
         <property name="sql"
                   value="select id,name,category from product where category = ?" />
         <property name="preparedStatementSetter">
           <bean class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.ArgPreparedStatementSetter">
             <constructor-arg value="#{stepExecutionContext[’category’]}" />

       <bean id="writer"
         <property name="resource"
            value="file:./target/products_#{stepExecutionContext[’category’]}.txt}" />

Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

Configure the partitioned step

              The default implementation is multi-threaded
       <batch:job id="databaseReadingPartitioningJob">
         <batch:step id="partitionedStep" >
           <batch:partition step="readWriteProductsPartitionedStep"
             <batch:handler task-executor="taskExecutor" />

       <batch:step id="readWriteProductsPartitionedStep">
           <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer"
                         commit-interval="10" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Database reading partitioning

Going further...

              Check existing partitioner implementations
              Check other partition handler implementations
              Check other scaling strategies
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Complex flow

              Problem: my job has a complex flow of steps, how can Spring
              Batch deal with it?
              Solution: use the step flow attributes and tags, as well as
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Complex flow

The next attribute for a linear flow

       <batch:job id="complexFlowJob">
         <batch:step id="digestStep" next="flatFileReadingStep">
           <batch:tasklet ref="digestTasklet" />
         <batch:step id="flatFileReadingStep">
             <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer"
                           commit-interval="3" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Complex flow

There’s also a next tag non-linear flows
       <batch:job id="complexFlowJob">
         <batch:step id="digestStep">
           <batch:tasklet ref="digestTasklet" />
           <batch:next on="COMPLETED" to="flatFileReadingStep"/>
           <batch:next on="FAILED" to="trackIncorrectFileStep"/>
         <batch:step id="flatFileReadingStep">
             <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer"
                           commit-interval="3" />
         <batch:step id="trackIncorrectFileStep">
           <batch:tasklet ref="trackIncorrectFileTasklet" />

              NB: there are also the end, fail, and stop tags
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Complex flow

But if I have more complex flows?

              The next attribute decision is based on the exit code
              You can use your own exit codes
              A StepExecutionListener can modify the exit code of a
              step execution
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Complex flow

Modifying the exit code of a step execution

       package com.zenika.workshop.springbatch;

       import org.springframework.batch.core.ExitStatus;
       import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution;
       import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecutionListener;

       public class SkipsListener implements StepExecutionListener {

           public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) { }

           public ExitStatus afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
             String exitCode = stepExecution.getExitStatus().getExitCode();
             if (!exitCode.equals(ExitStatus.FAILED.getExitCode()) &&
                       stepExecution.getSkipCount() > 0) {
               return new ExitStatus("COMPLETED WITH SKIPS");
             } else {
               return null;
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Complex flow

Plugging the SkipsListener
       <step id="flatFileReadingStep">
           <chunk reader="reader" writer="writer"
                  commit-interval="3" skip-limit="10">
         <end on="COMPLETED"/>
           <next on="COMPLETED WITH SKIPS" to="trackSkipsStep"/>
             <beans:bean class="c.z.workshop.springbatch.SkipsListener" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Complex flow

Going further...

              The JobExecutionDecider and the decision tag
              The stop, fail, and end tags
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

              Problem: I want to process an input file in an all-or-nothing
              Solution: Don’t do it. Atomic processing isn’t batch
              processing! Anyway, if you really need an atomic processing,
              use a custom CompletionPolicy.
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

Why atomic processing is a bad idea?

              You loose the benefits of chunk-oriented processing
                      speed, small memory footprint, etc.
              On a rollback, you loose everything (that’s perhaps the point!)
              The rollback can take a long time (several hours)
              It all depends on the amount of data and on the processing
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

I really need an atomic processing

              Rollback yourself, with compensating transactions
              Use a transaction rollback
                      It’s only a never ending chunk!
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

Quick and dirty, large commit interval

              Set the commit interval to a very large value
              You should never have more items!
       <chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="1000000"/>
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

Use a never-ending CompletionPolicy

              Spring Batch uses a CompletionPolicy to know if a chunk is
       package org.springframework.batch.repeat;

       public interface CompletionPolicy {

           boolean isComplete(RepeatContext context, RepeatStatus result);

           boolean isComplete(RepeatContext context);

           RepeatContext start(RepeatContext parent);

           void update(RepeatContext context);

Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

Plugging in the CompletionPolicy

       <batch:job id="atomicProcessingJob">
         <batch:step id="atomicProcessingStep">
             <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer"
                           chunk-completion-policy="atomicCompletionPolicy" />

              NB: remove the commit-interval attribute when using a
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

Which CompletionPolicy for my atomic processing?

       <bean id="atomicCompletionPolicy"
             class="o.s.b.repeat.policy.DefaultResultCompletionPolicy" />
Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)
  Atomic processing

Going further...

              Flow in a job
              SkipPolicy, RetryPolicy

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Spring Batch Workshop (advanced)

  • 1. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Arnaud Cogolu`gnes e Consultant with Zenika, Co-author Spring Batch in Action March 20, 2012
  • 2. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Outline Overview XML file reading Item enrichment File reading partitioning File dropping launching Database reading partitioning Complex flow Atomic processing
  • 3. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Overview Overview This workshop highlights advanced Spring Batch features Problem/solution approach A few slides to cover the feature A project to start from, just follow the TODOs Prerequisites Basics about Java and Java EE Spring: dependency injection, enterprise support Spring Batch: what the first workshop covers
  • 4. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Overview License This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
  • 5. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) XML file reading Problem: reading items from a XML file and sending them to another source (e.g. database) Solution: using the StaxEventItemReader
  • 6. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) XML file reading Spring Batch’s support for XML file reading Spring Batch has built-in support for XML files Through the StaxEventItemReader for reading The StaxEventItemReader handles I/O for efficient XML processing 2 main steps: Configuring the StaxEventItemReader Configuring a Spring OXM’s Unmarshaller
  • 7. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) XML file reading The usual suspects <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <contacts> <contact> <firstname>De-Anna</firstname> <lastname>Raghunath</lastname> <birth>2010-03-04</birth> </contact> <contact> <firstname>Susy</firstname> <lastname>Hauerstock</lastname> <birth>2010-03-04</birth> </contact> (...) </contacts> ? public class Contact { private Long id; private String firstname,lastname; private Date birth; (...) }
  • 8. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) XML file reading The StaxEventItemReader configuration <bean id="reader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.xml.StaxEventItemReader"> <property name="fragmentRootElementName" value="contact" /> <property name="unmarshaller"> <bean class="org.springframework.oxm.xstream.XStreamMarshaller"> <property name="aliases"> <map> <entry key="contact" value="com.zenika.workshop.springbatch.Contact" /> </map> </property> <property name="converters"> <bean class="com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.basic.DateConverter"> <constructor-arg value="yyyy-MM-dd" /> <constructor-arg><array /></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg value="true" /> </bean> </property> </bean> </property> <property name="resource" value="classpath:contacts.xml" /> </bean> NB: Spring OXM supports XStream, JAXB2, etc.
  • 9. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) XML file reading Going further... StaxEventItemWriter to write XML files Spring OXM’s support for other marshallers Skipping badly formatted lines
  • 10. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment Problem: I want to enrich read items with a Web Service before they get written Solution: implement an ItemProcessor to make the Web Service call
  • 11. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment Use case Reading contacts from a flat file Enriching the contact with their social security number Writing the whole contact in the database
  • 12. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment 1,De-Anna,Raghunath,2010-03-04 2,Susy,Hauerstock,2010-03-04 3,Kiam,Whitehurst,2010-03-04 4,Alecia,Van Holst,2010-03-04 5,Hing,Senecal,2010-03-04 NB: no SSN in the CSV file! public class Contact { private Long id; private String firstname,lastname; private Date birth; private String ssn; (...) }
  • 13. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment The Web Service It can be any kind of Web Service (SOAP, REST) Our Web Service URL: http://host/service?firstname=John&lastname=Doe It returns <contact> <firstname>John</firstname> <lastname>Doe</lastname> <ssn>987-65-4329</ssn> </contact>
  • 14. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment The ItemProcessor implementation package com.zenika.workshop.springbatch; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import org.springframework.batch.item.ItemProcessor; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class SsnWebServiceItemProcessor implements ItemProcessor<Contact, Contact> { private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); private String url; @Override public Contact process(Contact item) throws Exception { DOMSource source = restTemplate.getForObject(url,DOMSource.class, item.getFirstname(),item.getLastname()); String ssn = extractSsnFromXml(item, source); item.setSsn(ssn); return item; } private String extractSsnFromXml(Contact item, DOMSource source) { // some DOM code } (...) }
  • 15. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment Configuring the SsnWebServiceItemProcessor <batch:job id="itemEnrichmentJob"> <batch:step id="itemEnrichmentStep"> <batch:tasklet> <batch:chunk reader="reader" processor="processor" writer="writer" commit-interval="3"/> </batch:tasklet> </batch:step> </batch:job> <bean id="processor" class="com.zenika.workshop.springbatch.SsnWebServiceItemProcessor"> <property name="url" value="http://localhost:8085/?firstname={firstname}&amp;lastname={lastname}" /> </bean>
  • 16. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment But my Web Service has a lot of latency! The Web Service call can benefit from multi-threading Why not spawning several processing at the same time? We could wait for the completion in the ItemWriter Let’s use some asynchronous ItemProcessor and ItemWriter Provided in the Spring Batch Integration project
  • 17. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment Using async ItemProcessor and ItemWriter This is only about wrapping <bean id="processor" class="o.s.b.integration.async.AsyncItemProcessor"> <property name="delegate" ref="processor" /> <property name="taskExecutor" ref="taskExecutor" /> </bean> <bean id="writer" class="o.s.b.integration.async.AsyncItemWriter"> <property name="delegate" ref="writer" /> </bean> <task:executor id="taskExecutor" pool-size="5" />
  • 18. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Item enrichment Going further... Business delegation with an ItemProcessor Available ItemProcessor implementations Adapter, validator The ItemProcessor can filter items
  • 19. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning Problem: I have multiple input files and I want to process them in parallel Solution: use partitioning to parallelize the processing on multiple threads
  • 20. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning Serial processing
  • 21. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning Partitioning in Spring Batch Partition the input data e.g. one input file = one partition partition processed in a dedicated step execution Partitioning is easy to set up but need some knowledge about the data Partition handler implementation Multi-threaded Spring Integration
  • 22. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning Multi-threaded partitioning
  • 23. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning Partitioner for input files <bean id="partitioner" class=""> <property name="resources" value="file:./src/main/resources/input/*.txt" /> </bean>
  • 24. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning The partitioner sets a context for the components <bean id="reader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReader" scope="step"> (...) <property name="resource" value="#{stepExecutionContext[’fileName’]}" /> </bean>
  • 25. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning Using the multi-threaded partition handler <batch:job id="fileReadingPartitioningJob"> <batch:step id="partitionedStep" > <batch:partition step="readWriteContactsPartitionedStep" partitioner="partitioner"> <batch:handler task-executor="taskExecutor" /> </batch:partition> </batch:step> </batch:job> <batch:step id="readWriteContactsPartitionedStep"> <batch:tasklet> <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="10" /> </batch:tasklet> </batch:step>
  • 26. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File reading partitioning Going further... Spring Integration partition handler implementation Other scaling approaches parallel steps, remote chunking, multi-threaded step)
  • 27. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File dropping launching Problem: downloading files from a FTP server and processing them with Spring Batch Solution: use Spring Integration to poll the FTP server and trigger Spring Batch accordingly
  • 28. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File dropping launching Using Spring Integration for transfer and triggering
  • 29. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File dropping launching The launching code public class FileContactJobLauncher { public void launch(File file) throws Exception { JobExecution exec = job, new JobParametersBuilder() .addString("input.file", "file:"+file.getAbsolutePath()) .toJobParameters() ); } } The File is the local copy
  • 30. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File dropping launching Listening to the FTP server <int:channel id="fileIn" /> <int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter local-directory="file:./input" channel="fileIn" session-factory="ftpClientFactory" remote-directory="/" auto-create-local-directory="true"> <int:poller fixed-rate="1000" /> </int-ftp:inbound-channel-adapter> <bean id="ftpClientFactory" class="o.s.i.ftp.session.DefaultFtpSessionFactory"> <property name="host" value="localhost"/> <property name="port" value="2222"/> <property name="username" value="admin"/> <property name="password" value="admin"/> </bean>
  • 31. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File dropping launching Calling the launcher on an inbound message <int:channel id="fileIn" /> <int:service-activator input-channel="fileIn"> <bean class="c.z.w.springbatch.integration.FileContactJobLauncher"> <property name="job" ref="fileDroppingLaunchingJob" /> <property name="jobLauncher" ref="jobLauncher" /> </bean> </int:service-activator>
  • 32. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) File dropping launching Going further... Checking Spring Integration connectors Local file system, FTPS, SFTP, HTTP, JMS, etc. Checking operations on messages Filtering, transforming, routing, etc.
  • 33. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning Problem: I want to export items from different categories from a database to files Solution: provide a partition strategy and use partitioning
  • 34. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning The use case ID name category 1 Book 01 books 2 DVD 01 dvds 3 DVD 02 dvds 4 Book 02 books ? ? products books.txt products dvds.txt 1,Book 01,books 2,DVD 01,dvds 4,Book 02,books 3,DVD 02,dvds
  • 35. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning Partitioning based on categories 2 partitions in this case ID name category 1 Book 01 books 2 DVD 01 dvds 3 DVD 02 dvds 4 Book 02 books
  • 36. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning Partitioning logic with the Partitioner interface public class ProductCategoryPartitioner implements Partitioner { (...) @Override public Map<String, ExecutionContext> partition(int gridSize) { List<String> categories = jdbcTemplate.queryForList( "select distinct(category) from product", String.class ); Map<String, ExecutionContext> results = new LinkedHashMap<String, ExecutionContext>(); for(String category : categories) { ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(); context.put("category", category); results.put("partition."+category, context); } return results; } }
  • 37. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning Output of the Partitioner Excerpt: for(String category : categories) { ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(); context.put("category", category); results.put("partition."+category, context); } Results: partition.books = { category => ’books’ } partition.dvds = { category => ’dvds’ }
  • 38. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning Components can refer to partition parameters They need to use the step scope <bean id="reader" class="org.springframework.batch.item.database.JdbcCursorItemReader" scope="step"> <property name="sql" value="select id,name,category from product where category = ?" /> <property name="preparedStatementSetter"> <bean class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.ArgPreparedStatementSetter"> <constructor-arg value="#{stepExecutionContext[’category’]}" /> </bean> </property> </bean> <bean id="writer" class="org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemWriter" scope="step"> <property name="resource" value="file:./target/products_#{stepExecutionContext[’category’]}.txt}" /> (...) </bean>
  • 39. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning Configure the partitioned step The default implementation is multi-threaded <batch:job id="databaseReadingPartitioningJob"> <batch:step id="partitionedStep" > <batch:partition step="readWriteProductsPartitionedStep" partitioner="partitioner"> <batch:handler task-executor="taskExecutor" /> </batch:partition> </batch:step> </batch:job> <batch:step id="readWriteProductsPartitionedStep"> <batch:tasklet> <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="10" /> </batch:tasklet> </batch:step>
  • 40. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Database reading partitioning Going further... Check existing partitioner implementations Check other partition handler implementations Check other scaling strategies
  • 41. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Complex flow Problem: my job has a complex flow of steps, how can Spring Batch deal with it? Solution: use the step flow attributes and tags, as well as StepExecutionListeners.
  • 42. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Complex flow The next attribute for a linear flow <batch:job id="complexFlowJob"> <batch:step id="digestStep" next="flatFileReadingStep"> <batch:tasklet ref="digestTasklet" /> </batch:step> <batch:step id="flatFileReadingStep"> <batch:tasklet> <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="3" /> </batch:tasklet> </batch:step> </batch:job>
  • 43. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Complex flow There’s also a next tag non-linear flows <batch:job id="complexFlowJob"> <batch:step id="digestStep"> <batch:tasklet ref="digestTasklet" /> <batch:next on="COMPLETED" to="flatFileReadingStep"/> <batch:next on="FAILED" to="trackIncorrectFileStep"/> </batch:step> <batch:step id="flatFileReadingStep"> <batch:tasklet> <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="3" /> </batch:tasklet> </batch:step> <batch:step id="trackIncorrectFileStep"> <batch:tasklet ref="trackIncorrectFileTasklet" /> </batch:step> </batch:job> NB: there are also the end, fail, and stop tags
  • 44. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Complex flow But if I have more complex flows? The next attribute decision is based on the exit code You can use your own exit codes A StepExecutionListener can modify the exit code of a step execution
  • 45. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Complex flow Modifying the exit code of a step execution package com.zenika.workshop.springbatch; import org.springframework.batch.core.ExitStatus; import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution; import org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecutionListener; public class SkipsListener implements StepExecutionListener { @Override public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) { } @Override public ExitStatus afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution) { String exitCode = stepExecution.getExitStatus().getExitCode(); if (!exitCode.equals(ExitStatus.FAILED.getExitCode()) && stepExecution.getSkipCount() > 0) { return new ExitStatus("COMPLETED WITH SKIPS"); } else { return null; } } }
  • 46. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Complex flow Plugging the SkipsListener <step id="flatFileReadingStep"> <tasklet> <chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="3" skip-limit="10"> <skippable-exception-classes> <include class="o.s.b.item.file.FlatFileParseException"/> </skippable-exception-classes> </chunk> </tasklet> <end on="COMPLETED"/> <next on="COMPLETED WITH SKIPS" to="trackSkipsStep"/> <listeners> <listener> <beans:bean class="c.z.workshop.springbatch.SkipsListener" /> </listener> </listeners> </step>
  • 47. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Complex flow Going further... The JobExecutionDecider and the decision tag The stop, fail, and end tags
  • 48. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing Problem: I want to process an input file in an all-or-nothing manner. Solution: Don’t do it. Atomic processing isn’t batch processing! Anyway, if you really need an atomic processing, use a custom CompletionPolicy.
  • 49. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing Why atomic processing is a bad idea? You loose the benefits of chunk-oriented processing speed, small memory footprint, etc. On a rollback, you loose everything (that’s perhaps the point!) The rollback can take a long time (several hours) It all depends on the amount of data and on the processing
  • 50. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing I really need an atomic processing Rollback yourself, with compensating transactions Use a transaction rollback It’s only a never ending chunk!
  • 51. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing Quick and dirty, large commit interval Set the commit interval to a very large value You should never have more items! <chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" commit-interval="1000000"/>
  • 52. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing Use a never-ending CompletionPolicy Spring Batch uses a CompletionPolicy to know if a chunk is complete package org.springframework.batch.repeat; public interface CompletionPolicy { boolean isComplete(RepeatContext context, RepeatStatus result); boolean isComplete(RepeatContext context); RepeatContext start(RepeatContext parent); void update(RepeatContext context); }
  • 53. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing Plugging in the CompletionPolicy <batch:job id="atomicProcessingJob"> <batch:step id="atomicProcessingStep"> <batch:tasklet> <batch:chunk reader="reader" writer="writer" chunk-completion-policy="atomicCompletionPolicy" /> </batch:tasklet> </batch:step> </batch:job> NB: remove the commit-interval attribute when using a CompletionStrategy
  • 54. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing Which CompletionPolicy for my atomic processing? <bean id="atomicCompletionPolicy" class="o.s.b.repeat.policy.DefaultResultCompletionPolicy" />
  • 55. Spring Batch Workshop (advanced) Atomic processing Going further... Flow in a job SkipPolicy, RetryPolicy