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Job Opportunities for UMS Graduates Community
Cross Culture :
Understanding Culture Without Prejudice
Publication Permit: UMS Rector Recommendation Patron: Provost III UMS Consultant: Fitri Endah Pratiwi, S.Pd.
Board of Advisor: Mifthakhul Khoiri Expertise: Anton Gunawan General Leader: Uswatun Khasanah Secretary:
Hanum Fajrina, Yasrin Treasurer: Muslihah, Dewi Chief of Editor of Campus Newsletter:Agung Dwi Fitrianto
Editorial Secretary:Desi Nur W. Reporters & Photographers:Taqin, Rico, Rannisa, Agus R., Novia,Editorial
Staffs: Desi Nur W., Intan G., Umi, Arum, Nur W. Setting Layout: Agung Dwi F., Muklis, Agung I., Dwi, Ali
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Campus English Newsletter is an academic and information media in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
issued once four mounts by LPM Campus.
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Firstly let me say the biggest gratitude to Allah who blesses us with Mercy, so that the third
edition of Campus Newsletter can be finished well. Thanks to all Campus Newsletter crew and all sides who
haveparticipatedin making thisnewsletter.
Gap between the graduates and the job available is always a problem. Therefore, in this third
edition, Campus newsletter will discuss about UMS graduate in the world of job. Beside that we also give
referenceabout hang out placeandlife style in ourbelovedcampus.
F inally, we hope this newsletter can be useful and can give additional knowledge for the
readers. Forthe progressofthisnewsletter, wealsosettle forconstructivecriticismandsuggestion.
Chief of Editor of Campus Newsletter
Agung Dwi Fitrianto
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3 Edition Campus Newsletter
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n UMS, we
know an
a g e n c y
named ACEC (Alumni
Career and Employment
Center) as a media of work
channelization for UMS
g r a d u a t e s . A C E C
certainly has a broad
networking to either state
or private companies,
corporations, or other
work places. Many job
vacancies have been
informed by ACEC to
UMS graduates. The
moment of graduation is a
beneficial moment to both
companies and college
graduates. Companies
look for best graduates to
become their employees,
while college graduates
look for jobs from many
However, we
will not discuss about
ACEC; but about the
g r a d u a t e s f r o m
M u h a m m a d i y a h
University of Surakarta in
the work world. Based on
the interview which have
been conducted with
ACEC UMS, most of the
graduates have worked as
P N S , B U M N ,
enterpreneur, and private
company. Graduates from
Teacher Training and
Education Faculty leaning
work as PNS, whereas,
f r o m F a c u l t y o f
Engineering graduates
w o r k i n p r i v a t e
certainly has an important
role in channelization
Opportunities for
UMS Graduates
Reported: Rico/ LPM Campus
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work of their alumni,
either for state or private
worker, also supporting
and building them to be an
enterpreneur. Generally,
the graduates should fill
the form about their
identity for the data of
ACEC. It is to facilitate
ACEC to contact the
alumni, especially for the
unemployees. Then ACEC
will inform job vacancies
via the contact person.
Based on the data from
ACEC, the graduates of
UMS is about 3,240
people. However, only 16
% of them who able to be
contacted, it is because
they not fill their form
perfectly, especially for
their e-mailadress.
But in this case,
it doesn't mean that
graduates only depend on
ACEC to get informations
for job vacancies. It is
s h o w n
from majority
of UMS alumni
who get informations of
job vacancies from their
relation and media, both
printed or electronic
media. This phenomenon
is general for the reason of
get a suitable job quickly.
According to many
e x p e r i e n c e s , m a n y
u n e m p l o y e d g e t
i n f o r m a t i o n o f j o b
vacancies from relations.
It will be more efficient
than only waiting job
As we have
known, there are a lot of
scholars who become
unemployees. Why can be
like that? There are two
opinions about it. The first
opinion says that college
o n l y d e v e l o p t h e
knowledge – from not
u n d e r s t a n d t o b e
d , t h e
s e c o n d
opinion says
that college's
graduates are not
ready for work, but
T h e
c u r r i c u l u m w h i c h
applied by UMS has
already appropriated with
the world of work. It is
based on declaration from
ACEC, “The result of
crossing study shows that
the curriculum of UMS
has agreed with the world
of work. In addition, both
from the business side and
alumnus that have been
4 rd
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
worked also say that the
curriculum of UMS has
appropriated” said Mr.
Totok as the chief of
ACEC UMS. However,
graduates are not always
work on their own field -
it's only has a few
percentage. For example
it doesn't mean that the
almuni of Faculty of
Architechture only work
based on their field.
According to ACEC,
many of UMS graduates
w o r k i n a n i m a l
husbandry and oil palm
U M S a l s o
gives attention for them
who has longing for
being a businessman,
such as giving financial
capital and guidance to
start their exertion. UMS
always gives support for
their students to be a
businessman untill they
are able to stand
independently. The
guidances consist
of strategy of
e x e r t i o n ,
s ,
e y
ent, etc.
The chief
of UMS stated his hope
to UMS students to be a
businessman because
nowadays just a litle of
the UMS alumni who
have business. Most of
them prefer to work for
some state or private
institutions. It is because,
when they are work for
an institution they will
get exact salary.
person isn't looking for a
job, but they create a job
field.” It is true that a
businessman haven't
exact salary, but don't
forget if the profit will be
more when we have own
business. Starting a
business isn't as easy as
w e
folded back our hand,
but if we always try,
pray, and never give up,
Allah will give a success
as we have wished
before. Success needs
sacrifices. Everyone has
same chance for success,
it differences by their
a b i l i t y t o s e e t h e
opportunity and how
they can take their
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6 rd
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
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Job is one of
g o a l s f o r
e v e r y
students after graduation.
Likewise, students of
U n i v e r s i t y o f
M u h a m m a d i y a h
S u r a k a r t a ( U M S ) ,
however, the quality of
U M S ' g r a d u a t e s t o
compete in the world of
workisbeing questioned?
Quality is very
important requirement to
enter the world of work.
Meanwhile, the quality of
UMS students are not
visible yet in job hunt
outside. If we compare
with other universities, of
course UMS not able yet to
equalwith them.
U M S h a s a n
institution named ACEC
(Alumni Career and
Employment Center).
A C E C i s g i v i n g
i n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e
students who are looking
for a job. ACEC already
has relation with several
companies, like Danamon
Bank, BRI, BTPN, Palma
and many more. These
companies conduct
recruitment routinly
every year.
Well, how
t h e r e a l
c o m p e t i t i o n
i n t h e
r e a l
Reported: Rannisa/ LPM Campus
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
Hot Topic
world job? Usually the
competition can be seen
from the amount of the
person who fill the empty
chair of civil servant. But,
accrording to the ACEC
data, research about
students' quality in the
world job still not visible
yet, because there are
many registrants who
compete as civil servant.
According to Totok as
ACEC manager said that
at this time we only can
compare between waiting
time to get job and the
salary the earn. “The most
visible is from that side”,
ACEC has
conducted research
t h r ou g h on l i n e
questioner in 2010.
Out of 3247 UMS
graduates who
participated in
the survey,
there is only
about 16% or
5 1 7
s t u d e n t s
who fill
t h e
the questioner asked
many questions about job
hunt. One of them is the
waiting time needed
before and after getting a
job? The answer from
participants are different,
depend on department
and what kind of job they
look for. The most
significant trend is one
from medical faculty
participants. they have
usually have a job before
they are graduated, and
their waiting time after
graduation until having
jobisonly about 3months.
The questionare
was also asking questions
about the job that they
look for and the subject
they have learned when
they studied in the college.
Appropriateness of the job
with the major of study
they learned was also
being asked in the
questionaire. From 517
participants who fill in
the questioners, 34%
answers that the relation
between job and the
subject that they have
learned in their collage are
very close, 18% of them
answer they are have close
relation, 14% of them
answer have no close
relation,16% of them
answer less closely, and
18% not answer. It shows
that actually the relation
between job and the
subject that they have
learned in the college are
8 rd
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
Hot Topic
very close. Hence,
ideally, the subject and
the job should be
a p p r o p r i a t e .
Unfortunately, there is
still a lot of occupants
who get a job which is
not in line with their
major study in the
college. Likewise, 38%
graduate of UMS work
in private companies,
16% work in BUMN
(civil servants), and 8%
However, not
of graduates can work in
the accupation that
match their wish. The
data shows there are
60% from 517 students
of UMS get job, 30% have
not get work (they
continue their study,
marry, or waiting for a
j o b ) , a n d 1 0 % i s
unemployed. ACEC also
conducts preventive
action to decrease
unemployment like
softskills training, job
training aboard, and
practice in UKM, yet this
has not significantly
d e c r e a s e t h e
unemployment. “We
will conduct one of our
preventive actions on
Tuesday, 19 , 2013 we
will hold seminar to
prepare training job
aboard, precisely in
Japan”, explained Totok
asmanager ofACEC.
ACEC continue to Give
information of job
vacancy or conduct
preventive action in
o r d e r t o d e c r e a s e
n u m b e r o f
u n e m p l o y m e n t .
Nevertheless, if it still
happen continuously ,
who should be blamed?
“The most compatible
solution is entrepreneur.
I deally every country
m u s t h a v e
entrepreneurs at least
8% from population in
that country, and now
Indonesia only has
400.000 entrepreneurs,”
r d
ahyu Setiawan is a 3
Ws e m e s t e r s t u d e n t o f
Departement of English
Education at Muhammadiyah University of
Surakarta. Wahyu Setiawan who usually called 'Oi' by
his friends is an optimist, hard worker, and wishful
person. It was obviously appeared when I
interviewed him at his spare time of IACC feat SEE-
SAW, an event which was held by EDSO (English
Education Student Organization)which committeed
by himhavepassing.
A young man who comes from Gedongan
02/05 Baki Sukoharjo is active as a member of fifth
division at EDSO. His motto was Hope, Trust, and
Fight. ''I have a hope, trust of them, and Fight for
them”, he explained. His hobby is playing game and
futsal like the other students, and then what is
different from him? Beside being a student and active
in organization, he also run a business at commerce
He started his business at the late 2012,
started from his hard desire and support from his
parents he finds out some informations. He gets
information from his friends and internet. His
commerce business concern with clothing includes the
making of organization's uniform, sport shirt, and the
Districts which common order his product
are Boyolali and some cities in East Java like Ponorogo,
Lamongan, Pacitan, and Madiun. The marketing of his
products are not only covering for Solo Raya and Java
but also it reachs east district of Indonesia, such as
Nusa Tenggara Timur and Papua. The customers who come
from east district of Indonesia are droshippers who resell
the productsintheir district.
The design from his product obtained from
internet and being updated to the modern design. . Some of
customers costumize their uniform's model by theirselves,
like one of his customer who come from Kalimantan which
sends his design by faximile. There are also some customers
whoonlyimitate the designwhichhasalreadyset.
Oi has some tricks to defend his business, he
always improves the quality of stitching, choose a good
material, and promote the product. . problems do happens
throughout the business. for instance, customer might
complain about the design which they think unappropriate
with the design they order. . Learning from the problem
previously faced, better monitoring employees and
improving production quality of the production are being
Whereas, in the animal breeding sector, he
manages business by buying and selling some species of
birds together with his father. Moreover, he has mini zoo of
birds behind his house. There are some birds like love birds,
pigeons, and Java finches. The Pigeon breeding was started
from2012becausethe market isgood.
Study is the first prority for him. being in
organization and business is a part time activity for him. He
said that he still tries to manage his time for study,
orgaization, and business. He wishes to able to manage
them as well as for his future, ''Just don't be passive student,
it will be better if we are productive, then find out a chance. '
Hesaidtocloseour interviewinthat day
Hope Trust and FightHope, Trust and Fight
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
Commemora ng 55 UMS anniversary
with Jokowi
Un i v e r s i t y o f
M u h a m m a d i y a h
S u r a k a r t a ( U M S )
commemorates its 55th anniversary by
inviting the governor of Jakarta, Joko
Widodo as the speaker in scientific oration.
The event was held on Saturday, October
t h
26 2013 in Mohammad Djazman
Auditorium. Event that started at 9 A.M
still included in 55 UMS anniversary .
There are also some events such as, race
walking, choral group, leadership seminar
The crowd welcomed Jokowi
enthusiastically. In his oration, Jokowi
talked about
h i s
riences. Jokowi said it not easy to become a
leader, it needs some strategies in order to
make the people believe their leader.
Blusukan is one of pledge strategies to
strengthen his communication with the
society. In his opinion, this way is very
effective to know what actually happened
and what they want. “How can we know
what they actually want if we do not come
directlytothe field,”heexplained.
One year after he became the
governor of Jakarta, there have been some
dramatic changes in Jakarta, such as seller
relocation in Tanah Abang, and also
relocation Pluit citizens to Marunda ats.
Beside that, there is also Jakarta Health
Card or Kartu Jakarta Sehat (KJS). Based on
the blusukan result, he found many people
who have been sick but still stay at home.
Hence, Jokowi published KJS as one of
strategies to ease their burden to get
medical treatment. In addition, Jokowi
stated that he will finish monorail program
and MRT soon, and also construction of
ats that the design adopted from
Singapura, andChina.
10 rd
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
UMS Info
Reported: Rannisa/ LPM Campus
KMTM –The big family of
machine's student UMS
held UMS Otocontest on
th th
Saturday and Sunday, 16 - 17 , November 2013.
This event was held in campus 2 UMS.
Otocontest is a big event and annual event from
KMTM UMS. The chief of this event is Alif
Khomaruddin student of Machine Engineering
UMS. The aim of this event is to give a space for
students to explore their creativity of
modification and be acquaint to the society about
world of modification. the first event was held
on 2003. it was vacuum for a while, then later in
2011 thisevent wasstarted begin again.
UMS Otocontest include in some
contest categories, that is pemula , Funky non
Trans, Bebek/ Sport Street Racing, Matic Street
Racing, Sport Modif, Perang Ceper, Monthai
Style, and Oldschool. “The most popular category
is in Monthai Style category, because this style
firstly held in Bali, and now UMS held Monthai
Style category for the second”, said Beny
Kiswantoro as committeein this event. This event
contested modification creativity, so it is not
a l l
owed to modify their motorcycle at contest area.
blood donors, emissions test for motorcycle, and
also free service were also avilable during the
The participants came from Central
Java and DIY, but there were also participants
who came from Jakarta. This event is not only for
the UMS students but also for public. There were
about 78 participants in this event. Most of them
came from other districts such as Wonogiri,
Karanganyar, and others. The weather was not
friendly at that day, but the contest run well. “I
hope next year this event can be better and still
alive,” closedBeny.
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
UMS Info
Reported: Rannisa & Agung I./LPM Campus
elcome back guys. Guess
what the new from
community? As you see
from the tittle above, we have Cross- Cultural
Club. What isit? Letussee.
Cross Cultural Club is a small club that
aims to understand another culture in the world.
This club established by American Volunteer
named Rachel Wishtuff on September, 18 2012.
Previously this club named Cross- Cultural
Learning Program, held only for 50 people from
all of departments, and run on September until
Desember 2012. But, since Rachel back to her
country, the name for this club changed into
Cross- Cultural Club, and it held not only for
UMS students but also for students from other
Activities in this club are so fun. Like
the name suggest , the main activity are learning
and understanding many cultures in the world.
Sometimes the members make some
presentations and discussions about new culture
in the room, but sometimes
they go outside to see some
shows directly. They come to
festival or carnival like SIPA,
Solo Batik Carnival, Jogja Jazz,
and many more. The aim is to
be acquaintance with our
culture or even our traditonal
culture, hence, they will see
and even learn or practise
culture directly. The members are also do some
activities at some Junior High Schools in Solo.
They do not teach English but they teach about
Cross- Cultural, introduce another cultural, how
Cross- Cultural Club tells us more
about culture. They share together kinds of
culture. They learn how to recognize, how to
understand the difference culture without
judgement. For surethere are native speakers in
the club, . UMS has many International students
that we can get some benefits from them. They
will tell us about their culture and they will
discuss it together. Here you will know new
language languages, because they come from
different countries in the world. “ So, if you want
to know more about culture, you want to meet
native speaker, or even you want to speak
English well, just come and join every
Wednesday at 4 p.m in C208”, closed Oktavia
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
Sugar Food and Beverage, is a name of café that located near campus 4 of UMS.
This café brings out a unique model that different from the other café. The main menu
here is milk. Café which established by Mr. Joshua and Miss.
Rysma is a branch from Salatiga. This café is
managedby MissRysma,sheisastudentofUMS.
The difference of milk in this café with
the other is the variation menu . there are also
some foods available here. The most famous menu
here is cane bread; this bread is rare around UMS.
Combination among milk and some foods make this
café has many customers. Beside that the price is not
affordable . So that makes this café becomes one of
referenceforhang outplace.
This café always controls the quality of
milk, because the milk is taken directly from
Salatiga. They do not use preservatives
inggredients in their milk product, . It will
reduce the milk taste. This milk only used for
one day. Because the nature of milk that
perishable. So every day the stock of milk here is
fresh. If there is milk in one day is not sold it will be
The situation in this café is is relatively interesting. It gives
classic nuance. The model of glass that used in this café also unique, the shape
lookslike ajarcanbe anadditionalattraction.
So do not forget to visit this café.
3 Edition Campus News Letter
Reported: Muklis/LPM Campus
How's everything Campus readers? Meet us again in English Space for third
edition of Campus Newsletter. In this edition, English Space will explain you about the
partsof speech. Are youready?Letscheck it out!
Names a person, a place or a thing
Miko is handsome.
Paris is the capital of France.
Freedom is very important.
A word used instead of a noun
She wrote several stories.
They are good students.
The pencil is hers.
Describes a noun
The chair felt comfortable.
My father is tall but my mother is short.
I want to see the people involved.
Tells an action
Birds fly.
The people in the restaurant like rice.
Ainida sleeps every afternoon.
Parts of SpeechParts of Speech
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
English Space
English Space
Describes the adjective and /or verbs
The children always talk loudly.
My father plays the piano beautifully.
Slowly she picked up the knife.
Tells the relationship between nouns or
And other words in a sentence
My parents will meet me at the station
My house is around the block.
Th books are by the door.
Joins sentences, clauses, phrases and
single words
Jimmy opened the door and went in.
My mother couldn't attend the party
because she was sick.
Have Oceano decided whether he will
come or not?
Tells sudden feeling or emotion
Hurrah! Indra won the football match.
Yummy! I like this cheese!
Alas! I cut my finger.
Happy learning guys . . . ♥
3 Edition Campus News Letter
16 rd
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
Life Style
Hi c a m p u s e r s , t o d a y
lifestyle will explain about
cycle and cycling for our
lifestyle rubric. Checkit out guys!
As we know that everyday some of
UMS students go to campus by bicycle. They
choose bicycle and cycling to go to campus. Such
a new lifestyle in UMS. Perhaps, it is not for a
whole students in UMS, but some of them have
began to cycling in order to reduce the pollution
and also to make parking spot more presentable
Dita Kurniati is a student of DEE UMS,
2012 has chosen bicycle as her transportation to
go to campus. It starts when she does not allowed
to bring motorcycle to campus, so her parents
give her bicycle. She really loves and enjoys
every scene when she was cycling. She said that
bicycle is more efficient and economical, because
we should not buy a fuel, we should not make a
drive license, and other. “Furthermore it's more
economical, cycling also make our body health, it
can reduce traffic accident, and also can reduce
the trafficjam”,admither.
It has been a year since she used
bicycle. She admits that the using bicycle to
campus is not popular yet. , it can be seen in the
parking spot, motorcycle is more dominant than
the cycle. Even the lecturer prefer to use the car or
motorcycle. It makes the parking spot and
campus looks full. On the other hand, sometimes
the bicyclist feels not appreciated as a road users.
Sometimes motorcycle users won't to yield, so it
makesthe cyclisthaveto be morecarefull.
Though bicycling have not been
popular hobbies or habits yet for UMS students,
but there is a slight increases students who use
bicycle. . She hopes that someday all of UMS
students can be
aware what the
goodness of of
using bicycle as a
m o d e o f
transportation. So,
they will use bicycle
and only use their
motorcycle when
they go to far. “ I
hope that there will
be an increasing bicyclist in UMS, so we can fix
the parking spot and make it more presentable
and comfortable. Moreover, we can be eco-
Reported by: Rannisa/LPM Campus
3 Edition Campus News Letter
Yesterday, I sold my motocycle. It was result of my long thinking since three weeks ago. For two
monthsasunemployment,it mademyspiritdidnotlost.
“Howmuchdoyouwant with your oldhorse?”Thesellersaidwith mockintonation.
“Four millionrupiahs”
The seller shaked his face. Occasionally, he looked my motocycle and seemed disparage. ”What?
Fourmillions?Youare crazy. Ifyouwant, twomillionrupiahs!”
Hah! That much is the price? Four years ago my father bought it five million rupiahs. “Please sir,
“I also need money for my family's future, for my son, my daughter, for my wife, my mother. I
havegiven suitable priceforyour motocycle.”
I brought my motocycle to find another dealer that want to give me higher price than before. In
the other side of it, I considered after my motocycle has sold, I had to use bus anywhere I wanted to go. It
wouldbe a newstruggle oflife.
Todayismygraduation day.
Happiness and satisfaction are mixed be one. Graduate with high GPA is my dream. I can make
myparent proudofme.
“Congratulation Satya, youaregreat!” Donishakesmyhandandhugsme.
“Thankyou, after thisIwill createmyfuture.”
Doni is my bestfriend since the first time I set foot on one of best private universities in Malang.
After this graduation, he will come back to his town, Semarang. And I also come back to my town with my
For campus readers who have
literary work in short story form
you can send your work to
LPM CAMPUS or contact us
If you are lucky your work will
be published in the storiette rubric.
18 rd
3 Edition Campus Newsletter
parent, Wonogiri.Iwant to seekjobin mybelovedtown.
Tired, tired, tired! One full day, I walk to hunt job, but the result is nothing. Why seek job for
fresh graduate with good value is so difficult? I have quality and good value, what else? My heart rages
and feels despair. Yeah, till now, I defeated by fresh graduate also. They have relation with one of
important person in the company where I applied for job. WHAT IS IT? My GPA is higher than their, I also
havemoreexperiencesthan others.
“ITISUNFAIR!”Ithrowall ofthings aroundme.
Suddenly, I look my room door open, and my father appears. He sees me. Without one word, he
hugs me. “Do not give up my champ, widen your heart to accept all disappointments. Listen to me, do not
ever shocked if many of you get job easily. Don't ever forget, everywhere, there is no rule without
My father stride out without give me further explanation. I confused. I try to dissolved my
In the noon, the sun with its strength shines strongly. My resolve to sell this motorcycle is steady.
I need much money to open my own bussiness. I want to open “BOLA SINGKONG KEJU” bussiness. Ya, I
will open it with my own energy and my own financial capital. But, My motocycle not yet sold. I remember
myfather'smessage,DO NOTGIVEUP!It isthe wordswhichmakemespirit smolder.
Infar away, Ilooka dealer.Iwill try to sellit there.
“I am sorry, your motocycle is too hard to sell again. I can
not buy it.”
I go home. My father welcomes me with sweet smile.
What'shappentoday?Myfather givesmean envelope.Iopenit.
Apparently, it is God's plan to not sell my motocycle that
was given by my father, because God knows that I love this
motocycleanddonot willing to sellit.
Hi, meet again
with you?
where do you
work now?
yoyoi bro,
you can look by
Better create
a job than
beg a job
Do you want to be PNS too?
Of course brother
Thanks God,
my bussiness
grows very well :D
Agung D. F.Desi N. W. A. A. Mutaqin
P. Rico S. Rannisa E.F. Ali
Agung I. Muklis Intan G.S.
3 Edition Campus News Letter
PC Computer
(0271) 732833 / 7970776
SMS/WA 0857 6505 5859
PinBB 30 b8b
Jl. Menco Raya. No.19A, Gonilan, UMS Solo

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CAMPUS Newsletter 3rd Edition

  • 1. Tracingthetraceof Hot Topic : Main Menu : Job Opportunities for UMS Graduates Community Cross Culture : Understanding Culture Without Prejudice rd 3Edition
  • 2. PublishedbyLPMCAMPUS Publication Permit: UMS Rector Recommendation Patron: Provost III UMS Consultant: Fitri Endah Pratiwi, S.Pd. Board of Advisor: Mifthakhul Khoiri Expertise: Anton Gunawan General Leader: Uswatun Khasanah Secretary: Hanum Fajrina, Yasrin Treasurer: Muslihah, Dewi Chief of Editor of Campus Newsletter:Agung Dwi Fitrianto Editorial Secretary:Desi Nur W. Reporters & Photographers:Taqin, Rico, Rannisa, Agus R., Novia,Editorial Staffs: Desi Nur W., Intan G., Umi, Arum, Nur W. Setting Layout: Agung Dwi F., Muklis, Agung I., Dwi, Ali Islamic & Intellectual Development:Sussi, Esti, Personal Manager: Yuliana, Abdul, Haris, Dinda, Widi Marketing Oktaviani H., Deni, Okcy, Ummu Logistic: Hari, Yanti, Puji, Novic Public Relation &ResearchDevelopment:SuciR.,Siti, Arini,Lungguh Campus English Newsletter is an academic and information media in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta issued once four mounts by LPM Campus. Subscription: To subscribe Campus Newsletter, you can order to LPM Campus office or sms to 08642754179 Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani Pabelan Kartasura, Tromol Pos 1 Surakarta 57102 Phone: (0271) 717414 Ext.315 E-mail: Facebook: Twitter: @lpmcampus_ums Blog: Constribution: LPM Campus welcomes contribution for publication from readers and others. All entries will be property of LPM Campus, none will bw returned. Assalamu'alaikumwarohmatullahiwabarokatuh Firstly let me say the biggest gratitude to Allah who blesses us with Mercy, so that the third edition of Campus Newsletter can be finished well. Thanks to all Campus Newsletter crew and all sides who haveparticipatedin making thisnewsletter. Gap between the graduates and the job available is always a problem. Therefore, in this third edition, Campus newsletter will discuss about UMS graduate in the world of job. Beside that we also give referenceabout hang out placeandlife style in ourbelovedcampus. F inally, we hope this newsletter can be useful and can give additional knowledge for the readers. Forthe progressofthisnewsletter, wealsosettle forconstructivecriticismandsuggestion. Wassalamu'alaikumwarohmatullahiwabarokatuh. Chief of Editor of Campus Newsletter Agung Dwi Fitrianto Main Menu Hot Topic Figure UMS Info Community Congcow English Space Life Style Storiette Page 3 Page 6 Page 9 Page 10 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 16 Page 17
  • 3. 3rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Main Menu I n UMS, we know an a g e n c y named ACEC (Alumni Career and Employment Center) as a media of work channelization for UMS g r a d u a t e s . A C E C certainly has a broad networking to either state or private companies, corporations, or other work places. Many job vacancies have been informed by ACEC to UMS graduates. The moment of graduation is a beneficial moment to both companies and college graduates. Companies look for best graduates to become their employees, while college graduates look for jobs from many companies. However, we will not discuss about ACEC; but about the g r a d u a t e s f r o m M u h a m m a d i y a h University of Surakarta in the work world. Based on the interview which have been conducted with ACEC UMS, most of the graduates have worked as P N S , B U M N , enterpreneur, and private company. Graduates from Teacher Training and Education Faculty leaning work as PNS, whereas, f r o m F a c u l t y o f Engineering graduates w o r k i n p r i v a t e institution. A C E C U M S certainly has an important role in channelization Opportunities for UMS Graduates Job Reported: Rico/ LPM Campus
  • 4. Main Menu work of their alumni, either for state or private worker, also supporting and building them to be an enterpreneur. Generally, the graduates should fill the form about their identity for the data of ACEC. It is to facilitate ACEC to contact the alumni, especially for the unemployees. Then ACEC will inform job vacancies via the contact person. Based on the data from ACEC, the graduates of UMS is about 3,240 people. However, only 16 % of them who able to be contacted, it is because they not fill their form perfectly, especially for their e-mailadress. But in this case, it doesn't mean that graduates only depend on ACEC to get informations for job vacancies. It is s h o w n from majority of UMS alumni who get informations of job vacancies from their relation and media, both printed or electronic media. This phenomenon is general for the reason of get a suitable job quickly. According to many e x p e r i e n c e s , m a n y u n e m p l o y e d g e t i n f o r m a t i o n o f j o b vacancies from relations. It will be more efficient than only waiting job informationsfromACEC. As we have known, there are a lot of scholars who become unemployees. Why can be like that? There are two opinions about it. The first opinion says that college o n l y d e v e l o p t h e knowledge – from not u n d e r s t a n d t o b e und erstan d , t h e s e c o n d opinion says that college's graduates are not ready for work, but foraccustomed. T h e c u r r i c u l u m w h i c h applied by UMS has already appropriated with the world of work. It is based on declaration from ACEC, “The result of crossing study shows that the curriculum of UMS has agreed with the world of work. In addition, both from the business side and alumnus that have been 4 rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter
  • 5. 5rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter internet worked also say that the curriculum of UMS has appropriated” said Mr. Totok as the chief of ACEC UMS. However, graduates are not always work on their own field - it's only has a few percentage. For example it doesn't mean that the almuni of Faculty of Architechture only work based on their field. According to ACEC, many of UMS graduates w o r k i n a n i m a l husbandry and oil palm plantation. U M S a l s o gives attention for them who has longing for being a businessman, such as giving financial capital and guidance to start their exertion. UMS always gives support for their students to be a businessman untill they are able to stand independently. The guidances consist of strategy of e x e r t i o n , marketing analysi s , mon e y managem ent, etc. The chief of UMS stated his hope to UMS students to be a businessman because nowadays just a litle of the UMS alumni who have business. Most of them prefer to work for some state or private institutions. It is because, when they are work for an institution they will get exact salary. “Intelligent person isn't looking for a job, but they create a job field.” It is true that a businessman haven't exact salary, but don't forget if the profit will be more when we have own business. Starting a business isn't as easy as w e folded back our hand, but if we always try, pray, and never give up, Allah will give a success as we have wished before. Success needs sacrifices. Everyone has same chance for success, it differences by their a b i l i t y t o s e e t h e opportunity and how they can take their chance. Main Menu
  • 6. 6 rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Hot Topic Job is one of g o a l s f o r e v e r y students after graduation. Likewise, students of U n i v e r s i t y o f M u h a m m a d i y a h S u r a k a r t a ( U M S ) , however, the quality of U M S ' g r a d u a t e s t o compete in the world of workisbeing questioned? Quality is very important requirement to enter the world of work. Meanwhile, the quality of UMS students are not visible yet in job hunt outside. If we compare with other universities, of course UMS not able yet to equalwith them. U M S h a s a n institution named ACEC (Alumni Career and Employment Center). A C E C i s g i v i n g i n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e students who are looking for a job. ACEC already has relation with several companies, like Danamon Bank, BRI, BTPN, Palma and many more. These companies conduct recruitment routinly every year. Well, how t h e r e a l c o m p e t i t i o n U M S graduates i n t h e r e a l Reported: Rannisa/ LPM Campus
  • 7. 7rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Hot Topic world job? Usually the competition can be seen from the amount of the person who fill the empty chair of civil servant. But, accrording to the ACEC data, research about students' quality in the world job still not visible yet, because there are many registrants who compete as civil servant. According to Totok as ACEC manager said that at this time we only can compare between waiting time to get job and the salary the earn. “The most visible is from that side”, explainedhim. ACEC has conducted research t h r ou g h on l i n e questioner in 2010. Out of 3247 UMS graduates who participated in the survey, there is only about 16% or 5 1 7 s t u d e n t s who fill t h e questi oner . the questioner asked many questions about job hunt. One of them is the waiting time needed before and after getting a job? The answer from participants are different, depend on department and what kind of job they look for. The most significant trend is one from medical faculty participants. they have usually have a job before they are graduated, and their waiting time after graduation until having jobisonly about 3months. The questionare was also asking questions about the job that they look for and the subject they have learned when they studied in the college. Appropriateness of the job with the major of study they learned was also being asked in the questionaire. From 517 participants who fill in the questioners, 34% answers that the relation between job and the subject that they have learned in their collage are very close, 18% of them answer they are have close relation, 14% of them answer have no close relation,16% of them answer less closely, and 18% not answer. It shows that actually the relation between job and the subject that they have learned in the college are
  • 8. 8 rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Hot Topic internet very close. Hence, ideally, the subject and the job should be a p p r o p r i a t e . Unfortunately, there is still a lot of occupants who get a job which is not in line with their major study in the college. Likewise, 38% graduate of UMS work in private companies, 16% work in BUMN (civil servants), and 8% asenterpreuners. However, not all of graduates can work in the accupation that match their wish. The data shows there are 60% from 517 students of UMS get job, 30% have not get work (they continue their study, marry, or waiting for a j o b ) , a n d 1 0 % i s unemployed. ACEC also conducts preventive action to decrease unemployment like softskills training, job training aboard, and practice in UKM, yet this has not significantly d e c r e a s e t h e unemployment. “We will conduct one of our preventive actions on th Tuesday, 19 , 2013 we will hold seminar to prepare training job aboard, precisely in Japan”, explained Totok asmanager ofACEC. ACEC continue to Give information of job vacancy or conduct preventive action in o r d e r t o d e c r e a s e n u m b e r o f u n e m p l o y m e n t . Nevertheless, if it still happen continuously , who should be blamed? “The most compatible solution is entrepreneur. I deally every country m u s t h a v e entrepreneurs at least 8% from population in that country, and now Indonesia only has 400.000 entrepreneurs,” Totoksaid.
  • 9. r d ahyu Setiawan is a 3 Ws e m e s t e r s t u d e n t o f Departement of English Education at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Wahyu Setiawan who usually called 'Oi' by his friends is an optimist, hard worker, and wishful person. It was obviously appeared when I interviewed him at his spare time of IACC feat SEE- SAW, an event which was held by EDSO (English Education Student Organization)which committeed by himhavepassing. A young man who comes from Gedongan 02/05 Baki Sukoharjo is active as a member of fifth division at EDSO. His motto was Hope, Trust, and Fight. ''I have a hope, trust of them, and Fight for them”, he explained. His hobby is playing game and futsal like the other students, and then what is different from him? Beside being a student and active in organization, he also run a business at commerce andanimalsector. He started his business at the late 2012, started from his hard desire and support from his parents he finds out some informations. He gets information from his friends and internet. His commerce business concern with clothing includes the making of organization's uniform, sport shirt, and the others. Districts which common order his product are Boyolali and some cities in East Java like Ponorogo, Lamongan, Pacitan, and Madiun. The marketing of his products are not only covering for Solo Raya and Java but also it reachs east district of Indonesia, such as Nusa Tenggara Timur and Papua. The customers who come from east district of Indonesia are droshippers who resell the productsintheir district. The design from his product obtained from internet and being updated to the modern design. . Some of customers costumize their uniform's model by theirselves, like one of his customer who come from Kalimantan which sends his design by faximile. There are also some customers whoonlyimitate the designwhichhasalreadyset. Oi has some tricks to defend his business, he always improves the quality of stitching, choose a good material, and promote the product. . problems do happens throughout the business. for instance, customer might complain about the design which they think unappropriate with the design they order. . Learning from the problem previously faced, better monitoring employees and improving production quality of the production are being advanced. Whereas, in the animal breeding sector, he manages business by buying and selling some species of birds together with his father. Moreover, he has mini zoo of birds behind his house. There are some birds like love birds, pigeons, and Java finches. The Pigeon breeding was started from2012becausethe market isgood. Study is the first prority for him. being in organization and business is a part time activity for him. He said that he still tries to manage his time for study, orgaization, and business. He wishes to able to manage them as well as for his future, ''Just don't be passive student, it will be better if we are productive, then find out a chance. ' Hesaidtocloseour interviewinthat day Hope Trust and FightHope, Trust and Fight 9rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Figure Reported:Intan/LPMCampus
  • 10. th Commemora ng 55 UMS anniversary with Jokowi Un i v e r s i t y o f M u h a m m a d i y a h S u r a k a r t a ( U M S ) commemorates its 55th anniversary by inviting the governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo as the speaker in scientific oration. The event was held on Saturday, October t h 26 2013 in Mohammad Djazman Auditorium. Event that started at 9 A.M th still included in 55 UMS anniversary . There are also some events such as, race walking, choral group, leadership seminar . The crowd welcomed Jokowi enthusiastically. In his oration, Jokowi talked about h i s expe riences. Jokowi said it not easy to become a leader, it needs some strategies in order to make the people believe their leader. Blusukan is one of pledge strategies to strengthen his communication with the society. In his opinion, this way is very effective to know what actually happened and what they want. “How can we know what they actually want if we do not come directlytothe field,”heexplained. One year after he became the governor of Jakarta, there have been some dramatic changes in Jakarta, such as seller relocation in Tanah Abang, and also relocation Pluit citizens to Marunda ats. Beside that, there is also Jakarta Health Card or Kartu Jakarta Sehat (KJS). Based on the blusukan result, he found many people who have been sick but still stay at home. Hence, Jokowi published KJS as one of strategies to ease their burden to get medical treatment. In addition, Jokowi stated that he will finish monorail program and MRT soon, and also construction of ats that the design adopted from Singapura, andChina. 10 rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter UMS Info Reported: Rannisa/ LPM Campus
  • 11. KMTM –The big family of machine's student UMS held UMS Otocontest on th th Saturday and Sunday, 16 - 17 , November 2013. This event was held in campus 2 UMS. Otocontest is a big event and annual event from KMTM UMS. The chief of this event is Alif Khomaruddin student of Machine Engineering UMS. The aim of this event is to give a space for students to explore their creativity of modification and be acquaint to the society about world of modification. the first event was held on 2003. it was vacuum for a while, then later in 2011 thisevent wasstarted begin again. UMS Otocontest include in some contest categories, that is pemula , Funky non Trans, Bebek/ Sport Street Racing, Matic Street Racing, Sport Modif, Perang Ceper, Monthai Style, and Oldschool. “The most popular category is in Monthai Style category, because this style firstly held in Bali, and now UMS held Monthai Style category for the second”, said Beny Kiswantoro as committeein this event. This event contested modification creativity, so it is not a l l owed to modify their motorcycle at contest area. blood donors, emissions test for motorcycle, and also free service were also avilable during the event. The participants came from Central Java and DIY, but there were also participants who came from Jakarta. This event is not only for the UMS students but also for public. There were about 78 participants in this event. Most of them came from other districts such as Wonogiri, Karanganyar, and others. The weather was not friendly at that day, but the contest run well. “I hope next year this event can be better and still alive,” closedBeny. UMS OTOCONTEST 11rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter UMS Info Reported: Rannisa & Agung I./LPM Campus
  • 12. 12 Community W elcome back guys. Guess what the new from community? As you see from the tittle above, we have Cross- Cultural Club. What isit? Letussee. Cross Cultural Club is a small club that aims to understand another culture in the world. This club established by American Volunteer th named Rachel Wishtuff on September, 18 2012. Previously this club named Cross- Cultural Learning Program, held only for 50 people from all of departments, and run on September until Desember 2012. But, since Rachel back to her country, the name for this club changed into Cross- Cultural Club, and it held not only for UMS students but also for students from other universities. Activities in this club are so fun. Like the name suggest , the main activity are learning and understanding many cultures in the world. Sometimes the members make some presentations and discussions about new culture in the room, but sometimes they go outside to see some shows directly. They come to festival or carnival like SIPA, Solo Batik Carnival, Jogja Jazz, and many more. The aim is to be acquaintance with our culture or even our traditonal culture, hence, they will see and even learn or practise culture directly. The members are also do some activities at some Junior High Schools in Solo. They do not teach English but they teach about Cross- Cultural, introduce another cultural, how toappreciate,andothers. Cross- Cultural Club tells us more about culture. They share together kinds of culture. They learn how to recognize, how to understand the difference culture without judgement. For surethere are native speakers in the club, . UMS has many International students that we can get some benefits from them. They will tell us about their culture and they will discuss it together. Here you will know new language languages, because they come from different countries in the world. “ So, if you want to know more about culture, you want to meet native speaker, or even you want to speak English well, just come and join every Wednesday at 4 p.m in C208”, closed Oktavia Herawati rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Reported:AgungI./LPMCampus
  • 13. S U G A R IN UMS CLASSICAL CAFFE Sugar Food and Beverage, is a name of café that located near campus 4 of UMS. This café brings out a unique model that different from the other café. The main menu here is milk. Café which established by Mr. Joshua and Miss. Rysma is a branch from Salatiga. This café is managedby MissRysma,sheisastudentofUMS. The difference of milk in this café with the other is the variation menu . there are also some foods available here. The most famous menu here is cane bread; this bread is rare around UMS. Combination among milk and some foods make this café has many customers. Beside that the price is not affordable . So that makes this café becomes one of referenceforhang outplace. This café always controls the quality of milk, because the milk is taken directly from Salatiga. They do not use preservatives inggredients in their milk product, . It will reduce the milk taste. This milk only used for one day. Because the nature of milk that perishable. So every day the stock of milk here is fresh. If there is milk in one day is not sold it will be thrownaway. The situation in this café is is relatively interesting. It gives classic nuance. The model of glass that used in this café also unique, the shape lookslike ajarcanbe anadditionalattraction. So do not forget to visit this café. Congcow 1513rd 3 Edition Campus News Letter Reported: Muklis/LPM Campus
  • 14. How's everything Campus readers? Meet us again in English Space for third edition of Campus Newsletter. In this edition, English Space will explain you about the partsof speech. Are youready?Letscheck it out! Noun Names a person, a place or a thing Miko is handsome. Paris is the capital of France. Freedom is very important. Pronoun A word used instead of a noun She wrote several stories. They are good students. The pencil is hers. Adjective Describes a noun The chair felt comfortable. My father is tall but my mother is short. I want to see the people involved. Verb Tells an action Birds fly. The people in the restaurant like rice. Ainida sleeps every afternoon. Parts of SpeechParts of Speech 1414 rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter English Space
  • 15. English Space 15 Adverb Describes the adjective and /or verbs The children always talk loudly. My father plays the piano beautifully. Slowly she picked up the knife. Preposition Tells the relationship between nouns or pronouns And other words in a sentence My parents will meet me at the station tomorrow. My house is around the block. Th books are by the door. Conjunction Joins sentences, clauses, phrases and single words Jimmy opened the door and went in. My mother couldn't attend the party because she was sick. Have Oceano decided whether he will come or not? Interjection Tells sudden feeling or emotion Hurrah! Indra won the football match. Yummy! I like this cheese! Alas! I cut my finger. Happy learning guys . . . ♥ 15rd 3 Edition Campus News Letter
  • 16. 16 rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Life Style Hi c a m p u s e r s , t o d a y lifestyle will explain about cycle and cycling for our lifestyle rubric. Checkit out guys! As we know that everyday some of UMS students go to campus by bicycle. They choose bicycle and cycling to go to campus. Such a new lifestyle in UMS. Perhaps, it is not for a whole students in UMS, but some of them have began to cycling in order to reduce the pollution and also to make parking spot more presentable andcomfortable. Dita Kurniati is a student of DEE UMS, 2012 has chosen bicycle as her transportation to go to campus. It starts when she does not allowed to bring motorcycle to campus, so her parents give her bicycle. She really loves and enjoys every scene when she was cycling. She said that bicycle is more efficient and economical, because we should not buy a fuel, we should not make a drive license, and other. “Furthermore it's more economical, cycling also make our body health, it can reduce traffic accident, and also can reduce the trafficjam”,admither. It has been a year since she used bicycle. She admits that the using bicycle to campus is not popular yet. , it can be seen in the parking spot, motorcycle is more dominant than the cycle. Even the lecturer prefer to use the car or motorcycle. It makes the parking spot and campus looks full. On the other hand, sometimes the bicyclist feels not appreciated as a road users. Sometimes motorcycle users won't to yield, so it makesthe cyclisthaveto be morecarefull. Though bicycling have not been popular hobbies or habits yet for UMS students, but there is a slight increases students who use bicycle. . She hopes that someday all of UMS students can be aware what the goodness of of using bicycle as a m o d e o f transportation. So, they will use bicycle and only use their motorcycle when they go to far. “ I hope that there will be an increasing bicyclist in UMS, so we can fix the parking spot and make it more presentable and comfortable. Moreover, we can be eco- friendly.Let'sgocycling!”,closedDita. Reported by: Rannisa/LPM Campus
  • 17. 17rd 3 Edition Campus News Letter Storiette illustration:muklis/LPMCampus Yesterday, I sold my motocycle. It was result of my long thinking since three weeks ago. For two monthsasunemployment,it mademyspiritdidnotlost. “Howmuchdoyouwant with your oldhorse?”Thesellersaidwith mockintonation. “Four millionrupiahs” The seller shaked his face. Occasionally, he looked my motocycle and seemed disparage. ”What? Fourmillions?Youare crazy. Ifyouwant, twomillionrupiahs!” Hah! That much is the price? Four years ago my father bought it five million rupiahs. “Please sir, increaseyouroffer.Ineedthismoneyformyfuture.” “I also need money for my family's future, for my son, my daughter, for my wife, my mother. I havegiven suitable priceforyour motocycle.” I brought my motocycle to find another dealer that want to give me higher price than before. In the other side of it, I considered after my motocycle has sold, I had to use bus anywhere I wanted to go. It wouldbe a newstruggle oflife. *** Todayismygraduation day. Happiness and satisfaction are mixed be one. Graduate with high GPA is my dream. I can make myparent proudofme. “Congratulation Satya, youaregreat!” Donishakesmyhandandhugsme. “Thankyou, after thisIwill createmyfuture.” Doni is my bestfriend since the first time I set foot on one of best private universities in Malang. After this graduation, he will come back to his town, Semarang. And I also come back to my town with my ISTHERE NORULEWITHOUTEXCEPTION ?
  • 18. For campus readers who have literary work in short story form you can send your work to LPM CAMPUS or contact us 085743455321. If you are lucky your work will be published in the storiette rubric. 18 rd 3 Edition Campus Newsletter Storiette parent, Wonogiri.Iwant to seekjobin mybelovedtown. *** Tired, tired, tired! One full day, I walk to hunt job, but the result is nothing. Why seek job for fresh graduate with good value is so difficult? I have quality and good value, what else? My heart rages and feels despair. Yeah, till now, I defeated by fresh graduate also. They have relation with one of important person in the company where I applied for job. WHAT IS IT? My GPA is higher than their, I also havemoreexperiencesthan others. “ITISUNFAIR!”Ithrowall ofthings aroundme. Suddenly, I look my room door open, and my father appears. He sees me. Without one word, he hugs me. “Do not give up my champ, widen your heart to accept all disappointments. Listen to me, do not ever shocked if many of you get job easily. Don't ever forget, everywhere, there is no rule without exception.Itisgameinworkworld.” My father stride out without give me further explanation. I confused. I try to dissolved my father'sexplanation. *** In the noon, the sun with its strength shines strongly. My resolve to sell this motorcycle is steady. I need much money to open my own bussiness. I want to open “BOLA SINGKONG KEJU” bussiness. Ya, I will open it with my own energy and my own financial capital. But, My motocycle not yet sold. I remember myfather'smessage,DO NOTGIVEUP!It isthe wordswhichmakemespirit smolder. Infar away, Ilooka dealer.Iwill try to sellit there. “CanIsellmymotocyclehere?” “I am sorry, your motocycle is too hard to sell again. I can not buy it.” *** I go home. My father welcomes me with sweet smile. What'shappentoday?Myfather givesmean envelope.Iopenit. Apparently, it is God's plan to not sell my motocycle that was given by my father, because God knows that I love this motocycleanddonot willing to sellit. ThanksGod.Yourplanisalwaysunpredictable
  • 19. Cipus Hi, meet again with you? where do you work now? yoyoi bro, you can look by yourself SARJA NA UM S uMs BAChELOr GrADuAtIOn LAMARAN PNS ENTERPRENEUR Better create a job than beg a job :) application le tter LAMARAN Do you want to be PNS too? FINALLY, I MUST LOOK FOR A JOB AFTER GRADUATED SEVERAL MONTHS LATER PNS HOUSE OF CENDOL SARJANA JOB FAIR applic atio n letter Of course brother Thanks God, my bussiness grows very well :D CENDOL SARJANA C R E W 2 0 1 3 Cipus Agung D. F.Desi N. W. A. A. Mutaqin P. Rico S. Rannisa E.F. Ali Agung I. Muklis Intan G.S. 19rd 3 Edition Campus News Letter