palliative care end of life care abortion bioethics pope francis palliative sedation euthanasia dnr cpr last things parousia judgment cultural values social support faith spirituality cultural beliefs asian patients filipino patients advanced cancer cancer prognosis cancer diagnsosis psychological morbidity quality of life non-disclosure psychological distress cancer communication cancer disclosure depression anxiety er cancer analgesic ladder cancer pain control narcotics morphine opioids meaning of life purpose-driven life calling happiness vocation mission purpose respect for life human dignity human life allowing natural death physician assisted suicide artificial insemination in vitro fertilization death and dying hospice care critical illness terminal illness samaritanus bonus united nations sdg education health conflict protection of the environment sustainable development earth charter laudato si climate change ivf traditional surrogcacy gestational surrogacy donum vitae salzburg health cicely saunders all my life self care salzburg global seminar heart failure advance directives do not resuscitate empathy mercy john paul ii compassion pediatric palliative care hospice death pain management dying withholding therpay advanced directives withdrawing therapy withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatme dignity of man sex birth control contraception 2nd coming 2nd coming of christ truth-telling disclosure breaking bad news christianity and science faith and science belief and reason fides et ratio science and religion the rh bill rh condoms overpopulation pills sex education reproductive health holy mass
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