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Poe's Poetry Essay
With fascinating rhyme scheme and an enthralling setting, Edgar Allen Poe draws readers into his
dreadfully frightening poems. His poems are best known for being extremely grim and macabre,
but with a hint of Romanticism in them. "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee" depict Romanticism
being described by feelings and imagination. These poems reflect the reality that the author is
dealing with different views in the way lovers grieving and the way of dealing with death. He is
also able to make two poems that seem very similar completely different. These are all factors in
both poems that make these two poems with a similar theme accomplish parallel purposes in
emphasizing the theme of the unreliable narrator in Poe's works.
The unnamed more content...
This poem contains anger. The narrator is angry. He is sad that his wife is deceased but he is mad
that God took her away from him. This narrator seems to be more resolute in his love over his love.
He claims they have an eternal union that "neither the angels in heaven above/Nor the demons down
under the sea" (Line 30–31) can separate them. This narrator has optimism, he sees an everlasting
love; meanwhile the narrator from "The Raven" seems to have given up all hope and is willing to
accept his fate.
Edgar Allan Poe's analysis on poetry is that every poem should be "rhythmical creation of beauty".
No other poems have captured the clever sense of rhythm and measure as much as "Annabel Lee"
and "The Raven". Poe is able to create two diverse poems from the same topic, while never wavering
from his rhythmic formula. Though they both contain alliteration and similar rhythmic pattern, there
is a faint difference between the two. "Thrilled me–filled me with fantastic terror never felt before/So
that now, to the beating of my heart, I stood repeating." This is from "The Raven" and the sense of
rhythm and rhyme within the lines are fantastic. His writing is like a heartbeat where he reveals
pieces of the story beat by beat. It sets the mood for the building urgency of the haunting verses that
are forthcoming. While the rhythm and pace of Annabel Lee is just as phenomenal, the tone and
content is
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Poetry Form Essay
Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany
the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols. Although short story symbols were not the
easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also
include metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most
obvious type of poetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when the lyrics are sung to the beat a
poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can
take on. Sonnets are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14
lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of asonnet; Shakespearean
(English) and Petrarchan (Italian).
The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made
up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines) adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A
Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet
can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born.
The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none other than the late William Shakespeare. The
English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the
iconic 14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems
theme. Both
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Essay about Poetry: Emotions in Words
Poetry is an art form of expression and emotions through words. It encompasses the writer's mood
and point of view about a certain idea. Two poems that demonstrate the use of emotions in words
are "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou, and "A Dream within a Dream", by Edgar Allan Poe.
Both of these poets are very important in the literary field even though their ways of writing contrast
each other. Angelou is a revolutionist who is known around the world for her astounding stories of
racism, family, and overcoming adversity.Edgar Allan Poe was an exceptional poet, editor, literary
critic, and part of the American Romantic Movement. His writings were often filled with despair
and very depressing. Both of these poems are great works of more content...
Angelou is not the most attractive woman but her mystery lies in her body language, how she
carries herself. The span of her hips, stride of her steps, curl of her lips, fire in her eyes, ride of
her breast, these all describe her body movements. Angelou defines herself in this poem, she is a
modest woman who does not care about what others think of her, and she does not have to be loud
or dress a certain way to gain attention. Her modesty, grace, self–confidence, causes her to stand out
to others. This poem has many styles, it is arranges into five sections, and the poem reminds the
reader of a speech. Imagery is used a lot, like "the swing in my waist, and the joy in my feet" (Intel
Corporation). The mood of this poem is happy, and the tone is of merriment.
Poe's poem is "A Dream within a Dream" is a narrative poem, which consists of two stanzas of
fragmented sentences. The tone, like many of Poe's poems expressed depression and feelings about
his life. At a certain time in Poe's life he began to have a downward spiral and in this poem he
describes watching important things in his life pass him by. Although this is an inspirational poem it
speaks of resentment, displeasure discontented desire, frustration, animosity, and loss. The tone is
hardening and filled with regret. All through the poem, Poe asks rhetorical
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Poem Response Essay
In just one paper, I am going to go from two inspirational poems, to a more depressing one. The
inspirational poem I will be responding to is "The Tyger", written by William Blake. This piece is
by far one of my favorite poems read. I read it often just to remind me not to wimp around with my
lifting and my getting bigger, just like the song by Survivor, "Eye of the Tiger", does for me. It keeps
in mind what it's going to take to do this. The second piece of inspiration I like is, "I will put Chaos
into fourteen lines", by Edna St. VincentMillay. On a depressing side of things, I am then moving
on to a more disheartening type of poem. This poem is "Facing It", by Yusef Komunyakaa.
In "The Tyger", by Blake, more content...
The second poem that I found inspirational to me was "I will put Chaos into fourteen lines", by
Millay. The author tries to describe how to attempt to hold chaos back. Through this poem, she
describes chaos as a male type of thing by constantly referring to chaos using he, his, and him. She
shows chaos's many features, such as its "adroit designs", amorphous shapes, and it's arrogance. I
don't like how the author tries to contain chaos, because really it could never happen. Chaos is
something that once released or started, is a very hard thing to get put down or stopped. I know that
this is under the title of the poem, that she is putting chaos into the fourteen lines, but I still don't like
how it's written. I think the poem should be more uncontrolled, and having the chaos breaking out of
the poem in the end. Saying that she maybe thought she could contain it, but then realized she
I like the line of "Past are the hours, the years, or our duress" for the fact it's talking about how
chaos takes so long to take care of. When I enter the weight room, I want to go in with the mindset
of complete chaos, and that I'm going to cause chaos and treat the weights in a way that if they
would happen to be human, they wouldn't want to
Crilow 3
be treated. Along with "The Tyger", these both contain things that I like to go in to lift with the
mindset of to cause fear and
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Imagist Poetry Essay
Imagist Poetry:
Visual Storytelling
In regards to discussing my experience in high school, I tend to keep quiet about that part of my
past primarily due to the lack of memories I have about high school, especially 12th grade.
However, I will say that out of all the lessons that I learned in high school; when discussing
concepts like time management and with meeting deadlines, there has always been this one lesson
that has been engrained into my brain. Consequently, while this is a skill that I rarely use often, it's
used to great effect. In the past, I have used said skill to write stories about those who have protested
about civil rights and about the plight for racial equality. This might not be an important life lesson
to more content...
After doing this, you can then repeat this process with the next two lines until you have a finished
Imagist poetry, in contrast, uses descriptions that narrate what happens during an event or at a
certain place with the use of symbols. Symbols can range from the description of an action, such as
marching, to the description of a single person with the use of either appearance or morality.
Additionally, these traits can also be used to describe actions and individuals with more religious
sub–tones. Those same religious underpinnings can, in addition, be used for companies as well as
groups with certain, but very strong opinions about others around them. When these symbols are
used to describe a place, a time of day, a person, or a thing, they have the ability to leave not only
an impression on the reader, but a feeling. The same result can be achieved to an even higher degree
when talking about the issues of civil rights and with having religious symbolism within the poem
itself; describing a battle between progression and tradition.
Besides the use of symbols in Imagist poetry, another key factor is the usage of simple language
instead of having to use the same two writing tools; those being the abundance of greater detail and
rhyme structure. As a result, symbols give the writer this benefit regarding the focus on certain
keywords instead of having to waste time with the
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Common Themes in Poetry Essay
Common Themes in Poetry
After reading and analysing numerous poems, I have chosen two examples of the famous Irish Poet,
Seamus Heaney's work: 'Follower' and
'Mid–Term Break'. Both poems relate to the poet's past, and are certainly associated with a specific
'loss' of a loved one – one a literal loss, and the other a subconscious loss.
'Mid–Term Break', which I found to be a very touching and poignant poem, describes the loss of
the poet's younger brother, Christopher when Heaney was a child, hence the poem is of a
childhood tragedy as well as a loss. It's set in three places – the introduction is situated in the college
sick bay; the main body of the poem is set in
Heaney's brother's funeral, and the final setting is more content...
Also, we acknowledge that this isn't just any ordinary funeral – someone very dear has been lost, a
small treasure; a small treasure who's absence has caused the strongest of rocks to crumble into an
emotional state.
A double meaning is presented in the final line of the second stanza:
"Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow"
The 'hard blow' may be referring to the actual 'blow' that killed
Christopher (as he was killed by a car), or the fact that it's a 'hard blow' to the family. Either way,
one fact becomes apparent: the Heaney family have the support and love of everyone around them,
but that doesn't counteract for the tragic loss of Christopher – it may help clean the wound, but the
scar will forever be visible. We also attain the knowledge, due to his very 'personal' identity, that Big
Jim Evans is a family friend, and that he himself is shaken by the situation considering his very plain
and yet meaningful comment. Again, the sadness and incredibility of the incident is underlined –
not only family members are grieving.
Another detection of change is seen in the third stanza, and this time it's a very uncomfortable
change: –
"I was embarrassed
By old men standing up to shake my hand"
I find
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Reflective Poetry Essay
Reflective Poetry Essay
Composing poetry is an artistic expression; subsequently it's a way of conveying everything that
needs to be conveyed and finding importance in expressions. Through poetry words are illuminated
to form a picture, express feeling and share a thought in so few words. Putting down on paper all
the emotions going through ones head is a way of re–living and remembering the overwhelming
emotions they grapple with throughout their lives. Poet Michelle Williams states that: ".... humans
have always grappled with overwhelming emotions. Throughout history we have expressed these
emotions in many ways, such as through song, music, dance, art and poetry"
This is true because putting on paper emotions such as hurt more content...
This stanza returns to the solitude of the lonely wondering cloud. However, the poet has been
changed by his imaginative experience involving the daffodils and the accompanying bay waters.
Loneliness is now a peaceful solitude. William Wordsworth describes himself as alone and lonely,
detached even from nature. Wordsworth feeling of sadness emerges from this poem.
In Conclusion, poets William Wordsworth, Percy Shelley and William Blake show how poetry
displays the importance of human ability to convey emotions and say what they feel. Therefore the
quote by poet Michelle Williams is true. In poets William Wordsworth "Preface" to Lyrical ballads,
he describes poetic process as follow:
"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling: it takes its origin from emotion recollected
in tranquility.
Thus through poetry the opportunity to recreate and relive the previously experienced emotion is
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The Poetry Of Children 's Poetry Essay
Poetry enchants and delights children of all ages, with its musical rhythms, playful imagery, and
charming wordplay. There are millions of children's poems compiled in every way imaginable. From
the traditional Mother Goose nursery rhymes to the modern and innovative works of Shel
Silverstein, children's poetry has no lack of variation and novelty. They can have instructional value,
like the rhymes used in classrooms and schoolbooks to teach letters and the months of the year, or
read for pure enjoyment. The poems provided in this anthology were selected based on rhyme,
rhythm, length, and effect. The works I referred to in order to create this small anthology, The
Oxford Book of Children's Verse in America and The Random House Book of Poetry for
Children, contain hundreds of poems each; thus my collection represents a very small part of the
world if children's poetry. Due to the limitations of this work, I chose to divide the poems into
three groups that represent common areas of children's poetry. The poems were restricted on
basis of length, as I did not want to include poems that are incredibly long or those that are
incredibly short. I also chose to select only poems with credited authors, eliminating a good deal
of nursery rhymes and older poems. My personal preferences shaded some of the selection, so
poems I found dull or a bit too simple were not included; however, I tried to overlook my
preference for fanciful poetry and fairy tales, choosing poems that are
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Amor Mundi
In Christina Rossetti's poem "Amor Mundi" the speaker dives into the lives of the young couple as
he narrates their journey. Throughout the poem Rossetti has created a biblical mash–up with many
stories and ideas slung together into a poem that never ends in depth. While perhaps this poem
does not seem to relate to life now there are still many truths behind it. As the couple travels
through the stanzas on a journey in life so too does everyone else. Love is blinding, temptation
tempting, and overall the bad things look so good. Reading this poem gives a bit of the wisdom the
couple lacks and analysing it even more.
The poem opens with the speaker quoting the young woman in the first stanza. As she speaks she
leads man into the downhill more content...
The way of the world is represented by the beaten path, the one most often travelled by. Amor
Mundi is truly a fitting title as the love of the world brings the fall of man and the following of the
beaten path. It follows to the end with the fact that "this downhill path is easy, but there's no turning
back." As temptation is given into no other choice is found then to continue along the path of least
resistance. By the time the blind couple finds their vision they have no other option just as the world
is blind to their own sin and temptation. As the couple is lost on this path the speaker wishes to
warn against the temptation of the world, though it appears beautiful, charm is deceptive.
Temptation and sin become evident as the amor mundi seems to catch up to them. Evil creeps into
the tiniest spaces of life and it takes a wise person to realise their own
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Poetry Essay
The Story of an Indian Woman To those who lack the real understanding of poetry, it is seen no
differently as any other literary composition; a text, written and understood by a certain group of
people. However to those who appreciate, and possess even the slightest bit of understanding that the
poet intended, is considered an accomplishment. Poetry is an art of discovery, it requires immense
effort not only to understand but to compose. Indian Woman, a poem written by Jeanette Armstrong,
evokes a number of emotions and thoughts. The poem describes the unfortunate lifestyle of an Indian
women in that day and age, the duties and tasks which were performed, whether willingly or not.
Indian Woman is a poem containing painful images, more content...
Either way, this woman faces the lowest of situations and lives on in order to "carry the seeds...
give them them grow...I teach them the songs / I help them to hear / I give them
truth". This Indian woman is a "mother" to all, she teaches them, and most importantly gives
them truth so her "children" can live free from such torture. The voice of this poem is an obvious
one; and Indian woman. However there are such moments in this poem where there is a
connection between the reader and the poet. The Indian woman is strong, she is a leader and faces
all which many do not and manages to hold her head high. She is somewhat a founder of her
aboriginal community and although there is an uncertainty as to why, she feels as thought she can
overcome what others cannot. The Indian woman is full of knowledge and realizes that there may
be such struggles which he must overcome, however she is willing to do so in order to maintain
that steady lifestyle for the rest of her community. She is aware that something is wrong (stanza 9),
yet understands that there truly is no way out, other than by abiding and staying alive through all of
her hardships. This woman is a strong individual and cares for her family. Jeanette Armstrong
manages to portray the general native Indian woman, the triumphs which are faced, and the major
downfalls such as the men who raped, beat and ridiculed her. The imagery of this poem is it's
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Poem Vs Short Story
The essential difference between a poem and a short story is the difference of scope. So, poems are
short and they, briefly, tell you how the author is feeling about in a few words, while short stories
could be written by the author at any moment with a plot, themes, character development, setting etc.
The play "Naked Lunch" by Michael Hollinger is about a man named Vernon and a female named
Lucy. They used to be a couple but they are no longer together. When they were sitting down to
eat, Vernon started asking her the reasons of why she did not want to eat steak. He was making a
big problem of it. Vernon finally ends up making Lucy eat the steak by yelling at her. Consequently,
she ate the steak because she was scared.
A play can be long or short, it all depends on what the author wants to transmit to his or her audience.
The time is essentially important. In a play the characters need to talk each other to have an act; on
the other hand, in short stories the narrator explains the situation, he is the one making and telling us
the story.
Most good stories start with a fundamental characteristics: the initial situation, the conflict, the
climax, suspense, and conclusion. In "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid, the story does not seems to be real
since more content...
A short story has characters, a main idea (the plot), the conflict of the story. They both have an
emotional respond from the reader. In "I could not stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson, the author
gives us a clue of what the poem will be about at the beginning. This makes it easier to understand;
how the author begins it differences him from others. As in "Naked Lunch" by Michael Hollinger; I
honestly thought that this couple would get back together since they were having diner, but
eventually it ended up in an unexpected way. It was not the ending I expected honestly. Dickinson in
the poetry focuses too much on death. It tells us that death can come to us when you least expect
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Annabel Lee Essay
A great poem shocks us into another order of perception. It points beyond language to something
still more essential. It ushers us into an experience so moving and true that we feel at ease. In bad
or indifferent poetry, words are all there is. Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee" is a great
poem, not because it is popular or it is classic, but because of its underlining message. "Annabel Lee"
is a poem of death, love, and beauty. It captures the narrator's interpretation of these three ideas
through his feelings and thoughts for one woman. The narrator, Edgar Allan Poe, becomes infatuated
at a young age with the character in the poem, Annabel Lee. Even after she passes away, his love
for her only increases and only more content...
It is even crazier when one can love that special person even more, after they pass away.
Nonetheless, that is not what it is called true love. The truest love of all is the one that remains the
same by death, the one that is left unchanged. The narrator devoted his whole life to his woman,
even in death. That is true love, when it is certain that there is love and it is a realization that both
lovers could never live without each other. This goes hand in hand with the narrator, as he finds it
difficult and almost impossible to part with the love of his life. He believes that without her, he
finds no purpose in life. She does pass away, but that doesn't stop him from being with her one bit.
Death is the ultimate barrier, in this poem.
Annabel Lee's presence is kept alive in his mind through his dreams at night. "For the moon never
beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 34–35). Her eyes are seen by
his eyes, every night; her love is seen by his love, as without that, night never comes. "And the stars
never rise but I feel the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 36–37). For the narrator,
nature revolves around this grand feeling that the two lovers share. This goes to show that even
nature cannot affect their romance; nothing could, not even death could keep them apart. The
romance was not lost at sea and forgotten in the darkness of
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A Poem Essay: Who Am I?
Who am I?
I am a tall girl with chestnut hair, forest green eyes and sun–tanned skin. My physique sets me apart
from the 7.4 billion other people on our planet. If, however, I were an identical twin, physical
characteristics alone would not suffice to distinguish between my sister and me. Even though we
would look the same, we would clearly be two different people. Therefore, we can conclude that a
mere description of our physique cannot be considered a universal and comprehensive response to
the question at hand, as it neglects other aspects of our identity.
Our identity – encompassing numerous elements of being, among which: family, profession, culture,
religion, sexuality, personality and emotions – is of unimaginable complexity, such that in a
metaphorical sense it may be portrayed as more content...
may be answered by the following statement: I am infinity. This holds true from a bio–mathematical
approach and a socio–cultural perspective, as well as in a metaphorical sense and in relationship to
time. However, an element of concern with this definition is, that as a model answer to all, it would
defeat a sense of uniqueness sought by individuals who try to distinguish themselves from their
surroundings using the aforementioned question. Specifically, if I am infinity, and You are infinity
(in the instance when you define yourself as I am infinity), then language alone cannot highlight the
differences between you and me. Thus, the sheer word infinity would be deemed an insufficient
response to the essay question; unless infinity were to be considered an infinite concept – infinity
accounting for a variety of infinities. It is not within the scope of this essay to discuss whether
infinity is truly an infinite concept; but if we were to assume it were not, we would need to
contemplate whether I am infinity should be refined to the statement I am a part of infinity, to allow
for differentiation among subjects answering the
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Close Reading of a Poem Essay
Close Reading of a Poem
Maria Clinton
ENG 125
May 31, 2011
Tiffany Griffin–Minor
Close Reading of a Poem
On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City is an emotionally provocative poem by the Native
American Indian writer, Sherman Alexie. It describes a train journey from Boston to New York City
in which an elderly white woman excitedly points out historical sites to her fellow passenger, a
younger Native American Indian. The poem demonstrates how narrow minded the American Indian
finds the white American culture; for, it does not go beyond any history prior to their coming to
America. The white woman is only able to have a limited understanding of her surroundings;
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These immediate images provoke other images in the Indian's mind; these images are far more
spectacular than those immediate images pointed out by the white woman. The two hundred year
old house on the hill is linked in the Indian's mind to the structures of his tribal ancestors which he
describes in stanza three as "whose architecture is 15,000 years older".
The mention of "Walden Pond" in stanza three by the white woman is linked in the Indian's mind
to "there are five Walden Ponds on my little reservation out West and at least a hundred more
surrounding Spokane," in stanza four. These larger images once again demonstrate the incapability
of the white Americans to look deeper into other cultures and their sites surrounding them. The
only reason the white woman recognizes Walden Pond is because it was made famous by a white
American, Henry David Thoreau who wrote a book about his life in a house next to the pond, in
which he takes on a simplistic life which mimics the Native American Indian life style. The Indian
on the train, is unimpressed by this because he states that "I know the Indians were living stories
around that pond before Walden's grandparents were born and before his grandparents' grandparents
were born."These lines display a certain amount of disdain by the Indian for what the white
Americans believe to be historically important it
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Poem Analysis : I 'm Nobody ! Who Are You
"I'm Nobody! Who are you?" Poem Analysis The poem, "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" a poem by
Emily Dickinson explains that in life it is best to be a humble person than a proud person who
need spend their life maintaining their status in front of others. The central focus of this poem is
just being humble and being yourselves. By reading her poem she is likely talking about herself
also it can inferred she is reclusive and it is supported by Betsy Erkkila in her article discussing
about Emily Dickinson, "Spent her entire life in the household of her parents." (Erkkila 98).
Another thing that can be inferred in this poem that she is eccentric and different from the people
around her. Lastly you can also infer she is an arrogant person by the tone of the poem. I'm
Nobody! Who are you?" is labeled as lyrical poem which it is defined as a poem with deep
feelings and emotions of the poet for in this case Emily Dickson expressed her emotion and her
opinion in this poem. Emily Dickson expresses her opinion about the subject "seeking fame" she
explains she is not a fan of it and rebels toward seeking fame. The reader can assume the speaker
does not want to be famous and it's also states in Erkkila article, she explains how Emily Dickinson
showed rebellious nature and decided to rebel the norms of her local Congregational Church.
Erikkila states, "But she , alone among her family, never underwent the experience of conversion...
By the late 1850s, she had stopped attending church
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Essay on Love Poems
Love Poems
Have the love poems, you have read given you a better insight into the emotion of love?
The subject of 'Love Poetry' has given rise to some of the most beautiful and fascinating poetry. The
poets illustrate their feelings, or the feelings of the people concerned with them through the use of
figurative language. Alove poem is not necessarily a poem about romantic love, about romance,
marriage and commitment; it could be something else entirely. It seems to be Universal.
Timeless. Yet, it's also very individual, filtered by our own lives and expectations. Love can be a
different thing for each one of us. Not all love poems deal with happy positive sides of love but
there is also the negative sides such as pain, more content...
'do not grieve' , she does not want her lover to feel that her love is possessive, she does not want
him to feel guilty. She wants him to cherish good times that they had, 'forget and smile'.
The tone throughout is melancholy and emotional as the poet talks about her approaching death. The
sonnet form is suitably used because the poet is telling her husband on how death will take over
their love. She accepts death in a philosophical manner. Although she is physically dead she wants to
be remembered.
Christina Rossetti shows us how death can bring a blissful relationship to an end, but she also
shows that love can exist even after death if it has withstood the test of time. She repeats the title
'remember' throughout the poem as a technique to emphasize that she really wants to be
remembered. Poet Rossetti wants to be remembered by her love even if 'darkness and corruption
leave'. Yet her love is unselfish.
Here a poem by Christina Rossetti's, 'A Birthday', is a contrast to
'Remember'. Throughout this poem Rossetti expresses happy contented feelings, through her
beautiful use of imagery. Nature imagery is used in the first half of the poem, ' heart is like a
singing bird' ,
'heart is like a rainb
The title 'A Birthday' is not represented with love at all, but as we read the poem, we come to know
that 'A Birthday' is new life, because she is in love. We see how love makes a person radiant and
From the first line itself Rossetti
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Engl. 102 Poetry Essay
"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" a Review
English 102
Liberty University
Poetry Thesis and Outline
While reviewing "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", it should be noted that the key is the
rhythm of the language. The first, second, and fourth sentence rime while the third sentence of each
rimes with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sentence of the next stanza. In relation with the cryptic language
draws the question, there is a more sinister back drop of loneliness and depression in this poem
much deeper than the level of nature orated by the Narator. I. First Stanza
A. Frost opens with describing who's woods we are viewing
1. Does it matter who's woods
B. No one more content...
Frost further points out that the stretch of woods being viewed is very rural. This is made possible
by the reference to the location between the woods and frozen lake. In closing the final sentence of
the second stanza Frost reiterates the fact that this occurs on "the darkest evening of the year" stating
the darkness of the mood.
In the following stanza Frost returns to the horse, which "gives his harness bells a shake". This is
the first of only two sounds listed in the entire poem. Sounds might normally be associated with a
person in a lighter more jovial mood. Frost uses the lack of sound to put the narrator into what
appears to be a deep process of thought. As the poem moves further allon it is clear that Frost is not
thinking of other sounds or even the feelings which would be associated with this type of event.
There is no mention of the temperature only the implication of the snow falling, and the frozen lake.
Yet the sounds are slightly present, similar to an athlete who is preparing for the event. Frost is
quiet, internalizing his thoughts, focusing on the task at hand, and not sensing the other areas of life
in the world around him.
In the fourth and final stanza Frost uses the riming of all four sentences to draw the reader into the
climax of the poem, "the woods are lovely dark and deep/ But I have promises to keep/ and miles to
go before I sleep/ and miles to go before I sleep". This grouping leads the reader to feel that
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Essay on The Sonnet
The Sonnet
Explore aspects of the sonnet tradition through reference to a range of material you have studied
The word 'sonnet' comes from the Italian word 'sonnetto' meaning little sound or song. A sonnet is
a special type of poem. The sonnet is always 14 lines long and usually expresses the poets'
personal feelings or thoughts; most often connected with love or death, which are two of the most
basic aspects of human existence. The poem generally uses rhyme and metre to organise the poet's
ideas in a formal way. There are several different types of sonnets which all accomplish this in a
slightly different style.
The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet was originally developed around 1350 by Petrarch, an Italian poet more content...
One of the sonnets written by Petrarch is called "Soleasi Nel Mio
Cor". Translated by Thomas Higginson the octet tells of the death a beautiful woman he loved. She
was 'a noble lady who ruled his humble heart.' 'She ruled in beauty o'er this heart of mine,
A noble lady in a humble home.'
The rest of the octet tells us in impersonal terms that she has died and how love is overcome with
grief and no words can be found for their sorrow.
'And love whose light no more on earth finds room,
Might rend the rocks with pity for their doom,
Yet none their sorrows can in words enshrine.'
The alliteration 'rend the rocks' is very powerful with the picture of rocks being smashed by the
force of love now with nowhere to go. The next line is saying that it is impossible to put their
sorrow into words however the word 'enshrine' also has connections with death; the death of his love.
The sestet changes the poem and personifies it. The poet is now not talking about grand ideals of
love and sorrow but his own grief that he feels deep inside.
'They weep within my heart; and ears are deaf
Save mine alone, and I am crushed with care.'
The sestet therefore gives the poem much greater feeling and the reader is able to relate to these
feelings with those that he has experienced himself.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses the Petrarchan sonnet to express her personal love, dedicated to her
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Poetry In Poetry
Poetry has played an important role during wartimes, whether it be to inspire and unify a nation or to
memorialise and remember those who fought. Australian poets throughout history such as Banjo
Paterson have responded to the events and consequences of war in order to engage their audience to
consider the themes of honour and sacrifice which can be seen in his patriotic 1915 poem We're all
Australians now. In contrast, John Schumann and Eric Bogle evoke not only the theme of sacrifice
but also the horror and waste of war in their poems I was only 19 and Lost Soul respectively. All
three poets effectively employ poetic techniques to highlight their key themes.
To begin, some poets highlight the heroism and honour of war while others consider its cruelty.
Paterson in We're all Australians now, describes the "Australian son(s)" who "stand straighter up
today", illustrating the pride felt by many across the nation. He also emphasises the persistence and
strength of those who fought, in the line "fight on, fight on, unflinchingly", in which Paterson
echoes a military–like rhythm as well the forward momentum of the brave soldiers. In contrast,
Schumann evokes the horror of the Vietnam war in I was only 19 by showing the lasting effects of
conflict, which are portrayed through the persona's current mental health as well as recollections of
the war. For example, the persona questions why he "still can't get to sleep" and highlights "it was a
war within yourself". Schumann also
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Poetry And Poetry In Poetry
Physicians' notes are in some sense biographies of their patients. Those that are unwell have to be
encouraged to find a narrative and the clinician has to tease out the significant lines in their story. It
is the stories of private lives offered up to doctors, often at times of crisis and vulnerability, which
explain, at least in part, why so many doctors are also novelists.
We should consider poetry and its less obvious role within the medical humanities. Like the novel,
poetry can tell us about human experience, but it does this in its own language and not the more
straightforward language of prose. It works by suggestion, but this doesn't mean that it cannot
console, teach, amuse, enlighten, mimic, disconcert and so much more. It can capture – or cause us
to reconstruct – experiences and feelings that we might otherwise not be more
The same is not always true of textbooks. And a corollary of this is that it doesn't take much time to
read a poem. But it does have to be read with a particular attention to detail, and that could be a
useful training for medical students. You can't race through a poem– as you might a textbook –
looking for what you want to find. So we see the benefits of marrying poetry reading to various
aspects of medicine. This is essentially what the National Association for Poetry Therapy has been
doing for the past 30 years. It describes itself as "a community of healers and lovers of words".
At the same time, there are various ways in which the humanities are enriched by disciplines within
the medical sciences. Psychology can certainly play a part in both biography and biographical
readings of literary texts, for example. Pharmacology can enlighten us in relation to drug–induced
creative states of mind. More importantly, thinking about literature from the point of view of readers
who may not be as set in their ways encourages the literary reader to read
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Poem Essays

  • 1. Poe's Poetry Essay With fascinating rhyme scheme and an enthralling setting, Edgar Allen Poe draws readers into his dreadfully frightening poems. His poems are best known for being extremely grim and macabre, but with a hint of Romanticism in them. "The Raven" and "Annabel Lee" depict Romanticism being described by feelings and imagination. These poems reflect the reality that the author is dealing with different views in the way lovers grieving and the way of dealing with death. He is also able to make two poems that seem very similar completely different. These are all factors in both poems that make these two poems with a similar theme accomplish parallel purposes in emphasizing the theme of the unreliable narrator in Poe's works. The unnamed more content... This poem contains anger. The narrator is angry. He is sad that his wife is deceased but he is mad that God took her away from him. This narrator seems to be more resolute in his love over his love. He claims they have an eternal union that "neither the angels in heaven above/Nor the demons down under the sea" (Line 30–31) can separate them. This narrator has optimism, he sees an everlasting love; meanwhile the narrator from "The Raven" seems to have given up all hope and is willing to accept his fate. Edgar Allan Poe's analysis on poetry is that every poem should be "rhythmical creation of beauty". No other poems have captured the clever sense of rhythm and measure as much as "Annabel Lee" and "The Raven". Poe is able to create two diverse poems from the same topic, while never wavering from his rhythmic formula. Though they both contain alliteration and similar rhythmic pattern, there is a faint difference between the two. "Thrilled me–filled me with fantastic terror never felt before/So that now, to the beating of my heart, I stood repeating." This is from "The Raven" and the sense of rhythm and rhyme within the lines are fantastic. His writing is like a heartbeat where he reveals pieces of the story beat by beat. It sets the mood for the building urgency of the haunting verses that are forthcoming. While the rhythm and pace of Annabel Lee is just as phenomenal, the tone and content is Get more content on
  • 2. Poetry Form Essay Poems are a form of writing with a set meter. Most poems have an end rhyme scheme to accompany the meter. Poems, like short stories, have symbols. Although short story symbols were not the easiest to identify, the symbols in poems are sometimes even harder to determine. Poems also include metaphors, imagery, a certain tone, and always have a set audience. Lyrics are the most obvious type of poetry to date. A song has a rhythm and when the lyrics are sung to the beat a poem is created. Lyrics are not the only form of poetry. There are many different forms poetry can take on. Sonnets are probably the second most known form of poetry. Sonnets are made up of 14 lines, have end rhyme, and have a meter. There are two main forms of asonnet; Shakespearean (English) and Petrarchan (Italian). The Italian sonnet was created by a man named Petrarch in the 14th century. This sonnet is made up of an octave (8 lines) and a sestet (6 lines) adding up to the sonnets grand total of 14 lines. A Volta, or dramatic change in the emotion, comes after the octave. The theme of the Petrarchan sonnet can generally be found within the ending sestet. Two centuries later a new type of sonnet was born. The Shakespearean sonnet was created by none other than the late William Shakespeare. The English sonnet is made up of three quatrains (4 lines) and an ending couplet (2 lines) creating the iconic 14 lines. The Volta comes after the 3rd quatrain leaving the couplet as the space for the poems theme. Both Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Poetry: Emotions in Words Poetry is an art form of expression and emotions through words. It encompasses the writer's mood and point of view about a certain idea. Two poems that demonstrate the use of emotions in words are "Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou, and "A Dream within a Dream", by Edgar Allan Poe. Both of these poets are very important in the literary field even though their ways of writing contrast each other. Angelou is a revolutionist who is known around the world for her astounding stories of racism, family, and overcoming adversity.Edgar Allan Poe was an exceptional poet, editor, literary critic, and part of the American Romantic Movement. His writings were often filled with despair and very depressing. Both of these poems are great works of more content... Angelou is not the most attractive woman but her mystery lies in her body language, how she carries herself. The span of her hips, stride of her steps, curl of her lips, fire in her eyes, ride of her breast, these all describe her body movements. Angelou defines herself in this poem, she is a modest woman who does not care about what others think of her, and she does not have to be loud or dress a certain way to gain attention. Her modesty, grace, self–confidence, causes her to stand out to others. This poem has many styles, it is arranges into five sections, and the poem reminds the reader of a speech. Imagery is used a lot, like "the swing in my waist, and the joy in my feet" (Intel Corporation). The mood of this poem is happy, and the tone is of merriment. Poe's poem is "A Dream within a Dream" is a narrative poem, which consists of two stanzas of fragmented sentences. The tone, like many of Poe's poems expressed depression and feelings about his life. At a certain time in Poe's life he began to have a downward spiral and in this poem he describes watching important things in his life pass him by. Although this is an inspirational poem it speaks of resentment, displeasure discontented desire, frustration, animosity, and loss. The tone is hardening and filled with regret. All through the poem, Poe asks rhetorical Get more content on
  • 4. Poem Response Essay In just one paper, I am going to go from two inspirational poems, to a more depressing one. The inspirational poem I will be responding to is "The Tyger", written by William Blake. This piece is by far one of my favorite poems read. I read it often just to remind me not to wimp around with my lifting and my getting bigger, just like the song by Survivor, "Eye of the Tiger", does for me. It keeps in mind what it's going to take to do this. The second piece of inspiration I like is, "I will put Chaos into fourteen lines", by Edna St. VincentMillay. On a depressing side of things, I am then moving on to a more disheartening type of poem. This poem is "Facing It", by Yusef Komunyakaa. In "The Tyger", by Blake, more content... The second poem that I found inspirational to me was "I will put Chaos into fourteen lines", by Millay. The author tries to describe how to attempt to hold chaos back. Through this poem, she describes chaos as a male type of thing by constantly referring to chaos using he, his, and him. She shows chaos's many features, such as its "adroit designs", amorphous shapes, and it's arrogance. I don't like how the author tries to contain chaos, because really it could never happen. Chaos is something that once released or started, is a very hard thing to get put down or stopped. I know that this is under the title of the poem, that she is putting chaos into the fourteen lines, but I still don't like how it's written. I think the poem should be more uncontrolled, and having the chaos breaking out of the poem in the end. Saying that she maybe thought she could contain it, but then realized she couldn't. I like the line of "Past are the hours, the years, or our duress" for the fact it's talking about how chaos takes so long to take care of. When I enter the weight room, I want to go in with the mindset of complete chaos, and that I'm going to cause chaos and treat the weights in a way that if they would happen to be human, they wouldn't want to Crilow 3 be treated. Along with "The Tyger", these both contain things that I like to go in to lift with the mindset of to cause fear and Get more content on
  • 5. Imagist Poetry Essay Imagist Poetry: Visual Storytelling In regards to discussing my experience in high school, I tend to keep quiet about that part of my past primarily due to the lack of memories I have about high school, especially 12th grade. However, I will say that out of all the lessons that I learned in high school; when discussing concepts like time management and with meeting deadlines, there has always been this one lesson that has been engrained into my brain. Consequently, while this is a skill that I rarely use often, it's used to great effect. In the past, I have used said skill to write stories about those who have protested about civil rights and about the plight for racial equality. This might not be an important life lesson to more content... After doing this, you can then repeat this process with the next two lines until you have a finished poem. Imagist poetry, in contrast, uses descriptions that narrate what happens during an event or at a certain place with the use of symbols. Symbols can range from the description of an action, such as marching, to the description of a single person with the use of either appearance or morality. Additionally, these traits can also be used to describe actions and individuals with more religious sub–tones. Those same religious underpinnings can, in addition, be used for companies as well as groups with certain, but very strong opinions about others around them. When these symbols are used to describe a place, a time of day, a person, or a thing, they have the ability to leave not only an impression on the reader, but a feeling. The same result can be achieved to an even higher degree when talking about the issues of civil rights and with having religious symbolism within the poem itself; describing a battle between progression and tradition. Besides the use of symbols in Imagist poetry, another key factor is the usage of simple language instead of having to use the same two writing tools; those being the abundance of greater detail and rhyme structure. As a result, symbols give the writer this benefit regarding the focus on certain keywords instead of having to waste time with the Get more content on
  • 6. Common Themes in Poetry Essay Common Themes in Poetry After reading and analysing numerous poems, I have chosen two examples of the famous Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney's work: 'Follower' and 'Mid–Term Break'. Both poems relate to the poet's past, and are certainly associated with a specific 'loss' of a loved one – one a literal loss, and the other a subconscious loss. 'Mid–Term Break', which I found to be a very touching and poignant poem, describes the loss of the poet's younger brother, Christopher when Heaney was a child, hence the poem is of a childhood tragedy as well as a loss. It's set in three places – the introduction is situated in the college sick bay; the main body of the poem is set in Heaney's brother's funeral, and the final setting is more content... Also, we acknowledge that this isn't just any ordinary funeral – someone very dear has been lost, a small treasure; a small treasure who's absence has caused the strongest of rocks to crumble into an emotional state. A double meaning is presented in the final line of the second stanza: – "Big Jim Evans saying it was a hard blow" The 'hard blow' may be referring to the actual 'blow' that killed Christopher (as he was killed by a car), or the fact that it's a 'hard blow' to the family. Either way, one fact becomes apparent: the Heaney family have the support and love of everyone around them, but that doesn't counteract for the tragic loss of Christopher – it may help clean the wound, but the scar will forever be visible. We also attain the knowledge, due to his very 'personal' identity, that Big Jim Evans is a family friend, and that he himself is shaken by the situation considering his very plain and yet meaningful comment. Again, the sadness and incredibility of the incident is underlined – not only family members are grieving. Another detection of change is seen in the third stanza, and this time it's a very uncomfortable change: – "I was embarrassed By old men standing up to shake my hand" I find
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Reflective Poetry Essay Reflective Poetry Essay Composing poetry is an artistic expression; subsequently it's a way of conveying everything that needs to be conveyed and finding importance in expressions. Through poetry words are illuminated to form a picture, express feeling and share a thought in so few words. Putting down on paper all the emotions going through ones head is a way of re–living and remembering the overwhelming emotions they grapple with throughout their lives. Poet Michelle Williams states that: ".... humans have always grappled with overwhelming emotions. Throughout history we have expressed these emotions in many ways, such as through song, music, dance, art and poetry" This is true because putting on paper emotions such as hurt more content... This stanza returns to the solitude of the lonely wondering cloud. However, the poet has been changed by his imaginative experience involving the daffodils and the accompanying bay waters. Loneliness is now a peaceful solitude. William Wordsworth describes himself as alone and lonely, detached even from nature. Wordsworth feeling of sadness emerges from this poem. In Conclusion, poets William Wordsworth, Percy Shelley and William Blake show how poetry displays the importance of human ability to convey emotions and say what they feel. Therefore the quote by poet Michelle Williams is true. In poets William Wordsworth "Preface" to Lyrical ballads, he describes poetic process as follow: "Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. Thus through poetry the opportunity to recreate and relive the previously experienced emotion is conveyed. Get more content on
  • 9. The Poetry Of Children 's Poetry Essay Poetry enchants and delights children of all ages, with its musical rhythms, playful imagery, and charming wordplay. There are millions of children's poems compiled in every way imaginable. From the traditional Mother Goose nursery rhymes to the modern and innovative works of Shel Silverstein, children's poetry has no lack of variation and novelty. They can have instructional value, like the rhymes used in classrooms and schoolbooks to teach letters and the months of the year, or read for pure enjoyment. The poems provided in this anthology were selected based on rhyme, rhythm, length, and effect. The works I referred to in order to create this small anthology, The Oxford Book of Children's Verse in America and The Random House Book of Poetry for Children, contain hundreds of poems each; thus my collection represents a very small part of the world if children's poetry. Due to the limitations of this work, I chose to divide the poems into three groups that represent common areas of children's poetry. The poems were restricted on basis of length, as I did not want to include poems that are incredibly long or those that are incredibly short. I also chose to select only poems with credited authors, eliminating a good deal of nursery rhymes and older poems. My personal preferences shaded some of the selection, so poems I found dull or a bit too simple were not included; however, I tried to overlook my preference for fanciful poetry and fairy tales, choosing poems that are Get more content on
  • 10. Amor Mundi In Christina Rossetti's poem "Amor Mundi" the speaker dives into the lives of the young couple as he narrates their journey. Throughout the poem Rossetti has created a biblical mash–up with many stories and ideas slung together into a poem that never ends in depth. While perhaps this poem does not seem to relate to life now there are still many truths behind it. As the couple travels through the stanzas on a journey in life so too does everyone else. Love is blinding, temptation tempting, and overall the bad things look so good. Reading this poem gives a bit of the wisdom the couple lacks and analysing it even more. The poem opens with the speaker quoting the young woman in the first stanza. As she speaks she leads man into the downhill more content... The way of the world is represented by the beaten path, the one most often travelled by. Amor Mundi is truly a fitting title as the love of the world brings the fall of man and the following of the beaten path. It follows to the end with the fact that "this downhill path is easy, but there's no turning back." As temptation is given into no other choice is found then to continue along the path of least resistance. By the time the blind couple finds their vision they have no other option just as the world is blind to their own sin and temptation. As the couple is lost on this path the speaker wishes to warn against the temptation of the world, though it appears beautiful, charm is deceptive. Temptation and sin become evident as the amor mundi seems to catch up to them. Evil creeps into the tiniest spaces of life and it takes a wise person to realise their own Get more content on
  • 11. Poetry Essay The Story of an Indian Woman To those who lack the real understanding of poetry, it is seen no differently as any other literary composition; a text, written and understood by a certain group of people. However to those who appreciate, and possess even the slightest bit of understanding that the poet intended, is considered an accomplishment. Poetry is an art of discovery, it requires immense effort not only to understand but to compose. Indian Woman, a poem written by Jeanette Armstrong, evokes a number of emotions and thoughts. The poem describes the unfortunate lifestyle of an Indian women in that day and age, the duties and tasks which were performed, whether willingly or not. Indian Woman is a poem containing painful images, more content... Either way, this woman faces the lowest of situations and lives on in order to "carry the seeds... give them them grow...I teach them the songs / I help them to hear / I give them truth". This Indian woman is a "mother" to all, she teaches them, and most importantly gives them truth so her "children" can live free from such torture. The voice of this poem is an obvious one; and Indian woman. However there are such moments in this poem where there is a connection between the reader and the poet. The Indian woman is strong, she is a leader and faces all which many do not and manages to hold her head high. She is somewhat a founder of her aboriginal community and although there is an uncertainty as to why, she feels as thought she can overcome what others cannot. The Indian woman is full of knowledge and realizes that there may be such struggles which he must overcome, however she is willing to do so in order to maintain that steady lifestyle for the rest of her community. She is aware that something is wrong (stanza 9), yet understands that there truly is no way out, other than by abiding and staying alive through all of her hardships. This woman is a strong individual and cares for her family. Jeanette Armstrong manages to portray the general native Indian woman, the triumphs which are faced, and the major downfalls such as the men who raped, beat and ridiculed her. The imagery of this poem is it's Get more content on
  • 12. Poem Vs Short Story The essential difference between a poem and a short story is the difference of scope. So, poems are short and they, briefly, tell you how the author is feeling about in a few words, while short stories could be written by the author at any moment with a plot, themes, character development, setting etc. The play "Naked Lunch" by Michael Hollinger is about a man named Vernon and a female named Lucy. They used to be a couple but they are no longer together. When they were sitting down to eat, Vernon started asking her the reasons of why she did not want to eat steak. He was making a big problem of it. Vernon finally ends up making Lucy eat the steak by yelling at her. Consequently, she ate the steak because she was scared. A play can be long or short, it all depends on what the author wants to transmit to his or her audience. The time is essentially important. In a play the characters need to talk each other to have an act; on the other hand, in short stories the narrator explains the situation, he is the one making and telling us the story. Most good stories start with a fundamental characteristics: the initial situation, the conflict, the climax, suspense, and conclusion. In "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid, the story does not seems to be real since more content... A short story has characters, a main idea (the plot), the conflict of the story. They both have an emotional respond from the reader. In "I could not stop for Death" by Emily Dickinson, the author gives us a clue of what the poem will be about at the beginning. This makes it easier to understand; how the author begins it differences him from others. As in "Naked Lunch" by Michael Hollinger; I honestly thought that this couple would get back together since they were having diner, but eventually it ended up in an unexpected way. It was not the ending I expected honestly. Dickinson in the poetry focuses too much on death. It tells us that death can come to us when you least expect Get more content on
  • 13. Annabel Lee Essay A great poem shocks us into another order of perception. It points beyond language to something still more essential. It ushers us into an experience so moving and true that we feel at ease. In bad or indifferent poetry, words are all there is. Edgar Allan Poe's poem "Annabel Lee" is a great poem, not because it is popular or it is classic, but because of its underlining message. "Annabel Lee" is a poem of death, love, and beauty. It captures the narrator's interpretation of these three ideas through his feelings and thoughts for one woman. The narrator, Edgar Allan Poe, becomes infatuated at a young age with the character in the poem, Annabel Lee. Even after she passes away, his love for her only increases and only more content... It is even crazier when one can love that special person even more, after they pass away. Nonetheless, that is not what it is called true love. The truest love of all is the one that remains the same by death, the one that is left unchanged. The narrator devoted his whole life to his woman, even in death. That is true love, when it is certain that there is love and it is a realization that both lovers could never live without each other. This goes hand in hand with the narrator, as he finds it difficult and almost impossible to part with the love of his life. He believes that without her, he finds no purpose in life. She does pass away, but that doesn't stop him from being with her one bit. Death is the ultimate barrier, in this poem. Annabel Lee's presence is kept alive in his mind through his dreams at night. "For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 34–35). Her eyes are seen by his eyes, every night; her love is seen by his love, as without that, night never comes. "And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes of the beautiful Annabel Lee" (Poe 36–37). For the narrator, nature revolves around this grand feeling that the two lovers share. This goes to show that even nature cannot affect their romance; nothing could, not even death could keep them apart. The romance was not lost at sea and forgotten in the darkness of Get more content on
  • 14. A Poem Essay: Who Am I? Who am I? I am a tall girl with chestnut hair, forest green eyes and sun–tanned skin. My physique sets me apart from the 7.4 billion other people on our planet. If, however, I were an identical twin, physical characteristics alone would not suffice to distinguish between my sister and me. Even though we would look the same, we would clearly be two different people. Therefore, we can conclude that a mere description of our physique cannot be considered a universal and comprehensive response to the question at hand, as it neglects other aspects of our identity. Our identity – encompassing numerous elements of being, among which: family, profession, culture, religion, sexuality, personality and emotions – is of unimaginable complexity, such that in a metaphorical sense it may be portrayed as more content... may be answered by the following statement: I am infinity. This holds true from a bio–mathematical approach and a socio–cultural perspective, as well as in a metaphorical sense and in relationship to time. However, an element of concern with this definition is, that as a model answer to all, it would defeat a sense of uniqueness sought by individuals who try to distinguish themselves from their surroundings using the aforementioned question. Specifically, if I am infinity, and You are infinity (in the instance when you define yourself as I am infinity), then language alone cannot highlight the differences between you and me. Thus, the sheer word infinity would be deemed an insufficient response to the essay question; unless infinity were to be considered an infinite concept – infinity accounting for a variety of infinities. It is not within the scope of this essay to discuss whether infinity is truly an infinite concept; but if we were to assume it were not, we would need to contemplate whether I am infinity should be refined to the statement I am a part of infinity, to allow for differentiation among subjects answering the Get more content on
  • 15. Close Reading of a Poem Essay Close Reading of a Poem Maria Clinton ENG 125 May 31, 2011 Tiffany Griffin–Minor Close Reading of a Poem ON THE AMTRAK FROM BOSTON TO NEW YORK CITY: BY SHERMAN ALEXIE On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City is an emotionally provocative poem by the Native American Indian writer, Sherman Alexie. It describes a train journey from Boston to New York City in which an elderly white woman excitedly points out historical sites to her fellow passenger, a younger Native American Indian. The poem demonstrates how narrow minded the American Indian finds the white American culture; for, it does not go beyond any history prior to their coming to America. The white woman is only able to have a limited understanding of her surroundings; more content... These immediate images provoke other images in the Indian's mind; these images are far more spectacular than those immediate images pointed out by the white woman. The two hundred year old house on the hill is linked in the Indian's mind to the structures of his tribal ancestors which he describes in stanza three as "whose architecture is 15,000 years older". The mention of "Walden Pond" in stanza three by the white woman is linked in the Indian's mind to "there are five Walden Ponds on my little reservation out West and at least a hundred more surrounding Spokane," in stanza four. These larger images once again demonstrate the incapability of the white Americans to look deeper into other cultures and their sites surrounding them. The only reason the white woman recognizes Walden Pond is because it was made famous by a white American, Henry David Thoreau who wrote a book about his life in a house next to the pond, in which he takes on a simplistic life which mimics the Native American Indian life style. The Indian on the train, is unimpressed by this because he states that "I know the Indians were living stories around that pond before Walden's grandparents were born and before his grandparents' grandparents were born."These lines display a certain amount of disdain by the Indian for what the white Americans believe to be historically important it Get more content on
  • 16. Poem Analysis : I 'm Nobody ! Who Are You "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" Poem Analysis The poem, "I'm Nobody! Who are you?" a poem by Emily Dickinson explains that in life it is best to be a humble person than a proud person who need spend their life maintaining their status in front of others. The central focus of this poem is just being humble and being yourselves. By reading her poem she is likely talking about herself also it can inferred she is reclusive and it is supported by Betsy Erkkila in her article discussing about Emily Dickinson, "Spent her entire life in the household of her parents." (Erkkila 98). Another thing that can be inferred in this poem that she is eccentric and different from the people around her. Lastly you can also infer she is an arrogant person by the tone of the poem. I'm Nobody! Who are you?" is labeled as lyrical poem which it is defined as a poem with deep feelings and emotions of the poet for in this case Emily Dickson expressed her emotion and her opinion in this poem. Emily Dickson expresses her opinion about the subject "seeking fame" she explains she is not a fan of it and rebels toward seeking fame. The reader can assume the speaker does not want to be famous and it's also states in Erkkila article, she explains how Emily Dickinson showed rebellious nature and decided to rebel the norms of her local Congregational Church. Erikkila states, "But she , alone among her family, never underwent the experience of conversion... By the late 1850s, she had stopped attending church Get more content on
  • 17. Essay on Love Poems Love Poems Have the love poems, you have read given you a better insight into the emotion of love? The subject of 'Love Poetry' has given rise to some of the most beautiful and fascinating poetry. The poets illustrate their feelings, or the feelings of the people concerned with them through the use of figurative language. Alove poem is not necessarily a poem about romantic love, about romance, marriage and commitment; it could be something else entirely. It seems to be Universal. Timeless. Yet, it's also very individual, filtered by our own lives and expectations. Love can be a different thing for each one of us. Not all love poems deal with happy positive sides of love but there is also the negative sides such as pain, more content... 'do not grieve' , she does not want her lover to feel that her love is possessive, she does not want him to feel guilty. She wants him to cherish good times that they had, 'forget and smile'. The tone throughout is melancholy and emotional as the poet talks about her approaching death. The sonnet form is suitably used because the poet is telling her husband on how death will take over their love. She accepts death in a philosophical manner. Although she is physically dead she wants to be remembered. Christina Rossetti shows us how death can bring a blissful relationship to an end, but she also shows that love can exist even after death if it has withstood the test of time. She repeats the title 'remember' throughout the poem as a technique to emphasize that she really wants to be remembered. Poet Rossetti wants to be remembered by her love even if 'darkness and corruption leave'. Yet her love is unselfish. Here a poem by Christina Rossetti's, 'A Birthday', is a contrast to 'Remember'. Throughout this poem Rossetti expresses happy contented feelings, through her beautiful use of imagery. Nature imagery is used in the first half of the poem, ' heart is like a singing bird' , 'heart is like a rainb The title 'A Birthday' is not represented with love at all, but as we read the poem, we come to know that 'A Birthday' is new life, because she is in love. We see how love makes a person radiant and blissful. From the first line itself Rossetti Get more content on
  • 18. Engl. 102 Poetry Essay "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" a Review English 102 Liberty University 4/21/2014 Poetry Thesis and Outline While reviewing "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", it should be noted that the key is the rhythm of the language. The first, second, and fourth sentence rime while the third sentence of each rimes with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sentence of the next stanza. In relation with the cryptic language draws the question, there is a more sinister back drop of loneliness and depression in this poem much deeper than the level of nature orated by the Narator. I. First Stanza A. Frost opens with describing who's woods we are viewing 1. Does it matter who's woods B. No one more content... Frost further points out that the stretch of woods being viewed is very rural. This is made possible by the reference to the location between the woods and frozen lake. In closing the final sentence of the second stanza Frost reiterates the fact that this occurs on "the darkest evening of the year" stating the darkness of the mood. In the following stanza Frost returns to the horse, which "gives his harness bells a shake". This is the first of only two sounds listed in the entire poem. Sounds might normally be associated with a person in a lighter more jovial mood. Frost uses the lack of sound to put the narrator into what appears to be a deep process of thought. As the poem moves further allon it is clear that Frost is not thinking of other sounds or even the feelings which would be associated with this type of event. There is no mention of the temperature only the implication of the snow falling, and the frozen lake. Yet the sounds are slightly present, similar to an athlete who is preparing for the event. Frost is quiet, internalizing his thoughts, focusing on the task at hand, and not sensing the other areas of life in the world around him. In the fourth and final stanza Frost uses the riming of all four sentences to draw the reader into the climax of the poem, "the woods are lovely dark and deep/ But I have promises to keep/ and miles to go before I sleep/ and miles to go before I sleep". This grouping leads the reader to feel that Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on The Sonnet The Sonnet Explore aspects of the sonnet tradition through reference to a range of material you have studied The word 'sonnet' comes from the Italian word 'sonnetto' meaning little sound or song. A sonnet is a special type of poem. The sonnet is always 14 lines long and usually expresses the poets' personal feelings or thoughts; most often connected with love or death, which are two of the most basic aspects of human existence. The poem generally uses rhyme and metre to organise the poet's ideas in a formal way. There are several different types of sonnets which all accomplish this in a slightly different style. The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet was originally developed around 1350 by Petrarch, an Italian poet more content... One of the sonnets written by Petrarch is called "Soleasi Nel Mio Cor". Translated by Thomas Higginson the octet tells of the death a beautiful woman he loved. She was 'a noble lady who ruled his humble heart.' 'She ruled in beauty o'er this heart of mine, A noble lady in a humble home.' The rest of the octet tells us in impersonal terms that she has died and how love is overcome with grief and no words can be found for their sorrow. 'And love whose light no more on earth finds room, Might rend the rocks with pity for their doom, Yet none their sorrows can in words enshrine.' The alliteration 'rend the rocks' is very powerful with the picture of rocks being smashed by the force of love now with nowhere to go. The next line is saying that it is impossible to put their sorrow into words however the word 'enshrine' also has connections with death; the death of his love. The sestet changes the poem and personifies it. The poet is now not talking about grand ideals of love and sorrow but his own grief that he feels deep inside. 'They weep within my heart; and ears are deaf Save mine alone, and I am crushed with care.' The sestet therefore gives the poem much greater feeling and the reader is able to relate to these
  • 20. feelings with those that he has experienced himself. Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses the Petrarchan sonnet to express her personal love, dedicated to her husband Get more content on
  • 21. Poetry In Poetry Poetry has played an important role during wartimes, whether it be to inspire and unify a nation or to memorialise and remember those who fought. Australian poets throughout history such as Banjo Paterson have responded to the events and consequences of war in order to engage their audience to consider the themes of honour and sacrifice which can be seen in his patriotic 1915 poem We're all Australians now. In contrast, John Schumann and Eric Bogle evoke not only the theme of sacrifice but also the horror and waste of war in their poems I was only 19 and Lost Soul respectively. All three poets effectively employ poetic techniques to highlight their key themes. To begin, some poets highlight the heroism and honour of war while others consider its cruelty. Paterson in We're all Australians now, describes the "Australian son(s)" who "stand straighter up today", illustrating the pride felt by many across the nation. He also emphasises the persistence and strength of those who fought, in the line "fight on, fight on, unflinchingly", in which Paterson echoes a military–like rhythm as well the forward momentum of the brave soldiers. In contrast, Schumann evokes the horror of the Vietnam war in I was only 19 by showing the lasting effects of conflict, which are portrayed through the persona's current mental health as well as recollections of the war. For example, the persona questions why he "still can't get to sleep" and highlights "it was a war within yourself". Schumann also Get more content on
  • 22. Poetry And Poetry In Poetry Physicians' notes are in some sense biographies of their patients. Those that are unwell have to be encouraged to find a narrative and the clinician has to tease out the significant lines in their story. It is the stories of private lives offered up to doctors, often at times of crisis and vulnerability, which explain, at least in part, why so many doctors are also novelists. We should consider poetry and its less obvious role within the medical humanities. Like the novel, poetry can tell us about human experience, but it does this in its own language and not the more straightforward language of prose. It works by suggestion, but this doesn't mean that it cannot console, teach, amuse, enlighten, mimic, disconcert and so much more. It can capture – or cause us to reconstruct – experiences and feelings that we might otherwise not be more content... The same is not always true of textbooks. And a corollary of this is that it doesn't take much time to read a poem. But it does have to be read with a particular attention to detail, and that could be a useful training for medical students. You can't race through a poem– as you might a textbook – looking for what you want to find. So we see the benefits of marrying poetry reading to various aspects of medicine. This is essentially what the National Association for Poetry Therapy has been doing for the past 30 years. It describes itself as "a community of healers and lovers of words". At the same time, there are various ways in which the humanities are enriched by disciplines within the medical sciences. Psychology can certainly play a part in both biography and biographical readings of literary texts, for example. Pharmacology can enlighten us in relation to drug–induced creative states of mind. More importantly, thinking about literature from the point of view of readers who may not be as set in their ways encourages the literary reader to read Get more content on