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Open vSwitchの使い方とか

• 菊田 宏(きくた こう)
• 某社研究開発職
• Twitter : @kotto_hihihi
• Open vSwitchを触り始めたキッカケ

• Open vSwitchの概要
• Open vSwitchの基本的な使い方
 ▫ 各コンポーネントの関係性
• Open vSwitchのデータ構造

Open vSwitchとは
•   OSSの仮想スイッチ
•   Linux標準のbridgeと互換性あり
•   開発者の大半はNicira社の人
•   ハードにポーティングすることを意識している

Open vSwitchで何ができる?
• 転送機能   :Bridge, VLAN, STP, LACP, GRE, GRE over IPsec,
• 管理機能   :NetFlow, sFlow
• 制御機能   :OpenFlow1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Open vSwitchの歴史?
• 2010/03/15 v1.0.0リリース
  ▫ OpenFlow1.0.0に対応
  ▫ GRE対応
• 2011/04/05 v1.1.0リリース
  ▫ QoS対応
  ▫ Bonding対応
  ▫ OpenFlowのベンダ拡張(NXM)対応
• 2011/08/03 v1.2.0リリース
  ▫ とても性能が良くなったらしい
• 2011/12/09 v1.3.0リリース
  ▫   FlowTableが255個に(OpenFlow1.1.0の機能が使える?)
  ▫   STPに対応
  ▫   NXM機能拡張
• 2012/01/30 v1.4.0リリース
  ▫   NXM機能拡張

• ※0.9以前のドキュメントが見つけることができませんでした…

Open vSwitchインストール
前提:Ubuntu 10.04 server amd64
• パッケージインストール
  # apt-get install make pkg-config gcc autoconf libtool

• Open vSwitchのインストール
  # wget
  # tar zxvf openvswitch-1.4.0.tar.gz
  # cd openvswitch-1.4.0
  # ./
  # ./configure --with-linux=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
  # make
  # make install
  # insmod datapath/linux/openvswitch_mod.ko

• ovsdbの作成
  # mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/openvswitch
  # ovsdb-tool create /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db ¥

Open vSwitch起動
• ovsdb-server起動
  # ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock ¥
             --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,manager_options ¥
             --pidfile --detach

• vswitchdの起動
  # ovs-vsctl --no-wait init
  # ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach

• Bridge作成
  # ovs-vsctl add-br br0
  # ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth1
  # ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth2

• 設定の確認
  # ovs-vsctl list-br
  # ovs-vsctl list-ports br0
                                     eth1                eth2


Open vSwitch設定の流れ
① ovs-vsctlコマンドがovsdb-serverに設定情報を送信する
② ovsdb-serverがovs-vswitchdに設定情報を送信する
③ ovs-vswitchdがopenvswitch_modを設定する
④ ovs-vswitchdがovsdb-serverに設定結果を送信する
⑤ ovsdb-serverがovsdbに設定情報、設定結果を登録する
⑥ ovsdb-serverがovs-vsctlコマンドに設定結果を送信する
                                 ovs-vsctl        作成したconf.dbファイル。
                                  ①    ⑥
            ovs-vswitchd        ovsdb-server     ⑤      ovsdb




       ovsdb               ovsdb               ovsdb               ovsdb ovs-vswitchdを起動

 ovsdb-server        ovsdb-server        ovsdb-server        ovsdb-server
 ovs-vswitchd        ovs-vswitchd        ovs-vswitchd        ovs-vswitchd 同じ環境になる

       br0                 br0                 br0                 br0

eth1         eth2   eth1         eth2   eth1         eth2   eth1         eth2

  ovs-vswitchdとovsdb-server間をTCP/IP or SSLで接続して、複数のOpen

  ovsdb               ovsdb               ovsdb               ovsdb               ovsdb

 専用ホスト          ovsdb-server        ovsdb-server        ovsdb-server        ovsdb-server

                ovs-vswitchd        ovs-vswitchd        ovs-vswitchd        ovs-vswitchd

Open vSwitch          br0                 br0                 br0                 br0
               eth1         eth2   eth1         eth2   eth1         eth2   eth1         eth2

• bridge-utilsをインストールする
  # apt-get install bridge-utils
• ovs-brcompatdを起動する
  # cd openvswitch-1.4.0
  # insmod openvswitch-1.4.0/datapath/linux/brcompat_mod.ko
  # ovs-brcompatd --pidfile --detach

• brctlコマンドが使えるようになる
  # brctl addbr br1
  # brctl addif br1 eth1
  # brctl addif br1 eth2

• brctlコマンドで設定した結果がovs-vsctlコマンドで確認できる
  # ovs-vsctl list-br
  # ovs-vsctl list-ports br1

   ①    brctlコマンドがbrcompat_modを設定する
   ②    brcompat_modがovs-brcompatdに設定情報を通知する
   ③    ovs-brcompatdがovs-vsctlコマンドを実行する
   ④    以降、ovs-vsctlコマンド利用時と同じ

brctl                                           ovs-vsctl
                              ③                  ④    ⑨
         ovs-brcompatd     ovs-vswitchd        ovsdb-server     ⑧      ovsdb
            ②                     ⑥

brcompat_mod             openvswitch_mod

   • 最初からOpenFlowのフローエントリベースで動作している
#ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x0, duration=2058.998s, table=0, n_packets=183, n_bytes=29257, priority=0 actions=NORMAL

   • フローエントリを削除すると通信できなくなる
#ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
#ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):

• ovs-ofctlコマンドでフローエントリが書ける
 # ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 ¥
 # ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 ¥

• フローエントリを書くときに使えるfield
 in_port, dl_vlan, dl_vlan_pcp, dl_src, dl_dst, dl_type, nw_src, nw_dst, nw_proto, nw_tos,
 nw_ecn, nw_ttl, tp_src, tp_dst, icmp_type, icmp_code, table, vlan_tci, ip_frag, arp_sha,
 arp_tha, ipv6_src, ipv6_dst, ipv6_label, nd_target, nd_sll, nd_tll, tun_id, regX

 →OpenFlow 1.1, 1.2に9割対応しているらしい

   ① ovs-ofctlコマンドがovs-vswitchdに設定情報を送信する
   ② ovs-vswitchdがopenvswitch_modを設定する

brctl                       ovs-ofctl      ovs-vsctl

        ovs-brcompatd     ovs-vswitchd    ovsdb-server            ovsdb

brcompat_mod            openvswitch_mod

• OpenFlowコントローラと接続する
 # ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp:

• OpenFlowコントローラが設定されるとL2SWとして動作するための
 # ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0
 NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):





             eth1         eth2

Open vSwitchのデータ構造

 どんなDBがあるか?                 どんなtableがあるか?
  # ovsdb-client list-dbs   # ovsdb-client list-tables Open_vSwitch
  Open_vSwitch              Table

Open vSwitchのデータ構造
# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Bridge
Column         Type
------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
status      {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
fail_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["secure","standalone"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_version "uuid"
name         "string"
datapath_type "string"
netflow      {"key":{"refTable":"NetFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0}
ports       {"key":{"refTable":"Port","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
flood_vlans {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0}
_uuid        "uuid"
controller {"key":{"refTable":"Controller","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
datapath_id {"key":"string","min":0}
stp_enable "boolean"
mirrors       {"key":{"refTable":"Mirror","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
sflow       {"key":{"refTable":"sFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0}

Open vSwitchのデータ構造
             1             1       1           1

 0,*                 0,*                     0,1                        0,*

Manager            Capability                 SSL                   Bridge
                                                         1 1              1     1

       0,1                                              0,*                         0,*      0,1

 NetFlow                                            Mirror                    Controller   sFlow
                           0,*         0,*

                               1        1                0,1
                    Interface                             1


Open vSwitchのデータ構造
# ovs-vsctl list bridge
_uuid           : 333ad8b8-7486-40ab-9d29-5051144734c2
controller        : [311d4af1-6d48-4b75-85ed-17e67a94cfb0]
datapath_id          : "000000151769d908"
datapath_type           : ""
external_ids         : {}
fail_mode          : []
flood_vlans         : []
mirrors          : []
name            : "br0"
netflow          : []
other_config          : {}
ports          : [65f57564-d408-42ac-84f7-7c6a4b433a5e, 86ecd3a9-7776-4567-83a3-ae19b9e4b46e,
sflow          : []
status         : {}
stp_enable          : false

# ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 fail_mode=secure

# ovs-vsctl list Bridge
_uuid           : 333ad8b8-7486-40ab-9d29-5051144734c2
controller        : [34d55998-475b-47d4-aa72-a37cfa6d294a]
datapath_id          : "000000151769d908"
datapath_type           : ""
external_ids         : {}
fail_mode          : secure
flood_vlans         : []
mirrors          : []
name            : "br0"
netflow          : []
other_config          : {}
ports          : [65f57564-d408-42ac-84f7-7c6a4b433a5e, 86ecd3a9-7776-4567-83a3-ae19b9e4b46e,
sflow          : []
status         : {}
stp_enable          : false

• Open vSwitchの基本的な使い方を紹介
• Open vSwitchを構成するコンポーネントの関係性を紹介
• Open vSwitchのデータ構造を紹介

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Open_vSwitch
Column          Type
--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_uuid         "uuid"
system_type {"key":"string","min":0}
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
capabilities {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":{"refTable":"Capability","type":"uuid"}}
system_version {"key":"string","min":0}
_version        "uuid"
manager_options {"key":{"refTable":"Manager","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
statistics {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
cur_cfg        "integer"
ssl        {"key":{"refTable":"SSL","type":"uuid"},"min":0}
ovs_version {"key":"string","min":0}
next_cfg        "integer"
db_version {"key":"string","min":0}
bridges       {"key":{"refTable":"Bridge","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Bridge
Column         Type
------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
status      {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
fail_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["secure","standalone"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_version "uuid"
name         "string"
datapath_type "string"
netflow      {"key":{"refTable":"NetFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0}
ports       {"key":{"refTable":"Port","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
flood_vlans {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0}
_uuid        "uuid"
controller {"key":{"refTable":"Controller","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
datapath_id {"key":"string","min":0}
stp_enable "boolean"
mirrors       {"key":{"refTable":"Mirror","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
sflow       {"key":{"refTable":"sFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0}

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Port
Column           Type
--------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bond_fake_iface "boolean"
status        {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
bond_mode          {"key":{"enum":["set",["active-backup","balance-slb","balance-tcp","stable"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
_version        "uuid"
interfaces {"key":{"refTable":"Interface","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited"}
name           "string"
bond_updelay "integer"
vlan_mode         {"key":{"enum":["set",["access","native-tagged","native-untagged","trunk"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
lacp         {"key":{"enum":["set",["active","off","passive"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
mac           {"key":"string","min":0}
_uuid          "uuid"
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
trunks         {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0}
statistics {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"integer"}
fake_bridge "boolean"
tag         {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
bond_downdelay "integer"
qos          {"key":{"refTable":"QoS","type":"uuid"},"min":0}

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Interface
Column              Type
---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
status            {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
link_resets          {"key":"integer","min":0}
link_speed            {"key":"integer","min":0}
duplex             {"key":{"enum":["set",["full","half"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
admin_state             {"key":{"enum":["set",["down","up"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
ofport            {"key":"integer","min":0}
_version            "uuid"
other_config           {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
name               "string"
link_state          {"key":{"enum":["set",["down","up"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
type             "string"
mtu               {"key":"integer","min":0}
mac               {"key":"string","min":0}
cfm_mpid               {"key":"integer","min":0}
cfm_fault            {"key":"boolean","min":0}
_uuid              "uuid"
external_ids          {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
options            {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
ingress_policing_rate {"key":{"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"}}
statistics         {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"integer"}
cfm_remote_mpids            {"key":"integer","max":"unlimited","min":0}
ingress_policing_burst {"key":{"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"}}
lacp_current           {"key":"boolean","min":0}

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch QoS
Column        Type
------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_uuid       "uuid"
type       "string"
other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_version "uuid"

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Queue
Column        Type
------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_uuid       "uuid"
dscp       {"key":{"maxInteger":63,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_version "uuid"

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Controller
Column              Type
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_uuid              "uuid"
external_ids          {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
status            {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
local_netmask           {"key":"string","min":0}
_version            "uuid"
is_connected           "boolean"
controller_burst_limit {"key":{"minInteger":25,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
max_backoff            {"key":{"minInteger":1000,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
controller_rate_limit {"key":{"minInteger":100,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
local_ip           {"key":"string","min":0}
local_gateway          {"key":"string","min":0}
connection_mode            {"key":{"enum":["set",["in-band","out-of-band"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
inactivity_probe        {"key":"integer","min":0}
target            "string"
role             {"key":{"enum":["set",["master","other","slave"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Manager
Column           Type
---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
_uuid          "uuid"
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
status        {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
max_backoff {"key":{"minInteger":1000,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
_version        "uuid"
is_connected "boolean"
connection_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["in-band","out-of-band"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
inactivity_probe {"key":"integer","min":0}
target        "string"

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Capability
Column Type
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------
_uuid "uuid"
details {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_version "uuid"

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch SSL
Column           Type
----------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
certificate     "string"
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
_uuid          "uuid"
private_key        "string"
ca_cert         "string"
bootstrap_ca_cert "boolean"
_version         "uuid"

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Mirror
Column          Type
--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_uuid         "uuid"
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
select_vlan {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0}
select_src_port {"key":{"refTable":"Port","refType":"weak","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
_version        "uuid"
select_all "boolean"
name          "string"
statistics {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"integer"}
select_dst_port {"key":{"refTable":"Port","refType":"weak","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
output_port {"key":{"refTable":"Port","refType":"weak","type":"uuid"},"min":0}
output_vlan {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":1,"type":"integer"},"min":0}

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch NetFlow
Column            Type
------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
_uuid            "uuid"
external_ids        {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
targets         {"key":"string","max":"unlimited"}
add_id_to_interface "boolean"
_version          "uuid"
active_timeout {"key":{"minInteger":-1,"type":"integer"}}
engine_id          {"key":{"maxInteger":255,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
engine_type          {"key":{"maxInteger":255,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0}

# ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch sFlow
Column        Type
------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
_uuid        "uuid"
external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"}
targets {"key":"string","max":"unlimited"}
agent       {"key":"string","min":0}
header       {"key":"integer","min":0}
_version "uuid"
sampling {"key":"integer","min":0}
polling {"key":"integer","min":0}

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Semelhante a Openv switchの使い方とか

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Openv switchの使い方とか

  • 2. 2 自己紹介 • 菊田 宏(きくた こう) • 某社研究開発職 • Twitter : @kotto_hihihi →ほぼROM • Open vSwitchを触り始めたキッカケ →OpenFlowスイッチを探していたら見つけた
  • 3. 3 今日話すこと • Open vSwitchの概要 • Open vSwitchの基本的な使い方 ▫ 各コンポーネントの関係性 • Open vSwitchのデータ構造
  • 4. 4 Open vSwitchとは • OSSの仮想スイッチ • Linux標準のbridgeと互換性あり • 開発者の大半はNicira社の人 • ハードにポーティングすることを意識している
  • 5. 5 Open vSwitchで何ができる? • 転送機能 :Bridge, VLAN, STP, LACP, GRE, GRE over IPsec, CAPWAP • 管理機能 :NetFlow, sFlow • 制御機能 :OpenFlow1.0, 1.1, 1.2
  • 6. 6 Open vSwitchの歴史? • 2010/03/15 v1.0.0リリース ▫ OpenFlow1.0.0に対応 ▫ GRE対応 →1.0.1まで • 2011/04/05 v1.1.0リリース ▫ QoS対応 ▫ Bonding対応 ▫ OpenFlowのベンダ拡張(NXM)対応 →1.1.2まで • 2011/08/03 v1.2.0リリース ▫ とても性能が良くなったらしい →1.2.2まで • 2011/12/09 v1.3.0リリース ▫ FlowTableが255個に(OpenFlow1.1.0の機能が使える?) ▫ STPに対応 ▫ NXM機能拡張 • 2012/01/30 v1.4.0リリース ▫ NXM機能拡張 • ※0.9以前のドキュメントが見つけることができませんでした…
  • 7. 7 Open vSwitchインストール 前提:Ubuntu 10.04 server amd64 • パッケージインストール いろんなところでSSL対応したい場合はlibsslを入れる # apt-get install make pkg-config gcc autoconf libtool • Open vSwitchのインストール # wget # tar zxvf openvswitch-1.4.0.tar.gz # cd openvswitch-1.4.0 # ./ # ./configure --with-linux=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build # make # make install # insmod datapath/linux/openvswitch_mod.ko • ovsdbの作成 # mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/openvswitch # ovsdb-tool create /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db ¥ vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema
  • 8. 8 Open vSwitch起動 • ovsdb-server起動 SSL対応したい場合はlibsslを入れる # ovsdb-server --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock ¥ --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,manager_options ¥ --pidfile --detach • vswitchdの起動 # ovs-vsctl --no-wait init # ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach
  • 9. 9 基本的な使い方 • Bridge作成 # ovs-vsctl add-br br0 # ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth1 # ovs-vsctl add-port br0 eth2 • 設定の確認 # ovs-vsctl list-br br0 # ovs-vsctl list-ports br0 eth1 br0 eth2 eth1 eth2
  • 10. 10 Open vSwitch設定の流れ ① ovs-vsctlコマンドがovsdb-serverに設定情報を送信する ② ovsdb-serverがovs-vswitchdに設定情報を送信する ③ ovs-vswitchdがopenvswitch_modを設定する ④ ovs-vswitchdがovsdb-serverに設定結果を送信する ⑤ ovsdb-serverがovsdbに設定情報、設定結果を登録する →設定情報は①と②の間に書き込んでいるかもしれない ⑥ ovsdb-serverがovs-vsctlコマンドに設定結果を送信する 設定情報はovsdbで持つ。 ovsdbの実態はovsdb-toolで ovs-vsctl 作成したconf.dbファイル。 ① ⑥ JSON-RPC ② ovs-vswitchd ovsdb-server ⑤ ovsdb ④ ③ openvswitch_mod
  • 11. 11 少し脱線 設定済みのovsdbファイルをコピーすると同じ環境が作れる ovsdbファイルをコピー ovsdb-server, ovsdb ovsdb ovsdb ovsdb ovs-vswitchdを起動 ovsdb-server ovsdb-server ovsdb-server ovsdb-server コピー元と ovs-vswitchd ovs-vswitchd ovs-vswitchd ovs-vswitchd 同じ環境になる br0 br0 br0 br0 eth1 eth2 eth1 eth2 eth1 eth2 eth1 eth2
  • 12. 12 もう少しだけ脱線 ovs-vswitchdとovsdb-server間をTCP/IP or SSLで接続して、複数のOpen vSwitchホストをovsdb専用ホストで集中管理することもできる ovsdb ovsdb ovsdb ovsdb ovsdb 専用ホスト ovsdb-server ovsdb-server ovsdb-server ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd ovs-vswitchd ovs-vswitchd ovs-vswitchd Open vSwitch br0 br0 br0 br0 ホスト群 eth1 eth2 eth1 eth2 eth1 eth2 eth1 eth2
  • 13. 13 libvirtとの連携 brctlコマンドを使うことができればよい • bridge-utilsをインストールする # apt-get install bridge-utils • ovs-brcompatdを起動する # cd openvswitch-1.4.0 # insmod openvswitch-1.4.0/datapath/linux/brcompat_mod.ko # ovs-brcompatd --pidfile --detach • brctlコマンドが使えるようになる # brctl addbr br1 # brctl addif br1 eth1 # brctl addif br1 eth2 • brctlコマンドで設定した結果がovs-vsctlコマンドで確認できる # ovs-vsctl list-br br1 # ovs-vsctl list-ports br1 eth1 eth2
  • 14. 14 brctlコマンド利用時の設定の流れ ① brctlコマンドがbrcompat_modを設定する ② brcompat_modがovs-brcompatdに設定情報を通知する ③ ovs-brcompatdがovs-vsctlコマンドを実行する ④ 以降、ovs-vsctlコマンド利用時と同じ brctl ovs-vsctl ③ ④ ⑨ ① JSON-RPC ⑤ ovs-brcompatd ovs-vswitchd ovsdb-server ⑧ ovsdb ⑦ ② ⑥ brcompat_mod openvswitch_mod
  • 15. 15 OpenFlowスイッチとして使う • 最初からOpenFlowのフローエントリベースで動作している #ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4): cookie=0x0, duration=2058.998s, table=0, n_packets=183, n_bytes=29257, priority=0 actions=NORMAL • フローエントリを削除すると通信できなくなる #ovs-ofctl del-flows br0 #ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
  • 16. 16 OpenFlowスイッチとして使う • ovs-ofctlコマンドでフローエントリが書ける # ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 ¥ in_port=1,dl_type=0x0800,nw_src=,nw_dst=,actions=output:2 # ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 ¥ in_port=2,dl_type=0x0800,nw_src=,nw_dst=,actions=output:1 →フィルタリングにも使える • フローエントリを書くときに使えるfield in_port, dl_vlan, dl_vlan_pcp, dl_src, dl_dst, dl_type, nw_src, nw_dst, nw_proto, nw_tos, nw_ecn, nw_ttl, tp_src, tp_dst, icmp_type, icmp_code, table, vlan_tci, ip_frag, arp_sha, arp_tha, ipv6_src, ipv6_dst, ipv6_label, nd_target, nd_sll, nd_tll, tun_id, regX →OpenFlow 1.1, 1.2に9割対応しているらしい
  • 17. 17 ovs-ofctlでフローエントリ設定の流れ ① ovs-ofctlコマンドがovs-vswitchdに設定情報を送信する ② ovs-vswitchdがopenvswitch_modを設定する brctl ovs-ofctl ovs-vsctl ① JSON-RPC ovs-brcompatd ovs-vswitchd ovsdb-server ovsdb ② brcompat_mod openvswitch_mod
  • 18. 18 コントローラから制御する • OpenFlowコントローラと接続する # ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp: • OpenFlowコントローラが設定されるとL2SWとして動作するための フローエントリが消える # ovs-ofctl dump-flows br0 NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4): →以降、コントローラの制御で動作する。 コントローラ ovs-vswitchd br0 eth1 eth2
  • 19. 19 Open vSwitchのデータ構造 ovsdb-clientを使ってovsdbのデータ構造を見る どんなDBがあるか? どんなtableがあるか? # ovsdb-client list-dbs # ovsdb-client list-tables Open_vSwitch Open_vSwitch Table ------------ Capability SSL Bridge Controller NetFlow Port Mirror Queue QoS Interface Open_vSwitch sFlow Manager
  • 20. 20 Open vSwitchのデータ構造 各tableのcolumnと設定可能な値の定義 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Bridge Column Type ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} fail_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["secure","standalone"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _version "uuid" name "string" datapath_type "string" netflow {"key":{"refTable":"NetFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0} ports {"key":{"refTable":"Port","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} flood_vlans {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0} _uuid "uuid" controller {"key":{"refTable":"Controller","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} datapath_id {"key":"string","min":0} stp_enable "boolean" mirrors {"key":{"refTable":"Mirror","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} sflow {"key":{"refTable":"sFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0}
  • 21. 21 Open vSwitchのデータ構造 Open_vSwitch 1 1 1 1 0,* 0,* 0,1 0,* Manager Capability SSL Bridge 1 1 1 1 1 0,1 0,* 0,* 0,1 NetFlow Mirror Controller sFlow 1 0,* 0,* Port 1 1 0,1 * QoS Interface 1 0,* Queue
  • 22. 22 Open vSwitchのデータ構造 実際の設定はどうなっているか ovs-vsctlコマンドで確認 # ovs-vsctl list bridge _uuid : 333ad8b8-7486-40ab-9d29-5051144734c2 controller : [311d4af1-6d48-4b75-85ed-17e67a94cfb0] datapath_id : "000000151769d908" datapath_type : "" external_ids : {} fail_mode : [] flood_vlans : [] mirrors : [] name : "br0" netflow : [] other_config : {} ports : [65f57564-d408-42ac-84f7-7c6a4b433a5e, 86ecd3a9-7776-4567-83a3-ae19b9e4b46e, f490bdfa-8424-475a-9949-d10e2d3b8820] sflow : [] status : {} stp_enable : false
  • 23. 23 ovsdbに直接設定 ovs-vsctlコマンドでfail_modeにsecureを設定してみる # ovs-vsctl set Bridge br0 fail_mode=secure # ovs-vsctl list Bridge _uuid : 333ad8b8-7486-40ab-9d29-5051144734c2 controller : [34d55998-475b-47d4-aa72-a37cfa6d294a] datapath_id : "000000151769d908" datapath_type : "" external_ids : {} fail_mode : secure flood_vlans : [] mirrors : [] name : "br0" netflow : [] other_config : {} ports : [65f57564-d408-42ac-84f7-7c6a4b433a5e, 86ecd3a9-7776-4567-83a3-ae19b9e4b46e, f490bdfa-8424-475a-9949-d10e2d3b8820] sflow : [] status : {} stp_enable : false
  • 24. 24 まとめ • Open vSwitchの基本的な使い方を紹介 • Open vSwitchを構成するコンポーネントの関係性を紹介 • Open vSwitchのデータ構造を紹介
  • 25. 25 (参考)Open_vSwitchテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Open_vSwitch Column Type --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _uuid "uuid" system_type {"key":"string","min":0} external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} capabilities {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":{"refTable":"Capability","type":"uuid"}} system_version {"key":"string","min":0} _version "uuid" manager_options {"key":{"refTable":"Manager","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} statistics {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} cur_cfg "integer" ssl {"key":{"refTable":"SSL","type":"uuid"},"min":0} ovs_version {"key":"string","min":0} next_cfg "integer" db_version {"key":"string","min":0} bridges {"key":{"refTable":"Bridge","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0}
  • 26. 26 (参考)Bridgeテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Bridge Column Type ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ status {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} fail_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["secure","standalone"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _version "uuid" name "string" datapath_type "string" netflow {"key":{"refTable":"NetFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0} ports {"key":{"refTable":"Port","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} flood_vlans {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0} _uuid "uuid" controller {"key":{"refTable":"Controller","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} datapath_id {"key":"string","min":0} stp_enable "boolean" mirrors {"key":{"refTable":"Mirror","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} sflow {"key":{"refTable":"sFlow","type":"uuid"},"min":0}
  • 27. 27 (参考)Portテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Port Column Type --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bond_fake_iface "boolean" status {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} bond_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["active-backup","balance-slb","balance-tcp","stable"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} _version "uuid" interfaces {"key":{"refTable":"Interface","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited"} name "string" bond_updelay "integer" vlan_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["access","native-tagged","native-untagged","trunk"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} lacp {"key":{"enum":["set",["active","off","passive"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} mac {"key":"string","min":0} _uuid "uuid" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} trunks {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0} statistics {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"integer"} fake_bridge "boolean" tag {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0} bond_downdelay "integer" qos {"key":{"refTable":"QoS","type":"uuid"},"min":0}
  • 28. 28 (参考)Interfaceテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Interface Column Type ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- status {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} link_resets {"key":"integer","min":0} link_speed {"key":"integer","min":0} duplex {"key":{"enum":["set",["full","half"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} admin_state {"key":{"enum":["set",["down","up"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} ofport {"key":"integer","min":0} _version "uuid" other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} name "string" link_state {"key":{"enum":["set",["down","up"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} type "string" mtu {"key":"integer","min":0} mac {"key":"string","min":0} cfm_mpid {"key":"integer","min":0} cfm_fault {"key":"boolean","min":0} _uuid "uuid" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} options {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} ingress_policing_rate {"key":{"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"}} statistics {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"integer"} cfm_remote_mpids {"key":"integer","max":"unlimited","min":0} ingress_policing_burst {"key":{"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"}} lacp_current {"key":"boolean","min":0}
  • 29. 29 (参考)QoSテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch QoS Column Type ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- queues {"key":{"maxInteger":4294967295,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":{ "refTable":"Queue","type":"uuid"}} external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _uuid "uuid" type "string" other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _version "uuid"
  • 30. 30 (参考)Queueテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Queue Column Type ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _uuid "uuid" dscp {"key":{"maxInteger":63,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0} other_config {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _version "uuid"
  • 31. 31 (参考)Controllerテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Controller Column Type ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _uuid "uuid" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} status {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} local_netmask {"key":"string","min":0} _version "uuid" is_connected "boolean" controller_burst_limit {"key":{"minInteger":25,"type":"integer"},"min":0} max_backoff {"key":{"minInteger":1000,"type":"integer"},"min":0} controller_rate_limit {"key":{"minInteger":100,"type":"integer"},"min":0} local_ip {"key":"string","min":0} local_gateway {"key":"string","min":0} connection_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["in-band","out-of-band"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} inactivity_probe {"key":"integer","min":0} target "string" role {"key":{"enum":["set",["master","other","slave"]],"type":"string"},"min":0}
  • 32. 32 (参考)Managerテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Manager Column Type ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _uuid "uuid" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} status {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} max_backoff {"key":{"minInteger":1000,"type":"integer"},"min":0} _version "uuid" is_connected "boolean" connection_mode {"key":{"enum":["set",["in-band","out-of-band"]],"type":"string"},"min":0} inactivity_probe {"key":"integer","min":0} target "string"
  • 33. 33 (参考)Capabilityテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Capability Column Type -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- _uuid "uuid" details {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _version "uuid"
  • 34. 34 (参考)SSLテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch SSL Column Type ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- certificate "string" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} _uuid "uuid" private_key "string" ca_cert "string" bootstrap_ca_cert "boolean" _version "uuid"
  • 35. 35 (参考)Mirrorテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch Mirror Column Type --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _uuid "uuid" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} select_vlan {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"max":4096,"min":0} select_src_port {"key":{"refTable":"Port","refType":"weak","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} _version "uuid" select_all "boolean" name "string" statistics {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"integer"} select_dst_port {"key":{"refTable":"Port","refType":"weak","type":"uuid"},"max":"unlimited","min":0} output_port {"key":{"refTable":"Port","refType":"weak","type":"uuid"},"min":0} output_vlan {"key":{"maxInteger":4095,"minInteger":1,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
  • 36. 36 (参考)NetFlowテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch NetFlow Column Type ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ _uuid "uuid" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} targets {"key":"string","max":"unlimited"} add_id_to_interface "boolean" _version "uuid" active_timeout {"key":{"minInteger":-1,"type":"integer"}} engine_id {"key":{"maxInteger":255,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0} engine_type {"key":{"maxInteger":255,"minInteger":0,"type":"integer"},"min":0}
  • 37. 37 (参考)sFlowテーブル構造 # ovsdb-client list-columns Open_vSwitch sFlow Column Type ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- _uuid "uuid" external_ids {"key":"string","max":"unlimited","min":0,"value":"string"} targets {"key":"string","max":"unlimited"} agent {"key":"string","min":0} header {"key":"integer","min":0} _version "uuid" sampling {"key":"integer","min":0} polling {"key":"integer","min":0}