Authoring Stylesheets with Compass & Sass

chriseppstein Há 13 anos

Sass & Compass @ SenchaConf

chriseppstein Há 13 anos

You Suck At PowerPoint!

Jesse Desjardins - @jessedee Há 11 anos

The prestige of being a web developer

Christian Heilmann Há 12 anos

HTML5 Forms - KISS time - Fronteers

Robert Nyman Há 12 anos

Go With The Flow

Stephen Hay Há 12 anos

Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu

Bryan Rieger Há 13 anos

Am Ende ist doch alles HTML (Uni Mainz)

Jens Grochtdreis Há 14 anos

Pythonic Deployment with Fabric 0.9

Corey Oordt Há 14 anos

Shift Happens

Jeff Brenman Há 17 anos