Developers grab bag

busynoggin Há 11 anos

Assholes are ruining your project (Monki Gras)

Donnie Berkholz Há 12 anos

Semantic TYPO3

Jochen Rau Há 12 anos

The Upside of Downtime (Velocity 2010)

Lenny Rachitsky Há 13 anos

Symfony2 revealed

Fabien Potencier Há 14 anos

Dependency Injection with PHP and PHP 5.3

Fabien Potencier Há 14 anos

Trees In The Database - Advanced data structures

Lorenzo Alberton Há 14 anos

"Just Put That In The Zip Code Field..."

gadgetopia Há 14 anos

Introduction to JCR

David Nuescheler Há 16 anos

Content Management With Apache Jackrabbit

Jukka Zitting Há 16 anos