health insurance health care reform breast cancer canada socioeconomic factors poverty cancer care survival united states systematic review hospitalization mortality structural violence hijab indigenous structural inequalities race ethnicity colon cancer ontario long-term survival radiation therapy meta-analysis labor force participation labor market american indian research synthesis resilience community strengths vaccination covid-19 pandemic indigenous peoples stigmatization discimination islamophobia subjective well-being life satisfaction depression anxiety well-being religiosity rapid review mental health islam gender geography réserve remote rural person-years of life lost pyll morbidity death injury unintential injury traffic accident motor vehicle crash mvc metis inuit aboriginal first nations religion discrimination oppression job application job interview unemployment underemployment employment headscarve headscarf hiring muslim women policing general social survey involuntary contact contact with police health policy marriage gender differences epidemiology health services research international health epidemiologic methods population health social epidemiology breast cancer; cancer care; poverty; health insura cancer treatment universal access mexican american early diagnosis gateway neighborhood barrio health care policy retrospective cohort breast cancer survival cancer incidence wait times chemotherapy california adjuvant treatment node-negative breast cancer welfare reform workfare job opportunities child care services job training affordable care act single-payer system obamacare
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