Terrascan - Cloud Native Security Tool

sangam biradar Há 3 anos

Azure Purview Data Toboggan Erwin de Kreuk

Erwin de Kreuk Há 3 anos

Azure Synapse Analytics Overview (r2)

James Serra Há 3 anos

The Cloud Enabled IT Operating Model - Business

Amazon Web Services Há 7 anos

Azure Cloud Governance

Jonathan Wade Há 6 anos

Azure cloud governance deck

Softchoice Corporation Há 7 anos

Best practices for azure governance

CoreStack Há 5 anos

Access Apps for Office 365 with Power BI

Chris McNulty Há 9 anos

Share point 2013 to 2015

Prescient Digital Media Há 9 anos

What's new for ALM with Visual Studio 2013

InCycle Software Há 10 anos

Change communication strategy

Navitsumo Consulting Ltd. Há 10 anos

Storage options in the cloud os

Lai Yoong Seng Há 10 anos