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                                  David Thomas
      Hemorrhoids Home Remedies


                                                        Natural Ways to remedy hemorrhoids from home
Disclaimer: None of the methods in here are meant to cure or prevent any disease and are not to be taken
as medical advice. Author and/or distributor will not be held liable for any adverse affects such as rashes,
itching, etc., for using such remedies. User uses these remedies at their own risk. I am not a licensed
physician. If you think you need medical attention consult a licensed physician for medical advice.

Unauthorized reproduction of this material is strictly prohibited.

Table of Content:
What is Hemorrhoids.4

What are the causes5

Hemorrhoids and Diet6

How Common Are

Hemorrhoids Home Remedies15
Other Options..20

H Miracle20

What is Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are enlarged, swollen veins that can occur either inside
(internal hemorrhoids), outside (external hemorrhoids), or around the
anus. External hemorrhoids are often the most painful.

Internal hemorrhoids are not as painful as external hemorrhoids and can
range in size from a slight swelling to large, sagging veins that stick out.
Internal hemorrhoids may cause painless bleeding during a bowel
movement. If you notice blood covering the stool, in the toilet bowl, or on
the toilet paper, which is common with internal hemorrhoids, make
sure to contact your doctor as soon as possible. A person may have both
internal and external hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids include occasional throbbing pain, itching,
burning sensation, bright red blood on toilet paper or stool, or a lump of
soft tissue protruding outside of the anus.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
Many anorectal problems, including fissures, fistulae, abscesses, or
irritation and itching, also called pruritus ani, have similar symptoms and
are incorrectly referred to as hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids usually are not dangerous or life threatening. In most
cases, hemorrhoidal symptoms will go away within a few days.
Although many people have hemorrhoids, not all experience symptoms.
The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood
covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. However, an
internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body,
becoming irritated and painful. This is known as a protruding
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a
hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms. This
condition is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid.
In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus
may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a
vicious cycle of symptoms. Draining mucus may also cause itching

What causes hemorrhoids?
It is not known why hemorrhoids enlarge. There are several theories
about the cause, including inadequate intake of fiber, prolonged sitting
on the toilet, and chronic straining to have a bowel movement
(constipation). None of these theories has strong experimental support.
Pregnancy is a clear cause of enlarged hemorrhoids though, again, the

reason is not clear. Tumors in the pelvis also cause enlargement of
hemorrhoids by pressing on veins draining upwards from the anal canal.
One theory proposes that it is the shearing (pulling) force of stool,
particularly hard stool, passing through the anal canal that drags the
hemorrhoidal cushions downward. Another theory suggests that with age
or an aggravating condition, the supporting tissue that is responsible for
anchoring the hemorrhoids to the underlying muscle of the anal canal
deteriorates. With time, the hemorrhoidal tissue loses its mooring and
slides down into the anal canal.
One physiological fact that is known about enlarged hemorrhoids that
may be relevant to understanding why they form is that the pressure is
elevated in the anal sphincter, the muscle that surrounds the anal canal and
the hemorrhoids. The anal sphincter is the muscle that allows us to control
our bowel movements. It is not known, however, if this elevated
pressure precedes the development of enlarged hemorrhoids or is the
result of the hemorrhoids. Perhaps during bowel movements, increased
force is required to force stool through the tighter sphincter. The
increased shearing force applied to the hemorrhoids by the passing stool
may drag the hemorrhoids downward and enlarge them.

                          Hemorrhoids and Diet
To improve your diet for hemorrhoids, add foods that contain more
dietary fiber. You can include some or all of the following:

          1. Whole-grain foods (such as bran cereals) and breads
             (made with whole wheat grains).
          2. Fresh fruits (including the skin and pulp).

3. Dried or stewed fruits (such as prunes, raisins or
           4. Root vegetables (such as carrots, turnips or
           5. Raw or fresh vegetables, such as cabbage. (Lettuce
              is actually low in fiber.)

It is also found foods that are higher in alkalinity play a key role in
keeping the body at an optimum state. Most pains, and physical
abnormalities will go away with a higher alkaline diet.
Stick to a diet of high alkaline foods and determine whether it is working
for you. I did a high alkaline diet for 1 week, eating lots of greens i.e. raw
veggies, salad, green tea, etc. By the end of the week all my body
soreness, fatigue, and itching went away.
Below is a list of Alkaline and acidic foods.

Berries (most)
Carob (pod only)
*Lemons (ripe)
Olives (ripe)
Passion Fruit
Pineapple (fresh)

Melons (all)
Tomatoes (fully ripened)

All preserves
All canned with sugar
Dried-sulphured, glazed
Olives (Pickled)
Alfalfa sprouts
Bamboo shoots
Beans (green, lima, wax, string)

Jerusalem artichokes
Oyster plant
Peppers (bell)

Asparagus tips (white only)
Beans (dried)


Acidophilus milk
Milk (raw only -- human, cow, or goat)
Cheese (all)
Cottage cheese
Milk (boiled, cooked, malted, dried, canned)
Potatoes (skin is best part)
Romaine lettuce

Yams, sweet potatoes

Buckwheat & millet are thought to be either neutral or alkaline.

All grains and grain products except buckwheat & millet

Coffee substitute
Kelp (edible)
Tea (herbal & Chinese)
Egg yolks

Alcoholic drinks
Coffee, Indian teas
Condiments (all)
Eggs (whites)

Chestnuts (roasted)
Coconut (fresh)

All except above
Coconut (dried)
Beef Juice
Blood & bone (only bone meal is alkaline)

All meats
Fowl, fish, shellfish,

Other dietary rules:
1. Drink plenty of liquids, including fruit or vegetable
             juices and water. Drink at least six cups of water or
             fluid a day.
          2. Eat slowly. Chew your food thoroughly. This allows
             the saliva and digestive juices of the stomach, liver,
             and pancreas to break down food more easily. It
             may also help prevent problems from developing in the
             lower digestive tract.
          3. Eat your meals at regular intervals.

**Avoid Spicy Foods as this will increase the burning and generate
more acid in the intestinal region**

How common are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are common in both men and women. About half of the
population has hemorrhoids by age 50. Hemorrhoids are also common
among pregnant women. The pressure of the fetus on the abdomen, as
well as hormonal changes, causes the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge.
These vessels are also placed under severe pressure during childbirth.
For most women, however, hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy are a
temporary problem.

Home Remedies
1. Hemorrhoids Home Remedy Using Sitz Baths

Warm water relaxes the sphincter muscle, which can help soothe the
pain associated with hemorrhoid protrusions.
     Fill your bath with three to four inches of warm water.

     Don't add anything to the water.

     Sit in the tub for 15 minutes.

     Repeat this several times a day.

When hemorrhoids are sore, sitz baths are the best and easiest way to get
quick relief.

2. Herbal Remedy for Hemorrhoids Using Petroleum Jelly or Zinc Oxide
Studies have shown that Petroleum Jelly and/or Zinc Oxide work as well
as other expensive creams. To reduce the pain and swelling of
hemorrhoids either or both can be used.
     After wiping, dab a small amount of Petroleum Jelly or Zinc Oxide
     on a cotton ball and apply to the swollen area.
     Keep the swollen area dry and clean. Make sure not to use any
     scented toilet paper, soap or body wash containing chemicals that
     can irritate the skin.

3. Hemorrhoids Home Remedy Using Psyllium Seeds
The most common cause of hemorrhoids is a low-fiber diet, which
causes constipation and leads to small and hard stools that are difficult to
pass. Psyllium seeds are high in fiber and help make the stool softer and
easier to pass. Psyllium seeds help prevent hemorrhoids and also make
bowel movement less painful. It is recommended to make Psyllium fiber
part of your diet. It can easily be found at most herbal nutrition stores.
      Start taking one teaspoon of Psyllium seeds in an 8 ounce glass of
      water in the morning as part of your breakfast for a week.
      In the second week add another glass with your lunch.

      Slowly during your third week make it a habit of drinking psyllium
      seeds three times daily.
When you are taking psyllium seeds 3 times daily, you don't need to take
any other fiber supplement. Make sure you drink lots of water when
taking psyllium or any other type of fiber or fiber supplements because
fiber creates large, soft stools by absorbing water. It is recommended to
drink 1/2 ounce of water for each pound you weigh.

4. For itchy butt avoid sugary food and eat fresh Aloe Vera and drink
plenty of water plus eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. *See alkaline
5. take 4 teaspoons of pure ghee(desi ghee) everyday with a high fiber
diet, this will aid in passing stool

6. Put 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper in 8 oz water. Drink. Do this twice a day
for one week. Plus cayenne aids in digestion.

7. Hot tub baths several times a day in plain, warm water for about 10

8. Purchase a bottle of witch hazel which is a natural astringent and will
reduce your inflammation and swelling. The bottles should not be too
expensive and call be applied to some soft toilet paper. This may provide
some cost savings to ready made pads soaked with witch hazel such as
Tucks pads.

9. Apply vitamin E oil topically to the anal area or cutting off the end of
a vitamin E capsule, and squeezing the oil inside into the anus also
brings a great deal of pain relief

10. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise this can act much like
straining on the toilet.

11. Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on the anus, relieves pain and soothes the
burning sensation.

12. Brew a strong, warm tea using Lady's mantle ( yarrow ), and apply to
the hemorrhoids with a cotton ball several times a day or as required.

13. Homemade enemas and peeled garlic clove or small pieces of potato
suppositories also help ease inflammation.

14. Use Bayberry, goldenseal root, myrrh, and white oak in a salve form to
relieve pain in the hemorrhoids.
15. Avoid salt as excess salt retains fluids in the circulatory system that
can cause bulging of the veins in the anus and elsewhere.
16. Sprinkle the anus with cornstarch or baby powder to absorb any
17. Acutely inflamed hemorrhoids respond well to icing the area. Apply
an ice pack to the anal area on and off for 10-15 minutes, 5-times a day.
18. Some foods, while they won't make your hemorrhoids worse, can
contribute to your anal misery by creating further itching as they pass
through the bowels. Watch out for excessive coffee, strong spices, beer, and
19. Take Buck thorn bark, collinsonia root, parsley, red grape vine
leaves or stone root either in capsules or tea form. They are also good for the
treatment of hemorrhoids.
20. Don't scratch. Hemorrhoids can itch, and scratching can make them
feel better. But don't give in to the urge to scratch
21. To keep the bowels clean use Cayenne ( capsicum ) or garlic
enemas. They relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids
22. Avoid sitting on the toilet for very long

23. Keeping the rectal area clean and dry. Avoid soap, which is drying.
Cleanse the area with plain water and gently pat dry or use a blow dryer set
on low.
24. If you are using powdered psyllium, you can mix it with water, juice,
or other beverages. If you are taking psyllium in the form of chewable
tablets or wafers, be sure to drink an eight-ounce glass of water with it.
25. Chamomile: Apply chamomile ointment directly to the hemorrhoids
as often as needed for relief of symptoms
Tea- Pour a cup of not-quite-boiling over chamomile tea bags. Steep for
three to five minutes, then cool in the refrigerator or freezer (do not
allow to freeze). Apply to hemorrhoids for as long as desired.

Other Options for Hemorrhoid Relief:
H Miracle:

What is H Miracle?
H Miracle was developed by Holly Hayden as a result of her success
using a recipe passed down to her by her grandfather. Subsequently
extensive research by Hayden resulted in the development of the H
Miracle plan which is marketed as a 'cure' for the problem of
hemorrhoids. The treatment is based on the ancient Fargei system of
medicine from the East.
The treatment consists of taking a mixture of 5 different roots, and
eating a combination of five different fruits and vegetables once a week
which aid the digestive system.
Along with regular 30-second exercises, which aim to strengthen the
lower pelvic muscles, the plan relies on a change of lifestyle to be
effective. The improved tone in the pelvic muscles are said to help
support the digestive canal, aiding effective passage of waste.
What is good about H Miracle?

H Miracle is an entirely natural product.

The treatment consists of a secret formula of a mixture of five roots,
which are easily obtained in your local supermarket/mart. When
combined and used, these are guaranteed to cure a hemorrhoid problem.
The product package also contains unbiased information including data
on why the most commonly available over-the-counter treatments do not
work effectively in the long term. There is also advice on exercising,
straining during exercising, and which types of exercises to avoid.
The product is recommended by a number of practicing physicians in the
What about the negatives?

The only negative we could find was a lack of information on the
ingredients in the treatment. The official H Miracle web site does not list the
specifics - to obtain those - you have to buy the product.
Our Conclusions:

Holly Hayden gives a money back guarantee if the product does not
work. She describes her own experience with the formula, and relates
how she was 'cured' by the treatment.
Hemorrhoid Miracle is an all-natural treatment and therefore safe to use.
H Miracle guarantees to stop bleeding and pain, to relieve itching and
shrink hemorrhoid tissue back to their normal size.
H Miracle resolves the problem of hemorrhoids, and is therefore shown
to be cost effective. The maintenance plan involves regular consumption of
only five different fruits and vegetables for a sustained effect, and the
exercises are well-known (Kegel exercises) to give support for the lower
pelvic region.
Read More about H-Miracle       Click Here

Hemorrhoids are something over 70% of the population suffers from,
but it does not have to be something you have to live with. With proper
diet and using the methods listed here one can alleviate the symptoms and
live a more comfortable, healthy, happy life.
Be Healthy and Happy!



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Natural Home Remedies for Hemorrhoid Relief

  • 1. 2010 TThomasTTTho David Thomas Hemorrhoids Home Remedies mas RemedieReRemedies Natural Ways to remedy hemorrhoids from home
  • 2. Disclaimer: None of the methods in here are meant to cure or prevent any disease and are not to be taken as medical advice. Author and/or distributor will not be held liable for any adverse affects such as rashes, itching, etc., for using such remedies. User uses these remedies at their own risk. I am not a licensed physician. If you think you need medical attention consult a licensed physician for medical advice. Unauthorized reproduction of this material is strictly prohibited. 2
  • 3. Table of Content: What is Hemorrhoids.4 What are the causes5 Hemorrhoids and Diet6 How Common Are Hemorrhoids14 Hemorrhoids Home Remedies15 Other Options..20 H Miracle20 3
  • 4. What is Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are enlarged, swollen veins that can occur either inside (internal hemorrhoids), outside (external hemorrhoids), or around the anus. External hemorrhoids are often the most painful. Internal hemorrhoids are not as painful as external hemorrhoids and can range in size from a slight swelling to large, sagging veins that stick out. Internal hemorrhoids may cause painless bleeding during a bowel movement. If you notice blood covering the stool, in the toilet bowl, or on the toilet paper, which is common with internal hemorrhoids, make sure to contact your doctor as soon as possible. A person may have both internal and external hemorrhoids. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include occasional throbbing pain, itching, burning sensation, bright red blood on toilet paper or stool, or a lump of soft tissue protruding outside of the anus. 4
  • 5. What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids? Many anorectal problems, including fissures, fistulae, abscesses, or irritation and itching, also called pruritus ani, have similar symptoms and are incorrectly referred to as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids usually are not dangerous or life threatening. In most cases, hemorrhoidal symptoms will go away within a few days. Although many people have hemorrhoids, not all experience symptoms. The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. However, an internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful. This is known as a protruding hemorrhoid. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms. This condition is known as a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and/or itching, which may produce a vicious cycle of symptoms. Draining mucus may also cause itching What causes hemorrhoids? It is not known why hemorrhoids enlarge. There are several theories about the cause, including inadequate intake of fiber, prolonged sitting on the toilet, and chronic straining to have a bowel movement (constipation). None of these theories has strong experimental support. Pregnancy is a clear cause of enlarged hemorrhoids though, again, the 5
  • 6. reason is not clear. Tumors in the pelvis also cause enlargement of hemorrhoids by pressing on veins draining upwards from the anal canal. One theory proposes that it is the shearing (pulling) force of stool, particularly hard stool, passing through the anal canal that drags the hemorrhoidal cushions downward. Another theory suggests that with age or an aggravating condition, the supporting tissue that is responsible for anchoring the hemorrhoids to the underlying muscle of the anal canal deteriorates. With time, the hemorrhoidal tissue loses its mooring and slides down into the anal canal. One physiological fact that is known about enlarged hemorrhoids that may be relevant to understanding why they form is that the pressure is elevated in the anal sphincter, the muscle that surrounds the anal canal and the hemorrhoids. The anal sphincter is the muscle that allows us to control our bowel movements. It is not known, however, if this elevated pressure precedes the development of enlarged hemorrhoids or is the result of the hemorrhoids. Perhaps during bowel movements, increased force is required to force stool through the tighter sphincter. The increased shearing force applied to the hemorrhoids by the passing stool may drag the hemorrhoids downward and enlarge them. Hemorrhoids and Diet To improve your diet for hemorrhoids, add foods that contain more dietary fiber. You can include some or all of the following: 1. Whole-grain foods (such as bran cereals) and breads (made with whole wheat grains). 2. Fresh fruits (including the skin and pulp). 6
  • 7. 3. Dried or stewed fruits (such as prunes, raisins or apricots). 4. Root vegetables (such as carrots, turnips or potatoes). 5. Raw or fresh vegetables, such as cabbage. (Lettuce is actually low in fiber.) It is also found foods that are higher in alkalinity play a key role in keeping the body at an optimum state. Most pains, and physical abnormalities will go away with a higher alkaline diet. Stick to a diet of high alkaline foods and determine whether it is working for you. I did a high alkaline diet for 1 week, eating lots of greens i.e. raw veggies, salad, green tea, etc. By the end of the week all my body soreness, fatigue, and itching went away. Below is a list of Alkaline and acidic foods. ALKALINE FRUITS 7
  • 8. Apples/cider Apricots Avocados Bananas Berries (most) Cantaloupe Carob (pod only) Cherries Citron Currants Dates Figs Grapes *Grapefruit Guavas *Kumquats *Lemons (ripe) *Limes Loquats Mangos Nectarines Olives (ripe) *Oranges Papayas Passion Fruit Peaches Pears Persimmons Pineapple (fresh) Pomegranates 8
  • 9. Melons (all) Raisins Sapotes Tamarind *Tangerines Tomatoes (fully ripened) ACID FRUITS All preserves All canned with sugar Cranberries Dried-sulphured, glazed Olives (Pickled) Plums Prunes Blueberries ALKALINE VEGETABLES Alfalfa sprouts Artichokes Asparagus Bamboo shoots Beans (green, lima, wax, string) Beets broccoli Cabbages Carrots Celery Cauliflower 9
  • 11. Lentils ALKALINE DAIRY Acidophilus milk buttermilk yogurt Milk (raw only -- human, cow, or goat) Whey ACID DAIRY Butter Cheese (all) Cottage cheese Cream Custards Margarine Milk (boiled, cooked, malted, dried, canned) ALKALINE VEGETABLES (continued) Potatoes (skin is best part) Pumpkin Radish Romaine lettuce Rutabagas Sauerkraut Soybeans Spinach Sprouts Squash 11
  • 12. Turnips Watercress Yams, sweet potatoes ALKALINE GRAINS Amaranth Quinoa Buckwheat & millet are thought to be either neutral or alkaline. ACID GRAINS All grains and grain products except buckwheat & millet ALKALINE, MISC. Agar Coffee substitute Honey Kelp (edible) Tea (herbal & Chinese) Egg yolks ACID MISC Alcoholic drinks Cocoa Coffee, Indian teas Condiments (all) 12
  • 13. Dressings Drugs Eggs (whites) Flavorings Mayonnaise Tapioca Tobacco Vinegar ALKALINE NUTS Almonds Chestnuts (roasted) Coconut (fresh) ACID NUTS All except above Coconut (dried) ALKALINE FLESH FOOD Beef Juice Blood & bone (only bone meal is alkaline) ACID FLESH FOOD All meats Fowl, fish, shellfish, Gelatin Other dietary rules: 13
  • 14. 1. Drink plenty of liquids, including fruit or vegetable juices and water. Drink at least six cups of water or fluid a day. 2. Eat slowly. Chew your food thoroughly. This allows the saliva and digestive juices of the stomach, liver, and pancreas to break down food more easily. It may also help prevent problems from developing in the lower digestive tract. 3. Eat your meals at regular intervals. **Avoid Spicy Foods as this will increase the burning and generate more acid in the intestinal region** How common are hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids are common in both men and women. About half of the population has hemorrhoids by age 50. Hemorrhoids are also common among pregnant women. The pressure of the fetus on the abdomen, as well as hormonal changes, causes the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge. These vessels are also placed under severe pressure during childbirth. For most women, however, hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy are a temporary problem. 14
  • 15. Home Remedies 1. Hemorrhoids Home Remedy Using Sitz Baths Warm water relaxes the sphincter muscle, which can help soothe the pain associated with hemorrhoid protrusions. Fill your bath with three to four inches of warm water. Don't add anything to the water. Sit in the tub for 15 minutes. Repeat this several times a day. When hemorrhoids are sore, sitz baths are the best and easiest way to get quick relief. 2. Herbal Remedy for Hemorrhoids Using Petroleum Jelly or Zinc Oxide Paste Studies have shown that Petroleum Jelly and/or Zinc Oxide work as well as other expensive creams. To reduce the pain and swelling of hemorrhoids either or both can be used. After wiping, dab a small amount of Petroleum Jelly or Zinc Oxide on a cotton ball and apply to the swollen area. Keep the swollen area dry and clean. Make sure not to use any scented toilet paper, soap or body wash containing chemicals that can irritate the skin. 15
  • 16. 3. Hemorrhoids Home Remedy Using Psyllium Seeds The most common cause of hemorrhoids is a low-fiber diet, which causes constipation and leads to small and hard stools that are difficult to pass. Psyllium seeds are high in fiber and help make the stool softer and easier to pass. Psyllium seeds help prevent hemorrhoids and also make bowel movement less painful. It is recommended to make Psyllium fiber part of your diet. It can easily be found at most herbal nutrition stores. Start taking one teaspoon of Psyllium seeds in an 8 ounce glass of water in the morning as part of your breakfast for a week. In the second week add another glass with your lunch. Slowly during your third week make it a habit of drinking psyllium seeds three times daily. When you are taking psyllium seeds 3 times daily, you don't need to take any other fiber supplement. Make sure you drink lots of water when taking psyllium or any other type of fiber or fiber supplements because fiber creates large, soft stools by absorbing water. It is recommended to drink 1/2 ounce of water for each pound you weigh. 4. For itchy butt avoid sugary food and eat fresh Aloe Vera and drink plenty of water plus eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. *See alkaline chart 5. take 4 teaspoons of pure ghee(desi ghee) everyday with a high fiber diet, this will aid in passing stool 16
  • 17. 6. Put 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper in 8 oz water. Drink. Do this twice a day for one week. Plus cayenne aids in digestion. 7. Hot tub baths several times a day in plain, warm water for about 10 minutes. 8. Purchase a bottle of witch hazel which is a natural astringent and will reduce your inflammation and swelling. The bottles should not be too expensive and call be applied to some soft toilet paper. This may provide some cost savings to ready made pads soaked with witch hazel such as Tucks pads. 9. Apply vitamin E oil topically to the anal area or cutting off the end of a vitamin E capsule, and squeezing the oil inside into the anus also brings a great deal of pain relief 10. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise this can act much like straining on the toilet. 11. Apply Aloe Vera gel directly on the anus, relieves pain and soothes the burning sensation. 12. Brew a strong, warm tea using Lady's mantle ( yarrow ), and apply to the hemorrhoids with a cotton ball several times a day or as required. 17
  • 18. 13. Homemade enemas and peeled garlic clove or small pieces of potato suppositories also help ease inflammation. 14. Use Bayberry, goldenseal root, myrrh, and white oak in a salve form to relieve pain in the hemorrhoids. 15. Avoid salt as excess salt retains fluids in the circulatory system that can cause bulging of the veins in the anus and elsewhere. 16. Sprinkle the anus with cornstarch or baby powder to absorb any moisture. 17. Acutely inflamed hemorrhoids respond well to icing the area. Apply an ice pack to the anal area on and off for 10-15 minutes, 5-times a day. 18. Some foods, while they won't make your hemorrhoids worse, can contribute to your anal misery by creating further itching as they pass through the bowels. Watch out for excessive coffee, strong spices, beer, and cola. 19. Take Buck thorn bark, collinsonia root, parsley, red grape vine leaves or stone root either in capsules or tea form. They are also good for the treatment of hemorrhoids. 20. Don't scratch. Hemorrhoids can itch, and scratching can make them feel better. But don't give in to the urge to scratch 21. To keep the bowels clean use Cayenne ( capsicum ) or garlic enemas. They relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids 22. Avoid sitting on the toilet for very long 18
  • 19. 23. Keeping the rectal area clean and dry. Avoid soap, which is drying. Cleanse the area with plain water and gently pat dry or use a blow dryer set on low. 24. If you are using powdered psyllium, you can mix it with water, juice, or other beverages. If you are taking psyllium in the form of chewable tablets or wafers, be sure to drink an eight-ounce glass of water with it. 25. Chamomile: Apply chamomile ointment directly to the hemorrhoids as often as needed for relief of symptoms Tea- Pour a cup of not-quite-boiling over chamomile tea bags. Steep for three to five minutes, then cool in the refrigerator or freezer (do not allow to freeze). Apply to hemorrhoids for as long as desired. 19
  • 20. Other Options for Hemorrhoid Relief: H Miracle: What is H Miracle? H Miracle was developed by Holly Hayden as a result of her success using a recipe passed down to her by her grandfather. Subsequently extensive research by Hayden resulted in the development of the H Miracle plan which is marketed as a 'cure' for the problem of hemorrhoids. The treatment is based on the ancient Fargei system of medicine from the East. The treatment consists of taking a mixture of 5 different roots, and eating a combination of five different fruits and vegetables once a week which aid the digestive system. Along with regular 30-second exercises, which aim to strengthen the lower pelvic muscles, the plan relies on a change of lifestyle to be effective. The improved tone in the pelvic muscles are said to help support the digestive canal, aiding effective passage of waste. What is good about H Miracle? H Miracle is an entirely natural product. 20
  • 21. The treatment consists of a secret formula of a mixture of five roots, which are easily obtained in your local supermarket/mart. When combined and used, these are guaranteed to cure a hemorrhoid problem. The product package also contains unbiased information including data on why the most commonly available over-the-counter treatments do not work effectively in the long term. There is also advice on exercising, straining during exercising, and which types of exercises to avoid. The product is recommended by a number of practicing physicians in the States. What about the negatives? The only negative we could find was a lack of information on the ingredients in the treatment. The official H Miracle web site does not list the specifics - to obtain those - you have to buy the product. Our Conclusions: Holly Hayden gives a money back guarantee if the product does not work. She describes her own experience with the formula, and relates how she was 'cured' by the treatment. Hemorrhoid Miracle is an all-natural treatment and therefore safe to use. H Miracle guarantees to stop bleeding and pain, to relieve itching and shrink hemorrhoid tissue back to their normal size. H Miracle resolves the problem of hemorrhoids, and is therefore shown to be cost effective. The maintenance plan involves regular consumption of only five different fruits and vegetables for a sustained effect, and the exercises are well-known (Kegel exercises) to give support for the lower pelvic region. Read More about H-Miracle Click Here 21
  • 22. Hemorrhoids are something over 70% of the population suffers from, but it does not have to be something you have to live with. With proper diet and using the methods listed here one can alleviate the symptoms and live a more comfortable, healthy, happy life. Be Healthy and Happy! David © 22