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JSON SQL Injection 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
the Lessons Learned 
DeNA Co., Ltd. 
Kazuho Oku 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Who am I? 
 Field: 
⁃ network and web-related architecture 
 Works: 
⁃ Palmscape / Xiino (web browser for Palm OS) 
⁃ Author of various Perl modules 
• Class::Accessor::Lite, HTTP::Parser::XS, 
Parallel::Prefork, Server::Starter, Starlet, 
Test::Mysqld, ... 
⁃ Author of various MySQL extensions 
• Q4M, mycached, ... 
⁃ Also the author of: 
• JSX, picojson, ... 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
 What is an SQL Query Builder? 
 JSON SQL Injection 
 SQL::QueryMaker and strict mode of SQL::Maker 
 The Lessons Learned 
What is an SQL Query Builder? 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
What is an SQL Query Builder? 
 is a library for building SQL queries 
⁃ exists below or as a part of an object-relational 
mapping library (ORM) 
• ORM understands the semantics of the database 
schema / query builder does not 
ORM Library 
SQL Query Builder 
Database API (DBI) 
Database Driver (DBD)
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Popular Implementations 
 SQL::Abstract 
 SQL::Interp 
 SQL::Maker 
⁃ used by Teng 
⁃ is today's main focus 
ORM Library 
SQL Query Builder 
Database API (DBI) 
Database Driver (DBD)
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Query Builders are Great! 
 Easy to build query conditions 
⁃ by using hashrefs and arrayrefs 
⁃ arrayref is considered as IN queries 
• e.g. foo => [1,2,3] becomes `foo` IN (1,2,3) 
⁃ hashref is considered as (operator, value) pair 
• e.g. foo => { '<', 30 } becomes `foo`<30 
⁃ the API is common to the aforementioned query 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
use SQL::Maker; 
$maker->select('user', '*', { name => 'tokuhirom' }); 
# => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name`='tokuhirom'; 
$maker->select('user', '*', { name => [ 'tokuhirom', 'yappo' ] }); 
# => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name` IN ('tokuhirom','yappo'); 
$maker->select('user', '*', { age => { '>' => 30 } }); 
# => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `age`>30; 
$maker->delete('user', { name => 'sugyan' }); 
# => DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `name`='sugyan'; 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Examples (cont’d) 
use SQL::Maker; 
$maker->select('user', '*', { name => [ 'tokuhirom', 'yappo' ] }); 
# => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name` IN ('tokuhirom','yappo'); 
$maker->select('user', '*', { name => [] }); 
# => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE 1=0; 
$maker->select('user', '*', { 
age => 30, 
sex => 0, # male 
# => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `age`=30 AND `sex`=0; 
So What is JSON SQL Injection? 
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Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
The Problem 
 User-supplied input might not be the expected type 
# this API returns the entries of a blog (specified by $json->{blog_id}) 
my $json = decode_json($input); 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 
'blog_entries', '*', { id => $json->{blog_id} }); 
my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); 
send_output_as_json([ map { +{ 
entry_id => $_->{id}, 
entry_title => $_->{title}, 
} } @$rows ]); 
What if $json->{name} was not a scalar?
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The Problem (cont’d) 
 Will return a list of all blog entries if the supplied 
JSON was: { "blog_id": { "!=": -1 } } 
# this API returns the entries of a blog (specified by $json->{blog_id}) 
my $json = decode_json($input); 
# generated query: SELECT * FROM `blog_entries` WHERE `id`!=-1 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 
'blog_entries', '*', { id => $json->{blog_id} }); 
my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); 
send_output_as_json([ map { +{ 
entry_id => $_->{id}, 
entry_title => $_->{title}, 
} } @$rows ]); 
Can it be used as an attack vector? 
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Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Information Leakage in a Twitter-like App. 
# this API returns the tweets of a user specified by $json->{user_id}, who is following the authenticating user 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { 
return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); 
My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); 
send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); 
sub is_following { 
my ($user, $following) = @_; 
# builds query: SELECT * FROM following WHERE user=$user AND following=$following 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 
'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); 
my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); 
return @$rows != 0; 
Information Leakage in a Twitter-like App. 
# in case the JSON is: { user_id: { "!=": -1 } } 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { 
return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; 
# generated query is SELECT * FROM `tweet` WHERE `user`!=-1, returns tweets of all users 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); 
My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); 
send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); 
sub is_following { 
my ($user, $following) = @_; 
# the generated query becomes like bellow and the function likely returns TRUE: 
# SELECT * FROM `following` WHERE `user`=$user AND `following`!=-1 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 
'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); 
my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); 
return @$rows != 0; 
Is the problem in the SQL query builders 
using hash for injecting arbitrary operators? 
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Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Handling of Array is problematic as well 
# in case the JSON is: { user_id: [ 12, 34 ] }, returns tweets of both users if either is following the authenticating 
if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; 
# generates: SELECT * FROM `tweet` WHERE `user` IN (12,34) 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); 
My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); 
send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); 
sub is_following { 
my ($user, $following) = @_; 
# generates: SELECT * FROM `following` WHERE `user`=$user AND `following` IN (12,34) 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 
'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); 
my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); 
return @$rows != 0; 
Does the same problem exist in web 
application frameworks written in 
programming languages other than Perl? 
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Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Many web application frameworks (e.g. Ruby 
on Rails) automatically convert condition 
specified by an array into an IN query. 
Is the problem only related to the handling 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
of JSON? 
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Yes & No 
Query decoders may return nested data 
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 in case of PHP and Ruby on Rails 
query?id=1 => { id: 1 } 
query?id[]=1&id[]=2 => { id: [1, 2] } 
query?user[name]=yappo => { user: { name: "yappo" } } 
⁃ also when using Data::NestedParams in Perl 
 Catalyst switches from scalars to using arrayrefs 
when the property is defined more than once 
query?id=1 => { id => 1 } 
query?id=1&id=2 => { id => [1, 2] } 
 not the case for and Plack 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
the strict mode of SQL::Maker 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Overview of SQL::QueryMaker 
 Provides a fail-safe API 
⁃ provides functions to specify the SQL operators; 
that return blessed refs to represent them 
(instead of using arrayrefs / hashrefs) 
sql_eq(name => 'yappo') # `name`='yappo' 
sql_in(id => [ 123, 456 ]) # `id` IN (123,456) 
sql_and([ # `sex`=1 AND `age`<=30 
sex => 1, # female 
age => sql_ge(30), 
 Added strict mode to SQL::Maker 
⁃ raises error when arrayref / hashref is given as a 
The snippet becomes safe in strict mode 
# this API returns the tweets of a user specified by $json->{user_id}, who is following the authenticating user 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
my $maker = SQL::Maker->new(..., strict => 1); 
if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { 
return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; 
# in strict mode, SQL::Maker raises an error if $json->{user_id} is not a scalar 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); 
My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); 
send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); 
sub is_following { 
my ($user, $following) = @_; 
# ditto as above 
my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 
'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); 
my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); 
return @$rows != 0; 
Existing code may not work under strict mode 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
my $maker = SQL::Maker->new(..., strict => 1); 
# equality comparison works as is 
$maker->select(..., { foo => 123 }); 
# non-equality comparison needs to be rewritten 
$maker->select(..., { foo => [ 123, 456 ]); 
=> $maker->select(..., { foo => sql_in([ 123, 456 ]) }); 
$maker->select(..., { foo => { '<' => 30 } }); 
=> $maker->select(..., { foo => sql_lt(30) }); 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Supported in Teng >= 0.24 
my $teng = My::DB->new({ 
sql_builder_args => { 
strict => 1, 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
The Lessons Learned 
Always validate the type of the input 
 do not forget to validate the type of the input 
⁃ even if you do not need to check the value of 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
the input 
 checks can be done either within the Controller or 
within the Model (in case of SQL::Maker) 
⁃ validation in the Controller is preferable 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Write fail-safe code 
 do not change the behavior based on the type of 
the input 
⁃ instead, provide different method for each type 
of the input 
⁃ e.g. sql_eq vs. sql_in 
Use blessed refs for dynamic behavior 
 use blessed refs in case you need to change the 
behavior based on the type of the input 
⁃ this is a common idiom; many template engines 
use blessed refs to determine whether if a string 
is already HTML-escaped 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
# in case of Text::MicroTemplate 
sub escape_html { 
my $str = shift; 
return '' 
unless defined $str; 
return $str->as_string 
if ref $str eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString'; 
$str =~ s/([&><"'])/$_escape_table{$1}/ge; 
return $str; 
Use blessed refs for dynamic behavior (cont'd) 
 do not use serialization libraries with support for 
blessed objects (e.g. YAML or Storable) for user 
⁃ such use may lead to XSS or other code 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
injection vulnerability 
⁃ always only accept scalars / arrays / hashes and 
validate their type and value 
Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 
Thanks to 
 Toshiharu Sugiyama 
⁃ original reporter of the issue 
 @tokuhirom, @cho45 
⁃ for coordinating / working on the fix 
 @miyagawa 
⁃ for the behavior of Catalyst, Ruby, etc. 
 @ockeghem 
⁃ for looking into other impl. sharing the problem 

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JSON SQL Injection and the Lessons Learned

  • 1. JSON SQL Injection Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. and the Lessons Learned DeNA Co., Ltd. Kazuho Oku 1
  • 2. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Who am I?  Field: ⁃ network and web-related architecture  Works: ⁃ Palmscape / Xiino (web browser for Palm OS) ⁃ Author of various Perl modules • Class::Accessor::Lite, HTTP::Parser::XS, Parallel::Prefork, Server::Starter, Starlet, Test::Mysqld, ... ⁃ Author of various MySQL extensions • Q4M, mycached, ... ⁃ Also the author of: • JSX, picojson, ... 2
  • 3. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Agenda  What is an SQL Query Builder?  JSON SQL Injection  SQL::QueryMaker and strict mode of SQL::Maker  The Lessons Learned 3
  • 4. What is an SQL Query Builder? 4 Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  • 5. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. What is an SQL Query Builder?  is a library for building SQL queries ⁃ exists below or as a part of an object-relational mapping library (ORM) • ORM understands the semantics of the database schema / query builder does not 5 Application ORM Library SQL Query Builder Database API (DBI) Database Driver (DBD)
  • 6. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Popular Implementations  SQL::Abstract  SQL::Interp  SQL::Maker ⁃ used by Teng ⁃ is today's main focus 6 Application ORM Library SQL Query Builder Database API (DBI) Database Driver (DBD)
  • 7. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Query Builders are Great!  Easy to build query conditions ⁃ by using hashrefs and arrayrefs ⁃ arrayref is considered as IN queries • e.g. foo => [1,2,3] becomes `foo` IN (1,2,3) ⁃ hashref is considered as (operator, value) pair • e.g. foo => { '<', 30 } becomes `foo`<30 ⁃ the API is common to the aforementioned query builders 7
  • 8. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Examples use SQL::Maker; ... $maker->select('user', '*', { name => 'tokuhirom' }); # => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name`='tokuhirom'; $maker->select('user', '*', { name => [ 'tokuhirom', 'yappo' ] }); # => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name` IN ('tokuhirom','yappo'); $maker->select('user', '*', { age => { '>' => 30 } }); # => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `age`>30; $maker->delete('user', { name => 'sugyan' }); # => DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `name`='sugyan'; 8
  • 9. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Examples (cont’d) use SQL::Maker; ... $maker->select('user', '*', { name => [ 'tokuhirom', 'yappo' ] }); # => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name` IN ('tokuhirom','yappo'); $maker->select('user', '*', { name => [] }); # => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE 1=0; $maker->select('user', '*', { age => 30, sex => 0, # male }); # => SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `age`=30 AND `sex`=0; 9
  • 10. So What is JSON SQL Injection? 10 Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  • 11. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Problem  User-supplied input might not be the expected type # this API returns the entries of a blog (specified by $json->{blog_id}) my $json = decode_json($input); my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 'blog_entries', '*', { id => $json->{blog_id} }); my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); send_output_as_json([ map { +{ entry_id => $_->{id}, entry_title => $_->{title}, } } @$rows ]); 11 What if $json->{name} was not a scalar?
  • 12. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Problem (cont’d)  Will return a list of all blog entries if the supplied JSON was: { "blog_id": { "!=": -1 } } # this API returns the entries of a blog (specified by $json->{blog_id}) my $json = decode_json($input); # generated query: SELECT * FROM `blog_entries` WHERE `id`!=-1 my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 'blog_entries', '*', { id => $json->{blog_id} }); my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); send_output_as_json([ map { +{ entry_id => $_->{id}, entry_title => $_->{title}, } } @$rows ]); 12
  • 13. Can it be used as an attack vector? 13 Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  • 14. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Yes 14
  • 15. Information Leakage in a Twitter-like App. # this API returns the tweets of a user specified by $json->{user_id}, who is following the authenticating user Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; } my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); sub is_following { my ($user, $following) = @_; # builds query: SELECT * FROM following WHERE user=$user AND following=$following my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); return @$rows != 0; } 15
  • 16. Information Leakage in a Twitter-like App. (cont'd) # in case the JSON is: { user_id: { "!=": -1 } } Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; } # generated query is SELECT * FROM `tweet` WHERE `user`!=-1, returns tweets of all users my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); sub is_following { my ($user, $following) = @_; # the generated query becomes like bellow and the function likely returns TRUE: # SELECT * FROM `following` WHERE `user`=$user AND `following`!=-1 my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); return @$rows != 0; } 16
  • 17. Is the problem in the SQL query builders using hash for injecting arbitrary operators? 17 Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  • 18. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No 18
  • 19. Handling of Array is problematic as well # in case the JSON is: { user_id: [ 12, 34 ] }, returns tweets of both users if either is following the authenticating user if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; } # generates: SELECT * FROM `tweet` WHERE `user` IN (12,34) my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); sub is_following { my ($user, $following) = @_; # generates: SELECT * FROM `following` WHERE `user`=$user AND `following` IN (12,34) my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); return @$rows != 0; } 19
  • 20. Does the same problem exist in web application frameworks written in programming languages other than Perl? 20 Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  • 21. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Yes. Many web application frameworks (e.g. Ruby on Rails) automatically convert condition specified by an array into an IN query. 21
  • 22. Is the problem only related to the handling Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. of JSON? 22
  • 23. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Yes & No 23
  • 24. Query decoders may return nested data Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.  in case of PHP and Ruby on Rails query?id=1 => { id: 1 } query?id[]=1&id[]=2 => { id: [1, 2] } query?user[name]=yappo => { user: { name: "yappo" } } ⁃ also when using Data::NestedParams in Perl  Catalyst switches from scalars to using arrayrefs when the property is defined more than once query?id=1 => { id => 1 } query?id=1&id=2 => { id => [1, 2] }  not the case for and Plack 24
  • 25. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. SQL::QueryMaker and the strict mode of SQL::Maker 25
  • 26. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Overview of SQL::QueryMaker  Provides a fail-safe API ⁃ provides functions to specify the SQL operators; that return blessed refs to represent them (instead of using arrayrefs / hashrefs) sql_eq(name => 'yappo') # `name`='yappo' sql_in(id => [ 123, 456 ]) # `id` IN (123,456) sql_and([ # `sex`=1 AND `age`<=30 sex => 1, # female age => sql_ge(30), ])  Added strict mode to SQL::Maker ⁃ raises error when arrayref / hashref is given as a condition 26
  • 27. The snippet becomes safe in strict mode # this API returns the tweets of a user specified by $json->{user_id}, who is following the authenticating user Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. my $maker = SQL::Maker->new(..., strict => 1); if (! is_following($session->{user_id}, $json->{user_id})) { return "cannot return the tweets of an user who is not following you"; } # in strict mode, SQL::Maker raises an error if $json->{user_id} is not a scalar my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select('tweet', '*', { user => $json->{user_id} }); My $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }, @binds); send_output_as_json([ map { ... } @$rows ]); sub is_following { my ($user, $following) = @_; # ditto as above my ($sql, @binds) = $maker->select( 'following', '*', { user => $user, following => $following }); my $rows = $dbi->selectall_arrayref($sql, @binds); return @$rows != 0; } 27
  • 28. Existing code may not work under strict mode Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. my $maker = SQL::Maker->new(..., strict => 1); # equality comparison works as is $maker->select(..., { foo => 123 }); # non-equality comparison needs to be rewritten $maker->select(..., { foo => [ 123, 456 ]); => $maker->select(..., { foo => sql_in([ 123, 456 ]) }); $maker->select(..., { foo => { '<' => 30 } }); => $maker->select(..., { foo => sql_lt(30) }); 28
  • 29. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported in Teng >= 0.24 my $teng = My::DB->new({ ..., sql_builder_args => { strict => 1, } ,}); 29
  • 30. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The Lessons Learned 30
  • 31. Always validate the type of the input  do not forget to validate the type of the input ⁃ even if you do not need to check the value of Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. the input  checks can be done either within the Controller or within the Model (in case of SQL::Maker) ⁃ validation in the Controller is preferable 31
  • 32. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Write fail-safe code  do not change the behavior based on the type of the input ⁃ instead, provide different method for each type of the input ⁃ e.g. sql_eq vs. sql_in 32
  • 33. Use blessed refs for dynamic behavior  use blessed refs in case you need to change the behavior based on the type of the input ⁃ this is a common idiom; many template engines use blessed refs to determine whether if a string is already HTML-escaped Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. # in case of Text::MicroTemplate sub escape_html { my $str = shift; return '' unless defined $str; return $str->as_string if ref $str eq 'Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString'; $str =~ s/([&><"'])/$_escape_table{$1}/ge; return $str; } 33
  • 34. Use blessed refs for dynamic behavior (cont'd)  do not use serialization libraries with support for blessed objects (e.g. YAML or Storable) for user input ⁃ such use may lead to XSS or other code Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. injection vulnerability ⁃ always only accept scalars / arrays / hashes and validate their type and value 34
  • 35. Copyright (C) 2014 DeNA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Thanks to  Toshiharu Sugiyama ⁃ original reporter of the issue ⁃  @tokuhirom, @cho45 ⁃ for coordinating / working on the fix  @miyagawa ⁃ for the behavior of Catalyst, Ruby, etc.  @ockeghem ⁃ for looking into other impl. sharing the problem ⁃ html 35