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CouchDB — A Database for the Web
Karel Minařík
Karel Minařík
→ Independent web designer and developer

→ Ruby, Rails, Git and CouchDB propagandista in .cz

→ Previously: Flash Developer; Art Director; Information Architect;… (see LinkedIn)

→ @karmiq at Twitter


                                                                         CouchDB — A Database for the Web
$ couchdb
Apache CouchDB has started. Time to relax.

                                       CouchDB — A Database for the Web
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant
and schema-free document-oriented database
accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API.

                                  CouchDB — A Database for the Web
ibu ted
                         D is t r
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, a-Free
               e nt                           Sch
and        cum d
        Do nte
      schema-free     document-oriented database
accessible via a RESTful ful JSO API.
                      T  HTTP/JSON
                        ES                          N

                                                    CouchDB — A Database for the Web
Talk Outline

➡   The NoSQL Moniker
➡   The CouchDB Story
➡   Schema-free Document Storage
➡   HTTP From Top to Bottom
➡   RESTful API
➡   Querying With Map/reduce
➡   Fault-tolerant, Distributed, Highly-available and Concurrent
➡   Demo: Example Application (Address Book)

                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web
Project Voldemort

Reasons for NoSQL

NoSQL is neither a “protest movement”
nor “trendy bullshit”.
Reasons for developing new
databases are real.
Most stem from some real pain.

                             CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Database denormalization at Digg

SELECT `digdate`, `id` FROM `Diggs`
WHERE `userid` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, ... 1000000)
AND itemid = 123 ORDER BY `digdate` DESC, `id` DESC;

“A full query can actually clock in at 1.5kb, which is many times
larger than the actual data we want. With a cold cache, this query
can take 14 seconds to execute.”

“Non-relational data stores reverse this model completely, because they don’t have the
complex read operations of SQL. The model forces you to shift your computation to the
writes, while reducing most reads to simple operations – the equivalent of SELECT * 
FROM `Table`.“

                                                              CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Redis: Big O Notation Built–In
redis> rpush mylist 1

redis> rpush mylist 2

redis> lpop mylist


redis> llen mylist

(integer) 1000000

redis> lpop mylist

                          $ redis-benchmark
                          ====== LPOP ======
                          10025 requests completed in 0.53 seconds
                          93.43% <= 3 milliseconds

                                              CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Use Case: Job Queue



   O(1)                                Millions of items

                                                                         CouchDB — A Database for the Web
1   The CouchDB Story

                        CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Damien Katz: CouchDB and Me

 Damien Katz
 (RubyFringe 2008)   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Damien Katz: CouchDB and Me

In the beginning, there was C++, XML and
custom query language.
Stuff nobody ever got fired for.
Then came Erlang, HTTP, JSON and map/reduce.

                                   CouchDB — A Database for the Web
2   Schema–free Documents

                            CouchDB — A Database for the Web

“Relational Data”

                      OH: “The world is relational!!!”
                      17 minutes ago via Tweetie for Mac
                      Retweeted by 10000 people

                                                           CouchDB — A Database for the Web
That does not mean the world conforms
to the third normal form.

                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web
In fact, it’s rather the exact opposite.

                                      CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Textbook Example

     Design a customer database.
     People have names, e-mail, phone numbers, …

            How many phone numbers?

                                  CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Textbook Example

 Relational Databases 101

                                                              id INTEGER             A N P
                                                              first_name VARCHAR
                                                              last_name VARCHAR
                                                              phone VARCHAR

Now. What about multiple phone numbers?             CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Textbook Example

 The “solution”, Pt. 1

                                                              id INTEGER             A N P
                                                              first_name VARCHAR
                                                              last_name VARCHAR
                                                              phone VARCHAR

“We will use the database only from the application, anyway.”             CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Textbook Example

 The “solution”, Pt. 2

                                                                     id INTEGER            A N P
                                                                     first_name VARCHAR
                                                                     last_name VARCHAR
                                                                     phone_1 VARCHAR
                                                                     phone_2 VARCHAR
                                                                     phone_3 VARCHAR

“This is clearly better design!”

Alright. Then, please answer these questions:
• How do you search for a customers given a phone number?
• Which customers have the same phone number?
• How many phone numbers a customer has?
Then, please add the ability to store four phone numbers. Thanks.           CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Textbook Example

 The Right Solution

                                     Customers                      CustomerPhones
                                      id INTEGER    U A N P          customer_id INTEGER   i   N F
                                      first_name VARCHAR              phone VARCHAR               N
                                      last_name VARCHAR   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Textbook Example

mysql> SELECT * FROM Customers LEFT JOIN CustomerPhones
                               ON = CustomerPhones.customer_id;

| id | first_name | last_name | customer_id | phone |
|  1 | John       | Smith     | 1           | 123   | 
|  1 | John       | Smith     | 1           | 456   | 

                                                            CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Textbook Example

mysql> SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE id = 1;

| id | first_name | last_name |
|  1 | John       | Smith     | 

mysql> SELECT phone FROM CustomerPhones WHERE customer_id IN (1);

| phone |
| 123   | 
| 456   | 

                                                            CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Structured data

But, damn!, I want something like this:
  "id"         : 1,

  "first_name" : "Clara",
  "last_name"  : "Rice",

  "phones"     : ["0000 777 888 999", "0000 123 456 789", "0000 314 181 116"]

“No problem, you just iterate over the rows and build your object. That’s the way it is!”
“If this would be too painful, we will put some cache there.”

                                                                 CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Ephemeral data

Not everything needs to be done “right”. Right?

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :preferences

                                      CouchDB — A Database for the Web


Does the “Right Way“ sometimes fail?
Hell yeah.
When designing an invoicing application, you store the
customer for the invoice the “right way”, via foreign keys.

Then, the customer address changes.

Did the address on the invoice also changed?

                                        CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Documents in the Real World

                                                                                                    Ph       VE
                                                                                                         on      R
                                                                                              Fa        e:

                                                                                                  x:       55 YW
                                                                                                               5.        H

                                                                                               yp                 55 ER
                                                                                                  e: 444              5      E
                                                                                                     cit .44 .55

                                                                  00                                    y.r       4.       55 VEN
                                                            000                                             ea       4
                                                         St                                                                       UE
                                                                                                               lit 444

                         g                                                                                                                  eali

                                              Cit                                                                 y.l

                   t   ory
                                 ee   t
                                                                                                                                                      ty, lt

                                                               UNDERGROUND RECORDS
                                                                                                 nd re co rd s.c om
                                                                          in fo @u nd er gr ou

                                                                                  F: 555.555.5555
                                                                              ITE 000 ANGELES, U.S.A/
                                          P: 555.555.5555123 BOULEVARDAVE, SU         LOS                      m
                                                                                                c o r d s .c o
                                          M: 777.777.7777                               roundre
                                                                      www  .u n d e r g
                                          M: 888.000.1111                                                                               CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Documents in the Real World

        "_id"           : "clara-rice",
        "_rev"          : "1-def456",

        "first_name"    : "Clara",
        "last_name"     : "Rice",

        "phones"       : {
           "mobile" : "0000 777 888 999"
           "home"   : "0000 123 456 789",
           "work"   : "0000 314 181 116"

        "addresses"      :   {
           "home"    : {
              "street" :     "Wintheiser Ports",
              "number" :     "789/23",
              "city"     :   "Erinshire",
              "country" :    "United Kingdom"

        "occupation" : "model",
        "birthday"   : "1970/05/01",

        "groups"       : ["friends", "models"],

        "created_at" : "2010/01/01 10:00:00 +0000"

                                                       CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Documents in the Real World

                              CouchDB — A Database for the Web
Procrustean Bed
 CouchDB — A Database for the Web
3   RESTful HTTP

                   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Built “Of the Web”

Django may be built for the Web,
but CouchDB is built of the Web.
I’ve never seen soware that so completely
embraces the philosophies behind HTTP.
Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Of the Web (2007)   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Built “Of the Web”

CouchDB makes Django look old-school in the
same way that Django makes ASP look
outdated.   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Built “Of the Web”

HTTP is the lingua anca of our age; if you
speak HTTP, it opens up all sorts of doors.
ere’s something almost subversive about
CouchDB; it’s completely language-, platform-,
and OS-agnostic.   CouchDB — A Database for the Web



curl ‐X GET $HOST
# {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"0.11.0b22c551bb‐git"}

curl ‐X GET $HOST/my‐database
# {"error":"not_found","reason":"no_db_file"}

curl ‐X PUT $HOST/my‐database
# {"ok":true}

curl ‐X PUT $HOST/my‐database/abc123 ‐d '{"foo":"bar"}'
# {"ok":true,"id":"abc123","rev":"1‐4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e"}

curl ‐X GET $HOST/my‐database/abc123
# {"_id":"abc123","_rev":"1‐4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e","foo":"bar"}

curl ‐X DELETE $HOST/my‐database/abc123?rev=2‐d179f665eb01834faf192153dc72dcb3
# {"ok":true,"id":"abc123","rev":"1‐4c6114c65e295552ab1019e2b046b10e"}

                                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Easy To Wrap
require 'rubygems'
require 'ostruct'

require 'restclient'                1 HTTP library
require 'json'                      2 JSON library
class Article < OpenStruct
  def self.db(path='') "http://localhost:5984/blog/#{path}",
                             :headers => { :content_type => :json, :accept => :json }

  db.put '' rescue RestClient::PreconditionFailed

  def self.create(params={})

  def self.find(id)
    new JSON.parse( db(id).get )

  def destroy
    self.class.db(self._id + "?rev=#{self._rev}").delete

                                                                        CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Easy To Wrap

Article.create :_id   => 'my‐first‐post',
               :title => 'CouchDB is easy',
               :body  => 'So relax!',
               :tags  => ['couchdb', 'databases'] rescue RestClient::Conflict

article =  Article.find('my‐first‐post')

puts "Got an article:"
p article

puts "n‐‐‐‐‐‐"
puts "Title: %s" % article.title        + "     (class: #{article.title.class})"
puts "Tags:  %s" % article.tags.inspect + "     (class: #{article.tags.class})"
puts "‐‐‐‐‐‐nn"

puts "Deleting article..."

                                                       CouchDB — A Database for the Web

HTTP from Top to Bottom

$ curl ‐X POST http://localhost:5984/_replicate 
       ‐d '{"source":"database", 

                                         CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Making Real Use of HTTP

$ curl ‐i ‐X GET $HOST/my‐database/abc123

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: CouchDB/1.0.1 (Erlang OTP/R14B)
Etag: "4‐f04f2435e031054d6b5298c5841ae052"
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:56:37 GMT
Content‐Type: text/plain;charset=utf‐8
Content‐Length: 73
Cache‐Control: must‐revalidate


                                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web
$ cat /etc/squid3/squid.conf

cache_peer parent 5984 0 no‐query originserver name=master
acl master_acl method GET POST PUT DELETE
cache_peer_access master allow master_acl

What is “RESTful”?

REST is a set of principles that define how Web standards, such as HTTP and
URIs, are supposed to be used. (...) In summary, the five key principles are:

➡ Give every “thing” an ID
➡ Link things together
➡ Use standard methods
➡ Resources with multiple representations
➡ Communicate statelessly

Stefan Tilkov, A Brief Introduction to REST       CouchDB — A Database for the Web

What is “RESTful”?

The basic idea is even more simple, though.
HTTP is not just a “transfer protocol”.
It is the interface for interacting with “things” itself.

                                              CouchDB — A Database for the Web
4   Fault-Tolerant and Concurrent

                                    CouchDB — A Database for the Web
CouchDB has no off switch.
CouchDB has no repair command.

$ kill ‐9 <PID>
                                 CouchDB — A Database for the Web


                         Erlang!   CouchDB — A Database for the Web


Erlang's main strength is support for concurrency. It has a small but powerful
set of primitives to create processes and communicate among them.
(…) a benchmark with 20 million processes has been successfully performed.   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Append–Only B–Tree   CouchDB — A Database for the Web
5   Querying With Map/reduce

                               CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Google Paper   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Concept

    module Enumerable
      alias :reduce :inject unless method_defined? :reduce

    (1..3).map    { |number| number * 2 }
    # => [2, 4, 6]

    (1..3).reduce(0) { |sum, number| sum += number}
    # => 6

                                                             CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Simplest View

   function(doc) {
     if (doc.last_name && doc.first_name) {
       emit( doc.last_name + ' ' + doc.first_name, doc )

                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Simplest View


   function(doc) {
     if (doc.last_name && doc.first_name) {
       emit( doc.last_name + ' ' + doc.first_name, doc )

       OUTPUT                KEY                  VALUE

                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Result of Map

Key                        Value

                           _id: "lottie‐armstrong",
                           _rev: "2‐fcb71b26096957b3ff3ffd2970f3c933",
                           addresses: {
                             home: {
                                  city: "Murphyville"
"Armstrong Lottie"
                           first_name: "Lottie",
                           last_name: "Armstrong",
                           occupation: "programmer",

                           _id: "kaelyn‐bailey",
                           _rev: "1‐2e25e6c9448520fa796988894423a23b",
                           addresses: {
                                 home: {
                                   city: "Lake Dedric"
"Bailey Kaelyn"                    ...
                           first_name: "Kaelyn",
                           last_name: "Bailey",
                           occupation: "supermodel"

                     ...                              ...

                                                 CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Result of Map

                    CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Even Simpler View

             function(doc) {
               emit(doc.occupation, 1);

                                     CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Result of Even Simpler View

http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?addressbook/_design/person/_view/by_occupation   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

A Simple Reduce

             function(keys, values) {
               return sum(values)

                                        CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Result of a Simple Reduce

http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?addressbook/_design/person/_view/by_occupation   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Built–In Erlang Reduce functions

$ couchdb
Apache CouchDB has started. Time to relax.

_stats   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Map/Reduce for Counting “tag-like stuff”

             function(doc) {
               for (group in doc.groups) {
                 emit(doc.groups[group], 1)


                                       CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Result of the Map phase

http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?addressbook/_design/person/_view/by_groups   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Result of the Reduce Phase

http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?addressbook/_design/person/_view/by_groups   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Group Levels

function(doc) {
  var date = new Date(doc.birthday)
  emit( [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()], 1 )
}                         COMPOSITE KEY (ARRAY)


                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Group Level Exact

http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?addressbook/_design/person/_view/by_birthday   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Group Level 2

http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?addressbook/_design/person/_view/by_birthday   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Group Level 1

http://localhost:5984/_utils/database.html?addressbook/_design/person/_view/by_birthday   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Parameters for querying views

                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

A Complex Map/Reduce

                       CouchDB — A Database for the Web

A Complex Map/Reduce

            COUNT(*) AS count,
              DATE_FORMAT(published_at, "%Y/%m/%d") AS date,
              keywords.value AS keyword
            FROM feed_entries
              INNER JOIN feeds ON feed_entries.feed_id =
              INNER JOIN keywords ON feeds.keyword_id =
            WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 90 DAY) <= feed_entries.published_at
            GROUP BY date, keyword
            ORDER BY date, keyword ASC;

                                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

A Complex Map/Reduce

But. We don’t need a table. We need the data in a format like this:

   max : 170,

   keywords : ['ruby', 'python', 'erlang', 'javascript', 'haskell'],

   values   : [
     { date: '2010/01/01', ruby: 50,  python: 20, erlang: 5,  javascript: 30, haskell: 50 },
     { date: '2010/02/01', ruby: 20,  python: 20, erlang: 2,  javascript: 40, haskell: 43 },
     { date: '2010/03/01', ruby: 70,  python: 20, erlang: 10, javascript: 80, haskell: 15 },
     { date: '2010/04/01', ruby: 20,  python: 40, erlang: 8,  javascript: 30, haskell: 12 },
     { date: '2010/05/01', ruby: 150, python: 30, erlang: 12, javascript: 40, haskell: 18 },
     { date: '2010/06/01', ruby: 30, python: 10, erlang: 14, javascript: 170, haskell: 14 }


                                                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Map Phase

     function(doc) {
       var fix_date = function(junk) {
           var formatted = junk.toString().replace(/‐/g,"/").replace("T"," ").substring(0,19);
           return new Date(formatted);
       // Format integers to have at least two digits.
       var f = function(n) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; }
       // This is a format that collates in order and tends to work with
       // JavaScript's new Date(string) date parsing capabilities, unlike rfc3339.
       Date.prototype.toJSON = function() {
           return this.getUTCFullYear()   + '/' +
                f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '/' +
                f(this.getUTCDate())      + ' ' +
                f(this.getUTCHours())     + ':' +
                f(this.getUTCMinutes())   + ':' +
                f(this.getUTCSeconds())   + ' +0000';
       if (doc['couchrest‐type'] == 'Mention') {
         for ( keyword in doc.keywords ) {
           var key = fix_date(doc.published_at).toJSON().substring(0,10);
           var value = {};
           value[ doc.keywords[keyword] ] = 1;
           emit( key, value);

                                                                        CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Reduce Phase

                 function(keys, values, rereduce) {
                   if (rereduce) {
                     var result = {}
                     for ( item in values ) {
                       for (prop in values[item]) {
                         if ( result[prop] ) { result[prop] += values[item][prop]  }
                         else { result[prop] = values[item][prop]  }
                     return result;
                   else {
                     // Prepare the data for the re‐reduce
                     var date   = keys[0][0];
                     var result = {}
                     for (value in values) {
                       var item = values[value];
                       for (prop in item) {
                         if ( result[prop] ) { result[prop] += item[prop] }
                         else { result[prop] = item[prop] }
                     return result;

                                                                         CouchDB — A Database for the Web

The Result

$ curl http://localhost:5984/customer_database/_design/Mention/_view/by_date_and_keyword?group=true

    "rows": [
            "key": "2010/09/22",
            "value": { "ruby": 8, "python": 19 }
            "key": "2010/09/23",
            "value": { "ruby": 24, "python": 12 } 
            "key": "2010/09/24",
            "value": { "ruby": 7, "python": 8 }

                                                                    CouchDB — A Database for the Web

I JS. Or... don’t?

                     CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Complex Queries

So… What if you need something like:

Show me all supermodels who live in Beckerborough.

Out of luck?

                                       CouchDB — A Database for the Web


                              This guy knows.

Show me all supermodels who live in Beckerborough.
                                    CouchDB — A Database for the Web

foo AND bar

                                When you need foo AND bar.                CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Indexing function

 function(doc) {

   var result = new Document();

   if (doc.occupation)     {
     result.add(doc.occupation,                    {"field":"occupation"})

   if (doc.addresses)       {
     for (address in doc.addresses) {
       result.add(doc.addresses[address].city,     {"field":"city"})

   return result;


http://localhost:5984/addressbook/_fti/_design/person/search?q=occupation:supermodel AND city:Beckerborough

                                                                            CouchDB — A Database for the Web
6   Distributed

                  CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Ubuntu One

              CouchDB — A Database for the Web


              CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Conflict Resolutions

                                      _rev1   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Simple Clustering With HTTP Reverse Proxies   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

Scaling Down

                           CouchDB — A Database for the Web


              CouchDB — A Database for the Web

CouchApps   CouchDB — A Database for the Web


              CouchDB — A Database for the Web
7   Resources

                CouchDB — A Database for the Web








                                                   CouchDB — A Database for the Web
8   Demo: Example Application

                                CouchDB — A Database for the Web


           SOURCE CODE:   CouchDB — A Database for the Web

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OrientDB the database for the web 1.1
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Real World CouchDB
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Take control of your SAP testing with UiPath Test SuiteDianaGray10

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