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In-place computing on PostgreSQL
~SQL as a shortcut of GPGPU~
NEC Business Creation Division
The PG-Strom Project
KaiGai Kohei <>
Subject of my talk
Where is better location to compute?
Local Computing
In-place Computing
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Location of the source data
Location of the source data
about In-place Computing
In-place Computing
 Less amount of data transfer
 Utilization of server grade hardware capability
 Analytics towards the latest dataset
 Server needs to have sufficient computing resource.
distributed system is also an option, like Hadoop
 Server software needs to be designed for data processing.
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Location of the source data
Who Am I?
▌name: KaiGai Kohei
▌mission: Development of GPU acceleration feature (PG-Strom)
for PostgreSQL, and its business related stuff
▌company: NEC
 about 10 years experiences in PostgreSQL developer community
 various contributions to the PostgreSQL core:
• Security-Enhanced PostgreSQL (sepgsql), Security Barrier View,
Writable FDW, Remote Join, Custom Scan/Join interface, ...etc...
 Joined to GPU/CUDA development since 2012
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
DBMS ≠ Database, as literal
▌Optimized to store/reference fraction of the dataset
scattered on the storage system (e.g indexing, ...)
▌Not designed for massive calculation as primary purpose
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Collection of datasetDatabase
Software to “manage”
DBMS = Database Management System
Dogma of data processing close to the data location
 PG-Strom is an extension of PostgreSQL,
to adds data processing capability using GPU
▌DBMS is the best software platform for data processing,
if we could add reasonable computing capability.
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Database Management + Processing Capability
PG-StromLocation of
the data
Overview of PG-Strom
▌Two core ideas
 GPU Native Code Generation on the fly
 Fully utilization of PostgreSQL infrastructure
 CPU intensive SQL: OLAP, Reporting, Batch, Calculation, ...
 Continuity of application and user’s skill
 Inexpensive solution using OSS + GPU
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
by I/O
by CPU
by I/O
by CPU
by GPU
by I/O
by CPU
by CPU
GPU will take
parallelizable workloads,
CPU focuses on
what only CPU can do
By an extension
of PostgreSQL
Core ideas (1/2) – Native GPU code generation on the fly
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
QUERY: SELECT cat, count(*), avg(x) FROM t0
WHERE x between y and y + 20.0 GROUP BY cat;
gpupreagg_qual_eval(kern_context *kcxt,
kern_data_store *kds,
size_t kds_index)
pg_float8_t KPARAM_1 = pg_float8_param(kcxt,1);
pg_float8_t KVAR_3 = pg_float8_vref(kds,kcxt,2,kds_index);
pg_float8_t KVAR_4 = pg_float8_vref(kds,kcxt,3,kds_index);
return EVAL((pgfn_float8ge(kcxt, KVAR_3, KVAR_4) &&
pgfn_float8le(kcxt, KVAR_3,
pgfn_float8pl(kcxt, KVAR_4, KPARAM_1))));
} :
E.g) Mathematical formula in SQL
into CUDA code on the fly
Reference to input data
SQL expression in CUDA source code
Core ideas (2/2) – Fully Utilization of PostgreSQL Infrastructure
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
database applications
Query Executor
Query Optimizer
SQL Parser
Storage Manager
no query
no schema
Custom Plan
No change of SQL syntax
SQL parser break down the given
query string into internal parse-tree
structure. PG-Strom references only
internal tree and don’t required any
special syntax enhancement.
No change of Data Schema
PG-Strom never requires special
storage format more than what
PostgreSQL currently has.
It eliminates necessity of application
modification and extra
No patch of PostgreSQL
Custom plan interface allows to
inject alternative query execution
paths, then executes them if
estimated cost is reasonable then
built-in implementation.
PG-Strom can be installed on the
PostgreSQL now we’re operating.
Supported Features
▌PG-Strom suggest GPU accelerated plan if above workloads.
▌Optimizer will choose cheaper execution plan if any.
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
SELECT c.category,
max((x.p1 – y.p1)^2 + ... + (x.p10 – y.p10)^2) dist
FROM sample_data x
JOIN sample_data y ON <
JOIN category c ON x.cat_id = c.cat_id
WHERE BETWEEN ‘2010-01-01’::date AND NOW()::date
AND x.quality > 0.8
GROUP BY c.category;
N-way parallel Join
Scan with WHERE clause
Query with calculations
Aggregation/GROUP BY
Benchmark (1/2) – JOIN + GROUP BY on microbenchmark
SELECT cat, AVG(x) FROM t0 NATURAL JOIN t1 [, ...] GROUP BY cat;
 t0: 100M rows, t1~t10: 100K rows for each, all the data was preloaded.
 PostgreSQL v9.5b + PG-Strom (4-Feb), CUDA 7.5 + CentOS 7(x86_64)
 CPU: Xeon E5-2670v3, RAM: 384GB, GPU: NVIDIA GTX980 (2048cores)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
12.15 12.86 12.93 13.14 13.42 13.90 15.69 18.81
Number of tables joined
Query Response Time towards Number of Tables Joined
PostgreSQL v9.5 PG-Strom
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Benchmark (2/2) – DBT-3, OLAP Benchmark
▌about DBT-3 benchmark:
 Clone of TPC-H benchmark, an open source edition.
 Simulate various reporting queries on large retail industry.
 Same test environment with last page
 Light-blue-colored bar involves no GPU execution due to query optimization
 Q21 in PostgreSQL didn’t finish 2Hr, so I tuned the parameter by hand
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22
Query Response Time by DBT-3 Benchmark (SF=30)
PostgreSQL v9.5 PG-Strom
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Workloads characteristics
I/O Large
(mostly read)
(mostly read)
CPU Small,
Typical SQL index accesses,
Calculations, ...
Concurrency Massive Small Tiny
KPI Latency Throughput Latency +
Not help Originally
Designed for
New Challenge
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Test Scenario of In-place computing
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
R as user
Local Computing
PostgreSQL + PG-Strom
Hotspot: NW+CPU
First Challenge – F-Test
 A method for analysis of variance
 Checks the ratio of sample
variance of two groups
 If same variance, its ratio shall
follow F-distribution at
statistically reasonable area.
 Sample variances, # of items
are needed.
▌Data Set
 Heterogeneity Activity Recognition Data Set
 records of accelerometer and gyroscope of mobile device
 includes anonymized user-id, model of device, user’s act
 43.9M rows, 3.3GB in total
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
▌By Local R-script
# Obtain dataset from database
conn <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL())
sql <- "SELECT model, x, y, z
FROM phones_accelerometer"
r <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql)
# Pickup ‘s3mini’ items
cond <- r[['model']] == 's3mini’
s3mini <- r[cond,]
# Pickup ‘nexus4’ items
cond <- r[['model']] == ‘nexus4’
nexus4 <- r[cond,]
# Run F-test on two variances
result <- var.test(s3mini[['x']]+
# Send query to get variances and
# number of items
conn <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL())
sql <- “SELECT count(*),
variance(x+y+z) var
FROM phones_accelerometer
GROUP BY model
HAVING model = ‘nexus4’ OR
model = ‘s3mini’”
r <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql)
# Fetch the result
lbound <- qf(0.025, v[1,'count']-1,
ubound <- qf(0.975, v[1,'count']-1,
fv <- v[1, ’var’] / v[2, ’var’]
# Set result
result <- c(lbound, fv, ubound)
Code for F-Test
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Test results
Difference of accelerometer between ‘nexus4’ and ‘s3mini’
▌Nexus と S3mini間で差がないか調べる。
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
> pgsql_ftest(0.05)
[1] 0.9978336 1.0018144 1.0021688
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 0.9978336, 𝐹 = 1.0018144, 𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 = 1.0021688
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ≤ 𝐹 ≤ 𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟  These two group have likely same variances.
by R-script by PostgreSQL by PG-Strom
Time to run F-test for each method
Time to execute R-Script Time for Query/Download
Most of time consumption
is data download from
PostgreSQL database.
Adjustment of the test hypothesis
No difference in models, How about people’s act?
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
SELECT gt, count(*), variance(x+y+z) var
FROM phones_accelerometer
HAVING gt = ‘walk’ OR gt = ‘bike’
> pgsql_ftest(0.05)
[1] 0.9979628 2.1744231 1.0020435
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 0.9979628, 𝐹 = 2.1744231, 𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 = 1.0020435
𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ≪ 𝐹  These two groups likely have different variances.
Adjusted Query and GPU code on the fly (1/2)
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
mobile=# EXPLAIN SELECT gt, count(*), variance(x+y+z) var
FROM phones_accelerometer
HAVING gt = 'walk' or gt = 'bike';
HashAggregate (cost=255006.21..255006.25 rows=3 width=30)
Group Key: gt
-> Custom Scan (GpuPreAgg) on phones_accelerometer
(cost=10063.55..215505.32 rows=255 width=56)
Reduction: Local + Global
GPU Projection: index, arrival_time, creation_time, x, y, z,
user_id, model, device, gt
GPU Filter: ((gt = 'walk'::text) OR (gt = 'bike'::text))
Kernel Source: /opt/..<snip>../pgsql_tmp_strom_118438.5.gpu
(6 rows)
Adjusted Query and GPU code on the fly (2/2)
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
% cat /opt/pgsql/kaigai/base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp_strom_118438.5.gpu
gpupreagg_qual_eval(kern_context *kcxt,
kern_data_store *kds,
size_t kds_index)
pg_text_t KPARAM_1 = pg_text_param(kcxt,1);
pg_text_t KPARAM_2 = pg_text_param(kcxt,2);
pg_text_t KVAR_10 = pg_text_vref(kds,kcxt,9,kds_index);
return EVAL((pgfn_texteq(kcxt, KVAR_10, KPARAM_1) ||
pgfn_texteq(kcxt, KVAR_10, KPARAM_2)));
: Equivalent to the condition in SQL:
gt = 'walk' or gt = 'bike'
constant values:
‘walk’ and ‘bike’
column ‘gt’
in this record
Next Challenge
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Information Technology Drug Discovery
world of wetworld of dry
Background (1/2) – Diversified Chemical Structures Library
▌To be avoided...
 Taking experiment on multiple but similar chemical components
 Pick up small number of items from the database
 Each chemical structure are “different” as possible as we can
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Pick up
small samples
at the Lab
More than
million items
Background (2/2) – Chemical structures representation
Molecular Quantum Numbers (MQN)
A vector of 42 descriptor which represents
characteristics of chemical structures
Quote: J.Chem.Inf.Model, 2013, 53, 509–518
2D structure
List of the descriptors
A vector of 42 descriptors
1. c (carbon)
2. f (fluorine)
3. cl (chlorine)
4. br (bromine)
5. i (iodine)
6. s (sulfur)
7. p (phosphorous)
8. an (acyclic nitrogen
9. cn (cyclic nitrogen)
10. ao (acyclic oxygen)
11. co (cyclic oxygen)
12. hac (heavy atoms)
13. asb (acyclic single bonds)
14. adb (acyclic double bonds)
15. atb (acyclic triple bonds)
16. csb (cyclic single bonds)
17. cdb (cyclic double bonds)
18. ctb (cyclic triple bonds)
19. rbc (rotatable bonds)
20. hbam (H-bond acceptor sites)
21. hba (H-bond acceptor atoms)
22. hbdm (H-bond donor sites)
23. hbd (H-bond donor atoms)
24. negc (negative charges)
25. posc (positive charges)
26. asv (acyclic single valent nodes)
27. adv (acyclic divalent nodes)
28. atv (acyclic trivalent nodes)
29. aqv (acyclic tetravalent nodes)
30. cdv (cyclic divalent nodes)
31. ctv (cyclic trivalent nodes)
32. cqv (cyclic tetravalent nodes)
33. r3 (3-membered rings)
34. r4 (4-membered rings)
35. r5 (5-membered rings)
36. r6 (6-membered rings)
37. r7 (7-membered rings)
38. r8 (8-membered rings)
39. r9 (9-membered rings)
40. rg10 ( 10-membered rings)
41. afrc (nodes shared by 2 rings)
42. bfrc (edges shared by 2 rings)
(20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 12, 2, 0, 6,
6, 0, 9, 9, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5, 3, 0, 8, 4, 0, 0,
0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
© Institute for Theoretical Medicine, Inc, 2016
Workload – MAX-MIN Method
Random selection
of the first item
Pick up 2nd item;
the largest
from the 1st
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Workload – MAX-MIN Method
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
minimum distance
from the selected items
Pick up 3rd item;
the largest
minimum distance
Workload – MAX-MIN Method
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
minimum distance
from the selected items
Pick up 4th item;
the largest
minimum distance
Reference) Query for MAX-MIN method
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
WITH next_item AS (
INSERT INTO pg_temp.subset_table (
FROM mqn r,
(SELECT id FROM pg_temp.dist_table
SELECT, LEAST(d.dist, sqrt((r.c1 - n.c1)^2 +
(r.c2 - n.c2)^2 +
(r.c41 – n.c41)^2 +
(r.c42 - n.c42)^2)) dist
INTO pg_temp.dist_table_new
FROM pg_temp.dist_table d,
next_item n, mqn r
Hot point of the SQL query
Benchmark Results – MAX-MIN Method
 10M rows, 211MB in total
 workload characteristics: 𝑊𝐼/𝑂 ≪ 𝑊𝐶𝑃𝑈
 If no GPU support, calculation in RDBMS cannot be an option.
 PG-Strom recorded similar performance with download + R-script.
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
0 20 40 60 80 100
Number of chemical structures to be picked up
Time to choose N-chemical structures using MAX-MIN method
by PG-Strom by PostgreSQL by Local CPU
 New usage of RDBMS, by integration of GPU capability.
 No more CSV dump to process statistical data.
(also, analytics towards the latest data)
 SQL can be a way to alternate GPU programming for parallel-
data processing.
 Inexpensive solution due to OSS + GPU
▌Future challenges
 Packaging for R, to run major analytic algorithm on database.
 More performance, than similar to local R-script.
• Ideas) CPU+GPU hybrid parallel, SSD to GPU direct, columnar support
 Procedural Language support
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
Project Roadmap
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 9.5
Custom-Plan Interface
PostgreSQL 9.6
CPU Parallel Query Execution
Combined Aggregation
Upper Path Optimization
PostgreSQL 9.7
Native Columnar Storage
Native Partitioning Support
PG-Strom 1.0
The first release that support primitive
data types and workloads.
PG-Strom 1.1
Multi-backend concurrency improvement
Extra operators & functions support
PG-Strom 2.0
CPU+GPU Hybrid Parallel
SSD-to-GPU Direct Support
More graceful query optimization
Enterprise grade SW quality
PG-Strom 3.0(?)
Columnar storage support
3rd party extensions support
Self defined CUDA function
▌Source Code
 Issue tracker:
 Direct contact:
• e-mail:
• twitter: @kkaigai
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
The PG-Strom Development Team
▌Challenge (1) – Cost to access datum in record
 Symptom: row-format is worst data structure for GPU
 Solution: columnar-format; planned for PostgreSQL v9.7
Backup: What we could learn from the workload
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
(if has NULL)
OID of row
(if exists)
1st column 3rd column 4th column
Format of PostgreSQL Record
may be variable lengthNo datum if NULL
▌Challenge (2) – Less Concurrent Multiprocessing Gain
 Symptom: Each iteration is blocked by the client script
 Solution: Implement entire iteration with SQL/SQL function
to Client
Next Query
to Client
Chunk2GPU Idle until Next Query
Backup: Be more aggressive!
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
SELECT kmeans_plus(matrix, 10)
FROM (SELECT matrix(c1, c2, ..., c42)
FROM chemical_master
WHERE <condition for scan>
GROUP BY <condition for grouping>;
This SQL function kicks
CUDA kernel internally
Transform millions of rows
into high-density & GPU
suitable 2D-array.
X =
▌Challenge (3) – Self-defined CUDA function on SQL
 Symptom – iteration by script and row-format make slowdown
 Solution – special tune by capability of self-defined CUDA
function, with simple 2D-array structure (matrix).
Backup: SSD-to-GPU under SQL execution
Ultimate “Near-Data Computing” than CPU/RAM
GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
③ Make result
set on GPU
direct DMA
② Execution of SQL on GPU
(Select, Projection, Join)
Data Transfer
Data Flow
Data Flow

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Semelhante a 20160407_GTC2016_PgSQL_In_Place

20180920_DBTS_PGStrom_ENKohei KaiGai
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Semelhante a 20160407_GTC2016_PgSQL_In_Place (20)

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  • 1. 1 In-place computing on PostgreSQL ~SQL as a shortcut of GPGPU~ NEC Business Creation Division The PG-Strom Project KaiGai Kohei <>
  • 2. 2 Subject of my talk Where is better location to compute? Local Computing In-place Computing DATA EXPORT Knowledge Knowledge GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL Location of the source data Location of the source data
  • 3. 3 about In-place Computing In-place Computing Knowledge ▌Advantage  Less amount of data transfer  Utilization of server grade hardware capability  Analytics towards the latest dataset ▌Disadvantage  Server needs to have sufficient computing resource. distributed system is also an option, like Hadoop  Server software needs to be designed for data processing. GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL Location of the source data
  • 4. 4 Who Am I? ▌name: KaiGai Kohei ▌mission: Development of GPU acceleration feature (PG-Strom) for PostgreSQL, and its business related stuff ▌company: NEC ▌background:  about 10 years experiences in PostgreSQL developer community  various contributions to the PostgreSQL core: • Security-Enhanced PostgreSQL (sepgsql), Security Barrier View, Writable FDW, Remote Join, Custom Scan/Join interface, ...etc...  Joined to GPU/CUDA development since 2012 GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 5. 5 DBMS ≠ Database, as literal ▌Optimized to store/reference fraction of the dataset scattered on the storage system (e.g indexing, ...) ▌Not designed for massive calculation as primary purpose GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL Collection of datasetDatabase Software to “manage” database DBMS = Database Management System
  • 6. 6 Dogma of data processing close to the data location  PG-Strom is an extension of PostgreSQL, to adds data processing capability using GPU ▌DBMS is the best software platform for data processing, if we could add reasonable computing capability. GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL Database Database Management + Processing Capability PG-StromLocation of the data
  • 7. 7 Overview of PG-Strom ▌Two core ideas  GPU Native Code Generation on the fly  Fully utilization of PostgreSQL infrastructure ▌Advantages  CPU intensive SQL: OLAP, Reporting, Batch, Calculation, ...  Continuity of application and user’s skill  Inexpensive solution using OSS + GPU GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL Timeconsumptionof SQLqueryprocessing by I/O by CPU by I/O by CPU sequential by GPU by I/O by CPU sequential by CPU parallelizable GPU will take parallelizable workloads, CPU focuses on what only CPU can do By an extension of PostgreSQL
  • 8. 8 Core ideas (1/2) – Native GPU code generation on the fly GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL QUERY: SELECT cat, count(*), avg(x) FROM t0 WHERE x between y and y + 20.0 GROUP BY cat; : STATIC_FUNCTION(bool) gpupreagg_qual_eval(kern_context *kcxt, kern_data_store *kds, size_t kds_index) { pg_float8_t KPARAM_1 = pg_float8_param(kcxt,1); pg_float8_t KVAR_3 = pg_float8_vref(kds,kcxt,2,kds_index); pg_float8_t KVAR_4 = pg_float8_vref(kds,kcxt,3,kds_index); return EVAL((pgfn_float8ge(kcxt, KVAR_3, KVAR_4) && pgfn_float8le(kcxt, KVAR_3, pgfn_float8pl(kcxt, KVAR_4, KPARAM_1)))); } : E.g) Mathematical formula in SQL into CUDA code on the fly Reference to input data SQL expression in CUDA source code Run-time Compiler (nvrtc) Just-in-time Compile Parallel Execution
  • 9. 9 Core ideas (2/2) – Fully Utilization of PostgreSQL Infrastructure GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL database applications Storage GPU Query Executor Query Optimizer SQL Parser Storage Manager In-house Application Business Intelligence Reporting SSD PG-Strom Extension no query changes no schema changes Custom Plan Interface No change of SQL syntax SQL parser break down the given query string into internal parse-tree structure. PG-Strom references only internal tree and don’t required any special syntax enhancement. No change of Data Schema PG-Strom never requires special storage format more than what PostgreSQL currently has. It eliminates necessity of application modification and extra administrations. No patch of PostgreSQL Custom plan interface allows to inject alternative query execution paths, then executes them if estimated cost is reasonable then built-in implementation. PG-Strom can be installed on the PostgreSQL now we’re operating.
  • 10. 10 Supported Features ▌PG-Strom suggest GPU accelerated plan if above workloads. ▌Optimizer will choose cheaper execution plan if any. GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL SELECT c.category, max((x.p1 – y.p1)^2 + ... + (x.p10 – y.p10)^2) dist FROM sample_data x JOIN sample_data y ON < JOIN category c ON x.cat_id = c.cat_id WHERE BETWEEN ‘2010-01-01’::date AND NOW()::date AND x.quality > 0.8 GROUP BY c.category; ②GpuJoin: N-way parallel Join ③GpuScan: Scan with WHERE clause ①GpuProjection: Query with calculations ④:GpuPreAgg: Aggregation/GROUP BY
  • 11. 11 Benchmark (1/2) – JOIN + GROUP BY on microbenchmark ▌QUERY: SELECT cat, AVG(x) FROM t0 NATURAL JOIN t1 [, ...] GROUP BY cat;  t0: 100M rows, t1~t10: 100K rows for each, all the data was preloaded. ▌Environment:  PostgreSQL v9.5b + PG-Strom (4-Feb), CUDA 7.5 + CentOS 7(x86_64)  CPU: Xeon E5-2670v3, RAM: 384GB, GPU: NVIDIA GTX980 (2048cores) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 56.33 79.03 104.41 129.80 154.08 187.40 234.53 282.87 12.15 12.86 12.93 13.14 13.42 13.90 15.69 18.81 QueryResponseTime[sec] Number of tables joined Query Response Time towards Number of Tables Joined PostgreSQL v9.5 PG-Strom GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 12. 12 Benchmark (2/2) – DBT-3, OLAP Benchmark ▌about DBT-3 benchmark:  Clone of TPC-H benchmark, an open source edition.  Simulate various reporting queries on large retail industry. ▌Note:  Same test environment with last page  Light-blue-colored bar involves no GPU execution due to query optimization  Q21 in PostgreSQL didn’t finish 2Hr, so I tuned the parameter by hand 0 50 100 150 200 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 QueryResponseTime[sec] Query Response Time by DBT-3 Benchmark (SF=30) PostgreSQL v9.5 PG-Strom GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 13. 13 Workloads characteristics OLTP OLAP In-place Computing I/O Large (read+write hybrid) Small (mostly read) Tiny (mostly read) CPU Small, sequential Large, parallelizable Large, parallelizable Typical SQL index accesses, UPDATE, INSERT,... JOIN, GROUP BY, SORTING, ... Numerical Calculations, ... Concurrency Massive Small Tiny KPI Latency Throughput Latency + Throughput For PG-Strom Not help Originally Designed for New Challenge GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 14. 14 Test Scenario of In-place computing GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL DATA EXPORT Result Result Result R as user interface Local Computing PostgreSQL PostgreSQL + PG-Strom Hotspot: NW+CPU Hotspot:Database
  • 15. 15 First Challenge – F-Test ▌F-Test  A method for analysis of variance  Checks the ratio of sample variance of two groups  If same variance, its ratio shall follow F-distribution at statistically reasonable area.  Sample variances, # of items are needed. ▌Data Set  Heterogeneity Activity Recognition Data Set –  records of accelerometer and gyroscope of mobile device  includes anonymized user-id, model of device, user’s act  43.9M rows, 3.3GB in total GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL F-distribution
  • 16. 16 ▌By Local R-script # Obtain dataset from database conn <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL()) sql <- "SELECT model, x, y, z FROM phones_accelerometer" r <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql) dbDisconnect(conn) # Pickup ‘s3mini’ items cond <- r[['model']] == 's3mini’ s3mini <- r[cond,] # Pickup ‘nexus4’ items cond <- r[['model']] == ‘nexus4’ nexus4 <- r[cond,] # Run F-test on two variances result <- var.test(s3mini[['x']]+ s3mini[['y']]+ s3mini[['z']], nexus4[['x']]+ nexus4[['y']]+ nexus4[['z']]) ▌By SQL # Send query to get variances and # number of items conn <- dbConnect(PostgreSQL()) sql <- “SELECT count(*), variance(x+y+z) var FROM phones_accelerometer GROUP BY model HAVING model = ‘nexus4’ OR model = ‘s3mini’” r <- dbGetQuery(conn, sql) dbDisconnect(conn) # Fetch the result lbound <- qf(0.025, v[1,'count']-1, v[2,'count']-1) ubound <- qf(0.975, v[1,'count']-1, v[2,'count']-1) fv <- v[1, ’var’] / v[2, ’var’] # Set result result <- c(lbound, fv, ubound) Code for F-Test GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 17. 17 Test results Difference of accelerometer between ‘nexus4’ and ‘s3mini’ ▌Nexus と S3mini間で差がないか調べる。 GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL > pgsql_ftest(0.05) [1] 0.9978336 1.0018144 1.0021688 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 0.9978336, 𝐹 = 1.0018144, 𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 = 1.0021688 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 ≤ 𝐹 ≤ 𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟  These two group have likely same variances. 1.666 30.79 4.09 1.75 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 by R-script by PostgreSQL by PG-Strom TimetorunF-test[sec] Time to run F-test for each method Time to execute R-Script Time for Query/Download Most of time consumption is data download from PostgreSQL database.
  • 18. 18 Adjustment of the test hypothesis No difference in models, How about people’s act? GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL SELECT gt, count(*), variance(x+y+z) var FROM phones_accelerometer GROUP BY gt HAVING gt = ‘walk’ OR gt = ‘bike’ > pgsql_ftest(0.05) [1] 0.9979628 2.1744231 1.0020435 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 0.9979628, 𝐹 = 2.1744231, 𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 = 1.0020435 𝐹𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟 ≪ 𝐹  These two groups likely have different variances.
  • 19. 19 Adjusted Query and GPU code on the fly (1/2) GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL mobile=# EXPLAIN SELECT gt, count(*), variance(x+y+z) var FROM phones_accelerometer GROUP BY gt HAVING gt = 'walk' or gt = 'bike'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------- HashAggregate (cost=255006.21..255006.25 rows=3 width=30) Group Key: gt -> Custom Scan (GpuPreAgg) on phones_accelerometer (cost=10063.55..215505.32 rows=255 width=56) Reduction: Local + Global GPU Projection: index, arrival_time, creation_time, x, y, z, user_id, model, device, gt GPU Filter: ((gt = 'walk'::text) OR (gt = 'bike'::text)) Kernel Source: /opt/..<snip>../pgsql_tmp_strom_118438.5.gpu (6 rows)
  • 20. 20 Adjusted Query and GPU code on the fly (2/2) GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL % cat /opt/pgsql/kaigai/base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp_strom_118438.5.gpu : : STATIC_FUNCTION(bool) gpupreagg_qual_eval(kern_context *kcxt, kern_data_store *kds, size_t kds_index) { pg_text_t KPARAM_1 = pg_text_param(kcxt,1); pg_text_t KPARAM_2 = pg_text_param(kcxt,2); pg_text_t KVAR_10 = pg_text_vref(kds,kcxt,9,kds_index); return EVAL((pgfn_texteq(kcxt, KVAR_10, KPARAM_1) || pgfn_texteq(kcxt, KVAR_10, KPARAM_2))); } : : Equivalent to the condition in SQL: gt = 'walk' or gt = 'bike' constant values: ‘walk’ and ‘bike’ column ‘gt’ in this record
  • 21. 21 Next Challenge GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL × Information Technology Drug Discovery
  • 22. 22 world of wetworld of dry Background (1/2) – Diversified Chemical Structures Library ▌To be avoided...  Taking experiment on multiple but similar chemical components ▌Requirement  Pick up small number of items from the database  Each chemical structure are “different” as possible as we can GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL chemical structures database Pick up small samples Investigation at the Lab More than million items
  • 23. 23 Background (2/2) – Chemical structures representation Molecular Quantum Numbers (MQN) A vector of 42 descriptor which represents characteristics of chemical structures Quote: J.Chem.Inf.Model, 2013, 53, 509–518 2D structure List of the descriptors A vector of 42 descriptors 1. c (carbon) 2. f (fluorine) 3. cl (chlorine) 4. br (bromine) 5. i (iodine) 6. s (sulfur) 7. p (phosphorous) 8. an (acyclic nitrogen 9. cn (cyclic nitrogen) 10. ao (acyclic oxygen) 11. co (cyclic oxygen) 12. hac (heavy atoms) 13. asb (acyclic single bonds) 14. adb (acyclic double bonds) 15. atb (acyclic triple bonds) 16. csb (cyclic single bonds) 17. cdb (cyclic double bonds) 18. ctb (cyclic triple bonds) 19. rbc (rotatable bonds) 20. hbam (H-bond acceptor sites) 21. hba (H-bond acceptor atoms) 22. hbdm (H-bond donor sites) 23. hbd (H-bond donor atoms) 24. negc (negative charges) 25. posc (positive charges) 26. asv (acyclic single valent nodes) 27. adv (acyclic divalent nodes) 28. atv (acyclic trivalent nodes) 29. aqv (acyclic tetravalent nodes) 30. cdv (cyclic divalent nodes) 31. ctv (cyclic trivalent nodes) 32. cqv (cyclic tetravalent nodes) 33. r3 (3-membered rings) 34. r4 (4-membered rings) 35. r5 (5-membered rings) 36. r6 (6-membered rings) 37. r7 (7-membered rings) 38. r8 (8-membered rings) 39. r9 (9-membered rings) 40. rg10 ( 10-membered rings) 41. afrc (nodes shared by 2 rings) 42. bfrc (edges shared by 2 rings) (20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 12, 2, 0, 6, 6, 0, 9, 9, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5, 3, 0, 8, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL © Institute for Theoretical Medicine, Inc, 2016
  • 24. 24 Workload – MAX-MIN Method Random selection of the first item Pick up 2nd item; the largest distance from the 1st GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 25. 25 Workload – MAX-MIN Method GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL minimum distance from the selected items Pick up 3rd item; the largest minimum distance
  • 26. 26 Workload – MAX-MIN Method GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL minimum distance from the selected items Pick up 4th item; the largest minimum distance
  • 27. 27 Reference) Query for MAX-MIN method GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL WITH next_item AS ( INSERT INTO pg_temp.subset_table ( SELECT r.* FROM mqn r, (SELECT id FROM pg_temp.dist_table ORDER BY dist DESC LIMIT 1) d WHERE = RETURNING * ) SELECT, LEAST(d.dist, sqrt((r.c1 - n.c1)^2 + (r.c2 - n.c2)^2 + : (r.c41 – n.c41)^2 + (r.c42 - n.c42)^2)) dist INTO pg_temp.dist_table_new FROM pg_temp.dist_table d, next_item n, mqn r WHERE = Hot point of the SQL query
  • 28. 28 Benchmark Results – MAX-MIN Method ▌Summary  10M rows, 211MB in total  workload characteristics: 𝑊𝐼/𝑂 ≪ 𝑊𝐶𝑃𝑈  If no GPU support, calculation in RDBMS cannot be an option.  PG-Strom recorded similar performance with download + R-script. GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 20 40 60 80 100 TotalexecutiontimetopickupN-structures[sec] Number of chemical structures to be picked up Time to choose N-chemical structures using MAX-MIN method by PG-Strom by PostgreSQL by Local CPU
  • 29. 29 Conclusion ▌Advantages  New usage of RDBMS, by integration of GPU capability.  No more CSV dump to process statistical data. (also, analytics towards the latest data)  SQL can be a way to alternate GPU programming for parallel- data processing.  Inexpensive solution due to OSS + GPU ▌Future challenges  Packaging for R, to run major analytic algorithm on database.  More performance, than similar to local R-script. • Ideas) CPU+GPU hybrid parallel, SSD to GPU direct, columnar support  Procedural Language support GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 30. 30 Project Roadmap GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL 201620172018 PostgreSQL 9.5 Custom-Plan Interface : PostgreSQL 9.6 CPU Parallel Query Execution Combined Aggregation Upper Path Optimization : PostgreSQL 9.7 Native Columnar Storage Native Partitioning Support : PG-Strom 1.0 The first release that support primitive data types and workloads. PG-Strom 1.1 Multi-backend concurrency improvement Extra operators & functions support PG-Strom 2.0 CPU+GPU Hybrid Parallel SSD-to-GPU Direct Support More graceful query optimization Enterprise grade SW quality PG-Strom 3.0(?) Columnar storage support 3rd party extensions support Self defined CUDA function
  • 31. 31 Resources ▌Source Code  ▌Documentations  ▌Questions  Issue tracker: •  Direct contact: • e-mail: • twitter: @kkaigai GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL
  • 32. 32 THANK YOU! The PG-Strom Development Team
  • 33. 33 ▌Challenge (1) – Cost to access datum in record  Symptom: row-format is worst data structure for GPU  Solution: columnar-format; planned for PostgreSQL v9.7 Backup: What we could learn from the workload GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL HeapTuple Header NULL bitmap (if has NULL) OID of row (if exists) 1st column 3rd column 4th column Format of PostgreSQL Record may be variable lengthNo datum if NULL ▌Challenge (2) – Less Concurrent Multiprocessing Gain  Symptom: Each iteration is blocked by the client script  Solution: Implement entire iteration with SQL/SQL function Scan Chunk1 GPU CPU Scan Chunk2 Exec Chunk1 Exec Chunk2 Response to Client Parse&Optimize Next Query Scan Chunk1 Scan Chunk2 Response to Client Exec Chunk1 Exec Chunk2GPU Idle until Next Query
  • 34. 34 Backup: Be more aggressive! GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL SELECT kmeans_plus(matrix, 10) FROM (SELECT matrix(c1, c2, ..., c42) FROM chemical_master WHERE <condition for scan> GROUP BY <condition for grouping>; This SQL function kicks CUDA kernel internally Transform millions of rows into high-density & GPU suitable 2D-array. X = ▌Challenge (3) – Self-defined CUDA function on SQL  Symptom – iteration by script and row-format make slowdown  Solution – special tune by capability of self-defined CUDA function, with simple 2D-array structure (matrix).
  • 35. 35 Backup: SSD-to-GPU under SQL execution Ultimate “Near-Data Computing” than CPU/RAM GPU Technology Conference 2016 - In-place computing on PostgreSQL GPU SSD CPU + RAM PCI-E Table GPUcodegenerated fromSQLonthefly InnertableofJOIN + ③ Make result set on GPU ① SSDGPU direct DMA ② Execution of SQL on GPU (Select, Projection, Join) ④ GPURAM Data Transfer Traditional Data Flow New Data Flow
  • 36. 36