eeg artifact detection artifact removal eog artifacts in-vivo neural recording seizure detection ambulatory eeg machine learning ecg electroencephalogram eye blink artifact eye movement artifacts brain signal muscle signal emg epilepsy monitoring signal processing electrical recording of neural activity neural activity monitoring wavelet transform sensors smartphone prosthetic arm brain recordings brain-computer interface hci neural spike local field potential optical imaging motion artifact neural signal spectra ultrasound elastography elastography breast cancer classification apnea sleep disorder preference classification neuromarketing biomedical fall detection child tracking hmi seismocardiography scg neural network smartphones bp measurement bp monitoring blood pressure electromyography febrile convulsion body temperature monitoring dynamic range of adc bio-inspired signal processing mobile nodes wireless sensor network filtering breast tumor localization inta-operative tumor localization vibration sono-elastography eye tracker blood sugar measurement non-invasive measurement glucose monitoring optical stimulation tongue drive system human computer interface cortical recording ecog ieeg lfp memristor cathodal stimulation electrode montage anodal stimulation stroke rehabilitation trans-cranial direct current stimulation tdcs artifact characterization n vivo neural recording cancer diagnosis ultrasonography
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