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Jonathan H. Wage

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Who am I?
  • My name is Jonathan H. Wage

  • Director of Technology at

  • Started OpenSky Nashville office

  • Open Source Software evangelist

  • Long time Symfony and Doctrine core

Tuesday, May 8, 12
What is OpenSky?
  • Social discovery shopping website
  • Select your own team of people
  • Experts, influencers and tastemakers from the
    fields of:
       –healthy living
  • They'll select the best products out there—
    just for you.

Tuesday, May 8, 12
1 Year of Business
  • 1 year of business on April 1st 2012

       –1.5 million users
       –100 plus high profile curators
             • Martha Stewart
             • Alicia Silverstone
             • The Judds
             • Bobby Flay
             • Cake Boss
       –10 million connections
       –500k in revenue a week

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • Headquarters in Manhattan

  • Satellite offices across the United States

       –New Hampshire
       –San Francisco

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Technology Overview
  • PHP (DEVO)
             • Symfony2 (Framework)
             • Doctrine2 (Database Persistence Libraries)
                     –Object Relational Mapper + MySQL
                     –Object Document Mapper + MongoDB

  • Java (OSIS)
       –Mule (Framework)
       –HornetQ (Message Queue)
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Memcached
  • Varnish
Tuesday, May 8, 12
Technology Overview
       –Puppet (server configuration)
       –Fabric (deploys)
       –Github (source control)
                     »ruby bot that integrates GitHub pull requests with jenkins.
Tuesday, May 8, 12
Basic System Structure

                      Replication    MongoDB


                                                                                        DEVO               OSIS


                      Replication     MySQL

                                                                  web1     web3      web5
                                                                 hornetq   hornetq   hornetq

                                    MySQL                                  Group 1
                                                                  web2     web4      web6
                      Request        nginx
                                                  balancer       hornetq   hornetq   hornetq
                                                                           Group 2

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • What do we store in MongoDB?
       – Non transactional CMS type data
             • Products
             • Catalog
             • Categories
             • Follows
             • Offers
             • CMS Site Data
             • Other misc. non mission critical data

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • What do we store in MySQL?

       –Important transactional data

             • Orders

             • Inventory

             • Stock items

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • Cluster of HornetQ nodes
       –HornetQ runs on each web node
       –DEVO sends messages to HornetQ
       –OSIS consumes messages from the HornetQ
        cluster and performs actions on the messages
             • interact with third party API
             • chunk the work and multiple messages to other queues
             • upload images to s3

Tuesday, May 8, 12
HornetQ Failover
  • If the local HornetQ is not available on the
    web node it fails over to a VIP

  • Protects us from losing messages if we have
    an issue with a local hornetq node.

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • Image uploads in DEVO admin

                     –User uploads an image

                     –Image is stored in MongoDB gridfs temporarily

                     –Send a message to OSIS about the image

                     –OSIS downloads the image and sends it to Amazon

                     –When done OSIS posts back to DEVO to update the database
                      with the new url

                     –Image is served from CloudFront

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • At OpenSky we listen to the seller.follow event
    and perform other actions
       –forward the event to OSIS
             • send e-mail for the follow
             • notify sailthru API of the user following the seller

       –log the follow to other databases like an activity
        feed for the whole site

       –rules engines. When actions like “follow” are
        performed we compare the action to a database
        of rules and act based on what the rule requires

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Why sit behind HornetQ?
  • Ability to retry things when they fail

  • Keep heavy and long running operations out
    of the scope of the web request

  • Imagine if your mail service goes down while
    users are registering, they will still get the
    join e-mail it will just be delayed since we
    don’t send the mail directly from DEVO.
    Instead we simply forward the user.create
    event to OSIS

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • Main components that make up DEVO
       –Doctrine2 ORM
       –Doctrine MongoDB ODM

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Domain Model
  • Plain old PHP objects
                                              /** @ODMDocument(...) */
                                             class Seller
                                                 /** @ODMId */

        –MongoDB Documents                       protected $id;

                                                 // ...

        –ORM Entities                        }
                                             /** @ODMDocument(...) */
                                             class User
                                                 /** @ODMId */
                                                 protected $id;

   /** @ORMEntity(...) */                       // ...
   class Order
                                             class SellerFollow
       /** @ORMId */                            // ...
       protected $id;
                                                 /** @ODMReferenceOne(targetDocument="User") */
         /** @ODMObjectId */                    protected $user;
         protected $productId;
                                                 /** @ODMReferenceOne(targetDocument="Seller") */
         /** @GedmoReferenceOne(                protected $seller;
           *     type="document",
                                             /** @ODMDocument(...) */
           *     targetDocument="Product",   class Product
           *     identifier="productId"      {
           * )                                   /** @ODMId */
           */                                    protected $id;
         protected $product;
                                                 // ...
         // ...                              }

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Separate model and persistence
       –Easier to test

       –Don’t need connection or mock connection in
        order to test model since it is just POPO(plain old
        php objects)

       –More flexible and portable. Make your model a
        dependency with a submodule
             • share across applications that are split up
             • more controlled change environment for the model and

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Working with model

                     $user = $dm->getRepository('User')

                     $seller = $dm->getRepository('Seller')

                     $sellerFollow = new SellerFollow($seller, $user);

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Thin Controllers
  • Keep controllers thin and delegate work to
    PHP libraries with clean and intuitive APIs
  • A controller action in DEVO looks something
    like this:
        class FollowController
            // ...

                public function follow($sellerSlug)
                    // $seller = $this->findSellerBySlug($sellerSlug);
                    // $user = $this->getLoggedInUser();
                    $this->followManager->follow($seller, $user);

                // ...

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Decoupled Code
  • Functionality is abstracted away in libraries
    that are used in controllers.

        class FollowManager
            // ...

                public function follow(Seller $seller, User $user)
                    // ...

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Decoupled Code
  • Decoupled code leads to
       –better unit testing

       –easier to understand

       –easier maintain

       –evolve and add features to

       –longer life expectancy

Tuesday, May 8, 12
DEVO Events
  • In DEVO we use events heavily for managing
    the execution of our own app code but also
    for communicating between systems
        <service id="" class="AppListenerSellerFollowListener">
            <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="seller.follow" method="onSellerFollow" />

        class FollowManager
            // ...

                public function follow(Seller $seller, User $user)
                    // ...

                     $this->dispatcher->notify(new Event($seller, 'seller.follow', array(
                          'user' => $user

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Listening to events
  • Now we can listen to seller.follow and
    perform other actions when it happens.

       – Create SellerFollowListener::onSellerFollow()

        class SellerFollowListener
              * Listens to 'seller.follow'
            public function onSellerFollow(EventInterface $event)
                 $seller = $event->getSubject();
                 $user = $event['user'];
                 // do something

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Forwarding events to OSIS
  • We also have a mechanism setup in DEVO to
    forward certain events to OSIS

             • Configure EventForwarder to forward the seller.follow
               and seller.unfollow events

         <parameter key="memoryqueue.queue.seller">jms.queue.opensky.seller</parameter>

         <service id="follow.event_forwarder" class="EventForwarder" scope="container">
             <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="seller.follow" method="forward" />
             <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="seller.unfollow" method="forward" />
             <argument type="service" id="serializers.sellerFollower" />
             <argument type="service" id="memoryqueue.client" />

Tuesday, May 8, 12
The EventForwarder
          class EventForwarder
             protected $client;
             protected $queueName;
             protected $serializer;
             protected $logger;

              public function __construct($queueName, AbstractSerializer $serializer, ClientInterface $client, LoggerInterface $logger)
                  $this->serializer = $serializer;
                  $this->queueName = $queueName;
                  $this->client = $client;
                  $this->logger = $logger;

              public function forward(Event $event)
                  $headers = array(
                      BasicMessage::EVENT_NAME => $event->getName(),
                      BasicMessage::HOSTNAME => php_uname('n'),

                     if ($event->has('delay')) {
                         $headers['_HQ_SCHED_DELIVERY'] = (time() + $event->get('delay')) * 1000;

                     $parameters = $this->serializer->toArray($event->getSubject());

                     $message = new BasicMessage();

                     if ($this->logger) {
                         $this->logger->info(sprintf('Forwarding "%s" event to "%s"', $event->getName(), $this->queueName));
                         $this->logger->debug('Message parameters: '.print_r($parameters, true));


Tuesday, May 8, 12
Development Lifecycle

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • Manage product/development requests and

       –Managing releases

       –What QA needs to test in each release

       –What a developer should be working on

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • Pull requests
       –Code review/comments
       –Integration with jenkins for continuous

  • In house github
       –Keep sensitive information safe and in our control
             • passwords mainly
       –Ability to deploy when github has issues

  • git flow and project branches

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • Robot written in ruby by Justin Hileman
       –Monitors pull requests on github
       –Runs jenkins build for pull requests when first
        created and each time it is changed and
        comments on the pull request with success or
       –Keeps our build always stable
       –pr-nightmare runs on a beast of a build server so
        tests run fast and in groups so you get feedback

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • One click deploys
       –Makes deploying trivial
       –Get new functionality out in to the wild fast
       –Hotfix issues quickly

  • Example commands

        $ fab staging proxy.depp
        $ fab staging cron.stop
        $ fab staging ref:release/3.5.1 deploy

Tuesday, May 8, 12
No downtime deploys
  • Web nodes split in two groups
             • web1
             • web3
             • web5

             • web2
             • web4
             • web6

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Deploy to one group at a time
    Start the deploy, build everything and distribute it to the web nodes but don’t make it live

   $ fab prod ref:v3.5.0 deploy.start

    Pull group2 from the load balancer so it is not receiving any traffic

   $ fab prod proxy.not_group1

    Finish deploy on the out nodes (group1)

   $ fab prod:out ref:v3.5.0 deploy.finish
    Test group1 and make sure everything is stable.
    Flip the groups in the load balancer so group1 with the new version starts getting traffic and group2 stops getting traffic

   $ fab prod proxy.flip

    Finish deploy on the out nodes (group2)

   $ fab prod:out ref:v3.5.0 deploy.finish

     Make all nodes live

   $ fab prod proxy.all

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • When a deploy requires downtime we “depp”
    the site. Basically, we show a page with
    pictures of Johnny Depp.

  • Depped:
       –To be put under the spell of Johnny Depp's
        charming and beautiful disposition.

  • Depp the site with fabric and no nodes will
    receive traffic
         $ fab prod proxy.depp

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Database Migrations
  • Deploys often require a migration to the
                     –Add new tables
                     –Add new fields
                     –Migrate some data
                     –Rename fields
                     –Remove deprecated data
                     –Anything else you can imagine

  • Try to make migrations backwards compatible
    to avoid downtime
  • Eventual migrations
             • Migrate data on read and migrate when updated.

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Database Migrations
  • Doctrine Migrations library allows database
    changes to be managed with PHP code in
    github and deployed with fabric

  • Generate a new migration in DEVO
         $ ./app/console doctrine:migrations:generate

        class Version20120330114559 extends AbstractMigration
            public function up(Schema $schema)

              public function down(Schema $schema)

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Database Migrations
  • Add SQL in the up() and down() methods.

        class Version20120330114559 extends AbstractMigration
            public function up(Schema $schema)
                $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE stock_items ADD forceSoldout TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0');

              public function down(Schema $schema)
                  $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE stock_items DROP COLUMN forceSoldout');

  • down() allows you to reverse migrations

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Database Migrations
  • Deploy migrations from the console

         $ ./app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

  • Deploying with fabric executes migrations if
    any new ones are available

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Database Migrations
  • Our migrations live in a standalone git

  • Linked to DEVO with a submodule

  • Allows managed database changes to be
    deployed standalone from a full fabric deploy
    which requires pulling a group out of the load

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Use third party services
  • Don’t reinvent the wheel outside of your core
       –Sailthru - transactional and marketing emails
       –Braintree - credit card processing
       –Vendornet - supplier drop-ship system
       –Fulfillment Works - managed warehouse
       –Kissmetrics & Google Analytics - analytics
       –Chartbeat - real time statistics

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Social Integration
  • Facebook comments
       –Utilize facebook comments system instead of
        rolling our own
       –Integrate with our data model via FB.api for local
        comments storage
  • Facebook timeline
       –Post OpenSky actions/activity to users facebook
  • Facebook sharing
  • Pinterest sharing
  • Twitter sharing

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Reporting/Data Warehouse

                                  MySQL                                                 Braintree

                                              Replication                         ETL

                                                      ETL                   ETL



                           mongo data                         mysql slave               rollups/aggregates
                        jetstream_mongo                     opensky_devo                  atmosphere

Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • DEVO and other applications only need access
    to flight_deck

       –Set of stored procedures that run on cron,
        updating stats, aggregates, rollups, etc.

       –MySQL views to expose the data needed for
        dashboards, reports and other reporting user

Tuesday, May 8, 12
Internal communications
             • Day to day most real time communication between
               teams is done on IRC
       –Github Pull Request Comments
             • All code review is done in pull request comments
             • Push to talk voice chat used for fire fighting and deploys
       –E-Mail lists

Tuesday, May 8, 12
       –Hosted mumble servers that are very affordable

Tuesday, May 8, 12
                                     Jonathan H. Wage

                     We’re hiring!
                      PHP and JAVA Engineers
                      System Administrators
                      Frontend Engineers (Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS)
                      Quality Assurance (Selenium, Maven)
                      Application DBA (MySQL, MongoDB)

Tuesday, May 8, 12

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Mais de Jonathan Wage

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Mais de Jonathan Wage (20)

Doctrine For Beginners
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Doctrine in the Real World
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OpenSky Infrastructure

  • 1. Jonathan H. Wage OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 2. Who am I? • My name is Jonathan H. Wage • Director of Technology at • Started OpenSky Nashville office • Open Source Software evangelist • Long time Symfony and Doctrine core contributor OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 3. What is OpenSky? • Social discovery shopping website • Select your own team of people • Experts, influencers and tastemakers from the fields of: –fashion –food –healthy living –home –kids • They'll select the best products out there— just for you. OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 4. 1 Year of Business • 1 year of business on April 1st 2012 –1.5 million users –100 plus high profile curators • Martha Stewart • Alicia Silverstone • The Judds • Bobby Flay • Cake Boss –10 million connections –500k in revenue a week OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 5. Offices • Headquarters in Manhattan • Satellite offices across the United States –Nashville –New Hampshire –Portland –San Francisco OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 6. Technology Overview • PHP (DEVO) • Symfony2 (Framework) • Doctrine2 (Database Persistence Libraries) –Object Relational Mapper + MySQL –Object Document Mapper + MongoDB • Java (OSIS) –Mule (Framework) –HornetQ (Message Queue) • MongoDB • MySQL • Memcached • Varnish OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 7. Technology Overview –Apache –Nginx –Puppet (server configuration) –Fabric (deploys) –Github (source control) –Jenkins –pr-nightmare »ruby bot that integrates GitHub pull requests with jenkins. –JIRA –Nagios –Statsd –Graphite OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 8. Basic System Structure MongoDB Secondary Replication MongoDB Primary MongoDB Secondary DEVO OSIS MongoDB Text MySQL Slave Replication MySQL Master web1 web3 web5 MySQL Slave hornetq hornetq hornetq MySQL Group 1 hornetq cluster web2 web4 web6 varnish/load Request nginx balancer hornetq hornetq hornetq failover VIP Group1 Group 2 hornetq OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 9. Databases • MongoDB • MySQL OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 10. MongoDB • What do we store in MongoDB? – Non transactional CMS type data • Products • Catalog • Categories • Follows • Offers • CMS Site Data • Other misc. non mission critical data OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 11. MySQL • What do we store in MySQL? –Important transactional data • Orders • Inventory • Stock items OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 12. HornetQ • Cluster of HornetQ nodes –HornetQ runs on each web node –DEVO sends messages to HornetQ –OSIS consumes messages from the HornetQ cluster and performs actions on the messages • interact with third party API • chunk the work and multiple messages to other queues • upload images to s3 OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 13. HornetQ Failover • If the local HornetQ is not available on the web node it fails over to a VIP • Protects us from losing messages if we have an issue with a local hornetq node. OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 14. Example • Image uploads in DEVO admin –User uploads an image –Image is stored in MongoDB gridfs temporarily –Send a message to OSIS about the image –OSIS downloads the image and sends it to Amazon –When done OSIS posts back to DEVO to update the database with the new url –Image is served from CloudFront OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 15. Example • At OpenSky we listen to the seller.follow event and perform other actions –forward the event to OSIS • send e-mail for the follow • notify sailthru API of the user following the seller –log the follow to other databases like an activity feed for the whole site –rules engines. When actions like “follow” are performed we compare the action to a database of rules and act based on what the rule requires OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 16. Why sit behind HornetQ? • Ability to retry things when they fail • Keep heavy and long running operations out of the scope of the web request • Imagine if your mail service goes down while users are registering, they will still get the join e-mail it will just be delayed since we don’t send the mail directly from DEVO. Instead we simply forward the user.create event to OSIS OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 17. DEVO • Main components that make up DEVO –Symfony2 –Doctrine2 ORM –Doctrine MongoDB ODM OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 18. Domain Model • Plain old PHP objects /** @ODMDocument(...) */ class Seller { /** @ODMId */ –MongoDB Documents protected $id; // ... –ORM Entities } /** @ODMDocument(...) */ class User { /** @ODMId */ protected $id; /** @ORMEntity(...) */ // ... } class Order class SellerFollow { { /** @ORMId */ // ... protected $id; /** @ODMReferenceOne(targetDocument="User") */ /** @ODMObjectId */ protected $user; protected $productId; /** @ODMReferenceOne(targetDocument="Seller") */ /** @GedmoReferenceOne( protected $seller; } * type="document", /** @ODMDocument(...) */ * targetDocument="Product", class Product * identifier="productId" { * ) /** @ODMId */ */ protected $id; protected $product; // ... // ... } } OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 19. Separate model and persistence –Easier to test –Don’t need connection or mock connection in order to test model since it is just POPO(plain old php objects) –More flexible and portable. Make your model a dependency with a submodule • share across applications that are split up • more controlled change environment for the model and database OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 20. Working with model $user = $dm->getRepository('User') ->createQueryBuilder() ->field('email')->equals('') ->getQuery() ->getSingleResult(); $seller = $dm->getRepository('Seller') ->createQueryBuilder() ->field('slug')->equals('marthastewart') ->getQuery() ->getSingleResult(); $sellerFollow = new SellerFollow($seller, $user); OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 21. Thin Controllers • Keep controllers thin and delegate work to PHP libraries with clean and intuitive APIs • A controller action in DEVO looks something like this: class FollowController { // ... public function follow($sellerSlug) { // $seller = $this->findSellerBySlug($sellerSlug); // $user = $this->getLoggedInUser(); $this->followManager->follow($seller, $user); } // ... } OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 22. Decoupled Code • Functionality is abstracted away in libraries that are used in controllers. class FollowManager { // ... public function follow(Seller $seller, User $user) { // ... } } OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 23. Decoupled Code • Decoupled code leads to –better unit testing –easier to understand –easier maintain –evolve and add features to –longer life expectancy OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 24. DEVO Events • In DEVO we use events heavily for managing the execution of our own app code but also for communicating between systems <service id="" class="AppListenerSellerFollowListener"> <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="seller.follow" method="onSellerFollow" /> </service> class FollowManager { // ... public function follow(Seller $seller, User $user) { // ... $this->dispatcher->notify(new Event($seller, 'seller.follow', array( 'user' => $user ))); } } OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 25. Listening to events • Now we can listen to seller.follow and perform other actions when it happens. – Create SellerFollowListener::onSellerFollow() class SellerFollowListener { /** * Listens to 'seller.follow' */ public function onSellerFollow(EventInterface $event) { $seller = $event->getSubject(); $user = $event['user']; // do something } } OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 26. Forwarding events to OSIS • We also have a mechanism setup in DEVO to forward certain events to OSIS • Configure EventForwarder to forward the seller.follow and seller.unfollow events <parameter key="memoryqueue.queue.seller">jms.queue.opensky.seller</parameter> <service id="follow.event_forwarder" class="EventForwarder" scope="container"> <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="seller.follow" method="forward" /> <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="seller.unfollow" method="forward" /> <argument>%memoryqueue.queue.seller%</argument> <argument type="service" id="serializers.sellerFollower" /> <argument type="service" id="memoryqueue.client" /> </service> OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 27. The EventForwarder class EventForwarder { protected $client; protected $queueName; protected $serializer; protected $logger; public function __construct($queueName, AbstractSerializer $serializer, ClientInterface $client, LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->serializer = $serializer; $this->queueName = $queueName; $this->client = $client; $this->logger = $logger; } public function forward(Event $event) { $headers = array( BasicMessage::EVENT_NAME => $event->getName(), BasicMessage::HOSTNAME => php_uname('n'), ); if ($event->has('delay')) { $headers['_HQ_SCHED_DELIVERY'] = (time() + $event->get('delay')) * 1000; } $parameters = $this->serializer->toArray($event->getSubject()); $message = new BasicMessage(); $message->setHeaders($headers); $message->setQueueName($this->queueName); $message->setParameters($parameters); if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Forwarding "%s" event to "%s"', $event->getName(), $this->queueName)); $this->logger->debug('Message parameters: '.print_r($parameters, true)); } $this->client->send($message); } } OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 28. Development Lifecycle OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 29. JIRA • Manage product/development requests and workflow –Managing releases –What QA needs to test in each release –What a developer should be working on OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 30. github • Pull requests –Code review/comments –Integration with jenkins for continuous integration • In house github –Keep sensitive information safe and in our control • passwords mainly –Ability to deploy when github has issues • git flow and project branches OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 31. pr-nightmare • Robot written in ruby by Justin Hileman (@bobthecow) –Monitors pull requests on github –Runs jenkins build for pull requests when first created and each time it is changed and comments on the pull request with success or failure –Keeps our build always stable –pr-nightmare runs on a beast of a build server so tests run fast and in groups so you get feedback fast OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 32. fabric • One click deploys –Makes deploying trivial –Get new functionality out in to the wild fast –Hotfix issues quickly • Example commands $ fab staging proxy.depp $ fab staging cron.stop $ fab staging ref:release/3.5.1 deploy OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 33. No downtime deploys • Web nodes split in two groups –group1 • web1 • web3 • web5 –group2 • web2 • web4 • web6 OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 34. Deploy to one group at a time Start the deploy, build everything and distribute it to the web nodes but don’t make it live $ fab prod ref:v3.5.0 deploy.start Pull group2 from the load balancer so it is not receiving any traffic $ fab prod proxy.not_group1 Finish deploy on the out nodes (group1) $ fab prod:out ref:v3.5.0 deploy.finish Test group1 and make sure everything is stable. Flip the groups in the load balancer so group1 with the new version starts getting traffic and group2 stops getting traffic $ fab prod proxy.flip Finish deploy on the out nodes (group2) $ fab prod:out ref:v3.5.0 deploy.finish Make all nodes live $ fab prod proxy.all OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 35. Depped • When a deploy requires downtime we “depp” the site. Basically, we show a page with pictures of Johnny Depp. • Depped: –To be put under the spell of Johnny Depp's charming and beautiful disposition. • Depp the site with fabric and no nodes will receive traffic $ fab prod proxy.depp OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 36. Database Migrations • Deploys often require a migration to the database –Add new tables –Add new fields –Migrate some data –Rename fields –Remove deprecated data –Anything else you can imagine • Try to make migrations backwards compatible to avoid downtime • Eventual migrations • Migrate data on read and migrate when updated. OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 37. Database Migrations • Doctrine Migrations library allows database changes to be managed with PHP code in github and deployed with fabric • Generate a new migration in DEVO $ ./app/console doctrine:migrations:generate class Version20120330114559 extends AbstractMigration { public function up(Schema $schema) { } public function down(Schema $schema) { } } OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 38. Database Migrations • Add SQL in the up() and down() methods. class Version20120330114559 extends AbstractMigration { public function up(Schema $schema) { $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE stock_items ADD forceSoldout TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); } public function down(Schema $schema) { $this->addSql('ALTER TABLE stock_items DROP COLUMN forceSoldout'); } } • down() allows you to reverse migrations OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 39. Database Migrations • Deploy migrations from the console $ ./app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate • Deploying with fabric executes migrations if any new ones are available OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 40. Database Migrations • Our migrations live in a standalone git repository • Linked to DEVO with a submodule • Allows managed database changes to be deployed standalone from a full fabric deploy which requires pulling a group out of the load balancer. OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 41. Use third party services • Don’t reinvent the wheel outside of your core competency –Sailthru - transactional and marketing emails –Braintree - credit card processing –Vendornet - supplier drop-ship system –Fulfillment Works - managed warehouse –Kissmetrics & Google Analytics - analytics –Chartbeat - real time statistics OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 42. Social Integration • Facebook comments –Utilize facebook comments system instead of rolling our own –Integrate with our data model via FB.api for local comments storage • Facebook timeline –Post OpenSky actions/activity to users facebook timeline • Facebook sharing • Pinterest sharing • Twitter sharing OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 43. Reporting/Data Warehouse MongoDB ETL MySQL Braintree Replication ETL MySQL Data Warehouse ETL ETL Fulfillment Vendornet Works Warehouse Databases views/procs flight_deck mongo data mysql slave rollups/aggregates jetstream_mongo opensky_devo atmosphere OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 44. flight_deck • DEVO and other applications only need access to flight_deck –Set of stored procedures that run on cron, updating stats, aggregates, rollups, etc. –MySQL views to expose the data needed for dashboards, reports and other reporting user interfaces. OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 45. Internal communications –IRC • Day to day most real time communication between teams is done on IRC –Jabber –Github Pull Request Comments • All code review is done in pull request comments –Mumble • Push to talk voice chat used for fire fighting and deploys –E-Mail lists OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 46. Mumble • –Hosted mumble servers that are very affordable OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12
  • 47. Questions? Jonathan H. Wage We’re hiring! PHP and JAVA Engineers System Administrators Frontend Engineers (Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS) Quality Assurance (Selenium, Maven) Application DBA (MySQL, MongoDB) OpenSky Tuesday, May 8, 12