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Judy Flores Materials


Discuss these questions:
Look at the picture. Describe in your own words what you see.
What do you know about Atlantis?
What is a myth?

                                   © Copyright by Judy Flores                                       1
Judy Flores Materials

(1)Thelegend of Atlantis has to be one of the oldest and most spellbinding of all the
world's mysteries. It has puzzled both skeptics and believers alike. Where exactly was
Atlantis and where is it now? What caused its destruction? Exactly how advanced were
the Atlanteans? I hope someday everyone will know the answers to those questions.

(2)Plato,a Greek philosopher, gave us the first known account of Atlantis. Plato was
said to have lived from about 428 to 348 B.C. He was a student of Socrates. After
studying with Socrates, Plato opened up his own philosophy school. There he began to
write his philosophies in a play-type form. These dialogues always featured Socrates as
the main character. In the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, he wrote about an amazing
place called Atlantis. In Critias, Plato wrote of Atlantis' architecture, engineering, and
ceremonies in great detail. Many people, even Plato's own students, thought this place
was Plato's own creation, but he argued that Atlantis was real, and filled with more
splendors than anyone could imagine.

(3)Allraces share the story of a great flood that destroyed an entire civilization. The
name Atlantis appears in various forms throughout the world. The Canary Islands have a
legend involving Atalaya. The Basques of Northern Spain have Atlaintica. The Vikings
told the tale of Atli. Northern Africa called it Attala. The Aztecs have Aztlán, and the
North American Indians called theirs Azatlán

(4) Platosaid Atlantis was a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere west of the
Pillars of Hercules (the Rock of Gibraltar). This description has lead to many people
believing that Atlantis could have been the Aegean Island of Thera (Santorini) which
suddenly blew up. Atlantis was also identified as part of an ancient series of land bridges
that stretched across the Atlantic and even out into the Pacific as far as New Zealand.
Others say that the Canary Islands are the tops of Atlantis' tallest mountains. Some say
that the Bermuda Triangle is the result of Atlantis sinking. The discovery of blue eyes
and blondness among some of Africa's Berbers soon led some people to place Atlantis
in the Atlas Mountians of modern Morocco and Tunisia. Still others claim that Atlantis
was not even on this planet.

(5)According to the continental drift theory, all the continents fit together, like a jigsaw
puzzle. If you look at a map, you will see that the continents really do fit together- with
the exception of the USA in North America and Western Europe. Could Atlantis be the
missing piece?

(6) According to Plato, one of the best splendors of Atlantis was the palace compound
located in the heart of its capital. It was ringed by three canals. Plato remarked, "As each
king received it [the palace] from his predecessor, he added to its adornment and did all
he could to surpass the king before him, until finally they made of it an abode amazing to
behold for the magnitude and beauty of its workmanship. The visitors passed through a
wall of brass, a wall of tin, and a wall of copper. White and black and red stone quarried
from the native rock." He also wrote that the wealth they possessed was so immense that
the like had never been seen before in any royal house, nor will ever easily be seen
again. This, of course, lead to Atlantis' destruction.

                                   © Copyright by Judy Flores                                  2
Judy Flores Materials

(7) Hestated that the Atlanteans appeared to be superlatively fair and blessed, yet they
were filled with lawless ambition and power. The Atlanteans started valuing material
wealth above goodness-that's where they went wrong. Plato said, "The portion of
divinity within them was now becoming faint and weak through being oftentimes
blended with a large measure of mortality." The Atlanteans were unable to bear the
burden of their possessions. So, "There occurred portentous earthquakes and floods,
and one grievous day and night befell them, when...the island of Atlantis...was
swallowed up by the sea and vanished." Plato doubted that any sign of the lost land
would ever be found. "The ocean at that spot, has now become impassable and
unsearchable." This contributes to the Bermuda Triangle theory above.

(8) Eventhough it seems that no one could survive such a tragedy, it is believed that many
Atlanteans escaped. One example of this is Edgar Cayce. In April of 1939, he fell into a
trance and spoke about Atlantis. "In Atlantis, when there was the breaking up of the land
came to what was called the Mayan Land or what is now Yucatan-entity was the first to
cross the water in the plane or air machine of that period." In support of the escape,
Atlantis has been hailed for spawning civilizations such as Hellenic Greece, the Mayas
& Incas of the New World, and ancient Egypt.

(9)Atlantis has had an impact on every culture. In 1675, Olof Rudbeck, a Swedish
scholar, used Homeric sailing directions to Ogygia and located Atlantis in Sweden.
English poet William Blake, believed that the Atlantean King, Albion lead the last of his
subjects to Britain, where they became Druids. Charles-Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg,
a French scholar, translated a Mayan manuscript in 1864, that described the story of an
ancient land that had sunk into the ocean after a great catastrophe. In 1882, Philadelphian
politician, and avid reader, Ignatius Loyola Donnelly published his book Atlantis: The
Antediluvian World. The world's reception of his writings was so great,
Donnelly was elected to membership in the American Association for the Advancement
of Science.

  The most important thought that is on everyone's mind is not where, what, or
how, but will. Will Atlantis ever resurface?? - by

A. Answer the following questions
1. What are some questions that arise by skeptics and believers?
2. Who was the first person who talked about the Atlantis? and where did he mention it?
3. Describe Atlantis according to the dialogues in Timaeus and Critias?
4. Describe the continental drift theory?
5. Give 4 examples of great floods that destroyed entire civilizations.
6. Where was the location of Atlantis according to the first person who talked about
7. Describe the destruction of Atlantis?
8. Who was Edgar Cayce?

B. Finding the main Idea
Look back at the reading find one sentence in the first paragraph that gives the main idea.

                                  © Copyright by Judy Flores                               3
Judy Flores Materials

C. Vocabulary Check: Look back at the text where the word is written Match the words
to the definition. Write the correct letter on the lines. Use a dictionary if necessary.

_____1. spellbinding (1)                              a. an explosion
_____2. puzzled (1)                                   b. to include
_____3. skeptics (1)                                  c. building,
_____4. account (2)                                   d. a statement of something as fact
_____5. featured (2)                                  e. decoration
_____6. architecture (2)                              f. skills in making things
_____7. avid(9)                                       g. A member of a North African,
_____8. argued (2)                                    h. to obtain a stone by cutting, digging or blasting
_____9. splendors (2)                                 i. under a spell
_____10. races (3)                                    j. having an ardent desire
_____11. blew up(4)                                   k. A reason given for a particular action or event:
_____12. stretched (4)                                l. the same history, language and costume
_____13. Berbers (4)                                  m. to state to be true
_____14. claim (4)                                    n. make longer
_____15. predecessor (6)                              o. magnificent appearance
_____16. adornment (6)                                p. doubtful
_____17. workmanship (6)                              q a person who precedes or preceded another
_____18. quarried (6)                                 r. confused

When you look for a word in a dictionary from a piece of writing or textbook, you must
look for the meaning according to the meaning in the context. It is important to know that
in all languages some words have more than one meaning. When there are different
meanings, each meaning will have a different number in the dictionary entry. See the
entry for the adjective below

                                    daily (deli) adj.1. Of or occurring during the day.
                                    2. Happening or done every day: the physician's daily
                                    rounds. 3. Computed or assessed for each day: a daily
                                    record. 4. Everyday: casual clothes only for daily use.

D Vocabulary Review
Reread the selection. Complete the following statement about the reading selection with
the correct word from the list below. Use a dictionary if necessary. Use each word once.

appeared     wealth        blended            burden      portentous             grievous
befell      swallowed      vanished      trance    entity     hailed             spawning
impact         Druids         translated     engineering        avid
1. Edgar Cayce fell into a _____________and spoke about Atlantis.
2. Yucatan-_______ was the first to cross the water in the plane or air machine of that

                                  © Copyright by Judy Flores                                    4
Judy Flores Materials

3. Atlantis has been ________for _________civilizations such as Hellenic Greece, the
Mayas & Incas of the New World, and ancient Egypt.
4. Atlantis has had an ________on every culture.
5. Albion lead the last of his subjects to Britain, where they became_________.
6. A French scholar ___________a Mayan manuscript in 1864.
7. In 1882, Philadelphian politician, and __________reader, Ignatius Loyola Donnelly
published his book Atlantis.
8. Plato stated that the Atlanteans __________to be superlatively fair and blessed.
9. The Atlanteans started valuing material __________above goodness-that's where they
went wrong.
10. The portion of divinity within the Atlanteans was now becoming faint and weak
through being oftentimes ___________with a large measure of mortality."
11. The Atlanteans were unable to bear the _______________of their possessions.
12. There occurred ___________earthquakes and floods.
13. One _____________day and night ___________them, when...the island of Atlantis...
14. The island of Atlantis was _____________up by the sea and________________.
15. Plato wrote of Atlantis' architecture, and ________________ and ceremonies in great
E. Cross Word Puzzle:
Use the following words to answer the clues below the puzzle: appeared           wealth
blended               burden      portentous      grievous      befell    swallowed
vanished       trance     entity     hailed       spawning         impact       Druids
translated       engineering        avid

      1           2                                     3               4      5


              7             8                      9


                  11                         12






                                      © Copyright by Judy Flores                               5
Judy Flores Materials

  ACROSS                                          DOWN
  2. Something that is emotionally difficult      1. An abundance of valuable material
  to bear                                         possessions or resources; riches
  6. come into view                               2. to obtain a mixture of a particular
  7. To come to pass; happen                      character, quality, or consistency
  9. Of the nature of or constituting a sign;     3. Causing grief, pain, or anguish
  foreboding                                      4. A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state.
  11. To call out or yell in order to catch       5. To consume or destroy as if by
  the attention                                   ingestion; devour
  13. an effect or impression                     8. Something that exists as a particular
  14. having an ardent desire or unbounded        and discrete unit: Spanish entidad.
  craving; greedy                                 10. To plan, manage, and put through by
  15. To render in another language               skillful acts
  16. to disappear                                12. A member of an order of priests in
  17. To give rise to                             ancient Gaul and Britain who appear in
                                                  Welsh and Irish legend as prophets and

F. True or False? Which statements are true? Which are false? Write T for True or F for
False on the lines

___1. The legend of Atlantis was the most oldies legend ever told.
___2. The destruction of Atlantis was cause by an intense fire.
___3. The first person who recalled the legend of Atlantis was Socrates.
___4. Timaeus and Critias was a play who featured Socrates.
___5. In Plato’s plays, he often described the Atlantis.
___6. Plato opened up his own philosophy school.
___7. Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is the result of Atlantis sinking.
___8. The Atlanteans started valuing material wealth above goodness-that's where they
went wrong.
___9. Plato was positive that through time the ruins of Atlantis would appear.
___10. There were no survivals in the destruction of Atlantis.
___11., One of the best splendors of Atlantis was the palace compound located in the
heart of its capital according to Plato.
___12. Plato stated that the Atlanteans appeared to be an evil place to live and people
were excessively ignorant.

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Take a look at the picture
What do you see? Describe?

                                   Atlantis, The Lost City
(1)Atlantis, the Lost City everyone is talking about. Where is it, is it real? Why are there
rumors if it's not true? Here we will explore the myths and realities of the Lost Continent
of Atlantis. Sit back, relax and take a wonderful ride!
(2)The city of Atlantis, if you hear about it, one would think that it would be located in
the Atlantic Ocean, hence the name. But researchers have been looking for this continent
for years. The continent was mentioned in many religions and folklores, that it became a
possibility that it truly does exist. But if it does, where is it and has it been found by
scientists yet, or have they think they have found the Lost City or Continent of Atlantis?
(3) Thegreat philosopher, Plato, wrote in his Critias, that he believed that a great continent
was extremely technologically advanced, and that this continent had been destroyed and
lost by a rush of ocean covering the evidence to us to this day. Plato had believed that
Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere. In fact, the reason why the
Atlantic Ocean is called such today, is because of the Atlanteans theory. Plato believed
that Atlantis was a sunken continent approximately the size of Libya and Asia put
together. That would be about 5 to 10 million square kilometers hidden below a large
oceanic surface!

                                          © Copyright by Judy Flores                                            7
Judy Flores Materials

(4)Monoliths, similar to the monoliths in Easter Island, supposedly are a "signature" of
the Atlanteans culture. Some believe this culture survived on to Islands and lands such as
Easter Island and other various areas still leaving scientists and archeologists befuddled.
Pyramids, such like those found in Egypt and other ancient sites, are also a supposed
"signature" of the Atlanteans.
(5)Plato believed that Atlantis had a great army, probably of around 1.2 million armed
men. He also believed that the army had a vast number of chariots. Horses were
definitely used. This was the theory that had caused many to believe that the horse that
evolved from Asia became domesticated in Atlantis. This remains a striking detail,
because scientists and archeologists cannot determine precisely when the domestication
of the horse occurred.
(6) Elephants are supposedly also a very big part of the Atlanteans culture. Plato even
writes himself:
(7) "Therewere a great number of elephants in the island, for there was ample provision
of food for all sorts of animals...including for the animal which is the largest and the
most voracious of all."
(8) The strange part about the elephants, is that the epoch in when the continent of
Atlantis was supposedly alive and flourishing, mastodons and mammoths were
abundant, and the elephant did not come about until approximately the supposed time
when the continent of Atlantis was believed to have "fallen" into the ocean, the same time
when mastodons and mammoths became extinct.
(9)It must be remembered, that Plato had written Critias in 360 BCE. This was where it
all started, with Plato's words:
   "Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which
had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt
outside the Pillars of Hercules and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to
describe. Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have
been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were
commanded by the kings of Atlantis, which, as was saying, was an island greater in
extent than Libya and Asia, and when afterwards sunk by an earthquake, became an
impassable barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the
ocean. The progress of the history will unfold the various nations of barbarians and
families of Hellenes which then existed, as they successively appear on the scene; but I
must describe first of all Athenians of that day, and their enemies who fought with them,
and then the respective powers and governments of the two kingdoms. Let us give the
precedence to Athens."
(11)Where did Plato's revelation of the continent of Atlantis come from? Plato's revelation
was told to him by a man named Solon, who in turn received the information about
Atlantis from the ancient Egyptians. If it's just a story, it is one heck of an intriguing
one! A thrilling reality to this wonderful piece of writing, is that the end of the
transcript has been lost. What was at the end of the transcript...we will never know. He
talked of Gods and spirits that made the islanders what they were. An ancient influence

                                  © Copyright by Judy Flores                               8
Judy Flores Materials

that could have come from anywhere. Could it have come from the stars? And is it just
plain mythology, or is there a glimpse of truth in the evidence?
   What is interesting, is that what Plato described is also described in the Bible as the
"Great Flood". Could the continent of Atlantis be the true "Garden of Eden?"
(13)Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by a great "Ice Age."
Pillars are abundant on the oceanic floors, but are these pillars naturally made or
(14)The "Sleeping Prophet", also known as Edgar Cayce, had believed he was an
Atlantean himself. He was a prophet that believed that spirits spoke to him in his dreams.
The dreams revealed revelations of great extent for his own life and many others. His
prophetic visions attracted many people, which in turn made many seek out his help in
life through his "seeing eye." Cayce believed that he was being told his clairvoyances
from Atlanteans gods and spirits.
(15)One prophecy that Edgar Cayce had made, did not come to pass, this was regarding
the lost continent of Atlantis. Cayce prophesized that the lost island of Atlantis would
emerge from the ocean in 1968 or 1969. Cayce also suggested that the island was located
near the Bermuda island of Bimini.
   The lost continent to this day, has many possibilities of where it could "be," however,
no scientific evidence that is strong enough to prove Atlantis had existed has been yet
found. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist!
  by Shawna Ranae Bandow (
(Weird Research)

A. Answer the following questions

1. What is the importance of Atlantis for Mankind? Find a sentence in paragraph 2 that
demonstrate how important Atlantis is to mankind.
2. What are two apparently “signature" of the Atlanteans culture.
3. Was Atlantis an island or a continent? Look up in your dictionary what is an island and
what is a continent. Find evident in the text that proves your answer.
4. Where did Plato's revelation of the continent of Atlantis come from?
5. In Plato’s writings, he described Atlantis, where else is a similar description of what
Plato wrote in his writings?
6. With whom did the Atlanteans fight with?

B. Select the best answer
1. What fate befell the 'Lost City of Atlantis' mentioned in Plato's writings?
____a. It washed away in a giant sea wave about 79 B.C.
____b. It was obliterated by dust storms from North Africa in the fifth century A.D.
____c. It was buried by thick ash deposits from Mt. Vesuvius in 79 B.C.
____d. It disappeared as part of fire following a major, explosive, volcanic eruption.

                                   © Copyright by Judy Flores                                9
Judy Flores Materials

2. Some people think Atlantis is in the Atlantic Ocean because.
____a. because scientist have found many artifacts related to the Atlantis
____b. because of the name Atlantis suggest it is in the Atlantic Ocean.
____c. because Plato said it was in the Atlantic Ocean.
____d. because they found a living creature from Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Plato theory had caused many to believe that the horses of Asia were:
____a. domesticated in Atlantis
____b. domesticated in Athena.
____c. were turned into savage horse in Atlantis.
____d. were killed in Atlantis.

4. ______are supposedly also a very big part of the Atlanteans culture.
____a. Cats
____b. Dogs
____c. Elephants
____d. Tigers

5. Plato's revelation of the continent of Atlantis came from a man name:
____a. Solon
____b. David
____c. Samuel
____d. Simon

6. Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by
____a. a great fire
____b. a great Ice Age
____c. the Armageddon
____d. a and c are correct

7. The "Sleeping Prophet", also known as Edgar Cayce, had believed he was:
____a. an Egyptian
____b. from the Atlantic Ocean
____c. an Atlantean
____d. Asian

8. One of the prophecies that Edgar Cayce said would happen was:
____a. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1968 or 1969.
____b. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1970 or 1979.
____c. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1988 or 1996.
____d. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 2001 or 2010.

C. Vocabulary Building
Read the word that is in bold or expression in its context and match it with the correct
meaning. The paragraph number is in the parenthesis. Use a dictionary if necessary

                                  © Copyright by Judy Flores                               10
Judy Flores Materials

                            Match column one with column two
                  Column I                                                   Column II
____1. Here we will explore the myths and         a. To descend to the bottom; submerge.
realities of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. (1)
____2. Why are there rumors if it's not true? (1) b. allegedly

____3. The Atlantis would be located in the              c. huge
Atlantic Ocean, hence the name.(2)
____4. The continent was mentioned in                    d. puzzled, confused
  Many religions and folklores.(2)
____5. This continent had been destroyed and             e. Gives an idea, a reason, that’s why
lost by a rush of ocean (3)
____6. Atlantis was a sunken continent                   f. myths, tales, and practices of people,
approximately the size of Libya and Asia.(3)
____7. Atlantis hidden below a large oceanic             g. An ancient horse-drawn two-wheeled vehicle
surface! (3)                                             used in war, races, and processions.
____8. Easter Island, supposedly are a                   h. gossip
"signature" of the Atlanteans culture(4).
____9. Other various areas still leaving scientists i. noticeable, impressive or unusual way
and archeologists befuddled (4).
____10. He also believed that the army had a             j. to flow or surge rapidly, hurry
vast number of criminals (5)
____11. A number of chariots were used in                k. develop
____12. Many believed that the horses that               l. exterior
evolved from Atlantis were domesticated there.

____13. This remains a striking detail, because          m. discover.
  scientists and archeologists cannot determine
  precisely when the domestication of
  the horse occurred..(5)
____14. There were a great number of elephants           n. big, ravenous.
in the island, for there was ample provision of
____15. Including for the animal which is the            o. something provided.
largest and the most voracious of all.(7)
____16. What was at the end of the                       p. record, text, or a copy of the script
transcript...we will never know

                                  © Copyright by Judy Flores                                    11
Judy Flores Materials

D. MATCHING Match the words to the definition (the paragraph number is in the
parenthesis). Write the correct letter on the lines. Use a dictionary if necessary.

_____1 epoch(8)                                               a. A boundary or limit.
_____2.flourishing(8)                                         b. make known, exposed
_____3.mastodons(8)                                           c. to come into sight, appear out of.
_____4. sum(10)                                               d. made by human beings
_____5. elapsed(10)                                           e. blossom
_____6. dwelt(10)                                             f. interesting, fascinating
_____7. combatants(10)                                        g. An amount obtained as a result
_____8. extent(10)                                            h. a person lives in a place as a resident
_____9. impassable(10)                                        i. Impossible to pass, cross, or overcome:
_____10. barrier(10)                                          j. to slip by; pass
_____11. voyagers(10)                                         k. a quick look
_____12. precedence (10)                                      l. The supposed power to see objects or
                                                              events that cannot be perceived by the
_____13. heck(11)                                             m. the degree to which a thing extends
_____14. intriguing (11)                                      n. a word that substitute hell
_____15. thrilling(11)                                        o. a person playing a direct part in fighting
_____16. glimpse(11)                                          p. preference, priority
_____17. manmade(13)                                          q. an extinct genus of mammals closely
                                                              allied to the elephant,
_____18. revealed(14)                                         r. A long journey to a foreign or distant
                                                              place, especially by sea.
_____19. clairvoyance(14)                                     s. era, period
_____20. emerge (15)                                          t. to arouse the interest or curiosity of"

E. True or False? Which statements are true? Which are false? Write T for True or F for
False on the lines
___1. The great philosopher, Plato, wrote in his Critias, that he believed that a great
continent was extremely technologically advanced
___2. Atlantis was never heard of until nowadays
___3. Some scientist believe that Atlantis was first burned and then it sunk in the middle
of the ocean
___4. Atlantic Ocean is called such today because of the Atlanteans theory
___5. Plato also invented another myth about an island called Yucatan
___6. Cayce prophesized that the lost island of Atlantis would come into view from the
ocean in 1968 or 1969.
___7. Plato believed that Atlantis had a great army, probably of around 1.2 million armed
___8. The Atlantis fell into a so called black hole in the sea.
___9. Scientists are sure that Atlantis still exists but it is not in the map.
___10. Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by a great "Ice

                                 © Copyright by Judy Flores                                  12
Judy Flores Materials

___11. Atlantis was blown into space.
___12. Plato's revelation was told to him by a man named Solon.
___13. The Atlanteans were people that were too advanced in technology and science
___14. Cayce believed that he was being told his pass from Atlanteans gods and spirits.
___15.In Atlantis there were a great number of elephants.

The tense of verb shows the time of the action. The past tense shows action that
happened in the past. The present tense shows action that is happening now. The future
tense shows action that will happen in the future.
F. Verb Tenses

        The verbs in the following sentence are underlined. Read each sentence.
        Then write the tense of the verb (past, present, or future) on the line. The
        first one has been done for you.
1. Victor ignores his friend’s jokes.                             ________present____
2. Atlantis, the Lost City is famous for its mysteries           __________________
3. The continent of Atlantis was mentioned in many religions     __________________
and folklores.
4. Plato believed that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic      __________________
Ocean somewhere.
5. Monoliths, similar to the monoliths in Easter Island,        ___________________
supposedly are a "signature" of the Atlanteans culture
6. Elephants are a very big part of the Atlanteans culture.     ___________________
7. The story of Atlantis will continue to be the tale most told
throughout the generations                                      ___________________
8. Nothing will change the fact that Atlantis will continue to  ___________________
be the most famous story ever told.
9. Martha knows the story of Atlantis since she was 10 years    ___________________
10. Edgar Cayce was a prophet who believed that spirits         ___________________
spoke to him in his dreams.

        Look for clues in each sentence that tell when the action takes place (past,
        present, or future) Then fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in
        parenthesis( ).The first one has been done for you
1. Every generation ____creates_____ its own tales. (create)
2. At first they__________a little shocking. (seem)
3. I ______ up at eight o’clock yesterday morning. (get)
4. Mary ____________to John every day. (talk)
5. Ten years from now, people _____________of something even wilder. (think)
6. Yesterday I ____________Frances at the library. (see)
7. Jim and I _____________lunch at the cafeteria two hours ago. (eat)

                                 © Copyright by Judy Flores                           13
Judy Flores Materials

Learn about the myth of the god of the sea Poseidon
In Greek mythology, Poseidon is the god of sea, horses and earthquakes and the brother
of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Zeus. Along with Zeus and Hades they have
decided the world in three parts. Poseidon became the ruler of the sea, Zeus ruled the sky
and Hades the underworld. The symbols associated with Poseidon include: dolphins,
tridents and three-pronged fish spears.
Poseidon was relied upon by sailors for a safe voyage on the sea. Many men drowned
horses in sacrifice of his honor. He lived on the ocean floor in a palace made of coral and
gems and drove a chariot pulled by horses. However, Poseidon was a very moody
divinity and his temperament could sometimes result in violence. When he was in a good
mood, Poseidon created new lands in the water and a calm sea. In contrast, when he was
in a bad mood, Poseidon would strike the ground with a trident and cause unruly springs
and earthquakes, ship wrecks and drownings.

                                   The Location of Atlantis
(1)The story of this lost city has been around since 355 B.C. Plato wrote about this lost
land in two dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. Plato believed that this land was near the
Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years prior.

  Atlantis was explained to be in the shape of a bull’s eye. Alternating rings of land
separated by the Atlantic. Plato used his dialogues (Timaeus and Critias) to express his

(3) In these dialogues a powerful empire was said to be located to the west of the Straits
of Gibraltar (or what was then noted as the Pillars of Hercules). This Empire was
founded by the God of the Sea, Poseidon. Poseidon had 5 children on this island. Atlas,
the first born, had the continent and the surrounding ocean named after him. The land
was then divided into ten sections to be ruled by each of his sons, and their heirs.

(4)The capital of Atlantis was the best of engineering and architecture. This city was
made up of walls and canals. In the very center was a hill, and on top of this hill was a
temple to the God of the Sea. Inside of the temple was a gold statue of Poseidon driving
six winged horses.

                                  © Copyright by Judy Flores                                14
Judy Flores Materials

(5)If you dare to assume that Atlantis exists then the only place that it could be found (my
opinion, may differ from other researchers) is near the Azores Island which is just west of
the Straight of Gibraltar. However a survey has been conducted in this area showing a
blanket of sediment that would have taken millions of years to accumulate. Even though
there is no scientific sign of the sunken's there.

(6)Occasionally someone will try to convince someone interested in Atlantis that it is near
New Zealand or Switzerland? If you find yourself in a situation where a person presents
this idea…briskly walk in the opposite direction.

(7)If you've done your research on Atlantis you should know the name K.T. Frost. Frost
was the first to present the idea that Atlantis may be to the east rather than the west of
Straits of Gibraltar. Frost also believed that the destruction of Atlantis came only 900
years before the birth of Plato. If your not confused yet you should be. Ready for the 360
degree turn into a brick wall? Everyone knows the Island of Crete. If you don''s a
modern part of Greece that lies just a bit south of Athens. If you don't know where
Athens is...well...your a lost cause.

(9) If
     we take a trip back in time to about 1500 B.C. you would see the Island of Crete as
the seat of the Minoan Empire. I know...I know, I lost you again. During this time period
the Minoans were all over the eastern Mediterranean. Minoan Crete was the most
sophisticated cultures of this period. Then without warning the Minoans dinosaurs after (insert your preferred theory here).

(10) Ten miles north of Crete is Santorini. Many scientists, including myself, believe that a
disaster occurred here capable of destroying the Minoans. Twenty-five hundred years
prior to this Santorini was just an island with a volcano, which erupted around 1500 B.C.
The eruption was four times as powerful as Krakatoa( also known as Krakatau1.)Imagine
a 400 feet high tsunami, and now picture it landing in your backyard. Hey....where is
your house? Ash would have blackened the sky for 12 days

A. Answer the following questions
1. What or who is Poseidon?
2. Where did Plato write about the lost island of Atlantis?
3. Why did Plato use his dialogues? Explain?
4. How was the Capital of Atlantis made?
5. Who was the first man who brought out the idea that Atlantis may be to the east rather
than the west of Straits of Gibraltar? And how many years before the birth of Plato?

  A volcanic island of Indonesia between Sumatra and Java. A violent eruption in August 1883 blew the
island apart and caused a tsunami that killed more than 36,000 people.

                                       © Copyright by Judy Flores                                       15
Judy Flores Materials

B Select the best answer
1. According to the Greek mythology Poseidon lived
____a. near the ocean surface
____b. close but not near the ocean
____c. on the ocean floor
____d. near the sky
2. Atlantis was explained to be in the shape of a
____a. cat’s eyes
____b. bull’s eyes
____c. boy’s eyes
____d. bird’s eyes

3. It was said that the powerful empire of Atlantis was founded by
____a. Zeus and Hades
____b. Hercules
____c. the God of the Sea, Poseidon
____d. All the above

4. The first to believe that the destruction of Atlantis came only 900 years before the birth
of Plato was.
____a. Jack Frost
____b. Jack London
____c. K.T. Frost
____d. Mary Kate Frost

5. During the period 1500 B.C. the Minoans were all over
____a. Asia
____b. Athena
____c. the eastern Mediterranean
____d. Europe

C. Vocabulary Building
Read the word that is in bold or expression in its context and match it with the correct
meaning. The paragraph number is in the parenthesis. Use a dictionary if necessary

                            Match column one with column two.
Column I                                            Column II
____1. Plato believed that this land was near the   a. tragedy, ruin, catastrophe
Straits (1) of Gibraltar until its destruction
10,000 years prior.
____2. In these dialogues a powerful empire (3)     b. To take for granted; suppose,
____3. Atlantis was said to be located to the west  c. quickly
of the Straits of Gibraltar (or what was then
noted as the Pillars (3) of Hercules).

                                  © Copyright by Judy Flores                               16
Judy Flores Materials

____4. The land was then divided into ten sections              d. the advanced Bronze Age culture
to be ruled by each of his sons, and their heirs. (3)           that flourished in Crete

____5. Inside of the temple of Atlantis was a gold              e. To emerge violently from
Statue (4)of Poseidon driving six winged(4)                     restraint or limits
____6. If you dare to assume(5) that Atlantis exists            f. To a small extent; in a limited
then the only place that it could be found is near              way and block
the Azores Island which is just west of the Straight
of Gibraltar.
____7. However a survey (5) has been conducted                  g. sculpture and group
in Atlantis.
____8. A survey demonstrated that in the area                   h. The grayish-white to black
showing a blanket of sediment (5) that would have               powdery residue left when
taken millions of years to accumulate.                          something is burned. To make black
____9. If you find yourself in a situation where a              i. a study, a detailed inspection or
person presents this idea…briskly (6) walk in the               investigation
opposite direction.
____10. Ready for the 360 degree (8) turn into a                j. successors, inheritor
brick (8) wall?
____11. During this time period the Minoans (9)                 k. material that settles to the bottom
were all over the eastern Mediterranean.
____12. Many scientists, including myself, believe              l. column
that a disaster (10) occurred here capable of
destroying the Minoans.
____13.Twenty-five hundred years prior to this                  m. outbreak
Santorina was just an island with a volcano, which
erupted(10) around 1500 B.C.
____14. The eruption (10) was four times as                     n. kingdom
powerful as Krakatoa.
____15.Ash would have blackened(10) the sky for                 o. passage or canal
12 days

D. Cognates are words that have similar pronunciations and spellings in both languages
(English and Spanish), and frequently have the same meaning. There are thousands of
cognates shared by English and Spanish. Many of these are words with Latin or Greek
origins and words that have prefixes and suffixes derived from these ancient languages
Example: Destruction (English) Destrucción (Spanish)
Look back at the stories and find 10 words that have similar meaning in Spanish
1. ______________________                       6._______________________
2._______________________                       7._______________________
3._______________________                       8._______________________
4________________________                       9._______________________
5________________________                       10.______________________

                                   © Copyright by Judy Flores                                          17
Judy Flores Materials

E. Look back at the reading find and give a quick summary of what each theme is about.

                  Titles                         Quick Summary
The Legend of Atlantis

Atlantis, The Lost City

The Location of Atlantis

                                © Copyright by Judy Flores                         18

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The Legend of Atlantis

  • 1. Judy Flores Materials BEFORE READING Discuss these questions: Look at the picture. Describe in your own words what you see. What do you know about Atlantis? What is a myth? © Copyright by Judy Flores 1
  • 2. Judy Flores Materials (1)Thelegend of Atlantis has to be one of the oldest and most spellbinding of all the world's mysteries. It has puzzled both skeptics and believers alike. Where exactly was Atlantis and where is it now? What caused its destruction? Exactly how advanced were the Atlanteans? I hope someday everyone will know the answers to those questions. (2)Plato,a Greek philosopher, gave us the first known account of Atlantis. Plato was said to have lived from about 428 to 348 B.C. He was a student of Socrates. After studying with Socrates, Plato opened up his own philosophy school. There he began to write his philosophies in a play-type form. These dialogues always featured Socrates as the main character. In the dialogues Timaeus and Critias, he wrote about an amazing place called Atlantis. In Critias, Plato wrote of Atlantis' architecture, engineering, and ceremonies in great detail. Many people, even Plato's own students, thought this place was Plato's own creation, but he argued that Atlantis was real, and filled with more splendors than anyone could imagine. (3)Allraces share the story of a great flood that destroyed an entire civilization. The name Atlantis appears in various forms throughout the world. The Canary Islands have a legend involving Atalaya. The Basques of Northern Spain have Atlaintica. The Vikings told the tale of Atli. Northern Africa called it Attala. The Aztecs have Aztlán, and the North American Indians called theirs Azatlán (4) Platosaid Atlantis was a large island in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere west of the Pillars of Hercules (the Rock of Gibraltar). This description has lead to many people believing that Atlantis could have been the Aegean Island of Thera (Santorini) which suddenly blew up. Atlantis was also identified as part of an ancient series of land bridges that stretched across the Atlantic and even out into the Pacific as far as New Zealand. Others say that the Canary Islands are the tops of Atlantis' tallest mountains. Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is the result of Atlantis sinking. The discovery of blue eyes and blondness among some of Africa's Berbers soon led some people to place Atlantis in the Atlas Mountians of modern Morocco and Tunisia. Still others claim that Atlantis was not even on this planet. (5)According to the continental drift theory, all the continents fit together, like a jigsaw puzzle. If you look at a map, you will see that the continents really do fit together- with the exception of the USA in North America and Western Europe. Could Atlantis be the missing piece? (6) According to Plato, one of the best splendors of Atlantis was the palace compound located in the heart of its capital. It was ringed by three canals. Plato remarked, "As each king received it [the palace] from his predecessor, he added to its adornment and did all he could to surpass the king before him, until finally they made of it an abode amazing to behold for the magnitude and beauty of its workmanship. The visitors passed through a wall of brass, a wall of tin, and a wall of copper. White and black and red stone quarried from the native rock." He also wrote that the wealth they possessed was so immense that the like had never been seen before in any royal house, nor will ever easily be seen again. This, of course, lead to Atlantis' destruction. © Copyright by Judy Flores 2
  • 3. Judy Flores Materials (7) Hestated that the Atlanteans appeared to be superlatively fair and blessed, yet they were filled with lawless ambition and power. The Atlanteans started valuing material wealth above goodness-that's where they went wrong. Plato said, "The portion of divinity within them was now becoming faint and weak through being oftentimes blended with a large measure of mortality." The Atlanteans were unable to bear the burden of their possessions. So, "There occurred portentous earthquakes and floods, and one grievous day and night befell them, when...the island of Atlantis...was swallowed up by the sea and vanished." Plato doubted that any sign of the lost land would ever be found. "The ocean at that spot, has now become impassable and unsearchable." This contributes to the Bermuda Triangle theory above. (8) Eventhough it seems that no one could survive such a tragedy, it is believed that many Atlanteans escaped. One example of this is Edgar Cayce. In April of 1939, he fell into a trance and spoke about Atlantis. "In Atlantis, when there was the breaking up of the land came to what was called the Mayan Land or what is now Yucatan-entity was the first to cross the water in the plane or air machine of that period." In support of the escape, Atlantis has been hailed for spawning civilizations such as Hellenic Greece, the Mayas & Incas of the New World, and ancient Egypt. (9)Atlantis has had an impact on every culture. In 1675, Olof Rudbeck, a Swedish scholar, used Homeric sailing directions to Ogygia and located Atlantis in Sweden. English poet William Blake, believed that the Atlantean King, Albion lead the last of his subjects to Britain, where they became Druids. Charles-Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, a French scholar, translated a Mayan manuscript in 1864, that described the story of an ancient land that had sunk into the ocean after a great catastrophe. In 1882, Philadelphian politician, and avid reader, Ignatius Loyola Donnelly published his book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. The world's reception of his writings was so great, Donnelly was elected to membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The most important thought that is on everyone's mind is not where, what, or (10) how, but will. Will Atlantis ever resurface?? - by AFTER READING A. Answer the following questions 1. What are some questions that arise by skeptics and believers? 2. Who was the first person who talked about the Atlantis? and where did he mention it? 3. Describe Atlantis according to the dialogues in Timaeus and Critias? 4. Describe the continental drift theory? 5. Give 4 examples of great floods that destroyed entire civilizations. 6. Where was the location of Atlantis according to the first person who talked about Atlantis? 7. Describe the destruction of Atlantis? 8. Who was Edgar Cayce? B. Finding the main Idea Look back at the reading find one sentence in the first paragraph that gives the main idea. © Copyright by Judy Flores 3
  • 4. Judy Flores Materials C. Vocabulary Check: Look back at the text where the word is written Match the words to the definition. Write the correct letter on the lines. Use a dictionary if necessary. _____1. spellbinding (1) a. an explosion _____2. puzzled (1) b. to include _____3. skeptics (1) c. building, _____4. account (2) d. a statement of something as fact _____5. featured (2) e. decoration _____6. architecture (2) f. skills in making things _____7. avid(9) g. A member of a North African, _____8. argued (2) h. to obtain a stone by cutting, digging or blasting _____9. splendors (2) i. under a spell _____10. races (3) j. having an ardent desire _____11. blew up(4) k. A reason given for a particular action or event: _____12. stretched (4) l. the same history, language and costume _____13. Berbers (4) m. to state to be true _____14. claim (4) n. make longer _____15. predecessor (6) o. magnificent appearance _____16. adornment (6) p. doubtful _____17. workmanship (6) q a person who precedes or preceded another _____18. quarried (6) r. confused WORDS WITH MORE THAN ONE MEANING When you look for a word in a dictionary from a piece of writing or textbook, you must look for the meaning according to the meaning in the context. It is important to know that in all languages some words have more than one meaning. When there are different meanings, each meaning will have a different number in the dictionary entry. See the entry for the adjective below daily (deli) adj.1. Of or occurring during the day. 2. Happening or done every day: the physician's daily rounds. 3. Computed or assessed for each day: a daily record. 4. Everyday: casual clothes only for daily use. D Vocabulary Review Reread the selection. Complete the following statement about the reading selection with the correct word from the list below. Use a dictionary if necessary. Use each word once. appeared wealth blended burden portentous grievous befell swallowed vanished trance entity hailed spawning impact Druids translated engineering avid 1. Edgar Cayce fell into a _____________and spoke about Atlantis. 2. Yucatan-_______ was the first to cross the water in the plane or air machine of that period. © Copyright by Judy Flores 4
  • 5. Judy Flores Materials 3. Atlantis has been ________for _________civilizations such as Hellenic Greece, the Mayas & Incas of the New World, and ancient Egypt. 4. Atlantis has had an ________on every culture. 5. Albion lead the last of his subjects to Britain, where they became_________. 6. A French scholar ___________a Mayan manuscript in 1864. 7. In 1882, Philadelphian politician, and __________reader, Ignatius Loyola Donnelly published his book Atlantis. 8. Plato stated that the Atlanteans __________to be superlatively fair and blessed. 9. The Atlanteans started valuing material __________above goodness-that's where they went wrong. 10. The portion of divinity within the Atlanteans was now becoming faint and weak through being oftentimes ___________with a large measure of mortality." 11. The Atlanteans were unable to bear the _______________of their possessions. 12. There occurred ___________earthquakes and floods. 13. One _____________day and night ___________them, when...the island of Atlantis... 14. The island of Atlantis was _____________up by the sea and________________. 15. Plato wrote of Atlantis' architecture, and ________________ and ceremonies in great detail. E. Cross Word Puzzle: Use the following words to answer the clues below the puzzle: appeared wealth blended burden portentous grievous befell swallowed vanished trance entity hailed spawning impact Druids translated engineering avid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 © Copyright by Judy Flores 5
  • 6. Judy Flores Materials ACROSS DOWN 2. Something that is emotionally difficult 1. An abundance of valuable material to bear possessions or resources; riches 6. come into view 2. to obtain a mixture of a particular 7. To come to pass; happen character, quality, or consistency 9. Of the nature of or constituting a sign; 3. Causing grief, pain, or anguish foreboding 4. A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state. 11. To call out or yell in order to catch 5. To consume or destroy as if by the attention ingestion; devour 13. an effect or impression 8. Something that exists as a particular 14. having an ardent desire or unbounded and discrete unit: Spanish entidad. craving; greedy 10. To plan, manage, and put through by 15. To render in another language skillful acts 16. to disappear 12. A member of an order of priests in 17. To give rise to ancient Gaul and Britain who appear in Welsh and Irish legend as prophets and sorcerers. F. True or False? Which statements are true? Which are false? Write T for True or F for False on the lines ___1. The legend of Atlantis was the most oldies legend ever told. ___2. The destruction of Atlantis was cause by an intense fire. ___3. The first person who recalled the legend of Atlantis was Socrates. ___4. Timaeus and Critias was a play who featured Socrates. ___5. In Plato’s plays, he often described the Atlantis. ___6. Plato opened up his own philosophy school. ___7. Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is the result of Atlantis sinking. ___8. The Atlanteans started valuing material wealth above goodness-that's where they went wrong. ___9. Plato was positive that through time the ruins of Atlantis would appear. ___10. There were no survivals in the destruction of Atlantis. ___11., One of the best splendors of Atlantis was the palace compound located in the heart of its capital according to Plato. ___12. Plato stated that the Atlanteans appeared to be an evil place to live and people were excessively ignorant. © Copyright by Judy Flores 6
  • 7. Judy Flores Materials**http%3a// /photo/bd6QI67UquC_ST13gWyr2g BEFORE READING Take a look at the picture What do you see? Describe? Atlantis, The Lost City (1)Atlantis, the Lost City everyone is talking about. Where is it, is it real? Why are there rumors if it's not true? Here we will explore the myths and realities of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. Sit back, relax and take a wonderful ride! (2)The city of Atlantis, if you hear about it, one would think that it would be located in the Atlantic Ocean, hence the name. But researchers have been looking for this continent for years. The continent was mentioned in many religions and folklores, that it became a possibility that it truly does exist. But if it does, where is it and has it been found by scientists yet, or have they think they have found the Lost City or Continent of Atlantis? (3) Thegreat philosopher, Plato, wrote in his Critias, that he believed that a great continent was extremely technologically advanced, and that this continent had been destroyed and lost by a rush of ocean covering the evidence to us to this day. Plato had believed that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere. In fact, the reason why the Atlantic Ocean is called such today, is because of the Atlanteans theory. Plato believed that Atlantis was a sunken continent approximately the size of Libya and Asia put together. That would be about 5 to 10 million square kilometers hidden below a large oceanic surface! © Copyright by Judy Flores 7
  • 8. Judy Flores Materials (4)Monoliths, similar to the monoliths in Easter Island, supposedly are a "signature" of the Atlanteans culture. Some believe this culture survived on to Islands and lands such as Easter Island and other various areas still leaving scientists and archeologists befuddled. Pyramids, such like those found in Egypt and other ancient sites, are also a supposed "signature" of the Atlanteans. (5)Plato believed that Atlantis had a great army, probably of around 1.2 million armed men. He also believed that the army had a vast number of chariots. Horses were definitely used. This was the theory that had caused many to believe that the horse that evolved from Asia became domesticated in Atlantis. This remains a striking detail, because scientists and archeologists cannot determine precisely when the domestication of the horse occurred. (6) Elephants are supposedly also a very big part of the Atlanteans culture. Plato even writes himself: (7) "Therewere a great number of elephants in the island, for there was ample provision of food for all sorts of animals...including for the animal which is the largest and the most voracious of all." (8) The strange part about the elephants, is that the epoch in when the continent of Atlantis was supposedly alive and flourishing, mastodons and mammoths were abundant, and the elephant did not come about until approximately the supposed time when the continent of Atlantis was believed to have "fallen" into the ocean, the same time when mastodons and mammoths became extinct. (9)It must be remembered, that Plato had written Critias in 360 BCE. This was where it all started, with Plato's words: "Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which (10) had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Hercules and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe. Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were commanded by the kings of Atlantis, which, as was saying, was an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia, and when afterwards sunk by an earthquake, became an impassable barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the ocean. The progress of the history will unfold the various nations of barbarians and families of Hellenes which then existed, as they successively appear on the scene; but I must describe first of all Athenians of that day, and their enemies who fought with them, and then the respective powers and governments of the two kingdoms. Let us give the precedence to Athens." (11)Where did Plato's revelation of the continent of Atlantis come from? Plato's revelation was told to him by a man named Solon, who in turn received the information about Atlantis from the ancient Egyptians. If it's just a story, it is one heck of an intriguing one! A thrilling reality to this wonderful piece of writing, is that the end of the transcript has been lost. What was at the end of the transcript...we will never know. He talked of Gods and spirits that made the islanders what they were. An ancient influence © Copyright by Judy Flores 8
  • 9. Judy Flores Materials that could have come from anywhere. Could it have come from the stars? And is it just plain mythology, or is there a glimpse of truth in the evidence? What is interesting, is that what Plato described is also described in the Bible as the (12) "Great Flood". Could the continent of Atlantis be the true "Garden of Eden?" (13)Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by a great "Ice Age." Pillars are abundant on the oceanic floors, but are these pillars naturally made or manmade? (14)The "Sleeping Prophet", also known as Edgar Cayce, had believed he was an Atlantean himself. He was a prophet that believed that spirits spoke to him in his dreams. The dreams revealed revelations of great extent for his own life and many others. His prophetic visions attracted many people, which in turn made many seek out his help in life through his "seeing eye." Cayce believed that he was being told his clairvoyances from Atlanteans gods and spirits. (15)One prophecy that Edgar Cayce had made, did not come to pass, this was regarding the lost continent of Atlantis. Cayce prophesized that the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1968 or 1969. Cayce also suggested that the island was located near the Bermuda island of Bimini. The lost continent to this day, has many possibilities of where it could "be," however, (16) no scientific evidence that is strong enough to prove Atlantis had existed has been yet found. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist! by Shawna Ranae Bandow ( (17) (Weird Research) AFTER READING A. Answer the following questions 1. What is the importance of Atlantis for Mankind? Find a sentence in paragraph 2 that demonstrate how important Atlantis is to mankind. 2. What are two apparently “signature" of the Atlanteans culture. 3. Was Atlantis an island or a continent? Look up in your dictionary what is an island and what is a continent. Find evident in the text that proves your answer. 4. Where did Plato's revelation of the continent of Atlantis come from? 5. In Plato’s writings, he described Atlantis, where else is a similar description of what Plato wrote in his writings? 6. With whom did the Atlanteans fight with? B. Select the best answer 1. What fate befell the 'Lost City of Atlantis' mentioned in Plato's writings? ____a. It washed away in a giant sea wave about 79 B.C. ____b. It was obliterated by dust storms from North Africa in the fifth century A.D. ____c. It was buried by thick ash deposits from Mt. Vesuvius in 79 B.C. ____d. It disappeared as part of fire following a major, explosive, volcanic eruption. © Copyright by Judy Flores 9
  • 10. Judy Flores Materials 2. Some people think Atlantis is in the Atlantic Ocean because. ____a. because scientist have found many artifacts related to the Atlantis ____b. because of the name Atlantis suggest it is in the Atlantic Ocean. ____c. because Plato said it was in the Atlantic Ocean. ____d. because they found a living creature from Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean. 3. Plato theory had caused many to believe that the horses of Asia were: ____a. domesticated in Atlantis ____b. domesticated in Athena. ____c. were turned into savage horse in Atlantis. ____d. were killed in Atlantis. 4. ______are supposedly also a very big part of the Atlanteans culture. ____a. Cats ____b. Dogs ____c. Elephants ____d. Tigers 5. Plato's revelation of the continent of Atlantis came from a man name: ____a. Solon ____b. David ____c. Samuel ____d. Simon 6. Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by ____a. a great fire ____b. a great Ice Age ____c. the Armageddon ____d. a and c are correct 7. The "Sleeping Prophet", also known as Edgar Cayce, had believed he was: ____a. an Egyptian ____b. from the Atlantic Ocean ____c. an Atlantean ____d. Asian 8. One of the prophecies that Edgar Cayce said would happen was: ____a. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1968 or 1969. ____b. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1970 or 1979. ____c. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 1988 or 1996. ____d. the lost island of Atlantis would emerge from the ocean in 2001 or 2010. C. Vocabulary Building Read the word that is in bold or expression in its context and match it with the correct meaning. The paragraph number is in the parenthesis. Use a dictionary if necessary © Copyright by Judy Flores 10
  • 11. Judy Flores Materials Match column one with column two Column I Column II ____1. Here we will explore the myths and a. To descend to the bottom; submerge. realities of the Lost Continent of Atlantis. (1) ____2. Why are there rumors if it's not true? (1) b. allegedly ____3. The Atlantis would be located in the c. huge Atlantic Ocean, hence the name.(2) ____4. The continent was mentioned in d. puzzled, confused Many religions and folklores.(2) ____5. This continent had been destroyed and e. Gives an idea, a reason, that’s why lost by a rush of ocean (3) ____6. Atlantis was a sunken continent f. myths, tales, and practices of people, approximately the size of Libya and Asia.(3) ____7. Atlantis hidden below a large oceanic g. An ancient horse-drawn two-wheeled vehicle surface! (3) used in war, races, and processions. ____8. Easter Island, supposedly are a h. gossip "signature" of the Atlanteans culture(4). ____9. Other various areas still leaving scientists i. noticeable, impressive or unusual way and archeologists befuddled (4). ____10. He also believed that the army had a j. to flow or surge rapidly, hurry vast number of criminals (5) ____11. A number of chariots were used in k. develop Atlantis.(5) ____12. Many believed that the horses that l. exterior evolved from Atlantis were domesticated there. ____13. This remains a striking detail, because m. discover. scientists and archeologists cannot determine precisely when the domestication of the horse occurred..(5) ____14. There were a great number of elephants n. big, ravenous. in the island, for there was ample provision of food(7) ____15. Including for the animal which is the o. something provided. largest and the most voracious of all.(7) ____16. What was at the end of the p. record, text, or a copy of the script transcript...we will never know © Copyright by Judy Flores 11
  • 12. Judy Flores Materials D. MATCHING Match the words to the definition (the paragraph number is in the parenthesis). Write the correct letter on the lines. Use a dictionary if necessary. _____1 epoch(8) a. A boundary or limit. _____2.flourishing(8) b. make known, exposed _____3.mastodons(8) c. to come into sight, appear out of. _____4. sum(10) d. made by human beings _____5. elapsed(10) e. blossom _____6. dwelt(10) f. interesting, fascinating _____7. combatants(10) g. An amount obtained as a result _____8. extent(10) h. a person lives in a place as a resident _____9. impassable(10) i. Impossible to pass, cross, or overcome: _____10. barrier(10) j. to slip by; pass _____11. voyagers(10) k. a quick look _____12. precedence (10) l. The supposed power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the senses. _____13. heck(11) m. the degree to which a thing extends _____14. intriguing (11) n. a word that substitute hell _____15. thrilling(11) o. a person playing a direct part in fighting _____16. glimpse(11) p. preference, priority _____17. manmade(13) q. an extinct genus of mammals closely allied to the elephant, _____18. revealed(14) r. A long journey to a foreign or distant place, especially by sea. _____19. clairvoyance(14) s. era, period _____20. emerge (15) t. to arouse the interest or curiosity of" E. True or False? Which statements are true? Which are false? Write T for True or F for False on the lines ___1. The great philosopher, Plato, wrote in his Critias, that he believed that a great continent was extremely technologically advanced ___2. Atlantis was never heard of until nowadays ___3. Some scientist believe that Atlantis was first burned and then it sunk in the middle of the ocean ___4. Atlantic Ocean is called such today because of the Atlanteans theory ___5. Plato also invented another myth about an island called Yucatan ___6. Cayce prophesized that the lost island of Atlantis would come into view from the ocean in 1968 or 1969. ___7. Plato believed that Atlantis had a great army, probably of around 1.2 million armed men. ___8. The Atlantis fell into a so called black hole in the sea. ___9. Scientists are sure that Atlantis still exists but it is not in the map. ___10. Some scientists believe that the sinking of Atlantis was caused by a great "Ice Age." © Copyright by Judy Flores 12
  • 13. Judy Flores Materials ___11. Atlantis was blown into space. ___12. Plato's revelation was told to him by a man named Solon. ___13. The Atlanteans were people that were too advanced in technology and science ___14. Cayce believed that he was being told his pass from Atlanteans gods and spirits. ___15.In Atlantis there were a great number of elephants. The tense of verb shows the time of the action. The past tense shows action that happened in the past. The present tense shows action that is happening now. The future tense shows action that will happen in the future. F. Verb Tenses The verbs in the following sentence are underlined. Read each sentence. Then write the tense of the verb (past, present, or future) on the line. The first one has been done for you. 1. Victor ignores his friend’s jokes. ________present____ 2. Atlantis, the Lost City is famous for its mysteries __________________ 3. The continent of Atlantis was mentioned in many religions __________________ and folklores. 4. Plato believed that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic __________________ Ocean somewhere. 5. Monoliths, similar to the monoliths in Easter Island, ___________________ supposedly are a "signature" of the Atlanteans culture 6. Elephants are a very big part of the Atlanteans culture. ___________________ 7. The story of Atlantis will continue to be the tale most told throughout the generations ___________________ 8. Nothing will change the fact that Atlantis will continue to ___________________ be the most famous story ever told. 9. Martha knows the story of Atlantis since she was 10 years ___________________ old. 10. Edgar Cayce was a prophet who believed that spirits ___________________ spoke to him in his dreams. Look for clues in each sentence that tell when the action takes place (past, present, or future) Then fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis( ).The first one has been done for you 1. Every generation ____creates_____ its own tales. (create) 2. At first they__________a little shocking. (seem) 3. I ______ up at eight o’clock yesterday morning. (get) 4. Mary ____________to John every day. (talk) 5. Ten years from now, people _____________of something even wilder. (think) 6. Yesterday I ____________Frances at the library. (see) 7. Jim and I _____________lunch at the cafeteria two hours ago. (eat) © Copyright by Judy Flores 13
  • 14. Judy Flores Materials BEFORE READING Learn about the myth of the god of the sea Poseidon In Greek mythology, Poseidon is the god of sea, horses and earthquakes and the brother of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Zeus. Along with Zeus and Hades they have decided the world in three parts. Poseidon became the ruler of the sea, Zeus ruled the sky and Hades the underworld. The symbols associated with Poseidon include: dolphins, tridents and three-pronged fish spears. Poseidon was relied upon by sailors for a safe voyage on the sea. Many men drowned horses in sacrifice of his honor. He lived on the ocean floor in a palace made of coral and gems and drove a chariot pulled by horses. However, Poseidon was a very moody divinity and his temperament could sometimes result in violence. When he was in a good mood, Poseidon created new lands in the water and a calm sea. In contrast, when he was in a bad mood, Poseidon would strike the ground with a trident and cause unruly springs and earthquakes, ship wrecks and drownings. The Location of Atlantis (1)The story of this lost city has been around since 355 B.C. Plato wrote about this lost land in two dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. Plato believed that this land was near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years prior. Atlantis was explained to be in the shape of a bull’s eye. Alternating rings of land (2) separated by the Atlantic. Plato used his dialogues (Timaeus and Critias) to express his thoughts. (3) In these dialogues a powerful empire was said to be located to the west of the Straits of Gibraltar (or what was then noted as the Pillars of Hercules). This Empire was founded by the God of the Sea, Poseidon. Poseidon had 5 children on this island. Atlas, the first born, had the continent and the surrounding ocean named after him. The land was then divided into ten sections to be ruled by each of his sons, and their heirs. (4)The capital of Atlantis was the best of engineering and architecture. This city was made up of walls and canals. In the very center was a hill, and on top of this hill was a temple to the God of the Sea. Inside of the temple was a gold statue of Poseidon driving six winged horses. © Copyright by Judy Flores 14
  • 15. Judy Flores Materials (5)If you dare to assume that Atlantis exists then the only place that it could be found (my opinion, may differ from other researchers) is near the Azores Island which is just west of the Straight of Gibraltar. However a survey has been conducted in this area showing a blanket of sediment that would have taken millions of years to accumulate. Even though there is no scientific sign of the sunken's there. (6)Occasionally someone will try to convince someone interested in Atlantis that it is near New Zealand or Switzerland? If you find yourself in a situation where a person presents this idea…briskly walk in the opposite direction. (7)If you've done your research on Atlantis you should know the name K.T. Frost. Frost was the first to present the idea that Atlantis may be to the east rather than the west of Straits of Gibraltar. Frost also believed that the destruction of Atlantis came only 900 years before the birth of Plato. If your not confused yet you should be. Ready for the 360 (8) degree turn into a brick wall? Everyone knows the Island of Crete. If you don''s a modern part of Greece that lies just a bit south of Athens. If you don't know where Athens is...well...your a lost cause. (9) If we take a trip back in time to about 1500 B.C. you would see the Island of Crete as the seat of the Minoan Empire. I know...I know, I lost you again. During this time period the Minoans were all over the eastern Mediterranean. Minoan Crete was the most sophisticated cultures of this period. Then without warning the Minoans dinosaurs after (insert your preferred theory here). (10) Ten miles north of Crete is Santorini. Many scientists, including myself, believe that a disaster occurred here capable of destroying the Minoans. Twenty-five hundred years prior to this Santorini was just an island with a volcano, which erupted around 1500 B.C. The eruption was four times as powerful as Krakatoa( also known as Krakatau1.)Imagine a 400 feet high tsunami, and now picture it landing in your backyard. Hey....where is your house? Ash would have blackened the sky for 12 days A. Answer the following questions 1. What or who is Poseidon? 2. Where did Plato write about the lost island of Atlantis? 3. Why did Plato use his dialogues? Explain? 4. How was the Capital of Atlantis made? 5. Who was the first man who brought out the idea that Atlantis may be to the east rather than the west of Straits of Gibraltar? And how many years before the birth of Plato? 1 A volcanic island of Indonesia between Sumatra and Java. A violent eruption in August 1883 blew the island apart and caused a tsunami that killed more than 36,000 people. © Copyright by Judy Flores 15
  • 16. Judy Flores Materials B Select the best answer 1. According to the Greek mythology Poseidon lived ____a. near the ocean surface ____b. close but not near the ocean ____c. on the ocean floor ____d. near the sky 2. Atlantis was explained to be in the shape of a ____a. cat’s eyes ____b. bull’s eyes ____c. boy’s eyes ____d. bird’s eyes 3. It was said that the powerful empire of Atlantis was founded by ____a. Zeus and Hades ____b. Hercules ____c. the God of the Sea, Poseidon ____d. All the above 4. The first to believe that the destruction of Atlantis came only 900 years before the birth of Plato was. ____a. Jack Frost ____b. Jack London ____c. K.T. Frost ____d. Mary Kate Frost 5. During the period 1500 B.C. the Minoans were all over ____a. Asia ____b. Athena ____c. the eastern Mediterranean ____d. Europe C. Vocabulary Building Read the word that is in bold or expression in its context and match it with the correct meaning. The paragraph number is in the parenthesis. Use a dictionary if necessary Match column one with column two. Column I Column II ____1. Plato believed that this land was near the a. tragedy, ruin, catastrophe Straits (1) of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years prior. ____2. In these dialogues a powerful empire (3) b. To take for granted; suppose, presume ____3. Atlantis was said to be located to the west c. quickly of the Straits of Gibraltar (or what was then noted as the Pillars (3) of Hercules). © Copyright by Judy Flores 16
  • 17. Judy Flores Materials ____4. The land was then divided into ten sections d. the advanced Bronze Age culture to be ruled by each of his sons, and their heirs. (3) that flourished in Crete ____5. Inside of the temple of Atlantis was a gold e. To emerge violently from Statue (4)of Poseidon driving six winged(4) restraint or limits horses. ____6. If you dare to assume(5) that Atlantis exists f. To a small extent; in a limited then the only place that it could be found is near way and block the Azores Island which is just west of the Straight of Gibraltar. ____7. However a survey (5) has been conducted g. sculpture and group in Atlantis. ____8. A survey demonstrated that in the area h. The grayish-white to black showing a blanket of sediment (5) that would have powdery residue left when taken millions of years to accumulate. something is burned. To make black ____9. If you find yourself in a situation where a i. a study, a detailed inspection or person presents this idea…briskly (6) walk in the investigation opposite direction. ____10. Ready for the 360 degree (8) turn into a j. successors, inheritor brick (8) wall? ____11. During this time period the Minoans (9) k. material that settles to the bottom were all over the eastern Mediterranean. ____12. Many scientists, including myself, believe l. column that a disaster (10) occurred here capable of destroying the Minoans. ____13.Twenty-five hundred years prior to this m. outbreak Santorina was just an island with a volcano, which erupted(10) around 1500 B.C. ____14. The eruption (10) was four times as n. kingdom powerful as Krakatoa. ____15.Ash would have blackened(10) the sky for o. passage or canal 12 days D. Cognates are words that have similar pronunciations and spellings in both languages (English and Spanish), and frequently have the same meaning. There are thousands of cognates shared by English and Spanish. Many of these are words with Latin or Greek origins and words that have prefixes and suffixes derived from these ancient languages Example: Destruction (English) Destrucción (Spanish) Look back at the stories and find 10 words that have similar meaning in Spanish 1. ______________________ 6._______________________ 2._______________________ 7._______________________ 3._______________________ 8._______________________ 4________________________ 9._______________________ 5________________________ 10.______________________ © Copyright by Judy Flores 17
  • 18. Judy Flores Materials E. Look back at the reading find and give a quick summary of what each theme is about. Titles Quick Summary The Legend of Atlantis Atlantis, The Lost City The Location of Atlantis © Copyright by Judy Flores 18