Visual Silence can help your PowerPoint slides

Slides | Presentation Design Agency Há 8 anos

5 Ways To Surprise Your Audience (and keep their attention)

Slides | Presentation Design Agency Há 8 anos

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

Étienne Garbugli Há 11 anos


Rachel Lovinger Há 15 anos

the Laws of Simplicity

shvoldum Há 12 anos

Getting Started with Unstructured Data

Christine Connors Há 12 anos

The Simple Web

JESS3 Há 12 anos

A to Z of CEE beer: A beer design primer.

Cocoon Group Branding Há 11 anos

LinkedIn - Are you getting your 9 a day?

LinkedIn Europe Há 11 anos

PowerPoint Porn: 100 Sexy Slides [Safe For Work]

Jesse Desjardins - @jessedee Há 12 anos

Howzit. The Story of Cory - [#VisualResume] - @coryjim

Empowered Presentations Há 13 anos

You Suck At PowerPoint! by @jessedee

Jesse Desjardins - @jessedee Há 13 anos

Here comes!

Gábor Hojtsy Há 14 anos